October 2014 • Vol.42 No.10 To view past issues of The Pen, visit www.pinellascounty.org/hr/publications.htm. Spotlight on Mark Woodard, County Administrator their jobs, make decisions, take calculated risks and feel supported and safe. We saved over $1 million in the budget because I have confidence in our abilities to solve problems rather than relying upon high-priced management and leadership consultants. Congratulations on your appointment. Thank you very much. I was humbled by the support of the Board of County Commissioners. I believe their vote of confidence is a reflection of the great work of the Pinellas County Team. What is your vision for the departments under the BCC? Since the late 1980’s, our Vision has been “To Be the Standard for Public Service in America.” The great recession distracted County Administration from this vision. Our employees, however, never lost sight and continued to be inspired by the Vision even in the depths of the economic downturn. We want to return our focus to that inspirational Vision. We want to unleash the power of our employees to “Do Things” to serve the public. Providing high quality services to the public and our customers is why we exist and what we do best! What are the main priorities for your first year? There are many priorities, but here are a few key ones: • Establishing a supportive, stable organization to enable our employees to “Do Things.” This means providing the resources they need to do • Supporting the Board of County Commissioners and helping to facilitate the identification of their strategic priorities. As the policy making body, the Board is responsible for determining the “What” and the Administrator and staff devise the “How” to most efficiently and effectively implement their policy direction. • We believe that with partners we can accomplish more. We need to view those we work with, the cities, our vendors and community stakeholders as partners. We are all working toward the same goal and engaging them in positive, productive and respectful ways can yield great results - more than we can accomplish on our own. Even the public and our customers should be viewed as partners. • Ensuring Pinellas County is always known for the very best financial stewardship. What do you see as the main challenges? I don’t see challenges, only opportunities. We have every reason to be optimistic about our future. I know one thing about this organization, when it encounters obstacles and adversity, it meets the challenge head-on, adapts, adjusts and overcomes. We always have, and working together, we always will! INSIDE (it’s clickable) Expert Facilitation Services ... 2 Ask Peggy ... 3 Contests ... 4 Promotions ... 4 Service Anniversaries ... 5 Retirements ... 6 EAC Elections 2014 ... 7 Welcome Aboard! ... 8 Know Your Score! ... 8 Consumer Corner ... 9 UPS Resource Library ... 9 Classes ... 10 Tips / Pets ... 10 I gain inspiration and perspective from a passage in Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If”: “If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same.” Anything else you’d like to share with our readers? It is a great honor and privilege to be named County Administrator and to work alongside our outstanding team. Let’s focus on Doing Things! We can make this happen by focusing on the public and our customers, providing results that make the community better, building constructive relationships with our partners and a commitment to the personal and professional growth and development of our employees. To view the BCC's mission, vision and values ... and much more ... visit the intraweb home page at http://intraweb/ from a County computer. P I N E L L A S P E N Expert Facilitation Services Available The Pen Meet organizational development (OD) facilitators David Groeller and Raina Holliday of Human Resources. They have successfully partnered with over a dozen teams to help them become more effective and productive in their day-to-day work operations. The goal of facilitation is to help build trust, solve problems and remove barriers so teams can meet their goals. You may wonder, “What exactly does an OD facilitator do, and how could it help me?” A facilitator plans, guides and manages a group event to ensure that the group's objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation and full buy-in from everyone who is involved. Having a neutral, thirdparty involved helps team members stay focused and provides a fresh perspective and objective means to assess their current state. David and Raina’s work is much like that of a consultant, yet no costs are incurred by the individual departments within Pinellas County. Their expertise is available to all Appointing Authorities. Many organizations have already begun to see positive results from their facilitated team sessions. Deb Bush, Section Manager at DEI/Solid Waste, noted, “David and Raina’s presence and guidance was necessary to help get this team together with a newly defined purpose and understanding and for encouraging the continuous development and improvement of the section. After only two facilitated meetings, we decided that with the