Year 3 Parent Information Letter The Year 3 team would like to welcome your child back to school and look forward to another successful year at Reigate Priory. The following information supplements that available on but also adds some year group specific detail that you should be aware of. 1. 2. The Year 3 Team Miss P. Wright Miss A. Marshall Mr E. Smith Miss F. Curtis Mr D. Bott Miss R. Peters 3PW 3AM 3ES 3FC 3DB 3RP Year Leader Mrs J. Cottrill Mrs M. Taylor Mrs J. Ewbank Year Group Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) Teaching Assistant SEN Teaching Assistant Mrs W. Gregory Mr J. Perfitt Mr M. Robinson Year Governors Access to Staff Teachers are available for discussion about the children before and after school. However, we would appreciate a phone call or a letter to arrange a meeting if it is likely to be more than a quick message or question. Appointments can be arranged through the School Office either in person, by telephone or by email using All Year 3 teachers are available in the playground at 3.30 p.m. We need to communicate to solve any problems or misunderstandings. 3. Uniform School uniform must be worn as detailed below:Boys Grey trousers/shorts White shirt Grey socks General Reigate Priory Sweatshirt Girls Grey skirt or tunic White blouse School summer dress White socks or black/red/grey tights Sensible black shoes Reigate Priory fleece (optional) Reigate Priory rucksack (optional) All items must be named. a) Trainers may only be worn during break time, games and outdoor P.E. lessons. School shoes must be worn at all other times, including to and from school. b) Ties must be worn with long sleeved shirts or blouses. c) Jewellery and watches are not part of our uniform and are not allowed in school. Stud earrings are acceptable but must be removed for P.E. (or not worn on that day as the school cannot take responsibility for lost jewellery). Surrey County Council guidelines do not allow children to tape over earrings. d) An old shirt or something similar is essential for art work. e) Coats/waterproofs should be worn to school in appropriate weather to ensure children are adequately clothed. f) During hot weather, children should have a sun hat available. g) We recommend that children bring a water bottle into school daily. Replacement Reigate Priory bottles are available at (£1.00) and lids (20p) from the office. We expect parents to help us maintain the high standard of responsibility and pride in our Reigate Priory uniform. 4. Curriculum Our school curriculum comprises everything that we must teach in order for the children to learn and follows the National Curriculum. To make this accessible to all children we differentiate the work so children of all abilities can learn at their own level. We aim to encourage children to work to the best of their ability. In order to ascertain what the children know, understand and can do, the teachers continually make assessments by asking questions, giving tests or quizzes, asking children to explain things and checking written work. Children are also encouraged to self assess and set their own next steps and targets. The same subjects might be 'revisited' and built upon as the child progresses through the school. What is known today can be forgotten next year (if not next week!) so our job is not an easy one! We have a skill based, topic centred curriculum to foster deeper understanding, more secure knowledge and further a love of life long learning in our children. By being ‘Topic Centred’ it brings traditional subject areas together under Areas of Learning. This allows one topic to be investigated from a variety of angles enabling children to make links, transfer skills and have a more detailed understanding. Some subjects will still be taught discretely and these discrete subjects may vary from term to term depending on the topic. We teach English according to the National Curriculum, however, many activities will be placed in a topic context. Mathematical skills and concepts are also taught following the National Curriculum. Children are grouped according to their needs and abilities to ensure progress and achievement at their own pace. All children have a weekly lesson in ICT where they are taught specific and generic ICT skills. In addition every classroom has its own networked/internet linked computers which the children use to support their learning in other areas of the curriculum. We also have presentational technology for interactive whole class teaching across the curriculum. We encourage high standards of presentation and want the children to enjoy and take a pride in their work. To achieve this we need you to help, encourage and support us and your child! Year 3 topics for this year are:Autumn Reigate Priory Then and Now Spring Ancient Civilisations Summer The World Around Us A list detailing the work we aim to cover this term is attached. We hope this will help you to find resources to support your child’s learning and consider appropriate informative visits to museums and places of interest. We know all parents want their children to succeed at school as much as we do and if we can work in partnership, understand and help each other, this is more likely to happen. 