Chapter FL1– M Suncoast Wings Newsletter Volume XIV Issue 10 October 2014 Goldwing Road Riders Association Region A - Florida District Clearwater, Florida President GWRRA Abel Gallardo Directors Ray & Sandi Garris Deputy Directors East Bob & Nancy Shrader Region “A” Directors Jim & Sue Jackson Region “A” Assistant Director/Webmaster Ed Porter Florida District Senior District Directors Bill & Gina Berry Assistant District Directors Bruce Griffing & Mary Haight CHAPTER FL1-M TABLE OF CONTENTS Senior Chapter Directors Tracy & Sharon Dunn H-727-544-2961 Asst. Chapter Directors Paul & Wavy Begin H-727-536-6156 Asst Chapter Directors Tina & Don Allen H-727-953-6625 Harry & Lynn Anderson Nate & Danelle Kinion Cliff Hotchkiss Madalena Buck FL1-M Team…………...…........…..…..Pg. 2 CD………………………………...….…..Pg.3 Rider Ed…………………...…….……....Pg 4 Congratulations………………………...Pg 5 2015 COY……………………………….Pg 6 Photo Contest…………..…………….Pg. 13 Chapter Dollars………………..……...Pg. 14 Public Reltions……….......…..…..…...Pg.15 Goody Sales...…....…........…..........…Pg.15 Florida Events…………..……..….…...Pg.16 Special Days………………...………..Pg 17 Chapter Educators Tracy & Sharon Dunn H-727-544-2961 William & Cheryl Smith Ed & Jeanette Carr Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Treasurer Bill Zulas H-727-542-7255 Chapter Cruises……………………….Pg 18 Oct Calendar………..............…..…. Pg .19 Nov.Calendar ……..……….…………Pg.20 Region A News…….…….…………...Pg 21 For Sale ………..………..…….….…,Pg 23 Ads…………………………..…......Pg. 24-25 Membership Enhancement Coordinator /Motorist Awareness Bill Miller H 727-545-5405 2011 & 2013 FLORIDA DISTRICT CHAPTER OF THE YEAR * 2011 REGION A CHAPTER OF THE YEAR * 2011 1st RUNNER UP INTERNATIONAL CHAPTER OF THE YEAR * * KICK TIRES GENERAL GATHERING 1st, 2rd, & 4th Thursdays 3rd Thursday McCabe’s Eat at 6:00 Meet at 7:00 2233 Gulf to Bay Blvd Clearwater VISIT US ONLINE AT Meeting @ 7:30 PM 1 CHAPTER FL1-M TEAM Goodie Sales Mary Claypool H727-391-4568 Asst. Chapter Educator Curtis Palmore Asst. Chapter Educator Ron Lantz H-727-729-4437 50/50 Sales Tom & Ruth Hicks H 727-725-2882 Webmaster Paul Begin Joe & Patty Traylor H 727-647-3427 H-727-536-6156 Ride Coordinator Team Don & Tina Allen H-727-525-3399 Goodwill Ambassadors Activities Coordinators Nancy & Jerry Costell H-727-784-6127 Charlie Nolan H-727-939-8356 Chapter Photographer Jim & Carol Schultz H-727-530-1156 C-727-204-1965 Jerry Costell H-727-784-6127 Chapter Photographer/Historian Kim Palmore Curtis Palmore Ron Jackson H 727-433-0549 2014 Couple of the Year Jerry and Nancy Costell H-727-784-6127 Secretary Wavy Begin H-727-536-6156 2014 Individual of the Year Mary Claypool H727-391-4568 Newsletter Editor Margie Miller H 727-545-5405 Triathalon/Race Coordinator Mary Claypool H727-391-4568 Member Enhancement and Motorist Awareness Coordinator Bill Miller H 727-545-5405 2 THOUGHTS FROM OUR CHAPTER DIRECTORS Fall is rapidly approaching. The weather seems to be a little cooler but the rain just doesn't want to stop. It seems like all we do is cancel rides due to rain. Our northern friends will be returning during October so our numbers will be increasing. We will all welcome the rides. Those M members who attended Region A Rally had a wonderful time and were there to support Kim Palmore as her Chapter M scrapbook took 1st place. She spends many hours to produce a scrapbook of such high quality. It is created with love. Kim and Curtis are Charter members of Chapter M and have seen this Chapter evolve over the past 32 years. It is up to all of us to continue this legacy and be proud of our Chapter. Remember Region A Rally is moving to October 29-30-31 2015. Book your room now at the Lake Point Lodge. If you would like to advance in the GWRRA Levels Program, please contact Tracy Dunn. Tracy and Sharon 3 RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ TOPIC: How Are You Starting This Riding Season? Winter (obviously written by a northerner) Summer is finally gone and hopefully the rain, so let the riding season