tools and enlightenment gained through the meetings with David and Raina, we can move forward with only periodic visits from the dynamic duo. The momentum of this initial effort is sustained through regular group meetings, work sessions and improved communications.” Richard Coates, Director of the Public Works Department, expressed the benefits his team experienced. “These two folks were able to create a plan for the day that included fun activities for us to learn the dynamics of our team. They engaged us to share our hopes, concerns and expectations of the team, and highlighted our overall priorities for moving the Division forward. Their skills were essential for a positive outcome of the day. I highly recommend their services whether for a newly formed team or a seasoned team.” Typically, supervisors who contact an OD facilitator have concerns but are uncertain where to begin their efforts for improvement. David and Raina conduct an initial assessment by asking questions to determine what type of improvement is needed, such as developing better team relationships, increasing team engagement, implementing new technology or processes, instituting change management practices or improving conflict resolution strategies. Jodie Sechler, Division Manager, Ambulance Billing & Financial Services Division (SES), praised the services her team received by saying, “Given that we are typically consumed with our daily operations, this service is a County treasure that helps moves a department beyond the potential of what sometimes gets lost in the daily grind. I fully recommend utilizing this resource.” If you would like to request the assistance of OD Facilitators, please contact: Gene Pressoir, Human Resources, at (727) 464-4755 or at gpressoir@pinellascounty.org. The Pen PUBLISHER: Peggy Rowe EDITOR: Laura Berkowitz ASSISTANT EDITOR: Mary L. Sault BLOOD DRIVE A monthly publication by the Pinellas County Human Resources Department How to Participate: It’s easy to get involved in The Pen. You can contribute by informing us of noteworthy news or sending us story ideas. You can also ask about writing a guest column or submit photos of co-workers at work in your department. PHONE: (727) 464-5098 FAX: (727) 453-3660 E-mail: employee.communications@pinellascounty.org P-2 Mark Your Calendars Logan Lab 1620 Ridge Road Largo Wednesday, Oct. 29 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Clearwater Courthouse 315 Court Street West Parking Lot Thursday, Nov. 6 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Every donor is three more lives saved! P I N E L L A S P E N P-3 Q. I asked for a copy of someone’s PAQ and was told I could not have a copy. Wouldn’t this be covered under the “Sunshine Law”? A. PAQs are public records and, as such, individuals are entitled to review them and/or have a copy upon request under Florida law. Q. If an employee calls off after a holiday does the employee get paid for the holiday? The Pen Peggy Rowe Director of Human Resources I am very pleased to announce that the new FACE of Performance management system rolled out this week to nearly all UPS employees. Most of you now have the FACE icon on your computer desktop and have received instructions on how to log in. We will provide information about additional resources and training to support FACE in the next several months. I can't stress enough that the focus of this new performance management system is employees and supervisors engaging in regular conversation. These conversations are the cornerstone for effectively managing employee performance. I know this will make a difference for all of us and will help every employee succeed. Find more information on the FACE web page at www.pinellascounty.org/FACE. FY2015 Pay Increase The budget has been approved and includes a 3% across the board salary increase for employees in permanent positions in the Unified Personnel System. You will see the increase in the October 24 paycheck. P-3 A. Please refer to Personnel Rule XII. “Holidays”. Employees in a non-pay status for the entire pay period during which the holiday falls will not be eligible for holiday pay. Other than those who fall in that category, eligible employees will receive holiday pay. Employees scheduled to work before or after the holiday are expected to report to work unless they have an unforseen illness or emergency that prevents them from reporting. Q: There’s an employee in our office who consistently wears a lot of perfume and some days it affects my breathing. I’m not sure what to do. What advice do you have? A: Some people may not realize that there are others in the workplace that have sensitivities to perfumes, colognes, shampoos, or other fragrances. In some cases these sensitivities to chemical fragrances may have serious health consequences. This situation could also be of concern to our customers and citizens. We hope everyone will be mindful of the health and well being of our employees and customers. If you are not comfortable approaching this employee personally, I suggest you request that your supervisor share this message and ask staff members to please refrain from using