R E V M A N E W... P r e s i d e n t ’... R E V M A B O A...

President: Dr. Michael Magne
VCA Animal Care Center
(707) 584-4343
Vice-President: Dr. Racelle La Mar
Northtown Animal Hospital
(707) 546-6355
Treasurer: Dr. Leah Hertzel
Cat Hospital of Petaluma
(707) 778-7859
CE Coordinator: Dr. Lisa Alexander
VCA Animal Care Center
(707) 584-4343
Member-at-Large: Dr. Tanya Moeller
Ultrasound Support Services
(707) 527-2353
REVMA Executive Secretary:
Tiffany Rovai
(707) 544-9193
President’s Report
CVMA Update
Pet Loss Support Group
Upcoming Continuing Education
President’s Address
Dear REVMA Members,
I would like to extend sincere appreciation for last week’s great CE presentation. Thanks and a tip of the hat to Dr. Kelly Carlsten from Pet Care for her
informative and enjoyable talk, and many thanks to the Pet Care folks for their
September’s meeting should be another good one ~ Dr. David Bruyette from
VCA West LA will be speaking on Cushing’s Disease, a topic near and dear to
all our hearts, and one that he has been recognized as an authority on for
over 20 years. Note that the date for Dr. Bruyette’s talk is Thursday September 25 ~ hope to see all of you there.
I would also like to remind you that the Annual Conference on October 19 is
fast approaching. Speakers this year are Dr. David Twedt from CSU in the
clinical track and Dr. Odie Marcovici in the management track . Both are excellent, engaging, and informative speakers, and I know you will not be disappointed in either. Also, speaking in the technician track is Liz Hughston a very
accomplished RVT who works as an Emergency/ICU technician at Adobe Animal Hospital in Los Altos. Altogether, it looks to be a great day of CE for veterinarians, technicians and support staff and I strongly encourage you all to
attend. Additionally, the Conference is at the lovely Shone Farm in Forestville, an inspiring place to spend a day. Regrettably, I will not be able to attend as I will be in Nepal on a personal quest.
On a more serious note: I, or more accurately, the REVMA Board of Directors, would love to hear ideas and feedback from the constituency about ways
of educating the public about value of veterinary services. This is a question
that comes up frequently, both at the local association level, as well as at
state (CVMA) and national (AVMA, ACVIM) levels, yet no-one seems to ever
come up with practical, reasonable ways to do so. Do you feel that providing
subsidized, reduced cost services actually educates the consumer about
value of veterinary services? Do you think PSAs are valuable? I, and the
Board, would like to know what you think!
Michael L. Magne, DVM, MS, DACVIM
REVMA Board President
CVMA Update
The CVMA would like to thank everyone that contributed to the success of PacVet 2014 in San Francisco! It was our
most successful conference to date.
We look forward to seeing you exhibit next year in Long Beach, California, June 18-21, 2015!
The Veterinary Medical Board has changed the wording to the Civil Code Sections of the Practice Act pertaining to
abandonment. An animal is considered abandoned after 14 days. If the owner calls the hospital this does NOT reset
the time period. The new wording is as follows:
1834.5. Abandoned animal; disposition; notice
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever any animal is delivered to any veterinarian, dog kennel, cat kennel, pet-grooming parlor, animal hospital, or any other animal care facility pursuant to any written or oral agreement
entered into after the effective date of this section, and the owner of such animal does not pick up the animal within
14 calendar days after the day the animal was due to be picked up, the animal shall be deemed to be abandoned. The
person into whose custody the animal was placed for care shall first try for a period of not less than 10 days to find a
new owner for the animal, and, if unable to place the animal with a new owner, shall thereafter humanely destroy the
animal so abandoned. If an animal so abandoned was left with a veterinarian or with a facility which has a veterinarian,
and a new owner cannot be found pursuant to this section, such veterinarian shall humanely destroy the animal. There
shall be a notice posted in a conspicuous place, or in conspicuous type in a written receipt given, to warn each person
depositing an animal at such animal care facilities of the provisions of this section
The CVMA supports if amended bill AB 1810 Abandoned Animals: Deposits for keeping (Maienschein). This bill would
change the language in the above section that requires the veterinarian to euthanize the animal if a new owner cannot
be found within 10 days. This bill, instead, states that if an animal is deemed to be abandoned and a new owner cannot be found, a veterinarian or a facility that has a veterinarian may euthanize the animal, but is not required to do so.
This bill would also allow an individual to turn an abandoned animal over to a public animal control agency or shelter.
The CVMA is seeking an amendment to clarify the time period in which the options to find a new owner, turn the animal over to specified agencies, or euthanize the animal would take effect.
The CVMA Animal Welfare Committee approved the following policy on chicken dubbing:
Dubbing is the act of removing the comb, and/or waddles, and earlobes from a chicken. The CVMA opposes dubbing of
chickens when done solely for breed standard, cosmetic or fighting purposes.
The CVMA Economic Issues Survey – the CVMA recently commissoned a study and report on economic trends affecting California Veterinarians. The survey data give a detailed picture of the demographic makeup of the population of
veterinarians in California, economic conditions of the industry, and veterinarians’ attitudes toward the profession and
its future. The survey findings cover a range of topics including work hours, job satisfaction, hiring, student debt, practice ownership and pay and benefits. The CVMA has decided to repeat this study in three years.
Minimum Wage Increase - The California minimum wage rate is set to increase on July 1st from $8 to $9. The California
Senate also passed a bill to push California's minimum wage to $13 by 2017.
