AFS Inc. Finnews Fall 2013 here

Puheenjohtajan Palsta
Sain Tuula Beckeriltä meilin, jossa hän pyysi
kirjoittamaan viimeisen puheenjohtajan palstan.
Reippa-Leenana lupasin hoitaa jutun nopeasti.
Vuosikokouksen pöytäkirjan tarkistaminen oli vielä
helppo nakki, mutta istua nyt alas ja kirjoittaa
viimeiset ajatuksensa kokonaisesta vuodesta?
Enpä taida osata muuta sanoa, kuin että vuosi 201213 hurahti nopeasti. Jään haikein, mutta samalla
helpottunein mielin pois puheenjohtajan tehtävästä
ja luovutan valtikan eteenpäin Tuula Beckerille.
Tuula on ollut mukana AFS:n tehtävissä pitkään, ja
hänen tieto-taito-osaaminen on ihan omaa
luokkaansa. Uskon vahvasti, että tästä vuodesta
tulee menestyksekäs jo vuosikokouksen
puheensorinan perusteella. Mitä mahtavia
ehdotuksia lentelikään puolin ja toisin, ja
hallituksen ikähaarukka senkun laajeni entisestään.
Mikä rikkaus on aloittaa vuosi näin!
Toivotan sydämeni pohjasta uudelle hallitukselle
onnea uusiin haasteisiin, ja toivon, että ihmiset
arvostavat tätä vapaaehtoistyötä osallistumalla
ahkerasti järjestön tapahtumiin ja menoihin.
Leena Ringvall
President of Atlanta Finland Society 2012-13
Atlanta Finland Society Annual Meeting
Place: The Field Club at Riverfield, Atlanta, GA
Date: October 13, 2013 starting at 3:00 pm.
Margareta Martin
Katriina Naukkarinen
Arja Hänninen
Tuula Becker
Valtteri Tamminen
Matti Kivijärvi
Paula Kivijärvi
Linda Pouttu
Anne Hämäläinen
Leena Ringvall
President Leena Ringvall opened the
meeting. Katriina Naukkarinen was chosen to serve
as a secretary for this meeting.
Auditor Arja Hänninen went through the
balance sheet from the past fiscal year which shows
negative Net income of $2,067.60. For the future
events and liabilities AFS has a balance of $5,500.
During the year 2012-13 AFS had 47 paid
members. Arja Hanninen suggested not letting the
balance drop under $5,000 during this current year
AFS is suspending the Finnish School until
further notice due to lack of school aged children.
Leena Ringvall suggested making a note of this to
our web page. If the school is to open again in the
future, she suggested adding a small fee for school
Tuula Becker
Fall 2012
Board of Trustees was released from its
Newsletter of the Atlanta Finland Society, Inc.
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New Board of Trustees was elected as follows:
President, Tuula Becker
Vice President, Anne Hämäläinen
Secretary, Valtteri Tamminen
Treasurer, Jaana Leskinen
Chair Person, Ilkka Kauppinen
Auditors, Arja Hänninen and George Lane
During discussion of the future events it was
decided to host a Christmas party. Reservation for
the venue has already been confirmed. Committee
for this event will be named in the near future and
will be organized by Anne Hämäläinen.
Finnish Labor Day (Vappu) Party was
suggested to take place early May of 2014, person
in charge Arja Hänninen with Katriina Naukkarinen
Under discussion was also organizing Ego
Design Forum in co-operation with other Atlanta
based Scandinavian Organizations.
For future consideration was suggested to
host a Meet and Greet event to celebrate Margareta
Martin's book of Atlanta Finns' history and to give
members a chance to get to know the new board
members and other new society members.
Other possible event idea was a movie night.
Leena Ringvall concluded the meeting
at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Finlandia Foundation National (FFN)
Organizational Update and Membership
I would like to update you of few changes in our
Pasadena office and who is responsible for what.
