We have now completed our visitations to the
Kimberly and Pilbara regions and have started on the
Wheat belt. Carol and I were made very welcome at all
the Clubs visited and we have met some great Lions
and Lionesses of whom we will visit again.
Unfortunately Clubs in the mining area have trouble
getting meetings together with Members either on
holiday or shift work. However in both Karratha and
Newman we met for a coffee with those were able to
attend. These Members were enthusiastic and keen to
tell us of their projects. These Clubs are all recruiting
new members and are expecting to induct same in
near future.
PDG Barry Middleton along with Christine Walker have
put together a Guiding Lion and New Club Extension
Forum to be held on the weekend of 22nd.- 24th
November. More details will be circulated shortly. This
Forum will be beneficial to any Club who is interested
in increasing their membership. Please keep this
weekend free.
The “Sea Breeze Convention” is getting close. Final
plans are all in place. The registrations are on target
and I’m sure we will possibly exceed the numbers we
first anticipated. This will be a fitting result for the hard
work put in by all members of the Jurien Bay Club.
A number of you will be attending the W2 Convention
in Donnybrook. We all wish them a great Convention
and I’m looking forward to weekend of fun.
Look forward to seeing as many as possible in Jurien at
convention. I hope you all have purchased your raffle
tickets it’s a great prize.
Regards and best wishes.
Ivan Sturgess
Official Publication of
Lions District 201W1
PO Box 823 Jurien Bay WA 6516
(M) 0404 288 511 (H) (08) 9652 2212
Email : suz.lowe@bigpond.net.au
Published First Week of Every Month
25th of the preceding month
September 2014 &
February and July 2015
14th of the month prior to publication
Dongara Denison Lions partnered
with local Charities Shop to provide
the Dongara Eneabba Mingenew
Health Centre with a portable iSTAT
The Lions club got the project off the ground with $5000
and approached the Charities Shop (the Dongara Op Shop)
for help to complete the purchase. The portable analyser is
designed to be used at the patient's bedside for critical care
tests such as blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites and
coagulation. There are a
number of cartridges
analytes. This single
eliminates the need for
different analysers.
Only a few drops of
whole blood are required for testing, between 65 and 95 µl.
Samples are processed immediately and provide lab-quality
results in 2 minutes making the iSTAT analyser quick and
easy to use .
Congratulations to Dongara Denison Lions for this
innovative gift to their community.
Clubs should now be gearing up to ordering their Christmas Cakes
using their brand new PayWay cards.
Take the cheque and the PayWay card to the post office
and pay the account
I can hear the rumblings from here NOT ANOTHER NEW WAY OF
The clerk at the post office will give you a receipt
The electronic system will credit your account.
Rest assured, this really is simple.
If you don’t pay on ordering all accounts must be paid
by 31 January 2015.
Firstly read and complete the 2014 order form
Scan the form and email OR post to the appropriate
ORDER PLACEMENT address on the right side of the order
form. Keep a copy!
If you are paying up front write your cheque
Late payments will reduce
the District rebate..
We have visiting aliens coming down the coast—Lions from
over east.
Recently visiting Broome, the team from Morayfield Lions
are heading down the coast and will visit with your club if
you give them a chance. They are on an around Australia
fundraising tour to raise funds and awareness for Angel
on 11 October and Jurien Bay on 12 October.
We are hoping clubs in Perth may be able to get together
and host some sort of get together and fundraiser to
support Angel Flight. If you think your club might be
interested please contact IPDG Colin Heap (Kingsley
Woodvale) on 9306 8497 or 0417 898 394 who is trying to
get something organised.
Check them out on Facebook as well as our Western
Australian Facebook page.
The convoy will be averaging around 50 KPH and will cover
between 200 and 350KM per day, 4 to 7 hours driving,
staying in van parks where available.
This will take app 3 ½ months, depending on weather and
covering app 15,000 KM.
Calling in at Port Hedland, Carnarvon and Geraldton, their
current schedule is to hit Perth on 14 October via Geraldton
How Can Your Club Help?
By participating in the Lions Biggest BBQ 2015
By donating funds for an award for a worthy
Our Vision
100% survival for kids with cancer
All funds should be sent to:
Our Mission
Prevent kids with cancer dying by raising funds
nationally and donating funds to the best high
impact childhood cancer research conducted
right across Australia
If you would like to discuss your club’s involvement
contact WA Area Trustee Peter Lamb on
W:08 9581 5858
H: 08 9581 6150
This revised publication is now available.
