IntesisBox KNX-Modbus RTU master DO NOT CONNECT THE KNX BUS BEFORE BMS IS PROGRAMMED NB! 24V + CMN - EIA 485 + EIA 485 - Ke/Gu/Ye OBS! KOPPLA INTE KNX BUS INNAN DUC ÄR FÄRDIGT PROGRAMMERAD Mu/Sv/Bla Vi/Gr/Gr HUOM! ÄLÄ KYTKE KNX VÄYLÄÄ SOVITTIMEEN ENNEN VAKin VALMIIKSI OHJELMOINTIA 20m RJ4P4C erikoiskaapeli 20m RJ4P4C specialkabel 20m RJ4P4C special cable Ke/Gu/Ye 1 2 3 4 FREEWAY RJ11 RJ11 1 2 3 4 FREEWAY PIN 1 - 5 VDC PIN 2 - + PIN 3 - PIN 4 - GND EDA EMOKORTTI EDA MODERKORT EDA CONTROL BOARD Vi/Gr/Gr Pu/Rö/Re Mu/Sv/Bla 24V Paino kg ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Sivu Pvm File Hyv Tark Piirt 1 22.06.2009 KNX kytkentä MW Nimitys KNX-Modbus RTU connections Muutos Lehti A UNIT EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS Ensto Enervent Oy Kipinätie 1 | FIN-06150 PORVOO Tel +358 207 528 800 | Hyv Pu/Rö/Re EDA EIB/KNX VÄYLÄ ASETUKSET Kytkentä RS485 Baud rate 19200 EIB Fyysinen osoite 1.1.255 Slave adress 1 VIIKKOKELLOOHJELMAN KÄYTTÖ EIB/KNX VÄYLÄSTÄ Viikkokellon ajat asetetaan EDA automatiikan käyttöpaneelilta ja toiminto EIB väylästä. EDA käyttöpaneelilta valitaan viikkokellotoiminnolle aika sekä päivät jolloin ohjelma on käynnissä. Kaikkiin 20 viikkokelloon voidaan esiohjelmoida omat halutut ajat eri toiminnoille. Toiminnot (poissa, pitkään poissa jne.) valitaan EIB väylästä. Toiminnoilla on omat numerot jotka vastaavat kyseistä toimintoa. Toimintoja vastaavat numerot näkyvät seuraavalla sivulla olevan taulukon viikkokello rivien info sarakkeesta. Tominta valitaan EIB väylästä jolloin kyseinen viikkokello aktivoituu. Esimerkki: EDA käyttöpaneelilta on valittu Viikkokelloohjelma 1 päälle:11:00-20:00, Ma Ti Ke EIB/KNX välyältä valitaan Viikkokelloohjelma 1:lle numero 2 (=Pitkään poissa) (P/I/S 15/7/26) Nyt laite on Pitkään poissa tilassa maanantaista - keskiviikkoon, klo 11:00 ja 20:00 välillä. Jos kyseistä viikkokelloohjelmaa ei haluta käyttää muutetaan EIB/KNX väylältä Viikkokelloohjelma 1:lle numero 0 (P/I/S 15/7/26) HUOM! Lue tämä ohje huolella ennen kun otat järjestelmän käyttöön ja säilytä ohje tulevia tarpeita varten. KNX väyläsovitinta EI saa kytkeä ilmanvaihtolaitteen emokorttiin ennen kuin ohjelmointi on tehty! Välj tid och dagar då veckouret är aktivt. Förprogrammeringar kan göras för alla 20 tidsprogram som finns tillgängliga i veckouret. Varje funktion har ett eget nummer. Numren för funktionerna ses på raderna för veckouret i tabellen på nästa sida. Funktionen väljs i EIB bus och veckouret i fråga aktiveras. Exempel: Veckour 1 har aktiverats via EDA styrpanelen: 11:00 - 20:00, Må Ti On Nummer 2 (P/I/S 15/7/26) för Veckour 1väljs från EIB/KNX bus. Aggregatet går nu i Länge borta läge från måndag till onsdag, kl 11:0020:00. När man inte längre vill använda programmeringen ifråga ändrar man nummer 1 till 0 i EIB/KNX bus (P/I/S 15/7/26). EDA EIB/KNX BUS INSTÄLLNINGAR Connection RS485 Baud rate 19200 EIB Physical Address 1.1.255 Slave adress 1 ANVÄNDNING AV VECKOURET VIA EIB/KNX BUS Tidsinställningarna för veckouret görs i EDA automatikens styrpanel. OBS! Läs denna anvisning noggrant innan du installerar aggregatet och spara anvisningen för framtida behov. Koppla inte KNX till ventilationsaggregatets moderkort innan DUC är färdigt programmerad. When you want to disconnect the weekly timer, you change the number for the Weekly timer 1 to 0, through EIB/KNX bus (P/I/S 15/7/26). EDA EIB/KNX BUS SETTINGS Connection RS485 Baud rate 19200 EIB Physical Address 1.1.255 Slave adress 1 USING THE WEEKLY TIMER VIA EIB/KNX BUS Time settings for the weekly timer are made through EDA control panel. The function for the time is programmed through the EIB bus. Choose the time and days for the weekly timer to be active. You can pre-program all 20 timeprograms with desired times for different functions. The functions (away, long away ie.) are chosen through the EIB bus. The functions have their own numbers corresponding to the function. The function corresponding numbers are presented in the table on the next page. You choose the function trough EIB bus whereby the weekly timer in question becomes active. Example: Weekly timer 1 is activated trough EDA control panel: 11:00 - 20:00, Mo Tu We Choose 2 (=Long away) in EIB/KNX bus for Weekly timer 1 program (P/I/S 15/7/26). Now the unit is in Long away state from Monday to Wednesday between 11:00 and 20:00. NOTE! Before installing and operating this unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain it for further reference. Do not connect the KNX bus to the ventilation unit motherboard before the BMS is programmed. KNX väyläsovittimen ohjeet Instruktioner för KNX bus Instructions for KNX bus Created: Edited: Mikael Karlsson 17.6.2013 Name Away Away long Overpressure Cooker hood Central vacuum cleaner Max heating Max cooling Manual forcing Summernight cooling Alarm A Alarm B 3/16x0317 3/16x0311 3/16x0305 3/16x0299 3/16x0293 3/16x0287 3/16x0281 3/16x0275 3/16x0269 3/16x0263 3/16x0257 3/16x0251 3/16x0245 3/16x0239 3/16x0233 3/16x0227 3/16x0221 3/16x0215 Week timer program 19/20 function Week timer program 18/20 function Week timer program 17/20 function Week timer program 16/20 function Week timer program 15/20 function Week timer program 14/20 function Week timer program 13/20 function Week timer program 12/20 function Week timer program 11/20 function Week timer program 10/20 function Week timer program 9/20 function Week timer program 8/20 function Week timer program 7/20 function Week timer program 6/20 function Week timer program 5/20 function Week timer program 4/20 function Week timer program 3/20 function Week timer program 2/20 function Week timer program 1/20 function Info Outside air temperature measurement. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Supply air temperature measurement subsequent to HRC. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Supply air temperature measurement. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Waste air temperature measurement. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Exhaust air temperature measurement. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Exhaust air temperature measurement prior to HRC (Heat pump units). Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Returnwater temperature measurement. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Exhaust air humidity measurement. HRC efficiency at supply side. HRC efficiency at exhaust side. Humidity measurement average over past 48h Room temperature average counted from all roomsensors in use. Register value = temperature measurement * 10! Requested ventilation output (requested from operating panel) Temperature setpoint for corresponding control type Week timer 1 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 2 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 3 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 4 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 5 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 6 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 7 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 8 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 9 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 10 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 11 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 12 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 13 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 14 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 15 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 16 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 17 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 18 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 19 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Week timer 20 timeprogram function, 0=No function, 1=Away function, 2=Away long function, 3=Heating blocked, 4=Cooling blocked, 5=Temperature drop, 6=Max heating, 7=Max cooling, 8-15=AC fan speed 1-8, 16=DO time relay, 20-100=EC fan speed 20-100% Info Away function on / off Away long function on / off Overpressure function on / off Cooker hood indication active / not active Central vacuum cleaner indication active / not active Max heating function on / off Max cooling function on / off Manual forcing function on / off Summernight cooling function on / off A alarm indication B alarm indication EDA Modbus EIB/KNX points Coils Modbus 1x0001 1x0002 1x0003 1x0004 1x0005 1x0006 1x0007 1x0010 1x0012 1x0041 1x0042 3/16x0323 Week timer program 20/20 function Holding registers Modbus Name 3x0006 Outside air temperature 3x0007 HRC Supply air temperature 3x0008 Supply air temperature 3x0009 Waste air temperature 3x0010 Exhaust air temperature 3x0011 HRC Exhaust air temperature 3x0012 Returnwater temeprature 3x0013 Exhaust air humidity 3x0029 HRC supply efficiency 3x0030 HRC exhaust efficiency 3x0035 48h humidity average 3x0046 Room temperature average 3/16x0053 Ventilation output 3/16x0135 Temperature request 3/16x0329 EDA EIB/KNX bus settings Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Type Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Holding register Type Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Read R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Read R R R R R R R R R R R W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W Write Write W W W W W W W W W 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100 Min/Max -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C -40 - 50˚C 0 - 100% 0 - 100% 0 - 100% 0 - 100% -40 - 50˚C 20 - 100 10 - 40˚C Min/Max 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 15/7/45 15/7/44 15/7/43 15/7/42 15/7/41 15/7/40 15/7/39 15/7/38 15/7/37 15/7/36 15/7/35 15/7/34 15/7/33 15/7/32 15/7/31 15/7/30 15/7/29 15/7/28 15/7/27 15/7/26 EIB / KNX Group (P/I/S) 15/7/12 15/7/13 15/7/14 15/7/15 15/7/16 15/7/17 15/7/18 15/7/19 15/7/20 15/7/21 15/7/22 15/7/23 15/7/24 15/7/25 EIB / KNX Group (P/I/S) 15/7/1 15/7/2 15/7/3 15/7/4 15/7/5 15/7/6 15/7/7 15/7/8 15/7/9 15/7/10 15/7/11
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