Christina Lin, who worked for us for almost 10
years (she started in the spring of 2004), decided to
leave us and moved recently to the East Coast
where she is from. She did a great job and we will
miss her. She had grown into the job.
After a careful search, we have chosen Maria
Kizirian as the Assistant to the Board of Trustees,
responsible for the Pasadena office. You may know
Maria as the FFN Performer of the Year in 2012,
but she is a multitalented person and has the
qualities and experience we need for this job. She is
Finnish born which is useful for those who want to
communicate in Finnish with the office.
Maria and we all look forward in working with you.
We have a great task in supporting and
strengthening our Finnish and Finnish-American
With best regards,
Ossi Rahkonen
FFN President
Finlandia Foundation® National
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 92298
Pasadena, CA 91109-2298
Phone: (626) 795-2081 • Fax: (626) 795-6533
web site:
Katriina Naukkarinen
Fall 2012
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Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Concert in October 12, 2013
Finnish Conductor Susanna Mälkki was performing in a concert. Meet and Greet Susanna reception followed
afterwards. Group of 12 Finnish-Americans attended the concert and had a good time at the reception.
Marja-Liisa Rajala, Tiina Huoso, Aila Wartell, Susanna Malkki, Anne Hamalainen, Tuula Becker, Margareta Martin
Ms Huoso visiting from Jyvaskyla, Sirpa Huoso, Susanna Malkki, Arja Hanninen, Sherry Quayle
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Nyyttikesti Lounas
vietettiin Tiistaina Lokakuun 15
päivä Liisa Tervon kauniissa
kodissa. Naisia oli mukana
ennatysmäärä (23) ja lounaspoytä
täyttyi suomalaisista
kotitekoisista herkuista. Kiitos
kaikille taitaville kokeille!
Atlantaan muuttaneet uudet
naiset saivat mainion tilaisuuden
tutustua entisiin Atlantan
suomalaisiin ja luoda uusia
ystävyys suhteita. Seuraava
naisten lounas on Marraskuun 19
päivä Anne Kohtalan kotona.
Kuvassa vasemmalla lounaskutsujen emäntä Liisa Tervo ja Anne Hirvonen ihailemassa jälkiruokia.
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Ja meilla kaikilla oli niin mukavaa ♫ herkullista ruokaa ja iloista seuraa!
Fall 2012
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Scandinavian American Foundation of Georgia attended
the Festival in a rainy day. Thanks to Margareta Martin,
Erik Kind and Dennis Carlson for organizing the SAFG
booth with information about the different Scandinavian
Anne Hamalainen and Leena Ringvall stopped by at the festival to represent Finland. Margareta Martin at the booth.
Erik Kind was representing Norway and
demonstrating Viking tools and telling about
the Viking history.
Michael Gustafson (Secretary of the SAFG) making
friends with Morten Christensen from Danish
American Chamber of Commerce (DACC Georgia) and a
Danish Intern who works for DACC Georgia.
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Member News
Congratulations to George Lane and
Barbara Kopanski for their marriage in
October 6, 2013.
Love may fill your hearts forever. We
all are so happy for you both!
Pictured from the left at the reception:
Arja Hanninen, Karla Anderson, Dennis
Carlson, Barbara Kopanski, George Lane
and Margareta Martin
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Tervetuloa Atlantaan!
Antti, Noora ja Alexandra Kurvinen muuttivat Atlantaan vain pari viikkoa sitten. He tapasivat Kohtalan nuorison
pelaamassa kickballia Atlantan puistossa aivan sattumalta. Kuvassa Mareena Kohtala toivottaa uuden perheen
tervetulleeksi Atlantan suomalaiseen yhteisoon.
Tulevia tapahtumia – Upcoming events
Suomalaisnaisten Marraskuun Nyyttikesti Lounas
Tiistaina Marraskuun 19 päivä alkaen kello 11.30 aamupäivällä Anne Kohtalan kotona
Osoite: 285 Camden Creek Ct NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Tervetuloa tutustumaan Atlantassa asuviin suomalaisiin naisiin ja maistelemaan kotitekoisia herkkuja.
