10/17/2014 09:39 AM Additions From 10/10/14 through 10/16/14 Please note: The titles on this list have either been catalogued and are ready to be borrowed or have just been ordered. They represent titles for both Uxbridge and Zephyr. You may reserve ON ORDER titles just as you do for items in the Library. If you are interested in a longer time frame, please contact Alex at ahartmann@uxlib.com with your time frame and a copy will be emailed to you. Thank you. Call Number Title afic ON ORDER 2014 afic ON ORDER 2014 afic ON ORDER 2014 afic ON ORDER 2014 ANF ON ORDER 2014 ANF ON ORDER 2014 ANF ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 anf ON ORDER 2014 CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 Village of the small houses : Ferguson, Ian, Florence Gordon / Morton, Brian Pearl That Broke Its Shell / Hashimi, Nadia Old Blue Line / Jance, J.A. Twist Of the Knife / James, Peter The attacking ocean : Fagan, Brian The XX factor : Wolf, Alison How to get the most from your divorce (financially) : Burrows, G. Edmond Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of InformationLevitin, Overload / Daniel J Irving vs. Irving: Canada's Feuding Billionaires and the Stories They Won't Tell / Poitras, Jacques Not That Kind of Girl: a Young Woman Tells You What She'sDunham, "Learned" / Lena Killing Patton: the Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General O'Reilly, Bill / This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate / Klein, Naomi What If? / Munroe, Randall Temporary Bride / Klinec, Jennifer Smarter Than You Think / Thompson, Clive One kick /TBCD : Cain, Chelsea Adultery /TBCD : Coelho, Paulo A colder war /TBCD : Cumming, Charles Love letters/ TBCD : Macomber, Debbie Author Publisher Pub Date Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014 HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 HarperCollins Publishers, 2014 PAN Macmillan UK, 2014 ALLEN LANE CANADA, 2014 Viking, 2014 Doubleday Canada, 2014 Henry Holt and Co., 2014 Knopf Canada, 2014 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014 Little, Brown and Company, 2014 Penguin Books USA, 2014 Barcode 33246001247816 LSC20141010LN002 LSC20141014LN004 LSC20141014LN010 LSC20141015AH003 JTB20141011HM013 JTB20141011HM014 JTB20141011HM015 LSC20141014LN001 LSC20141014LN002 LSC20141014LN003 LSC20141014LN005 LSC20141014LN006 LSC20141014LN007 LSC20141015AH001 LSC20141016AH001 JTB20141011HM016 JTB20141011HM017 JTB20141011HM018 JTB20141011HM019 Page: 1 Call Number Title CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 Her last whisper/ TBCD : CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 The lost island/ TBCD : CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 The sixth extinction /TBCD : CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 Lisette's list /TBCD : CD FIC ON ORDER 2014 Haunted /TBCD : Computer Lab Internet L1 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L1 / Computer Lab Internet L10 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L10 / Computer Lab Internet L11 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L11 / Computer Lab Internet L12 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L12 / Computer Lab Internet L13 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L13 / Computer Lab Internet L14 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L14 / Computer Lab Internet L15 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L15 / Computer Lab Internet L16 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L16 / Computer Lab Internet L2 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L2 / Computer Lab Internet L3 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L3 / Computer Lab Internet L4 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L4 / Computer Lab Internet L5 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L5 / Computer Lab Internet L6 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L6 / Computer Lab Internet L7 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L7 / Computer Lab Internet L8 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L8 / Computer Lab Internet L9 Computer Lab Internet Terminal L9 / Extremely loud & incredibly close DVD FIC Extre Firefly DVD FIC Firef The legend of Hercules / DVD FIC Hercu The hunting party DVD FIC Hunti Unknown DVD FIC Unkno What lies beneath DVD FIC What J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Amazing magnetism / J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Expedition down under / J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Voyage to the volcano / J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Electric storm / J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Insect invaders / J FIC (Early Chapters) Cole Butterfly battle / LeapFrog [player] : J LeapFrog Leapster B Author Publisher Robards, Karen Preston, Douglas Rollins, James Vreeland, Susan White, Randy Wayne JTB20141011HM020 JTB20141011HM021 JTB20141011HM022 JTB20141011HM023 JTB20141011HM024 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260859 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260909 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260743 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260750 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260768 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260776 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260784 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260974 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260842 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260834 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260826 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260818 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260800 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260727 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260735 Township of Uxbridge Public c2014.Library, 33246002260917 33246002261923 Warner Bros. Entertainment, [2012] Inc., 33246002199925 Twentieth Century Fox Home [2003]Entertainment, 33246002261907 Seville, 2014. 33246002200095 Weinstein Company Home [2008] Entertainment : 33246002261915 Warner Home Video, p2011. 33246002200277 DreamWorks Home Entertainment, [2002] 33246002203891 Scholastic Inc., c2001. 33246002203784 Scholastic Inc, c2001. 33246002203842 Scholastic Inc, c2003. 33246002203792 Scholastic Inc., c2002. 33246002203859 Scholastic Inc., c2001. 33246002203909 Scholastic Inc., c2003. 33246002260446 LeapFrog Enterprises, c2010. Carmi, Rebecca. Carmi, Rebecca. Stamper, Judith Bauer. Capeci, Anne. Capeci, Anne. White, Nancy, LeapFrog Enterprizes. Pub Date Barcode Page: 2 Call Number Title LeapFrog [player] : J LeapFrog Leapster E LeapFrog [player] : J LeapFrog Leapster Z Max's Thanksgiving / J (Thanksgiving) DVD FIC Max J CD FIC ON ORDER 2014Gabriel Finley and the raven's riddle /TBCD : J CD FIC ON ORDER 2014The fourteenth goldfish /TBCD : J CD FIC ON ORDER 2014Frank Einstein and the antimatter motor /TBCD : LeapFrog : Mr. Pencil saves Doodleburg J CF 372 LeapF LeapFrog : LeapSchool reading : J CF 372.4 LeapF LeapFrog : LeapSchool math : J CF 372.7 LeapF LeapFrog : Phineas and Ferb J CF 500.2 LeapF The magic school bus bugs, bugs, bugs! J DVD 595.7 Mag Barnyard J DVD FIC Barny The Care Bears movie J DVD FIC Care Princess stories volume 2 : J DVD FIC Disne Hello kitty 3 dvd collection J DVD FIC Hello My Little Pony, the princess promenade. J DVD FIC My Nanny McPhee J DVD FIC Nanny Spy kids J DVD FIC Spy (1) Strawberry Shortcake, sky's the limit. J DVD FIC Straw Strawberry Shortcake, Berrywood here we come. J DVD FIC Straw 10 years of Thomas & Friends J DVD FIC Thoma VeggieTales, The pirates who don't do anything J DVD FIC Veggi Zig zag et Zazie / jf ON ORDER 2014 Pat au baseball / jfre ON ORDER 2014 En safari jfre ON ORDER 2014 Veritable abominable homme des neiges / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Hector et le grand mechant chevalier / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Qui remplacera la marmotte cette annee / jfre ON ORDER 2014 J'ai le rythme dans la peau / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Saint-Valentin c'est cool / jfre ON ORDER 2014 J'adore les calins / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Animaux / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Cancans du canard / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Chasses aux trefles / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Author Publisher LeapFrog Enterprizes. LeapFrog Enterprizes. LeapFrog Enterprises, c2010. LeapFrog Enterprises, c2010. KaBOOM! Entertainment c2014. : Hagen, George Holm, Jennifer L. Scieszka, Jon LeapFrog Enterprizes. LeapFrog Enterprizes. LeapFrog Enterprizes. LeapFrog Enterprizes. Arnold, Tedd Dean, James Mendicino, Valentina Smith, Alex T Pallota, Jerry Schofield-Morrison, Connie Dean, James de la Bedoyere, Camilla Charlesworth, Liza Wilson, Troy Bunting, Eve Pub Date Barcode 33246002260529 33246002232775 33246002261865 JTB20141011HM025 JTB20141011HM026 JTB20141011HM027 33246002260453 Scholastic Inc., c2012. 