DELIVERED FREE A Community Newspaper produced by Thema Pty Ltd IN KENTISH ISSN 2202-2813 Established 2013 Issued Monthly Vol. 2 No. 4 October 2014 CONGRATULATIONS! MADALAN AND CHELSEA At the Royal Brisbane Show Madalan Page of Barrington (Right) was presented with her award as Junior Cattle Handler Champion of Champions. Also at the Royal Brisbane Show Chelsea Rayner of Beulah (Left) achieved second place in the National Junior Beef Judging Championships. Congratulations to you both. Your achievements are a credit to all involved in the Junior Cattle Handlers program at Sheffield School. You are both an inspiration to others in the program who now know that their dedication and training can bring such lofty rewards for effort. The entire community is proud of your achievement.. Show your support for the Sheffield/Railton Community Bank® Project Complete your community survey online at feasibility-surveys.php USE ON WHITE THE KENTISH VOICE Circulated FREE in the Kentish Municipality and FREE download from the website The Kentish Voice, 12 Victoria Street Sheffield TAS 7306 Published by Thema Pty Ltd as trustee of the Douglas George Begg Family Trust ABN 53 646 737 964 Editor : Lesley Begg Contact for Editorial: Contact for Advertising: Phone: 0429 451 107 Web site: HOW TO GET YOUR COPIES OF THE KENTISH VOICE 2600 copies delivered to Sheffield, Railton, Wilmot, Barrington areas as well as country roadside mailboxes. If we missed someone we are very sorry! Please let us know so we can make sure that you receive future editions. You can still read a copy at various locations including: • Fudge ‘n’ Good Coffee • Sheffield Motel Cafe • Sheffield Newsagency • Tasmanian Farm Shop • Railton PO & Newsagency • Gum Leaf Café Railton • Blacksmith’s Gallery Cafe • Bossimis • Wilmot Online Access Centre • R & J Publishing, Devonport Or you can download your copy of The Kentish Voice from our website at Printed in Devonport by R & J Publishing Shop 1/103 Oldaker Street, Devonport 7310 Phone 6424 5441 Deadline for advertising and articles is the 20th of the month Disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken the producers of The Kentish Voice cannot be held liable for any publication errors in written material or advertisements. Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Editor or Staff. The Editor reserves the right to exclude any contributor or advertiser at their discretion. Some material may be abbreviated due to space availability. EDITORIAL Welcome to our October edition of The Kentish Voice. Kentish can be very proud of the achievements of a number of our locals. I am sure that only a small proportion of these achievements come across my desk. When they do, I am privileged to bring them to the attention of our readers so they can share the recognition of your efforts. In this edition read about the high achievement of two of our junior cattle handlers. We would also take our hat off to one of our local identities who tackled a challenge that many of us would never dream of attempting, let alone successfully! Well done Geneen Duff for a marvellous effort in the City to Surf, conquering heartbreak hill in eleven minutes! With the ever increasing support of our local advertisers I hope to be able to include more and more news and accolades for our many talented local residents who quietly achieve great heights in many fields of endeavour. I especially thank the advertisers, and our readers who are supporting our advertisers by buying their goods and services. It all keeps our local communities prosperous, happy and healthy! Enjoy the annual “Oktoberfest” event at Seven Sheds Page 2 Brewery and Meadery at Railton. There is free entry to a falily-friendly event provided by one of our excellent local businesses. During October we ask that you assist both the Sheffield/ Railton Community Bank® Project by completing the Community Survey for Bendigo Bank (see page 4 and 5); and by responding to the request for recommendations from residents regarding additional health services that would be beneficial to the Kentish Region from the University of Tasmania in collaboration with our Council (see page 3). The Community Bank® Survey will be in your mailboxes in from 6th October. Please fill them out as it is the next vital step in the establishment of our new community-owned Bank which will help support community organisations and projects over the years to come. The University of Tasmania survey will provide vital information that will facilitate funding for additional health services and/or facilities within our region. Your input is vital for this project also. This is also the month that we, as residents, have the opportunity to vote for our Mayor, Deputy Mayor and all The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Kentish Councillors. This is the first time that all positions on Council have been declared vacant at the same time. Elected members will be your representatives for the next four years. At the time of printing the candidates have not been declared by the Electoral Commission but several candidates have provided advertisements for their candidacy and some information that may be helpful for you in deciding who to vote for when the ballot papers are delivered to your mailbox in the second half of the month. Our Council is responsible for so many aspects that affect our daily life in Kentish – but you are responsible for putting the right people in those positions! Oktoberfest Sunday 5 October 12 noon-4pm • Free Entry • Live music with You3 • Seven Sheds ales on tap • Family-friendly day • Wood-fired pizzas, gourmet sausages There will be a “Meet the Candidates” Evening on 9th October at Sheffield Senior Citizens Club at 7.00pm Come along and be informed in your decision-making, then be proactive and VOTE! In each edition I will have a “Community Question”. I hope that you, our residents of Kentish, will provide replies for the next edition where they will be called “Community Comments”. You will find the “Community Question” on Page 3 and the from the November edition the “Community Comments” will be found elsewhere in the edition. Also, if you have any suggestions for a question please feel free to email or phone. Please enjoy our biggest edition yet! Lesley and Doug • Local wine, cider, mead • BYO picnic blankets & chairs 22 Crocker Street Railton COMMUNITY QUESTION “What do you believe are the most important issues for our new Council to address?” KENTISH COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS ASSESSMENT In recent years the Kentish Council has spearheaded significant investment in health services through the development of the Kentish Health Care Centre and Precinct. This development presents an ideal opportunity for Council to engage the residents of the municipality about the broader health needs of our community. In order to better understand community needs Council has engaged the services of the University of Tasmania’s Centre for Rural Health (CRH) to undertake a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) of the Kentish Municipality. The CHNA is jointly funded by Council and Tasmania Medicare Local (TML). A Project Advisory Committee has been convened comprising representatives from Council, Tandara Lodge Community Care Inc, the Sheffield School, Glenhaven Family Care and the CRH Research Team to support project activities. The project seeks to engage residents of the whole Kentish Municipality. In order to capture the voice of the community, residents will be invited to complete a survey and/or participate in a focus group where they will be provided with an opportunity to present their views and ideas on a range of social, economic and environmental factors that impact on the their health and that of their community. All information received from the community will be treated anonymously and in accordance with strict UTAS ethical guidelines. The information in the CHNA will enable needs to be highlighted and gaps to be identified. Without a professional needs assessment like this, government organizations will not make funding available for new services. Therefore to enable the greatest chance to attract more health related services to Kentish the Project Advisory Committee encourage as many people as possible to become involved. Residents of Kentish will be kept updated on the progress of the study through regular briefings. The study will be undertaken between August 2014 and March 2015 and will conclude with a presentation of a report to council. If residents have any questions about the study they are welcome to contact Darrin Cunningham, Economic and Community Development Manager at the Kentish Council via email or phone 6491 0200 or they may contact the CHNA Project officer, Alison Wild via email The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Page 3 Sheffield/Railton Community Bank® At present Bendigo Bank provides us with the staff to assist you with your banking decisions and once our Branch is open it will our local staff, trained by Bendigo, who will assist you with your banking questions. Please make an appointment to talk with Sammi Charles, our Business Development Manager, on 0409 934 230. 47 MAIN ST, SHEFFIELD EXTENDED HOURS Fudge’n’Good Coffee will return to extended trading hours at the start of Daylight Savings, from 5th October. Our opening hours will be: 9am until 5pm, 7 days a week See you soon!! WWW.FUDGENGOODCOFFEE.COM JULIE HARGREAVES CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR I want Kentish to be a great place to work as much as it is to live or to visit – that means growing the opportunities for local businesses to grow local jobs. I want a solid economy in Kentish based on what we grow and make as much as from the views we sell to visitors – that means growing opportunities for agriculture and primary production as well as for tourism. I want Kentish to continue to be a focal point for arts in all its forms – artists inspire us, challenge us and connect us culturally. I want Kentish to be powered from abundant renewable sources and for the natural assets of Kentish to be enduring climate change and how we adapt to it will shape what we pass on to the next generation. I want Kentish to continue to be a community that cares and shares, whether a pot luck dinner or to lend a hand when it’s needed - that means facilitating the volunteers and voluntary organisations to do what they do best. While I will be only one voice out of 9, if elected as Councillor I will do my best for Kentish and the Kentish community and these are the values that guide me. (See Advertisement Back Page) Authorised by Julie Hargreaves, 1750 Claude Rd Gowrie Park Page 4 SHEFFIELD/RAILTON COMMUNITY BANK® PROJECT WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE FOR THIS NEXT STAGE OF THE PROJECT- O COMPLETE THE SURVEY FORM Please take between 2 and 5 minutes to complete the Community Survey Form for the SHEFFIELD/RAILTON COMMUNITY BANK® Project when it is delivered by post between 6th and 10th October. It only takes the time to boil a kettle! We need your suvey to show your support. We want to receive 1500 surveys so please do not leave it to someone else! After reaching all our targets during the Pledging phase of our Project the Community Survey conducted by an independent Survey Company for Bendigo Bank is the next step in establishing our very own Community Bank® which will provide funds for local community projects, and pay dividends to local shareholders. The envelope that will be delivered by Australia Post to your letterbox or Post Office Box contains both a personal survey form and a business survey form. If you have a business we invite you to complete this form. Please also complete the personal form. There are only 12 questions on the Personal Survey Form, and 11 questions on the Business Survey Form. Survey Forms are anonomous. You just tick the boxes. There is a reply paid envelope to return your form or forms to AFS. The Community Survey forms can also be completed on-line at: or scan the QR Code to complete the survey on your mobile device or smart phone.. If you complete the Survey online please pass your mailed form to a neighbour or friend. Your responses remain anonymous and are collated by AFS, the independent survey company commissioned by the Sheffield/ Railton Community Bank® Project Steering Committee. A summary of the responses will also provide a guide to the inaugural Board as to the banking hours that will best serve our community. Thank you if you have already shown your support so far for the Project by either pledging to buy shares, or by banking with the Sheffield/Railton Community Bank® already. Even if you have not either pledged or commenced banking with our branch of the Bendigo Bank you will be assisting the establishment of the branch by completing the Community Survey and returning it in the envelope provided. If posting the Survey Form is difficult for you please do not hesitate to contact one of the Steering Committee who will collect the form for you and return the sealed envelope to AFS on your behalf. There is still time to either pledge or increase your pledge to buy shares in the Sheffield/Railton Community Bank®. You can pledge to buy as little as 500 $1.00 shares up to a total of 10% of the total capital raised. Please contact one of the Steering Committee members listed above if you would like to pledge or increase your pledge. