BeverlyBeverly-Riverside Lodge No. 107 Free and Accepted Masons 621 South Chester Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 Established April 12, 2000 Meets Every Third Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Except July and August A.D. 2014 October A.L. 6014 Lodge & District Events October 7 DLI - Beverly-Riverside Lodge (7:30pm) October 9 Rehearsal - Master Mason Degree (7pm) October 16 Regular Communication (7:30 pm) - Dinner @ 6:30 pm October 23 Rehearsal - Entered Apprentice Degree (7pm) October 27 Fellowcraft Club Meeting (7pm) October 28 GLI - Beverly-Riverside Lodge (6:45pm) - Dinner @ 5:30pm October 30 Emergent Communication, FC° (7pm) - Dinner @ 6pm October 2014 Trestle-board Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 7pm - Rehearsal 5 6 8 7 9 7:30- DLI @ Beverly-Riverside 12 13 14 10 15 16 17 18 24 25 6:30 - Dinner 7:30 - Reg. Comm 20 21 22 23 Oktoberfest 7pm - Rehearsal 26 11 11am—2pm Square & Compass Day 7pm - Rehearsal 9am— Wheelchair Push 19 Yom-Kippur 29 27 28 7:00 - Fellowcra1 Club Mee3ng 5:30—Dinner 6:45– GLI @ Beverly-Riverside 30 6:00 - Dinner 7:00 - Emergent Communica3on 31 Halloween Upcoming Events Square and Compass Day - October 11th Our annual Lodge Open House will be on October 11th. Brethren are needed to come out and assist between 10am and 2pm. We will be giving Lodge room tours, and generally answering any ques3ons people may have (within the limits of our obliga3ons of course). I hope to see you there Oktoberfest! - October 25th Brethren, bring you family and friends to our Oktoberfest celebra3on on October 25th. This event is being put on by our Lodge Fundraising Commi>ee in partnership with the South Jersey Pops Orchestra. This is guaranteed to be a great evening of food, entertainment, and fun. The proceeds from this event will be split between our Educa3on Award Fund and the South Jersey Pops Organiza3on. See the flyer on page 6 for more details. Grand Lodge of Instruction - October 28th Beverly-Riverside Lodge is once again hos3ng the Grand Lodge of Instruc3on for the 19th District. GLI is great opportunity to sit in lodge with a large number of your Brethren from the 19th District, as well as an opportunity to talk to the Grand Lodge officers. Put this date on your calendar and I will see there! Page 2 “If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” — Benjamin Franklin, American writer, humorist, ambassador, inventor and Freemason THE CABLE TOW All members of the Masonic fraternity are cordially and fraternally invited to a>end the following events: District Lodge of Instrucon (DLI), Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 Tuesday, October 7, 2014 - 7:30pm 621 South Chester Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 Regular Communicaon, Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 7:30pm, Dinner @ 6:30pm 621 Chester Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 Order of Business: ♦ ♦ ♦ Opening of the Lodge Regular Business Closing of the Lodge District Lodge of Instrucon (DLI), Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 6:45pm, Dinner @ 5:30pm 621 South Chester Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 Emergent Communicaon - Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 Thursday, October 31 2014 - 7pm, Dinner @ 6pm 621 South Chester Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 ♦ Conferral of FC Degree on the following candidates (if found proficient): Mr. James Ward Fusco Mr. Dean Reynolds Jernigan Candidates in Waiting October Dinner Menu Peons Under Invesgaon Oct. 16 - Regular Communicaon Selecon of Finger Foods & Appezers Awaing Entered Apprence Degree Awaing Fellowcra7 Degree Meal Sponsor: Dinner donaons