There was no fanfare or official launch,
nevertheless copies can be obtained
from the Cabinet Secretary or an
electronic copy downloaded from our
district website
Originally produced by PDG Rick Sullivan
and more recently updated and edited
by Public Relations Chairperson &
Magazine Editor Sue Lowe, the revised
36 page booklet will be of great benefit
to new and prospective members as
well as members of the community who
wish to understand the role of Lions
Clubs in our community.
With coverage of all levels of the
International Association of Lions Clubs
the booklet takes the reader through
the inception and development of the
association. The main focus of the
booklet is, however, the activities and
projects of Lions District 201W1.
Explanations are given to what we do,
how we do it and why we do what we
The booklet may also inspire existing
members to take up new challenges and
to refresh their own enthusiasm for the
service they provide through their clubs.
As the late PDG Rick said
“The concept of Lions, that together
as a group we can do so much more
to help others than we could ever do
as individuals, gives us the opportunity to put something back into the community in which we live and indeed
beyond, to that wider world of which we are all a part.”
Editor, Sue Lowe
Since 1994 the Peel Valley Lions Club has sought out and
honoured a country music personality who has given
voluntary service to the community through his/her
connection with the genre.
Over the 21 years of the Award, recipients have included
singers, songwriters, musicians and those who work
tirelessly behind the scenes – and invariably they are quiet
achievers who have never sought recognition or superlatives
for their charity and community efforts.
President Mike Ham has announced that nominations for
the 2015 award are now being accepted and anybody may
nominate someone (via your local Lions Club) who they
think are deserving of the recognition.
“Anyone with a country music connection who has given of
their time and talent to assist charity through their music is
eligible,” Mr Ham said.
“It may be someone who entertains members of their
community, works on major country music fundraising
events, and something as simple as giving their time for free
to help out in caring and support programs.”
Nominees don’t have to be Lions Club members but
nominations need to be made through your local Lions Club
and must be made in writing to: The Secretary, Peel Valley
Lions Club, PO Box 957, Tamworth, NSW, 2340 or via email
to tamworth-peel-valley@lionsdistrict201n1.org.au and
need to be in by December 18, 2014.
A panel will sift through the nominations and the 22nd Peel
Valley Lions Club Australian Country Music Service Award
will be presented during the 43rd Tamworth Country Music
Festival in January 2015. The recipient will receive a one-off
trophy crafted by respected artist Fred Hillier and will also
be given the opportunity to nominate a charity to receive a
$500 donation on his/her behalf from Peel Valley Lions Club.
Peel Valley Lions Club Australian
Country Music Service Award
Previous recipients include:
1994 - Bruce Moser, Vic.
1995 - Rocky Page, SA.
1996 - Olive Bice, Vic.
1997 – Lorraine Pfitzner, NSW.
1998 – Carol Lockhart, NSW.
1999 – Desree-Ilona Crawford, Qld.
2000 - Merle & Graeme Gillis, Vic.
2001 – Shirley Llewellyn, NSW.
2002 – Bob Gray, NSW.
2003 – Peter Sheahan, Vic.
2004 – Peg & Ivan Spann, Qld.
2005 – Johnny Doyle, Vic.
2006 – Noel Smith, SA.
2007 – Frank Turton, SA.
2008 – Brian Letton, NSW.
2009 – Kay Willis/ Barry Johnston, NSW.
2010 – Chris Doyle, Qld.
2011 –‘ Bidge’ Boyd ,Vic
2012 – ‘Cactus’ Martens, S.A.
2013—Murray Mac, S.A
2014 – Alison Ham/ Mark Tempany S.A.
What—No Western Australians?
Enquiries should be directed to Terry Hill on (02) 6765 6042
or email terryanddihill@bigpond.com
eace Love and Understanding is the theme of the 2014-2015 Peace Poster Contest.