begin! Maybe you have recently taken a CPR/First Aid class or a seminar or two during this past off-season. This means you are better prepared to help in case one of your riding buddies has an accident or a health issue, or you are prepared to be a better co-rider. Now you are available to spend more time riding now that the season is here. Hopefully you have also taken time to make sure your motorcycle is ready to go, too. You may have done a T-CLOCS, or changed the oil, replaced worn tires, kept your battery charged, or discovered that you needed a new one and replaced it. There are other things that you can do to be at your best out on the road, too. Many of us will be out on the road before MSF or GWRRA Rider Courses are offered. So what else can you do to get in the right frame of mind and tune up your skills right away? There are a few things you can do as an individual or in a group (such as with your fellow chapter members) to be prepared to ride safely and with skill before the season is even two weeks old. First, you can practice your skills in an empty, quiet parking lot with smooth pavement that is free of loose gravel or sand. Find an empty church or a school parking lot, or some unused out-of-the-way space at a shopping center safely away from moving vehicles. Choose a time when it is unlikely to be busy, (e.g., a school lot on Sunday) as your safety is of the utmost importance. Work on braking, turning, curves, stopping while in a curve (remember to straighten the handlebars before braking!), and turning when pulling away from a stop. When you practice alone, always remain vigilant to vehicles encroaching on your space. Second, how about participating in a Parking Lot Practice? Also referred to as a PLP, this is an activity that many Chapters hold at the chapter level. The exercises in a PLP are all spelled out in the Cornering Practice Guide along with tips to execute the skills correctly. Talk to your Chapter Educator about holding a Parking Lot Practice for your chapter, or if there is a Facilitated Parking Lot Practice scheduled near you. Third, you can attend a Team Riding Seminar. This Rider Ed seminar is available for presentation at your chapter, and may be available at some District rallies. This seminar is particularly good to hold at your chapter because the folks who are normally part of your riding team can all hear the same Team Riding tips. Why would you sit through a Team Riding Seminar? One reason is because most of us ride to various places around the state with our riding friends. And if you know what to expect from the others in your group – your team – you will be more likely to trust them. You will trust them because you’ll know they are all going to ride safely and predictably in a staggered formation. That is what the Team Riding Seminar provides you. Getting back to the bike for a minute, if you have new tires on your bike for the new season, know that the tire manufacturers recommend that you take it easy on those tires for the first 50 – 100 miles. That means go easy in the curves and easy on acceleration to prevent slideouts. The reason is because the surface of the tire will be slickest (slippery) when new. There are a couple of common explanations why, but the result is the same – reduced traction. The rubber will get scuffed and roughed up enough over that distance during normal riding and the tire’s grip will improve. Be particularly careful with new tires on painted stripes and metal plates, and all surfaces that are slick even when your tires aren’t. Remember that practice in a parking lot, by yourself or with others, is good for all of us after the long off-season. It is even more beneficial and important if you recently bought a new or used motorcycle. Get to know that new-to-you bike and how it handles in a safe environment. After brushing up your skills, you’ll be ready to go out and enjoy a safe riding season! Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators (This rider ed article submitted by Tracy Dunn) 4 Congratulations to Art Makinster on his 100,000 high mileage rocker and pin 5 2015 Couple of the Year The GWRRA Couple of the Year program is a way to honor and select enthusiastic couples to serve as ambassadors and spokespersons for both our Chapter and GWRRA. On the Chapter level, the intent is to recognize and honor a couple each year for their dedication, accomplishments, participation and commitment within Chapter M. We have attached a list of couples that have served in this position during the past 16 years. We try not to repeat a selection and would like to honor another couple for 2015. Please email us your suggestions. We appreciate your input and will consider all of them. The 2015 Chapter M Couple of the Year will be announced at the Chapter Christmas party in December. Tracy and Sharon 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Ron and Kathy Jackson Buzz and Betty Probus Joe and Betty Hudd Rich and Lucy Schaad Bill and Austine Barbour Jim and Maxine Jackson Dennis and Debbie Magness Tracy and Sharon Dunn Gene and Barb Henry Cathy and Doug Sweeney Paul and Wavy Begin Pete and Evona Pawlik Bill and Margie Miller Curtis and Kim Palmore Don and Tina Allen Jerry and Nancy Costell ??? 6 St. George Island, Florida Located just off Florida’s northern Gulf Coast, St. George is a 28-mile long barrier island with a quiet, quaint atmosphere that evokes a sense of old Florida. It is one of the few inhabited, yet unspoiled barrier islands left in Florida and consistently rates as one of the top beaches in the U.S. Visitors can enjoy the uncrowded expanses of beach and the crystal clear Gulf waters for sunning, shelling, swimming, and fishing. Several Chapter M members spent a few relaxing, enjoyable days there in September on the way to the Region A Rally in Eufala. 7 St. George Island is known as a nesting ground for loggerhead sea turtles. They lay their eggs on the beach between May and October. These pictures were taken on the beach just behind our hotel. Paul and Wavy Begin and Curt and Kim Palmore enjoyed a shopping trip to nearby Apalachicola. (YEAH! . . .Well the girls enjoyed it anyway!) 8 The guys were happy too after they had a real old-fashioned ice cream soda! We ran into Bill and Margie Miller in town. “Edith Ann” even made a very special appearance on the way back to the hotel after dinner that evening! (That’s Wavy Begin.) We all had a great time at St. George Island! Submitted by Kim Palmore 9 Memories of the Region A Rally, Eufaula, Alabama September 11-13, 2014 by Kim Palmore 10 Paul Begin and Curt Palmore checked out the scrapbook competition. Chapter FL1-M’s Scrapbook won First Place in Region A! 11 Congratulations to Margie Miller who won a COY basket worth over $600 in credit and gift cards! “Luck was a Lady” for Chapter M at Closing Ceremonies as Wavy Begin also won, claiming a nice helmet. Way to go, Wavy! 12 WHO IS THIS ADORABLE TYKE? HINT: IT IS AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF CHAPTER M Everyone who guesses correctly will get $20 chapter dollars. EMAIL SHARON AND TRACY AT DUNBO@TAMPABAY.RR.COM WITH YOUR GUESS. WINNER/WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT MONTHLY GATHERING LAST MONTH’S BABY WAS K.T. Claypool. 13 Memories of the Region A Rally, ufala, Alabama September 11-13, 14 Public Relations Don’t forget that we are still collecting clothes for Clothes for Kids. This is a year round endeavor by Chapter M. GOODY SALES FOR PICTURES OF AVAILABLE ITEMS AND AN ORDER FORM GO TO All orders should be given to Mary Ann Claypool on the order form on the website. 