AN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE MAGAZINE FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS happy, healthy, ready for school! Indoors Outdoors On the Go Brought to you by PNC Grow Up Great in partnership with Sesame Workshop. Helping children get ready for school and life. Early education leads to success, now and in the future. That’s why PNC created Grow Up Great®— a program designed to help prepare young children for school and life. To see how PNC is helping young children achieve today and preparing them for the future, log on to GUG-2519 ©2010 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Math Is Everywhere! Wonderful learning moments can happen anytime, anywhere — and they’re already happening. You are developing your child’s math skills every time you help him find two socks that match or measure his height. Making math a part of your daily routines right from the start helps your child understand that math is fun — and important. Math is all around us, and we use it every day. Early exploration of math helps your child develop skills that will help her succeed in school and beyond. Sesame Street is excited to join you in discovering math everywhere you go: INDOORS: Check out the nooks and crannies of your home. Math awaits! OUTDOORS: Explore math in the park, at the beach, even on the sidewalk. ON THE GO: Add math to a routine errand and make the time fly! As you and your child try the activities in this guide, your child will realize that math isn’t just about numbers, but also about shapes, spaces, sizes, asking questions — and about having a positive attitude that can help her tackle any problem. Math Talk! + “Math talk” helps children define the world around them by giving them the tools to describe relationships and ask (or answer!) questions. Throughout this guide you’ll see bold math words that you can use with your child. You’ll be surprised to learn how many of these words you already use! + Also, turn to the back of this guide for some examples of math words you can explore with your child. SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH 1 Indoors Math awaits you in the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. By showing your child that the places most familiar to her are full of opportunities to discover math, you empower her to find math everywhere! IN THE LIVING ROOM Spatial spies: Play “I Spy” using math words like under, over, next to, and behind. Clue each other in to what you spy by describing where an object is. You might say, “I spy something under the glass,” or “I spy something next to the sofa.” Now ask your child to describe where other things are, using the words under, over, next to, and behind. Go on a shape hunt: Call out a shape and ask your child to find things in the room with that shape. What is the shape of a magazine? A wall clock? As you search, explain that a rectangle has four sides and four angles and that a circle has no angles; it has curves. As you find shapes together, look for sides, angles, and curves. 2 SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH Five math challenges for cleanup time: 1 Count! How many things can your child pick up at the same time? 2 Look a-round! Pick up five round things. 3 Stack! Try stacking three small things on top of one big thing. 4 Sort! Place toys into boxes or shelves based on size, such as big, bigger, biggest. 5 Predict! Say, “I wonder if this toy can fit in this box? Do you think it will? Let’s find out!” INDOORS Game On! Did you know that everyday games are full of math learning? CARD GAMES ca n encourage your child to matc h and group ite ms. Challenge her to find all the cards of the sam e suit in a deck of cards. Then as k, “How else coul d we group them?” Try grouping by number, color, or other ways! d to ur chil , age yo t the curves r u o c t ou ES en L in Z o . Z P s . U P ce es the pie straight e shap observ d angles on oa t t x e n a fit n fit lines, e can might rotate a curv “What to , k d s il See if A our ch angle. rage y hem work. u line or o c n ke t d?” E to ma instea pieces ip fl and Use G child AME-BO ARD l a pa earn to DIC ir of a E to dice dd. Afte h die, , r she elp you then coun r coun rolls Ask, t the t “ d all to How ma the dots ots on o n n g o dice ether?” y dots d n the ot e . Ho w m Take aw id you ro her. any a dots y one o ll f are l eft? the MATH ONLINE, ANYTIME! The computer is a great tool for discovering math. Press the number keys on the keyboard, or count how many times your child can type the first letter of his name. Online, visit and search for the names of these great math games: • Magical Numbers • Checkout Cookie • Big Bird’s Shapes • Egg-Counting Elmo • Big Bird’s Numbers SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH 3 INDOORS Three quick mealtime math moments: 1 Fold! Make shapes with your napkins. How many shapes can you make? Count the sides and angles of each shape. 