Covering the Cygnet, Huonville, Grove, Leslie Vale, Franklin, Geeveston & Channel areas 16 October 2014 Phone: 6295 1708 No 1351 Turn on, tune in All free-to-air TV channels will soon be changing frequencies in Geeveston, Wattle Grove, Cradoc and surrounds. These moves are part of the national retune program and will free up broadcasting spectrum for new services such as mobile broadband. For Geeveston, Wattle Grove, Cradoc and surrounds the retune will occur on 22nd October. The retune will affect viewers in Geeveston, Port Huon, Wattle Grove, Glaziers Bay and Cradoc who receive their TV signal from the Doodys Hill tower at Geeveston. The best way for residents to find their retune day is by entering their address into the “Get retune info” box on the website at retune.digitalready. After the channels have changed, viewers will need to retune their digital TV, set-top box or digital TV recorder to find the channels that have moved. Retuning should not be done before 22nd October as channels won’t move until then. Retuning is done using the remote. For most systems press the ‘menu’ button on the remote. Look for settings such as ‘channels’ or ‘autotuning’ and follow the prompts to retune. A video and three-step guide to retuning is available on the website. The retune is scheduled to avoid evenings and weekends. There may be some temporary disruption to all TV services on retune day. Service outages on the days before and after the retune may also be necessary, due to work being conducted at the transmission site. As the retune simply moves free-to-air TV channels to a new location on the broadcast spectrum, it is unlikely to change TV reception or coverage. People living in apartments may be using a shared antenna system. If channels do not reappear after retuning, they should contact their property manager or body corporate. For more information about the retune, scheduled outages, or to sign up for an SMS or email reminder, visit the retune website or call the Digital Ready Information Line on 1800 20 10 13, 8am to 10pm (AEDT), seven days a week. Sophia and Trish Doyle with some of the items that will be for sale at the fundraising Juey Bazaar stall at Dover Hardware as part of the Garage Sale Trail Bargains galore The Huon Valley will be a bargain hunter’s paradise on 25th October, as the number of sales registered as part of this year’s Garage Sale Trail continues to grow. Dover Hardware and Juey Bazaar have joined the trail and will be offering a combined sale at Dover Hardware. A sausage sizzle and pre-loved treasures stall from Juey Bazaar will raise funds for the Cambodian Children’s Trust and Dover Hardware will also have some discounts on offer. The Garage Sale Trail is a national day of ga- rage sales to encourage re-use and to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. It is free to participate in and individuals, businesses and community groups are encouraged to get involved. As part of the Garage Sale Trail, Huon Valley Council will be holding an open day at the Southbridge Waste Transfer Station in Huonville from 10am on 25th October. The day will include a mini market (10am-2pm) continued page 5 Pelverata: make a plan People living in Pelverata and surrounding areas are invited to a community forum about bushfire safety at the Pelverata Memorial Hall on Sunday 26th Octoberat 12pm with a sausage sizzle prepared by the Cradoc fire brigade. Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) chief officer Mike Brown says, “Every year bushfires threaten lives and property in Tasmania. If you live in or near bushland, you, your family, and your home are at risk.” The TFS invites Pelverata and residents from Department of Communications Media Release surrounding areas to come along to this free community forum to see TFS equipment displays and hear about local bushfire safety issues such as: • Fire danger ratings • Bushfire warning alert levels • What can you do to prepare, act and survive • Making a bushfire survival plan The TFS, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, and a phonetree volunteer will discuss how to prepare continued page 7 SHOW DAY CHANGED DEADLINES display ads, letters, articles 5pm Friday; line ads& 2pm 16 October 2014 - Cygnet ChannelTuesday Classifieds 1 What’s on GENERAL Beehive Playcentre Margate Tues/ Thurs 9-12pm 3-4 yrs, 6267 1301 Bruny Island Quarantine Station Open Thurs to Mon 10am-4pm, 816 THE CYGNET & CHANNEL CLASSIFIEDS Killora Rd, North Bruny 0435 069 312 ISSN 1442-5106 Colour Circle Art Group Adult classes Published Thursdays /workshops. Bernadette 6229 8938 Cygnet Community Arts Council Gai 14 Mary Street 6295 0032 or Facebook page Cygnet Tasmania 7112 Cygnet Health Centre Information re services 6295 1235 Phone: 6295 1708 Cygnet Kitchen Gardeners Fax: 6295 1964 6295 1399 / 0438 869 540 or Web: Email: Cygnet Living History Museum Mary St, 7 days 10-3pm 6295 1394 Cygnet Sea Dragons Jnr Soccer Club Deadlines George 6295 0754 / 0400 514 767 Display ads 5pm Monday Port Cygnet Mens Shed 10-3pm, Line ads 4pm Tuesday Mon to Fri. Noel 0448 928 068 Articles 5pm Monday Huon Bushfire Phone Trees Info on No cancellations accepted neighbourhood set-up. Joanne 0409 002 090. after 4pm Tuesday. Huon LINC Library online access Rates - Cygnet & Channel learning, info. H’ville 6264 8482 Huon Valley Children’s Services Classifieds Centre based after school/early morn & Line ads vacn. care. Pre-kinder, childcare links, $9.90 per 5 lines capsule hire 6264 0333 ($1.00 - each additional line) Little Penguins Birth - 4yrs, Mon Add a photo for $9 9-11.30am, Fri 9-11.30am. Bruny School 6293 1147 Display ads Lovett Gallery 10am-4pm, Sat & $4.10 per column centimetre Sun. Behind Cygnet Town Hall. Paul 6297 8540 Full page $424 Port Cygnet Land and Water Care Half page $212 Enq. 0429 868 833 Quarter page $106 School Lunch Expo Prizes, recipes, Positions of advertisements articles. cannot be reserved. StoryTime 11am Mon & Wed term time, Huon LINC 6264 8482 Web Links Yoga Geeveston, Franklin, Huonville, Rates per quarter Alison 0400 288 545 $16.50 per line - limited lineage Zumba Margate, Mel 0409 217 527 Zumba Fitness Ranelagh / Huonville. All prices include GST Tania 0457 192 385 MONDAY Payment required by cash, cheque, Alcohol & Drug Service Huon Comm Visa or MasterCard prior to Health Ctr by appt. 1300 139 641 publication, except by arrangement. Craft Group 10am-2pm West Winds, Woodbridge 6267 4713 What’s on - Free for regular com- Cub Scouts 8-10yrs 5-6.30pm Burtons Res, Cygnet. 6295 0136 munity non-profit activities only. Cygnet Senior Citizens Bingo Save on advertising costs 1.30-4pm, Cygnet Comm Health Ctr Special rates apply for advertising 6295 1506 Deep Bay Fire Brigade 6.30pm concurrently in both the Cygnet Cliffords Rd. 6297 8230 & Channel Classifieds and the Esperance Lodge of Freemasons Kingston Classifieds. 2nd Mon-rehearsal. 3rd Mon meeting Regular advertisers can take 6264 1834 advantage of our Contract Rates. Gym Class at West Winds, 9-10 am 6267 4713 Call for details. HVC Mind Games MahJong, Crib & Euchre. 11.45-2.45, Huon Community Opinions expressed in the Cygnet Health Centre. 6264 0300 & Channel Classifieds do not Joey Scouts (6 & 7yrs) 3.15 -4.30pm necessarily reflect the views of Burtons Reserve, Cygnet 6295 0136 Southern Business Services Pty Ltd. Rock & roll dance lessons Bgnrs Political advertisements published 7-8pm. Intermediate 8-9pm. West in this paper are accepted on a Winds, Woodbridge. 6267 4713 commercial basis and have no Rotary Club of Kingston 6.30pm Kingborough Bowls Club, Margate. bearing on the views of this paper. David 0437 849 470 Contributors of letters, editorial material, and advertisements, agree Social Badminton 10am-12pm, Cygnet Sports Centre. Ph 6295 1130 to indemnify Southern Business South Channel Garden Club 1st Mon Services Pty Ltd and its employees 7.30pm. Middleton Community Centre for any liability arising out of claims 6267 4936 in relation to such contributions. Any U3A Book Club Last Mon of mth. Community Medical Centre, Fredclaims made in advertisements, or editorial, are the responsibility of the erick St, Cygnet. Lyn 6295 0980 person(s) placing the advertisement. Wattle Grove Fire Brigade train ftntly 6.30pm at Station. 6295 0417 While every care is taken, the Wild Goose Qigong 9.30-11am, publisher cannot be held responsible Cygnet Supper Room. 6295 0887 for errors or their effect. We reserve Woolcraft Spinning Group 1st & 3rd Mon. 9am-12.30pm Cygnet Health the right to alter, omit, reclassify or Centre. Anne 6295 1810 abbreviate advertisements for any Yoga Woodbridge Hall 10-11.30am reason. Responsibility for election 6267 4936 comment is accepted by Richard TUESDAY Miller, 14 Mary Street, Cygnet. Alcohol & Drug Svice Huon Comm Our full terms and conditions can be Health Ctr by appt. 1300 139 641 found at ALP Huon Branch 7pm 2nd Tues alternates Cygnet/Huonville 0419 585 369 The Cygnet & Channel Classifieds Bingo 7.30pm Twin Ovals Pavilion Kingston, Michelle 0418 548 611 is independent, locally owned and Channel Fire Brigade training published by Southern Business 2nd & 4th Tues at 7pm, 1st Sun 1.30pm Services Pty Ltd. Kelsey 0419 309 566 We have no association with any other Channel Seniors Social Club 1st Tues company in Australia or overseas. 12-2pm West Winds 6267 4713 2 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 Channel & Huon Ukulele Mob 6.30pm 15a Emma St Cygnet 6295 0910 Chat ‘N’ Chew Salvation Army Hall, Huonville,1.30pm 6264 2645 Cygnet Walking Group – leaves Burtons Reserve in Cygnet at 1pm. HVC 6264 0300 Family Planning Clinic wayraparatte Child and Family Centre, Geeveston. 