Fundamentals of Health Law November 12-14, 2014 n Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile n Chicago, IL Planning Committee: Asha B. Scielzo, Program Chair Michael E. Paulhus Robert A. Pelaia Cori C. Turner AMERICAN HEALTH LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Program Agenda Program Goals: .. Gain an understanding of laws and regulations for the health law industry including Stark and AntiKickback, False Claims Act, Antitrust, Tax and HIPAA .. Increase knowledge of the legal challenges faced by hospitals, physicians, long term care providers and managed care organizations .. Learn about the impact of the health reform law on the health care industry Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:30 am-5:30 pm Registration and Information General Session 12:30-12:45 pm Welcome and Introduction Lois Cornell, AHLA President-Elect Asha B. Scielzo, Program Chair 12:45-1:45 pm Overview of Health Care Landscape Ann M. Bittinger .. Major areas of health law practice .. Various types of clients/providers, payers, and other players in the health care industry .. Key health care policies and regulations to set the stage for the remaining conference sessions .. Top legal issues impacting health care and the health care industry .. Practical tips and AHLA resources to help you navigate the complex and ever-changing health care landscape 1:45-2:00 pm Break 2:00-3:15 pm Fundamentals of Medicare Parts A-B Regan E. Tankersley .. Brief history and structure of the Medicare Program .. Breakdown of Parts A and B coverage, reimbursement and appeals .. Role of CMS contractors .. References and resources for Part A and B guidance 2 3:15-4:15 pm Fundamentals of Medicare Parts C-D Thomas R. Barker .. History and structure of Medicare Managed Care and Prescription Drug Plan benefit .. Breakdown of Parts C and D coverage, reimbursement, and appeals .. Current hot legal issues in Medicare Advantage and Part D .. Affordable Care Act changes to Parts C and D .. References and resources for Parts C and D issues 4:15-4:30 pm Break 4:30-5:30 pm Fundamentals of Medicaid Craig H. Smith .. History and evolution of Medicaid .. Medicaid eligibility and covered benefits .. Fee-for-service, managed care, and other delivery systems .. Program integrity/fraud and abuse enforcement .. The future of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act 5:30-6:30 pm Meet, Mingle, and Meet a Mentor Networking Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Mentoring Committee The more you mingle, the more chances you have of winning! We all loved the classic game of BINGO when we were younger, so why not use it as a fun way to network with others? During this one-hour interactive reception, we encourage you to meet as many folks as you can. When you do, you have a better chance of filling out your card and winning a prize, not to mention that you’ll meet terrific people in the process. In addition to Bingo, we will have a continuous Twitter feed where attendees can tweet to a designated hashtag and view those tweets in real time. Twitter selfies are encouraged! If Twitter is not your thing, but you’ve always dreamed of seeing yourself on camera, we will have a video camera set up so you can come over and share why you are an AHLA member, what you like about the Mentoring Program (don’t forget to grab your mentor or mentee), and anything else you want to talk about on camera. Attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome. 6:30-7:30 pm Diversity+Inclusion Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Diversity+Inclusion Council Plan to attend the Diversity+Inclusion Reception. Celebrate, connect with one another, learn what AHLA is doing to integrate diversity throughout the Association, share, learn, network, and enjoy together. All are welcome. RSVP on the registration form on page 11. Program Agenda 8:00 pm Young Professionals Networking Dinner Calling all young professionals! Members of the Mentoring Committee, Young Professionals Council, and Women’s Leadership Council are hosting groups for dinner together at area restaurants. Dinner will be on your own dime, but the time spent with your colleagues and AHLA leaders will be priceless. RSVP on the registration form on page 11. Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00 am-5:45 pm Registration and Information 7:00-8:00 am Continental Breakfast Attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome. 7:00-7:50 am Breakfast Panel Discussion: Mentoring Tips, Tools, and Takeaways Sponsored by the Mentoring Committee, Young Professionals Council, and Women’s Leadership Council Ethan Rii (Moderator) Wendy Rubas Tracy Carlson Ivers Michael Schaff Join us for breakfast and hear a panel of experts share what they have learned about mentoring. Panelists will discuss best practices, provide advice on how to make the most of a meaningful mentor/mentee relationship, and explain some of the pitfalls that lead to an unsuccessful relationship. During this panel you will learn how mentoring needs evolve over time, through different phases of one’s career. Prior to and after the panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the Mentoring Committee. There will be time to network with one another and to learn how you can best use mentoring to develop your health law career. Attendees and faculty welcome. General Session 8:00-9:30 am Fundamentals of the Stark Law and AntiKickback Statute Asha B. Scielzo .. Elements of the Federal Stark Law prohibition .. The Stark Law statutory and regulatory exceptions, CMS guidance, and the CMS self-referral disclosure protocol .. Elements of the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute prohibition .. The Anti-Kickback Statute statutory exceptions, regulatory safe harbors, OIG guidance, and the OIG voluntary self-disclosure protocol .. Comparison of the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute 9:30-9:45 am Break 9:45-11:15 am The False Claims Act: A Powerful Enforcement Tool Michael E. Paulhus .. Civil False Claims Act practice .. Health care–specific theories of FCA liability .. Nuts and bolts of defending FCA cases .. Collateral issues (CIAs, exclusion, personal exposure) 11:15-11:30 am Break Concurrent Sessions 11:30 am-12:30 pm A.Health Reform–A Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Update Julie A. Barnes B.Issue Spotting in Health Care Transactions Melesa A. Freerks Jennifer Wooten Ierardi .. Business and legal issues that arise in health care transactions and the regulatory environment surrounding such transactions .. Various business relationships with health care entities, the nuts and bolts of health care mergers and acquisitions, and fraud and abuse issues .. Knowledge, sample contract language, and tips for issue spotting in health care transactions using real-life examples C.Managed Care Nuts and Bolts Lois Cornell .. The regulatory maze .. Contracts, risks, and challenges for managed care plans .. Managed care under health reform 12:30-2:00 pm Lunch on your own or attend networking and presentation luncheon: How to Develop a Successful Health Law Career Cori C. Turner (Moderator) Dawn R. Crumel Robert R. Niccolini Asha B. Scielzo Additional fee, limited attendance, pre-registration required; see page 11. A panel of health lawyers representing a variety of practice settings will discuss highlights of their personal health law career development. What worked for them? What did not? How did they get where they are? What would they do differently? Join the panel discussion and start thinking about: .. What kind of health lawyer do you want to be? .. Getting involved with your employer, in your community and in your industry .. Becoming the expert and how to make a name for yourself 3 Program Agenda .. The importance of “lawyer friends”–insight, collegiality and referrals .. Lessons learned (sometimes the hard way) 2:15-3:15 pm D. Introduction to Medical Coding for Lawyers (not repeated) Robert A. Pelaia .. The basics of procedural (CPT) coding including .. Evaluation & Management (E&M) coding .. General review of diagnosis (ICD-9 and ICD-10) coding .. How to use the CPT & ICD coding manuals .. OIG-suggested coding best practices E. Tax Exemption and Tax Issues Linda Sauser Moroney .. The basics of tax-exempt status for health care organizations .. Public charity versus private foundation classification .. Unrelated business income taxation .. Excess benefit transactions and intermediate sanctions .. Impact of PPACA on tax-exempt hospitals .. Interacting with the IRS via applications, annual formation returns, and examinations F. Life Cycle of a Physician-Practice Kim Harvey Looney Michael F. Schaff .. General considerations – Who is your client? – Who can employ a physician? .. Basic issues in employment contracts: How do you know what should (and should not) be in your contracts? .. What does the physician need to know about becoming an owner in a medical practice? .. What happens when a physician chooses to retire? .. What if the physician/group wants to sell the practice? .. What restrictions can you have post termination for physician employment? .. Is bigger better: Physician practice mergers .. What do you need to know about physicianhospital integration and the various models in a brave new health care world? 