2 Compare! Look at two drinking glasses of the same size. Which glass has less liquid? Which has more? During a meal, how does the amount change? 3 4 Count! Common kitchen items can help your child learn to count! Encourage her to count spoons, forks, or plates. SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH IN THE KITCHEN Explore parts of a whole: As you share a sandwich, say, “I’m cutting the sandwich in half so that each of us gets one piece.” Hold the two pieces together to remind your child that they make up one whole sandwich. Now cut the sandwich halves in half again. Ask, “How many pieces did I make?” Count to discover an amount: At snack time, give everyone some food, such as a few pretzels or crackers. Ask your child to count the items in his pile. Did everyone get an equal, or the same, amount? If not, ask your child how many pieces you need to subtract from each pile to make them all the same. Discover 3-D shapes from the cupboard: Give your child an empty, closed coffee or oatmeal container to help her discover the shape of a cylinder. Count the two bases (the top and bottom surfaces). Point out the circles on the bases. Explore all the ways to use a cylinder! Does it roll? How could your child use the cylinder’s top or bottom? INDOORS IN THE BEDROOM Adding and subtracting with stories: As your child winds down at bedtime, use fun math stories like these to help him learn to add and subtract. Addition Story One happy friend sings a song. (Hold up one finger) Then another comes to sing along. (Add another finger) La, la, la, ding, ding, dong! How many friends are singing a song? TWO! Two happy friends sing a song. (Hold up two fingers) Then another comes to sing along! (Add another finger) La, la, la, ding, ding, dong! How many friends are singing the song? THREE! Continue adding fingers; see how high you can go! Subtraction Story Three little babies are dancing in the bed. (Hold up three fingers) One lies down to rest his head. (Put down one finger) Now how many babies are dancing in the bed? TWO! Repeat the verse and actions using 2, 1, and "none." End with shapes: At bedtime, look at your child’s picture books to find familiar shapes. Rotate the book and point out that the shapes stay the same — no matter which way the book faces! Count down till bedtime: Make lights-out count! Before you turn off the lights, hold up ten fingers. Then count down together, starting with the number ten: “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. [Turn lights off.] Sweet dreams!” Then say the final verse: No little babies are dancing in the bed. All the little babies went night-night instead! SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH 5 Outdoors You can find math at the park, playground, or beach, waiting to be discovered in ordinary objects. When you and your child talk about math discoveries, you help her know she can do math! AT THE PARK AND PLAYGROUND Five is always five: Give your child five rocks. Ask: “How many different ways can you hold these rocks in your hands?” Help her get started by observing, “You could put two rocks in one hand and three in the other. Or you could put all five rocks in one hand.” You can repeat this activity with other objects, too — fallen pinecones, acorns, leaves — and with other numbers. 6 SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH Use chalk to make patterns: Draw a pattern on the sidewalk, such as circle, circle, square; circle, circle, square. Encourage your child to notice that a pattern is a series of pictures or things that repeat in the same way over and over again. Then hand the chalk to him and ask him to continue your pattern. Ask, “What comes next?” Take turns making patterns for each other. Monkey around (and over, under, and through!): On a jungle gym, encourage your child to say where he is: “I am under the monkey bars. I’m on the highest platform.” Your child could also move over, around, and through different parts of the playground. Count anywhere: Pebbles in a garden, petals on a flower, or cracks in a sidewalk all provide wonderful chances to count! OUTDOORS EXPLORE WITH SAND OR WATER Write numbers: Practice writing numbers in the sand