NEW HOPE NEWS Published for members and friends of messiah new hope Lutheran church OCTOBER 2014 You Are Invited! Worship With Us! Worship on Sundays 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship Wednesday Evenings 4:00 PM 5:45 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Open Gym Community Supper Musical Gathering Small Groups/Classes Sr High Youth Group CAPTIVE FREE October 26, 10:30 a.m. All are invited to a worship service led by Captive Free at MNH. Captive Free, a relational music ministry team sponsored by Youth Encounter, ministers in churches, schools, assisted living homes, detention centers, and Christian youth conferences across the country. We are privileged to have the Central Plains team lead a youth event on Saturday, October 25—and then lead our contemporary worship on Sunday October 26. Please join us! Inside this issue: Pg 2 Pastor’s Letter August Giving Report Pg 3 Governing Board highlights Mission Team Spring Bazaar Community Prayers Pg 4 Serving Schedule Attitude of Gratitude Milestone Ministry Menu Changes Pg 5 October Calendar Pg 6 Community Life Bread Break Sunday/Wednesday Curriculum 2nd Half Pg 7 Youth & Family Update Pg 8 Looking Ahead “Do not fear, or be afraid There is no other rock; I know not one.” Isaiah 44:8 Consecration Sunday November 16, 2014 In a world that seems to get more crazy, less predictable, more fearful every day, we ask, “Where do we find a center that holds in all of this?” For our families, for our family of faith, and for ourselves when we’re really honest about our deepest wonderings and fears — where do we find “a rock in the weary land?” Please join us for weekly conversations in search of hope, and a home, and help, beginning October 19 and culminating with Consecration Sunday on November 16. 5001 E Madison St • Sioux Falls, SD 57110 MESSIAH NEW HOPE STAFF Jeff Sorenson, Senior Pastor Home 605-594-3789 Cell 605-359-8728 Matt Miller, Youth Ministry Director 605-268-2166 Jessica Anderson, Family Ministry Director 605-929-9763 Mark Ferri, Contemporary Worship Director 605-977-0887 Del Hubers, Organist, Choir Director & Traditional Music 605-789-1524 Susie Oberg, Wednesday Supper Coordinator 605-940-1287 Church Office, 605-333-0971 email: Messiah New Hope Governing Board Ken Cunningham, President Jon Moeller, President-elect Doug Dreke, Past President Jeff Eidenshink, Treasurer/Finance Pat Tuley, Secretary 351-6115 332-3247 582-2545 271-0607 728-4660 October Pastor’s Letter Last week @ worship, I asked that we begin regularly to ask two questions of our everyday experiences, that will help us to see God at work in the world, in our lives: 1. WIGIAT? “Where is God in all of this?” and 2. HIGUATAB? “How is God using all this as blessing? The next couple days at our SD Synod Fall Theological Retreat, I had the privilege of hearing Dr. David Lose, President of Philadelphia Lutheran Seminary, say similar things about how we may be a community of faith that is genuinely helpful for people in a changing time. Here are some notes from Dr. Lose give credence to us asking these kinds of questions, and that give us something to think about: In today’s world, we make constant decisions, asking, “What’s worth our time, and what isn’t?” We are overwhelmed by choices and time is scarce. So we ask of everything, “Is it worth it?” People are asking of the church, “Does it help us make sense of a complicated life?” ♦ A performative model of preaching, where only the pastor is the interpreter of scripture, the one who makes (for others) connections between ♦ Al Hallstrom, Building & Grounds Jesse Goebel, Communications Layne Nelson, Youth, Y/A & Family John Nordlie, Worship Rodney Holm, Discipleship Carol Dreke, Service & Mission Julie Ferri, Community Life 366-6600 941-8854 201-6656 334-0088 210-557-6578 582-5545 977-0887 ♦ August Giving Report $20,000.00 $18,000.00 ♦ $16,833.51 $16,000.00 $14,000.00 $12,249.01 ♦ $12,000.00 August $10,000.00 $8,000.00 Budget $4,808.38 $4,069.31 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 ♦ $2,000.00 $558.31 $0.00 General Capital Free to Serve faith and life, creates a culture where others (because the pastor is doing this on their behalf) can’t imagine themselves talking or thinking about faith intelligibly. Sunday has become the big game, the big day of our Christian lives, with most of what happens on that day. We lift up what happens at church on Sunday, but not what happens elsewhere, every day. The result is the devaluing of everyday life, and the inability to see God at work in all the rest of life. For many people, God is no longer a primary actor in the daily story of their lives. But Sunday morning isn’t the big game! It should be practice—for life, which is the big game. Historically, the purpose of preaching has been “to create faith.” But it also needs to help people ask, “Where do we see God?” so that we are practiced and prepared to ask everyday, “Where do we see God, out here?” The mark of competent leadership is not how good the leader is perceived