NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 60 PITTSBURG, KS 66762 MIDWEST REGION HEALTH PROFESSIONS CONFERENCE Meeting Today’s Health Care Needs Meeting Today’s Health Care Needs OVERVIEW CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT LEARNING OBJECTIVES Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. Meeting the needs of the health care consumer in today’s society can require the expertise of several partners. Intraprofessional teams function together to achieve the highest level of care for their patients. This conference will focus on different challenges that may face that team. At the conclusion of this conference, participants should be able to: • Discuss critical issues facing the US health care system • Discuss why population health should be integrated into all health care settings • Discuss evidence-based practice for heart failure to improve early intervention and enhanced treatment effectiveness for older adults in extended care and home care settings • Identify common and uncommon issues related to lipid medications • Analyze the IOM Report and it’s implications for the future of nursing • Relate common issues that face older adults nearing the end of life • Provide support for both the patient and family in preparing for death • State the most common symptoms associated with anxiety disorders and relate treatment for those patients experiencing anxiety disorders • Discuss the benefits and risks of various oral agents and insulins and their most effective administration for management of diabetes • Discuss strategies to provide care for the injured or ill child with autism • Work together as an intraprofessional team with colleagues CONFERENCE INFORMATION Location: McPherson Hall Pittsburg State University Pittsburg, KS October 29-30, 2014 Meeting Today’s Health Care Needs Midwest Region Health Professions Conference University of Kansas AHEC 1501 S. Joplin Shirk Hall, 4th Floor Pittsburg, KS 66762 Wednesday & Thursday October 29-30, 2014 MIDWEST REGION HEALTH PROFESSIONS CONFERENCE Co-Sponsored by: Pittsburg State University, Irene Ransom Bradley School of Nursing, Pittsburg, Kan. and The University of Kansas Medical Center Area Health Education Center, Pittsburg, Kan. APRN: The University of Kansas Medical Center Area Health Education Center East, as an approved provider of continuing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing, presents this offering for a maximum of 15 contact hours credit applicable for relicensure of APRNs. Kansas Provider Number LT0056-0749. Nurses: The University of Kansas Medical Center Area Health Education Center East, as an approved provider of continuing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing, presents this offering for a maximum of 15 contact hours credit applicable for relicensure of RNs and LPNs. Kansas Provider Number LT0056-0749 Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. ACHA - Res. Care: The University of Kansas Area Health Education Center East, as an approved Long Term Sponsor of continuing education activities for Adult Care Home Administrators by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, presents this offering for a maximum of 6 contact hours Resident Care credit for relicensure. Kansas Sponsorship Number LTS-A0008. Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. ACHA - Admin.: The University of Kansas Area Health Education Center East, as an approved Long Term Sponsor of continuing education activities for Adult Care Home Administrators by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, presents this offering for a maximum of 9 contact hours Administrative credit for relicensure. Kansas Sponsorship Number LTS-A0008. The conference will be held at the McPherson Hall at Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas, on October 29-30, 2014. A map of the University will be sent with your registration confirmation. Room temperature will vary so you may need to bring a jacket or sweater. Out of consideration for others, please turn off your cellular phones and beepers during the presentations. Thank you! Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. PARKING Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. Parking is being provided in the lot east of the McPherson Hall between McPherson and Weede buildings or against the north fence. Please do NOT park in the west lot toward the stadium or in the “V” shaped lot immediately adjacent to McPherson Hall. Parking in the east lot will ensure you of space and other parking may be ticketed. MESSAGE CENTER During the Midwest Region Health Professions Conference, participants may be contacted by calling (620) 235-4431. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call KUMC AHEC Statewide Office at (620) 235-4040. EMS: The University of Kansas Medical Center Area Health Education Center East, as an approved program provider by the Kansas Board of EMS, approves this program for a maximum of 15 hours of continuing education. Provider #PP 4040 Social Work: The University of Kansas Medical Center Area Health Education Center East, as an approved provider of continuing education by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board presents this offering for a maximum of 15 hours credit applicable for relicensure of LASWSs, LBSWs, LMSWs and LSCSWs. Kansas Provider Number 12-002 Continuing education will be prorated according to documented attendance. Respiratory Therapy: The University of Kansas Hospitals CEU Evaluator, has approved this program for a maximum of 13 hours of Respiratory Continuing Education on behalf of the Kansas Respiratory Care Society, a chapter society of the AARC. Providership #KRCS 007. Continuing education credit will be prorated according to documented attendance. city state zip SW • street Professional License # city state Email Address October 29-30, 2014 Cert. of Attendance Home Address Cell Phone RT Midwest Region Health Professions Conference Home Phone Name Please check () preferred address: street Work Address EMS Place of EmploymentCounty Work Phone ACHA zip The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access,, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785)864-6414, 711 TTY. Method of Payment: NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Check enclosed