6273 9117 enqs/ free appointments. Friends of Coningham NRA Working Bees - 3rd Tues/month, Feb- Nov, Jean 6267 4870 times and locations Friends of Snug Village Aged Care Facility 2nd Tue 1.30pm, Beverley 6267 9537 Friendship Roses of Cygnet Craft Group 10-1pm, Savina 6295 1941 Huon Natural Learners 11am-1pm 6297 9959 Relaxed homeschooling. Kingborough Carers Support Grp fortnightly, 1pm, Ph June 6229 6946 Life drawing 6-8pm, Eyrie Gallery, 14 Church St, Geeveston PALS Sport 9.15-9.50am. GP room, Cygnet Primary School. 6295 1241 Peregrine Play Group 9–11am, Peregrine School, Nicholls Rivulet Rd. Georgie. 0400 146 858 Prime Fusion Pilates/Tai Chi for older adults, 3-3.45pm, Oyster Cove, 0412 123 969 RC model yacht racing, 10.30am, Huon Rowing Club, Franklin. Tony 0417 452 816, Jack 6266 3846 Rotary Club of D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Villa Howden 6.30pm 6267 1161 St James Playgroup Cygnet, 9am –10.30am Louise 6295 1541 Swansong Choir 7pm, Cygnet Twn Hall Supper Room 0458 812 078 Uthando Project Making dolls for Zulu children. 11am-3pm. Uniting Church, Mary St, Cygnet. 6295 1953. U3A Creative Writing Group 10am-12pm. Community Medical Centre, Frederick St, Cygnet. Lyn 6295 0980 U3A Play Reading Group 1.45-4pm. Community Medical Centre, Frederick St, Cygnet. Judi 6297 8239 WEDNESDAY Bingo at the Cygnet Bowls Club 7pm 6264 1438 Huon Crafty Arts Group 10.30-12pm Comm’ty Rm, St James Village, Pine Lane, Huonville. 6264 8864 Huon River Guides 7-10yrs 3.305.30pm Hville Guide Hall 6266 4283 Huon Valley Concert Band 7pm Huonville Primary School 6266 3148 Kingborough Prostate Cancer Support Group Meets 2nd Wed 2pm. Kingston LINC. Keith 6229 9479 Life Drawing Supper Room, Cygnet T/Hall 10am-12pm 6292 1433 Lions Club of Port Cygnet 1st & 3rd Wed, 6.30pm Top Pub, Cygnet Meditation - Sahaja Yoga 12pm, Huonville Health Centre, 7 Sale Street PALS Music 9.15-9.50am. Music room, Cygnet Primary School. 6295 1241 Qigong at Franklin 9am Amanda 0466 247 728 Sing Australia Kingston 12-2pm Salvation Army Church, Algona Rd, Blackmans Bay 6229 3990 U3A Art Group 2-4pm. Med Ctr, Frederick St, Cygnet. Lyn 6295 0980 U3A Garden & Gourmet Group 10am-12pm. Community Medical Centre, Frederick St, Cygnet. Jenny 6266 6404 Women’s indoor soccer 7pm. Cygnet Sports Ctr. All levels. 6295 1130 Woodbridge Red Cross bi-monthly at member’s homes 2pm. 6267 4672 THURSDAY Channel Painters 9.30am-12n West Winds, Woodbridge, Jane 6292 1177 CWA Cygnet Branch 1st Thu, 10am-2pm, Bridge Cottage, Mandy 0418 182 939 / 6295 0643 Cygnet Community Garden 10-12noon, 6295 0658 Cygnet Library Storytime 2-3pm. Cygnet Venturers 15-18yrs 7- 9pm Burtons Reserve, Cygnet 6295 0136 Huon Explorer Guides 10-14yrs, 6-8pm, Hville Guide Hall 6266 4283 Huonville Sunflower Guides 5-7yrs, 3.30-5pm Huonville Guide Hall 6266 4283 Huon Valley Jujitsu Club Junior Classes 5-9yrs 5pm, 9-14yrs 6pm-7pm, Pt Huon Sports Ctr. 6297 1708 In Stitches yarn-craft group 1st Thu 7-9pm, Southern Swan, 12 Mary St, Cygnet 0468 357 468 Kettering Community Association 1st Thurs, 7.30pm Kettering Hall, Mary 6267 5023 PALS Kinder 10am-12pm Kinder room, Cygnet Primary School. 6295 1241 Prime Moves fitness for older adults, 11-11.45am, Oyster Cove, 0412 123 969 Scouts for 11-15yr olds 7-9 pm Burtons Reserve, Cygnet. 6295 0136 Snug CWA 2nd Thursday of month,10am. Brookfield, Margate. 6267 5060. Table Tennis 10am-12pm Cygnet Sports Centre, Phone 6295 1130 Tiddlypeeps Playgroup Margate 10-11.30am 6267 9716 The Exchange Op Shop & Drop In Centre at West Winds, 10-3.30pm, Woodbridge. U3A Creative Craft 2-4pm. Community Medical Ctr, Frederick St, Cygnet. Barbara 6264 2778 U3A Morning program 10am12pm. Community Medical Centre, Frederick St, Cygnet. Lyn 6295 0980 West Winds Photographic Group last Thur (not Jan) 7.30pm, Woodbridge 6292 1778 Wombats Childcare at West Winds, Woodbridge 8.30am-3.30pm, School terms only 6267 4713 FRIDAY Aikido 6pm, Cygnet Sports Centre 6295 1130 Cygnet Singers Choir Rehearsals Cygnet Sports Centre 7.30-9.30pm, Terry 6266 6026 Cygnet Walking Group – leaves Burtons Reserve 1pm. HVC 6264 0300 Eating with Friends 3rd Fri, West Winds 6267 4713 Family Planning Clinic SETAC Primary Health Care Centre, Cygnet. 6295 1125 enqs/ free appointments. Huonville Venturer Unit 14-18 yrs, 7pm till late, H’nville Scout Hall Lions Club of Port Cygnet BBQ 102pm last Fri, weather permitting, Cygnet Mary Street car park Open Mic Night last Fri, 7-10pm, Port Cygnet Sailing Club clubhouse Parlons Français! 10am term time Library, Huon LINC 6264 2482 Qigong 9-10am Cygnet T/Hall Supper Room. Amanda 0466 247 728 Rock & Rhyme 11am term time, Huon LINC 6264 8477 Scrabble Group 1-3pm Huon LINC 6264 8482 SATURDAY Archery Member shoots 11.30am. Huon Archers. Rahn 6264 2002 Aust. Volunteer Coast Guard on duty Margate Marina Sat/Sun/pub hols 9am-5pm 6267 5016 Cygnet Riding Club, Instruction day 2nd Sat 0428 143 134 Huon Freemasons Open Lodge, 4th Sat 10-1pm 6266 3235 Huonville Market From May 2014, 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10am-2pm. Huonville Town Hall 0419 221 705 Old Schoolhouse Toy Library 9.3011.30am, cnr George & Golden Valley Rd, Cygnet 0415 424 459 Seventh Day Adventist Margate 11am W/ship, 9.30am Sabbath School Theosophical Society last Sat 2-4pm, 13 Goulburn St, Hobart 6267 4868 SUNDAY Anglican Parish of Channel & Cygnet 9am - Woodbridge,10am Cygnet, 6295 1767 AOG Church 10.30am. Mary St Cygnet. 6266 3558 Church in the Valley 10am CWA Hall Huonville 0408 876 272 Cygnet Jazz Collective 1st Sunday of month. 2-5pm, Cygnet RSL. Cygnet Market 1st & 3rd Sun 10-2pm 0488 006 873 Cyg Town Hall Judbury Market 2nd Sun, 10am-2pm. 0424 035 114. Calvert Park Margate Garden Club last Sun mth outings, Anne 6267 2152 Woodbridge Village Market 4th Sun 10-3pm, Babs 6267 4853 Woodbridge Uniting Church Service 9.30am 6292 1778 Strange but true Local broadband network Residents of Dolphinholme, a village in Lancashire, England were plagued by a maddeningly slow internet connection. They had repeatedly asked British Telecom for new cables because it was taking them minutes to upload a single web page but BT refused. So they put on their boots and solved the problem by digging trenches and laying the superfast broadband cable themselves. Now they get speeds of 1GBps – among the fastest in the UK. Tortoise in the toilet A police officer in Uganda confronted an aggressive tortoise which entered his home and shot it dead. Charles Onegui, from the Nebbi district, told a local paper he was enjoying a cup of tea when the tortoise marched into his hut. “I took a stick to chase it but it became violent,” he said. It then moved towards the latrine – and when it came out, Officer Onegiu drew his gun and opened fire. “It was a very big white tortoise. As I talk now, I am still scared.” Sympathetic local Christians then prayed for the officer, before “burning the dead reptile to ashes”. Risk of over-exercising A recent study has found that young people who take extreme amounts of exercise (more than 17.5 hours a week) score no higher, in terms of overall physical and mental well being, than those who do none. The survey of 1,200 people, aged 16 to 20, in Switzerland, found that physical activity was associated with lower levels of stress and anxiety, and higher self-esteem, peaking with those who spent 14 hours a week exercising. The benefits then began to decline. This could be due to inflammation caused by excessive levels of exercise, which has been linked to poor physical and mental health in other studies. Building on a budget Michael Buck, a rural smallholder near Oxford, UK, has built a small house at the end of his garden for just $270, without using a single power tool. The 59-year old erected the cob house using traditional materials such as earth, clay and straw, along with items either found in rubbish skips or donated to him. He cut up an old lorry windscreen for the windows, taught himself to thatch, and diverted water from a nearby spring. Inside there is a woodburning stove and a raised bunk bed to maximise floorspace. The house took two years to complete, and is now let out to a local farm worker, who pays her rent in milk. Bons mots “Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.” American writer, E.B. White Connecting Cygnet Cygnet Family Practice (CFP) continues to improve access to health services for the people of Cygnet and surrounding areas. Since January this year, CFP staff Kerrie Duggan, Angeline Banks and Michelle Gibbons have been implementing the Tasmania Medicare Local (TML) pilot program for people with diabetes, lung and heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. iPads for over 65s Social isolation, especially in rural areas like Cygnet, can also impact on our health. Recently, through the TML program, CFP staff became aware of a new program which provides iPads for people aged over 65 years and who meet certain criteria. CFP patient Mrs Gloria Watson was delighted when she received her new iPad, which comes with ongoing IT support. Mrs Watson is enjoying learning how to stay From left to right: nurse practitioner Kerrie Duggan, TML participant Mrs Gloria Watson, care coordinator nurse Angeline Banks, and care coordinator administrator Michelle Gibbons in touch with her family through Facebook, and enjoying the other specially selected applications such as the AFL footy site. Staying connected to family and program, please contact Michelle friends is valuable for our health on 6295 1460, or michelle@ and wellbeing. For further informa- tion about the Care Coordination Kerrie Duggan GRAND OPENING SAT 18TH OCT 10am ickedly Good W Ta s m a n i a n Specialty foods Shop 1 | 1726 Channel Hwy | Margate (Opposite Banjo’s & next to Bugsy’s Takeaway) For all Tasmania’s best foods • Cheeses • Seafood • Honey • Spices • Fudge • Chocolates • Smallgoods Weekly • Preserves ls specia • Ice cream • Game meats A community forum is to be held to talk about the best way to plan for the fire season. Gift hampers & Cheese boxes Ready to go or made to order Hours may vary seasonally Mon 12-6pm | Tue-Fri 10am-6pm | Sat & Sun 10am - 3pm ShowDAY Display ads 5pm Fri 17th Oct Advertise 6295 1708 Line ads Cygnet & Channel Classifieds st Tue 21 Oct 25 Arve Road, Geeveston TAS 7116 Laurie Dillon, Changed deadline Authorised by2pm 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 3 Plucking the heartstrings All Weed Solutions Chemical Spraying Specialists Boom Spray~Spot Spray~Cut & Paste Certified, Licensed & Experienced Fully Insured ANY WEED, ANYWHERE!!! For a free quote, phone Maurice 0438 081 473 E: CONSTRUCTION & JOINERY 6267 1896 0439 610 640 1686 Channel Highway, Margate Renovations & Extensions New Homes New Kitchens Kitchen Upgrades Laundries, Vanities, Bathrooms Free Consultation Available Now! KINGSTON BEACH HEALTH CENTRE 2 Recreation Street, Kingston Beach / Ph 6229 9844 Kingston Beach Health Centre provides the following Allied Health Services • Podiatry • Remedial Massage Therapy • Musculoskeletal Therapy • Osteopathy • Speech Pathology • Audiology • Psychology For details or to arrange an appointment Phone 6229 9844 Consulting space available for lease ADVERTISEMENT Vote 1 Bruce Heron FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR Transparent Council, Community Engagement, Community Awareness Cast spelling to the winds ‘Will Yow Walke the Woods soe Wylde?’