Mr. James Ward Fusco Mr. Dean Reynolds Jernigan Oct. 31 - Emergent Communicaon Baked Zi, Salad & Rolls Awaing Master Mason Degree Meal Sponsor: Dinner Donaons Awaing Master Mason Exam If you would like to sponsor a meal please contact the Worshipful Master Page 3 Bro. Christopher Chotolal Bro. Colby Banks Bro. Shaughnessy Fraser Bro. Robert Lyman FROM THE EAST Brethren, October is a very busy month for Beverly-Riverside Lodge. In a nutshell; we are hos3ng DLI and GLI, Square & Compass day, a wheelchair push, our Regular Communica3on, an Emergent Communica3on, and Oktoberfest! We are hos3ng DLI on the 7th and GLI on the 28th, all the Brethren are welcome and invited to a>end these, and a reminder to our newly raised Master Masons that if you have not yet a>ended a DLI since being raised, either of these events will sa3sfy that requirement. GLI is a great opportunity to meet members of other Lodges in our District and see them exemplify various pieces of our Ritual. Our annual Square & Compass day is on Saturday the 11th from 10am to 2pm. I have been in contact with two men from the local community that are planning to come out and no3ces were submi>ed to several local newspapers to get the word out and hopefully bring some more poten3al candidates in. The more Lodge members we have there the be>er the impression on anyone who comes in to learn about Freemasonry—so anyone who can come out, even for just an hour, will help the Lodge. On Sunday the 12th we will be at the Masonic home to assist with bringing the residents to and from the church services in the morning. Our a>endance at these has been very light this year so I need more brethren to step up and come out to help. As always I will bring coffee and donuts/bagels. At our Regular Communica3on on the 16th we will have the proposed budget for next year and if all goes well the Audit Commi>ee will present their findings from the audit of last years books. October 25th is a big event for the Lodge and, as I did last month, I am asking all the Brethren for their help to make it a huge success. We have partnered with the South Jersey Pops Orchestra (Brother Stebbins is on the board of trustees for the organiza3on). We are looking to get over 200 people out to the event (see the flyer on page 6) and I am challenging our Lodge members to support this event through a>endance, dona3ng baskets for the silent auc3ons, and helping with venue setup, logis3cs, and clean up. We are spliMng all proceeds equally between the two organiza3ons and the money that the Lodge gets will go into the educa3on award fund to cover awards this year and hopefully next year. My goal is for our lodge members to fill at least 10 tables so get your family and friends together and come out for a great evening of food, music, baskets, and fun. Anyone who can put together a basket please let me know. If you have any ques3ons or to get your 3ckets you can contact me, or Brother Stebbins, Brother Daily or Brother Tilton. This is an important event for us Brethren, we are hoping to make this an annual event so it is important we have a good turnout for this first one. At the September Regular Communica3on there was some discussion/concern regarding the PSE&G bills over the summer. I promised the Brethren that I would dig into this and bring back more informa3on. I have done this and I would like to share the results of the digging here. I pulled up the monthly bills from May through Page 4 September of this year and did some comparisons of the dollar amounts: May $ 36.65 $ 212.52 $ 38.85 Total $ 288.02 Gas Electric Unmetered Charges June $ 40.45 $ 227.61 $ 37.85 $ 305.91 July $ 45.90 $ 325.19 $ 39.18 $ 410.27 August $ 42.27 $ 243.47 $ 38.85 $ 324.59 