5. PE and Games Each class is timetabled to have one lesson per week of Physical Education (P.E.) and one lesson per week of Games. Although these timetabled slots will remain the same within each school term, they may change on a termly basis. P.E. and Games Kit The following items should be named and kept in a named bag in school everyday: Plain white t-shirt Plain red shorts Plain white sport socks Trainers Plain navy or black tracksuit top Plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms Children will always wear their white t-shirt, red shorts, white socks and trainers. Where necessary, such as in particularly cool weather, the navy or black tracksuit top and bottoms will be worn over the top of this P.E. kit. In the event of high temperatures, children may wear a plain sun hat (no logos permitted). When kit becomes dirty it will be sent home accordingly but always at the end of each half term. Hair that is longer than shoulder length, regardless of gender, must be tied back using a hair tie and hair clips (plain with no additions e.g. a flower). Any form of jewellery is not permitted. Piercings cannot be covered by tape to participate, meaning that the child will not be allowed to take part in the lesson if their piercing cannot be removed. Please support P.E. and Games at Reigate Priory by ensuring that piercings are able to be removed. If ear piercings are to take place, please consider having it carried out at the start of the summer holiday so that they can be removed by the time school resumes in September. Outdoor Education and Cooking To extend our ‘healthy and active’ provision the school is aiming to provide children with at least two further opportunities to participate in outdoor activities in the park and healthy eating sessions in the school’s cooking room. This compliments the weekly PE and Games lessons. Your child will not be required to bring ingredients for the cooking but will need to bring ‘bonding’ clothes (old outdoor play clothes) for the outdoor, park based sessions. Your child will be informed in advance of the sessions and messages sent home via their Homework Diary. Specific Medical Requirements & Inability to Participate In the event that your child has a specific medical requirement, parents/carers should please confirm this with a note. Even though the problem may be obvious to the teacher (e.g. a cast on a broken arm), they will need confirmation from a parent/carer which includes an estimation of how long the child will be unable to participate for. The same letter can then be used until the child is fully recovered rather than requiring a new one each week. Year 3 P.E. lessons are as follows:Games - Wednesday PE – Friday Please help us by ensuring that your child has all their kit at school on the appropriate days. 6. Extra Curricular Activities - Clubs At Reigate Priory we have a wide and varied range of extra-curricular opportunities to further enrich the children’s learning. Attending a club is a great opportunity to meet other children, learn new skills, be active, explore an interest or even take up a new one. School clubs can be categorised into two groups: Teacher Led: These are organised by teaching staff either before school, at lunchtime or after school. They are available to our pupils free of charge. Last year over 400+ volunteer hours were dedicated by Reigate Priory staff to provide these opportunities! Commercial: These are run by external providers/companies. Although recognised by the school they are entirely separate concerns and therefore require payment. All enquires regarding these clubs need to be made directly to the organiser of the club and not to the school. It is our aim to give all children every opportunity to be involved in the clubs provided. The emphasis is on skill development, participation and enjoyment, while promoting the many health, personal and social benefits. To ensure a fun and safe experience, children are expected to arrive with the correct clothing and equipment. Please support your child in this matter as if they do not possess the correct kit they may not be allowed to take part. Due to the number of children participating, attendance does NOT guarantee that any child will represent the school at events and/or competitions. Although there is no charge for any teacher-led clubs, children are expected to demonstrate a commitment to their chosen club. For further information on Clubs and other Extra Curricular opportunities please see the termly Clubs Information Letter. 7. Educational Visits The school has an exciting programme of educational visits across the whole school and all children have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit in each year of their junior school career which is rather unique and something of which we are very proud. We are convinced of the value of this first hand experience in the learning process. If a visit supports and enhances the learning in a particular subject we want the children to have that benefit. Parents are informed about visits and asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost. Our charging and remission policy, in line with the Government directive, says that families in receipt of Family Credit may claim remission. However, if there is insufficient funding the visit may not go ahead. Every year group has a residential educational experience and parents are given full information about these at a meeting before they are asked to make a commitment. Year 3 visits planned to date:Term Autumn Spring Summer Visit Reigate Castle and grounds Date w/b 16 September Greek Day Residential. A two-day, one night stay at High Ashurst, the Surrey camp site on Box Hill. Site based activities. Detailed information available in March. 