. When you see that item on the program you’ll know you’re in a different time, a different life. When you see the musicians take up lute, viola da gamba and percussion instruments to perform it, you will be transported back to when Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne, Shakespeare and Marlowe were playing in the theatres, John Dowland was the master of song – and Anon shared the honours for many a composition. ‘Will Yow Walke …’ is an instrumental. ‘With my Love my Life was Nestled’ will be sung by soprano, Helen Thompson, and accompanied by the lute and viola da gamba. Gary Files will read ‘The Passionate Sheepheard to his Love’ by Christopher Marlowe. Other titles of readings, songs and instrumentals include such delights as ‘Come Let Us Kiss and Part’; ‘Flow My Tears’; ‘Tobacco is like Love’ and ‘A Counterblast to Tobacco’; ‘The Passion of a Discontented Mind’. Concertgoers will be thrilled to discover that seated neatly within the program is also Thomas Morley’s ‘It was a Lover and his Lass’. “Our special guest for the program is actor Gary Files, and his readings of these great renaissance poems combines perfectly with Helen’s singing and the music provided by Brett Rutherford on viola da gamba, Susan King on lute, and the sensitive percussion of Matt Goddard.” Interesting instruments The viola da gamba resembles a cello. It belongs to the family of stringed instruments that first appeared in Spain in the mid to late fifteenth century, and was very popular during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. It goes without saying that the viola da gamba is well suited to showcase the wealth of music from these early times. The lute is used for a variety of music from the Medieval to Baroque periods, and was the most important instrument playing secular music during the Renaissance. It’s usually identified as a plucked string instrument with a neck and a deep, round back. Life was often tough in Elizabethan England. Hunger and poverty, plague and the turmoil of deep religious and political divisions took their toll on the ordinary person. Paradoxically, Bruce listens to and understands people from all walks of life. He is always interested in their views and has the ability to remain neutral and objective. He is committed to the community and will follow through with passion and sincerity. GORE STREET MEDICAL I believe that Bruce Heron would make an exceptional Mayor for the Huon Valley Council. I ask you to support Bruce as he has supported the Huon Valley and Vote 1 Bruce Heron for Full-Time Mayor. Scott McKibben MBBS, B.Med.Sci, UTAS 0407 873 749 Authorised by Robert Armstrong, 7 Solly Crt, Cygnet, TAS 4 Take any ‘lover and his lass’, with or without a ‘hey and a ho and a hey nonino’, and you’ve got plenty of scope for love – requited and unrequited. And within that scope, there’s plenty more for passion and sentiment, despair and delight. Head in the clouds, or down in the doldrums – as someone once said, ‘the course of true love never did run smooth’. Of course, it was Shakespeare who gave us that so true, so apt, so beautifully phrased saying, in A Midsummer Nights Dream. He was writing during the Elizabethan era, an era that’s considered one of the most splendid in English literature, an era when poetry and drama flourished. “Come join us in Renaissance England,” says Susan King of the Nuove Musiche Ensemble. “Sigh, weep and swoon to some of the most beautiful music and words ever written.” Nuove Musiche will present a selection of this music and words at ‘Time Stands Still’, a concert to be held at Kettering on Sunday, 19th October. Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 welcomes Dr Linda Wilson Women’s Health Hormonal Imbalances Clinical Hypnotherapist Intuitive Weight Loss Anxiety & Depression Classifieds Bookings 6224 6717 2 Gore Street | South Hobart Integrative Health Centre Home of Hobart Hyperthermia online w w w. s o u t h b u s . c o m . a u Bargains galore at the same time Shakespeare was writing ‘Shall I compare Thee to a Summer’s Day’, and John Donne was writing ‘The Good Morrow’ – works of beauty and deep feelings. (They’re both on the program, read by Gary Files.) Nuove Musiche Ensemble Helen Thomson, whose singing has been described by Limelight magazine as “exquisite, near-flawless”, has worked internationally as a performer, composer, sound designer and musical director. She spent eight years in Europe performing with groups like the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir, and returned to Australia in 2011. Here she performs, appears on television and radio and directs two local choirs. Susan King furthered her lute studies in Europe, and returned to Tasmania in 2011, reviving Nuove Musiche, a group she formed in 1986. She frequently performs in Australia, New Zealand and overseas. Brett Rutherford is cellist with the Tasmania Symphony Orchestra, and enjoys the versatility of playing the viola da gamba as both a continuo and solo instrument. Hobart-born Matthew Goddard continued his percussion studies in Victoria and after working regularly with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra returned to Tasmania to take up the position of Principal Timpanist with the TSO. Gary Files, actor, theatre director and radio writer, began his career in Melbourne, where he was born. He won a scholarship to study acting in Canada, and has also worked in the United Kingdom. He returned to live and work in Australia in 1976. From front page “I encourage everyone to go to the Garage Sale Trail website and plot a treasure trail for 25th October,” said Huon Valley mayor Robert Armstrong. “Make sure you include ‘Southbridge Surprise’ on your itinerary. And if you’re thinking about holding your own sale, it’s not too late to register.” Go to www.garagesaletrail to find out more, register or to plot your own trail. selling fresh produce, plants, furniture, craft and books. The popular ‘tip-shop treasures’ stall will be well stocked with the best items that have arrived at the Southbridge Re-Use Shop. A free barbecue will run from 11am-2pm and there will be free balloons and face painting. Free green waste and car body disposal will be offered (some restrictions apply) and there will be informaDid I mention …? The program includes ‘The Nimphs tion from council waste manage- Huonville Council Media Release Reply to the Sheepheard’, written ment contractors. by that most romantic of cape wielding figures, Sir Walter Raleigh. The concert ends with the entire ensemble performing ‘Now Trading as Cygnet Joinery O Now I Needs Must Part’ by John Builder accreditation number CC1871C Dowland, and the third verse of Ph: (03) 6295 1358 Fax: (03) 6295 1458 Donne’s ‘The Good Morrow’. Mobile: 0417 359 937 Tune up your heartstrings and prepare for a great afternoon. Email: Cygnet Building & Joinery Judy Redeker. Sunday 19th October, 3pm, Kettering Hall. Tickets $10 at the door. Phone 6267 4852 for further information. Post-concert afternoon tea available. OVER 25 years in the Building Industry Phone now for a free measure & quote Available now to start your new home or renovation 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 5 Cygnet fun and fright night The Child Care Links program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. be a part of something bigger...your community On Friday 31st October Cygnet Primary School will prepare to scare at its very first twilight Halloween Fest, complete with zombie dance and a handmade chocolate Jack O’Lantern to be won. The evening has been planned to have something for everyone, with ghoulish goodies, face-painting, and sideshow alley for those on the lookout for some freakishly good fun. For foodies there will be a gourmet BBQ, spicy curries, stuffed potatoes, home-baked goodies, local wines and cider. For those who like to combine food and fun, a raffle is being held to win an incredible chocolate Jack O’Lantern handmade by Cygnet Primary School parent Gillian Ryan of Cygneture Chocolates. An award winning chocolatier, Gillian has designed and sculpted this deliciously frightening Halloween pumpkin from the finest Tasmanian ingredients. Tickets are available from Cygneture Chocolates where the masterpiece is on display before being moved to the Cygnet Primary School office the week before the fest. Throughout the night there will be no shortage of entertainment, with local musicians performing, includ- ADVERTISEMENT Michael PERCEY for DEPUTY MAYOR and COUNCILLOR Committed to the community. Dedicated to progress. ing the acclaimed Huon Valley Big Band – rumour has it Monster Mash is on