15 2014 FLORIDA GWRRA EVENTS Oct 4 Oct 16 -18 FL1-A Fall Festival Mississippi District Rally San Antonio Gulfport, MS Oct 18 FL2-G Pancake Breakfast Fort Myers Oct 18 FL1-H Biketoberfest AYCE Breakfast Ormond Beach Nov. 8 FL2-L 20th Anniversary Party Lakeland Nov. 15 FL1-K2 Tin Butt Ride St. Petersburg 2015 FLORIDA GWRRA EVENTS Jan. 10-11 Chapter Conference Kissimmee Jan. 17 FL2-L Chapter Rally Lakeland Jan, 31 FL2-D Multi Chapter Lunch Micco Feb. 7 FL1-G Chapter Rally Deltona Feb 21 FL2-G Chili Cook-Off Fort Myers Mar. 19-21 Florida District Convention/Rally Kissimmee Apr. 4 FL1-K Rally & Party St. Augustine Apr. 11 FL1-B Road Rally Seffner May 14 -16 Alabama District Rally/Convention Eufaula, AL Jun 18 – 20 Georgia District Rally/Convention Dillard, GA July 16-18 So. Carolina Rally/Convention Anderson, SC Sept. 3 - 6 Wing Ding Huntsville, AL Oct 29-31 Region A Rally/Convention Eufaula Al 16 Special Days October November Birthdays Birthdays Chuck Miller 3 Richard Riel 1 LeRoy Dibble 6 Debbie Zurenda 1 Bob Winter 7 Debbie Magness 12 Sharon Burson 8 Dennis Magness 20 Slinger (Bob) Sanderson 9 Jeannie McCarty 27 Bill Zulas 12 Sue Bowser 30 Pamela Richards 13 Nancy Costell 17 Darlene Hunt 20 Anniversaries Roger & Christine Reed 4 Roy & Jean Stevens 7 Anniversaries Ron & Pam Lantz 9 Bill & Margie Miller 13 Ed & Sandi Smoak 15 Bob & Jeannie McCarty 20 Slinger & Nickey Sanderson 22 Bill & Ann Zulas 30 17 PLANNED CHAPTER M CRUISES Christmas time cruise to Cozumel Mexico December 18, 2014 for 4 days/nights Port of Tampa Florida on the Carnival Paradise. Call Sharon Dunn or Margie Miller for details Saturday February 7, 2015 — 8 night Carribbean to Aruba, Curacao, Grand Turk from Port Canaveral aboard the Carnival Sunshine . Call Sharon Dunn or Margie Miller for details British Isles August 1, 2015 for 12 days Port of London England on the Princess Cruise Line Royal Princess cruise to England, Ireland, Scotland, France Call Mary Claypool for details Sunday January 24, 2016....7 night southern Caribbean to Barbados/St. Lucia/St. Kitts/St. Thomas/St. Maarten/Puerto Rico leaving from the port of San Juan Puerto Rico aboard the Carnival Liberty. We will fly Tampa to Puerto Rico a few days early to explore the island prior to the cruise. Contact Sharon Dunn or Margie Miller For more information contact Sharon Dunn Home 727 544-2961 Cell 727 687-0336 18 Schedule of Events for October October 2014 Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat 1 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 9 10 11 Oct 2 Kick Tire Country Skillet 2839 Roosevelt 7pm Oct 4 FL1-A Fall Festival San Antonio RM 8:15am $$$ Oct 5 Honey Do Oct 6 Breakfast Ride WAWA RM 9am 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Oct 9 Kick Tire Sunset Grille 2328 Sunset Pt Rd 7pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Oct 11 Red’s Restaurant Hernando RM 9am 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oct 15 Recruitment Quaker Steak 5:30pm9pm $$$ All rides (including Breakfast rides) will leave from WAWA’s at the southeast corner of Roosevelt and US19 Oct 12 Ice Cream Ride RM 6pm Oct 16 General Gathering McCabe’s Belcher and Gulf to Bay 7:30pm Oct 18 Honey Do Oct 19 Peck’s Homosassa RM 9am Oct 20 Breakfast Ride WAWA RM 9am f you see $$$ on a particular date on the Chapter calendar, you will be paid additional bonus chapter money for Oct 23 Kick Tire Village Inn 2525 Gulf to Bay 7pm Oct 25 Barney’s Recruitment 10am-2pm attending!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$ Oct 26 Rexall Inverness RM 9am Oct 27 Team Meeting Park Royale 7pm Oct 28 FL1-K2 Monthly Gathering 6:30pm Oct 29 Recruitment Quaker Steak 5:30-9pm $$$ Oct 30 Kick Tire Largo Central Park 7pm Golf every Thursday at 7am at ChiChi’s Golf Course on McMullen Booth. 