Grandes Écoles and Higher Education Schools - ENGINEERING SCHOOL Toulouse Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace SUPAERO‑Toulouse PROFILE Photograph provided by the institution The Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace SUPAERO (ISAE SUPAERO, advanced aeronautics and space institute) was created in 2007 from the merger of two prestigious schools of engineering: SUPAERO and ENSICA. Supervised by France’s ministry of defense, ISAE SUPAERO is an institution of higher education and research in aeronautics, space, and related sciences. Through core training, specialized programs, research, and continuing education, ISAE SUPAERO produces highly trained engineers and executives for the aerospace and high-technology industries. With an enrollment of more than 1,600 at the master’s and doctoral levels, ISAE SUPAERO has positioned itself as Europe’s leading institution of higher education and research in the fields of aeronautics and space. One out of five European master’s degrees in aerospace sciences is granted by ISAE SUPAERO. A founding member of the Université de Toulouse, ISAE SUPAERO is authorized by the French ministry of higher education and research to grant doctoral degrees through six accredited doctoral programs. Main programmes of study SUPAERO Engineering degree, ENSICA Engineering degree, 3 Master of Science programs: • Master of Science in aerospace mechanics and avionics • Master of Science in aeronautical and space systems • Master of Science in navigation systems 15 mastères spécialisés • Aeronautical engineering (Plane and helicopter) • Space sciences • Systems engineering • Embedded systems • Space telecommunications • Project management wide diffusion of scientific knowledge and of strong academic partnerships. The institute’s dynamic and integrated science policy hinges on the strong link between teaching and research. ISAE SUPAERO maintains strategic partnerships with ONERA, CNRS, and industrialists of the aerospace sector Research ISAE SUPAERO maintains an ambitious research policy based on the value of Location Toulouse Strengths • Programs of very high scientific caliber • Multidisciplinary training programs with a strong emphasis on project management • Well-rounded education that highlights the human side of engineering • Close links with aerospace companies and the research community • A clear emphasis on international work, study, and research Member of Campus France Forum IDENTITY FORM Precise name of the institution ¢ Type of institution ¢ City where the main campus is located ¢ Number of students ¢ Percentage or number of international students ¢ Type and level of qualifications awarded ¢ French language courses ¢ Programs for international students ¢ Programs in English ¢ Registration fees / year (for information only) ¢ Postal address ¢ Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace SUPAERO -Toulouse An elite public institution devoted to science, culture, and professionalism Toulouse 1 600 28% • LMD: Master of Science (MSc) - Engineering degrees (SUPAERO and ENSICA) - Institution degree: Advanced Master Yes Yes Yes • Engineer degree: 2 200 euros - Master of Science (MSc): 15,200 euros for 2 years - Advanced Master: 12,500 to 18,000 euros 10, avenue Edouard Belin - BP 54032 - F-31055 Toulouse cedex 4 Updated at October 2014 Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace SUPAERO -Toulouse Toulouse MIDI-PYRÉNÉES Number of international students enrolled each year: 28% Network member: Social networks BEFORE LEAVING F RENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES C ourses in French as a foreign language available throughout the year HOUSING C ontact: Scolarité Masters Tel. +33(0)5 61 33 80 75 10 av. Edouard Belin BP54032 Toulouse Cedex 4 France Services offered • Guaranteed space in student housing controlled by institution • Option to reserve and secure space in another student residence • List of available rentals or of Web sites that can be used to find rental housing T hese services apply to All international students These services are free Welcome upon arrival in student housing T hese services are available to All international students These services are free NE-STOP SHOP WITHIN THE O INSTITUTION Contact: Scolarité Masters Tel. +33(0)5 61 33 80 75 UPON ARRIVAL AT THE INSTITUTION A ssistance with administrative and academic registration A ssistance with housing (explanation of steps to be taken with respect to housing assistance, utilities, insurance, security deposit, housing tax, etc.) Help opening a bank account A ssistance with administrative and regulatory compliance (such as obtaining residency permit) ONGOING SUPPORT Specific services SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE ebsite dedicated to student clubs and W special interest groups liste_activites_clubs_associations_supaero. html Contact: Bureau des Sports TOULOUSE USEFUL INFORMATION CROUS: City: Network transit: TISSEO (bus et métro) Useful documents for students (forms, guides, contacts or other documents): international_student_handbook.html Campus France - October 2014 Contact: Information Masters Tel. +33(0)5 61 33 80 22 10 av. Edouard Belin BP54032 Toulouse Cedex 4 France Institution’s online application form UPON ARRIVAL IN FRANCE © INSCRIPTION WELCOME SERVICES
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