the playlist. No Halloween fest would be complete without grabbing all ghouls and ghosts and hitting the dance floor for the Zombie Dance. The school adopted the spooky theme to appeal to children who are becoming more captivated by the American tradition of Halloween but whose parents may not be so keen on them wandering the streets trick or treating. In addition to all the Halloweenthemed activities, there will still be all the favourites of a traditional country fair, including a white elephant stall, second-hand books, chocolate wheel, plant stall, handmade and homemade gifts, and a silent auction supported by local businesses. The Cygnet Halloween Fest will run from 5 to 9pm on Friday 31st October at Cygnet Primary School on Louisa Street, Cygnet. Entry is open to everyone and free of charge. Halloween costumes are optional but there will be prizes for the best outfit, so please join in the fun and come dressed to impress the judges. Anne Lloyd-Jones SOUTHERN EXCAVATIONS & TREE FELLING SERVICES Free Quotes - All Areas Available 7 Days “Prompt, reliable & the best possible clean-up” - Tree & Stump Removal - Tree Shaping & Thinning - Powerline Vegetation Clearance - Wood Splitter - Mulcher - Tip Truck & - 51/2 Tonne Excavator Experienced Tree Climber & Faller No job too big or too small Fully licensed & insured 6239 1880 / 0429 195 142 Kingston “Vote to ensure you have a say in the future of Kingborough. All completed voting forms need to be returned to the Electoral Commission by 28th October.” 6 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 Advertise 6295 1708 Pelverata: make a plan From front page your property, family and animals for bushfires; whether you should leave early or stay to defend your property; making safe decisions about animal welfare in an emergency; and how to set up and use a phone tree system in the event of a bushfire. Fire services know that many people don’t make timely decisions about what they will do when a bushfire threatens. They wait until the fire is close before deciding what to do. When fires are burning under severe, extreme or catastrophic fire conditions, this can be fatal. Most people who die in a bushfire are caught by the fire in the open, either in their car or on foot. Others are killed or seriously injured because they crashed in poor visibility when they left it too late. Mr Brown stresses, “It is very important you do not flee a bushfire at the last minute. If your home is well prepared it may be safer to protect yourself from radiant heat by sheltering inside for the time it takes for the fire to pass.” Pelverata and surrounding areas have been assessed as high bushfire risk. If you live in this area the TFS encourages you to come along to this community forum to hear about how you may be able to prepare, act and survive bushfires. If you would like to attend or for further information please contact community development officer, Lesley King on 0418 398 004 or email For detailed information on preparing homes and property for bushfire, or for a free copy of the updated version of the DVD Bushfire – Prepare to Survive, visit www. or free call 1800 000 699. Tasmania Fire Service Media Release Looking for a local tradie? Check out the classified listings on the inside back page Learn traditional woodworking •No prior skills needed •All ages •Courses 1 - 10 days •Gift vouchers available or call Alex 6295 0780 Cygnet Therapeutics Est. 2004 Relief from body pain and restriction (treatments given through loose, comfortable clothing) Cygnet: Tuesday - Thursday Hobart: Friday Nolan Alderfox Phone: 6295 0605 Text: 0448 983 269 No Risk Policy: If, as a first time client you are not happy with the treatment no payment is required. Also offering Hypnotherapy and “The Work” of Byron Katie Mike Wilson is a visionary leader who is future focused and understands the importance of keeping up with the rapid pace of change in society. Mike has the enthusiasm, passion, commitment and experience to transform the Huon Valley into a more prosperous, functional and liveable region. A whole new approach including new ideas and his intention to promote creativity and innovation in the community can only benefit whom he serves. Jimmy Bell, Ranelagh Classifieds online 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 7 ADVERTISMENT Vote Peter Coad and 1 for councillor 1 for mayor Authorised by Aidan Direen 7368 Channel Hwy, Cygnet 7112 Authorised by Aidan Direen 7368 Channel Hwy Cygnet 7112 Press Release Number 5 Let’s get real on Huon Valley tourism, says Peter Coad Vote Peter Coad 1 for councillor Peter Coad, the independent candidate for councillor and mayor of the Let’s get real on Huon Valley tourism, says Peter Coad Huon Valley Council, says a wide-ranging brains-trust approach to tourism and 1 for mayor development in the Huon Valley is needed. Peter Coad, the independent candidate for councillor and mayor of the Huon Valley Council, says a wide-ranging brains-trust approach to tourism development in the Huon Mr Coad,Valley theis needed. Huon Valley Council’s first mayor when it was inaugurated in 1993, says one idea he has to offer “is to cultivate an Mr Coad, the Huon Valley Council’s first deputy mayor when it was inaugurated in 1993, Press Release says one idea he has to offer “isof tothe cultivate an appreciation historical and exploitation of the appreciation and exploitation documented links between documented historical links between Aboriginal culture and early French explorers”. Number 5 early Aboriginal culture and French explorers”. Authorised by Aidan Direen 7368 Channel Hwy Cygnet 7112 As mayor, he says, he would revisit the D’Entrecasteaux Project developed by a committee As mayor,under he says, he would revisitJagoe theseveral D’Entrecasteaux Project developed the chairmanship of Michael years ago for the reconstruction of the early exploration vessels Recherche and Esperance. by a committee theHuon chairmanship of Michael Jagoe several Let’s getunder real on Valley tourism, says Peter Coad years Mr Jagoe, who lives at Nicholls he is exploration keen to see the project being given ago for the reconstruction ofRivulet, the says early vessels Recherche new Coad, life. the independent candidate for councillor and mayor of the Huon Valley Peter and Esperance. Council, says a wide-ranging brains-trust approach to tourism development in the Huon Mr Coad points to the success in Albany of the ‘Brig Amity’ project, which involved the Valley is needed. Mr Jagoe, who of lives at Nicholls says early he issettlers keen to seeAustralia. the project building a replica of the sailingRivulet, ship that brought to Western Mr Coad, thelife. Huon Valley Council’s first deputy mayor when it was inaugurated in 1993, being given new “This project, which has proved a boon for Albany,” he says, “attracts huge numbers of says one idea he has to offer “is to cultivate an appreciation and exploitation of the people curious about the history of the regions they visit.” links between Aboriginal and early French explorers”. Mr Coaddocumented points tohistorical the success in Albany ofculture the ‘Brig Amity’ project, which Such abuilding project in the Huon Valley, says of Peter Coad, would present opportunities for the early involvedAsthe a replica the sailing ship that by brought mayor, he says, heof would revisit the D’Entrecasteaux Project developed a committee council to co-operate with the French Government, thus strengthening the valley’s ties with under the chairmanship of Michael Jagoe several years ago for the reconstruction of the settlers to Western France. Council, Australia. by taking this course, he says, would also find itself working with Canberra, early exploration vessels Recherche and Esperance. the Tasmanian Government and the corporate sector in general. “This project, which has proved a boon for Albany,” he says, “attracts huge Mr Jagoe, who lives at Nicholls Rivulet, says he is keen to see the project being given Peter says projects of the D’Entrecasteaux nature would fit in well with the vision of life. numbersnew of people curious about the history of appears the regions the Franklin Working Waterfront Association, “which now well on thethey way visit.” towards reviving the waterfront through projects such as the restoration of the Cartela Mr Coad points the success in Albany of the ‘Brig Amity’ project, which involved the Such a project in tothe Valley, Coad, and the building of anHuon 82-foot schooner forsays tradingPeter and tourism services,would as well as present the building of a replica of the sailing ship that brought early settlers to Western Australia. revitalisation of the Franklin Wooden Boat Centre as a training ground for young opportunities for the council to co-operate with the French Government, boat builders”. “This project, whichthe has proved a boonties for Albany,” says, “attracts huge numbers thus strengthening valley’s with heFrance. Council, by oftaking people curious about the history of the regions they visit.” this course, would find itself working with Canberra, the If youhe wishsays, to contact him seealso or email Such a project in the Huon Valley, says Peter Coad, would present opportunities for the Tasmanian Government and the corporate sector in general. council to co-operate with the French Government, thus strengthening the valley’s ties with France. Council, by taking this course, he says, would also find itself working with Canberra, the Tasmanian Government and the corporate sector in general. Peter says projects of the D’Entrecasteaux nature would fit in well with the vision of the Franklin Working Association, “which now mayor for Vote councillor 1 forWaterfront Peter says projects of the D’Entrecasteaux nature would fit in and well with1 the vision of appears the well on the wayWaterfront towardsAssociation, reviving“which the now waterfront Franklin