Korea International Middle School Office of the Principal ! ! ! ! ! ! Greetings KIS MS Parents,! ! October ! is here and the fall semester is flying by! During this past month, many exciting September 5, 2014 events have been taking place at Korea International Middle School (KIS MS), as both teachers !Dearstudents and have beenParents, very busy. The focus of our school community during September was KIS Middle School Teamwork, and specific lessons, small group activities, and an assembly all combined to create ! foundation a strong The for this concept. Each Fridayhave Advisory has contained specific school year is offimportant and running, and your students been getting to know each other and lessons outlining monthly please ask children about into the activities our new staff, and our working hard focus, in theirso classrooms. Weyour are now one month the schooland year,their and we overall experiences with them. The focus for October is Balance and we will have a number of have much to report to you! activities designed to educate students on the importance of keeping a healthy balance within Each month, I will be writing you a letter highlighting KIS Middle School’s latest events and their lives.! it isMeasures my hope to you informed of your(MAP) students’ !news. Through KIS MSthis hascommunication, also finished the of keep Academic Performance Testdaily and lives with at KIShelp Middle School. As a staff, we arewe constantly working tothe bring new innovative experiences into our the of Mrs. Osterhagen-Brock have streamlined process. The students were tested school and classrooms order to give your exceptional, world-class in a natural classroominenvironment and students with the an use of their own, familiar education. devices. Overall, the testing went smoothly and the results will be sent to you in the coming days.! In the first month of school, we encountered some transitional issues with scheduling, but we ! Within our classrooms we are seeing a number of high-level projects ranging from public have since corrected these issues and most students were able to straighten out their schedules within a speaking presentations (7th Social Studies) artistic body manipulation drawings couple of days. As parents, yougrade can look forward to a to more streamlined registration process this(Ms. spring, Kim’s throughout the MS building. all classes we are witnessing which classes) will makeseen the transitions between school years Further, go more in smoothly. Further, all students have started positive interactions our staff andfirst your sons and creates to a positive, their advisory and clubwith activities for the semester. Thedaughters, clubs have which been designed give students the creative, and rigorous learning environment. These classrooms support lively and interactive opportunity to build positive relationships with one another in a number of different activities. These debates as well as breaking down larger concepts to create a deeper understanding inRegardless a activities range from building and designing stage sets getting exercise through basketball. specific area.!all students are forming new positive relationships with other students and staff. of the activity, ! Last Friday we had our Experiential Education Trips and overall they were a great occurredout thisinfall regard tostretching advisory periods and the overall success!One Wenoticeable had over change 300 students thewith community their boundaries andstructure of the program. The change will zones. keep teachers working with students the same grade which they stepping outside their comfort The MS Staff worked hard toofensure a day of for teamwork, teach. For example, a sixth-grade math teacher will serve as an advisor for sixth-grade students. At the perseverance, understanding, reflection, and fun would be had by all! These trips are designed end of the year, the student will then be assigned to a new advisory teacher in order to build to take the classroom learning environment outside the walls of a school and into real-world new relationships with other students and new staff members. Within this structure, the students will receive situations. Along with this, thank