to be, but how much better our people are—for of our leadership. Dr. Lose certainly has given us more to think about! Let’s talk! In Christ, Pastor 2 Jeff Sorenson Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church Governing Board Highlights September 18, 2014 Pastor’s Report: Pastor Jeff is real pleased with new staff, they are capable and caring. Things are going well. Team Reports Building & Grounds: Al Hallstrom asked that communication be kept open; let him know of things needing done. Planning ahead, he will research snow removal for winter, and check furnaces and filters. He see how a defibrillator can be obtained and its cost. An inspector for our insurance company reported an issue of not having a current Certificate of Insurance from the day care on file, and we need to get a fire extinguisher in the garage. Discipleship: Themes for the upcoming Stewardship Appeal were presented. Rodney Holm discussed the time frame, which includes the “Can You” cards and the Annual Appeal. A letter will be sent to all members. Volunteers will telephone members between November 2 and 8, to invite everyone to the Consecration Sunday dinner on November 16. Finance: Kerry Larson completed a Youth Account audit. No discrepancies were found, but she does have specific recommendations and will bring them to Jeff Healing Prayers for … PLEASE PRAY Thanksgiving for … Paysen Henry Munneke, baptized September 26 Healing for … Jon Moeller Paulette Heigh (Pam Cunningham’s sister) Paul DeBoer Kathy Wilcox Lisa Norgaard Patty Olwell Pam Eastman (dtr of Kay Nordlie) God’s peace for… The family of Bonnie Ageton (Dick Ageton’s sister-in-law) MISSION TEAM MNH will be sponsoring the February Necessities for Neighbors distribution on Sunday February 1. To have some fun with our collection of toilet paper for the distribution, there will be a TP challenge during January between the 1st and 2nd services ☺ Start looking for bargains on double rolls! Eidenshink and Layne Nelson. Pat Tuley is now handling the Youth Account. Youth & Family: Twenty youth and four adults will attend the National Youth Gathering. Patti Torbert reported the team is mapping out plans for the year. Mission: Carol Dreke reported the Salvation Army has again requested “Night Watch” volunteers. Worship: Captive Free will lead the 10:30 service October 26. Jessica Anderson will preach that day. New Business: Wednesday Evening Meals With the intent of providing nutritious, home-style meals to MNH members and friends on Wednesday evenings, the Executive Committee presented information on their research of midweek meal service at other area churches. Using First Lutheran Church as a model; meals are catered consisting of an entrée and side dish for $4.00 per person. The vegetable is supplemented, with desserts provided by volunteer members of a “Dessert Club”. It was decided to change the Wednesday food policy to prepare and present meals similar to those of First Lutheran for a one month to six week trial, at a donation of $4.00 per adult meal and less for children. The Wednesday Supper Coordinator’s principle role will be to coordinate volunteers, vegetables, desserts, and drinks. MNH sponsors the October 9 Food To You distribution. Please sign up to help on the clipboard in the narthex. There is also a basket for contributions to help cover the $350 distribution costs, and we will need 250 boxes of cereal for the Food of the Month. Spring Bazaar Planning Come to our first planning meeting Wednesday October 8 @ 7:30 PM. Contact Cindy Johnson at 335-6195 or Respectfully Submitted, Patricia Tuley, Secretary 3 October Serving Schedule Greeters Wednesday Community Supper changes Sunday 8:15 Service 10/05 10/12 10/19 10/26 Bev Heitman, Joyce Lunstra The Aaron Moen Family Katie & Corey Meyer Kay Nordlie, Amber Clements Sunday 10:30 Service 10/05 Deb Callahan, Bonnie Steen 10/12 Char Johnson, Jennifer Nelson 10/19 Curt & Shirley Headrick 10/26 The Brian Tolk Family Servers Coffee Set Up & Clean Up 3 Dozen Treats 10/05 Patti Torbert Scott & Jenny Getting Patti Torbert Fern Getting Jen Ohlenkamp 10/12 Liz Hubbell Bonnie & Alan Steen Liz Hubbell Bev Heitman Char Johnson Pat Fritz Joyce Lunstra Cindy Lipponen 10/19 Harlan & Pat Fritz Jennifer Callahan 10/26 Scott & Jenny Getting Jenny Getting Beginning Wednesday, October 1, we will see some important and helpful changes to our Wednesday night Community Suppers. Our goal in these changes is to make the meal one that more people, of all ages, will want to come together to enjoy. Our hope is that everyone will want to gather together as Christian community, have fun together, eat a good meal together, learn and build relationships together each midweek @ MNH. ♦ Each week the meal will be larger and more complete, with an entrée, side, vegetable, bread and dessert. Menus selected will be more ‘home-style’ – meals that you would enjoy at home as a family. ♦ We intend to have each week’s meals catered in at a reasonable price, following the pattern of another congregation in