Ole hyva ja ilmoita Annelle tulostasi ja sovi mita haluat tuoda lounaspoytään.
Anne Kohtala
tel. home 770-682-1133
Fall 2012
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Joulujuhla - Traditional Christmas Celebration is planned on
Sunday, December 15, 2013 starting at 2:00 pm.
Place: Cross & Crown Lutheran Church
4276 Chamblee Dunwoody Road
Chamblee, GA 30341
Program and Invitation will be sent later on…
Last year’s celebration was a big success and over 100 people attended the service. Event committee is exited to
start planning this year’s celebration and we need many energetic people to help in cooking and baking, setting
up tables and cleaning the place afterwards.
Please contact Anne Hämäläinen to sign up for a
team. Share your Christmas spirit with
volunteering and giving your helping hand.
That’s what Christmas is all about – sharing!
Ole hyvä ja ota yhteys Anneen ja lupaudu
auttamaan joulujuhlan järjestelyissä. Tervetuloa!
Phone: 770-330-1148
Year 2013/2014 AFS, Inc. Board of Directors Contact Information
Past President
Leena Ringvall
Tuula Becker
Vice President
Anne Hämäläinen
Jaana Leskinen
Valtteri Tamminen
Chair Person
Ilkka Kauppinen
George Lane
Arja Hanninen
Librarian / Kirjaston hoitaja: Verna Bush Phone: 404-434-4835
Atlanta Finland Society, Inc.
Mailing Address: PO Box 768231, Roswell, GA 30076, USA
Please remember to visit our website regularly and get the latest news and updates on upcoming events, etc…
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AFS, Inc. Membership Renewal is due for a fiscal year August 2013 - July 2014
Many thanks to all new members who have already sent in the membership form with the payment after July 30, 2013.
It covers the annual dues for fiscal year 2013-2014. AFS Inc. being a non-profit organization you can deduct your
donation from your 2013 tax returns.
Many of you are only on our email list and we have been unable to mail renewal invoices to your current address. Please
fill out the attached Membership Form and update your current contact information to our records. Make your check
payable to Atlanta Finland Society Inc. and mail the membership renewal form with your payment to:
Jaana Leskinen / Treasurer
Mailing Address: 1550 Wynridge Pointe, Alpharetta, GA 30005
As a member you will receive the quarterly published FINNEWS and several emails about upcoming cultural events in
Atlanta area as well as news about Atlanta Finns and also news about Finnish-Americans living in the USA. As an active
AFS member you will also get a member discounts to the FACC, Inc. sponsored events (Finland’s Independence Day
Celebration being one example. Stay connected is a hot topic nowadays!
Important Note!
As a member you will also receive in mail a Finlandia Foundation National (FFN) Newsletter. Their November newsletter
is being finalized and we'd like to have your updated address information for that mailing as soon as possible. We
appreciate your immediate attention. FFN is also sending a complimentary copy of the FFN history book "Black Ties and
Miners' Boots, 2nd edition" to all members.
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Atlanta Finland Society, Inc. (AFS Inc.)
Membership Form 2013-2014
Family Name
First Name
Spouse Family Name
First Name
Street Address
Home Phone
Cell 2
Membership fees
1. AFS Family
2. AFS Student
3. AFS Single
Make check payable to:
Atlanta Finland Society, Inc.
Send payment with membership form to:
AFS c/o Jaana Leskinen,
1550 Wynridge Pointe, Alpharetta, Ga 30005
I allow AFS to share my contact information with other AFS members.
Non-discrimination clause: Atlanta Finland Society, Inc (AFS) is a non-profit organization and admits members of any
race, color, nationality, religion, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded
to or made available to members of the organization. It does not discriminate on the basis of color, religion, national or
ethnic origin in administration of its policies, membership policies, educational programs and other programs, or
activities and events.
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