19 Schedule of Events for November November 2014 Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 Nov 1 Longboat Key ride RM 6pm Nov 3 Breakfast Ride WAWA RM 9am Nov 5 Quaker Steak Recruitment 5:30pm $$$ Nov 6 Kick Tire Sunset Grille 2328 Sunset Point Rd. 7pm Nov 8 FL2-L2 20th Anniversary RM 12pm $$$ Nov 9 Tri-Rock Triathlon Nov 9 CPR/First Aid Park Royale 12-5pm Nov 13 Kick Tire Country Pizza Inn 14820 US 19 N 7pm All rides (including Breakfast rides) will leave from WAWA’s at the southeast corner of Roosevelt and US19 Nov 15 FL1-K2’s Tin Butt 300 Mile Ride Meet at Barney’s 7am $12 per person Nov 16 Woody’s River Roo Ellington RM 2pm (Sunpass) Nov 17 Breakfast Ride WAWA RM 9am Nov 19 Quaker Steak Recruitment 5:30pm $$$ f you see $$$ on a particular date on the Chapter calendar, you will be paid additional bonus chapter money for Nov 20 General Gathering McCabe’s Rest. Gulf to Bay and Belcher Rd 7:30pm attending!!!!!!!!!!!! Nov 22 Bayou Run Dinner Capt’n Jacks RM 5pm Nov 23 Surprize Ride RM 2pm Nov 24 Team Meeting Park Royale 7pm Nov 25 FL1-K2 General Gathering Nov 27 Nov 29 Bike Decoration Party at Tampa Bay Trikes 10-3 pm $$$ Nov 30 Honey Do Golf every Thursday at 7am at ChiChi’s Golf Course on McMullen Booth. 20 REGION A NEWS Good-day everyone. Coming to you from The Smoky Falls Lodge in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Yep, it’s that time of year when we move up to Maggie Valley for a couple of weeks to sort of round out the year of Tour-Riding in the gorgeous Smoky Mountains. Today is just one of the best days that I’ve spend in the Mountains in a long time. High blue-sky and sunshine blowing all over you as we ride through the high areas of the Mountains. It was around 50 degree when we kicked out of the old nap-sack this morning and I don’t think it ever reach 65 today, but absolutely a bodacious day in the Mountains with good Friends. And the riding is the best! While here we will take in Wings Over the Smokies Rally which is being held in Cherokee......sort of back to its roots. I could go on and on, but gotta let this go and move on to a little Region business. The Southeast Region ‘A’ RallyVention topped out with approximately 480 happy delegates and I believe each one of them thoroughly enjoyed the 2014 Rally. Naturally none of it would have mattered if it hadn’t been for each of you the GWRRA Family who attended the RallyVention supported and participated. Please accept my personal thank you to each supporter. Ya’ll are the best! Congratulations to all the District Couples of the Year that represented their Districts so well in the Southeast Region ‘A’ selection during the RallyVention. Each of you are winners in our mind. The new Southeast Region ‘A’ Couple of the Year for 2014/15 is Alabama’s Dewey and Alice Cole. They are long time GWRRA Members and supporters and will represent the Region with flying colors. I’m still receiving e-mails and phones calls about the 2-piece Southern Fried Chicken dinner and the delicious rather large brownie. I think everyone enjoyed this excellent dinner cooked and served at the Lakepoint Lodge. The Lighted Bike Show Parade was a huge hit as well beginning immediately after the grand Talent Show at around 9:00 PM forming at the Lodge and police escorted through Eufaula and ending at the Sonic Drive-In where it was 1/2-Price after 9:00 PM for ice-cream, shakes, food, etc. I believe there was a lot of folks that took advantage of that little diddy and I’m so glad they liked it. Hope we can do it again in 2015. Gotta tell ya the Patriot Presentation presented by FL1-G CD’s Tom and Linda Mitchell and all the other players from various Florida Chapters that participated was absolutely the best we’ve seen in many years. It certainly was very appropriate since the Rally date covered 9/11. Thank each of you that participated from the bottom of our heart. A very special thank you to each of the fine Region ‘A’ Ladies (Sharon Aikens, Irma Carlton, Corky Alexander) that took their valuable time and knitted/sewed/crocheted some beautiful afghans and the quilt that Kim Summer made was way over the top. Thank you Ladies for contributing to the Region ‘A’ RallyVention. I know the folks that won these beautiful Grand-Prizes were thrilled to no end of receiving them. Only wish Sue could have won one. The Region Traveling Plaque or called the Wanderer for 2013/14 was awarded to FL1-G for the most miles traveled which earned them a $100 and the honor of owning the Wanderer. The 2014/15 Wanderer was presented to FL1-G to offer up which began the new season for the Wanderer. By