Sioux Falls that does this very successfully. But first we’re going to prepare the meals ourselves using similar menus, to learn how many of you will come for such a meal before expending the cost. Brian/Amy Mitchell Family Amy Mitchell Kay Nordlie OUR ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE MNH Gives Thanks to: Char Johnson for assisting with counting during the summer and volunteering to be a substitute for the Counters during the year. Jon Moeller for shampooing more of the carpets. Roger Lunstra for spraying our church lawn, and Harlan Fritz for providing the spray. Jon Moeller, Roger Lunstra, Stan Albrecht, Ken Cunningham, Dallas Bratton, Tim Gjoraas, Doug Dreke, Steve Gage, Todd Madsen and Dean Mikkelson for mowing the lawn in August. 4 ♦ The suggested donation for meals will increase slightly, to $4.00 for youth and adults, $3.00 for kids age 7-12, and free for children 6 and under. Each week a volunteer will collect payment, being gracious with kids who forget (but keeping track to remind parents). ♦ The cost of meals will be kept low by providing desserts ourselves (by volunteers), and by utilizing some donated foods (breads and vegetables) for everyone. This will also enable us to continue to offer free meals to our neighborhood guest children. Susie Oberg will continue as our Wednesday Supper Coordinator, but will need volunteers to help with serving, clean-up etc. A sign-up will be out each week for you to indicate how you would like to help. The menus for October are: October 1 Roast beef and mashed potatoes October 8 Ham and sweet potatoes October 14 Lasagna, tossed salad, fresh fruit October 22 Ham and squash October 29 Meat balls and rice (vegetable, bread, dessert, drinks and coffee w/ each meal) We hope this is an improvement that you will respond, “Sounds good, we want to be there!” OCTOBER 2014 Sunday 28 Newsletter Distributed Monday 29 Tuesday 30 1 7:00 PM Area strategy @ Hope Lutheran 4:00 PM Open Gym 5:45 PM Community Meal 6:15 PM Musical Gathering 6:30 PM Small Groups Meet: Children's School, Route 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 7:30 PM Sr High Youth, MS Open Gym 7 8 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 5 6 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour all ages 3rd Grade Bible Class 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 4:00 PM Open Gym 5:45 PM Community Meal 6:15 PM Musical Gathering 6:30 PM Small Groups Meet: Children's School, Route 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 7:30 PM Sr High Youth, MS Open Gym 7:30 PM Bazaar Meeting 7:00 PM Lutheran Women Today 12 13 Wednesday 14 15 Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 9 10 11 17 18 6:00 PM MNH sponsors Food to You 16 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour all ages 9:30 AM 3rd Grade Bible Class 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM Washington HS testing in MPR 6:00 PM 2nd Half 19 20 Bibles Presented @ Worship 21 22 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship 26 4:00 PM Washington HS sets up in MPR 4:00 PM Open Gym 5:45 PM Community Meal 6:15 PM Musical Gathering 6:30 PM Small Groups Meet: Children's School, Route 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 7:30 PM Sr High Youth, MS Open Gym 27 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Education Hour all ages 10:30 AM Contemporary Worship led by CAPTIVE FREE 7:00 PM Altar Guild 28 4:00 PM Open Gym 5:45 PM Community Meal 6:15 PM Musical Gathering 6:30 PM Small Groups Meet: Children's School, Route 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 7:30 PM Sr High Youth, MS Open Gym 29 6:00 PM Team Meetings/Supper 7:00 PM Governing Board 23 2:00 PM MPR Rental Setup 24 25 5:00 PM CAPTIVE FREE HS youth & MS activities 4:30 PM Staff Mtg 30 1:00—6:00 PM MPR and Sanctuary Rental 31 4:00 PM Open Gym 5:45 PM Community Meal 6:15 PM Musical Gathering 6:30 PM Small Groups Meet: Children's School, Route 67, Confirmation, MNH Choir, Adults 7:30 PM Sr High Youth, MS Open Gym 5 SUNDAY CLASSES Upcoming Events Soup and Pie Supper Sunday, November 2 4—7:00 pm Adults: $6.00, children 6-12: $3.00, kids 5 and under free (kids meal available) Please see sign-up sheet in the Narthex for volunteers to bring soup, pie and for set-up and clean up. For more information contact a member of the Community Life Team or Julie Ferri at 977-0887 or Our SUNDAY CURRICULUM this year, for all ages PreK—Adults, is Living the Word, a new series based on the Narrative Lectionary. Sunday classes at 9:30 am are: PreK Grades 4-5 Grades K-2 Grades 6-9 Grade 3 Adults (Library) WEDNESDAY CLASSES Our WEDNESDAY NIGHT this year also has classes for all ages. Classes at 6:30 pm are: PreK-Gr 2 Grades 3-5 Route 67 (6-7) Confirmation (8-9) Adult Study - Animate Faith (Library) Adult coffee/conversation in the narthex All ages have classes/groups together at the same 6:30 pm hour Wednesdays. The whole family can come at the same time, eat together, gather together, then learn together in age-appropriate groups. Everyone