God has blessed us! To celebrate this we encourage one another, we build one another up in faith, we use our gifts to serve others, we reach out to our community with God’s Good News, and we walk with those who are learning to know his love. 19th October 2014—19th Sunday after Pentecost! Worship locations: Immanuel—7 North Rd, Lilydale 8.30 am every Sunday Open Door—Luther College Chapel, Plymouth Rd, Croydon. 10.00 am every Sunday Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School— 53-57 Plymouth Rd, Croydon Hills 9.00 am every Wednesday and Friday in the Gym during school terms; 6.00 pm every second Sunday in the Gym during school terms. ******************* Contact Details: OELC Office 53-57 Plymouth Rd, Croydon Hills, Vic, 3136 9725 3768 www.oelc.com.au email: admin@oelc.com.au Pastoral Assistants: George Buruma Heather Hamilton Margaret Horwood Congregation Chairperson: Barry Petering home: 9723 2065 email: baznilga@optusnet.com.au Worship Co-ordinator: Trudi Skene Call Committee Chairperson: David Bergmann OELC Safe Place/ Child Safe Co-ordinator: Lauren Bass ********************* Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary Pastors Congregation: Vacant School During our vacancy, if you require pastoral Office: 9725 8255 assistance, please contact one of the pastoral Principal: Greg Schneider assistants in the first instance (contact details are Pastor: Mark Greenthaner in the 2013 Care and Contact Directory). School: Mark Greenthaner mobile: 0402 352 586 home: 9725 4671 email: mark.greenthaner@oelc.com.au Prayer Points For Pr Stephen Schultz and family as he considers the call to OELC. Healing and comfort for those in our community who are suffering in mind, body or spirit including Lenie Lottering, Pr Mark Greenthaner and Karen Parker. For the worsening Ebola outbreak in Africa – protection for those risking their lives to treat the infected and move governments around the world to help so that it can be brought under control. Freezer Bank October Decru, Probert, Visser, Ruhnau Luther College Office: 9724 2000 Principal: Michael Kleidon Pastors: Simon Cooper and Mark Tuffin ALWS Gifts of Grace 2014 Brochures are included in this weeks newsletter. Order now by completing the form included, phoning 1300 763 407 or logging on to alws.org.ua/grace Gifts of $2 or more are tax deductible! The Dining Room What’s on in October Sunday 26th: Pr Aldi Elberts will lead a combined service with communion to commemorate Reformation at 10.00 am at Croydon. The Longest Lutheran Lunch will follow – see page 3 for more details! Please note there will not be a service at Lilydale on this day. Coming up in November Sunday 2nd: All Saints day. Services with communion at Lilydale (8.30 am) and Croydon (10.30 am). Guest preacher will be Pr Mal Huf. Please note the change of service time for Croydon. Monday 3rd: Ladies morning tea (see newsletter for details). Thursday 6th: Church Council meet at 7.30 pm Sunday 9th: Lay read services at Lilydale and Croydon at the usual times. Wednesday 12th: Wednesday Club meet at Lilydale from 10.30 am onwards. Friday 14th: H2H at Lilydale from 7.15 pm. Sunday 16th: Combined service at Croydon at 9.00 am followed by the AGM. Please note there will not be a service at Lilydale on this day. Friday 21st: Shed Men meet at 7.15 pm at ‘the Cottages’. Sunday 23rd: Lay read services at Lilydale and Croydon at the usual times. Friday 28th: H2H at Lilydale from 7.15 pm. Sunday 30th: First Sunday in Advent. Pr Mark Tuffin will lead services with communion at Lilydale and Croydon. At Croydon we will also welcome Katie into God’s family through baptism. WORSHIP ATTENDANCE AND OFFERINGS SUNDAY 12TH OCTOBER Services Lilydale Croydon GSLPS* 49 61 29 Offerings: REG: Total: * $61.50 received for ALWS HC HC 48 56 $1420.30 $1022.50 $2442.80 Head to Heart 24th October 14th November 28th November 5th December H2H meets the 2nd and 4th Friday's of the month at the Lilydale Chapel (1 North Road) from 7:15pm-9:00pm. Bring some supper to share. Any questions - talk to David or email at djbergmann1@gmail.com. Suggested Bible Readings for this w eek: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mark 10:32-45 Mark 10:46-52 Mark 11:1-11 Mark 11:12-26 Mark 11:27-33 Psalm 1 OELC Church Council has been exploring ways that its members might be able to serve within the local Croydon community. One area that Luther College students and staff have been supporting for some time is TDRM and they need our help. TDRM is a mission that helps struggling