personal grooming products that emit fragrances or detectable odors. Annual Enrollment for medical, dental, life insurance and flexible spending accounts (FSA) will begin on October 20th and end November 7th. During this time you may make changes to your coverage elections for 2015. This is also the one time during the year during which you can elect to participate in the annual exchange of leave for cash and/or deferred compensation. Look for an email from Employee Benefits on Monday, October 20th announcing details, including how you can access tools and information to help you make the best decision for you and your family. Use It or Lose It For those who have not used their Personal Day or Floating Holidays, the deadline to do so is no later than December 12, 2014. Remember, if a Personal Day is taken immediately before or after a recognized holiday, it must be scheduled and approved in advance. Completion of the biometric screening and the online health assessment prior to December 31, 2014 is required to avoid a $500 premium differential in 2015. The year is more than half over. Are you on course to completing your activities to avoid the $500 premium differential in 2015? Track your progress at myuhc.com or use your Health4Me mobile app. The Pen ASKPEGGY P I N E L L A S P E N Pinellas Roots Courtesy of Heritage Village Living History Museum Q: Name this American novelist, poet and painter - a member of the so-called “Beat Generation” - who lived in St. Petersburg during the middle 1960s. Promotions Promotions are published from 2 months prior. Example: A promotion that occurs in May will appear in the July Pen. Board of County Commissioners Environment & Infrastructure Lonnie Alexander............................. Util Maint Spec 1 Arthur Bailey..................................... Util Maint Spec 1 Adam Crittenden.............................. Util Maint Spec 1 Jacob Mays........................................ Util Maint Spec 2 Charlie McClendon........................... Util Maint Spec 2 Nancy McKibben............................ Proj Coord-Admin Kevin Schnorr...............................................Spray Tech Joseph Stillwell.................................. Util Maint Spec 2 Parks & Conservation Resources Tammy Allen................................... Proj Coord-Admin The Pen Planning Alicia Parinello............................................... Prog Plan To enter this month’s contest send your answer to employee. communications@pinellascounty.org or via interoffice mail to The Pen, attention Editor. All correct entries will be entered into a drawing. Entries must be received by October 31, 2014. The winner will receive a special prize and be recognized in the next issue of The Pen. SUDOKU Clerk of the Circuit Court Regina Callahan..................................... Crt Rec Spec 2 Allicia Gonzalez............................................ Rec Spec 2 Lynn Lemonias.......................................... Fis Rec Spec Anthony Stillo............................................... Rec Spec 2 Supervisor of Elections Christopher Markham..................... Admin Supt Spec Jeffrey Mendes........................................ Office Spec Sr Vicki Myjak.............................................. Office Spec Sr Tax Collector Amber Bradley............................................Ld Tax Spec Maurisa Bussy............................................. Tax Spec Sr Rebecca Fleck............................................. Tax Spec Sr Christine Long...........................................Tax Col Supv Don't forget to check the employee blog – Our Space – regularly. Bookmark it! There is news every day! And the winner is: Gina Gibbs Justice & Consumer P-4 YOU can post to the blog. It’s easier than you might think – give it a try! Share your photos, celebrations, upcoming events and check for the latest news from the County. If you have questions, please contact Mary Sault at 464-5098 or msault@pinellascounty.org. w w w . p i n e l l a s c o u n t y . o r g SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES 35 YEARS 30 YEARS Barbara Young, Property Appraiser’s Office, Caridad Corona, Clerk of the Circuit Court Mary McClendon Business Technology Services Jeffrey Byrkit, Property Appraiser’s Office, Florence “Flo” Riggie, Clerk of the Circuit Court 25 YEARS Darlene Asberry, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Lisa Hamilton, Property Appraiser’s Office Velyn Anderson Clerk of the Circuit Court Barbara Born Environment & Infrastructure Marianne Browne Safety & Emergency Services 20 YEARS Dana Zordan, Business Technology Services, Gail Tyburski, Safety & Emergency Services, Stacy Jones, Safety & Emergency Services 30 YEARS Michael Crawford Planning Council 25 YEARS Pamela Schuler, Business Technology Services Ronald Bero, Environment & Infrastructure 20 YEARS Laura DeMoss, Health & Community Services Carlos Ceron, Environment & Infrastructure Mary Jung, Environment & Infrastructure 15 YEARS Solandia Mells..................................... Clerk of the Circuit Court Michael Merrell.......................... Environment & Infrastructure Nicolas Rivera-Ruiz........ Office Human Rights Administration Victor Routenberg....................... Safety & Emergency Services Kimberly Samojeden......................... Clerk of the Circuit Court Kathryn Shipley......................... Environment & Infrastructure Kevin Smith............................... Convention & Visitors Bureau Rebecca Totten................................... Clerk of the Circuit Court 10 YEARS Michael Alband..................... Business Technology Services Ronald Boucher......................... Property Appraiser’s Office P-5 P-5 Deborah Peck Safety & Emergency Services Lori Dorian................................. Property Appraiser’s Office Danielle Frewer......................Safety & Emergency Services Carl Graham............................... Property Appraiser’s Office David Knoph...........................Safety & Emergency Services Cheryl Knuth...........................Safety & Emergency Services Christopher Muhrlin........ Parks & Conservation Resources Harvey Muir...................... Parks & Conservation Resources Robert Price...........................Convention & Visitors Bureau Catherine Rutenbeck.............Safety & Emergency Services 5 YEARS Maggie Miles........................ Health & Community Services P I N E L L A S P E N RETIREMENTS OVER 18 YEARS OVER 17 YEARS 16 YEARS Rose Taylor Accounting & Finance Technician Health & Community Services Helen Groves Board Reporter, Sr Clerk of the Circuit Court Thomas Hutcheson Computer Systems Specialist Clerk of the Circuit Court OVER 14 YEARS OVER 13 YEARS The Pen 15 YEARS Alan Goetz HR Analyst Human Resources 12 YEARS William Dunne HVAC Mechanic Real Estate Management Antoinette “Toni” Wolff Administrative Assistant Tax Collector’s Office RETIREES UNAVAILABLE FOR PHOTO 35 YEARS Delores McClendon, Senior Office Specialist, Public Safety Services Cynthia Stoner, Consumer Protection Investigator, Justice & Consumer Services OVER 27 Bernard “Charlie” Carr, Information Technology Specialist Sr, YEARS Business Technology Services Edward McWaters Information Technology Specialist Sr Business Technology Services REPCO NEWS In case you missed it! The October To Your Health newsletter included helpful information on breast cancer and how to get screenings. Also, lots of info on area walk-for-a-cause charity events that also help YOU stay active. Click HERE to view it. P-6 REPCO’s regular meetings are held at noon on the second Monday of each month. However the next meeting is the Annual Picnic and wil be at Eagle Lake Park. For more information contact Rudy at (813) 8553466 or rdgarcia@verizon.net. You don’t have to be a Pinellas County retiree to attend. Current employees and family members are also welcome. P I N E L L A S P E N Employees’ Advisory Council Elections 2014 Now is a great time to get involved with the Employees’ Advisory Council (EAC). Annual elections for Employees’ Advisory Council (EAC) Representatives take place every November. Each year, half of the Representatives’ positions are up for election. The Pen EAC Representatives up for election this year are: BCC Group III Public Works (Transportation and Stormwater) including Natural Resources, Infrastructure, Traffic, Administration BCC Group IV Utilities Field Services, South Cross, Keller, Dunn, Logan, Maintenance North BCC Group V Health and Community Services, Safety and Emergency Services BCC Group VI Utilities Business Support, Call Center, Revenue Management, Planning & Design, Information Management, Financial Reporting BCC Group VII Parks and Conservation Resources Clerk South Records & Information Management, Criminal Court Records, Court Assistance/Jury Services, Criminal Court Customer Service, Customer Information Center, St. Petersburg Branch, Tyrone Branch Other Appointing Authorities Business Technology Services, Office of Human Rights, Construction Licensing Board, County Attorney, Human Resources, Planning Council Tax Collector All classified employees at Pinellas County Tax Collector On October 13th, nomination forms were distributed to classified employees in the groups listed above. You may nominate yourself or another employee. Please turn in your nomination form by Monday, October 27th. There are fifteen (15) elected representatives on the Council of which eight (8) are allocated to departments under the County Administrator, two (2) to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and one (1) each to the Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, Other Appointing Authorities (collectively) and one (1) At Large. The Employees’ Advisory Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Pinellas County Personnel Board concerning personnel matters, policies, rules, and regulations affecting Pinellas County employees. Members of the Employees' Advisory Council serve a two year term of office. Visit www.pinellascounty.org/hr/eac for more information on the EAC. To find out the name of your current EAC Representative, see www.pinellascounty.org/hr/eac/pdf/rep-del.pdf. If there is a delegate vacancy in your area and you would like to volunteer, contact your group’s EAC