27th February 2014 19th - 23rd May 2014 th One day topic related outdoor visit to Tilgate Park, Crawley. Education is more than just 'school work'. We want to give our children every opportunity to develop into well adjusted, caring, informed and happy adults 8. Homework Year groups follow a homework timetable appropriate to the age of the child and children are issued with a homework diary at the start of each academic year. The diary provides a useful home/school communication link where details of homework and any other important messages are recorded. Be sure to monitor your child’s diary to keep up-to-date with their weekly homework tasks and other information. Please use the diary as one of the ways of communicating with the class teacher and be sure to sign it weekly. Writing a positive comment on homework successes is a good way to encourage children into working well at home. The class teacher will check each diary, sign it and respond when necessary. The homework timetable for Year 3 is as follows: Day Set Homework Monday Numeracy Monday Spelling Reading Literacy Friday Time Allocated 2 weeks 2 x 20 mins. 10 mins. daily 10 mins. daily 20 mins. Day In Friday Test following Monday Tuesday Reading is so much more than just fluency and decoding - the skills of comprehension and inference, deduction, analysis, comparison, considering the effect of the author’s voice as well as examining word and language choices all make up the complex and wide ranging skills base that is reading. This is reflected and recognised in the range of reading books available in our School. Every child will have a school library book to read from both at home and school but we do allow the option to have a second book ‘on the go’. This book may be from home or from a book corner and is a text your child will have chosen to read for enjoyment. Equal time should be spent reading at home and at school from the school library book and this other book. If your child chooses to only read from their school library book that is also fine. Children are expected to read for at least ten minutes daily at home and record a short summary of key events or character actions read about in that session, in their homework diary. There will be a Homework Club available on Monday lunchtime in the Pottery Room to provide time and additional support to those children who would like it. Children will be given termly personalised targets in writing, reading and numeracy. Please discuss these with your children, especially when completing homework tasks. For reading they will be provided with a special ‘Priory Bookmark’ to help them and you in reading and exploring the text. Please establish a time and place for your child to do their homework, show an interest and 'help' but never do it for them. Let us know through the homework diary if there is a problem. 9. Discipline, Rewards and Sanctions We have high expectations of the standards of behaviour of our children. Rules are for the smooth and safe running of our school community. Good behaviour and work are rewarded with verbal praise, house points and 'stickers' in the classroom and from Mr. Lellman and Mr Moses. Year 3 have a weekly Gold Book assembly to celebrate positive behaviour and attitudes. Certificates are also presented to encourage children to collect house points. Our Code of Behaviour which sets out six statements that encourage self-discipline and consideration for others is as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I will treat everyone with kindness and respect. I will always tell the truth the first time. I will learn and play safely. I will respect my own and other people’s property. I will stay within set boundaries. 6. I will listen and respond to instructions the first time from:– Teachers and other adults in the school. Lunchtime supervisors. Year 6 Prefects. It is the responsibility of all adults to set a good example and ensure acceptable behaviour at all times. If children do not comply with our rules there is a set procedure of sanctions. The Classteacher, Year Leader, Deputy and Headteacher are the 'line of command' for any behaviour problems. Parents will be contacted should we consider a situation to be of a serious enough nature, i.e. stealing, swearing, aggressive behaviour, persistently not working and the offending child may have to complete a misbehaviour form. The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which condemns bullying of any kind. We are a ‘TELLING’ school and children must be encouraged to TELL should they be the victim of verbal or physical bullying. Praise and encouragement from both parents and teachers are excellent motivators. 10. Security a) The safety and security of the children is a serious issue at Reigate Priory. Because of our unique site we are most stringent about our supervision. Children should not arrive before 8.20 a.m. From this time we have four early morning Supervisors Mrs A. Sloane, Mr. N Thompson, Mrs K. McDonald and Mrs. H. Sinnott on duty in the playground. Once children have arrived on school premises they must NOT leave the supervised area. We do not encourage parents to allow children on their own to go into Morrisons, or any other shops, on the way to school. At playtime we have six adults on duty covering the inside of the building and the playground. At lunch time our caring and efficient team of mid-day supervisors look after the children. They are supported by the Leadership Team. b) Parents and visitors must report to the school office on arrival. We must know who is on school premises at all times. Badges and a signing-in book are used for people remaining in the building. Our Front Door (next to Mr Lellman’s office) is NOT the way in for pupils in the morning or out at 3.30 pm. The correct way in and out of school for pupils is via the playground – using either the North Gate (Morrisons’ side) or the South side Park gates. The front door is for visitors who need to come to the school office to sign in. c) Parents/grandparents who are helping in school need to have DBS (Disclosure Barring System) clearance applicable to Reigate Priory School. If you can help, please apply on line for DBS clearance at the following address: username – 9362457 password – priory1200 