Working appears wellthrough on the wayprojects reviving the waterfront through projects such as the restoration of the Cartela such as towards the restoration of the Cartela and the building of an 82-foot and the building of an 82-foot schooner for trading and tourism services, as well as the of the and Franklin Wooden Boat Centre as aas training for young schoonerrevitalisation for trading tourism services, wellground as the revitalisation boat builders”. of the Franklin Wooden Boat Centre as a training ground for young boat builders”. Peter Coad If you wish to contact him see or email If you wish to contact him see or email Vote Peter Coad 1 for councillor and 1 for mayor Cheaper Hot Water • Heated by the sun or a wood heater • Link solar and wet-back systems • Proven effective in saving dollars and energy • Practical, efficient, reliable installation • Free informed, impartial advice based on 30 years experience Colin Atkins SOLAR HOT WATER SPECIALIST 0419 799 503 8 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 Obituary Richard Bacon, watercolour artist Richard Bacon began his life in Australia working for The Mercury as a graphic design artist in 1966, and held his first solo exhibition in 1973 at Saddlers Court Gallery in Richmond. Shortly afterwards, he was commissioned to create the iconic Battery Point map, which stands at the beginning of Sandy Bay Road to this day. Specialising in watercolours, he has made a significant contribution within the Australian and international art world. Richard loved the opportunities provided to him by the architecture, maritime and rural landscapes of Tasmania. The 1970s and 80s were a prolific time for Richard, involving annual solo exhibitions and a number of collective exhibitions around Australia and internationally. He was principally represented by the Coughton Gallery where he proved extremely popular. His work was very individual and easily identifiable, leading him to be named as an icon by The Mercury art critic of the time. Richard’s work was admired and respected by his peers, with Max Angus referring to him as a master. Many of his exhibitions were sell-outs. During this period he also illustrated a Battery Point sketchbook with Joan Woodberry. Following his gallery success, he taught for many years at the Colour Circle, an art group established by Tasmanian artist Rosamund McCulloch. One of his great strengths was his ability to develop the students’ individual creativity. As a result of his success, in the mid 1980s he was invited to visit China as a member of the Chinese Friendship Association. He ran a master class and was held in high esteem by his Chinese hosts. Richard was artist in residence on the HMAS Stalwart at the 1988 centenary tall ships celebration. He is represented nationally and internationally, hanging twice as a finalist in the Singer Friedlander exhibition in the United Kingdom. Among a number of organisations, he was a member of the British Watercolour Association (BWA) and also the Australian Society of Marine Artists (ASMA). Kingston exhibition His last exhibition was Masters of Art in Kingston in 2013, a collective exhibition including Roger Murphy and David Hopkins, Tony Ryan and Ned Trewartha. His work continues to be admired at The Strickland Gallery, Hobart Grand Chancellor and the Stanley Gallery at Cygnet. Advertisement Polly 4 Council Respecting the Past, Focused on the Future. VOTE 1 Polly Venning for Huon Councillor Authorised by MLC Robert Armstrong, 7 Solly Crt, Cygnet. ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by Emily Murray, 208 Elizabeth Street, Hobart Richard was a great supporter of many charities and a dedicated environmentalist, locally and globally. He passed peacefully away, with his wife by his side, on his beloved Huon Island on Sunday 28th September. Richard is survived by his wife Alison, seven children, 11 grandchildren, one great grandson and a menagerie of animals. Kirsten Bacon *Hot Water Specialist *General Plumbing *Electric *Gas *Solar *Blocked Drains *Wet Back Systems *Repairs & Maintenance * Central Heating and Heat Transfer Systems Ring Peter & Mark ~ 0427 776 456 E: Fax: 6266 4787 Burtons Reserve Open Day & Family Fun Run Sunday 9 November 10am - 2pm lots of Enjoy a great free day out with ily activities for the whole fam Family Fun Run begins at 11am Register from 10am at Bendigo Bank tent. Entry fees: 2.5km - children & adults free 5km - children free, adults $5.00 • Jumping castle • Face Painting • Sausage Sizzle • Scouts camp activities • Soccer • Childrens Games All welcome...come along and have some fun! The Cygnet Living History Museum Port Cygnet Land & Water Care S W HO Y DA ShowDAY Cygnet & Channel Classifieds Changed deadlines Display ads 5pm Fri 17 Oct Line ads 2pm Tue 21st Oct th Our valley is on the Move Cider Industry growth.......................................25% last year Salmon Industry growth....................................17% last year Tourism Industry growth...................................16% last year Cherry Industry growth.....................................14% last year Apple Industry growth.........................................8% last year Timber Industry................................................ Has stabilised Let’s be positive and keep the Valley moving IT’S ABOUT LEADERSHIP Authorised by Simon Burgess, 103 Donnellys Road, Geeveston 7116 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 9 Art is everywhere HUON HEARING CENTRE 51 Main St, Huonville 7109 TAS. Ph 03 6264 2750 Hearing Tests, Hearing Aids, Advice & Ongoing Support for Private Clients, Pensioners & Veterans. • Tinnitus counselling. • Hearing assessments for children age 3 & up. • Wide range of digital hearing devices. We are an independent clinic but also contracted with The Government Office of Hearing Services Scheme. Ned Trewartha Cygnet Market 1st & 3rd Sundays each month all year Next market October 19th 10am - 2pm Cygnet Town Hall Ph Julie 0488 006 873 WOODEN BOATS Dip. Wooden Boat Building, Tasmania Repair Alterations Construction Nautical furniture Clinker Dinghies a Speciality 4634 Channel Highway, Gordon Tasmania 7163 Phone/Fax (03) 6292 1647 OSTEOPATH • Neck & Back Pain • Sports Injuries • Postural Problems • Workplace or Repetitive Strain Injuries • Pregnancy Related Problems • Headaches / Migraines MAIB, Work Cover, Private Health Insurance Rebates Apply Chris Kelly BSci(ClinSci) MHSci(Osteo) MAOA Registered Osteopath Ph 0417 238 929 6229 9844 Kingston Beach Health Centre 2 Recreation Street, Kingston Beach Pain & Injury Clinic, Kingston Beach 10 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 Not that I needed to be reminded, but a recent outing to Uniting AgeWell’s Parade of Fascinating Fashions 2014 at the Derwent Entertainment Centre highlighted the importance of the arts – or ‘the Yartz’, as coined by Barry Humphries creation Sir Les Patterson. That expression came from the Humphries show Isn’t it Pathetic at his age? and the A Night with Dame Edna tours of 1978 and 1979. Humphries is not only an experienced writer and performer, he is also an accomplished artist. It is often the case that artistic people, whether they use the creative or the performing arts as their medium, are multi-talented. Robyn Carney, the Community ArtLink coordinator - Lifestyle Services at Strathaven, was responsible for putting together the Parade of Fascinating Fashions, and is committed to the idea of including all the arts. The fashions were created by ordinary people, exploring their creativity, with the aim of providing fun and entertainment for older people in aged care facilities. The ultimate aim was to help those who were feeling lost, lonely or depressed. Community engagement is a known way to assist anyone with mental health problems, and laughter, as they say, is the best medicine. Creating something, in the company of others of like mind, is also a great way to have fun and feel needed. The result of the initiative was 14 ‘garments’ made out of unwanted, abandoned or superfluous material. The people at the aged care facilities involved took to their art form with gusto: recycling is something that everyone used to have to do because resources were precious. Each fashion item was made by a team under the direction of artists. The parade also featured a choir, and comic relief was provided by actor Jeff Michel, who stepped in at the last minute to model a garment and give a comedy sketch because one of the models got cold feet at the last minute. It is no accident that artistic people often have talents in many areas, and it is no accident that the arts are now more and more multi-disciplinary. Arts in the Huon The Huon Valley Theatre (HVT) Company’s recent production of Cinderella was a perfect example of multi-disciplinary arts. As well as performers, musicians, dressmakers and artists, the production, written and directed by Carl Lawton, used film to replace sets, making it a multi-disciplinary vehicle for local talent. The other aspect of the production which is not shouted out about but probably should be, was the involvement of young people. The HVT has long provided young locals with a performance outlet, and has provided the community with entertainment enjoyed by all ages. The performers on stage ranged from about seven or eight years of age, but some looked even younger. The confidence they developed during the rehearsal and performance stages can only benefit them in future years. Most of the shows put on by HVT, often during school holiday breaks, are sold out. That is an indication of the need for entertainment at the local level. It is also an indication that community engagement is an essential element, at every age and stage in life. Matinee performances of a children’s show are a wonderful way for parents to introduce very young children to the enjoyment of live