3:30-4:30 pm G.Introduction to Long Term Care, Home Health, and Hospice Law (not repeated) Erin Atkins Errin Simpkins .. The defining characteristics of these providers, the range of services these entities provide, and generally what populations they serve .. Reimbursement basics: How Medicare and Medicaid cover and pay for nursing home, home health, and hospice care 4 .. Unique operational challenges faced by these providers: – Staffing, care coordination, and quality challenges – Patients living longer, hospitals discharging patients with complex care needs, nursing facilities treating far more seriously ill patients (often with multiple co-morbidities) – The panoply of documentation requirements for home health agencies and hospices to substantiate the medical necessity of their services – Maintaining compliance with state licensure and conditions of participation requirements .. Fraud and abuse and issue spotting for the new health care attorney: Effective compliance programs, significant enforcement actions, and hidden minefields .. Challenges and opportunities for nursing homes, home health agencies, and hospices with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act H. Antitrust Issues David Marx, Jr. .. An introduction to the antitrust laws .. Identification of the major antitrust issues that are likely to affect participants in the health care field .. The basic analytic framework used to evaluate the legal ramifications of those antitrust issues .. Advice about how participants in the health care field can avoid questionable conduct .. A few current “hot antitrust topics” affecting the health care field .. The “Top 10 Antitrust Takeaways” C. Managed Care Nuts and Bolts (repeat) 4:45-5:45 pm J. How Many Shades of Grey? Legal Ethics for the Lawyer New to Health Law (not repeated) Dawn R. Crumel Philip L. Pomerance Lawyers new to the health care field face some significant professional responsibility challenges. One is the need to get familiar quickly with a complex, rapidly changing regulatory environment in order to competently advise clients. The other is that much of what those clients want to do may arguably be high risk. While experienced lawyers practicing in other fields may have experience with these ethical issues, the highly regulated climate of health law requires that even the “greenest” of health care lawyers be sensitive to these ethical challenges. This session will explore key legal ethics issues for new health care lawyers, including: .. Basic ethical duties: Diligence, competence and confidentiality .. Who is your client? Who is not? Interacting appropriately with both Program Agenda .. Swimming comfortably in the grey: Advising clients when the law is not clear .. Who has the final authority? What to take “up the ladder”–and when .. Out of the grey and into the white: When do you have to resign an engagement and what are your obligations upon resignation? .. Reconciling facts, law and what the client is trying to achieve Friday, November 14, 2014 K. Introduction to Health Care Contracting: Issue Spotting and Regulatory Considerations Cori C. Turner .. New health care attorneys to business and legal issues related to health care contracting .. The nuances of health care contracting as compared to other industries .. Specific types of contracts routinely encountered in the health care industry .. Provide sample contract provisions and explanation of regulatory requirements General Session 8:00-9:15 am Corporate Compliance and Corporate Governance Kimberly A. Lansford .. Navigating the compliance landscape .. The elements of an effective corporate compliance program .. Good corporate governance .. The intersection of compliance and governance L. Fundamentals of Hospital Medical Staff Issues: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Collaboration Michael R. Callahan .. The medical staff’s relationship to the hospital .. The function and overview of Medical Staff Bylaws, rules and regulations, and policies .. Laws and accreditation standards that apply to the medical staff including Medicare Conditions of Participation, HCQIA, Data Bank, and confidentiality statutes .. Peer review investigations, remedial action, hearings, and litigation .. Impact of health care reform and industry changes on the medical staff/hospital relations including physician employment, ACOs, and economic credentialing 5:45-6:45 pm The “Fun”-damentals of the Card Swap Networking Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Mentoring Committee Networking is fun. Your mission? Meet 10 new people in the room and give them your business card. We will have prizes for attendees who collect the most! Everyone is here to meet new people, network, and expand their reach. Come, meet your colleagues, make new friends, and learn about the ‘fun’damentals of the card swap. It will be the easiest challenge you’ve ever met. Attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome. 7:00 pm Young Professionals Networking Dinner Calling all young professionals! Members of the Mentoring Committee, Young Professionals Council, and Women’s Leadership Council are hosting groups for dinner together at area restaurants. Dinner will be on your own dime, but the time spent with your colleagues and AHLA leaders will be priceless. RSVP on the registration form. 7:00 am-3:30 pm Registration and Information 7:00-8:00 am Continental Breakfast Attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome. 9:15-10:25 am Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information Marilyn Lamar Jerome B. Meites .. HIPAA Privacy Rule .. HIPAA Security Rule .. HIPAA breach notification requirements .. State breach notification laws and privacy laws not pre-empted by HIPAA .. Office of Civil Rights HIPAA enforcement and audits 10:25-10:45 am Break Concurrent Sessions 10:45-11:45 am M. What Every Health Care Lawyer Needs to Know about Labor and Employment Law (not repeated) Robert R. Niccolini .. The employment-at-will doctrine and wrongful discharge .. Key employment laws, including Title VII, the ADA and the FMLA .. An introduction to traditional labor law in health care .. Wage and hour compliance and class action litigation among health care employers .. Performance management and reducing the risk of labor and employment law liability F. Life Cycle of a Physician-Practice (repeat) H. Antitrust Issues (repeat) 11:45 am-1:00 pm Lunch on your own or attend the networking and presentation luncheon: How to do Health Law Research Anthony H. Choe, Dinetia M. Newman Additional fee, limited attendance, preregistration required; see page 11. .. Tips on analyzing a research topic and preparing a research plan 5 .. Key sources for thorough research .. Suggestions for researching regulatory questions .. Real-life examples of research plan and implementation strategies 1:15-2:15 pm N. L egal Ethics: Health Care Consent, Patient Autonomy, and Surrogate Decision-Makers (not repeated) Jeffrey King .. Federal and state law governing patient autonomy, surrogate decision-makers, and health care consent .. Legal, medical and ethical implications of health care decision-making standards, and how to apply each of the standards to actual cases .. Potential conflicts of interest involved in advising and representing health care clients about consent issues .. Interesting and challenging cases which illustrate the principles of autonomy, surrogate decisionmakers and health care consent A. Health Reform–A Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Update (repeat) B. Issue Spotting in Health Care Transactions (repeat) 2:30-3:30 pm E. Tax Exemption and Tax Issues (repeat) K. Introduction to Health Care Contracting: Issue Spotting and Regulatory Considerations (repeat) L. Fundamentals of Hospital Medical Staff Issues: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Collaboration (repeat) Adjournment Mentoring Program Making Connections that Matter AHLA Create your Mentorship Profile. Find a Mentor. Become a Mentor. Share your experience and knowledge of the Association. Pay it forward. Tracy Carlson Ivers, JD, CHC, CPC Legal and Compliance Analyst Masonicare Corporation Wallingford, CT My involvement in the AHLA Mentoring Program has been extremely rewarding. My mentor, Michael Schaff, has been a wonderful advocate on my behalf. He has taken the initiative to introduce me to AHLA leadership. He has provided guidance, oversight, and encouraged me to submit my first professional article for publication. He has included me as a panelist on speaking engagements too. I have watched Michael mentor and assist many, many other AHLA members, regardless of their gender. He genuinely enjoys helping his colleagues and is a real role model in this Program. I am very grateful to be a part of AHLA’s Mentoring Program. Michael F. Schaff Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer PA Woodbridge, NJ Meet Michael and Tracy at the Fundamentals Program Go to 6 Program Faculty Planning Committee Asha B. Scielzo Program Chair Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Washington, DC Michael E. Paulhus King & Spalding LLP Atlanta, GA Robert A. Pelaia Senior University Counsel University of Florida Jacksonville, FL Cori C. Turner Husch Blackwell LLP Kansas City, MO __________________________ Erin Atkins Reed Smith LLP Washington, DC Thomas R. Barker Foley Hoag LLP Washington, DC Julie A. Barnes Health Reform Consultant Falls Church, VA Ann M. Bittinger The Bittinger Law Firm Jacksonville, FL Michael R. Callahan Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Chicago, IL Anthony H. Choe Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Washington, DC Lois Cornell Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel Tufts Health Plan Watertown, MA Jerome B. Meites Office of the General Counsel Department of Health and Human Services Chicago, IL Dawn R. Crumel Shipman & Goodwin Washington, DC Linda Sauser Moroney Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Milwaukee, WI Melesa A. Freerks Foley & Lardner LLP Chicago, IL Dinetia M. Newman Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP Jackson, MS Jennifer Wooten Ierardi Director, Corporate Governance and Compliance, Chief Integrity Executive Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago, IL Robert R. Niccolini Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC Washington, DC Jeffrey King Vice President and General