THE WORKING KELPIE COUNCIL OF AUST INC. PO Box 306, Castle Hill NSW 1765, Ph 02 9899 9224, Fax 02 9894 2140, Email: Homepage: WKC NEWS BULLETIN ‐ OCTOBER 2014 NO.596 TRIAL RESULTS LAKE CARGELLIGO SHOW YARD TRIAL. 30/8/2014 Results kindly sent in by John Templeton. Open 34 dogs: Judge Chris Sellars1 P Darmody,Butch 89,93-182; 2 P Darmody, Strike 91,89-180; 3 P Darmody, Swig 82,94-176, equal 4 G Armour, Tess 86,82-168 & B Hazell, Diamond 81,87-168. U/P B Hazell, Nelson 81,67-148. Novice 17 dogs Judge: Graham Armour. 1 Mat Lucas, Stella 80,,75-155, 2 Brad McKenzie, Bill 77,70-147; 3 Rod Turner, Trapper 84,50-134; U/P Mat Lucas Wally 65,60-125 Local Novice 10 dogs Judge P Darmody. 1 Brad McKenzie B ilkl 87; equal 2 Brett Turner, Peg 86 and Brad McKenzie Bec 86. “Thanks were extended to the 3 Judges for a job well done. Worland Bros for supplying sheep. Phil Kingham for tansporting the sheep, Brett Turner aand Phil Kingham for working the back yards, Robin Turner for time keepinbg zand scoring the board and a b ig thank you to Rod Turner who was Chief Steward for the day and did a wonderful job organising the event and many thanks to all the sponsors”. EUGOWRA SHOW YARD DOG TRIAL Results kindly sent in by Kay Howell Encourage: Judge Nick Ray, 1 Peter Rutherford, Gilbert 83, 2 Carl Rogge 73, 3 Peter Rutherford, Jackie 71.. Novice: Judge Nick Ray, 1 Bec Martin Lucy 93,94-197; 2 Bgreg Walton, Karana Max 94,93-186; 3 Nathan Cayfe, Bob 91,93-184; 4 Julie Keegan, Geegans Mayhem 90,91-181; UP Emelia Walton, Tilly 91,84-175. Open Judge : Stgeve Weyman. 1 Chris Edmunds, Bear 91,96-187; 2 MichAel RyaN, Kamileroy Rfeef 88,94-182; dequal 3 Kevin Howell , Karana Abba 91,88-179 & Greg W alton, Karana Jed 87,92-179. UP Kevin Howell, Karana Sami 88,80 168. “A great day was had by all at the Yard Dog Trial held at the Eugowra Show on Saturday 13th September , the weather was perfect with the Showground looking just perfect after a lovely fall of rain during the week. A total of 86 runs were held for the day with a 6-45 am start and running through till dark just as the sun had gone down, the new loading platform proved to be a challenge to the open dogs and handlers alike .Competitors traveled from far and wide to compete ,as far west as Nyngan and east to Sydney and everywhere in between,it was good to see so many people at our great show . We would like to thank our Judges ,Nick Ray from Taralga for judging the Novice and Steve Weyman from Cowra for judging the Open. Once again a big Thank You to the Pengilly Family for the use of their sheep without their generous donation this event would not be able to go ahead . Also Thank you very much to Dylan Wykamp for the carting of the sheep to the event and Pengilly's for taking the sheep home .Also with out the generous donations of our wonderful sponsors we would not be able to conduct this event . A big Thank you to the following people 1 . COPRICE .Dog food. Forbes Vet Clinic Forbes Livestock. Jemalong Wool. Central Hotel. Karana Kelpie Stud. Frank .Spice .Forbes .AG/N/VET.Services . Eugowra . A big thank you also to the people who worked all day in the back yard letting the sheep out ,Grant Howell ,Mary Ray ,Brad Hazell,Noel Hocking, Greg Walton, hope I have not forgotten any one . Hope to see them all again at our Utility Trial to be held next MAY .2015". Kay Howell DENILIQUIN SHEEP DOG TRIAL 19th August 22ndAugust 2014 Whitbourne Results kindly sent in by Ralph Novice Final Judge Barry McKenzie 1st, B Harrington,Elshamah Kelly, 59,84-143; 2nd,E Thompson, K. Will, 79,17-96; 3rd,E Thompson, K. Gin, 76,7-83; 4th,L Slater,Wandara Axel, 74, R-74 Improvers Final Judge Pip Hudson 1st, equal G Campbell,Glamorgan How,89 & 2nd,D Campbell, Glamorgan Flash,89; 3rd,L Foster,Me Mate Annie,88,4th,equal J Moir,Morgan Toy,85 Equal; & 5th,G Halsall,Me Mate Candy,85 Open Final Judge Pip Hudson. 