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 THE NEXT STAGE OF THE PROJECT COMMENCES. PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR COMMUNITY SURVEY FORM AND WE WILL PROCEED TO THE PROPECTUS STAGE OF OUR PROJECT TO OPEN OUR LOCALLY OWNED COMMUNITY BANK® WE NEED AS MANY KENTISH RESIDENTS AS POSSIBLE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY The Steering Committee members and their location and contact numbers are: Adrian Crowther (Chairman) Railton 0459 824 945 Julie Hargreaves (Secretary) Gowrie Park 040409 936 907 SHEFFIELD/RAILTON COMMUNITY BANK® PROJECT PROGRESS JUNE 2014 TARGET PLEDGES TO BUY SHARES 300 + PROGRESS 300+ CAPITAL PLEDGED BANKING WITH OUR BRANCH $700,000 + $10 Million + $700,000+ $10 Million Sheffield/Railton Community Bank®Project Please return your community survey now Shayn Harkness Gowrie Park 0419 905 482 Our Community Bank® branch needs you Lesley Begg (Pledge Co-Ordinator) Sheffield 0408 451 107 Survey forms available from: For further information: Daniels Williams Moina Summit Advisors, 62 High Street, Sheffield Adrian Crowther 0459 824 945 Tim Wilson Sheffield 0438 912 280 Fudge N Good Coffee, Main Street, Julie Hargreaves 0409 936 907 Sheffield Lesley Begg 0408 451 107 Michelle Hudson Claude Road Railton Motor & Tyre Service, Foster Street, Deborah Baldock 0448 570 270 Railton Tim Wilson 0438 912 280 Doug Begg Sheffield 0429 451 107 John Sinclair Penny Lane 0428 627 926 Claude Road 0419 890 367 Wilmot Online Access Centre, Wilmot 03 6491 1727 Barrington 0407 214 822 Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited. ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. S46752_8 (203057_v3) (19/09/2014) Justin Carman Claude Road 0409 579 076 Terry Baxter Sheffield 0438 670 119 Deborah Baldock Sheffield 0448 570 270 Your banking business now will also contribute to the profits that can be distributed in our communities sooner rather than later. Bendigo Business Development Manager, Sammi Charles, is available to assist you in establishing new accounts and loans with our Community Bank® branch. pledge feasibility It’s all about working together prospectus launch • Taxation: Small business, Individuals or Self-Managed Super Funds – we know how to (legally) reduce your tax burden Business: We can help you build a better future through • accountancy based business growth, lifestyle and capital improvement strategies ACCOUNTANTS Accounting for the future Locally owned & operated The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Succession Planning: Succession, Estate & Asset Protection • solutions for SMSF's, SME's and Individuals: Grow-Protect-Distribute Open Monday – Friday Next to Service Tasmania Ring to make an appointment After hours appointments available Page 5 TRADES AND BUILDING SERVICES Traditional Skills…. Contemporary Know-how • Architectural Builds • Renovations and Additions • Restorations including Heritage • Decks and Outdoor Areas • From Concept to Completion • Building Consulting and Management 0458 110 060 Window installation/Mirrors/Shower Screens/Fly Screens/Security Doors/ Glazing & Repairs Brett Lowry 0407 696 765 Page 6 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 STAYING CONNECTED WITH TIM WILSON Hello again, New iPhone - Apple has made some major announcements lately. There is a new iPhone announced. The iPhone 6 is coming. There is a second iPhone 6 model labelled the “Plus”. The Plus is a larger phone and more expensive. Both phones have an improved camera and (apparently) better battery life. Now the price…….$869 for the 4.7 inch screen version and $999 for the 5.5 inch screen version. Hmm not cheap. Apple Watch - Another first for Apple is the announcement of their first watch. It’s pretty different to a normal watch. It’s a computer on your wrist. You can use it to send email, texts, look at photos, monitor your health, cook your toast. I made up the toast bit. You are best to have a look your self. http://www. The price? Unknown as yet. A Casio from the chemist will no doubt be cheaper. Todoist - Are you looking for an online todo list? One that you can access from different locations and different devices? I recommend After some rigorous testing I have found this todo list impressive. There is a free and paid service. The premium service is around $30 per year (but is not compulsory). So put it on your todo list to have a look at www. It works well. Feedly - Have a stack of websites you visit regularly? Why not TIM WILSON CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR & DEPUTY MAYOR Kentish Council has worked well together over the recent term. The council has listened to the community and generally made decisions it deemed best for the community as a whole. I have enjoyed being part of it. I have been fortunate to have worked closely with the Mayor during the recent term. Kentish has had a strong and unified leadership team, working together respectfully. This has helped form a solid and stable council. What are some things I achieved? Following a ratepayer suggestion I have put Gowrie Park on Council's agenda to investigate its potential for re-establishment as a living village. I pushed council not to pay the asking price for the Sheffield infant’s school, we were fortunate to attain it for one dollar. I pushed the implementation of a discount on rates when paid in full. I have successfully helped some (not all) frustrated residents who have sought assistance in dealing with the Council. Where to now? I will get behind the establishment of a skate park in Railton if the township does. I will do what I can to support the Sheffield/Railton community bank establishing an ATM in Railton. Council should continue to do what it can to help see the re-establishment of a shop in the township of Wilmot. Kentish Council needs to make the way smoother for those who want to settle and develop employment opportunities in our municipality. I need your support to continue in the role as Deputy Mayor on Kentish Council. Authorised by Helen Wilson 57 haberles Rd Sheffield 7306 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 feed them all to one website where you can conveniently view them at one place? Feedly helps you do this. Why hop from website to website when you can view them all at one place? It does the job of updating the information for you. Head over and have a look at Well my Optus trial is over. We have parted company. Why? Reception was the key problem. Great reception around Sheffield, poor in Railton and really poor in parts of Devonport. If the wind was blowing the right way, reception was ok! Anyway, until Optus improves its reception, I won’t be trying them again. Sometimes you just have to try things. Farewell Optus (for now). For Beginners… Computers for the Curious... This course runs on the third Thursday in the month the next being Thursday October 23. The course will run from 3-5pm at the Access Centre. It is FREE. If this time does not suit then please give us a call. Bookings are essential and a different time to suit you may be negotiated. Come and learn the basics of using a computer. Surf the internet and be amazed by how it all works. Computers are not going away. What is stopping you? Call 64911878 to book. ADVERTISEMENT TIM WILSON as Councillor and Deputy Mayor For a solid and responsive Council 0438 912 280 Authorised by Helen Wilson 57 Haberles Road, Sheffield Page 7 TRADES AND BUILDING SERVICES KNIGHT EARTHMOVING TAS BOBCAT, EXCAVATOR & TRUCK HIRE 3½ Tonne Excavator with rubber tracks and 300 or 450 diameter augers. “Family owned business servicing the Kentish area for over 30 years, experience that will assure a job well done.” Specialising in driveway preparations, slab preparations and footings, drains and all other earthmoving needs. Call MATTHEW now on 0418 320 593 or A/H 6491 2308 Peter & Kate Bramich Contracting for Hay, Silage, Mowing, Raking, Tedding, small Squares, Slashing and other tractor work. Phone: 0364911218 or 0417560121 THANK YOU! FOR SUPPORTING YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES Page 8 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 GARDENING WITH TODD MILES OCTOBER- BEST MONTH OF ALL IN THE GARDEN. This month of the year is one of the most satisfying for gardeners. In the Vegetable garden, you are watching all the seeds you planted last month and have been carefully nurturing, sprout and take off. Your beetroot, sweet corn and silver beet seedlings are almost ready to plant out. The tomato seedlings you saved from last year are just about ready to pot on so that by the end of October they will be ready to plant out. Watch the weather warnings for potential frosts though and be ready to protect them. We can get good frosts as late as November in Sheffield. Remember also to handle these seedlings carefully, their stems are very fragile, and plant them deeply, bringing the soil up to cover part of the lower stem. Once they start to flower is the time to make sure the have plenty of water and food, and don’t forget to give them a little potash every few weeks once they are established. In the bed you have set aside for growing French Beans and climbing beans, now is the time to work in some well rotted manure. You would have remembered during the winter that beans don’t like acid soil, and dug some lime into the bed. By the middle of November, when you plant out your bean seeds, the bed will be just right and you should produce a wonderful crop of beans. While you have been working in your vegetable garden you have been admiring the blossom on your plum, nectarine and almond trees. You will have checked that the tape you wound around their trunks about a half a metre from the ground is still in place to deter those nasty coddling moths. A few handfuls of sheep manure around the base of them at this time will encourage them to work hard to produce a bountiful crop of fruit. In the Ornamental Garden, as you admire your roses starting to produce all that shiny new growth, give them a feed and examine them closely for any sign of the dreaded aphids. I have noticed a few around already this year and a spray of detergent YIPPI! Spring Is Here! * Open 7 Days Until Christmas * Pea Straw * Seed Potatoes * Mulch * Seedings * Compost/Soil Mix to top up vegie gardens Plus Heaps of Spring Colour The Kentish Voice - October 2014 mixed with oil was enough to get rid of them. At the end of the month it is a good time to prune back those trees and shrubs that have finished flowering, particularly the natives, e.g. acacias, banksias, eriostemons and callistemon. If you prune back the flower bearing stems now it helps them get through the summer and encourages new growth ready for next year’s spring flowering. Now is the time to visit your nursery if you want to choose a new camellia, azalea or rhododendron, banksia, leptospermum or grevillea because they are out in flower. If you forgot to preorder your roses, and have found a place in the garden that is crying out for a spectacular, long flowering rose bush that never seems to get black spot or any other nasties, try a Rugosa Rose, I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. KENTISH GARDEN CLUB NEWS What a busy start to Spring the Garden Club has had. We held our annual Daffodil & Spring Flower Show over the weekend of 20 & 21 September, which was a huge success. The weather was beautiful, and in all we had over 450 people visit the show. The standard of entries in both the Daffodil & Cut Flower sections was extremely high, whilst entries in the Floral Art section clearly demonstrated hidden talent within the local community. We would like to thank everyone for making this show so successful and for the support we received, particularly from the Kentish Council and The Hub. A large number of local businesses also supported the event through the donation of vouchers and products to be used as prizes, and we would also like to thank them for their wonderful and generous assistance. Of course we must also mention our guest exhibitors at the show – Rhyllis Chambers who spent the weekend delighting visitors with demonstrations of her artwork, and Matt from Flame ‘n’ Plasma for his display of metal artwork. For a full list of winners at the show as well as sponsors, please visit our website. With the warmer weather and longer days ahead, we will be organising a number of outings to take place over the coming months. Our first day trip has been organised to Wynyard on Saturday 18 October. There are a number of gardens that we will be visiting in the Wynyard area so it promises to be a great day out. For further details on the day trip please visit our calendar of events on our website or come to the next meeting. Time to get back into the garden as this is one of the busiest seasons with weeding, feeding, planting and mulching just some of the