April 20, 1937. 2,077,727 VF.,A_.‘ WARD . GRINDING MACHINE , Filed June 50,1950 ' 5 Sheets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR ' ?aky/c4957, ?érd' ATTORN EYS April 20, 1937. , F’, A, WARD . . GRINDING _ MACHINE ' Filed June 50', 1930 lpil__\' ‘ 'I_ 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 - I H C ‘ 0 11 . r _; l__ 2,077,727 _ _ - w M“ = A7 J! 2 J’ J _ , ' up // I - Q ' a ,/ J ~' J \ ~ 1 . , » na/mmhwzz BY ATTORNEY s‘ April 20, 1937. . F. A. WARD . / 2,077,727 GRINDING MACHINE Filed June 30,‘ 1930 5 Sheets-Shee‘t 5 . P O M’? Q QBQZ - Q/E _ 5 ‘, _ Q7 i I ‘ Q8. Q0 .)I Q? /_ _ 91/ ’ I _ ” I ‘ v' ‘ INVEN‘TOR ?‘fdéj/IZ/iéém/ 87.2fm " W ATTORN EYS' April 20, 1937. > ' F. A. 'WARD ‘ GRINDINQ'MACHINE Filed June 50.’ 1950 ‘ - 29771727 > - . 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 ATTORN EYS April 20, 1937. '_ - ‘ F_ A_ WARD 25077,??? GRINDING MAQHINE I FiledyJune 30-, 1930 _ ‘ 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 INVENTOR ’ v BY - v ?eyerl'afgh/ard /%J—Q 'mglwz ATTORNEY 5 Patented APY- 20, 1937 t 4 _ ' UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE" f 2,017,727 GRINDING MACHINE Frederick A. Ward, Detroit, Mich., assignor to The Gear Grinding Machine Company, Detroit, _ Michaa corporation of Michigan Application June 30, 1930, Serial No. 465,048 4 Claims. (Cl. 51-92) The invention relates to the art of form grinding and has for its object the extension of this general method to the grinding of articles of a different character than those heretofore ‘OP5 erated upon. - shank A but all of said axes intersect in a com 'mon point which is also in the axis of the shank A. Thus as illustrated in Figure 4,‘D and D’ are ball races of segmental cylindrical form, the axes - of which intersect the common point E in the 5 In the present state 01 the art grinding mee axis of the shank A. It will be noted, however, chines have been devised in which a formed that the races D on one side of each of the grinding Wheel, is successively presented to a 59- prongs C never assume coincident positions with ries of surfaces in the work to be ?nished to a the races D' upon opposite sides of said prong, 10 corresponding form. Where these successive sur- \ and therefore it is impossible to successively place 10 faces are so arranged about a common axis of the races D and D' in operative relation to a rotation. that they may be brought into ooineiient positions, the work may be performed With- grinder wheel by ‘a mere rotationabout a single axis such as that of the shank A. It is, how Ollt di?iclllty- For instance, in thegrinding of 15 a. gear each of the teeth‘ may be successively ground to a predetermined form by indexing the _ ever, possible to arrange the axis of the shank A in such relation to the plane of a formed 15 _ grinder wheel that all of the races of one of the I _ work and relatively reciprocating the same ' in series D or D’ may be brought into the same re ‘relation to the grinding wheel. 4 On the other lation to the grinder wheel by rotation about the hand, where the surfaces to be ground are in axis of the shank A. 20 dissimilar relations this method is not applicable. Thus as illustrated in Fig ures 4, 4A and 4B, the axis D2 E of the races D 20 ‘ The present invention provides a means for lie in the plane of the rotation of the grinder the grinding of articles having a series of sur- wheel F, so that a relative reciprocation of the faces, all Of which can not be brought inte eeih- - work and the grinder wheel parallel to such axis eldellt positions by rotation about a single axis, will cause the formed cross-sectional contour of 25 and the invention therefore consists in the novel the wheel to trace the race D. Each of the other 25 apparatus as hereinafter set forthraces D may be‘successively placed in the same In the drawings: position by a rotation of the shank A, but none Figure 1 is a Plan View Of my improved me- of the races D’ can be so registered. If, how-' Chine; ‘ ever, the axis of the shank A should be revolved 30 Figure 2 is an end elevation thereof : around the point E into the dotted position A’, 30 Figure 3 is a side elevation; then the race member D' will have its axis co Figures 4, 4A, 4B are respectively a ‘plan view, incident with the axis D2 E .of the race member side elevation and end elevation of a universal l) and will be in the same operative relation to joint member which is a speci?c article that may the grinder wheel F. ‘ 35 be ground by my improved method; . In view of the geometrical relations just de- 35 Figure 5 is a cross section through the index- - scribed, it is evident that to form grind both se ing