you for the PTO’s support for purchasing the t-shirts (designed appropriate support for their individual grade level and, along the way, strengthen their positive by KIS MS student Sun Joo Park). If you would like to see some theteachers pictures from relationships in the school setting. In addition, we have created a teamofof who arethese developing experiences to Instagram andand search theme-specificgoexperiential lessons then #KISMS.! delivering these lessons to our students each Friday during !the advisory Otherperiod. activities areSeptember the Fun Run for Charity, Kick-Offlessons Theoccurring theme for this the month month of is teamwork, andMS weTeam have created Assembly, Halloween Social, AMC signup (see below for more information), Choir, Band,and andteam aimed to develop the skills necessary for your students to become positive team members Orchestra concerts, along with a host of classroom cross-over activities. Our teachers continue leaders. to look for ways to enrich the learning environment, all while making KIS MS a fun and exciting wouldand alsodevelop.! like to thank everyone who attended our Back-to-School Night last week. We had a place to Istudy parents in attendance, and wefrom hopethe youprevious were able to meet the KIS staffI have and walk in the !large number Lastly,ofthere were a few questions PTO meeting which shoes of your students for a night. Our staff members truly enjoyed meeting everyone and having the addressed below:! to Teaching: make positive withteam all ofteaching our KIS parents. That night, many areas of you signed up !opportunity Team Weconnections are currently in a number of different for the PTO, and we appreciate the help, support, and time you give to our school. We all how throughout our curricula. Team teaching is a model where two teachers co-teach inunderstand a classroom busy you are, and your taking the time to participate in our school-wide events is critical to fostering a in order to enrich the experiences of the students. The teachers co-plan every lesson and will strong community for our students! take turns presenting while the other circulates through the room adding to the lecture and answering why don’t do this in every class?about Creating a co-teaching is In questions. the coming Now months, you willwe receive more information the Fall Experiential model Education very difficult when building the Master Schedule of courses. Within the model of co-teaching all Experience for students in all grades. These educational trips are designed for students to develop life of the that staff members must haveacommon prep and periods (structured times where they plan skills enhance and support well-rounded exceptional educational program. One of !the key goals of the KIS curriculum is to instill in students the skills necessary to succeed in a competitive global society, and these experiences are critical to our educational program. Our experiential education program ! ! ! ! ! together) which limits flexibility of scheduling. We hope to continue supporting the co-teaching model approach across all courses as the schedule allows.! ! STEM/STEAM: The question, “When will it begin?” The foundations of STEM/STEAM do not entirely occur within new classes, but instead it is a shifting mindset of developing lessons across the different curricular areas. We are beginning to look at different projects and ways for blending curricula in order to support an educational system where students must apply their current knowledge to a number of different situations. Given the other projects we are developing this year (Experiential Education, MakerSpace), we are continuing to find ways to implement the STEM/STEAM concept in our everyday curricula but it is not the major focus for this year. We value the learning that STEM/STEAM provides and over time you will see it become more and more ingrained in our school curriculum.! ! Experiential Education: “How does it relate outside of the Oct. 10th trip?” Some of the major factors determining the overall success of a child directly relates to the skills being taught through our Experiential Education Program. Within this program we focus on teamwork, thinking outside the