things on the “to do” list. Come along to our monthly meetings for gardening tips, hints and great ideas. And, if you have a particular problem in your garden, you might just find the answer you need! Our next garden meeting will be on Thursday 9 October, 7.30pm at the Sheffield Town Hall. Prior to the meeting garden club members are invited to visit Brett & Susie Coombs’ garden from 6.30pm. If you would like further information about anything please visit our website or contact myself on 0407 112 090. Happy gardening Cate Rejman Secretary, Page 9 MRRCI Celebrates 15 Years of Rivercare Local rivercare group, Mt Roland Rivercare Catchment Inc. celebrated their 15th year of river conservation and environmental work at their AGM in September. Word has got around about the quality of their annual BBQ and with the addition of lots of cake for the 15th anniversary celebration, the event was well attended. Representatives from Kentish Council (including the General Manager, Mayor and two councillors), as well as from Cradle Coast NRM had the opportunity to discuss natural resource management issues with members of Mt Roland Rivercare. Elected unopposed to the President’s role for yet another term was George Kelly who has served in that capacity for 13 of Rivercare’s 15 year history. During that time the organisation has won several awards, including: 2003 – Tasmanian Award For Environmental Excellence 2007 – Tasmanian Landcare Award 2008 – National Landcare Award 2008 – Tasmanian Tidy Towns – Certificate of Excellence 2013 – Tasmanian Sustainable Communities – Certificate of Excellence for Natural Environment Conservation 2014 – National Tidy Towns – Highly Commended for Environmental Innovation and Protection Get Involved with DSTA All Kentish tourism operators are invited to the next meeting of the Devonport & Surrounds Tourism Association Inc. Where: Axemans Hall of Fame – Latrobe Subject: Regional Branding, A NEW APPROACH, Mr Rob Neill When: Wednesday 15th October 2014 Time: 1.30pm for 2.00pm start For members wishing to have lunch prior to meeting, the cafe is open from 12noon. WILMOT MUSEUM EXPANDED TRY YOUR LOCAL CIDER TODAY Good Cider starts with good juice and good juice starts with great apples and that’s what we’ve been growing for over 100 years. Cider Tastings available for $10 includes a free glass of cider Happy Hour every Friday Afternoon from 4 – 6pm – all Ciders, wines and beers $5.00 Award Winning Apple Juice, Apple & Raspberry Juice and Orange Juice Apple Cider Vinegar for both human and animal health also available cnr Sheffield Rd & Melrose Road, Spreyton, Tas 7310 Ph: 03 6427 2125 The volunteers at the Wilmot Museum are delighted with the much enlarged display space completed at the end of August by local building contractor Shane Steers. Funding for the extension was provided by The Tasmanian Community Fund which allocated 77% of the cost in the recent grant round. The remaining 23% of the cost came from the generosity of the local community members and fund raising activities. The Kentish Council has assisted the museum with funds to provide for re-furbishing the original sawn timber floor that was laid down in 1898 by Henry Buxton. The contrast between the original sawn timber floor, that has an ancient repair job of the bottom of a kerosene tin hammered over a hole in the floor, and the modern hardwood floor in the new extension illustrates the advances in timber treatments during the last hundred and fifteen years. The volunteers are engaged in completing a “Significance Assessment” of a number of unique items in the collection. The Roving Curator from Arts Tasmania is helping the volunteers in the research and documentation of the significant items. The volunteers are very busy preparing the displays according to the themes identified in 2013 when the Roving Curator helped them to develop the Collection Policy and Interpretation Plan. The Wilmot Museum will be re-organized and open to the public by mid-November. The official opening will be held in late November. Community groups and bus tours will be welcome to enjoy a guided tour of the Museum and refreshments or lunch in Wilmot. Page 10 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Kentish – A First for Eco-Driving Training Kentish was the first municipality to take part in a new eco-driving training course which is expected to be rolled out to other communities soon. The course was developed by Sustainable Living Tasmania as part of a Tasmanian “Earn Your Stars” funded project to help people reduce their transport fuel use – something that benefits the pocket as well as the environment. Kentish Council employees were the first trainees to undertake this new eco-driving training, which if the techniques are fully adopted has the potential to save $4000 to $5000 per year on Council transport fuel costs. Eco-driving involves a few simple driving strategies along with vehicle maintenance checks, which can make a big difference on fuel use. These include reducing the amount of braking by looking ahead and backing off the accelerator to slow down, as well as checking tyre pressures regularly. Driving at 90kph rather than 100kph can save 10% on your fuel use, but savings go up to 23% if you are dropping your speed from 110kph to 90kph. accurately calculate the fuel consumption of their vehicle as well as finding the rpm on their tachometer that told them when the engine was running at its optimal efficiency. If you’re in the market for a new car, check out www. to check the fuel efficiency of different models before you buy. AND, watch out for the return of Fuel Freddy in coming months, as he’ll be sharing a few eco-driving tips with readers of The Kentish Voice. K.E.E.N.E.R was the instigator for the eco-driving project and is keen to run further eco-driving training courses in Kentish in the future – contact Shayn 0419 905482 to register your interest or email The K.E.E.N.E.R team (Kentish Energy Efficiency Network Embracing Renewables Inc.) Attendees of the course were also instructed on how to railton arts and crafts Andrew George CALTEX SHEFFIELD 54 Main Street, Sheffield 7306 Phone: (03) 6491 1107 Fax: (03) 6491 2794 st WINTER HOURS As of 1 May 2014 Monday – Friday Saturday & Sunday 24 Hour Towing All items are locally made Great quality and prices A gift for every occasion 7am – 6pm 8am 5pm Blacksmith's Gallery Cafe Friday 3rd October 8.00pm$10.00 Entry BYOBlacksmith The Kentish Voice - October 2014 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 7 days a week 27 Foster St., Railton 6496 1133 Page 11 WHAT’S IN SEASON IN OCTOBER? Tasmanian produce This information is provided by Eat Well Tasmania. For more information about healthy eating contact us at Including more vegetables and fruit in your diet doesn’t have to be expensive. Look for vegetables and fruits that are in season – not only do they taste better, they are generally cheaper to buy. Vegetables Artichoke (Globe), Asian greens, beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, herbs, kale, leek, lettuces, micro greens, mesclun, micro greens, mushrooms, onions (Spanish onions, white salad onions, spring onions), peas, potatoes (Dutch Cream, Kennebecs), rhubarb, rocket, silverbeet, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, bean shoots, fenugreek, lentils), swede, turnip Other Australian produce Vegetables Asparagus, cabbages (savoy), capsicum, celery, chillies, cucumber, fennel, garlic, kohlrabi, parsnip, pumpkin, shallot, tomatoes, zucchini Fruit Avocado, banana, blueberry, cherry, cumquat, grapefruit, lemon, loquat, mandarins, mangoes, melons (rockmelon, watermelon), orange (Blood, Valencia), passionfruit, pawpaw, pineapple, pomelo, strawberry, tangelo, tangerine Please note: there may be some variation based on local market availability Recipe: Green Beans with Smoked Salmon Salsa Serves 4 Ingredients 350g Tassie green beans, trimmed 3 tablespoons olive oil Fruit 1 tablespoon lemon juice Apples (Braeburn, Crofton, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Pink Lady, Red Delicious. Sturmer), pears (Beurre bosc, Glou Morceau, Packham) 60g smoked salmon, chopped GREG HALL MLC Independent Member For Western Tiers Your Independent member for the Legislative Council, working for the residents of Sheffield, Railton and all Kentish rural districts PO Box 361, DELORAINE, Tas 7304 Email: Phone: 6362 8020 2 tablespoons chopped Tassie red onion 1 Italian tomato, finely chopped 1/3 cup diced bocconcini 1 teaspoon tiny capers 1 tablespoon snipped chives Method Simmer beans in salted water until just tender. Plunge into iced water to cool. Drain and put into a bowl with oil and lemon juice. Toss and arrange on a plate. Combine salmon, onion, tomato, bocconcini, capers and chives. Arrange over beans and serve. Recipe from Taste is in our Nature Campaign Bahá’i Faith Holy Day The anniversary of the Birth of the Báb occurs on 20 October. Friends are invited to attend celebrations in Devonport, Launceston or Hobart Bahá’i Centre. Page 12 64921504 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 MOLE CREEK HOTEL POLICE REPORT Term 4 of the school year has begun and the warmer weather will have the kids out and about more frequently. As road users we need to be switched on round the schools and buses at pick-up and drop-off points. Parents should be educating their children too around the dangers in and around buses. We are all shared road users in a one way or another and we all have responsibilities. Why not give your child all the information you can to increase their knowledge and hence increase their road safety awareness. You are never too young to start learning. The Kentish crime rate has returned to normal levels after a recent spike. Hopefully August was a one off and we will see these normal rates continue for the rest of the year. Police non-urgent 131 444 Police emergency Sheffield Station 6491 1240 Railton Station 6496 1110 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Sheffield VeterinaryClinic • For all animals large and small • 24hour emergency service PHONE6491 1556 36 Main Street, Sheffield Monday–Friday 8.30am-5.00pm Thursday – Open late by appointment Saturday - 9.00am - 12.00pm The Kentish Voice - October 2014 000 WHY NOT TAKE A LEISURELY DRIVE OVER THE SCENIC GOG RANGE AND VISIT THIS GRAND OLD HOTEL * Real Country Style Meals – 7 Days a week. * Visit our world famous Tassie Tiger Bar – Family friendly with no gambling machines. * Plenty of room for the kids to play! Call Doug and Ramona now on Ph: 6363 1102 Email: Web: Paradise Road Massage & Sauna Rumiko Young Relaxation, Remedial & Hot Stone Massage. Now also offering Reiki Energy Healing 6491 2028 or 0487 602 513 Page 13 • • • • • • • 77 Main St, Sheffield Sheffield RSL and Citizens Club KENO AND GAMING GAMING PROMOTIONS OPEN 7 DAYS FROM MIDDAY BISTRO OPEN FRI-SAT 6-8PM SUNDAY ROAST LUNCH 12-2PM ONLY $10 BOOKINGS FOR FUNCTIONS NEW MEMBERS AND VISITORS WELCOME ph. 6491 1393 WE SUPPORT RESPONSIBLE GAMING - THE GAMBLING 24/7 HELPLINE IS 1800 858 858 TA1346748 The Award Winning Lloyd & Mimi welcome you to their SHEFFIELD Supermarket, 46 Main Street OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7.30am to 9.00pm 365 DAYS A YEAR FRESH TASMANIAN FRUIT & VEGETABLES IN SEASON, FRESH MEAT, WEEKLY SUPERMARKET SPECIALS & ASIAN GROCERIES FREQUENT SHOPPERS CARD NOW AVAILABLE Our friendly staff members are always there to assist you PHONE ORDERS WELCOME ... HOME DELIVERY IS FREE Phone: 6491 1306, Fax: 6491 2193 FLAVOURS OF TASMANIA TASMANIAN producers will have the chance to showcase their wares nationally at the Flavours of Tasmania event at Parliament House in Canberra. The October 1, night-time event has been organised by Tasmanian Federal MPs and Senators for a number of years to showcase the best of Tasmanian produce. On display for tasting will be gourmet food, wine, whisky and other beverages. More than 35 producers have signed up so far as exhibitors. The event will be attended by about 600 guests including ambassadors, government ministers, journalists and parliamentary staff as well as other guests invited by the Tasmanian Liberal MPs and Senators. ADVERTISEMENT Eric HutcHinson mp Federal Member for Lyons Working for you in the electorate and taking your concerns to Canberra 53B Main Road, Perth TAS 7300 Ph. 03 6398 1115 Web. /eric.hutchinson.9212 @hutchinson_eric Authorised by Eric Hutchinson MP, 53B Main Road, Perth TAS 7300. Page 14 Federal Lyons MP Eric Hutchinson said that the event is seen as an opportunity for Australia’s federal legislators and policy makers, their staff and guests to talk with Tasmanian producers and to view and sample from more than 35 different stands promoting seafood, beers, wine, spirits, cheeses, meats, sauces, chocolates and lavender. There will be lucky door prizes including several major prizes of travel and accommodation holiday packages to Tasmania. The aim is to promote the state as a place to visit to Australia’s leaders and encourage them to spread the word about the many good things Tasmania has to offer. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 CHURCH NOTICES Lower Barrington Baptist Church Sheffield Road, Lower Barrington. where everyone is warmly welcome to join us in Christian worship and fellowship, weekly at 10am including Kid’s Church in school term. First Sunday – HC Fourth Sunday – Young Men’s Group Bible study groups for men and women. Refreshments after church each week. Like us on face book at LbbcTasmania Contact: Russ – 6423 1833 Holy Cross Catholic Church High Street Sheffield Mass on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month Liturgy of the Word with Communion on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. ALL WELCOME Kentish Community Church “Serving together we achieve more” Sunday service 10am Everyone welcome Something for all ages: kids / youth / men & women 8 Nightingale Avenue, Sheffield Call 6491 2363 for more info http://kentishcommunitychurch. Anglican Churches Sheffield Bible Chapel 45 High Street Sheffield “A caring church for the whole family” You are welcome to come and join with us each Sunday at 10:00am for a celebration time of praise and worshipping God. During school terms, and as part of our church service, the children enjoy K.L.A.G. (Kids Learning About God) You are most welcome to stay and have a cuppa afterwards and this is followed with a shared lunch. Why not come as a family? We would love to have you share with us. Enquiries ph 6491 1447 or 6491 1512 Church Service Times : Railton 2nd Sunday H.C. 9 a.m. 4th Sunday M.P. 9 a.m. Kimberley 1st & 2nd Sundays MP. 10:30 a.m. 3rd Sunday HC. 10:30 a.m. 4th Sunday Home Church 10:30 a.m. 5th Sunday No services Contacts 6491 1175, 6491 2701 Sheffield Baptist Church “Caring and Making a Difference in Our Community” 104-106 Main Street, Sheffield Service Time 10:30am each Sunday All most welcome – friendly atmosphere Fellowship Tea every third Sunday 5:30pm - 7:30pm Favourite hymn singing, good food and fellowship Ph: 6491 1150 or Ph: 6424 3195 VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Meals on Wheels Sheffield Contact Kath Braid 6491 1445 The Sheffield shed Support your local Hardware Store OPEN 7 DAYS MON – FRI 9.00am – 5.00pm SAT 9.00am – 2.00pm SUN 10.00am – 2.00pm In Stock Garden Sprayers 1 Ltr to 16 Litre All Gardening Items Discounted in October Glyphosphate360 Liquid Fish So Get Gardening! 61 Main St Sheffield 6491 1933 KIMMOSABEEZ Shabby Chic Décor & Sewing Repairs • Leatherwork • Upholstery • Window Furnishings • Clothing NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Latest Colours in Roller Blinds, Verticals, Sunscreen, Shutters Will beat any quote Latest Fabric Colours 20% Off All Mats for October Monday-Saturday 2/39Main Street Sheffield Phone: 0459 730 370 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Page 15 TRADES AND BUILDING SERVICES PARADISE homES BUILDING CONTRACTORS Drafting & Designing NEW HOMES & EXTENSIONS ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SDH & LM Steers Spring St., (PO Box 21), Sheffield, Tas. 7306 391 Paradise Rd Paradise Mobile: 0427 912 414 Home: 6491 2414 Accreditation number : ‘CC1928N’ SAND, SOIL & GRAVEL SUPPLIES ROAD & DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE & SEWERAGE • EXCAVATORS • LOW LOADERS • GRADERS • FRONT END LOADERS • VIBRATING ROLLER • RIGID TRUCKS • WATER CARTS Tel: 6491 1686 Mobile: 0428 140 466 Fax: 6491 1814 5½ Tonne Excavator 10 Yard Tipper Also available 1.7 Tonne Excavator With Operator or Dry Hire Free Quotes Roofing Specialists Supplying all Roofing Products Colorbond Roofing Custom Flashings & Caps Corrugated Wall Cladding Gutters & Fascias Gutter Guard & Bird Proofing Qualified Roof Plumbers available to install Delivery Available 16 Ferguson Drive Spreyton Ph: 6423 3283 Page 16 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Chris Hearle PAINTER & DECORATOR interior and exterior over 30+ years trade experience Phone 6491 2030 EXCAVATOR DRY HIRE Or with Operator 1.6 Tonne on trailer Various Buckets and Augers Day, 1/2 Day or Weekly Hire LARGE PET/ANIMAL BURIAL SERVICE 2 TONNE TIPPER TRUCK Dry Hire or with Driver 780mm wide SCAFFOLD Adjustable 1.8m to 5m height BOOK at THE SHEFFIELD SHED or DOUG on 0429 451 107 (A/H 6491 2401) Ph 6492 1357 Fax 6492 1222 Email: T & J Coates Water Management Excavator, 4WD 13tonne tip truck & tractor, Augers, & rock hammer available Construction & sewerage trenching Block slashing & Fire clearing Maintenance & problem solving of aerated toilet systems & ReUse Sampling Waste & Potable water Operator training . Supplied by: MILAROO FENCING DON REYNOLDS FOR ALL YOUR FENCING NEEDS Phone: 0414 784 607 for a quote Email: Kentish Glass & handyman service Phone: SHANE SCAMMELL 0400 957 847 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 PLUMBER P.O. Donnelly Septic • Sewer Hot & Cold Water Roof Spouting Storm water 4 Spring St., Sheffield Mob. 0408 548 525 Home: 6491 2212 Lic. No.: 1097148 RON GREEVES Phone: 6491 1795 Mob: 0409 707 626 Page 17 ADVERTISEMENT TERRENCE HUGHES CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR AND MAYOR VOTE 1 Aged 62 I have recently retired to enjoy the rest of my life with wife Maree, and serving our community as a councillor and Mayor with your support. TERRY HUGHES I am a father of two grownup sons and have five grandchildren and live on a 25 acre hobby farm at Marshalls Road Nook running cattle, Suffolk Sheep and free-range pigs. as Councillor and Mayor INTEGRITY APPROACHABLE RESPECT SENSITIVITY COMMON SENSE I accept responsibility for explaining Council decisions to the community Authorised by Maree Hughes 127 Marshalls Road Nook 7306 Ph: 03 92 3014 Mobile: 0429 122 520 ADVERTISEMENT I am an experienced team worker, with good communication skills, and have previously served as a Councillor on Kentish Council - having been involved as an independent representative on the Sheffield Recreation Ground Controlling Authority, as well as numerous Council elected committees – Tandara Lodge Board, Works Committee, Economic Development and Planning Committee, Forestry Taskforce, Skate Board Park Development, and Kentish Tourist Information Centre. I am part of a third generation family who have farmed in Kentish municipality for 80 years. I have served in National Service and the Army Reserve, farmed and worked in the transport and logistics industry. My decision to stand for Council is based on Kentish’s huge potentials of outstanding history, the beauty and tranquillity of the landscape, and our iconic tourist attractions and accommodation. I stand against forced amalgamations and am cautious about voluntary amalgamation. I have a willingness to represent the community broadly without sectional interests whilst recognising the growing identity of Acacia Hills/South Spreyton. I fully support the future development of Kentish for the future generations to follow. As your Councillor or Mayor I will always be willing to listen and as your Mayor accept responsibility for explaining Council decisions to the community. Authorised by Maree Hughes 127 Marshalls Rd Nook, 7306 BOB ROBINSON CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR Having been a Kentish Councillor for the past five years, and gained a vast experience in the ways of local government, I look forward to another four years serving our community. Being part of a team of enthusiastic, dedicated councillors, we have achieved positive results for our region, with more planned for the future. Re-elect BOB ROBINSON I am committed to supporting local contractors, education, employment and physical well-being – planning a fully equipped gymnasium in Sheffield. I also support economic growth and development making our region a destination point. as your Councillor with a hands-on approach for all of Kentish Careful planning and good management will make this happen. Authorised by Bob Robinson 836 Lorinna Road, Lorinna Authorised by Bob Robinson, 836 Lorinna Road, Lorinna 7306 For assistance please call 0417 358 320 Page 18 Your concerns are mine and our endeavours can only result in positive outcomes. Your vote counts. Please call 0417 358 320 for any assistance I can offer. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 ADVERTISEMENT Vote 1 Don Thwaites For Mayor and Councillor Experience Stability Proven service Tel 6491 1682 (Home) Mob. 0458 343 059 Authorised by: Don Thwaites, 1139 Union Bridge Rd Paradise. DON THWAITES CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR AND MAYOR Thank you for the honour of being your Mayor for the last seven years. During this time I am proud that there has been stability and steady growth in our community, and development of major services such as the Kentish Health Centre, and streetscapes in Railton and Sheffield. I have introduced regular consultation meetings in Railton, Wilmot and Acacia Hills, and am always pleased to meet and discuss your ideas and concerns. Under my leadership, our Council has worked together to ensure we have close connections with the large number of community groups in our area. I am very proud that these community groups together brought the National Tidy Town Award to Sheffield as well as the State Tidy Town award for under 500 people to Wilmot. These awards are a wonderful recognition of our people enjoying working together for the LINDA CASSIDY CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR I have been an active community member for 24 years, spending over 10 years on Railton’s P & F Association. I attend regular Community Forums as part of the Councils future planning and am also the treasurer of the Railton Squash Centre. As an accountant operating a small business and working with many businesses in the municipality, I understand the importance of good financial management as well as the need to provide reliable and efficient services to ratepayers. I would like to see Kentish thrive into the future. I will continue to work to ensure our Council: • keeps open communication with the community • maintains our towns as viable places to live and work, • continues to provide services for all our citizens from the young to the elderly and • assists with economic development to ensure conditions for our businesses to thrive. I strongly support our present resource sharing with Latrobe Council. It is saving money and delivering good service, while retaining our decision making and strong identity as a community. A vote for me as Mayor and Councillor will ensure responsible and consultative Council management into the future. Authorised by Don Thwaites, 1139 Union Bridge Rd Paradise ADVERTISEMENT Vote 1 Linda Cassidy Councillor I look forward to working with the community for the community. Authorised by: Peter Campbell, 698 Sunnyside Road, Railton, 7305. Authorised by: Peter Campbell 698 Sunnyside Rd Railton, 7305 Please Exercise Your Right to Vote The Kentish Voice - October 2014 betterment of the community. Meet The Candidates Forum Senior Citizens Clubrooms 6 Pioneer Cres Sheffield Thursday 9th October 7.00pm Page 19 ADVERTISEMENT Advertisement VOTE 1 Kate Haberle Advertisement Vote 1Vote 1 PhillipRichards Richards Phillip As Your Councillor Authorised By Mike Haberle 4 Pioneer Cres. Sheffield KATE HABERLE CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR As a long term resident of Kentish, it is my desire to serve the people of this municipality as a councillor. It would be a great honour to be part of the decision making process and the future planning of our district. Through my experience as a teacher and a senior staff member at the Sheffield School for over 30 years, I feel I have the necessary skills to fulfil the role as a councillor. I have been a member of the School Association for 25 years where I was actively involved in overseeing major developments at the school. I believe Kentish is a beautiful place to live and it is important that we work together to ensure sustainability within the region, capitalise on our resources and encourage economic development. I support resource sharing with the Latrobe Council to reduce the running costs of our council. I am ready to listen and work in a team with a committed and enthusiastic approach to ensure Kentish remains a thriving municipality. Authiorised by Mike Haberle 4 Pioneer Cres Sheffield 7306 DANIEL WILLIAMS CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR AND MAYOR I, Daniel Williams live in Moina and run a family business, the Cradle Chalet & Moina Tavern. I have owned it for 8 years with my wife Dorothy, after travelling the world working as a chef all my life. I am 46 years old. After decades in business and living in a wide range of communities, I now consider Kentish as home. Whilst hospitality has always been the focus of my career, I have a broad work history. I have managed my own and other's businesses. Working in hands-on positions as well as in senior ADVERTISMENT Councillor authorised by Alison Richards 2761 Wilmot RD, Wilmot,7310 Authorised by Alison Richards 2761 Wilmot RD, Wilmot,7310 PHILLIP RICHARDS CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR I am going to stand for council at the next election and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I am married to Alison and we have 2 boys. I am 