Counsel University of Arizona Health Network Tucson, AZ Marilyn Lamar Liss & Lamar PC Oak Brook, IL Kimberly A. Lansford Chief Compliance Officer Shriners Hospitals for Children International Headquarters Tampa, FL Kim Harvey Looney Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis LLP Nashville, TN Philip L. Pomerance COO and General Counsel Best Practices Inpatient Care, Inc. Long Grove, IL Michael F. Schaff Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer PA Woodbridge, NJ Errin Simpkins Senior Corporate Counsel Omnicare, Inc. Cincinnati, OH Craig H. Smith Hogan Lovells LLP Miami, FL Regan E. Tankersley Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman PC Indianapolis, IN David Marx, Jr. McDermott Will & Emery LLP Chicago, IL Attention All Young Professionals! Are you attending this year’s Fundamentals of Health Law program in Chicago? If so, we’d love to see you at AHLA’s Resource Center, where you can learn how to become more involved with AHLA by writing for one of our many publications, speaking at an upcoming Brown Bag, participating in discussion lists, or volunteering for a number of other projects. We are also hosting Young Professionals networking dinners on November 12 and 13. While everyone pays for their own meal, you will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with others in a collegial setting. RSVP for either or both dinners on your registration form today! See you in Chicago! 7 Program at a Glance Wednesday, November 12, 2014 11:30 am5:30 pm Registration and Information 12:3012:45 pm Welcome and Introduction Cornell, Scielzo 12:451:45 pm Overview of Health Care Landscape Bittinger 1:452:00 pm Break 2:003:15 pm Fundamentals of Medicare Parts A-B Tankersley 3:154:15 pm Fundamentals of Medicare Parts C-D Barker 4:154:30 pm Break 4:305:30 pm Fundamentals of Medicaid Smith 5:306:30 pm Meet, Mingle, and Meet a Mentor Networking Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Mentoring Committee (attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 6:307:30 pm Diversity+Inclusion Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Diversity+Inclusion Council (RSVP on the registration form on page 11) 8:00 pm Young Professionals Networking Dinner (RSVP on the registration form on page 11) Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00 am5:45 pm Registration and Information 7:008:00 am Continental Breakfast (attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:007:50 am Breakfast Panel Discussion: Mentoring Tips, Tools, and Takeaways, Sponsored by the Mentoring Committee, Young Professionals Council, and Women’s Leadership Council (attendees and faculty welcome) 8:009:30 am Fundamentals of the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Scielzo 9:309:45 am Break 9:4511:15 am The False Claims Act: A Powerful Enforcement Tool Paulhus 11:1511:30 am Break 11:30 am12:30 pm 12:302:00 pm 8 A. Health Reform–A Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Update Barnes B. Issue Spotting in Health Care Transactions C. Managed Care Nuts and Bolts Freerks, Wooten Ierardi Cornell Lunch on your own or attend the networking and presentation luncheon: Tips for Developing a Successful Health Law Career Turner (Moderator), Crumel, Niccolini, Scielzo (additional fee, limited attendance, pre-registration required; see page 11) Program at a Glance Thursday, November 13, 2014 (continued) 2:153:15 pm 3:304:30 pm 4:455:45 pm D. Introduction to Medical Coding for Lawyers (not repeated) Pelaia E. Tax Exemption and Tax Issues F. Life Cycle of a PhysicianPractice Moroney Looney, Schaff G. Introduction to Long Term Care, Home Health, and Hospice Law (not repeated) Atkins, Simpkins H. Antitrust Issues C. Managed Care Nuts and Bolts (repeat) Marx Cornell J. How Many Shades of Grey? Legal Ethics for the Lawyer New to Health Law (not repeated) K. Introduction to Health Care Contracting: Issue Spotting and Regulatory Considerations L. Fundamentals of Hospital Medical Staff Issues: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Collaboration Crumel, Pomerance Turner Callahan 5:456:45 pm The “Fun”-damentals of the Card Swap Networking Reception Sponsored by AHLA’s Mentoring Committee (attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00 pm Young Professionals Networking Dinner (RSVP on the registration form on page 11) Friday, November 14, 2014 7:00 am3:30 pm Registration and Information 7:008:00 am Continental Breakfast (attendees, faculty, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 8:009:15 am Corporate Compliance and Corporate Governance Lansford 9:1510:25 am Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information Lamar, Meites 10:2510:45 am Break 10:4511:45 am 11:45 am1:00 pm 1:152:15 pm 2:303:30 pm M. What Every Health Care Lawyer Needs to Know about Labor and Employment Law (not repeated) Niccolini F. Life Cycle of a PhysicianPractice (repeat) H. Antitrust Issues (repeat) Looney, Schaff Marx