d) Valuables, including watches, jewellery, electronic games and mobile phones, should not be brought to school. e) Our school recognises the many positive benefits of pupils travelling to school without the use of a car. We therefore encourage children and other family members to travel together, utilising alternatives including walking, cycling, scootering, etc and public transport. The decision as to how a child travels to school and whether a child is able to travel independently to and from school safely, rests entirely with the parents/carer. Parents who wish their child to travel to school independently, by whatever means MUST advise the school in writing, in advance using the form available in the school office. If any changes should occur to the provided details, parents must inform the school in writing as soon as is possible. It is not possible for the school to provide confirmation of a child’s arrival or absence. Where a child travels to school independently, the school would suggest that they: Travel with a friend or as part of a group. Follow the agreed route that has been identified on the proforma, to the school. Where applicable, has undertaken relevant awards and/or certifications to ensure competence and confidence e.g. Cycling Proficiency Awards. . 11. Attendance Registers of attendance are completed at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions of school. If a child is not on school premises at this time they are marked absent, late arrivals must report to the office and the registers will be amended to show a 'late mark'. If this happens regularly the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) will be informed and will contact/visit parents. We must be informed about absence due to illness/dental appointments/family problems etc. Either a phone call (which will be documented and given to the classteacher) an email to or a note of explanation (which will also be kept to ensure there are no unexplained or 'unauthorised' absences) is required. The EWO checks absence marks against this documentation. Due to recent changes in government legislation, the school has revised its Leave of Absence Policy. Please read the following so you are aware of the change: Reigate Priory Junior School firmly believes that all children benefit from regular school attendance. A full and uninterrupted presence gives children the opportunity to fulfil their academic and social potential but also contributes significantly to establishing a positive learning and work ethic. The school recognises the importance of school holidays (12 weeks per year) for children to rest, recuperate and enjoy spending quality time together as a family. However, term time is for learning therefore, it is not acceptable for children, regardless of which year group they may be in, to miss school as a result of holiday. If a family needs to request absence in term-time then an Application for Leave of Absence Form(available from the School Office) must be completed at least two weeks before the leave date and include adequate explanation to why the leave is necessary. The Headteacher will not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. No leave will be authorised if the child’s attendance is less than 95%. Please note that absences for events at sibling’s schools, shopping trips or birthdays are not acceptable. Holidays taken without the permission of the Headteacher and Governing Body may result in legal actions being taken against each parent. 12. School Meals The cost of a school dinner will be £2.05 per day. If your child has school dinners you will receive your ‘bill’ for a half term and prompt payment is essential. If you wish to pay weekly then please send in £10.25 each Monday morning. The on-line paying facility is also available via Parents who are eligible for Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance and Child Tax Credit (not Working Tax Credit) can claim free school meals. Please contact Mrs. Pledge, in the School Office, if you wish to apply. If you are eligible for free school meals but do not wish to avail yourself of this service, could you please advise us as this affects the level of school funding. All changes to lunch arrangements must be notified, in writing, giving at least one week’s notice. Without written notification, where children change from school meals to packed lunches, parents will be charged for the interim period, as meals have to be ordered in advance from Commercial Services. For children who bring packed lunches, please encourage them to bring home all packaging and waste food. This helps reduce our rubbish and stops the squirrels scavenging in our dustbins!! A reminder that all playtime snacks should be as healthy as possible. NO chocolate, sweets or crisps – thank you. Also, we are a NUT FREE school due to the increasing number of children susceptible to allergic reactions. 13. Further Information This letter and other correspondence as well as further information on our school is available at It is worth ‘bookmarking’ the ‘Latest Updates’ page! The monthly newsletter arrives on the first Friday and is the best way to keep you up to date with all school news, events and reminders about dates. Reigate Priory uses the Parentmail email information service to distribute the vast majority of its correspondence. If you haven’t registered for Parentmail please do so via the School Office as it not only helps us reduce the amount of paper we use but is also the fastest and most efficient method of communicating with all our families. PLEASE KEEP THIS INFORMATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Yours sincerely, N. F. Lellman Mr. N. F. Lellman Headteacher
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