The CVMA installed new officers at installation ceremonies on June 20th: Dr. Dayna Wiedenkeller as the 2014-2015
CVMA president, Dr. Larry Kosmin as president-elect, Dr. Ken Pawlowski as member-at-large, and Dr. George Bishop as
treasurer. Also installed were new board members, Dr. Bryan Halteman and Dr. Nada Khalaf, along with student board
representatives, Chanel Baron (University of California, Davis) and Jessica Brown (Western University of Health Sciences). The new CVMA House of Delegates chair is Dr. Sharon Hunt-Gerardo. The CVMA looks forward to working with
this dynamic group of veterinary leaders!
Veterinarian: Associate position @ Larkfield Veterinary Hospital in Santa Rosa, Full/part time. Experienced Perferred. All applicants considered. Email Paul McEvoy at P3mcevoy@gmail.com
Veterinarian: Seeking part time DVM for small animal hospital in Pt. Reyes Station. Well equipped with digital dental radiology, Catalyst/Lasercyte in house lab and experienced support staff. Great community adjacent to pristine protected National
Seashore, Practice quality medicine in a unique rural setting. Must be comfortable with routine surgeries and have excellent
client service skills. Stress free scenic commute. Contact Mary Whitney, DVM 415-663-1533, email resume to docwhitney@att.net
Veterinarian: Full time associate veterinarian wanted for busy two-doctor full-service small animal hospital in Petaluma. Open 5 ½ days per
week with no after hour emergencies. Digital x-rays, digital dental x-rays, and long-term experienced support staff. We are looking for a
friendly and compassionate veterinarian who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Interest in small exotic mammals a plus. Salary based
on experience. Full benefits package. Contact Patty Dorsano, Practice Manager, at (707)-762-3549 or send resume to brandnervetpatty@gmail.com.
Veterinarian: We are looking for a veterinarian interested in a part time position at North Park Veterinary Clinic. We do a significant amount
of exotic medicine at our practice with pocket pets, avian and reptiles. A veterinarian interested in this position should have experience in
exotic animal medicine or have enthusiasm to learn and develop this aspect of veterinary medicine. This position will include Saturdays. Please send resume to: kjereb@comcast.net.
 Dr. Mark Willett is available for relief work: small animals and exotics. I have been a relief vet for 14 years. Phone: 530304-8249 or email: mwillett@ucdavis-alumni.com
 Dr. Amanda Landers is available for relief work, small animals and pocket pets. 707-363-0998 or pogenpal@yahoo.com.
 Dr. Steve Diehl is available for small animal relief work. 707-508-6215 or stevediehl@mac.com
 Dr. Brian Baumgard is available for small animal relief. 805-558-9740
 Full time/Part time/Relief: Dr. Tejinder Nagra is available for small animal general practice (dogs and cats only). I cover
75-mile radius around Santa Rosa and have been doing this since 2001. Contact 707-696-6203 or email
 Diana K. Phillips, DVM—Available for relief work or part time 1-2 days a week. Years of experience in Marin and Sonoma
County. Contact me at DKPDVM@mac.com or 415-328-7707.
 Dr. Jennifer Kong is available for small animal relief. 707-546-8634 or jenkong@comcast.net
 Kerry Levin, DVM, CVA (acup) now available for relief work in North Bay Area. Practice owner for 25 years and prior relief
vet experience. General small animal, mixed and acupuncture/integrative medicine. 707-972-5465 or drkerrylevin@comcast.net
 Dr. Anne Stark is available for small animal relief work at 707-775-5462 or acdogdoc@gmail.com
 Dr. Penny Elliott is available for small animal relief or part time work. Please contact me at 707-576-7824 or jpelliott84@comcast.net. Resume and references on request.
 Experienced veterinarian (UCD ‘97) seeking position providing reliable, professional, considerate care in Marin/Sonoma
counties. Full-time, part-time or relief. Resume and letters of recommendation available. Please contact Heather Kriensky, DVM at 707-540-1373 or hkriensky@gmail.com.
 Dr. Darcy Atterbury (MN ‘78) is available for small animal relief. Competent, compassionate care while you’re away. Call
 Marilyn Engstrom is available for relief work: experienced veterinary technician 707-484-3192
 Angelise Alexander, RVT 16 years experience. Available 7 days a week. 707-478-6656 or angelise1@gmail.com
 Seasoned vet tech for relief work. Over 25 years experience. Emergency, specialty and general practice. Call Dan Pound at
REVMA Membership Meetings: Our regular membership meetings are held on the third Thursday of the
month, except for the October and December meetings. Look for our informational faxes on all of these
Social—6:30 PM. Lecture and dinner—7:00 PM. Dinner
and CE are included with your full REVMA membership.
Others are welcome at $50 for technicians and $55 for veterinarians. RSVP by the Thursday prior to the meeting by
calling (707) 544-9193.
September 25th—Canine Cushings by David
Buryette, DVM, DACVIM (Please note date
October 19th—14th Annual Wine Country Veterinary Symposium
November 20th—Vestibular Disease by Cona
Anwer, DVM, DACVIM-Neurology
December—No Meeting
REVMA Board Meetings: Wednesday, September
17th at 12:00pm to REVMA at (707) 544-9193 if attending.
REVMA Pet Loss Support Group: For guardians
who have experiences the loss of all types of pets
and for those who are anticipating the loss of their
pet. Meetings are for families, singles, couples, children and adults. Drop-in, no fee group meetings
are held every Tuesday from 7:15PM—8:15PM at
the Brookdale lodge at Paulin Creek, 2375 Range
Avenue, Santa Rosa (excluding holidays). Meetings
are held in the Community room and are facilitated
by Group Leader, Jane Sorensen, RN, MFT
Updated annual newsletter advertising rates for
members: Quarter page—$350;
Half page—$500; Full page—$600
contact (707) 544-9193 to place ads.