mechanism; ' _ ‘ Figure 6 is a sectional side elevation of the trimming mechanism and _ \ ‘10 Flgure 7 Is an (‘enlarged crass ‘sectmn on line 7-1 of Figure 6- ‘ ries of races D,v D’, requires the rotation of the work not only about the axis of the shank but also about a transverse axis which passes through the point of intersection of the axes of all of the 40 races and that of the shank. .Wh?e my 1118mm“. means is afppucable to I have therefore devised a construction of grinding machine which I - igllgiegglioflizag?igsfgté?gségeggzeaflligzga’gaizi: permits of such adjustment and which. is of the ’ ' following construction. ' 45 member of a universal joint which may be ?n ished in this manner. This member has a shank‘ A at one end of which is a head B having a series . 45 The frame of the machine G has supported thereon the reciprocating carriage H which may be driven by‘ any suitable aultgismatitlr1 mecaaiiism (not shown). Adjacent to t car age _ s an 50 ?gmilef yEach of thgpmigs has arrange; “poi upward extension I of the frame having slidably 50 of spaced prongs C for inter-engaging corre n -n 1 formed Ion s on a coo mun opposite sides thereof segmental cylindrical races for receiving balls placed intermediate the prongs and which constitute a pivotal and substantially frictionless joint' therebetween. These races '-55 have their axes non-parallel to the axis of the secured thereto the Vertically movable cross head J. The head J has bearings J’ for all arbor K having-its axis extending perpendicular to the axis of movement of the carriage H. ‘on this Cl mi arbor is a grinding wheel L which is suitably , 2 . y . I 2,077,727 I fashioned by the operation of a trimmer as here inafter described/ ' 5 clamped in different positions of adjustment by the set screw Q‘. Thus the adjustment of the mem her Q5 will determine the radial distance of the Work holder _ Upon the carriage H is mounted a work holder trimmer point from the axis of the shaft Q‘. To M which is adapted to receive the shank A of the correctly position this axis of the shaft‘ so as to operative relation to the grinding wheel. member to be ground, there is provided adjust ments for the head Qz vertically and transversely. The vertical adjustment is secured by mounting universal joint'member and to hold the same in ' 'align the same with the correct axis of the race This work holder M comprises a member N which is 10 pivotally mounted upon the carriage H so as to becapable of a considerable angular-adjustment about the axis of its pivot which is perpendicular to the plane of movementof the carriage. The member N has mounted thereon the upwardly 15 extending housing 0 in which the work holder M is journaled concentric with the axis of the shank A. The housing 0 also contains an index mechanism by which the holder M may be rotated to predetermined positions as hereinafter de scribed. With the construction as thus. far described it will be understood that the axis of the work holder M and 'of the shank A engaging the same lies in a horizontal plane and that it may be adjusted in this plane from the angular position shown in full lines in Figure 1 to the position indicated in dotted lines in the same ?gure. The amount of such the head Q on an inclined base Q” to which it is 10 adjustably clamped by headed boltsQli engaging a longitudinal slot in said base. Adjusting screws Q’ are arranged at opposite ends of the base Q to engage the head Q2 and to move the same either upward or downward on the inclined base. Dur 15 ing this movement the head Q2 is held from any transverse movement by tongue or key members Q1n thereon ?ttingsthe longitudinal slot in the base Q". Thus the effect of adjusting the head Q2 up or down the incline :is to raise or lower the 20 axis of the shaft Q’. . To adjust the axis of the shaft Q’ transversely the base member Q’1 is mounted‘on the sub-base member Q11 and is provided with a tongue or key portion Q" ?tting the transverse slot in said mem 25 ber Q11. Adjusting screws Q13 engaging the threaded bearings in upwardly extending ears Q14 on the sub-base Q11 serve to move the base Q7 laterally and headed clamping screws Q15 secure angular movement and the exact terminal posi tions thereof is determined by stops P and P’ 30 shown as adjustable screws and thus the axis of - the members Q7 ‘and Q11 in ?xed relation after the holder M may be set at an exactly predeter adjustment. Thus the axis of the shaft Q’ may mined angle to the plane of the grinding wheel in be adjusted vertically and transversely into an both of said positions. It will be further under exactly predetermined position and the movement stood that