Representative. For further information, contact Charles Toney, EAC Chair, 582-2382 or Camille Evans, EAC Liaison at Human Resources, 464-4064. P-7 P I N E L L A S P E N Welcome Aboard! Board of County Commissioners Building Services & Development Review Services Charles Boatwright...................... BDRS Code Enf Ofcr Barbara Metcalf.............................................. DRS Spec Dale Owens.................................. BDRS Code Enf Ofcr Danita Thompson....................... BDRS Code Enf Ofcr Economic Development Brent Barkway..........................................Bus Dev Mgr The Pen Environment & Infrastructure Edward Bulger................................. Elec/Mech Tech 1 Thomas Jablon................................. Elec/Mech Tech 1 Ralph Jordan.................................... Elec Mech Tech 1 Richard Mueller......................................Tree Trimmer AJ Parsons..............................................................AEO 2 Armando Socas....................................Meter Reader 1 Justice & Consumer Services Timothy Tate............................................Cons Prot Inv Parks & Conservation Resources Jasmine Myers....................................................Maint 2 Quanisha Reio....................................................Maint 2 Real Estate Management Melissa Wymore............................... Admin Supt Spec Safety & Emergency Services Patricia Hayden............ 911 Pub Safety Telecomm 1 Priscilla Toye.................................................Sr Ofc Spec Business Technology Services Ronald DiCecio................................. Info Tech Spec Sr Kelly Legg................................................Mgmt Analyst Clerk of the Circuit Court Ross Adair.......................................................Fin Acct 2 Tiffany Brandow........................................Mail Courier Lisa Chazen..............................................Rec Spec Sup Derek Edwards...................................... Crt Rec Spec 1 Traci Mcpherson........................................ Fis Rec Spec Danielle Rapelje.................................... Crt Rec Spec 1 Thomas Smith........................................ Crt Rec Spec 1 New employees on a break from the September 29 orientation. Know Your “Score” By Sarah Markofski, Human Resources No, I don’t mean your credit score. I mean your current point score from your Pinellas County Rewards Program. Have you taken a few minutes to look around the Pinellas County ISrewards website? It’s easy to log on. Just use your employee ID number and the word “Pinellas” the first time and follow the prompts to change to a secure password for yourself. Then, check out the Program Rules for each of the incentive programs for which you may be eligible to earn points. They include the Wellness points, service award points, on-boarding points (for new employees hired 1/1/14 or later), and retirement points. You would be amazed how many items you can choose from depending on your “score” or point balance. Make sure you look at the FAQ’s. You will find lots of information including what to do if you forget your password or need help ordering your gifts. The Customer Service department is always there to assist you, too. Their toll free number is (800) 875-8284. Just a few minutes of your time is well worth the effort. Learn more and know your “score.” Supervisor of Elections Jason Latimer.............................................. Elec Admin Tax Collector Aaron Brooks.................................................... Tax Asst Nakisha Cabrera............................................... Tax Asst Yolanda Hananiya............................................ Tax Asst P-8 Veterans' Preference In July, the State of Florida changed the Veterans’ Preference guidelines for hiring. Check HERE for more information. P I N E L L A S P E N Consumer Corner Make your pennies count! Penny Pitfall recommends you check out a charity before you donate. Giving to a worthy cause can be rewarding, but it’s important to know who you’re giving to and how the money will be used. Did you know that all charities soliciting in Florida, with the exception of religious, educational and governmental entities, are required to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services? Here are some tips to keep in mind BEFORE you donate: Pe n ny Pi Verify that a charitable organization is registered. tfa ll Request a copy of the charity’s financial report. By law you’re entitled to a copy. Be cautious of charities that pop-up overnight. Don’t select a charity because of an impressive sounding name. The Pen Never give cash - pay by check made out to the organization. For more helpful tips or to review a charity’s financial information, visit: www.pinellascounty.org/consumer/charities.htm. UPS Resource Library Resource Library Training & Development 464-3796 Did you know the Human Resources department has a Resource Library? training@pinellascounty.org Indeed we do! And it is stocked with a combined total of over 700 books and Annex building, Room 437 videos. We are located at 400 S. Fort Harrison (a.k.a. the Annex) in Clearwater. 