56 years old, have lived in Wilmot all my life and along with my wife we run a family farm business. My involvements have been with the Wilmot Cricket Club, Wilmot School Association and the Wilmot Hall Committee. The Kentish Municipality has been good to me and I would like to give a bit back by serving as your representative on the council. Please consider me when you cast your vote. Many Thanks Phillip Richards Authorised by Alison Richards, 2701 Wilmot Rd Wilmot 7310 management in national and international companies. As Councillor or Mayor I will bring a solid business background, a deep understanding of different cultures, people, and a strong commitment to the community I live in. I have been a volunteer fireman and am currently on the steering committee for the Sheffield/Railton Community Bank project. As we face the future, all of us will experience change, whether we like that or not. The modern world moves rapidly. I feel I am well placed to assist us with that. I have lived and worked in rural communities as well as larger centres. I have run businesses from 1 Star to 5 Star and have the ability and willingness to listen, learn and get things done. In a world of rapid change, however, I believe if something is working well, you leave it alone. It should always be a case of what is best. Authorised by Daniel Williams 1422 Cradle Mountain Rd Moina 7310 For Kentish Councillor and Mayor VOTE 1 Daniel Williams Common Sense Authorised by Daniel Williams,1422 Cradle Mountain Road, Moina, 7310 Page 20 Integrity Community The Kentish Voice - October 2014 ANNIE WILLOCK CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR & DEPUTY MAYOR The role of Councillor includes leadership, advocacy and representation. With experience as a Councillor, I can confidently debate issues across the table in the best interests of the Kentish community where I live and have raised my family. I am proud to have been part of the team which delivered The Sheffield Medical Centre; improved streetscapes in Sheffield, Railton and Wilmot; regular community meetings in Lower Barrington and around the municipality; cost savings and improved services through resource sharing with Latrobe; the national Tidy Town award, and community volunteer events and endeavours. I bring a fearless intelligence to the Council table on your behalf. I am passionate about community affairs and relevant planning and unafraid to stand apart from the pack in your interests during these times of rapid change. The factors that determine a healthy Council include a dedicated and talented staff, a culture of service and service delivery, and Councillors who are independent of party and ideological constraints, can work as team, can represent your diversity and interests and have the abilities to handle the range of skills the role requires. I am committed to our cultural and environmental heritage, independent and flexible to adapt to the changes we cannot yet see. I will always evaluate decisions of Council through a prism of social justice, equity, non-discrimination and a view towards the rights of future generations. With your support I will continue to represent you with independence, good humour and intelligence. Vote 1 for Annie Willock Authirised by Bart Wisse 138 Murphys Road, Lorinna, 7306 PENNY LANE CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILLOR & DEPUTY MAYOR Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Penny Lane. I am married to Dale, and our four legged children are Harris and Ford, our loving and devoted Cavalier King Charles dogs. Dale and I visited Kentish in 2002 as tourists, and fell instantly in love with this glorious area. We realised this is where we wanted to live forever. On return from holidays – packed the suitcases, and arrived as new-Tasmanian’s in 2003. I have been a Kentish resident for 11 years, and have enjoyed being part of this wonderful diverse community through being part of groups, committees, and volunteer roles that bring me in touch with the heartbeat of Kentish. ADVERTISEMENT I have been a Kentish Councillor for the past 8 years, and believe that now is the time to take on a fresh new challenge and am asking for your number one vote as Deputy Mayor, as well as Councillor. I am approachable, and consider myself to be a ready listener always endeavouring to relay issues and comments to Kentish Council. I have an innate understanding of how hard it is for small business/owner operators, and will constantly bring that support of understanding to the Council table whilst I am there to represent. When filling in your ballot papers, and sending them in, remember four words – VOTE ONE, PENNY LANE. Authorised by: Penny Lane, 54 Barrington Road, Barrington VOTE 1 Penny Lane For Councillor and Deputy Mayor Approachable, Ready to Listen & Represent Dedicated Committee Spokesperson Proven Current Councillor with 8 years experience Authorised by: Penny Lane, 54 Barrington Road, Barrington Ph: 0407 214 822 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Page 21 KENTISH COUNCIL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Council would like to encourage you to take the opportunity to vote in the upcoming 2014 elections. Local governments make many decisions that affect our communities and it is vital that your views are taken into consideration as part of this decision-making process. By voting, you can help influence what sort of place your community will be. If you don’t vote, you have no say in determining the person who represents you when making decisions in areas like local planning and development, recreational space and the upkeep of your community. Voting at a local government election provides you with an opportunity to elect a person you believe can make the best contribution to your community by being a mayor, deputy mayor or councillor in your local government. It’s about your future so vote for the representatives you want. Talk to other people you know and encourage them to vote too. Voting papers will be posted out between 14-17 October and close of poll is 10am, Tuesday 28 October 2014. MEET THE CANDIDATES FORUM 9 OCTOBER 2014 As part of its civics program Kentish Council will be hosting a Meet the Candidates forum on Thursday 9 October 2014 commencing at 7pm in the Kentish Senior Citizens Clubrooms,6 Pioneer Crescent Sheffield. This is a chance for Kentish electors to hear an address from nominating candidates as well as providing electors the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. Voting at a local government election provides you with an opportunity to elect a person you believe can make the best contribution to your community. AUSTRALIA DAY & VOLUNTEER AWARDS Nominations are now being called for the Australia Day Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Event of the Year along with Volunteer Awards for 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000 and 10,000 Hours of Community Service. Guidelines and application forms are available from Council’s website at or by contacting Chris at the Council Office. Applications close on 5th December 2014. CAR PARKING OVER FOOTPATHS It has recently come to Council’s attention that cars are regularly parking over the footpath and obstructing the thoroughfare of pedestrians. Motorists are reminded that the Tasmanian Road Rules 2009 Regulation 198 states it is an offence to obstruct access to and from a footpath or driveway. If you require further information please contact local Police. COMMUNITY DISASTER RESILIENCE SCORECARD Council is interested in assuring the highest possible level of community resilience, should an emergency or disaster strike. As a beginning step, it is important to identify our current level of resilience, and those areas in which we should take action. To that end, we will be completing the Community Disaster Resilience Scorecard, recently developed by the Torrens Resilience Institute in partnership with the National Emergency Management Committee. The Scorecard is not a report to anyone outside our community, nor will we be compared to other communities: it is a tool for our use as we work together towards resilience. Expressions of interest are invited from a broad range of community members to join the Kentish Council Disaster Resilience Scorecard Working Group. Your commitment would be participation in an orientation meeting, plus two additional meetings over the next 6 -9 weeks. In addition you may be asked to help locate important information about our community between meetings. If you have questions please contact Darrin Cunningham on 64910200, who is co-ordinating the program. Expressions of Interest may be addressed to Darrin Cunningham, Community Disaster Resilience Scorecard, PO Box 63, Sheffield, 7306 and close on Wed 15 October 2014. THE BADGERS PUBLIC MEETING Council is exploring the development of a world-class mountain biking facility, primarily located on the eastern side of Kimberleys Lookout between Railton and Sheffield. Council has engaged a professional consultant to develop a Master Plan for the facility and is keen to engage the community in this process – particularly existing users of The Badgers, Kimberleys Lookout, and the Forestry Tasmania-managed area of forest that lies between Railton and The Badgers ridgeline. This includes users of the Tasmania Trail leg between Railton and Sheffield. A public meeting will be held to address issues that may arise from the development of a mountain bike facility in this area. The date of the meeting is yet to be confirmed but will be posted on the Kentish Council website in coming weeks. Please keep an eye out for the date and venue. KENTISH INNOVATION GROUP Have you got an idea to improve Kentish? Kentish Council has ratified a draft Economic Development Strategy for 2014-19. One of the key elements of Kentish Council’s new Economic Development Strategy is the development of a “Kentish Innovation Group’’, comprising Kentish ratepayers who are interested in the economic direction of the municipality, or who have ideas for the advancement of the municipality. The Kentish Innovation Group will be an open forum at which ideas can be tabled that have the potential to contribute to the economic development of the municipality. The Group will also have a key role in advancing those ideas. The first meeting of the Kentish Innovation Group will be held at 7pm on Tuesday, October 21, at the Sheffield Town Hall. YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP The Kentish Council is offering a $1,250 scholarship to a university student or a student attending an approved education facility in 2015. The scholarship is to help defray expenses for tertiary students. Application forms are available from the Council’s website at or by contacting Chris at the Council Office. Applications close on 21st November 2014. PO Box 63, SHEFFIELD Ph. (03) 6491 0200 Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm week days Following an emergency eg flood, fire, wind storms etc. Council can be contacted for information and referral to support services. Page 22 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 KENTISH COUNCIL KENTISH LATROBE SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM There are heaps of fun activities to do this school holidays including silversmithing, sculpting, windsurfing and much more. Get your copy of the School Holiday Program at or contact Kentish Council for a copy. GOLIATH PARK MASTER PLAN Kentish Council is preparing a master plan for Goliath Park at Railton and would like local organisations and residents to share their ideas about the site. A community meeting will be facilitated by Sport and Recreation Tasmania at the Railton Bowls Club on th Thursday 30 October at 7pm to discuss ways that the facilities at the Park can be improved to meet current and future needs. All interested members of the community are invited to attend. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING The next ordinary meeting of Council will be held at the Council Office, Sheffield on Tuesday 21st October 2014 commencing at 7pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------RECYCLING COLLECTION DATES Recycling collection dates for the remainder of 2014 are listed below. Arrangements for recycling collection over the Christmas period are still to be advised. Bins should be out prior to 6am on the day of collection. 