Document 348156

Phone: 69205437
Fax: 69205666
Term 4 Week 2
Thursday 16th October 2014
We are very pleased to announce that Jen, our counsellor who has supported us for quite some me here at Lockhart, has now been
employed by the Catholic Schools Office in a pastoral care role for our school for one day per week for the dura on of this term. We
will con nue to have a counselling service from Centacare but are thrilled that Jen is able to con nue with us here at St Joseph’s.
Thank you to those who have sent in items for our Samaritan’s Purse Appeal. If you are able to send in any items to help with our
shoeboxes, it would be greatly appreciated. These items need to be at school by Monday, October 27.
We have heard some wonderful reports about the 4/5/6 excursion to Borambola. Well done to the students for their par cipa on and
behaviour and thanks to Mitch and Carlie for their me and energy. You can see some of the wonderful ac vi es that they par cipated in later in the newsle er.
The school has been asked to make a scarecrow for the Lockhart Community Vegetable Garden. Thanks to Sophie (and her mum and
dad) for their assistance with this project – our scarecrow (Alfred) looks fabulous!
The permission note for our Beechworth excursion has been a ached to this newsle er. I have included an agenda later in this column. What an exci ng day!!
Next Tuesday, we will be holding an MJR Day with John Goonan, our Catholic Mission representa ve at the CSO.
The theme for Catholic Mission Month of October is ‘Sock It to Poverty’ so we would love the students to wear
some crazy socks on that day. We will also have a shared lunch on that day so the students will not need to bring
their own lunch.
Next Thursday and Friday, Carlie and Helene will be a ending the Connec ons Spirituality program with other
staff across the Diocese.
Please don’t forget about the following dates at our school that we would love you to join us forParents maths a ernoon – 3.30pm
Monday, October 20
Graincorp tree plan ng and barbeque
lunch – 11am Wednesday, October 22.
Andrew Chinn- workshop and concert
on Monday, November 17 at 5.30pm
Beechworth Agenda
8.30am pick up!
10.30 arrival at Beechworth gardens – snack, run around and toilets.
11.00 Concert in Shire Hall
12.30 – The Priory for BBQ Lunch
1.30 break into three groups
3 groups rotate around:
Burke Museum
Court House
Ned Kelly Vault and Telegraph sta on Talk and look
3.30 – 4.00 run around
4.00 – 4.45 Beechworth Honey + drink and icecream
Lolly shop at some stage during visit
5pm depart – arrive home by 7pm ish.
The students will only need to bring li le lunch, a drink bo le, money for the lolly shop if they wish to buy anything
(maximum $10) and an a ernoon snack to get them home
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St Joseph's Catholic School LOCKHART
Miss Cheney: Anna Carn for her picture
and story about her experience at the
beach and Claudia Hosie for con nually
making great progress in her reading.
Mr Bailey: Year 4/5/6 for allowing me
to share in the fun of their excursion to
Mrs Sheather: Sara Stevenson for great
work with rounding numbers, Harrison
Brown for clever reasoning and Year 3
for being Sumdog na onal champions.
Miss Rake: Victoria Rockliff for always
helping others and being a WESTie and
Tim McRae for his leadership and bravery when giving things a go.
Mrs Nimmo: Annabel Hunt and Lachie
Taylor for great throwing and catching
skills during the cricket clinic.
Mr Kirkman: Isabelle Flight for thinking
of others during Health lessons and Eli
Gooden for trying very hard to spell his
A big thank you to the parents who
transported the students to and from
Borambola. We had a great me par cipa ng in archery, ra building, canoeing, rock climbing, orienteering and ini a ve games. Photos from the excursion
will be in this week’s Joeys Adver ser.
Dates to Remember
The following WEST people have
been spo ed this week
Lachie Bowyer
Emily Pinco
Year 4/5/6
17 October
Jane Ralston
24 October
Melissa Rockliff
31 October
Donna McRae
7 November
Heidi Gooden
14 November
Nadine Douglas
21 November
Mandy Bowyer
28 November
Carol Smith
5 December
Ann Madden
12 December
Sally Carn
19 December
Renae Hunt
Lunches to be collected from Latte Da &
delivered to school at 1pm.
If you are unable to do your day, please
arrange a swap!
Mowing Roster
2nd two weeks October
McRae, D.Hosie & Richards Families
1st two weeks November
Fox, Gleeson & Taylor Families
Ac ve A er School Communi es
Thank you to all of the students who returned their expression of interest forms
so promptly. Le ers of confirma on are
a ached to the newsle er and the program will begin next week. Tuesday
a ernoon with Mr Bailey for golf and on
Wednesday with Miss Rake for lawn
Friday 24th October
9.30am to 11.30am
Lockhart Memorial Hall
Preschool will be open for all prospective families looking at preschool options
for 2015. Bring your child’s water bottle
& a healthy morning tea. Enrolment
packages will be given out on the day.
Any questions please call Kerri Flanagan
on 69205156.
Key to ride on mower to be collected from
school during school hours. Trent Gooden
& Craig Douglas also have a key.
Parent mee ng re Maths
Monday 20 October
Tree plan ng & BBQ lunch
Wednesday 22 October
Beechworth Trip (K-6)
Tuesday 28 October
to 7pm
Mission Day/Book Fair
Tuesday 4 November
Pupil Free Day
Monday 10 November
2015 Kinder Orienta on
Days Commence
Thursday 13 November
Andrew Chin visit/concert
Monday 17 November
Bishop Confirma on Visit
Wednesday 19 November
2015 Kinder Orienta on
Thursday 20 November
9am to
Confirma on
Sunday 23 November
2015 Kinder Orienta on
Thursday 27 November
9am to
2015 Kinder Orienta on
Thursday 4 December
9am to
Presenta on Night
Tuesday 9 December
2015 Kinder Orienta on
Thursday 11 December
9am to
Xmas Party
Friday 12 December
School finishes
Friday 19 December
School resumes
Thurs 29 January
Parish News
Mass Roster
Saturday 18 October at 7pm
Readers: Youth
Offertory: Youth
Lockhart Mass Times
2nd & 4th Sundays at 8am
Alternate Saturdays at 7pm