September $ 43.03 $ 258.79 $ 40.46 $ 342.28 I then looked at the usage (for electricity only – the gas charges are very consistent and do not represent much of the cost) as well as the dates covered byeach bill: Start Date End Date Total kWh Demand kW May 4/21/2014 5/20/2014 760 8.6 June 5/20/2014 6/19/2014 666 4.9 July 6/19/2014 7/21/2014 963 10 August September 7/21/2014 8/20/2014 8/20/2014 9/19/2014 642 703 6.3 7.1 I then looked at the detailed breakdown of the various costs (for electric): May June July August Sep 4.26 7.91 59.63 11.32 6.05 7.80 4.26 89.06 $ 4.31 $ 7.99 $ 123.00 $ 16.29 $ 8.34 $ 11.29 $ 4.24 $ 163.16 $ 4.33 $ 8.05 $ 77.99 $ 10.90 $ 5.56 $ 7.52 $ 4.24 $ 106.21 $ 4.34 $ 8.05 $ 87.97 $ 11.94 $ 6.09 $ 8.24 $ 4.24 $ 118.48 $ 49.93 $ 41.68 $ 22.76 $ 47.65 $ 162.02 $ 49.93 $ 41.68 $ 16.14 $ 29.50 $ 137.25 $ 49.93 $ 41.88 $ 17.71 $ 30.84 $ 140.36 Delivery Charges Annual Demand Summer Demand Delivery Sub Total kWh Charges Societal Bene)its Securitization Transistion Service charge Sub Total for Delivery $ $ $ $ $ $ Supply Charges Generation Transmission Energy Charges Next Sub Total for Supply $ 55.05 $ 41.68 $ 15.65 $ 34.47 $ 146.85 $ 51.80 $ 41.68 $ 16.02 $ 29.02 $ 138.52 Total Electric $ 212.52 $ 227.58 $ 325.18 $ 243.46 $ 258.84 $ 4.28 36.81 8.21 7.48 8.90 4.27 65.67 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ The most notable thing is that during the summer months there is an increase of ~$8.00 per kW used, a 3x increase. This is what is making our summer bills seem so high—the usage isn’t up, the cost is just three 3mes more during the summer months. The July bill was higher because both June Communica3ons, as well the Blood Drive and a Hall Rental (both of which used mul3ple portable A/C units) fell within the July billing dates. I believe this adequately addresses the concerns raised at the September mee3ng but if anyone has any further ques3ons I would be happy to discuss them with you. Sincerely & Fraternally, Ricky D. Stoneking, WM Page 5 Page 6 Masonic Light by Ricky D. Stoneking, WM The Lambskin Apron It is not ornamental, the cost is not so great, There are other things far more useful, yet truly here I do state: Though of all my possessions, there's none which can compare, With that white leathern apron, which all Freemasons wear. As a lad I wondered just what it all meant, When Dad hustled around, and so much 3me was spent, On shaving and dressing and looking just right, Un3l Mother would say: "There's a Lodge mee3ng tonight." And some winter nights she said: "What makes you go Way up there tonight through the sleet and the snow? You see the same things every month of the year." Then Dad would reply: "Yes, I know, my Dear." "Forty years I have seen the same things, it is true. And, though they are old, they always seem so new. For the hands that I clasp, and the friends that I greet, Seem a li>le bit closer each and every 3me we meet." Years later I stood at that very same door, With good men and true who had entered before. I knelt at the alter, and there I was taught That Virtue and Honor can never be bought. That the spotless white lambskin that all Freemasons revere, If worthily worn grows more precious each year. That Service to others brings blessings untold; That without it man may be poor even when surrounded by gold. I learned that True Brotherhood flourishes there, That enmi3es fade beneath the Compass and Square, That wealth and posi3on are all thrust aside, As there on the Level Brethren meet and peacefully abide. So Honor the lambskin, may it always remain Forever unblemished, and free from all stain. And when we are called to the Great Father's love, May we all take our place in the Celes3al Lodge up above. -Author Unknown “May the blessing of heaven rest upon us and all regular Masons. May brotherly love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us. Amen” Page 7 Beverly-Riverside Lodge No. 107 Website Grand Lodge of NJ Website 19th Masonic District Website Hall Rentals Available Members of Beverly-Riverside Lodge #107 F.