the way, there have been some “rule” changes which will enable many more folks to participate in chasing the Wanderer. Please go out on the Region ‘A’ Website and check the revised rules and saddle-up and begin your quest to round up that dang 21 Wanderer. Hey, it’s all about you! REGION A NEWS I’ve got to apologize for all the vendors that didn’t show up to support the Rally as they committed. We had 11 vendors that made commitments to attend the Rally and only 6 honored their commitment which means we had 5 no-shows although 2 of the no-shows had the courtesy to call me, albeit on the day of set-up, to let me know they couldn’t make it because of unforeseen circumstances. At last they made the effort to contact me. The others I have lost much respect. I mean anyone can pick up a cell phone and make a personal call. Hey, it is what it is! Please give a round of applause for the loyal vendors that supported the 2014 Southeast Region ‘A’ RallyVention and for their donations to the Rally......Motorcycle Flag Store, Freedom’s Choice (Chrome), Fancy Nancy’s Jewelry Collection, 6th Gear Racing Apparel, Orville’s Wind Wings and Gary’s Hobby Shop. Thanks for supporting these 6 Region ‘A’ loyal vendors and I hope you continue to support them. Again, if you worked the RallyVention in any capacity, please accept our thanks and it certainly was appreciated. Much oblige to all the District Directors and their trusty Staff that came and worked the Region Rally. Without your support the Rally would be none existent. Let’s not forget there is one more fabulous District Rally in Region ‘A’ and that is the Mississippi District Rally Oct 16-18 and I hope to see many of you in Gulfport. The host hotel is right on the beach and if you obtain a beach-front window one can wakeup in the morning and check out the sun glistening on the sugar-white sands of Mississippi. Come on out and play with us. They are going to treat you so many ways you are bound to like one of them. Jim & Sue 22 Gold Wing Road Riders Association Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge Southeast - Region A FUN in Florida is # 1 W W W . F L O R I D A D I S T R I C T . C O M I LOOK FOR THIS FUN INSIDE THIS EDITION: · Win a flat-screen TV at the Florida District t is officially fall! Yes, the heat of summer will soon be just a memory, something we will miss when the cold of winter befalls us. Ok, maybe it won’t be too cold! Also, with the arrival of October, some of our Northern friends will be headed south to join us in the FUN and fellowship to be enjoyed during their stay. RallyVention · Region A Convention moves to October in 2015 · “Snowbirds” are on the way! · Chapter Conference is right around the corner In wrapping up Summer, we attended the Region A Rally/Vention in Eufaula, Alabama. As always, our Region A team put on a great event. If you missed it…sorry! Plan to attend next year and experience a great riding area and participate in the FUN had by all attendees. 2015 will find this event moving to October 29-31 because of Wing Ding moving into the Labor Day slot. Late October in this area will be a cooler time and having lived in Alabama for 3+ years those who like to see leaves changing color should be satisfied! You can now book a room at the Lake Point Lodge for the 2015 Region A event. We would like to thank all of you who attended the Region A event. We especially want to thank all of you that volunteered some of your time in helping at Registration or with Indoor Games. We could not have covered those areas without you! Thank YOU! Thanks also to our staff for working along side of the Chapter folks! Your dedication to GWRRA is appreciated! A big shout out to our District Couple of the Year, Tom and Linda Mitchell, for representing GWRRA and the Florida District in the Region A Couple of the Year Selection. They did a FUNtabulous job as did all of the District Couples in Region A. Congratulations are in order to Dewey and Alice Cole of Alabama for being selected as