families and the homeless. It is somewhere for them to go on a Tuesday night and find a safe and welcoming environment, a two course meal and good company. It is located in a hall behind St John The Divine Anglican Church, across the road from Croydon Railway Station. The success of the program is having a positive effect not only on the lives of the guests, but also on the wider community. While TDRM is staffed by a number of trained volunteers, helpers from nearby churches and schools and others, cooking meals for 70 or more guests is a critical component of the program and they are always in need of people who can cook on a regular rostered basis such as once a month. Church Council has endorsed this mission as an area that OELC is well placed to support and are now looking for individuals and/or groups in the congregation that would be prepared to offer their services to this worthy cause. If you are interested and want to know more, speak to Darron Jensz. Let's show that we care. Questions you may have: How often would I need to help out with cooking? No more than once a month based on a roster system. Can I help out on my own? Given they cater for 70+ people, best to organise a group as too much cooking for one person Who cooks what? e.g. 1 person may be responsible for entree, 2 for main meal and 1 for dessert What to cook? Can cook same thing e.g. one couple cook schnitzel and vegies each time, BBQ, spag bol. Up to the group. Do I have to pay? All costs are reimbursed so no one needs to be out of pocket. How much time is involved? Shopping, preparation and cooking times can vary but need to allow a few hours. Do I cook there? Most people do preparation and cooking at home, then bring it in and reheat before serving What are kitchen facilities like? Small kitchen, but well equipped. Come down and have a look. What else do I need to do? Just cook. Others will set up, serve, clean up. Ladies Morning Tea Longest Lutheran Lunch The next Ladies Morning Tea will be held at 10:00am on Monday 3rd November at the home of Maud Adonis, 12 Bimbadeen Dve, Mooroolbark, telephone 0423 213 396. Sunday 26 October Following the 10am Reformation Day Service at Croydon Meet at Good Shepherd by 12pm (Follow the signs from the car park) For Food, Fun and Games All Saints Day – Sunday, November 2 On Sunday, November 2nd, we will observe All Saints Day. As part of our services at Lilydale and Croydon, there will be a special memorial rite in which we will remember members of our congregation and Christian relatives and friends who have passed away in the last year. If you would like the name of someone you have lost in the past year to be read out during the memorial rite, please contact the office before 30 October. You will also have an opportunity to light a candle for them during the service. Bring Family, Friends and Neighbours A dessert to share, drinks, glasses, rugs and chairs (hopefully we will be able to picnic) Sausages, salads, and yummy picnic food will be provided For more information contact Sabine Haeusler on 0403 252 234 Baptism Birthdays in October Please pray for those in our church family who have been baptised in the past few years: Scarlett Boyd, Jemma Gargett, Lili Altmann-Bishop, Fiona Frost, Nicole Collins, Imogen Frost, Alannah Collins, Nate Frost, Morgan Farrand, Alesandra Barnier, Joshua Barnier, Annalise Frost, Kaylee Petschel, Luke Hearn, Jasmine Knowles, Benjamin Ruwoldt, Keenan Gomes-Luis, Kayla Gomes -Luis, Joshua Gomes-Luis, Olivia Edwards, Abbie Gargett, Josie Bamford, Claire Foster, Marcus Grinsbergs (If your child is under 10, has a baptism birthday this month and is not mentioned above, please contact the church office so that we can update our details.) Sunday Chapel at GSLPS 26 October – Flower Power! We cannot help but celebrate the beauty of spring flowers. Many of us have our favourites. Sometimes particular flowers are linked to important events in our lives, and serve as strong symbols for us. One famous Christian chose a particular flower as the basis for making a strong statement about his relationship with God. Join us at Sunday Chapel to learn about this particular symbol as a way of communicating the message of God’s love for us. We meet together in the Multipurpose Centre from 6.00pm for a light tea (provided); our worship begins at 6.30pm. We finish by 7.15pm. We would love to have you join us; you are most welcome to bring along family and friends! See you on the 26th.Pr Mark Greenthaner St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Shepparton