&A.M. can rent the Hall for birthday par3es, wedding recep3ons, social func3ons, etc. Reasonable rates. Please contact Bro. David Lynch for rates, availability, scheduling & informa3on at 609-915-5486 or by e-mail at Please keep the men and women of our Ared Forces in your prayers. Masonic Home High Twelve Club News Monthly Lunch Mee3ng 3rd Monday (October 20th) @ 12 noon Grow Hall, Masonic Home, Oxmead Rd, Burlington Join your Brothers for Lunch $5.00 Reminder Please send your dues for 2014 in to the Secretary if you have not already done so. Dues for 2014 are $116.50 Page 8 OCTOBER MASONIC BIRTHDAYS Bro. Philip C Aaronson Bro. Thomas D Barton Bro. William J Kochersperger Bro. Robert T Lyons Bro. David R Lynch, Jr. Bro. Ma>hew Charles Grohgans Bro. Brian Phillip McFadden 32 26 23 19 5 1 1 Be sure to come out to the regular communication of the lodge during the month that your birthday appears here so that we may recognize you for your years of service to the Fraternity. If this is your 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, or 45th birthday, come out and receive a special pin. *** REMINDER *** The Budget Committee will present their recommendation for the 2015 Lodge Operating Budget at the October Regular Communication on October 16th. Annual Dues for 2015 will be discussed and voted upon (if necessary) after the 2015 budget has been presented/approved. All Brethren are encouraged to attend this meeting an make their voice heard with regards to the budget or 2015 dues. Suspension for Non Payment of Dues (NPD) will be voted upon at the November Regular Communication per our by-laws. All Brethren have received three notices regarding their dues as well as a copy of the 14th General Regulation. If you do not have your 2014 dues card please contact the Lodge Secretary. Brethren who may be experiencing financial difficulties to contact WB Cole, or myself, to discuss options to avoid suspension. Ricky D. Stoneking, WM Page 9 IN HONOR OF OUR LIVING PAST MASTERS BEVERLY LODGE NO. 107 RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 187 BEVERLY-RIVERSDIE LODGE NO. 107 Albert V. Hart 1960 John Schmidinger 1966 Virgil G. Keen*, PGC 1948 & 1995 J. Donald Brown 1965 Bernard L. Berkowitz 1969 Allen K. Naese 2000 William T. Mckenzie 1976 Francis R. Klingler 1971 Lucian D. Craig, PGSB 2001 Vincent Parzyck, PGC 1977 Louis Krichovitz 1972 Ma>hew Korang 2002 1980 & Firman H. Abdill, Jr., PDDGM 1985 Melvin Lotka 1976 Ronald S. Stubbs 2003 John B. King 1981 Richard J. Moranor 1978 William D. Ewan 2004 Robert A. Parsons 1983 & 1984 John F. Hall, PGC, PDRI 1982 Louis E. Christou 2005 Paul E. Doerr 1991 Richard A. Isolda 1984 Edward Marren 2006 Stephen F. Kelly 1992 Jay B. Pennell 1985 Marcus N. Carroll III 2007 Tracy B. Evans 1993 Richard D. Dreydoppel 1989 Stephen G. Devenny, Sr. 2008 C. Laing Honeywell, Jr. 1994 Owen D. Brennan, PGSB 1990 & 1999 Michael P. McGuire 2009 Timothy L. Cole 1995 Michael J. Jacoby 1991 John J. Blaney 2009 Raymond C. Flynn Jr., PGT 1996 & 1997 Theodore A. Gaun>, III 1992 Dennis E. Topoleski, PGSB 2010 Les Lee R. Jamerson 1998 Robert G. Zoll, Sr 1993 Julio L. Hernandez 2011 William J. Moleins 1999 David A. Convery 1994 Kevin T. Ryan 2012 Raymond J. Parzyck, II 2013 Timothy M. Pywell Gary E. Kinney 1995 & 1998 1996 & 1997 *Affiliated Beverly-Riverside Lodge No. 107 Honorary Members MW Edgar N. Peppler, PGM MW George