Faculty of Science and Technology Bachelor of Sustainability Great discoveries don’t always happen in the classroom – that’s why we take you outside the square. Our practical, hands on programs will take you out into the amazing natural environment and into working commercial facilities. Let Federation University help you discover your full potential. Designed in consultation with industry, our programs are internationally recognised for producing graduates who are equipped with relevant, up to date knowledge and skills. Program outline The Bachelor of Sustainability integrates environmental science, social science and EXVLQHVV to equip students with a broad theoretical understanding of sustainability issues, as well as the necessary practical skills to allow them to flourish in a rapidly expanding sector of the employment market. The program incorporates material from each of the three core disciplines, and allows students to choose one area of sustainability (environmental, social or business) in which to major, while gaining a rich understanding of all aspects of sustainability theory and practice. Now accepting applications for Semester 1, 2015. The program is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to bring about transformative change in the workplace and the community via a multidisciplinary approach, with a holistic core of focused sustainability courses. The applied nature of the program will ensure that graduates of the Bachelor of Sustainability are work-ready. Career Opportunities The focus on sustainability in global and national governance is reflected in an increasing demand for sustainability qualifications in the employment market. There are many career opportunities for sustainability graduates in a wide range of public sector and community organisations and in private industry, including roles such as sustainability and environment officers, governance officers, policy advisors, and planning and research officers. Learn to succeed | 1800 FED UNI | federation.edu.au CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Program entry requirements Fee information Year 12: Satisfactory completion of VCE including pre-requisite units 3 and 4 English (any) or the equivalent interstate, overseas or mature entry qualification. Domestic Students Non Year 12: Mature age entry (When considering your application we take into account your life experience, working and volunteer experience, and the further study and training you may have completed) Program Structure Below is a sample program structure for a student undertaking the Bachelor of Sustainability with a major in Environment (Social and Business majors are also available - please view our website for sample structures for these majors). Note: Programs in italics are elecWLves Year One Semester One Semester Two SCENV1502 PHILO1004 BUECO1507 SCSUS1000 SCSUS1500 Sustainable Earth? SOCOG1004 Neoliberal Modernity BUGEN1530 Principles of Responsible Business SCSUS1001 Introduction to Sustainable Development Environmental Studies Practical Ethics Business Microeconomics Sustainability Practice Year Two Semester Three Semester Four SCENV2400 BUENT2639 STATS1900 SCCHE1101 SOCIN2200 Community Engagement and Advocacy SCSUS2000 Sustainability Auditing SCGEO1104 Landscape Evolution SCENV2200 Population and Community Ecology Wetlands and Water Resources Creativity and Innovation Business Statistics Chemistry 1 Year Three Semester Five Semester Six SCSUS3000 Industry Project 1 SCENV2600 GIS (Spatial Analytics) SCENV3120 Landscape Restoration and Mine Site Rehabilitation SCENV3110 Fire Ecology and Management ENV3761 Waste Management and Remediation SCSUS3001 Industry Project 2 SCGEO2101 Regolith SCENV3100 Land and Water Contamination For fee information please refer to: IHGHUDWLRQedu.au/fees International Students International students must apply through our International Admissions section, and must satisfy Australian Government requirements and conditions for study in Australia as well as meeting the entry requirements for the intended program of study. For full information relevant to international students please contact: tel. email. web. +61 3 5327 9018 international@federation.edu.au federation.edu.au/international About the Faculty of Science and Technology Our programs are internationally recognised for producing graduates who are equipped with relevant, up-to-date skills that ensure they are industry ready by the time they commence employment. The Faculty offers a wide range of programs including bachelor, graduate certificate, graduate diplomas, masters (research or coursework) and PhD program. Our facilities Our new Science and Engineering Precinct provides a world-class learning, teaching and research facility in a regional centre. As a Mt Helen student you will use this precinct for classes in the fields of HQYLURQPHQWDOVFLHQFH engineeringDQGJHRORJ\. Faculty of Science and Technology Engage with FedUni on social media Call: 1800 333 864 Email:info@federation.edu.au Visit: federation.edu.auVWXG\VXVWDLQDELOLW\ federation.edu.au/programfinder www.facebook.com/FedUniAustralia www.twitter.com/FedUniAustralia www.youtube.com/FedUniAustralia Disclaimer: Information in this publication was current at the time of printing (August 2014). The University reserves the right to alter any program, procedure, regulation or fee. Prospective students should read the contained information carefully and contact the relevant numbers for further information. The information contained in this guide may not apply to international students. To find out more regarding International Education, please call +61 3 5327 9018 or fax +61 3 5327 9017. This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Governments funding. Document produced by FedUni Marketing and Communications.
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