33246002232767 Scholastic Inc., c2011. 33246002260537 Scholastic Inc., c2011. 33246002260461 Scholastic Inc., c2012. 33246002200038 Warner Home Video, c2004. 33246002261253 Paramount Pictures, 2006. 33246002200210 MGM Home Entertainment, [2013] Walt Disney Home Entertainment [2005] ; 33246002200087 33246002200145 Twentieth Century Fox Home [2013]Entertainment, Inc., 33246002200269 Paramount Pictures, [2006] 33246002199974 Universal Pictures, [2006] 33246002261980 Dimension Home Videoc2001. ; 33246002199966 20th Century Fox, [2009] 33246002200020 20th Century Fox Home[2010] Entertainment, 33246002200152 Anchor Bay Entertainment, [2005] 33246002200202 Universal Studios Home[2008] Entertainment, LSC20141016AH011 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH002 Scholastic, 2014 LSC20141016AH003 Scholastic, 2014 LSC20141016AH004 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH005 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH006 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH007 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH008 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH009 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH010 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH012 Scholastic, 2015 LSC20141016AH013 Scholastic, 2015 Page: 3 Call Number Title Lapins / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Manchots / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Kiki la coquette / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Ceci est un orignal / jfre ON ORDER 2014 100 blagues et plus / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Ce n'est pas mon chapeau / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Zeb a la rescousse jfre ON ORDER 2014 Poisson pour Pat / jfre ON ORDER 2014 Cherish the First Six Weeks / jpar ON ORDER 2014 MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The sixth soul : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The twelfth department : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 Gallowglass : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 Roseblood : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The dead beat : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 Red light : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The nightmare place : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The counterfeit lady : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 Sea of stone : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 What she saw : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The death collector : MYS PB ON ORDER 2014 The November man : The best of me : ROM PB Spark Chatelaine magazine. --. UXP Chate 2014 Nov The Family handyman [magazine] -- . UXP FamHa 2014 Nov Flare magazine. --. UXP Flare 2014 Nov UXP Macle 2014 Oct 20 Maclean's magazine. --. People magazine. -- : UXP Peopl 2014 Oct 13 Time magazine. --. UXP Time 2014 Oct 13 UXP28 BusWe 2014 Oct 06Business - Oct 12 week magazine. --. The maze runner / YA FIC Dashn Ruin and Rising / yafic ON ORDER 2014 Official Xbox magazine. -- . YAP Xbox 2014 Dec Author Publisher Neuman, Susan B. Schreiber, Anne May, Kyla Morris, Richard T. Lavoie, Julie Klassen, Jon Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Scholastic, 2015 Crown Publishing Group, 2013 Dean, James Moon, Helen Roberts, Mark Ryan, William Ferris, Gordon Doherty, Paul Johnstone, Doug Masterton, Graham Mosby, Steve Parker, Kate Ridpath, Michael Roberts, Mark White, Neil Granger, Bill Sparks, Nicholas. Dashner, James, Bardugo, Leigh Pub Date Barcode LSC20141016AH014 LSC20141016AH015 LSC20141016AH016 LSC20141016AH017 LSC20141016AH018 LSC20141016AH019 LSC20141016AH020 LSC20141016AH021 LSC20141010LN001 JTB20141011HM001 JTB20141011HM002 JTB20141011HM003 JTB20141011HM004 JTB20141011HM005 JTB20141011HM006 JTB20141011HM007 JTB20141011HM008 JTB20141011HM009 JTB20141011HM010 JTB20141011HM011 JTB20141011HM012 Grand Central Pub., 2014, c2011. 33246002261998 33246002199933 Maclean Hunter Ltd., 1990-. 33246002200285 UPD Pub. Corp., 2014. Maclean Hunter Ltd., 1990-9999. 33246002200046 Maclean Hunter Canadian 1990-. Publishing, 33246002200103 33246002200228 Time Inc. 33246002200160 Time Canada Ltd, 1990-. 33246002199990 McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004-9999. Inc., Delacorte Press, 2014, c2009. 33246002260511 LSC20141015AH002 Henry Holt and Co., 2014 33246002199982 Future Inc., 2008-. 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