S. Mar3n, PGM MW Francis R. Mitchell, PGM RW Mark E. Carl, PDDGM RW F Gerry Spence, PDDGM Bro. Henry Haughey District Deputy Grand Master 19th Masonic District RW Henry P. Fratz 230 Park Avenue Marlton, NJ 08053 609.802.3108 Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey MW Gerald J. Sharpe 100 Barrack Street Trenton, NJ 08608-2008 609.703.1456 Page 10 District Ritual Instructor 19th Masonic District RW Kevin D. Bunng 2120 Old York Road Bordentown, NJ 08050 609.499,6655 2014 Lodge Officers Worshipful Master Ricky D. Stoneking 609.760.1603 / 43 Westminster Drive, Lumberton, NJ 08048 Senior Warden David N. Tilton (Karen) 609.915.3938 / 202 Mildred Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ 08052 Junior Warden Scott W. Daily (Jennifer) 609.424.7799 / 67 Second Avenue, Roebling, NJ 08554 Treasurer Michael P. McGuire, PM (Dyan) 856.217.6552/ 515 Weeks Avenue, Riverside, NJ 08075 Secretary Timothy L. Cole, PM (Anita) 609.320.8096 / 27 Princeton Avenue, Delran, NJ 08075 Senior Deacon & Proxy to Grand Lodge Ralph H. Baron (Alisa) 609.351.6857 / 82 Whitford Drive, Burlington, NJ 08016 Junior Deacon David R. Lynch, Jr (Cara) 609.915.5486 / 11 Cary Circle, Burlington, NJ 08016 Chaplain Eduardo Nazareth (Heather) 609.635.1547 Marshal Eric S. Bracken 856.461.6222 Sr Master of Ceremonies Christopher C. Seher (Danneille) 856.461.0229 Jr Master of Ceremonies Christian D. Stebbins (Kim) 484.467.4328 Senior Steward Michael Carnivale, III (Michelle) 609.217.2492 Junior Steward Ian M. Stoneking 609.760.1826 Tyler Vincent Parzyck, PGC (Theresa) 609.387.2425 Historian John Schmidinger, PM (Nancy) 609.654.4252 Organist Paul E. Doerr, PM 609.636.7746 Chief Steward John J. Horn (Karli) 856.220.5922 Committees Standing Christopher Seher Christian Stebbins John Horn Relief Ralph Baron Firman Abdill, Jr., PDDGM John Schmidinger, PM Audit David Lynch Eduardo Nazareth Matt Grohgans Community Relations Scott Daily Christopher Seher Eric Bracken Budget Michael McGuire, PM David Tilton John Horn Fund Raising David Tilton Scott Daily Kevin Ryan, PM HALL TRUSTEES Website Michael Carnivale Trestle-board Rick Stoneking Ritual Instruction Timothy Cole, PM Michael McGuire, PM Matthew Korang, PM Instruction/Mentoring Christian Stebbins Ralph Baron John Haines LODGE TRUSTEES 2014 2015 2016 Brian McFadden Robert Oryl Jeffrey Stevenson Pat Augello Ma> Davis Eduardo Nazareth Eric Bracken John Haines Ian Stoneking Page 11 Raymond J. Parzyck, PM Kevin T. Ryan, PM Julio L. Hernandez, PM Please support your Trestle-board Sponsors In Loving Memory of… Brother Albert Parzyck & Bro Joe Carcasio Proudly Sponsors our Lodge Trestle-board Brother Walter Parzyck From Vince and Theresa Parzyck Grand Slam Graphics Scott Daily 609-424-7799 Embroidery, Silk Screening Business Printing, Vinyl Lettering Email: WB Francis R. Klingler PM 1971 Riverside Lodge #187 Supports our Lodge Trestle-board Lankenau Funeral Homes Third Generation of Service Stephen G. S. Lankenau, Manager WB Berkowitz, Bro. Gilbert, DB Heck and WB Schmidinger proudly sponsor our Lodge Trestle-board These Masons of the Year proudly support our Lodge Trestle-board 2006 2007 2008 2010 2012 2012 Dennis Topoleski, PM James Tracy DB David Tilton David Lynch Ralph Baron Chris Seher WB John J. “Jack” Blaney PM 2009 Covenant Lodge #161 John Van Newenhizen, Director Jeffrey K. Lankenau, Director 303-305 Birdgeboro Street Riverside, NJ 08075 Phone (856) 461-0065 Supports our Lodge Trestle-board Trestle-board Sponsorships If you wish to place an ad , please contact either the Worshipful Master or Secretary. Cost for an ad on the Sponsor’s page is $10 for 1 issue, $30 for 6 issues, and $50 for a year.
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