the 2014-2015 Region A Couple of the Year! October also brings us to the last District Rally/Vention of the year for Region A. Mississippi will be holding their event October 16-18 at the Courtyard Marriot Beachfront in Gulfport Mississippi. Their theme is “Be a Clown.” This will be the last event for outgoing District Directors, Bobby and Lori Bryant. If you can attend this event and help us bid them adieu, I know it will be FUN and they will appreciate our support! Harry and Diane Schafer will be appointed as the new Mississippi District Directors. Harry and Diane were selected as MS 2013-2014 District Couple of the Year. We know they will do Mississippi, Region A, and GWRRA proud! The annual Chapter Conference is just around the corner. It will be at the Park Inn by Radisson in Kissimmee January 10-11 – same location as our March Rally/Vention. Chapter Directors, if you have not already done so, please start planning and registering for this conference. We encourage you to book your reservations at the Host hotel. The cost to the District for the meeting space and food is directly impacted by the number of rooms booked at the Host hotel. If the numbers are low, the District has to pay more. We need your support in keeping the costs at an affordable rate. Think about how difficult it is to secure space for your own monthly Gatherings. Most restaurants or meeting places want a guarantee of a set number to justify them allowing you to take up a large portion of their space for your gathering and to not charge you for the space in addition to the meal. The same is true for the District but on a larger (Continued on page 2) O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4 Director of GWRRA Ray & Sandi Garris Deputy Directors East Bob & Nan Shrader Region “A” Directors Jim & Sue Jackson Senior District Directors Bill & Gina Berry Assistant District Director Rally Coordinator Cliff Hotchkiss Assistant District Directors Bill & Cheryl Smith Assistant District Directors Motorist Awareness Nate & Danelle Kinion Assistant District Directors Membership Enhancement Bruce Griffing & Mary Haight Assistant District Directors Chapter of the Year Coordinator Harry & Lynn Anderson Assistant District Directors Goodie Sales Coordinators Ed & Jeanette Carr Assistant District Directors Madalena & Rick Buck District Leadership Trainers District Vendor Coordinator Dana & Jo Voight District Rider Educators Rick & Pam Northrop Assistant Rider Educators Ray & Claudia Vega Assistant Rider Educators Scott & Kathy Kelly District Treasurers Jim & Rebecca Iverson District Couple of the Year Tom & Linda Mitchell District Webmaster/Newsletter Couple of the Year Coordinators Howie & Karen Taylor PAGE YOU can WIN a flat-screen TV to be given away at Closing Ceremonies! 2 (Continued from page 1) scale. Remember, this is an approved Chapter expense event and is open to all of your staff members and anyone who would like to “see” what being an officer means. We are going to provide you and your teams/staffs with a different lineup of seminars and events in creating as much value as we can for your time invested in attending this conference. We are also working on a FUN bowling event for Saturday evening. We always try to incorporate as much FUN as possible in this event while covering the business side. All financials must be submitted to the District Treasurers as required by the IRS. Also, Chapter Directors, the Chapter Charter fees will be due the first of December! If your Chapter sells or buys 1000 tickets for the Gold Wing Raffle, you will have earned your fee! Some may think our 2015 “America the Beautiful” rally is a long time away. It will be here before we realize! The District team has been and will continue to be hard at work to provide you with as much FUN as possible! Does that motto sound familiar? Three cheers for FUN! FUN! FUN! Register by January 15 and be entered in a drawing for $100 cash. Again, you can book your rooms at the Park Inn by Radisson. Standard