made payable to: KU Medical Center AHEC 1501 S. Joplin Shirk Hall, 4th Floor Pittsburg, KS 66762 Charge my credit card: Master Card VISA Discover We accommodate persons with disabilities. Please call KUMC AHEC at (620) 235-4040 or mark the box at the bottom of the registration form and a representative will contact you to discuss your accommodation needs. Card # PROGRAM ACCESSIBILITY Name on Card A registrant may cancel by 4:30 p.m. on October 20, 2014, to receive a refund, minus a $15 administrative fee. After that time, no refunds will be made. The registration fee will not be transferred to future offerings. Refunds are made by mail. The sponsors reserve the right to cancel this program and return all fees in the event of insufficient registration. The liability of the sponsors is limited to the registration fee. The sponsors will not be responsible for any losses incurred by registrants, including but not limited to airline cancellation charges or hotel deposits. LPN CANCELLATION RN Fax: (620) 235-4041 3-didgit security code Gina Johnson MSN, RN, Clinical Instructor Faculty University of Kansas School of Nursing, Kansas City, Kan. Renee Walters, MSN, CCRN, Nurse Manager Electrophysiology Lab, University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City, Kan. Mary Ryan, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, Private Practice, Kansas City Family Medical Care, Kansas City, Mo. Heather Nelson Brantley BSN, RN, Clinical Instructor, Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar, University of Kansas School of Nursing, Kansas City, Kan. Frances Seidl, MSN, RN, Gerontology Nurse Consultant, Wichita, Kan. Susan Krigel, Ph.D., Breast Cancer Prevention Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kan. Patricia Sullivan APRN, NP-C, Private Practice, Pittsburg, Kan. Joshua Brueggemann, M.D., Family Medicine, Emergency Department Staff Physician,Via Christi Hospital, Pittsburg, Kan. Phone: (620) 235-4040 Exp. Date PROGRAM SPEAKERS Mail: Complete the registration form to the right. Mail with payment to: KU Medical Center AHEC 1501 S. Joplin Shirk Hall, 4th Floor Pittsburg, KS 66762 PO# * 30 minute break will be given at speaker’s discretion Online: Visit or scan the code to the right using your mobile device. PAYMENT INFORMATION: **15 minute break will be given at speaker’s discretion HOW TO REGISTER Deadline to register is October 20, 2014. Registrations after October 20, 2014 will be accepted at the door only if space is available. I will be attending: BOTH Oct. 29 & 30, 2014 - $125 on or before Oct. 20, 2014, and $135 thereafter. Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014 ONLY - $75 on or before Oct. 20, 2014, and $85 thereafter. Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014 ONLY - $75 on or before Oct. 20, 2014, and $85 thereafter. 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 - 9:15 a.m. Concurrent Sessions: 1C - Anxiety Disorders Susan Krigel, Ph.D. 2C - Diabetes Update Patricia Sullivan APRN,NP-C 3C - Caring for the Autistic Child Staff from the Center for Child Health and Development, KU Medical Center 9:15 - 9:45 a.m. Break 9:45 - 11:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions Repeated: 1D - Anxiety Disorders Susan Krigel, Ph.D. 2D - Diabetes Update Patricia Sullivan APRN,NP-C 3D - Caring for the Autistic Child Staff from the Center for Child Health and Development, KU Medical Center 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Box Lunch Provided **11:45 - 3:30 p.m. Interprofessionalism: Working Together to Meet Patient and Family Needs Joshua Brueggemann, M.D. PLEASE NOTE: Enrollment is limited to the first 120 registrations received. Your seat at the conference is reserved when registration and payment are received. To guarantee your seat at the conference, registration and payment must be received on or before October 20, 2014. Confirmation of your registration will be mailed upon receipt of registration form and payment. (please attach) 7:00 - 7:50 a.m. Registration 7:50 - 8:00 a.m. Welcome and Announcements *8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Population Health Care Gina Johnson MSN, RN 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Box Lunch Provided 11:45 - 1:15 p.m. Evidence Based Practice for the Heart Failure Patient Renee Walters, MSN, CCRN 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions: 1A - Medication Update on Lipids Mary Ryan MSN, APRN, FNP-C 2A - Future of Nursing - IOM Report Update Heather Nelson Brantley BSN, RN 3A - Geriatric - End of Life Issues Frances Seidl, MSN, RN 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Break 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions: 1B - Medication Update on Lipids Mary Ryan MSN, ARNP, FNP-C 2B - Future of Nursing - IOM Report Update Heather Nelson Brantley BSN, RN 3B - Geriatric - End of Life Issues Frances Seidl, MSN, RN Thursday, October 30, 2014 APRN Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Concurrent Sessions The workshop will begin promptly at 7:50 a.m. Pre-registered individuals will need to sign-in at registration no later than 8:30 a.m. on October 29 or your seat will be made available to walk-in participants. OFFICE USE ONLY PROGRAM AGENDA The fee is $125 (box lunch provided) for both days or $75 (box lunch provided) for one day if payment and registration form are postmarked by October 20, 2014. Space is limited to the first 120 participants. At door registration only if space is available. Fee is $135 for both days or $85 for one day for at door registration, if accepted, or if postmarked after October 20, 2014. Materials are not guaranteed for at door registrants. Preregistration is your only guarantee of space, lunch and handouts. Payment must be received for pre-registration to be processed. Confirmation of your registration will be mailed upon receipt of registration form and payment. Concurrent sessions are subject to change and will be on a first come basis to room capacity. Meeting Today’s Health Care Needs REGISTRATION If you will need special accommodations or have dietary restrictions, please mark the box to the left and you will be contacted personally by a member of the continuing education staff. MIDWEST REGION HEALTH PROFESSIONS CONFERENCE
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