except Sr High Youth (which begins at 7:30 pm) will be done by 7:30 pm, so that young children can be home for early bedtimes (and older kids will Volume shot up in August with the peak produce season at Falls Park Farmers Market. We brought 15 coolers and filled all the last two Saturdays in August. We also had tomatoes which we took in flat pans so they would not get crushed. Sweet corn filled several but that is now just about done for the season. The last two weeks we have had over 200 pounds of tomatoes which are very popular at The Union Gospel Mission and St. Francis House. On September 6, KELO did a segment on our efforts and also interviewed one of the vendors. The school system has started back up with fruit and produce. A total of 13,963 pounds of food was provided in August with 2,370 of that being protein. This brings our total since the beginning to 163,906 pounds (over 81 tons of food!) Our ytd total is 81,219 pounds so we are now on target to hit our goal of 120,000 pounds in 2014. To add your hands to this effort, please contact Mike Bauman@ cell (605-496-9358) or email: still have time for homework). Come as a family, please join us! 2nd Half We will meet again Sunday October 12 at 6:00 PM for a Potluck followed by games and fellowship. Oktoberfest is the theme for our potluck. This group for those of us over the half century mark meets the second Sunday of every month at 6:00 PM. Contact Jean Bauman (605-743-0039) for more info. 6 Youth and Family A Bible Milestone for EVERYONE! Our upcoming Milestone Event in October is a time when 3 year-olds receive their Storybook Bible and 3rd Graders are presented with their very own Spark Bibles. However, our Milestone Learning Events are open to everyone! Grab your Bible and loved ones of all ages as we learn about our Bibles and discover simple, new ways in which to experience the Word of God with one another. Please put the following dates on your calendar. The Learning Events will take place in the multi-purpose room during the Sunday School Hour. NOTE: These dates are different than previously printed. th ♦ Sunday, October 5 – Bible Learning Event (3rd Graders & All) th 123-Fall Into Camp Oct. 12-13 @ NeSoDak NeSoDak Bible Camp will be hosting a 123 camp on Sunday, Oct. 12 at around 4pm until Monday, Oct. 14 at around 2pm! 123 camp is a chance for 1st-3rd grade kids and their favorite adult (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) to experience an evening, night and day at camp together. There will be all sorts of fun fall activities including epic outdoor games, delicious meals, a trip to the Waubay National Wildlife Refuge, a cozy campfire worship, songs and bible studies and choice time and all sorts of other camp shenanigans! To register one can go to, call NeSoDak @ 605-947-4440, or talk to Matt. Sunday, October 12 – Bible Learning Event (3rd Graders & All) th ♦ Sunday, October 19 – Bible Presented in Worship & 3 year-old Learning Event (All are welcome) th ♦ Sunday, November 9 – Bible Follow-up Learning Event (3rd Graders & All) ♦ If for some reason you are not able to attend, but would like to participate, or if you have questions, please contact Jessica Anderson. Also, please think about another child and/or family you know who would be blessed from receiving a Bible. Invite them to participate in this event with us. All are welcome! Wednesday Adult Study Join us as we explore seven big conversations about Faith, Religion, Jesus, the Cross and more. It’s never to late to start! Even if Wednesdays are not currently a part of your weekly schedule, I encourage to come and check us out! All are welcome Wednesday. If you have questions, please reach out to Jessica. 7 “WHAT?! THERE’S A YOUTH AND FAMILY EVENT AT MESSIAH NEW HOPE ON OCTOBER 25 AT AROUND 5PM??!!” Yes! There is! Join us for a night with Captive Free, a Christian rock band formed by members of the mission group Youth Encounter. Come at around 5pm and be ready to get your hands dirty because we will be making some deeeeelicious pizzas along with whatever else you decide to bring for a potluck supper before the show. After that, be ready to rock out to some great music played by wonderful people! A fun, righteous and delicious time will be had by all. So join us! Also, we are looking for awesome volunteers who would have room for the Captive Free crew to stay in their home for the night after the show. If you are able, please talk to Matt! Messiah New Hope Lutheran Church 5001 E. Madison Street Sioux Falls SD 57110 Sunday morning class Children’s Song Bread Break’s harvest from Panera’s Children’s message Looking Ahead @ Messiah New Hope October 9 October 12 October 16 October 19 MNH sponsors Food To You 2nd Half Team Meetings & Governing Board Children’s Bibles Milestone November 2 November 16 November 26 November 29 Soup & Pie Supper Consecration Sunday Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie Social Altar Guild decorating church for Christmas
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