2014 Recycling Dates September 19 November 14 October 3 November 28 October 17 December 12 October 31 PO Box 63, SHEFFIELD Ph. (03) 6491 0200 Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm week days Following an emergency eg flood, fire, wind storms etc. Council can be contacted for information and referral to support services. Sheffield Cricket Club Junior Programs 2014-15 Welcome to the start of the junior cricket season. We hope that you have fun playing the great game of cricket, and enjoy being involved with our terrific club. Our junior program caters for all ability levels. This season we have five levels of junior cricket, starting with Milo in2CRICKET, T20 Blast, under 13s, under 15s, and under 17s. Both boys and girls are welcome to play. The emphasis for all our junior programs is centred around enjoyment through participation - not winning and losing. Coaching sessions are led by fully accredited coaches. Program training / registration dates are as follows: Milo in2CRICKET -Milo in2CRICKET is an introductory program for boys and girls 5 to 10 years of age. Registration and first session to be held at 9am on the 15th November at the Sheffield Rec Ground. (Registrations can be done online prior at T20 Blast Cricket North West will be holding a T20 Blast competition for 8 to 12 year olds commencing on 21st November at Latrobe. This will be a 9 week roster of games of 75 minute duration, 8 per side, pairs bat for 4 overs each everyone bowls 2 overs. A great concept to introduce players to cricket games with all the novelty of T20 cricket. A registration and information night with practice for players will be held at 6pm on the 14th November at the Sheffield Rec Ground with BBQ. Under 13s - Commencing training at Sheffield Rec Ground on Thursday 16th October from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Play 25 over games on Sundays commencing 9th November. (Boys who have not turned 13 prior to the 1st September 2014 and girls who have not turned 15 by 1st September 2014.) Under 15s- Commencing training at Sheffield Rec Ground on Thursday 16th October from 4.30pm –5.45pm. Play 40 over games on Sundays commencing 9th November. (Boys who have not turned 15 prior to the 1st September 2014 and girls who have not turned 17 by 1st September 2014.) Under 17s Commencing training at Sheffield Rec Ground on Thursday 9th October from 4.30pm – 5.45pm. Play 45 over games on Sundays commencing 26th October. (Boys who have not turned 17 prior to the 1st September 2014 and girls who have not turned 19 by 1st September 2014. Note boys over 17 on above date may still be eligible to play in this roster, contact below to discuss. ) For under 13’s, U15’s and U17’s there will be a registration night on 9th October from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Sheffield Recreation ground. We are always seeking support from parents to help with a whole range of tasks such as transporting players, scoring, umpiring, and even helping the players put their batting equipment on! If you are happy to provide us with any assistance this would be greatly appreciated. Any queries on Junior Programs contact Jamie Skirving at Sheffield School on 64918222, Tim Irvine on 0427225015 or Club President Ricky O’Toole on 0425288583 Page 23 100 Years of Hydro: public exhibition launched in Launceston existed; the migrant workforce recruited to work on power A travelling public exhibition telling the story of the Hydro over the last 100 years opened in Launceston in August. 100 Years of Hydro is a dynamic, audio-visual, content-rich exhibition portrays the past, present and possible future of the Hydro through the fascinating stories of the people who built the business. “Hydro Tasmania began its life with a far-reaching dream and continues to take the lead in renewable energy creation in Australia,” said centenary program manager, Lara van den Berg. “The business was created by ordinary people doing extraordinary things that have changed the way we live and contributed to development of Tasmania’s identity. This exhibition tells the story of their achievements.” The exhibition covers the entire Hydro story from construction of the first power station, Waddamana, to the novel technologies being used today. It has been designed to incorporate indoor and outdoor interpretive elements, housed largely within a 40ft custom-designed container but also making use of external industrial frames. “The story of the Hydro is the story of social change in Tasmania,” Ms van den Berg said. “Through the electricity generated by hydropower, the State’s manufacturing and agriculture industries have flourished; Hydro people built roads and created villages where none previously Page 24 schemes shaped Tasmania’s culture; and our engineering and technological breakthroughs have changed the way the world approaches the challenge of generating energy.” The free exhibition is part of the Hydro’s centenary program of events and initiatives. It opened at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston where it is located near the main entrance, and will run through to early October. It is the first time The Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery has featured a ‘pop-up’ exhibition at the Museum and are delighted to be the first of four venues to host this bespoke exhibition. The exhibition will then travel to the West Coast for the Queenstown Heritage and Arts festival from October 10-12. The festival’s theme this year is the Power of Water. Next stop will be Hobart from October 18 – 4 November, with the exhibition to be located at Mawson Place next to the old Marine Board building. The exhibition will then travel to the Tarraleah village. The site of the old Hydro village built for the construction of the Tarraleah power station in the 1930 will be the exhibition’s home for the foreseeable future. Development of the exhibition has drawn on historical records, personal memoirs, and Hydro Tasmania publications. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Staying Safe With Dogs In Our Community Dog in the back of a ute, in a car or truck. When a dog is on the back of a ute or in a truck/car we should not pay any attention to it. No looking and no talking. The dog is looking after the truck/car and once again may bark or growl saying “stay away”. Last month we talked about personal space and the hazards of walking up to any dog – one you know or one you do not know. This month we are going to expand by looking at dogs in our community and how we can be stay safe around them. Dog behind a gate or fence. Never open a gate or climb over a fence, even to get a ball that you may have kicked over the fence. If there is a dog there, it is the dog’s job to look after his yard and protect it. The dog will bark, it might get angry and may try to bite. Never walk into a yard or even put our fingers through the fence if there is a dog there. Sometimes dogs will bite us if we don’t listen to what they are trying to tell us. Even though we might want to say hello to dogs (even our own dog) there are times when it is not safe to go up and try to pat them. Avoid touching, patting or showing any attention to a dog in the situations below: Mum with her pups. A mother with puppies will do anything to make sure her babies are safe and no harm comes to them. She won’t like people or children coming up to her and her pups. Stay away from a mother and her babies. When the puppies are older ask the owner if you can pat them. Dog that is sleeping. Never walk up to a sleeping dog because it will get a fright. It may bark, growl or even bite. Wait until the dog is up and fully awake. Call its name first to get its attention and then call the dog to you for a pat. Hence the saying “let sleeping dogs lie”. Dogs at parties. When we have parties at home it is best your dog/s are put in a safe and quiet place because dogs get anxious around loud noises, loud music and lots of strange people. If you are at a party and there is a dog there, best to pretend it is not there and ignore it. Dog that is working eg: Guide Dog, Customs Dog, etc. Avoid dogs working because we don’t want to distract them from the important job they are doing. Most dog bites requiring hospitalisation are to the face and neck of young children. Young children are not good at reading the signs of when a dog may bite. Most adults and children are bitten by their own dog or a dog that they know. To avoid being bitten we need to be aware of what dogs are trying to tell us. Dog that is tied up outside a shop or anywhere and is on its own. Remember the rule from last week “no owner, no pat”. Dog that is sick or injured. When you are feeling unwell or hurt you don’t really like people annoying you. Dogs are the same. Leave them in a quiet and safe place to get over their illness. Dog that is eating. Dogs love their food and if it thinks you are going to take its food away it will get angry. Wait until the dog has finished eating and has walked away from its bowl. Then call it to you and give it a pat. Mobile Pet Groomer Call Bernadette Mob: 0400 566 815 Ph: 6491 2161 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Dog that is SCARED The Body Language of a scared dog - It makes itself as small as it can. - It has its tail between its legs. - It won’t look at you or looks at the ground. - It might roll over and show you its tummy - It may look like its crying Advice provided by Nan Tubb Dogcomm 6363 5003 Page 25 THE DRAGON'S NEST Open 7 days 8.00am-6.00pm Including public holidays Friendly Customer Service Free Home Deliveries in Town Boundary Fax/Phone 6491 1140 Email ADVERTISEMENT Mark Shelton MP Liberal Member for Lyons Working to strengthen regional communities Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you. 10A Marlborough Street Longford TAS 7301 p: (03)6324 2080 e: Authorised by Mark Shelton, Parliament House, Hobart, TAS 7000 The Dragon's Nest is a group of individuals from around Tasmania who came together after an intense round of responses and discussion on a LinkedIn post about the Tasmanian economy, and is committed progressing Tasmanian innovation and new business. The first round of projects kicked off support for the Tasmanian Innovation Exchange (TasIEX), an organisation dedicated to supporting and promoting innovation and business in Tasmania, and Get Funding Pty Ltd, Tasmanian’s first and only Crowd funding platform established specifically targeting start up and early stage business and research. The latest projects to be added to the portfolio are: • A vegetable juicing process plant aimed at turning vegetable seconds into high-end value added products, for with interest has already been lodged from Thailand and Japan; and • An online business improvement Software Tool that will provide small business with support in managing and improving their business by picking up and translating data from software accounting packages and translating that into information, charts and diagrams. This tool will operate in the Cloud and provide a forum for business coaches, financial planners and accountants to provide ongoing support and training for their clients. • A value added boutique chocolate confectionary utilising high quality locally produced rhubarb and chocolate. The Nest has also supported a series of workshops called ‘Dreaming, Planning, Doing’ coordinated by Cradle Coast Innovation introducing International experts on innovation and commercialisation and how to convert ideas into action. Duncan Bottleshop Specials 6 to 24/10/14 Pure Blonde Stubbies or Cans Carton...........$48.99 XXXX Gold 40 Can Block ...............................$50.99 Cascade Pale Ale Stubbies Carton................$54.99 Boags Premium Stubbies Carton..................$51.99 5 Seeds Cider 6 Pk.........................................$15.99 Johnny Walker OR Bundy 10pks...................$36.99 Johnny Walker Black 700ml.........................$50.99 Angoves Long Row Wines............................$12.99 Jim Beam Black 700ml..................................$42.99 Janz NV Brut.................................................$27.99 Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Wines........................$10.99 Cougar Bourbon 700ml.................................$36.99 Page 26 ROLAND VIEW BISTRO OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11.30 AM – 2.00 PM 5.30 PM TO 8.00 PM Talk to our friendly staff about your next function for you family, friends, or club or community organisation Join us every friday night for our stubby draw, joker jackpot draw ($500+) & other great games The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Several of the Dragons are also providing networking and coaching to a number of smaller start ups, facilitating those first tentative steps resulting in sustainable small business enterprises. The Dragon's Nest hopes to generate interest from more entrepreneurial thinkers and 'go getters' so that the spread of projects backed by the group can be imaginative, resourceful and beneficial for Tasmania For more information contact David Wells 0433 442820 or Opportunity to Promote Local Culinary Tourism Experiences to the World Tasmania has some of the best food and wine experiences in the world and we need to let more people know about it. Now we have the opportunity to tell the world why there’s nothing like Australia for fantastic culinary experiences in incredible locations as part the next phase of Tourism Australia’s global marketing push, Restaurant Australia. On 7 May, Tourism Australia launched Restaurant Australia All areas of the hospitality, tourism and food, wine and beverage industries are encouraged to get involved by contributing content to the online hub – No-one knows the best food and wine experiences of a destination like the locals. So get involved and submit your exceptional food and wine stories to Restaurant Australia . The most compelling and unique stories that showcases people, produce and place will be featured. This is a marketing opportunity not to be missed for your business and all it will cost you is a bit of your time. For more information visit Wood Fire Pizza's made fresh to order while you enjoy a refreshment. Using local ingredients. Margherita 4 Cheese Roasted Pumpkin & Feta Tandoori Chicken r and u o H y p p Ha Local food, wine a z z i P e r i and atmosphere. Wood F Friday's m 5 pm - 7 p le beers) bott $5 selected 1422 Cradle Mountain Road, Moina. 