room rates are $79.99. Resort fee waived. Call (407) 396-1400 and use code 1503GoldWR. We believe that the most FUN possible and getting the most out of your experience is always had when you book at the Host hotel of any event. This has been our experience with all organizations we have been involved with over the last 20+ years. The more folks who book with Park Inn, the less the meeting rooms, game room, hospitality room, registration area, and vendor areas cost the District. This allows us to provide more for you as a participant in events all year long Rider Education classes, CPR/First Aid, TRC’s, ERC’s – all those things you have come to expect from the Florida District. Without you, we don’t exist! As an added incentive to book your rooms at the Park Inn by Radisson, we will enter everyone who books and stays 2 nights or more at the Host hotel into a drawing for a flat screen TV to be given away at Closing Ceremonies. WOW! What a deal! Don’t delay…book now! Check out the upcoming events for October and November and make plans to support other Chapter events. October 4, FL1A’s Fall Festival in San Antonio… Florida! October 18 is FL2-G’s Pancake Breakfast in Fort Myers. Also on the 18th is FL1-H’s Biketoberfest AYCE Breakfast in Ormond Beach. Gear up for November by planning to attend FL2-L’s 20th Anniversary Party in Lakeland on the 8th. FL1-K2 will round out the year with a Tin Butt Ride on the 15th in St. Pete. Event information can be found under the FUN link on the District Website! We hope to see you out at the many FUN events this month and next! Keep Rule #1 in the front of your thinking and on your ride/event schedule…Have FUN! See you soon! B ill and Gina Berry Florida Senior District Directors 2014 Florida GWRRA Events October 4 October 11 FL1-A Fall Festival FL1-J Poker Run San Antonio, FL Jacksonville, FL October 11 FL1-D Green Frog Getaway Pensacola, FL October 16-18 October 18 Mississippi District Rally FL2-G Pancake Breakfast Gulfport, MS Fort Myers, FL October 18 FL1-H Biketoberfest AYCE Breakfast Ormond Bch, FL November 8 November 15 FL FL2-L 20th Anniversary Party FL1-K2 Tin Butt Ride Lakeland, FL St. Petersburg, January 1 First Ride of the Year—Shrimps R Us Walaka, FL January 10-11 Florida Chapter Conference Kissimmee, FL January 17 January 31 FL2-L Chapter Rally Multi-Chapter Lunch Lakeland, FL Micco, FL 2015 Florida GWRRA Events February 7 FL1-G Chapter Rally Deltona, FL February 21 March 19-21 FL2-G Chili Cook-Off Florida District Convention/Rally Fort Myers, FL Kissimmee, FL April 4 FL1-K Rally-Party St. Augustine, FL April 11 FL1-B Annual Road Rally Seffner, FL May 14-16 Alabama District Convention/Rally Eufaula, AL June 18-20 Georgia District Convention/Rally Dillard, GA July 16-18 South Carolina District Convention/Rally Anderson, SC September 3-6 Wing Ding 37 Huntsville, AL All CHAPTER M RIDES LEAVE FROM All rides (including Breakfast rides) will leave from WAWA’s at the southeast corner of Roosevelt and US19 PLEASE HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS If you have changes in your address, telephone home/cell phone numbers or e-mail address send them to or call Sharon or Tracy Dunn at 727-544-2961. We would like to keep our records up to date. FOR SALE 2009 Montana 5th Wheel Like new condition, Many extras including a sunbrella custom cover and dual air conditioning systems. Used only a few times and purchased new at Super R.V. show in Tampa. Phone Jim 727.530.1156 23 24 WOOLIE-BEARS Barney's Motorcycle Sales of St. Petersburg 10411 Gandy Blvd. Custom Embroidery & Patches Sewn Leather and Denim Vest Work Motorcycle “Coolie Vests” Julie Bolton St. Petersburg FL 33702 PO Box 255 Dunellon Florida 34430-0255 1-888-473-2989 Phone: (727) 576-1148 Fax: (727) 578-2105 Toll Free Phone: 800-847-1600 Advertise your business in this monthly newsletter. Our reasonable annual rates are: Business Card $25.00 1/4 Page $50.00 25 1/2 Page $75.00 25
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