entertainment. They are also a terrific way to introduce children to the idea of how to behave in Offering a range of beauty treatments Operating out of Cove Hair Studio, 2936b Channel Highway, Kettering Open Monday to Saturday | 0432 583 704 ADVERTISEMENT LIZ SMITH 1 Authorised by Kate Flint, 4 Winns Rd, Cygnet CYGNET TAXIS 0427 950 660 Call Robert to make a booking CYGNET MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS 4 Mary St | Cygnet Ph 6295 1275 M 0428 88 99 72 • Service, repairs & upgrades to all types of bikes & jet skis • Road, trail, dirt, quad, farm 4-wheelers, mini bikes ‘Nurse’ Jeff Michel - “For Medicinal Purposes Only” at the Parade of Fascinating Fashions a social situation. The audience, which ranged in age from babies to the elderly, thoroughly enjoyed the experience, clapping, laughing and joining in. With the increasing use of social media, young and old people have less and less opportunity to interact in cross-generational activities. HVT should be applauded for providing entertainment and a social outlet for the Valley over an extended period in the Huonville Town Hall, a useful, central facility. Cygnet Physio Alison Viner Call 6295 1333 for appts No referral required APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist MAppSci Physio • Back & neck pain • Headaches • Joint & muscle pain • Rehab post surgery • Work injuries at Cygnet Medical Services, 14 George St, Cygnet Heritage Another aspect of art, in all of its forms, is heritage. The Arts and Heritage Advisory Committee is soon to release a report into hall facilities available for use in the Valley. The report shows that there are many halls and facilities available for a variety of purposes. If we don’t continue to use our halls, we are in danger if losing them. Then where will we have our arts? Merlene Abbott KINGSTON ROTARY CAR BOOT MARKET 9am-1pm Sundays Kingston Town Car Park (Woolworths) Support local projects SMS 0419 543 287 • Qualified mechanic & licensed rider • Pick-up & delivery available All work guaranteed HUON VALLEY YOGA Specially crafted Yoga sessions in your home or workplace for individuals, families, or friends. All ages. Public classes & workshops also available. See the website for all the info: or ring Alison on 0400 288 545 ADVANCED ROOFING Experienced professional local service Gutter Guard Installation Replacement Gutters Colorbond Fascia Covers • Re-Roofing Servicing all southern Tasmania areas COMPETITIVE PRICING CONTRACTING Pty Ltd For a NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE Ph 6239 6615 / 0428 293 619 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 11 Julie’s Nursery Grafted Japanese maples Flowering cherries Crab Apples Rowan Trees 2273 Huon Highway, Grove Closed Tuesdays Ph 6264 2900 ADVERTISEMENT For Huon Valley Council VOTE 1 Michael Higgins web.links U3A Kingborough Learning in retirement for pleasure. Kingston Classifieds Cygnet & Channel Classifieds Councillor & Deputy Mayor Authorised by Gail Oates, Misty Hill Rd, Mountain River, 7109 LETTERS Future Of Cinema Cygnet Cinema Cygnet started as a private group of movie enthusiasts, showing movies once a month in the Town Hall Supper Room. It is now being run by the same group of people that puts out the Huon Crier, however it has grown to the point where it needs to be put on a sustainable basis or finish. We would like to formalise Cinema Cygnet as the Cygnet Film Society (CFS), and to operate as a member of the Tasmanian Federation of Film Societies. This would allow us to source movies at a special film society rate only available to members of this organisation. The proposed CFS would have a formal structure, including a constitution, AGM, a committee, and proper financial arrangements. Attendance would be by subscription The Hen House Now also open A d v ertise SATURDAY 9am-12pm your website here! Rates / quarter $16.50 per line Phone 6295 1708 HUON VALLEY COUNCIL New products Peckish layer pellets $20kg $16 Chick starter 5kg $10 2015 Australia Day Awards Do you know someone who has made a valuable contribution to the Huon Valley community? The Huon Valley Council invites nominations for the 2015 Australia Day Awards. The awards recognise the achievements and contributions made by residents of the Huon Valley municipal area. Awards will be presented in the categories of: • • • • Citizen of the Year Young Citizen of the Year (under 27 years of age on 26/1/2015) Cultural & Community Builders (community events, individuals or groups who have added to the cultural life of the Huon Valley) Sports (those who have participated at a high level or provide support, coach, promote or encourage others to participate) Nominations are also sought for Volunteer Recognition Awards for the following: • • • Voluntary Service Award (500+ hours) Special Voluntary Service Award (2000+ hours) Outstanding Voluntary Service Award (5000+ hours) Nomination forms and brochures are available on the Council website or by contacting Council’s Customer Service Centre on 6264 0300. Forms can be returned In person: Customer Service Centre, 40 Main Street, Huonville Mail: PO Box 210, Huonville 7109 Email: Nominations close on Friday 7 November 2014 Emilio Reale Acting General Manager be part of something bigger...your community 12 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 (less than $50 per year, or perhaps $15 per quarter), and community involvement would be essential, not only in supporting the CFS but also in running it. We estimate that the CFS would require at least 30 members to be viable, and will only go ahead if we are confident of community support, and have a couple of people to serve on an interim committee. So, if you want regular movies in Cygnet, please let us know at or 6295 1698. A number of people have commented that the Supper Room is an uncomfortable venue with bad sound and no access for the disabled. We already know this, but have been unable to come up with a good alternative. If someone has a brilliant idea, it would be 20% off all Laucke horse feeds ISA Brown point of lay $30 ea Monday - Friday 9am-5pm NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9am-12pm QUARRY-PRECAST-EARTHWORKS n for 79 years Serving the Huo S RUCTION T S N O C CIVIL IAL PLUMBING IN D U S T R AGE & D R A IN UCTS ARRY PROD U Q D IE IF T CER OR EX BIN DELIVERED RY HIRE MACHINE 7004 Channel Hwy, Gardners Bay, Open: Monday-Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm Saturday by prior arrangement 8420 Channel Highway, Cradoc Email: Ph 0402 222 966 EFTPOS AVAILABLE Ph 6295 1708 TO ADVERTISE Closed Sundays & public holidays via Jacinda Dve OPINION really nice to start off the CFS in a Cherry Blossom Festival. Japan better venue. has its festival in March. The Huon could have September in Rod Macfarlan Valley the South. Huon cherry blossom is Lymington fluffy and gorgeous – Tourism Tasmania might help formulate ideas. Slow down What will it take for drivers to observe the speed limits along Silver Hill Road at Cygnet? Another vehicle over the side? Another near miss as residents attempt to exit via their concealed entrances? A recent upgrade of new speed limits are a welcome change, but until they are observed this narrow winding road remains unsafe. Slow down, and drive with awareness. J Pearson Cygnet Valley blossoming I recently relocated from New South Wales. Looking at this beautiful valley and all the blossoming cherry and apple trees, maybe the Huon Valley could establish the Southern Hemisphere Spring From back page boom and more recently the feverish Chinese interest in our real estate. The looming visit of the Chinese premier to Tasmania being celebrated in the Murdoch Press is not universally Loretta Rigby viewed so sycophantically. Hovering in the economic wings is the debate Deep Bay about whether the boom in real estate prices which determine the apparent value of land and buildings, and Letters to the editor are underpin growth in our economy, the opinions of the writers, can grow sustainably. Tasmania is whose name and address particularly susceptible to ‘gold-rush’ appear with each letter, thinking. The word ‘bonanza’ is a staand do not necessarily ex- ple in Mercury headlines. Bruny Island press the opinions of this real estate agents are licking their lips publication. Letters are at the prospect of a Chinese rush to buy a piece of the island jewel. But it published in part or full at seems likely that the Chinese mentality the sole discretion of the - and morality for that matter - is likely editor and no correspond- to respect neither our environmental ence will be entered into. concerns nor our planning and landuse laws. We need to think through the implications. Economic degrowth PLEASE KEEP LETTERS is just a pinprick away. SHORT (NO MORE We have not yet priced the cost of the economy to the environment. THAN 300 WORDS) But many qualities in Australian life AND TO THE POINT which have hitherto been supplied ‘free’ by the planet: clean air, clean water, living space, the raw materials of industry, are now beginning to attract real cost. The carbonisation of the atmosphere and climatic destabilisation are beginning to exact a toll on the economy. The cost of energy is increasing exponentially. This may be just the beginning of an involuntary economic degrowth verging on recession. I would be much more comfortable if those who would be our leaders showed some awareness of this. John Fleming II Cradoc Nursery is being looked after by Lisa during our absence. Opening times Friday & Saturday 11am to 2pm ADVERTISEMENT FOR MAYOR - VOTE 1 to 2 in order of your choice Mike Wilson or Bruce Heron For Councillors - Vote 1 to 9 in order of your choice These people have the Huon Valley at Heart Mike Wilson James Lange Ian Paul Lydia Eastley Pav Ruzicka Ken Studley Andrew Burgess Bruce Heron Polly Venning geeveston/FRanklin Company Director Developer DoveR/FaR soutH Pharmacy assistant geeveston small Business owner Huonville/JuDBuRy sub Contractor Huonville/RanelagH accountant tax Professional Huonville/RanelagH Company Director Cygnet small Business owner Huonville/gRove sales manager CRaDoC/Cygnet Company Director For Deputy Mayor vote 1 to 3 in order of your choice Ken Studley, Ian Paul or Pav Ruzicka For Deputy Mayor vote 1 to 2 in order of your choice Ian Paul or Pav Ruzicka Authorised by Laurie Dillon, 25 Arve Road, Geeveston TAS 7116 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 13 FOR SALE SPECIALS MIND & BODY CLASSES EVENTS DOUBLE BED BASE & MATTRESS LOCAL GOURMET PRODUCTS NATURAL HEALTH & INJURY MANAGEMENT BASKET WEAVING WORKSHOP Cygnet Riding Club Open Weekend ***FREE*** Exc Cond, clean, $250. Plus two baltic pine bedside tables $80. Ph 0419 000 593 BARGAINS ARE STILL TO BE FOUND AT NEAR AND FAR 50% off winter collection, 20% off Kilim rugs, until end of month. 