400 S. Ft. Harrison Ave. Our Wellness Center, located in the basement of the Old Court House next door, Clearwater has Health & Wellness related books and videos. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Nowadays we are all pulled in different directions with little spare time. You might’ve heard something interesting and want to learn more on the topic. Perhaps you’ve attended training recently and would like to explore the topic in more detail. Allow us to assist you! You may call or email Training & Development to ask for an item to be sent inter-office mail. If you are in the area, drop by and browse the offerings in the Library. Be sure to log items out on the sign-out sheet. Lending period is one month; if you need that extended just let us know. Click HERE to view all Here are just some of the Library Categories: the Library Career Development/Education Change Management Categories. Communication Computers & Technical Customer Service Finance/Retirement/Investments Government & Local Information Support Staff Human Resources Management/Leadership Measurement Personal Growth Take this opportunity now to explore what the Resource Library has to offer! The Library and Training & Development staff is here to assist in meeting your training needs both now and into the future. P-9 P I N E L L A S P E N Create Sustainable Solutions Vision • Innovation • Collaboration Pinellas Green Government Partnership Did you know that Pinellas County leads a local government initiative for sustainable practices? Pinellas County Extension provides information to local governments on a variety of topics related to sustainable government and community resources. The Pen Sign up HERE for the newsletter. FROM THE RECORD KEEPER Retention Codes Do you print on both sides of paper? Cover your back side. Cut waste 50% by using both sides of the paper. Set your printer default at work and home to duplex (two-sided) printing. Make double-sided copies on the photocopier whenever possible. Upcoming Programs from Extension October 23 – Urban Forestry Tree Risk Assessment November 22 Rainwater Harvesting Workshop When packing your records for storage, it is very important to have records with similar dates and retention code durations in the same box. For example, if a box has one record with a 25 year retention code but the rest of the records only have 3 year retention codes, the entire box would need to be kept for 25 years. That means that records that should have been destroyed after 3 years would still be available and utilizing storage space. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Michele Koehler in Records & Information Management at (727) 453-3038. Questions? Contact Mary Campbell, Pinellas County Extension Training and Development Upcoming Classes Here are classes you may find of interest. Some classes fill up quickly so request enrollment early through OPUS Learning Management (OLM). The Changing Environment & Future Trends in Leadership Development – Oct 22 The environment of today’s workplace is increasingly complex. Much of the stress that leaders experience today has less to do with workload and more to do with the tension of trying to make sense of the environment. The skills needed for leadership have changed. Develop new methods to succeed in this workshop. Workplace Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence – Oct 30 The people we work with and those we serve in our community are constantly changing. This workshop helps you better understand lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) individuals. Become a more culturally competent individual who is able to correctly use terminology and have a better understanding of issues surrounding LGBT persons. Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Nov 5 Teamwork may seem simple, but in practice it is difficult. Explore the five dysfunctional behaviors that plague most teams which are: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. Learn how to overcome these obstacles and build an effective team. Also, you will be able to apply proven strategies during this interactive workshop. To view a complete list of all courses, along with descriptions, go to the Consortium Training Catalog in OPUS. Need assistance? Contact Training and Development at 464-3796 or email them at training@pinellascounty.org. Pet of the Month Stop, smell the roses and adopt Flo! Friendly Flo is a pit terrier mix. She has been at the shelter since August. She would like to go spend the holidays with her new family. Bring this article with you to Pinellas County Animal Services and Flo can be yours for $40. Remember, every one of the pets offered for adoption at Animal Services are spayed or neutered and have all of their required shots. Visit Flo and the other dogs and cats up for adoption at 12450 Ulmerton Road in Largo, or see them online at www.pinellascounty.org/ animalservices/petfind.htm. To learn more about Animal Services, stop by the shelter, call (727) 582-2600 or visit www.pinellascounty.org/animalservices. P-10
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