or dirt. Use a stick to make three lines and then ask your child to write the number that will tell how many lines you drew. Then do the reverse: Draw a number and ask your child to make that many lines. Explore new shapes: In the sand, explore some more-complicated shapes. You might try drawing an octagon (like a stop sign), or a rhombus (like a diamond). And don’t stop there; introduce your child to other shapes, too! Then, talk about each shape. Count the sides, count the angles, and compare them all. Measure as you play: Ask your child to predict which of three different-size cups will hold the most water and which will hold the least. As she uses a spoon to fill the cups, count how many spoonfuls it takes to fill each one. Were her predictions correct? If so, ask, “How did you know?” If not, arrange the cups in size order from largest to smallest. How does each cup differ from the next one? SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH 7 On the Go Adding a little math to a trip to the grocery store or the gas station doesn’t have to take extra time. As a matter of fact, it can help engage your child and make the time fly! AT THE STORE Make a numbered shopping list: Create a shopping list with numerals. For example, you might write, “4 apples, 2 containers of yogurt, 12 eggs.” As you shop for these items, count aloud. Group items as you go: As you pass different displays, talk about how the items are organized. Point out the way things are grouped. Talk about how you might group things by color, size, or weight. Which items would go together? Use math to involve your child: Ask your child to pick out two items while you pick out three. Put all the items into one bag. Then say, for example, “I put in three and you put in two. How many did we gather all together?” Then count to find out. Predict: Before you weigh your fruits and veggies at the market, ask your child to predict which item will be the heaviest. Will a watermelon weigh more than a lemon? Why or why not? Then place your items on the scale. What number does the arrow point to? Explain that this is the item’s weight. Test more predictions! Try using items that are close in size, such as an orange and an apple. 8 SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH ON THE GO tore l to the S e v a r T u o While Y ings. gest build and big mber e smallest th r fo k as the nu o o 1 L ings such th g . n e ti se n u t you o try co eople tha ou can als cans, or p sh 2 Y a tr s, e h of benc houses? mbers on u spot nu o y n a C 3 shapes t out the gs that 4 Poin ferent thin of the dif ht point . You mig you pass ilar si tire is m out that a at shape h “W , sk .A to a circle ape sh t of? Wha is that ro ?” dow is that win While Waiti n g in t Look he Ch in you rc eckou your c hild k art and all t Line nows aroun certai . d Call o nn ut a n for numbe it on a umber of umbe r finger packa r or h s that s and ge, a old up 2 Tr a m s k a g y y tapp a azine o , or an ur child to You m ing or clap find aisle ping ight t s i gn. a num ap and th be en cla once and then c r pattern. p twic the pa lap tw e. Ask ttern. ice, ta T y for yo p u to e hen encou our child t o con once rage h xtend tinue . er to m ake u p a pa ttern 1 Keep Exploring! Don’t stop here – math is everywhere! No matter where you are, no matter what you do, math will always follow you. Making math moments a part of every day helps strengthen your child’s understanding of the world around her. With curiosity and a positive attitude, discovering math is not only fun, but sets your child on a path to becoming a lifelong problem solver, thinker, and innovator. Numbers, shapes, patterns too – Math is right in front of you. Add, subtract, look up and down; math is truly all around! SESAME STREET MATH IS EVERYWHERE Vice President, Outreach and Educational Practices: Jeanette Betancourt, Ed.D. Editor in Chief: Rebecca Herman Editorial Coordinator: Beth Sharkey Writers: Rebecca Honig (parent/caregiver guide), Leslie Kimmelman (story), Istar Schwager, Ph.D. (educator guide) Editorial Contributors: Jane Park (educator guide), Rebecca Webster (story) Line/Copy Editor: Jeanette Leardi Proofreader: Diane Feldman Design Contributors: Colleen Pidel, Laurie Murphy Graphic Design Intern: Kaitlyn Jeffers Editorial Intern: Jorge Martínez-Garza Vice President, Marketing and Brand Strategy: Suzanne Duncan Vice President, Creative Services: Theresa Fitzgerald Director, Marketing and Creative Services: Giao Roever Designers: Aya Kotake/Design+Direction, Kristin Richards Lauricella/Lauricella Design Spanish