30 Mary St, Cygnet. 6295 1085 HAY Fancy a roll in the hay? We can make your dreams come true. Hay $5 per bale. Allens Rivulet. 0420 467 666. Free cup of tea if you buy 20 or more bales. Ride-On Mower AMC - Explorer. 13.5hp. Reliable, rugged. Serviced regularly. Very good condition. $1,800. Ph 0414 480 416 HIGH LOW FARM Sides of beef. Locally grown, grass fed, hormone free. $5.50 kg plus cut up. Ph 0419 099 209 AUTO/MARINE 2004 TOYOTA COROLLA SEDAN Excellent condition, one owner, power steering, AC, manual gearbox. Only 72,000km. $7,200. 6295 1580 ADVANCED MOORING SERVICES Now servicing all lower Channel areas. Ph 0477 165 583 BOAT 4.4m Sea Jay Pro, 2011 mod. Exc con. 40hp Yamaha, very low hrs. Bimini cover, Lowrance sounder, 3 comfy swivel seats, casting deck, under-floor fuel tank, rod holders, plenty of room. $12,500 ono. Ph 0423 678 927 VEHICLE OR VESSEL TO SELL? Phone 6295 1708 to advertise Bruny Island Cheeses, BISH smoked Atlantic salmon & trout. Fresh game meat wallaby & rabbit. Fresh oysters delivered daily. Cygnet smoked ham & bacon. Grass fed beef & lamb products. Free range chicken breast & thigh cuts. Beef, pork & fish sausages. Delivered daily, fresh sourdough breads, Elgaar organic milk & cheese products. Great selection of local Tasmanian wines, ciders & honey beers. Ye Olde Oyster Cove Store OPEN EVERY DAY 8am - 7pm Ph 6267 4340 HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! This week’s puzzle 14 SAT 18TH 10am-4pm Bring a friend to The Naked Unit 2/23 Thorpe St, Cygnet. Bike Cafe, Geeveston, buy Moving sale. one Vittoria coffee & get Some furniture, tools, the second coffee FREE! odds & ends. Ph 6295 1476 BRING THIS ADVERT MAKE THE CLASSIFIEDS (Tues-Fri only). Valid until 31/10/14. facebook. WORK FOR YOU com/mootsinkahoots Advertising here and in 0403 949 315 the Kingston Classifieds attracts a discount. REAL FISH & CHIPS Ph 6295 1708 by 2pm AT THE MARGATE TRAIN on Tuesday to place your Flathead & chips $7.99 advertisement Fishermans basket $9.99 or visit out website at Trevalla & chips $14.50 SELLING SOMETHING to lodge your ad. Phone 6295 1708 16 October 2014 7 4 1 9 4 5 6 1 7 3 6 2 7 3 9 SHIATSU GARAGE SALE th 1 COBWEB DESIGNS Wishes to welcome Jo Eason (pilates) to our practice. Jo will be offering Remedial Massage in our Friday clinic. Unfortunately Justin Taylor and his lovely wife Erin have left Tasmania on a new adventure. We wish both Jo and Justin great joy in their respective new pathways. Japanese Deep Tissue Massage. $50. Sunday afternoons in Cygnet. SPRINGTIME DELIGHTS Spray free local apples & pears- Gift vouchers also available. Contact Juanita on Pink Lady, Jonathons, 6297 8412 Sturmers, Coxes & many more varieties. Fresh potatoesP/eyes, K/Edwards, Up-to-Dates, K/becs, D/Creams & Kipfler. Fresh real free range eggs. GARAGE SALE MULTIHOUSE Multiple households Pure & Natural H/Made jams, chutneys & relishes. o f g o o d s ; f u r n i t u r e , homewares, electrical Also large range of local honey unheated & Manuka. a p p l i a n c e s , c u r t a i n s , Ye Olde Oyster Cove Store brassware, collectibles, books, ladies clothing OPEN EVERY DAY 8am - 7pm Ph 6267 4340 (sizes 8-12), camping gear, baby clothing, plus more. LOVE YOUR COFFEE? Saturday 18 th October. TRIED OUR Sandfly Hall on Sandfly Rd. After 9am. VITTORIA COFFEE YET? SUDOKU 9x9 7 Remedial Massage Herbal Medicines Call 6264 2002 Huon Natural Healthcare The numbers 1 to 9 must appear in every row, column & 3 x 3 box. Use logic to define the answer, which will appear in next week’s Classifieds. 1 8 4 2 7 3 7 1 8 2 1 5 9 8 3 Last issue’s solution 6 8 9 3 2 1 5 4 7 7 4 3 6 5 9 2 1 8 1 2 5 4 8 7 3 6 9 Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 5 6 2 7 3 4 8 9 1 9 3 7 8 1 2 6 5 4 8 1 4 9 6 5 7 3 2 2 7 6 1 4 3 9 8 5 3 5 1 2 9 8 4 7 6 4 9 8 5 7 6 1 2 3 ‘the Basics of Weaving’ held at Cygnet Market. October 19th. Booking essential. Ph Jess 0458 251 624. YOGA Classes at Cygnet Sports Centre, Thurs evenings and Fri mornings. Bookings essential. For info Angela: phone 6295 1997; email Guitar tuition the guitar school All levels and styles taught at studios in City and Kingston areas. Ph Roger Southey 6229 4453 BIKRAM YOGA 51 Chuter St, Deep Bay Mon – Fri 9.30am & 6.30pm Sat 8am, Sun 10am Call Ben 0427 651 032 www CYGNET IYENGAR YOGA CLASSES New 10-week beginners course starts 19th October 12.15-1.45pm in Supper R o o m . Fo r d e t a i l s c a l l 6297 8412 or email EMPLOYMENT EARN GR8 $ P/T ONLINE Dynamic health industry. Company of the year. Nobel prize-nom technology. New in Tas. Phone Jen 6227 8386 / 0413 953 386 AGENTS Place your line ad for the Kingston Classifieds and the Cygnet & Channel Classifieds at one of our agents Middleton PO Woodbridge PO Snug PO Margate PO Sandfly Store Geeveston PO CASH ONLY November Sat 1st and Sun 2 nd 2014 starting 10am. Situated behind the football oval – off Guy’s Rd, Cygnet. All welcome. Please join us for a great weekend of horsey things. We have: dancing Andalusian horses, Bowen Therapy and stretches for the horse, Gymball and Pilates Exercises for horseback, display of a horse at liberty doing some tricks. Feed and nutrition information, horse massage and much more. For more information call Jess Reardon 0418 497 876 ST JAMES SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCHEON Friday 31st Oct, Cygnet RSL. 12 noon. All welcome. Mary Doyle, 6295 1349 CYGNET FOLK FESTIVAL Early bird discount tickets now on sale. For more info and to purchase tickets visit the website. THE HUONVILLE MARKET This Saturday. Something for everyone. All welcome. New stallholder enquiries welcome. Ph 0419 221 705. PUBLIC NOTICE HVC INVITES YOU TO ATTEND The Community Bushfire Awareness & Preparedness Workshop. Sun 19 th Oct, 10am-1.30pm. Huonville Town Hall. RSVP 6427 5313 PEREGRINE SCHOOL PRE-KINDER SESSIONS B egi n on Tue s day 14 th October at 9.30am. Limited spaces available for kinder 2015. Ph 0400 146 858 SOMETHING TO SAY? Phone 6295 1708 to advertise Local Weather Forecast Thursday Showers clearing 6/14° Friday Partly cloudy 3/14° Saturday Partly cloudy 4/23° SundayShowers Monday Possible early shower 10/18° 3/15° Weather forecast for Huonville from on Wednesday morning GARDENING TRADES SERVICES QUALITY BATHROOM RENOVATIONS A home delivery service for tax returns. We pick up your papers, compile your return and deliver the papers back for lodgement. If you have a refund due, then we take our fee from your refund and transfer the balance to you. Bloomfield & Associates tax for busy people! Call and book your pickup now! 6231 6886 Qualified carpenter, 25yrs’ experience. No job too small. Call Dirk 0447 524 040 COMPUTING Refrigeration, washers, dryers, stoves, water pumps. If it comes with a plug we can fix it. Huon Appliances 0408 219 081. CHANNEL PC REPAIRS Repair call out service. New and refurbished PCs and parts. Phone 6267 4658 COMPUTER REPAIRS Daniels IT would like to remind you that Paul is available to repair your home or work machines. He has 15 years professional experience in Networks, Windows and Linux solutions. He can come to you, or just drop your machine in. All results and explanations in PLAIN ENGLISH! 0428 388 165 MEDIA DIGITAL TV RECEPTION Antennas, cabling, new outlets and equipment set up. All issues resolved and guaranteed. 13 years in the Huon/Channel. Govt endorsed installer # 3966. Call Total TV Tuning on 0428 154 449 STORAGE CONCRETE AND EXCAVATIONS Available for shed & house slabs, driveways, etc. Experienced with exposed aggregate & colour finishes. Phone Andrew on 0407 873 009 APPLIANCE REPAIRS 7 TONNE CAT EXCAVATOR All home maintenance & repairs. Plastering, painting, doors, windows, re-grouting tiles. Fences, gates, mowing & general yard work. No job too small. Call for quote Chris 0407 248 450. Fully insured. Building services. No job too big or small. Ph 0457 686 968 ANGEL CLEAN PLASTERER Iron and tile roof restoration. Free quotes. The Flu Pro. Ph 0407 040 641 Walls Ceilings Cornices Old & New 35 years experience Ph Peter 0412 790 768 PORTABLE SAWMILLING With Lucas Mill, on site and to order. Log handling machinery available. Phone Bernt 0402 484 160 GORDON ASPHALTING and SPRAY SEALING Car parks, driveways, footpaths repaired. No obligation free quote. Ph 0428 554 439 CARPENTER / JOINER 30 years’ experience. Reno’s, decks, pergolas, handyman, maintenance. No job too small. Free quotes. Jason 0414 299 703 ROOF PAINTING STONE AGE CONSTRUCTION For all brick, block & stone work. Call Jim on 0408 064 418 SHEDS Local supplier of quality garages, farm sheds and industrial buildings. Accredited builder. 0419 309 146 / 6295 1301 FLUE CLEANS NEW WOOD HEATER SALES Repairs and installations. Call The Flue Pro 0407 040 641 CERAMIC TILER Kitchens, bathrooms, floors. Renovation specialist. 