Lions clubs can sponsor the programme in their community for children in local
schools or organised youth groups. Students who will be 11, 12 or 13 years, of age on
November 15 2014 are eligible to participate. Through the contest students are encouraged
to visually depict their interpretation of the contest’s theme. Each year a different theme
incorporating Peace is chosen. Twenty four international finalists are selected to represent
the work of more that 350 000 young participants from around 75 countries worldwide. Since
1988 more than 3.6 million children have participated. If you club is interested in this project
please contact District Chairperson Carolyn Middleton on 9592 5211 / 0408 815 091
Dear club members,
My name is Henry James. Rhys Goodridge and I are
currently seeking participants for our research project that
is running as part of our honours degree in Psychology at
Curtin University. As part of our thesis we have created a
quick online survey that looks into the communities
attitude towards palliative care.
It takes no longer than 10 minutes, and requires no
previous knowledge to complete.
It offers a great opportunity for participants to be involved
in an important aspect of community research, which can
inform health services of the communities real attitude
towards this area of health care.
Plus, there will also be six $25 gift vouchers to be won in a
raffle that you can enter after fully completing the survey.
Sharing the link to the survey provided with other
community members such as family and friends would
also be a great help, can help engage as much of the
community as possible, and can offer people you know the
opportunity to enter the prize draw as well.
We are looking for responses from adults of all ages and
walks of life, the only requirement being Australian
residency and an age of 18+.
All answers will also be confidential and anonymous.
Please see the information page provided in the link below
for further information and ethical considerations, as well
as a link to begin the questionnaire.
Here is the link:
Thank you for your participation, it is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Henry James and Rhys Goodridge
Curtin University
Bachelor of Psychology (Hons.) students
Comments and replies can be sent to The Editor :suz.lowe@bigpond.net.au
Ivan’s Team Focus
On Zonies
Zone 11: Peta Townrow (Broome) Peta not only is a new
Lion she is also a first time Zone Chairman. The very large
area will be a challenge. We all wish her well.
Zone 10: Freda Chandler (Dongara-Denison) Freda is one
of the most respected Zone chairman always working hard
for Clubs within her Zone.
Zone 9: Megan James (Moora) Megan is a hard worker
and assists the Clubs in her Zone to the utmost.
Zone 8: Wendy Rochester (Kalgoorlie). Again Wendy will
continue her sterling work in the Goldfields.
Zone 7: Steele Williams (Toodyay) Welcome to a first time
Zone Chairman Steele. We wish you all the best.
Zone 6: Situation Vacant.
Zone 5: Situation Vacant
Zone 4: Gail McKewen (Canning City) Gail too is a new
Zone Chairman and we wish her a warm welcome and
every success in her new role.
Zone 3: Marshall Graham (Duncraig) Marshall is a very
experienced Lion but also a first time Zone Chairman. As
with all the new Zonies we wish him all the very best.
Zone 2: Situation Vacant
Zone1: Situation Vacant
Zone Co-Ordinator & 2017 Centennial Chairperson: Colin
Heap (Kingsley-Woodvale) Two very important positions.
Zone Co-Ordinator is a position of utmost importance
collating information from the Zone Chairpersons and
reporting to the Cabinet. With our Centennial in 2017
Colin will be very busy with our W1 celebrations.
Thanks, DG Ivan
The Australian Lions Foundation was formed by Lions with the sole purpose of assisting people in time of need . As a
group committed to serving the community, Lions and the Foundation continue to fulfil this need in Australia and Papua
New guinea. Providing financial assistance and support in cases of national disaster, emergency and community welfare
projects and encouraging international understanding and cooperation by relief projects in developing countries. The
Foundation also delivers an Awards programme for the following awards—Ian M Stockdale—James D Richardson—
William Tresise—Community Service. More details : http://www.lionsclubs.org.au/alf/index.html
Applications for grants and awards should be discussed with our District ALF Chairman PDG Clive Tonkin.
The Club Health Check forms have been sent to Presidents of Clubs in all Districts throughout 201 Multiple District.
Hopefully, here in W1, these have been completed by the President of your Club and returned to W1 GMT Chairperson
PDG Barry Middleton but, if not, NOW is not too late to complete it and return by e-mail to PDG Barry at
baz.caz54@optusnet.com.au So that we can assess our decline in membership these assessments are an integral part of
our future initiatives and direction.
Every loss of a member means we have to recruit TWO more members to increase our Membership so as to make our Club
stronger. REMEMBER we need these extra hands to assist in the conduct of our projects now as well as into the future.
If not please consider appointing one as Membership is important to the strength and well-being of your Club.