1st, L Slater,Wondara Drift,91-96,187; 2nd,B McKenzie,Roseneath Snow,90-93,183; 3rd,G Campbell,Granan Patchie,90-78 ,168; 4th,D Campbell,Glamorgan Flash,89-55,144; 5th,B Harrington,Faybrian Mack,90-50,140 CORRIGIN WA YARD TRIAL. 13-9-2014 Details kindly supplied by Nan Lloyd.. This was only the second ever yard trial to be held at the Corrigin show but the first time it was run as an official event. Corrogin is a small town 220 Kms SE of Perth in the eastern Wheatbelt. The sheep were young merino ewes that were fairly solid and required shifting, especially into the second gather. Some of the young dogs had a battle here, and the sheep quickly worked out which dogs were a bit lacking. Overall however they were good challenging sheep, and worked fairly well. The weather was lovely, sunny and almost a little too warm at times. Due to time constraints the novice and open event was run together, so all entrants only had one run for both events. Both events and the open final were judged by Andrew Gorton, with Rod Forsyth judging the Novice final. Only the first 4 placegetters in the novice had a finals run.Corrigan Results. Novice . 1st. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Mindy. 77+69=146. Kelpie; 2nd. Karyn Buller. Just Jed. 68+58=126. Kelpie.; 3rd. Tania De Bijl. Tilly. 66+DQ=66. Kelpie.; 4th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvallye Jude. 55+RTD=58. Kelpie; 5th. Nan Lloyd. Just Otto. 57. Kelpie; 6th. Tanya De Bijl. 40. Kelpie; U/P finalist.Tim Foster. Gwaerfdeyn. Dibly. 36. BC. Open 1st. Hayden Harries. Olboa Ben. 79+75=154. BC; 2nd. Rod Forsyth. Binnaburra Milo. 74+75=149. Kelpie.; 3rd. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Ben. 62+81=143. Kelpie; equal 4th Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Johnny. 72+63=135. Kelpie.; & 4th. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Fly. 68+67=135. Kelpie; 6th. Karyn Buller. Just Jed. 63+63=131. Kelpie.; 7th. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Jess. 61+67=128. Kelpie.; 8th. Simon Leaning. Fleetfeet Axle. 74+56=120. Kelpie.; 9th. Simon Leaning. Chidlow Floss. 66+40=106. BC.; 10th. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Splinter. 78+RTD=78. Kelpie; 11th. Simon Leaning Marionvale MIndy. 77+RTD=77. Kelpie.; 12th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Roy. 62+RTD=62. Kelpie; 2 DOWERIN WA ARENA. (UNOFFICIAL) August 27th, 28th. Details kindly supplied by Nan Lloyd. Dowerin arena trial is an unofficial event, run in conjunction with the Dowerin Machinery Field days, which is the biggest machinery field day in West Australia. Dowerin is 160km North east of Perth. The sheep were young and fairly freshly shorn. They were tricky, unpredictable and inconsistent. They split easily and took a while to break in. The trial was run on a supreme course which was new to some people. Instead of settling them in front of the handler at the casting peg they had to be brought around behind the peg before the