Lunch on your own or attend the networking and presentation luncheon: How to do Health Law Research Choe, Newman (additional fee, limited attendance, pre-registration required; see page 11) N. Legal Ethics: Health Care Consent, Patient Autonomy, and Surrogate DecisionMakers (not repeated) King A. Health Reform–A Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Update (repeat) B. Issue Spotting in Health Care Transactions (repeat) Barnes Freerks, Wooten Ierardi E. Tax Exemption and Tax Issues (repeat) K. Introduction to Health Care Contracting: Issue Spotting and Regulatory Considerations (repeat) Turner L. Fundamentals of Hospital Medical Staff Issues: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Collaboration (repeat) Callahan Moroney 9 Program Information Dates: November 12-14, 2014 Place: Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile 540 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 Phone: (312) 836-0100 Reservations: (877) 303-0104 Registration Fees: Postmarked and paid by October 27, 2014 $725 For the first AHLA Member $650 Group Second Member Same Firm/Company $625 Group 3 or more Members Same Firm/Company $950 Non-Members Postmarked and paid between October 28 and November 6, 2014* $850 For first AHLA Member $775 Group Second Member Same Firm/Company $625 Group 3 or more Members Same Firm/Company $1075 Non-Member * Registration fees increase $100 after this date. If you have indicated an incorrect amount due to errors in addition or not being eligible for a specific rate, AHLA will charge the correct amount to the credit card you have supplied. Discounted Registration Fees: Government employees, in-house counsel, academicians, solo practitioners, and students: please use the registration form on page 11 or call (202) 833-1100, prompt #2 for special discounted registration fees. A discounted rate is also available for paralegals. For non-members, the paralegal rate includes one year of electronic membership. Spouse/Guest Fee: For an additional $30 spouses and adult guests can register to attend the receptions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and the breakfasts on Thursday and Friday mornings. Please sign up on the registration form. (Children are welcome to attend these events at no additional charge.) Continuing Education: Participants will be given continuing education forms at the program. Forms must be completed and returned to AHLA staff to receive credit. AHLA is an approved sponsor of continuing legal education credits in most states. This seminar will be worth approximately 16.6 continuing education credits (including up to 2.0 ethics credit) based on a 60-minute hour and 20.0 credits (including up to 2.4 ethics credits) based on a 50-minute hour. AHLA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 372192417. Website: This seminar will be worth approximately 20.0 CPE credits. 10 This program is designed to be an introduction to health law. There are no prerequisites or advance preparations required to register for this group live program. Hotel Reservations: Hotel accommodations are not included in the registration fee. For Reservations at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile, please call (877) 303-0104. If calling, please indicate that you are attending the AHLA program. Rooms at the group rate of $249 for single or double occupancy are under the AHLA; limited and may sell out prior to the October 22, 2014 cutoff date. Membership: Dues are $200 for those admitted to the Bar/graduated from college within the last four years; $320 for those admitted/graduated between four and seven years ago; and $365 for those admitted/ graduated eight or more years ago. Dues are $100 for government employees and full-time academicians; $100 for public interest professionals and $25 for full-time law school students. Include the applicable membership fee with your registration form and take advantage of the program registration fee for members. Cancellations/Substitutions: Cancellations must be received in writing no later than November 5, 2014. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after this date. Registration fees, less a $125 administrative fee, will be refunded approximately 3-4 weeks following the program. If you wish to send a substitute or need more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please call the Member Service Center at (202) 833-1100, prompt #5. Please note that registration fees are based on the AHLA membership status of the individual who actually attends the program. Special Needs: If you have needs requiring special assistance or accommodations, including special dietary needs, or have questions about accessibility issues at the program, contact our special needs coordinator, Valerie Eshleman at (202) 833-0784 or Travel: Association Travel Concepts (ATC) has negotiated discounts with United, American, Delta, Hertz, Dollar, and Enterprise Rental Car