EPSO 05 - 16/10/2014 European Personnel Selection Office - Indicative Planning of Competitions/Call for expressions of interest Warning! This information is purely indicative. EPSO reserves the right to change the information shown at any time, and regularly publishes updates at least once per month. Candidates formally receive the final dates and invitations for each stage of the competition, in personal communications sent to them through their EPSO Account. Competitions / Call for expressions of interest Field Grade EUR / Languages Registration / Closing Admission tests Booking period Admission tests Case study/ Preliminary test/ Intermediate test Assessment Center/ oral test Reserve list Competitions - 2014 AST CYCLE EPSO/AST-SC/01/14 Secretaries SC1/SC2 DE/EN/ FR/HR 13/02-21/03/2014 03-04/2014 04-05/2014 08/10-10/12/2014 02/2015 Competency test: 09-10/2014 Results of the competency test: 11/2014 CAST Selections EPSO/CAST/S/8/2014 CAST DRIVERS Function Group I EUR28 20/02-25/03/2014 EPSO/CAST/S/.../2014 CAST Chef d'immeuble (translation to follow) Function Group I/II EUR28 01/2015 Sifting of CVs: 05-06/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. Temporary Agents Selections 1. SRB/TA/AD6/01/14: Bank recovery and resolution expert DG Markt - Single Resolution Board - Administrators in the 2. SRB/TA/AD8/02/14 Senior Bank recovery and resolution field of Bank resolution and expert recovery 3. SRB/TA/AD8/03/14 Senior legal expert in Bank resolution AD6 EUR28 AD8 EUR28 AD8 EUR28 15/10-6/11/14 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. Specialists Competitions EPSO/AST/130/14 Assistants in the Building Sector 1. Air conditioning 2. Electromechanical and electrical engineering 3. Architecture and interior design 4. Project Management 5. Health and Safety / Hygiene 6. Security AST3 EUR28 27/02-1/04/2014 n/a n/a 5/09/2014 10/09-20/11/2014 01/2015 EPSO/AD/278/14 Administrators (OLAF) 1. Digital Forensics 2. Operational Analysis AD7 EUR28 27/03-6/05/2014 n/a n/a 2/09/2014 10/09-24/10/2014 12/2014 EPSO/AST/131/14 Nuclear Inspection AST3 EUR28 3/04-6/05/2014 n/a n/a 11/07/2014 29/09-23/10/2014 12/2014 EPSO/AST/132/14 1. Digital monitoring officers and open source intelligence specialists 2. Prevention and surveillance coordinators AST3 EUR28 10/04-13/05/2014 n/a n/a 5/09/2014 27/10-18/12/2014 02/2015 30/09-14/10/2014 20-31/10/2014 n/a n/a 1.Information systems EPSO/AST/133/14 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) 2.Information systems security The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. Not before 02/2015 From 11/2014 3. Networks and telecommunications AST3 EUR28 n/a n/a 30/09-14/10/2014 20-31/10/2014 n/a n/a 12/06-15/07/2014 4. Office IT infrastructure and data centre 5. Web EPSO/AST-SC/02/14 Not before 02/2015 Internal Security Guards Not before 03/2015 From 11/2014 SC1 EUR28 25/09-28/10/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. AD7 EUR28 23/10-25/11/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. 1. Competition Law 2. Corporate Finance EPSO/AD/293/14 3. Financial Economics 4. Industrial Economics 5. Macroeconomics EPSO/AD/294/14 Administrators in the field of Data Protection AD6 EUR28 6/11-9/12/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. EPSO/AST/134/14 Assistants in the field of Parliamentary works AST3 EUR28 4/12/14-13/01/15 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. AD CYCLE EPSO/AD/276/14 Administrators AD5 EUR28 13/03-15/04/2014 04-05/2014 05-06/2014 11/2014 From 11/2014 EPSO/AD/277/14 Audit AD5 EUR28 20/03-23/04/2014 04-05/2014 05-06/2014 Not before 1/2015 11-12/2014 n/a 11/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014. Lawyer linguists Competitions EPSO/AD/279/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 DA EPSO/AD/280/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 SK EPSO/AD/281/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 FI EPSO/AD/282/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 SL EPSO/AD/283/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Court of Justice’ channel AD7 SV EPSO/AD/288/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 FI EPSO/AD/289/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 FR EPSO/AD/290/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 PT EPSO/AD/291/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 RO EPSO/AD/292/14 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 SK 15/05-1/07/2014 16/10-18/11/2014 n/a The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014 03/2015 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014 8-23/09/2014 12/2014 The detailed indicative forward planning will be published in the course of the 2nd semester 2014 n/a LINGUISTS CYCLE EPSO/AD/284/14 Translators DE EPSO/AD/285/14 Translators EL EPSO/AD/286/14 Translators ES EPSO/AD/287/14 Translators SV AD5 3/07-5/08/2014 20/08-2/09/2014 Competitions - 2013 Lawyer linguists Competitions EPSO/AD/271/13 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 DA 07/11 - 10/12/2013 n/a n/a 04/2014 10/2014 11/2014 EPSO/AD/272/13 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 DE 07/11 - 10/12/2013 n/a n/a 04/2014 09/2014 12/2014 EPSO/AD/273/13 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 EN 07/11 - 10/12/2013 n/a n/a 04/2014 09-10/2014 11/2014 EPSO/AD/274/13 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 GA 07/11 - 10/12/2013 n/a n/a 04/2014 10/2014 11/2014 EPSO/AD/275/13 Lawyer linguists - ‘Parliament/Council’ channel AD7 NL 07/11 - 10/12/2013 n/a n/a 04/2014 11/2014 12/2014 02-03/2014 03/2014 03/09/2014 15/09-03/11/2014 12/2014 AST CYCLE 1. ACCOUNTANCY / FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT EPSO/AST/129/13 2. ECONOMICS / FINANCES AST3 EUR28 5/12/2013-14/01/2014 3. LEGAL MATTERS EUR27 = open to citizens of the 27 Member States; EUR28 = open to citizens of the 27 Member States + Croatia (1/7/2013); AC7RFP = open to citizens of the following States: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.
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