New members are also the responsibility of all Club members so please just ASK any of your family, friends, neighbours and
workmates. You could be surprised and receive a positive answer or, at the very least, you may just get a no but if you
don’t ASK you will never know!
When the Membership Chair, President or Secretary receives an e-mail re a prospective new member PLEASE follow up
within two days. You can invite them to your next meeting or better still a project OR meet them for a coffee to discuss
Lions and ask what they could contribute. It is vitally important to follow up these enquiries in a timely matter as it shows
we care and are interested in them. They are a gift to our organisation! Feedback of the status of that referral to the
referring Officer, PDG Pamela Baird at pamela.baird@amnet.net.au would be appreciated.
This is looking after members of your own Club and the responsibility falls mainly to the appointed Membership and
Welfare Officers.
If a member of your Club has missed a meeting/s then one of the previous mentioned Officers should check to find out the
reason for the non-attendance. Please ensure that the non-attending member is happy with the Club, is not sick and does
not require any assistance from the Club members.
Bookings now open for
WA Lions Hall of Fame Dinner
Friday 7th November 2014
7.00pm for 7.30pm
Parmelia Hilton Hotel
14 Mill St PERTH
$110.00 per person
Dress : Black Tie/After 5
Payment required with booking to
PO Box 455 Forrestfield WA 6058
No door sales
Bookings must be made by Wednesday
22nd October 2014
Enquires to Lion Ray Zinner
0417 000 440 or ray.zinner@bigpond.com
New Members
MAY 2014
Stanley Moore
Michael Lymn
Ted Lawrence
Noel Wark
Jurien Bay
Lions Hearing Dogs MD201 representative for Western
Australia is PDG Eric Smith JP. Any enquiries to be directed
to Eric If any clubs in WA would like a visit please contact
Eric on 9298 8785 and 0419 925 637
Lions Club International
Youth Exchange Program
Welcome to the new Lionistic Year 2014/2015! The new MD201 Club Youth Exchange Handbook for 2014/2015 has been
emailed to all Clubs in our by Cabinet Secretary Phil Caunt.
Youths from Overseas were home hosted in July before their youths camps on the east coast of Australia. Our District
hosted 4 youths- 2 from Netherlands, 1 from Italy and 1 from Mexico. Yanchep 2 Rocks Lions Club are sponsoring Danielle
who is travelling to America on the Outward Bound Program at the beginning of December 2014. Australian Youths live
with an overseas family as a family member to experience their lifestyle, culture, interest and values. Applications for travel in December 2015 open in January 2015 and close on the 30th of June 2015. Applicants must be of 16 years of age. Lots
of exciting destinations are available for travel overseas by our youths. More information is available on national Youth Exchange website—www.lionsclubs.org.au/ye
I can be contacted at any time also for further information on the YE Program as District 201W1 Chairperson for YE.
Dale Thomson 0433040429
This project is synonymous with LIONS, this is part of who we are!
Let us acknowledge those children with Special Needs,
a child who has been instrumental in a Courageous Act or Deed
or a child who has overcome personal hardship to achieve Outstanding Sporting Prowess.
Nominate them through your Club, for a CHILDREN of COURAGE Award
Pan Pacific Hotel - Sunday 29th March 2015.
The annual Lions Olympics will be held at Dryandra Village on the weekend of
18-19 October. Why not put a team together?
If you can hit a golf ball—throw a horse shoe—bowl a bocce ball—
handball a football or toss a raw egg the organisers of this very silly event
would like to see you there.
The agenda appears to be fun with limited skills involved. Want more information? Contact PDG Alan Hawkins on 08 9439 5187; 0413 202 827; 0417 363
681 or email albev@aapt.net.au
be t.
ll C
Sea Breeze Convention At Jurien Bay
There has been a little confusion regarding close of
registrations—my fault I am afraid. I was getting a couple of
deadlines confused.
Please bring your club banner to convention. The men from
our club have put up a railing in the recreation centre to allow
us to display your banners. Nothing says ‘CONVENTION’ quite
as well as a large display of banners.
Make sure you are around at 1:15 pm for guest speaker
Andrew Burton from beyondblue. This promises to be a really
rewarding session.
We also have a couple of forums where you will have an
opportunity to learn from the experts and get the answers to
some of those tricky questions.