7310 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Roasted Mediterranean Vegetable BBQ Pulled Pork Hot Smoked Salmon & Goats Cheese Charcuterie Meat Lovers from $10 to $24 Dine in or takeaway. Follow us on Facebook to see the new menu's and pizza specials. Call to make a booking Page 27 TRADES AND BUILDING SERVICES * Solar *Data & Comms * New Homes WELCOME TO OUR NEW PHARMACIST AARON AT TURNBULLS PHARMACY Hello to everyone. My name is Aaron Dyne, I am the new Pharmacist at Turnbull's pharmacy, and I look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone in this charming town. I grew up in Queensland on the Sunshine Coast. After graduating from university I worked in the beautiful Whitsundays in far north Queensland at Airlie Beach for six months. I then travelled south to Albury Wodonga where I completed my pharmacist training. I then decided I wanted a change and I heard through the grapevine of a pharmacy in beautiful Tasmania that was looking for a bright and eager young pharmacist and I jumped at the chance for a fresh exciting new start. I am 24 years old, and when I am not working I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading crime and mystery novels and writing my own music. Page 28 TURNBULLS PHARMACY ……………………………………………………….... OUR SHELVES ARE FULL OF GREAT GIFTS YOU CAN FIND SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ………………………………………………………... Look out for a monthly specials catalogue in your mailbox ! 57 Main Street Sheffield 03 6491 1155 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-1pm The Kentish Voice - October 2014 KENTISH LIONS 23rd TRIPLE TOP EVENT It is Triple Top time again. On the 9th November the Lions Club of Kentish assisted by the local SES will conduct the 23rd Triple Top Mountain Run. The event is nationally recognized and has grown in stature over the years. Competitors of all levels and ages participate. There are two sections; one is for the more serious competitors. It is a race where the runners and joggers challenge themselves and each other. The time taken by the competitors to cover the 19.7 km varies from two to five and a half hours. The second section is for walkers, it is non competitive and the walkers spend anything from three and a half to eight hours out on the course. This walking section is ideal for anybody who is fit enough to spend the best part of a day traversing Mt. Claude, Van Dyke and Roland. Locals are encouraged to tackle which ever section they feel comfortable with. Last year David Carter of West Kentish finished a very creditable fifth place in the running section. It is a tough day and good solid footwear and carrying sufficient food are two of the essentials. Local businesses have been very generous with their support and this is appreciated. The money raised is basically used to provide every finisher jogger or walker with a T shirt, Certificate and a barbeque lunch. Entry forms available on Kentish Lions Club web site. Lion Frank Atkins If you have an activity or function to be included in the “What’s On in November” Column please send to or deliver or post to 12 Victoria Street, Sheffield, 7306. DOG SITTING We will give your dog the love and attention it is used to while you are away! Not a kennel environment, but a home away from home. Call John or Kerry on 0428 727 659 Or email: The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Latrobe Saddlery Rug and Saddlery Repairs Factory 13 15 Bay Drv Spreyton PH: 0418 467 655 Page 29 SPORTING ACTIVITIES SHEFFIELD GOLF CLUB Exciting upcoming event! The annual golf club dinner is to be held on Saturday Oct 25th. It will be a great night with good music and a delicious dinner- a true celebration of our championship winners. Keep this date free and be assured of a great night out. Captain and Presidents Day Denise Morgan and Judy Lang sponsored this event for lady members. The winner of the gross was Susie Coombs while Robyn Von Stieglitz was the winner of the nett. The game was followed with a delicious afternoon tea. Many thanks to our captain and president for an enjoyable day. Members Mixed Foursome Championship Monthly medals The Mixed Foursomes Championship was held last month with 54 holes played over 2 weeks. Partnerships were formed and there was an air of excitement as everyone prepared to play. The winners of the gross were Lu and David Proud, and the nett winners were Craig Boutcher and Winsome Sherriff. This made Lu and David the Mixed Foursomes Champions for 2014. Congratulations to the winners and well done to all those who played in this event. The veteran’s Caltex Sheffield monthly medal was won by Rowan Sherriff with 61 nett, and the Don store IGA Monthly Medal was won by Gavin Murdoch with 62. The ladies medal, also sponsored by Don Store, was won by Janice Milner with 72. Congratulations to all our medal winners. Sponsored Days Sheffield RSL kindly sponsored an Ambrose 4. There was a large field and everyone enjoyed the day helped especially, by a delicious barbeque on the way round. The winners of the event were the team of W. Rockliffe, L. Hardwicke, B. Sutherland and N. Denney with 52.1 nett. A great score! Silver Spoon Final The final of the ladies silver spoon was played this month and the winner was Judy Lang. Judy will go on to play in Gala Day at Devonport. Congratulations Judy! APPLE ISLE CARRIAGE DRIVING The great Australian carriage driver Boyd Exell is again World Equestrian Games Gold medallist after defending his title for the third time. The only Australian World champion of all the equestrian disciplines contested. I often wonder what makes men like Boyd Exell tick, what makes great champions almost freakish compared to good sports men. Is it fear,no that would set up barriers. Perhaps a burning desire from within to be the best. All the training in the world won't bring it to the majority. Is there a recipe, a formula for these elite athletes? No one has found it yet, not even science. However here in Sheffield, our carriage club is keen to introduce newcomers to the sport. Is it easy? No! Just like anything done well, there is a process and method to follow. How about giving it a try, and contact one of our club members. Please call Chris 64912030 or Neil 0408 227 135 or Lesley on 0409 961 664 Page 30 Other results of interest A Veterans Ambrose 2 was won by Tony Bowerman and Laurie Lang with 57.5, and Lyell Hardwicke won the A.F.L.Stableford with 38 points. Contact Numbers Sheffield golf club 64 911184, Member’s President Lyle Thomas 0418141727 Lady Member’s President Judy Lang 64 911572 You can visit our website at SHEFFIELD BOWLS CLUB NOTES Sheffield Bowls Club Opening Day Sunday 21/9/2013 ,was opened by Barbara Loane NWTWBA Vice President .A great Day was had by the 40 Bowlers and new members in attendance .Everyone were Winners on such a Sunny Day. Chicken Run to Start Tuesday 23rd Sept.1pm for 1.30pm start. This will also incorporate Pennant Practice. KENTISH PROBUS CLUB Probus is a club for active retirees. Members meet together to keep their minds active, expand their interests, and enjoy fellowship and friendly outings. Examples of Probus activities include: • Guest and Club Speakers at each meeting • Excursions to local events and places of interest • Lunches for celebrations or after outings The Club meets from 10 am to mid-day on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at The Sheffield Bowls Club and has one or more excursions each month. Potential new members will find a warm welcome For further information call the Club President, Joan Meredith, on 6426 2896 or 0428497307 The Kentish Voice - October 2014 COMMUNITY NOTES THE HUB REPORT We appreciate so much our volunteers who serve in the shop, sort and price plus our energetic men’s team who pick up and deliver. Recent donations have included Sheffield Football Club AED $3000. Regional Arts-Kentish Walkway $5000. International Cup Soccer 2 Kentish Reps $500. ea. WW1 & Gallipoli Mural RSL $1500. Lions Triple Top Mountain Run $400. Junior Cattle Handlers Show $250. YFCC Project Sheffield/Railton School $2000. Sheffield Pony & Hack Club rep $500. Kentish Garden Club $500. Elected Officers for 2014/15 Chair – Lesley Chintock. Vice Chair – Eli How. Secretary – Sandra How. Treasurer – Judy Gibson. Thank you for your continued support that allows us to support organizations and projects in our Kentish area. The Committee SCRABBLE If you enjoy playing scrabble, come and join the Scrabble Group, which meets at Grumpy’s Cafe on Main St on Thursday from 1.30 – It’s a good way to meet new friends. CLAUDE ROAD CEMETERY COMMITTEE The Annual General Meeting of the Claude Road Cemetery Committee Inc. will be held on 7TH October at 7.30 p.m. at Claude Road Hall. CLAUDE ROAD SLOW FOOD NIGHT Halloween Comes to Claude Road! Be afraid – be VERY afraid! On November 1st Claude Road Hall will be besieged by witches, ghouls and ghosts of every kind, with spiders lurking around every corner. At 6.30pm we kick off a Halloween party filled with tricks and treats and you are invited to wear your spookiest or funniest costume to help us celebrate. Although Halloween did not originate in the United States it was the Americans who made it scary so we’re theming the food American and if you can make it scary, even better. Don’t worry if you can’t manage an American dish, just bring something to share, or make a donation on the night. While costumes aren’t compulsory there will be some wicked prizes on offer for those who get in the spirit. So come and join us if you dare - we promise you an evening to die for! The Kentish Voice - October 2014 HELPING HANDS Last month volunteers from the Bible Chapel continued to help meet some needs in the community. The requests continue to be quite varied; the following are just two examples of several that were carried out. Chris from Railton (pictured on his motorised scooter) rang later that same night to say how much he appreciated the work completed by the people who had helped him with various jobs earlier that day. This meant so much to him as he is unable to do these jobs for himself. Another elderly lady asked two more volunteers if they could drill a few holes and hang some items for her as well as to fit a toilet seat. This request was completed in a few minutes and she was left feeling grateful that even simple jobs can be asked for and attended to by willing workers. If you haven’t asked for help to get those tasks that you are either unable or cannot afford to have done, feel free to phone either Ken 6491 1512 or Andrew on 6491 1610. Residents are reminded that the next Helping Hands day is planned for Saturday 18th October so even if you think your request is too small to ask help for, just phone in and leave it to the volunteers to help you. WORKING ART SPACE The “Out Of The Ashes” exhibition will run until October 10th and will be followed by “A Homage to Trees” by local artist Nita Pountney until the end of November. The Camera club will meet on Sat Oct 11th at 12 noon, the three categories are Rocks and stones, Dead and Alive and Courtyards. Making of mosaics for walkway will continue until all finished. Any enquiries Jane Lemon on 0429 669 168. Learn how to create a 3D sculpture from a book through cutting and folding with Ritchie Ares Dona. The class will be held at WAS from 2pm to 3.30pm Wed. Oct. 8th. Cost $15. Bookings essential on 0438 135 688. LIVING MURALS The Living Murals Volunteer Team meets every Thursday at the Blacksmith’s Gallery Café for morning coffee at 9.30am before heading out and about beautifying our town from 10 am to 12 Page 31 COMMUNITY AND CLUB NOTES SHEFFIELD RSL WOMEN’S AUXILIARY KENTISH RSL ANZAC CENTENARY PROJECT DAFFYDOWNDILLY She wore her yellow sun-bonnet, She wore her greenest gown; She turned to the south wind And curtsied up and down. She turned to the sunlight And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbour: “Winter is dead.” A A MILNE Welcome to Spring everyone! Mind you, I think maybe in latter years Spring is working to a different calendar from the rest of us. My own daffies have been showing off for at least an extra month. Yours? In any case it is now official. We gathered for our September meeting to find we were missing a whole bunch of our usual participants. Some on the mainland, some not well and some hiding from the rain. We were only 11 present. This was a very short meeting as follow up to winter when things go a wee bit quiet, but as we progressed through the official agenda and started on the October events we realised it will soon be time to put on the catering hats. There are a few very busy weeks coming up. For those not present these are the dates for your hosting diaries. 