box, goal setting, taking calculated risks, perseverance, creating a balance in life along with many other key concepts. Every Friday we have either a designed lesson or an assembly to create opportunities for our students to learn and practice these life-long skills. ! ! MakerSpace Update: The Pre-K to 8th grade teams have been visiting different MakerSpace type laboratories over this past month and are starting to finalize the plans for building this classroom space. We plan to develop the space in the coming months and our goal is to have the MakerSpace up and running next semester as a club. We will continue visits to see effective student labs to ensure a successful start to the MakerSpace project. It’s a very exciting time and so be on the look out for an update about this topic!! ! Announcements: ! ! American Math Competition: ! KIS MS will be offering the American Math Competition Test for middle school students. The cost of the test is 5,000 won, and it will take place after school at KIS on November 18. If you wish for your son(s) or daughter(s) to take part in the AMC 8 Test, please have them sign up with Mr. Forrestal at room M302. Act fast because space is limited!! ! Schoology training sessions for parents:! If you would like to attend a 30-minute training session with a focus for parents on the uses of Schoology please follow this link.! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18IG4AJcbsEstMf64vGn7XhZLjLyuvhwo9dWVmIsCT-8/ viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link! ! ! KIS MS has had a great month and please follow us on Twitter @KISPRIDE or on Instagram @KISMSPRIDE #KISMS. Thank you for all of your continued support and I look forward to seeing you all at the next PTO meeting on October 21st.! Respectfully,! ! ! ! ! David Lovelin, Ed.D! Principal! Korea International Middle School 373-6 Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 463-420, KoreaTel:(031)789-0509, Fax:(031)748-0509 www.kis.or.kr 학부모님께, 천고마비의 계절입니다. 그 동안 크고 작은 학교 행사들이 있었고, 선생님들과 학생들 모두 바쁜 시간을 보냈습니 다. 매주 금요일 담임 반에서 월별 키워드에 관한 수업이 진행됩니다. 지난 9월 “팀워크”를 키워드로 했다면, 10 월의 키워드는 “균형”으로, 월말까지 학생들에게 균형 잡힌 삶에 대한 수업이 예정되어 있습니다. 지난 달에는 또한 MAP 테스트가 있었습니다. 커리큘럼 코디네이터 담당이신 오스터헤건-브락 선생님께서 학생들 이 최대한 익숙하고 편안한 환경에서 시험을 치를 수 있도록 신경 써주신 덕분에, 아무 탈 없이 잘 마무리되었습니 다. 7학년 사회 과목에서 학생들은 대중 앞에 서는 발표 기회를 갖거나, 미술 과목에서 온 몸을 사용하는 그림을 그리 는 등 다양한 수업방식이 도입되고 있고, 이는 학생과 교사의 공감대 형성에 긍정적인 효과를 낳고 있습니다. 지난 주 금요일에는 체험학습여행이 성공적으로 이루어졌습니다. 300명 이상의 중학교 전교생이 자연으로 나가 경 직된 심신을 풀어주었습니다. 선생님들께서 철저한 준비를 위해 노고를 아끼지 않았고, 티셔츠를 지원해주신 학부모 회의에도 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. 티셔츠의 그림은 박선주 학생의 작품입니다. 관련 사진은 <Instagram @KISMSPRIDE #KISMS>을 통해 확인해주시기 바랍니다. 이번 달의 또 다른 주요 행사로는 기부모금의 “펀런”, 킥오프 조례, 할로윈, AMC 신청(세부사항 아래 내용 참 조), 합창-밴드-오케스트라 콘서트 및 크로스오버 수업 등이 있습니다. 교장단과 교사진은 한국외국인학교 학생들 이 보다 즐겁고 활기찬 학교생활을 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 마지막으로 학부모회의 시간에 나온 질문에 대한 답변을 드립니다 : 팀 티칭 – 저희 학교는 팀 티칭 방식을 채택하여 몇몇 과목에 적용하고 있습니다. 두 명 이상의 교사가 함께 수 업을 준비하기 때문에 수업내용이 더욱 깊고 풍부해지며, 교실 내에서 교사가 학생들에게 다가가 세부적인 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 모든 수업에 적용치 않은 이유는, 한 팀을 이루는 교사들의 시간표를 모두 동일하게 맞춰야 하므로, 교과배정 상에 다소 어려움이 있어서 입니다. STEM/STEAM - “언제 시작하는가?” STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) 교 육은 차차 실행될 예정입니다. 올해 체험학습 실행과 실험실(메이커 스페이스) 신설을 그 일환으로 볼 수 있고, 아 직은 그 영향이 미미하지만, 본격적인 실행 후 분명 높이 평가되고 있는 이유를 확인하실 수 있을 것입니다. 체험학습 - “수업과 어떤 연관이 있는가?” 체험학습을 통해 학생은 공동체의식과 창의력을 기르고 위기와 장애 를 극복하는 능력을 키우며 몸과 마음의 균형을 유지하게 됩니다. 앞서 말씀 드린 바와 같이, 매주 금요일 담임 반 에서 이러한 인생 전반에 필요하고 중요한 공부내용을 다루고 있습니다. 실험실 신설 – 초등학교와 중학교에 걸쳐 학생들이 신설된 실험실을 방문하게 하여 다음 학기부터는 실험실을 십 분 이용하는 새로운 클럽을 생성하고자 계획하고 있습니다. 알림 : AMC (미국 수학 경시대회) - 곧 AMC가 있습니다. 참가비는 5,000원으로, 시험 날짜는 11월 18일입니다. 수학부 장 Sean Forrestal 선생님께서 M302 교실에서 신청을 받습니다. 선착순을 원칙으로 합니다. 학부모를 위한 스쿨로지 교육 - 30분 정도 소요되는 스쿨로지 교육을 받고자 하시는 분들께서는 아래 링크를 참조 해주시기 바랍니다. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18IG4AJcbsEstMf64vGn7XhZLjLyuvhwo9dWVmIsCT-8/ viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link! 학교 SNS를 원하시면 <Twitter @KISPRIDE> 혹은 <Instagram @KISMSPRIDE #KISMS> 을 이용해주시기 바랍니다. 학부모님의 아낌 없는 응원과 지원에 감사드리며, 다음주 10월 21일 학부모회의에서 뵙도록 하겠습니다. 한국외국인학교 교장 교육학박사 David Lovelin
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