Whilst the important convention business is really the basis
for Lions to get together please remember that the event is
supposed to be fun and Jurien Bay Lions have put together
some real opportunities for you to enjoy yourselves.
Current Registrations: 138—8 days fro close of registrations
The Opening is on Friday Night
The Partner’s tour is on Saturday morning—back for
Bids for hosting future conventions are on Saturday
Voting is on Saturday
The Remembrance Ceremony is on Sunday morning
The programme has still not been finalised but a draft is on
the District Website under Conventions.
This is the last time I will be spruiking convention. The next
instalment will be great photos of all the fabulous events and
displays. Do try to register, even if only for part of a day.
Andrew Burton—beyondblue
Andrew Burton is the
Safety Coordinator for a
project. Andrew is
involved in developing
a culture of concern
and respect within the
workforce, with the
goal of ensuring that
everyone returns home
safely and without
Andrew is a volunteer
speaker for beyondblue,
a national organisation that works to raise awareness
about anxiety and depression, reduce the associated
stigma and encourage people to get help.
Andrew became a beyondblue speaker because of his
personal experience with the effects of a lifetime of
depression and anxiety. After obtaining help and support
in his late 30s, Andrew wants to share his story of support
and recovery to others who live with mental illness.
Andrew’s interests include triathlon, writing and (badly)
playing music, and enjoying the time spent with his wife
and daughters. A lesser known fact about Andrew is his
enthusiasm for the Star Wars series of movies, and he
collects toys and figurines related to the movies.
The prime objectives of the Lion’s Save Sight Foundation are:
Endowment of the Lions Chair of Ophthalmology at
Establish and support community based programmes
and education initiatives aimed at preventing eye
Extensive support of research based programmes within
the Lions Eye Institute
Ongoing support for the Lions Eye Bank
Provision of funding for the PDG Brian King Post
doctoral Fellowship and the Jack Hoffman Scholarship
for eye health research.
To continue it’s work of saving sight the foundation needs your
support. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductable. Please
also remember the Lions Save Sight Foundation when your
club makes it’s annual distribution of funds.
Please contact our District
chairperson is Halina Young Telephone (08)9381 0767
9271 4650 / 0402 025 008 if Fax: (08)9382 1171
you require any further
Email: lss@eye.uwa.edu.au
Web: www.lssf.com.au
Have been helping Primary
School children with their
Made substantial donations
to local youth organisations
Helped Scarborough LC at
the Royal Show with
equipment hire
Ran a water station at Save
Sight’s Perth Half Marathon
Provided rides for children at
the Perenjori show.
Continue to provide the town
with a recycling programme
Donated funds to help a
student attend a UN forum in
Held a sausage sizzle at the
opening of the new Butler
train station
Held a bbq to assist their
local Primary School
Fundraising by raffling a
Committed $1000 to a school
catering for students with
Purchased a special trike for
an autistic child
Looking for youth to
participate in Youth of the
Around the Clubs is designed to give a snapshot of what is happening in the District.
The information comes from the MyLCI Reports on the last day of the month,
generally early enough so that I can have dinner and then a little relaxation. If your
report is not in by 5:00 pm your activities wont make it into the newsletter. Have a
look at the activities above. It really is just a snapshot so if you would like something
more about your club please send me an article. Bear in mind that I was not there so
you will have to describe the event and give me some photos.
The size of our newsletter is now unlimited. We no longer print it so size is no longer
an issue. We can include most things now and there is no reason for clubs to miss out.
Supported Merdaka Day by
supplying equipment
(Singapor Memorial Day)
Running the ir Flea Market
Please give your members the pleasure of seeing their efforts in print and shared with
other Lions. You may inspire another club to take up an activity.
Please also have a look at The Forum. This is a new area for suggestions, grizzles, or
comments. Send my your opinion and we will add it to the newsletter—nothing like a
little controversy to get members talking.
Editor Sue Lowe
We work in the field of hearing conservation and to help the hearing impaired and deaf people in
particular those who could not otherwise afford what is required.
With the mutual support and co-operation of the Ear Science Institute Australia (ESIA), we assist the
expansion and development of audiological and medical services in respect of both treatment and
prevention for the hearing impaired persons at the Lions Hearing Clinics.
We are happy to receive donations of funds and used hearing aids.
PO Box 3126 Broadway, NEDLANDS, 6009
To Book the Screening Bus—Lionshf@gmail.com