Welcome We are pleased to welcome you to our practice. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form as completely as you can. If you have questions we'll be glad to help you. We look forward to working with you in maintaining your dental health. Patient Information _________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Soc.Sec.#-----------------------Initial Address _ City State Cell Phone Email Sex 0 M 0 F Age Patient Employedby Birthdate Zip Home Phone _ _ 0 Single 0 Married 0 Widowed 0 Separated 0 Divorced Occupation BusinessAddress _ Business Phone _ Business Email _ W~mm~we~~k~rrek~ng~u? _ Notify in case of emergency-----------------------Home Cell Phone Email Phone Business Phone _ _ Primary Insurance Person Responsiblefor Account. ----:-----:--;-:- -=----oc- Last Name Relationto Patient.___________ :-cc-~---- First Name Birthdate Initial Soc. Sec. # Address (if different from patient) _ Home Phone City State _ Zip _ Cell Phone Email _ Person ResponsibleEmployedby Occupation BusinessAddress Business Phone InsuranceCompany Phone _ _ _ Insurance Email Contract # _ Group # Subscriber# _ Name of other dependentsunder this plan _ Additional Insurance Is patient covered by additional insurance? Subscriber Name 0 Yes 0 No Relationto Patient Address (if different from patient) City State __ Zip Birthdate _ Soc. Sec. #"'-- _ Home Phone _ Cell Phone Email Subscriber Employedby Business Phone _ _ Business Email _ InsuranceCompany Phone _ Insurance Email _______________________ Name of other dependents under this plan _ Group # Subscriber # _ _ What would you like us to do today? Are you in dental discomfort today? Former Dentist Address Dentist's Email Phone Date of last dental care _ _ _ Date of last x-rays _ Check ( ./ ) yes or no if you have had problems with any of the following: o YON o YON o YON Bad breath Bleeding gums Clickingor poppingjaw 0 YON 0 YON 0 YON Foodcollectionbetweenteeth Grindingor clenchingteeth Looseteethor brokenfillings 0 YON 0 YON 0 YON How often do you brush? Periodontal treatment o YON Sensitivity to cold o YON o YON Sensitivity to hot Sensitivity to sweets Sensitivity when biting Sores or growths in mouth Floss? _ How do you feel about the appearance of your teeth? _ Have you ever experienced an adverse reaction during or in conjunction with a medical or dental procedure? 0 YON Other information about your dental health or previous treatment _ Medical History Physician's name Phone Date of last visit If yes, describe _ Have you had any serious illnesses or operations? 0 YON _ 0 YON If yes, describe _ Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 0 YON If yes, give approximate dates _ Have you ever taken Fen-Phen/Redux? 0 YON Are you currently under physician care? Women: Are you pregnant? 0 YON Nursing? 0 YON Taking birth control pills? 0 YON Check ( ./ ) yes or no whether you have had any of the following: OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY OY ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON AIDS/HIV Positive Anaphylaxis Anemia Arthritis, Rheumatism Artificial heart valves Artificial joints Asthma Atopic (allergy prone) Back problems Blood disease Cancer Chemical dependency Chemotherapy Circulatory problems Cortisone treatments ov o s OYON OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON Describe OY ON Cough, persistent Cough up blood Diabetes Epilepsy Fainting Food allergies Glaucoma Headaches Heart murmur Heart problems Hemophilia! Abnormal bleeding OY 0 N Herpes o YON Hepatitis o YON High blood pressure Is patient currently taking any medications? If yes, list all: OY 0 N Jaw pain Kidney disease or malfunction o YON Liver disease o YON Material allergies (latex, wool, metal, chemicals) o YON Mitral valve prolapse o YON Nervous problems o YON Pacemaker/ Heart surgery o YON Psychiatric care o YON Rapidweightgainor loss o YON Radiation treatment o YON Respiratory disease o YON Rheumatic/Scarletfever o YON o YON o YON Shingles Shortness of breath OY 0 N Skin rash o YON Spina Bifida OY 0 N Stroke o YON Surgical implant o YON Swelling of feet or ankles o YON Thyroid disease or malfunction o YON Tobacco habit o YON Tonsillitis o YON Tuberculosis o YON Ulcer/Colitis o YON Venereal disease Does patient have drug allergies? If yes, list all: Authorization I have reviewed the information on this questionnaire, and it is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this information will be used by the dentist to help determine appropriate and healthful dental treatment. If there is any change in my medical status, I will inform the dentist. I authorize the insurance company indicated on this form to pay to the dentist all insurance benefits otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions. I authorize the dentist to release all information necessary to secure the payment of benefits. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. Signature Date Payment is due in full at time of treatment, unless prior arrangements have been approved. _
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