15th Oct - Merle's Soup & Sandwich Fundraiser, 27th Oct - Day Care at Tandara, 31st Oct - Soup/Sandwich at RSL, 8th Nov - Afternoon Tea at RSL for the Mural Opening, 24th Nov - Tasbash Fundraiser. First cab off the rank is Merle's Fundraising Day so a reminder….please don't forget some contributions for a special cause.... be it goodies for the Trade Table or some form of baby clothes or even bedding as the recipients this year are to be the new babies leaving hospital whose parent/s are doing it tough. At this point in the meeting Merle asked that the input from 'a certain Scotsman' be recognised. He came up to her in the Club, out of the blue, with a contribution for this day. She was really touched by his unexpected gesture. Thanks Merle.......message received! We discussed the Anzac Afternoon tea and it was clarified that the food is not to be wartime as some thought. Just our regular type afternoon teas. Always go down well. “ and That ”, said Jack, “ Was That ! ” Everyone “happy”, the Meeting Over bell rang and we tucked in to a generous afternoon tea provided by Barb W. and Margaret, a pre-taster for the Anzac one Ladies? You can do it again any time you like ! Yummo!! Next meeting usual Monday, usual time. Page 32 Jann McKay REDWATER CREEK STEAM & HERITAGE SOCIETY INC It is not too late for those wishing to take part in the Annual Steam Training Weekend 17-20th October. Please call Chris Martin on 0429 418 739 to register. Information on the course can be found at www. -click the LEARN link.. An invitation has also gone to all primary schools in NW Tas. Friday all day, and Monday afternoon is Open Day for Schools , our third consecutive year. During the Steam Training weekend Friday 17th - Monday 20th Oct the steam train and coffee shop will be "business as usual" - open from 11am - 4pm each day. On the 1st and 2nd November we will hold our “Kids Great Day Out” again this year from 11.00am so bring along the kids and enjoy being a kid again yourself! COMMUNITY CHOIR The Sheffield Community Choir meets Fridays from 1.30pm – 3pm Supper Room Uniting Church Cnr. Main & Henry Sts. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 COMMUNITY NOTES PIZZA CONNECTION “As food is to the body, so is God’s word to the soul.” In our last report we referred to the possible establishment of a “Shed Happens” in Kentish. The decision has now been taken to have a Kentish Shed Happens, the first Shed Night will be held in November. More details in the next Kentish Voice. The concept is to bring men together that they might discuss the issues they are encountering in everyday life, “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Our next pizza night will be held on Friday 10 October at 6.30 pm in the Sheffield Town Hall. Our speaker will be Matt Boulton who is the men’s pastor at Hope Centre International Church in Brisbane where he also hosts the “Bowen Hills Shed Night”. For 7 years Matt was the Director of Counselling for CityCARE in Brisbane’s infamous Fortitude Valley and for the past 12 years, has been counselling domestic violence perpetrators and couples in conflict, he is now an ambassador for White Ribbon Australia. Matt’s recent book, “Changing Tools”, shares of his own early battle with anger and domestic violence, together with other stories of men and women escaping their own life controlling behaviors through changing the tools they are using in their lives and relationships. On Saturday morning, starting at 9am, Matt will conduct a workshop for those wanting to know more about bringing an end to domestic violence in our community. The venue is not yet decided, TBA. A local young man will speak of his addiction to alcohol and drugs at the pizza night and tell how he found the path to freedom from them, - darkness to light – an amazing story. MERSEY COMMUNITY CARE TRIPS MCCA has Full Day Social Bus Trips every Friday; Half Day Social Bus Trips every second Thursday; and Out of Town Shopping Tripsevery alternate Thursday. MCCA picks up MCCA clients from their homes between 9.00am and 10am and take them on a social outing for the day or half day. The cost of the bus trip is $10 A caring volunteer is on hand to assist clients to get on and off the bus, secure seat belts, opening doors and ordering meals. If you would like more information or would like to be assessed to access our services please phone: 64248883 or see our ad on the back page of The Kentish Voice every second month. The bus trips are listed in the “What’s On in October” section on page 34. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 As always, there is no charge but we do like to know how many might come, all men over the age of 13 are welcome. For more information or to advice of attendance, phone Craig 64921160, John 64273477, John 64912525. KENTISH LIONS CLUB A combined dinner was held September 8th, in which the Lions members were able to show their gratitude to the cast of the Music Hall for a job well done. The Music Hall is a major fundraiser for the Lions and the Bowls Club. The Triple Top run will be held on November 9th at the Claude Road Hall. Lion Bronwen Lee THE KENTISH COMMUNITY KITCHEN The Kentish Community Kitchen provides a warm friendly place where everyone from our Community can come and share a two course meal together for the cost of a gold coin. Town Hall Supper Room High Street 6:30pm.on October 14th & 28th ALL WELCOME Page 33 WHATS ON IN OCTOBER October 1-10th “Out of the Ashes” Exhibition, Working Art Space (see page 31) October 1-31st Exhibition of Bird Paintings, Gallery Tasmania, Fudge & Good Coffee October 2 nd October 3 rd Living Murals Group meet for Coffee Blacksmiths Gallery Café 9.30 am (see page 31) MCCA Half Day Social Bus Trip to Beach Hut Milk Bar, Ulverstone (see page 33) MCCA Full Day Social Bus Trip to Lobster Ponds, Flowerdale (see page 33) Appointments with Community Bank® Business Development Manager (see page 4) th October 4 & 5 th Redwater Creek Steam Train Rides & Coffee Shop (see page 32) th Annual Oktoberfest at Seven Sheds Brewery 12.00 noon – 4.00pm (see page 3) h Community Bank Survey Forms Delivered (see page4 & 5) October 7 th MCCA Out of Town Shopping Bus Trip – Deloraine (see page33) October 8 th 3D Sculpture Class Working Art Space 2 pm – 3.30pm. Bookings Essential (see page 31) October 9 th Living Murals Group meet for Coffee Blacksmiths Gallery Café 9.30 am (see page 31) October 5 October 6 -10th Reg. Night Sheffield Junior Cricket U 13’s, U 15’s, U 17’s Rec Ground 6-7.30pm (see pg 23) Kentish Garden Club meets Sheffield Town Hall, 7.30 pm (see page 9) October 10 th Pizza Connection Men’s Pizza Night, Sheffield Town Hall, 6.30pm (see page 33) MCCA Full Day Social Bus Trip to Railton Hotel, Railton (see page 33) Appointments with Community Bank® Business Development Manager (see page 4) October 11 th Pizza Connection Workshop, Venue to be decided, 9.00am (see page 33) Camera Club meets 12.00 noon, Working Art Space (see page 31) Sheffield Market & Car Boot Sale (see page 35) th th “A Homage to Trees” Exhibition, Working Art Space (see page 31) th Hydro Tas. Open Day - Lake Margaret (see page 24) Oct 11 –Nov 30 October 11 &12 October 12 th October 14-28 Hydro Tas. Open Day - Paloona and Devil’s Gate (see page 24) th Kentish Council Elections (see page 22) October 14 th October 15 th DSTA Meeting & Guest Speaker, Axeman’s Hall of Fame, Latrobe 1.30pm (see page 10) October 16 th Living Murals Group meet for Coffee Blacksmiths Gallery Café 9.30 am (see page 31) October 17 th Probus Club meets at Sheffield Bowls Club 10.00am – 12.00 noon (see page 30) Kentish Community Kitchen Town Hall Supper Room 6.30pm All Welcome (see page 33) MCCA Half Day Social Bus Trip ,Emu Valley Rhododendron Gardens, Burnie (see page33) MCCA Full Day Social Bus Trip to Kaydale Lodge, Nietta (see page 33) Open Day for Schools Redwater Creek Railway (see page 32) October 17-20 October 18 Annual Steam Training Weekend, Redwater Creek Railway (see page 32) th Helping Hands Day (see page 31) th Open Day for Schools Redwater Creek Railway (see page 32) Council Meeting, Council Office 7.00pm (see page 23) Uniting Care Op-Shop Bus visits Railton 12.00 noon to 2.00pm Trivia Night, Sheffield RSL & Citizens Club, 6.30pm for 7.00pm start (see page ) Uniting Care Op-Shop Bus visits Wilmot 12.00 noon to 2.00pm MCCA Out of Town Shopping Bus Trip – Ulverstone (see page 33) Living Murals Group meet for Coffee Blacksmiths Gallery Café 9.30 am (see page 31) Computers For The Curious 3.00pm-5.00pm (see page 7) MCCA Full Day Social Bus Trip to L’ton Casino/Shopping/Meeting Friends (see page 33) Appointments with Community Bank® Business Development Manager (see page 4) Hydro Tasmania Free Family Day - Waddamana Power Station Museum (see page 24) Spinning at Dragon’s Rest All Welcome 10.00am – 3.00pm Kentish Community Kitchen Town Hall Supper Room 6.30pm All Welcome (see page 33) Living Murals Group meet for Coffee Blacksmiths Gallery Café 9.30 am (see page 31) October 20 October 21st October 22nd October 23rd October 24th October 26th October 28th October 30th Page 34 th The Kentish Voice - October 2014 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE MUSHROOM COMPOST DELIVERED when available. (approximately every 4 to 6 weeks.) Approx 3 metres in Tip Truck $150.00 per load Sheffield/Railton. Bookings essential Ph 0429 451 107 WATER DELIVERY 4000-20000L Best price. 7am-10pm Orion water tank sales. Septic Tank cleaning service. Porta loo & skip bin hire. New 125cc four wheeler farm bikes from $1200 Furniture removal, Tilt tray trucks, container transport, crane truck, bulldozer, excavator. Top operator. Buyer and removal of scrap metal, cars, trucks & machinery. Square & round hay bales. Plain wire (1500m) $150, barbwire $77 & steel & silver posts from $5.50. 64 911227 or 0419 539 537 WHEAT 20KG BAGS $12 DRY FIREWOOD FOR SALE 0417 141399 or 0400 263 340 MICK DAVIES DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLIES The Davies family have been providing this service to the Kentish area for over forty years. Call 0417 581 593 or 6491 1911 for prompt reliable delivery. Anywhere anytime. QUALITY 17 AWARD WINNING BERRY WINES and FROZEN BERRIES MOUNTAIN FRUITS 10 Devils Gate Road, Barrington OPEN 7 DAYS 6492 3194 WORK WANTED PAULA’S SEWING for all your sewing & mending jobs plus industrial sewing. I fix horse rugs, leather, canvas etc. I make loose covers curtains & more. Phone PAULA 0419 373 690 or 6496 1594. TREE REMOVAL Small & large trees. Industrial Wood Slitter for hire. 20 tonne excavator for hire 0428 912 166 ANN’S PET MINDING SERVICE Your animals visited in their own home. Feeds, medicine, etc. Security & reliability. Ph: 6491 1846 PICTURE FRAMING. All your framing needs, photographs, needlework, canvasses, etc Phone George 6491 2390 4x4 RIDE-ON SLASHER For Hire with Operator $44 p/hr Areas too steep, tight for tractor/slasher Saplings up to 30mm - too big for lawn mower/brushcutter Mob: 0419905482 WANTED OLD SPRING MATTRESSES Any size, any condition, for garden. Will collect. Tel: 6491 1846 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF AGM of the Railton & Districts Development Assoc. Inc. will be held at the Railton Firestation, Sunday 26th October, 2014 5:00p.m. Business to be transacted includes confirmation of 2013 AGM minutes; receiving Auditors and President report; Election of office bearers and ordinary members;, Appointment of Auditor. All welcome. Signed Erin Hurley, Public Officer The Annual General Meeting of the Claude Road Cemetery Committee Inc. will be held on 7TH October at 7.30 p.m. at Claude Road Hall. The Annual General Meeting of the Wilmot Tourist and Progress Association will take place on WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER at 7:30pm at the Wilmot Museum. All welcome. WANTED KNOWN SHEFFIELD MARKET & CAR BOOT SALE Next Market is on 11th Oct 9am-2pm New Stall Holders plus all your Regular Stalls.Hot soup available in the Market Kitchen. Inquiries Ph: 0437 124 559 WHATS ON IN OCTOBER (CONT...) October 30th October 31st Goliath Park Master Plan Public Meeting, Railton Bowls Club 7.00pm (see page 23) MCCA Half Day Social Bus Trip to Villaret Gardens, Moltema (see page 33) MCCA Full Day Social Bus Trip to 41 Degrees South Salmon Ponds, Deloraine (see page 33) Appointments with Community Bank® Business Development Manager (see page 4) Community Comment (In response to our Community Question on Page 3.) Please limit your response to 150 words and include your name and address for publication. The Kentish Voice - October 2014 Page 35 MTD Ride On Mower Rover Raider 19/46 38” Cutting Deck Hydrostatic Drive Cruise Control $2100.00 $3200.00* *PLUS FREE MS170 CHAINSAW & ESKY WHILE STOCKS LAST! Cub Cadet NX9 20hp Vtwin Engine 42” Deck Hydrostatic Drive Cruise Control $3600.00 Save $500 Cox Lawnboss 16.5 hp 32” Deck Hydrostatic Drive Australian Made $3400.00 ONLY WHILE STOCKS LAST! Stihl Shop Devonport 4 Finlayson Way DEVONPORT 7310 Ph: 03 6424 1199
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