handler could move off. This caused some difficulty as they had the tendency to break back the other way as soon as the dog was pulled off the head to bring them around. The gap was the first obstacle and this was the hardest as it was often the first real point of contact with the sheep. Most people took a while here, but once the sheep settled and this obstacle was worked the sheep usually settled for the rest of the course. Due to time restraints (a 2 day trial) a 30 point ringoff was used but with the ruling that if you completed the bridge ( 3rd out of 4 obstacles) then the ringoff was stopped and you had a go at penning them. The field day environment did not help matters, helicopters, old time machinery noisily driving up and down, and a ploughing demonstration upwind of the trial ground. All this unsettled the sheep, dogs and handlers. The weather was uncomfortably warm on the first day but a little cooler on Thursday. No finals were run. There were 35 entries in the novice with 7 scores, 33 in the improver with 8 scores and 41 in the open with 16 scores. As it was an unoficial event, there was some changing around of judges throughout the trial. Results.: Encourage 1st. T Onn. Red dog. 37.; Novice. 1st. Andrew Gorton. Just Murray. 81. Kelpie.; 2nd. Sarah Somers. Nolans My Girl. 71.; 3rd. Nick Webb. Morrillo Roy. 59.; 4th. Jenny Nolan. Nolans Nancy. 56; 5th. Jean Hydleman. Echo park Cydi. 42; 6th. Nan Lloyd. Kumbark Rocket. 41. Kelpie.; 7th. Nan LLoyd. Just Otto. 34. Kelpie. Improver. 1st. Tony Boyle. Boylee Sugar. 80.; 2nd. Jean Hydleman. Jandoree jess. 73.; 3rd. Simon Leaning. Marionvale Mindy. 67. Kelpie.; 4th. Marianne Rogers. Belview Obie. 61.; 5th. Ray Sutherland. Badgingarra Patsy. 49.; equal 6th. Nan LLoyd. Kumbark Rocket. 41. Kelpie. & 6th. Sarah Somers. Nolans My Girl. 41. & 6th. Glenice Webb. Davids Nina. 41.. Open 1st Glenice Webb. Davids Nina. 88.; 2nd. Andrew Gorton. Just Sam. 86. Kelpie X BC.; 3rd. Gordon Curtis. Binnaburra Ben. 85. Kelpie.; 4th. Tony Boyle. Boylee Mustard.; 5th. Ray Sutherland. Swagman Cyndi. 78.; 6th. Ivan Solomon. Perengary Mac. 77.; equal 7th. Grant Cooke. Grassvalley. Sky. 75.; & 7th. Gibb Macdonald. Gracehill Daisy. 75; 9th. Jenny Nolan. Grassvalley Lol. 70.; equal 10th. Jean Hydleman. Echo park Cydi. 68.& 10th. Nick Webb. Morrillo Roy. 68. Other Awards Novice Best cast lift and draw. J. Nolan with Nolans Nancy; Best Dog work on non co-operative sheep . N. Webb with Morrillo Roy Improver Best cast lift and draw. J. Hydleman with Jandoree Jess. Best Dog work on uncooperative sheep. J. Nolan with Nolans Jim Open Best cast Lift and draw. N. Webb with Morillo Roy Best Dog work on uncooperative sheep. J. Nolan with Ryan. Mallee Best Novice Worker who had not won a novice event. Nan Lloyd with Kumbark Rocket. MINNAWARRA YARD TRIAL. August 23-24th. Details kindly supplied by Nan Lloyd Minnawarra is the property of Hayden and Shelby Harries. This is the first time a trial has been held here. Minnawarra is 40 km east of Boyup Brook in WA’s South West. The sheep were large full wool mixed age Merino ewes that were stubborn, solid and difficult to work. They had little respect for man or beast and were hard to pull up if they decided to break. The hoodoo obstacle was the second big gather into the draft, which took the sheep away from the direction of the letouts, and they simply didn’t want to go in there. So they just stood there with a ‘make me’ attitude. In the novice, quite a few handlers had to assist their dogs here. Once in the draft they just stuck to the back fence and would not flow through, so once again assistance was required. However once five were drafted off for the truck they then became very jumpy in the small pen and had to be carefully handled. The next morning for the open event they were a little better and part way through the open final they settled and started to flow and scores rose accordingly. They were good challenging sheep for a yard event and 3 generally stuck together well and stayed inside the fences. The new course was nicely set out and worked well. The novice event was a tie and so a run off was held which resulted in another tie and another run off. There were 21 entries in the novice and 27 in the open. The weather was lovely, warmish and sunny with an occasional chilly wind. Results.; Novice; Judged by Doreen Hansen. 1st. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Roy. 63+78+76+65=282 Kelpie; 2nd. Tanya De Bijl. Tilly. 72+69+76+63=280 Kelpie.; 3rd. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Fly. 67+67=134. Kelpie; 4th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 46+74=120. Kelpie; 5th. Andrew Gorton. Just Murray. 61+54=115. Kelpie ;;U/P Finalist. Nan Lloyd. Nukennellup Dodge. Kelpie. Open Judged by Nigel Armstrong. Open final judged by Andrew Gorton. 1st. Nigel Armstrong. Yarralonga Fly. 73.5+90=163.5. Kelpie. (Judged by Andrew Gorton and Hayden Harries.); 2nd. Karen Buller. Just Jed. 67+95=162. Kelpie.; 3rd. Rick Janitz. Jandoree Dot Com. 70+90=160. BC.; 4th. Hayden Harries. Olboa Ben. 75+81=156. BC; 5th. Nigel Armstrong. Tumutvalley Jude. 77+77=154. (Judged by Andrew Gorton and Hayden Harries.) Kelpie; 6th. Tanya De Bilj. Marionvale Ita. 71+73=144. Kelpie.; 7th. Neil Eastough. Grassvallay Tinky. 68+74= 142. BC; 8th. Neil Eastough. Grassvalley Jet. 62+74=136. BC; 9th. Hayden Harries. Ramulam Woofy. 62+70=132. BC; equal 10th. Nan Lloyd. Just Otto. 58+73=130. Kelpie.; & 10th. Doreen Hansen. Jandoree Molly. 66+64=130. BC; 12th. Richard Mcguire. Mac’s Harry. 66+56=122. BC. JACKIE HOWE FESTIVAL OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS JONDARYAN WOOLSHED UTILITY SHEEP DOG TRIALS 2014 Results & photos Taryn Binstead BLACK TOYOTA / CLAN KELPIE STUD OPEN FINAL Mitchell,Zuhs,80,81,161; 2nd, Eric Tighe,Tighes Jill,71,78,149; 3rd,Eric Tighe,Charlies Chief,81,44,125; 4th, Jack Dwan, Cristies Spook, 59, 55, 114; 5th, Matthew Mitchell,Karana Doc,50,53, 103; 6th, Taryn Binstead, Darksupreme Buffy ( Sky),52,5,57. Winner of Black Toyota Open Results; 1st,Matthew Trophy; Matthew Mitchell with Zuhs WILSONS HTM INVESTMENT GROUP 1st,Eric Tighe, Charlies Chief,90,77,167; 2nd,Sarah Mortimer, Whites Freestone, Molly, 77,70,147; 4th, Eric Tighe, Tighes Iris, 74,42,116; 5th,Taryn Binstead, Darksupreme Buffy ( Sky), 66,25,91; 6th, Matthew Mitchell, Karana Doc, 68,R,68 NOVICE FINAL RESULTS Winner of the Angus McDowall Memorial Trophy; Eric Tighe with Charlies Chief Arabanoo Kelpie Stud Encourage Final Results; 1st,Sarah Mortimer, Whites Dixie,91,90,181; 2, Lyndal Nichols, Caper,77,73,150; 3, Sarah Mortimer, Culgoa Katie,82,66,148; 4 Lyndal Nichols, Rossi-Boots,75,56,131; 5 Shelly Burns, Sogs Pip, 58,70,128; 6 Sharon Mellema, Noonbarra Reya, 56,48,104 Mathew Mitchell and Zuhs 4 Dixie,82,80,162; 3rd,Craig
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