25 years experience. Call Alex 0411 742 797 Available for work, new homes, extensions, renovations. Please call Steven Gibson 6297 8562 or 0428 978 561 CARPET CLEANING PAINTER TRADE OR SERVICE? CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE Advertise in the Classifieds Phone or lodge your ad online BEFORE 2pm on Tuesday Ph 6295 1708 | $30 / room. $30 / seat. Insured / all areas. Please call Henk, Detail Clean 0448 695 429 RENDER & TEXTURE COATINGS By Trowel Art 27 years experience. Free quotes. Call 0418 983 659 ALL HOME RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE All renovations - indoor & out. Carpentry, heritage restorations, painting, tiling, plastering. Bespoke timber furniture made to order. Decking, fencing & timber gates made to your design. Quality workmanship, cost-effective. Free quotes. Fully qualified & insured. 25 years’ experience. Ph Michael Van Heel. 0412 823 925 BUILDERS AVAILABLE New homes, extensions, decks, free measure & quote. Call Ronny or Rohan Gudden on 0418 532 160 or 0400 682 099 DIGITAL TV ANTENNAS V.A.S.T. free to air satellite TV. TV Channel Restack Retuning Homeright Electrical 0419 566 341 6267 9698 For all your building needs. Decks, renos, repairs, etc. No job too small. Free quotes. Ph Warren 0427 442 042 FOR RENT ACCREDITED BUILDER No job too small. Call Peter 0417 302 739 SOMETHING TO SELL? CARPET / UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CARPENTER Contact Chris from The 2C’s CARPET CLEANING Anywhere quotes Phone 6295 1603 Phone 6295 1708 to advertise or lodge your ad online at ELECTRICIAN Switchboards, lights, safety checks, etc. SeaSpark Contracting, Jon Ph 0429 926 516. Lic 1222249 CARPENTER JOINER Cleaning ~ Gardening Carpet Cleaning Lawns / Pruning / Gutters Regular/Spring/Bond cleans Reno/Builders. Police check. Call Carolyn 0448 779 981 All aspects. SELF STORAGE CYGNET Over 20 yrs’ experience. New complex, town centre, Call Clayton on 6297 8572 or power, lights, 0417 943 202, LIC 1369347 24-hour access, secure yard, 21m2 bays, HUON VALLEY PAINTING suit car/furniture, etc. Interior / Exterior End of lane to left of Mitre 10. Servicing Huon Valley area Ph 0417 714 755 Call Adam or Kylie 0438 430 805 Fully equipped. House sites, roads, general work etc. $90/hr + GST or quote. Phone Rohan Gudden 0400 682 099 or Ronny Gudden on 0418 532 160 CV’s HANDYMAN SERVICE PLUMBER General plumbing, emergency repairs and maintenance. Hot water cylinders and blocked drains. Phone 0427 776 456 ELECTRICIAN FOR HIRE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Electrician Lic No: 944066. Fast and friendly service. Call Jamie 0417 363 872. display ads 5pm Fri advertising deadlines TAX RETURNS TO YOUR DOOR! line ads 2pm Tues 3 BEDROOM HOUSE $235pw. Short walk to town. Huge backyard. Ph 0455 942 688 HOLIDAY ACCOM. Eco & Pet friendly 6297 8290 / 0439 978 290 OW SH Y DA OUTDOOR GARDEN PRODUCTS Plants & seedlings. Garden mulches – pea straw, lucerne & grass hay. Barley straw. Mushroom compost. Range of potting soils & animal manures – sheep, chicken & 3-in-1. Ye Olde Oyster Cove Store OPEN EVERY DAY 8am - 7pm Ph 6267 4340 PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICES Qualified arborist, fully insured, ethical tree care. Modern Arbor 0449 150 471 Longley Organic Farm Spring Nursery Sale. Sat 18th & Sun 19th Oct, 8.30-4.30. Certified seed potato, raspberry, strawberries and blueberry plants, an array of herbs, vege seedlings, succulants and natives. Certified organic compost and potting mix composting worms, complete organic fertiliser, biochar and more. Also seasonal produce, jams, honey. Most items up to 50% off major retail prices! 1690 Huon Rd, Cnr Sandfly & Huon Rd, Longley (150m from Pub). RIDE ON MOWING / BRUSH CUTTING Large areas welcome. Insured. Please call 0448 695 429 GARDENING Mowing, hedge-trimming, pruning, brushcutting. Ph Lenny 6292 1032 PETS & LIVESTOCK 17” WINTEC GP SADDLE Mounted, $275. Pony snaffle bridle, $20. Zilco 5’3” rug, $20. Ph/text Angela 0448 007 270 LUXURY BOARDING PROFESSIONAL GROOMING Margate Country Kennels 170 Van Morey Road 6267 1148 / 0437 355 856 RANI’S LOCAL, CHEAP, EXPERIENCED PETMINDING At your own home. One dog or an entire farm. Pats, walks, medications. 0403 642 916 ShowDAY Cygnet & Channel Classifieds Changed deadlines Display ads 5pm Fri 17th Oct Line ads 2pm Tue 21st Oct 16 October 2014 - Cygnet & Channel Classifieds 15 Event Diary October OPINION The economy: a new way of thinking A key phrase in modern political thinking was coined by the Clinton camp during the 1992 presidential election: “It’s the economy, stupid.” Well, it was the issue for that election, which Clinton won. The phrase is coming to take on a new meaning, and might be better expressed as “The economy is not enough, stupid.” Like many of us, I can’t remember just when the ‘state of the economy’ became our major political preoccupation. I can’t remember when it became essential to sit through a nightly presentation on aspects of the economy on whichever nightly news one watches or listens to. My memory suggests that it is a fairly recent phenomenon. Others may have a clearer view. What is emerging is a growing unease, and an intuition if not a conviction, that the economy is not the most important issue confronting humanity. Coupled with this is recognition of the mathematical and logical fallacy that the economy can keep on growing exponentially. Not on this planet, it can’t. It is now generally acknowledged that at the present rate of consumption and exploitation of resources, our economy is running at the rate of one and a half planet Earths. The global population is shortly going to rise to 11 billion, and is increasing geometrically. The inevitable conclusion, which we can predict intelligently and begin to plan for, is that the economy cannot logically continue to grow 16 at the expense of the planet, so we reconstruct the economy. Or we can ignore it and wait, consciously or otherwise, for ecological or climatic disaster to overwhelm us and swamp our capacity to respond rationally. Either way, a decline in the standard of living is inevitable, as is a shift from consumption to conservation, recycling and re-use. No mainstream, i.e. Coalition or Labor, politician wants to preside over or even discuss such a proposition. But the phrase ‘degrowth economy’, first coined in 2006, is edging its way into the discourse. The concept is much more advanced in societies which were battered by the 2008 GFC and have not yet recovered and are enduring a forced, unplanned and unintentional decrease in the standard of living. In France, Spain and Italy, all countries which are consequently undergoing an enforced economic degrowth and national budgets based on austerity for the bulk of the population, the movement is growing in strength, and some coined a word for it: ‘decroissance’, ‘decrescita’ ‘decrecimiento’. In none of these nations was the possibility of a catastrophic downturn in the economy, verging on national bankruptcy in the case of Greece, foreseen or planned for, although hindsight revealed that wholescale tax evasion, both individual and corporate, was a factor. The consequences Cygnet & Channel Classifieds - 16 October 2014 to 19 Seniors Week – Activities all week across Tasmania 16 Friends of Snug Village Age Care Facility trade table & afternoon tea – 1.30pm, 10A Torpy Avenue, Snug 17 Surin Project Thai curry night fundraiser – 6-9pm, DS Cafe, Huonville 17 October Big Sleep Out (Anti-Poverty Week fundraiser) – Margate Oval 18 Native Orchid Exhibition Opening – 5m, Kingston Beach Arts Hub 19 Community Bushfire Awareness & Preparedness Workshop – 10am-1.30pm, Huonville Town Hall 19 Kettering Concert - Nuove Musiche – 3pm, Kettering Hall 19 Native Orchid Guided Walk – 10am, Peter Murrell Reserve 19 Native Plant Workshop – 10am-4pm, Inverawe Native Gardens, Margate 19 Illawarra Primary School Fair – 11am-3pm, 4 Tinderbox Road East 22 Pirates Ahoy – 10-11am, Kids Allowed Shop, Channel Court, Kingston 23-26 Bruny Island Bird Festival Market Diary October 18 Huonville Market – 10am-2pm, Huonville Town Hall and surrounds 19 Cygnet Market – 10am-2pm, Cygnet Town Hall for Greece were dramatic: jobs vanished overnight, apparent prosperity became real poverty, children went hungry, schools were closed, public transport stopped. Shops closed, local markets opened. Pawn brokers made a killing as assets were converted, at a discount, into cash. Nor is the phenomenon confined to lotus-eating Mediterranean economies. Examples? The catastrophic decline in the economy of Detroit, its empty, unsellable houses, its vandalised public buildings and landscape all shout: “It’s not the economy, stupid!” Detroit – the city – recently filed for bankruptcy in July 2013, a sad fate for the industrial metropolis which was dubbed ‘the arsenal of democracy’ during the second world war, manufacturing a major part of the material superiority which was a crucial in the Allied victory over fascism. The economy of Ireland, not so long ago the ‘Celtic Tiger’, enjoyed an average annual increase of 9.4% during 1995 - 2000. But by 2008 the housing bubble was pricked, GDP was contracting (14% that year) and unemployment reached 14%. In this country the topic has not yet emerged as a subject for debate, and the focus of the present government owes much to the expansionist thinking of the industrial revolution, offset by a conviction that austerity (for the poorer and disadvantaged classes) is the way to go. Our government oscillates between vote-losing ideological austerity and political pragmatism, from 40 obligatory job applications for non-existent jobs per week, to 20, from budgetary catastrophe to military and diplomatic profligacy. The budget for the domestic Civil Aviation Authority is slashed, millions are sunk in the search for a missing airliner which is not really any of our business. None of this inspires confidence. The current economic figures for this country are skewed by the mining continued page 13
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