the axis of the holder M lies in a of the table H will carry the trimmerto the posi 35 horizontal plane in all positions of adjustment and tion where the trimming point is in the vertical that each of the axes of the races may be adjusted plane of the arbor K. In this position a rocking to lie in this same horizontal plane. Consequently of the shaft Q’ by ahandle Q16 will move the the reciprocating movement of the table H will trimmer point in an arc concentric with the axis move the head B of the universal joint past the of the shaft and of exactly predetermined radius, 40 grinding wheel with one of the race members in thereby fashioning th grinding wheel L to corre 40 position to be ground by said wheel while passing sponding form. the same. Through the index mechanism to be hereinafter described, the head M maybe rota~ Index mechanism _ tively adjusted to bring the race members suc The work holder M is a rotary member jour 45 cessively into operative relation to the grinding naled in bearings in the housing 0 and provided wheel until the entire series is ground, after which with a socket for receiving the shank A of the by adjusting the member N into the dotted posi-. work. Mounted on the member M within the tion, all of the races D’ may be in a similar manner housing 0 is an index disk M’v having notches M1 successively ground. in the periphery thereof. These notches are en 50 ' Trimming mechanism gaged by a tapering detent M3 on a rockable dog within the housing and a spring The accuracy of the work performed depends M4 pivoted plunger Mls operates to yieldably hold the upon the exact location of the form grinding wheel pressed detent in engagement'with the notch. Adjacent in relation to the path of the work. This exact lo 55 cation is obtained ?rst by the setting of the wheel and secured to the index disk M’ is a ratchet and arbor and second, by the forming of the wheel wheel M‘ provided with notches M‘! corresponding 55 through operation of the trimming mechanism. in number to the notches M’. M' is a sleeve ro This trimming mechanism Q is mounted on one tatable upon the member M and extending out end of the table H so that periodically it may be through the bearing in the housing 0. This 60 carried by said table into operative relation with sleeve has within the housing a cam portion M9 the grinding wheel. The essential features are which is adapted to engage with a roller M1‘J on 60 ?rst, that the trimmer in fashioning the cross the dog M4 to lift the detent M8 out of engagement sectional contour of the grinder should rotate with the notch M1._ The cam M‘ also carries a _ about the exact axis of the race when in grinding pawl M1? which is engageable with one of the 65 position; second, that the trimming point should notches M‘! of the ratchet wheel Ma and in the be an exactly predetermined radial length from return rotation of the sleeve M8 will move said 65 this axis. The trimmer comprises a shaft Q’ ~ ratchet wheel and the index disk M’ until the de which is journaled in bearings in a head Q2 with tent M=i engages another notch M3. The sleeve its axis horizontal and parallel to the direction M6 is actuated by a handle M‘2 on the outside ' 70' of movement of the carriage H. The forward end of the casing O. of the shaft Q'lis provided with a tapering socket to receive the correspondingly tapered end of the trimmer tool Q3. This tool has an oil-set portion Q4 provided with a radial aperture receiving the 75 trimmer point holding member Q5 which is Complete operation In the complete operation or the machine the work holder and trimming mechanism being ?rst suitably adjusted, the ‘operator ?rst trims the grinding wheel L by moving the carriage H to 75 3 bring the trimmer point into the vertical plane of the axis of the arbor K. The arbor may then be adjusted downward to bring the grinding wheel L into operative relation to the trimmer which ‘ mounted on said member eccentric to said verti cal axis with its axis of rotation in a plane par allel to the plane of 'said table, the angular ad justment being through an arc of greater than‘ fashions the cross section of the wheel .to the exact 'arc of the races D and D’. One of the uni ninetydegrees (90°) to present opposite portions of the work in said work holder to operative engagement with the tool, an index mechanism cooperating. with said rotary work holder, and means for limiting the angular adjustment of versal joints having its shankengaged with the work holder M, the carriage H is reciprocated to move the head B past the grinder wheel, there by grinding one of the raceways in one of the prongs C. If the amount of stock to be