to bring you special airfares and car rental rates lower than those available to the public. Discounts of 5-15% apply to travel on November 8-17, 2014. Some restrictions may apply and a service fee may apply. ATC will also search for the lowest available fare on any airline. ASSOCIATION TRAVEL CONCEPTS 1-800-458-9383 email: (follow the Member Travel links) Fax: (858) 362-3153 ATC is available for reservations from 8:30 am until 8:00 pm Eastern, Monday through Friday. Fundamentals of Health Law Registration Form To register: Remit payment and completed registration form by mail to the American Health Lawyers Association • P.O. Box 79340 • Baltimore, MD 21279-0340 or fax with credit card information to (202) 775-2482. To register by phone call (202) 833-1100, prompt #2. If any program is over-subscribed, only AHLA members will be placed on a waiting list. On-site registrations will be accepted on a space-available basis only. Name:____________________________________________________ Member ID #:������������������ First Name for Badge (if different than above):��������������������������������������������������� Title:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Organization:��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address:������������������������������������������������������������������������������ City:___________________________________________ State:____________ZIP+ 4:����������������� Telephone: (______)__________________________________ Fax: (______)����������������������� E-Mail:������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Spouse/Guest Name: ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Early Registration Fees (faxed/postmarked and paid on or before October 27, 2014): AHLA Members: N $725 Non-Members: N $950 Printed Course Materials Second AHLA member registering from same organization at same time on the same check or credit card payment: N $650 N $ 625 per person when three or more AHLA members from the same organization register at the same time Registration Fees (faxed/postmarked and paid between October 28 and November 6, 2014): AHLA Members: N $850 Non-Members: N $1075 Second AHLA member registering from same organization at same time on the same check or credit card payment: N $775 N $ 625 per person when three or more AHLA members from the same organization register at the same time All attendees will receive an electronic version of the full set of course materials for the program. If you would like to purchase a binder, please indicate that below: I am registering for the Fundamentals Program and would like to purchase the binder for $45 Discounts In-House Counsel/Solo Practioner: N $100 off applicable rate Paralegal Registration: N $425 Members N $475 Non-Members (includes one year of e-membership) Government/Academician: N $435 Members N $510 Non-Members I will require: N audio N visual N mobility N other assistance___________________________________ N I have special dietary needs______________________________________________________________ N I plan to attend the Diversity+Inclusion Reception, Wednesday, November 12, 6:30-7:30 pm N I would like to attend the Young Professional Networking Dinner: ______ Wednesday November 12, 2014 ______ Thursday November 13, 2014 PAYMENT INFORMATION Please fill in applicable amount: (Sorry! Registrations cannot be processed unless accompanied by payment.) $______________ Registration Fee $______________ Printed Course Materials ($45) $______________ Tips for Developing a Successful Health Law Career Luncheon (Thursday, November 13; $45) $______________ How to do Health Law Research Luncheon (Friday, November 14; $45) $______________ Spouse/Guest Fee ($30) $______________ Membership Dues (Date admitted to the bar/graduated: N N / N N / N N) $______________ Total Enclosed N Check enclosed (Make checks payable to American Health Lawyers Association) Bill my credit card: N Á N Ò N Å N ¸ N Diners Club Number: ________________________________________________ Exp. Date: N N/NN Name of Cardholder:______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder:____________________________________________________________________ ZIP Code of Cardholder’s Billing Address ________________________________________________________ Please Note: Should your credit card total be miscalculated, AHLA will charge your credit card for the correct amount. Discounts cannot be combined. To receive a refund of the registration fee paid minus $125, cancellation notice must be received in writing by November 5, 2014. Fed ID No. 23-7333380 11 For updates and to register, go to November 12-14, 2014 n Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile n Chicago, IL Fundamentals of Health Law 1620 Eye Street, NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20006-4010 Permit No. 4841 Suburban, MD U.S. Postage Paid First-Class Mail Presorted
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