Typesetting: Karla Henrick Director, Outreach and Content Design: María del Rocío Galarza Project Director: Cynthia Barron Educational Consultant: Jane Park Senior Curriculum Specialist: Pooja Makhijani Director, Domestic Research: David Cohen Assistant Project Manager: Chrissy App Project Assistant: Jessica Hammerman Spanish Language Editor: Helen Cuesta Spanish Translation: Carole Cummings Spanish Proofreading: Ninoska Marcano SPECIAL THANKS The entire Math Is Everywhere team CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS Vice President: Anita Stewart Assistant Vice President: Stephanie Patrucco Director: Mai Nguyen Assistant Manager: Weezie Peneguy SESAME WORKSHOP President and Chief Executive Officer: Gary E. Knell Chief Operating Officer: H. Melvin Ming Executive Vice President, Creative: Miranda Barry Executive Vice President, Education, Research, and Outreach: Lewis Bernstein, Ph.D. Vice President and Deputy General Counsel: David K. Chan Executive Vice President, Distribution: Terry Fitzpatrick Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of the Board: Myung Kang-Huneke Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer: Susan Kolar Vice President, Finance, and Corporate Controller: Daryl Mintz Executive Vice President, Chief Development Officer: Caralynn Sandorf Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer: Sherrie Westin ADVISORS Sue Bredekamp, Ph.D. Nancy C. Jordan, Ph.D. Julie Sarama, Ph.D. Joon Sun Lee, Ph.D. Linda Walton Barabara A. Wasik, Ph.D. “Sesame Street®,” “Sesame Workshop®,” “Happy, Healthy, Ready for School®,” and associated characters, trademarks, and design elements are owned by Sesame Workshop. © 2010 Sesame Workshop. All Rights Reserved. SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 One Fine Line: Number lines like this one can help your child learn to count! Your child can place a finger at any point on the line and move it from one number to another. How many places does she move between numbers? Math Talk These pictures illustrate the meaning of some of the math words you can explore any time. Talk about numbers Talk about directions Adding: To add is to put one or more things with a group of things and then count how many there are all together. Subtracting: To subtract is to take one or more things away from a group of things and then count how many are left. 2 + 1 = 3 3 - 1 = 2 Talk about shapes Octagon! An octagon has eight sides and eight angles. 8 Directions: Great math words 1 2 7 3 Cylinder! A cylinder has one curved surface and two circular bases. for talking about where things are in relationship to other things: under, over, around, through, behind, next to. 6 8 sides 5 4 For more math words, visit 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 One Fine Line: Number lines like this one can help your child learn to count! Your child can place a finger at any point on the line and move it from one number to another. How many places does she move between numbers? Una línea fina: Líneas enumeradas como esta puede enseñar a sus niños ¡a contar! Sus niños pueden poner uno de sus dedos sobre la línea y moverlo de un número a otro. ¿Cuántos lugares se mueven entre números? Talk about numbers Hablemos de números Adding: To add is to put one or more things with a group of things and then count how many there are all together. Sumar: Sumar es agregar una o más cosas a un grupo y luego contar cuántos hay en total. 2 + 1 = 3 Subtracting: To subtract is to take one or more things away from a group of things and then count how many are left. Restar: Restar es quitar una o más cosas de un grupo de cosas y luego contar cuántos quedan. 3 - 1 = 2 large grande small pequeño full lleno half mitad empty vacío Directions Direcciones Measurements Medidas Comparisons Comparaciones Great math words for talking about where things are in relationship to other things: under, over, around, through, behind, next to. Great math words for measuring things: full, empty, more, less, a lot, a little, whole, half, equal, many, few. Great math words to use as you compare, group, and sort: large, small, light, heavy. Excelentes palabras matemáticas para conversar sobre la relación de las cosas: Debajo, sobre, alrededor, a través, detrás, al lado de. Excelentes palabras matemáticas para medir cosas: Lleno, vacío, más, menos, mayor, menor, completo, mitad, igual, mucho, poco. Excelentes palabras matemáticas para usarlas al comparar, agrupar y separar: Grande, pequeño, liviano, pesado. SESAMESTREET.ORG/MATH
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