removed in ?nishing this raceway is more than can be ac complished by one reciprocation of the grinder, said member to arrange the axis of said rotary 10 work holder at the two extremes of its adjust ment at equal and opposite angles to the direc-, tion of relative reciprocation of said grinding the arbor K can ?rst be raised and then fed downward after each reciprocation until the ?n ish position is attained. The adjustment of the arbor is accomplished by a hand wheel R which through the medium of suitable gearing (not shown) rotates the, feed screw R.’ to raise or lower 20 the head J upon the frame extension I. wheel and table. - , ' 3.. A grinding machine comprising a frame, a 15 I carriage mounted for reciprocation thereon, a formed grinding wheel mounted on said frame with its plane of rotation parallel to the direction of reciprocation, of said carriage, the cross sec tional contour oi-said grinding wheel being arcu ate, a member mounted on said ‘carriage to be After the completion of the grinding of the angularly adjustable about a vertical axis at'the raceways the work is adjusted through the index central portion of the carriage, a rotary work mechanism operated by the handle M12 to bring holder mounted on said member eccentric to said another raceway into operative relation to the vertical axis with its axis of rotation in a plane 25 grinding wheel and these operations are repeated parallel to the plane, of said carriage and pass ‘until all of the raceways D have been ground.‘ ing through the center of the arcuate cross sec The operator then adjusts the work holderby tion of said grinding wheel, the angular adjust swinging the member N upon the vertical pivot N’ ment being through an arc of greater than ninety to assume the position shown in dotted lines in ‘degrees (90°) to present opposite portions of the : 30 Figures 1 and 4. It is then clamped by the clamp work in said work holder to operative engage ing screw N2 to prevent accidental displacement ment with the tool, and an index mechanism and the grinding is repeated with reference to cooperating with said rotary work holder. the raceways D’. , Thus in the ?nished product all of these raceways will be cylindrical segments 35 of an exactly predetermined radius, the axes of all of which will intersect in a common point E, also lying in the axis of the shank A. ' ' 4. A grinding machine comprising a frame, a carriage mounted for reciprocation thereon, a :1' Li formed grindingwheel-mounted on said wheel with its plane of rotation .parallel to the direction’ ‘of reciprocation of said carriage, a cross sectional ber mounted on said table to be angularly adjust able thereonv about a vertical axis at the central contour on said grinder wheel being arcuate, a member mounted on said carriage to be angularly 40 adjustable about a vertical axis lying in the same plane of reciprocation as the center of arcuate cross section of said grinding wheel, a rotary work holder mounted upon said member with its axis portion of the table, means forrlimiting the angu of rotation intersecting said vertical. axis and lo What I claim as my invention is: - ' 1. A grinding machine comprising a frame, 40 a grinding wheel and a table mounted on said ' frame in relatively reciprocating relation, a mem 45 lar adjustment of ‘said member, a work holder rotatively mounted upon said member eccentric 45 cated in a plane parallel to the plane of move 'ment of said carriage, the angular adjustment in a - being through .an arc of greater than ninety de to said vertical axis with its axis of rotation _ plane parallel to the plane of said table, the an gular adjustment being‘ through an arc greater‘ 50 than ninety degrees (90°) to present opposite por tions of the work in said work holder to operative engagement with the tool, and an index mecha grees (90°) to present opposite portions of the work in said work holder to operative engage 50 ment with the tool, index mechanism vfor said rotary work holder, and means for limiting the angular adjustment about said vertical axis of nism cooperating with said rotary work holder, said member mounted on the carriage, so' that the angle of the axis of said work holder to the 55 2. A grinding machine comprising a‘ frame,-a' - grinding wheel and a table mounted on said direction of reciprocation at one limit is equal frame in relatively reciprocating relation, a mem- - and opposite to that at the other limit. to be angularly ad 'ber mounted on said table justable thereon about a vertical axis at the cen tral portion of the table, a rotary workholder _ FREDERICK A. WARD.
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