Members of St Paul's Lutheran Church in Shepparton would like to thank all members of the LCA who have so generously supported the building of a new church for our growing congregation. Your prayers, financial contributions, visits and words of encouragement have blessed us over the past years and encouraged us to move forward in faith. It's with joy that we can report that both the new church and St Paul's African House are nearing completion and the church will be consecrated at a service on Sunday 9th November at 10am. A warm invitation is extended to all our friends from around the LCA to join us for the service and lunch to follow. RSVP is essential by 10 October for catering purposes. Email: laryssa.anker@gmail.com or phone: 03 5821 5206 FUTURE DATES: Sunday 9th November (preparation for Children's Christmas service) Sunday 7th December - Children's Christmas service at OELC Open Pantry Please continue to support the Open Pantry with donations for the Maroondah Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). Look for the basket in the foyer. Keep it full to 3 19 October 2014 19th Sunday after Pentecost OELC Roster 9 Nov 2014 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 16 Nov 2014 23rd Sunday after Pentecost Rev 7:9-17 1 John 3:1-3 Matt 5:1-12 Amos 5:18-24 1 Thess 4:13-18 Matt 25:1-13 Zeph 1:7, 12-18 1 Thess 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 - LILYDALE 8:30AM LILYDALE 8:30AM - Lay Reader Service without communion C. Schild - Pr Mal Huf Lay Reader - - Supplement Service of the Word - - A. Wurm K. Horwood - G. Thiele Horwood - G. Thiele Lyng M. Horwood Mattiske - CROYDON 10:00AM CROYDON 10:00AM CROYDON 10:30AM CROYDON 10:00AM CROYDON 9:00AM Pr Aldis Elberts Pr Mal Huf Lay Reader Lay Reader Sing the Feast Supplement Service of the Word Word and Prayer Lector Lay Reader Service without communion T. Bergmann J. Braun G. Buruma L. Chapman J. Cornell HC distributors *Schneider *Schneider *Petering *Petering *Petering Worship Leader Liturgy Lector Music Team Church Care Worship Leader Liturgy 26 October 2014 2 Nov 2014 Reformation All Saints Isaiah 45:1-7 1 Thess 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 LILYDALE 8:30AM th Intercessor/s Youth 4 Sunday Team G. Buruma J. & J. Braun Youth Music Team Youth T. Presser Recorded D. Zwar Youth PA system N. Rose D. Bullen T. Daniels J. Braun N. Rose J. Murcutt B. Ruwoldt B. Ruwoldt (green) Luther College L. Chapman P. & C. Caston J. Braun R. & N. Bass B. & I. Petering J. Murcutt C. Visser L. Skene (red) J. Free N. Dowell K. Pankotsch R. Harris C. & R. Visser J. & J. Braun SUNDAY CHAPEL AT GSLPS AT 6:00PM R. Decru J. Murcutt A. Cornell (white) K. Wegener M. & K. Wegener J. Braun D. Jensz D. Decru V. Jackson R. Decru D. Daniels T. Daniels (green) K. Wiebusch G. & C. Ruwoldt D. Bergmann J. Braun G & J Schneider M. Adonis SUNDAY CHAPEL AT GSLPS AT 6:00PM R. Decru D. Bergmann K. Bergmann (green) J. Schneider K. Pankotsch H. Haeusler D. Jensz M. & K. Wegener Y. Stevens Stewards Flowers Welcoming Team Projectionist Morning Tea Roster LSF National Retreat A national camp for young adults (18-30) January 2-6, 2015 Warrambui Retreat and Conference Centre Murrumbateman, NSW Cost: Year 12 leavers—$250 Students/non-workers—$280 Workers—$300 Register at www.lsf.org.au/retreat/ LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA WEBSITE www.lca.org.au Log on to the LCA website to access Pastor and Congregation contacts, District Newsletter, Southeast Region Schools, Mission and Ministry Information, Community Care Victoria, District Resources and more! Directory Update: Sharelle Daniels, 0417 035 441 (please delete landline number) Stamps for Mission In 2014 LCA Stamps for Missions is sponsoring six Mission International projects which are based in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and two in Papua New Guinea. Please continue to save your postage stamps (soaked or unsoaked) and forward them to Del Zwar or the OELC office. If you are interested in being involved in this program, please contact Del on 9727 1390. A SAFE PLACE-SEXUAL ABUSE HOTLINE TOLL FREE NUMBER: 1800 644 628 OR Email: report.abuse@safeplace.lca.org.au Please note these contacts can be used for advice and the caller determines whether to proceed or not when a complaint is made. The telephone number rings the Community Care Service, not the National or District offices of the LCA. The details are kept strictly confidential.
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