2014 October Open Table Tennis Tournament 2014 October Open Table Tennis Tournament USATT Sanctioned Two-Star Event October 18-19, 2014 Entry Fee $25 $25 1st Place Trophy Trophy 2nd Place Trophy Trophy Semis Entry Limit N/A N/A # Event Name 1 Under 1000 RR 1 2 Under 1600 RR 1 Starting Time Sat 12:30 PM Sat 12:30 PM 3 Under 1750 RR Sun 10:00 AM $20 Trophy Trophy 32 4 5 5 7 Sun 11:00 AM Sun 1:00 PM Sun 2:30 PM Sun 4:00 PM $50 $80 $300 $100 $25 $40 $120 $50 32 32 32 32 Under 1950 RR Under 2150 RR Open RR 2 Under 2300 RR $20 $23 $30 (2) $25 $60 Notes: RR=Round Robin. 1 The Under 1000 and 1600 events will be in giant RR format. Divisions of 6 or more will be formed from highest to lowest rating depending on the number of entries. The Under 1000 and Under 1600 events could be combined if there are insufficient entries. Trophies awarded to all division winners and runners up. 2 Open event is $20 if entered 2 other events in the same tournament. ___________________________________________ Addr: ___________________________________________ City: _______________________State: ____Zip: _______ E-Mail: ___________________________________________ Tel: Day: (____)___________ Eve: (____)___________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ USATT Exp: ___/___/___ NJTTC Rating: _______________ Home Club: ___________________ 226 North Avenue West, Westfield, NJ 07090-1424 Telephone: (908) 654-9009 Email: tournament@njttc.org Web Site: www.njttc.org I accept full responsibility for my participation and relieve all sponsors, USATT, NJTTC and all tournament staff of any liabilities for injury to myself or my property. I agree to comply with all tournament rules and decisions of the tournament officials. I will abide by all USATT regulations. ENTRY POLICY: 1. Mail entry form & full payment to NJTTC, or 2. Pre-register on-line at http://www.njttc.org/tournament/registration DEADLINE: Friday October 17, 2014 (A $5 late fee will be applied after this date) All entries are responsible for full payment if not withdrawn by the above deadline. PHONE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Entries may be rejected if space does not permit. If paying by check, please do not include in the check payment for anything other than this month’s tournament. EQUIPMENT: Only USATT approved equipment will be used. Eight individually barriered courts, blue Butterfly Europa 25 Sky Stationary tables, orange Double Fish balls, ITTF approved red Haokang table tennis sports flooring and fluorescent lights. FORMAT: All round robin matches will be best 3 out of 5 games to 11 points. Open event matches starting from the quarter finals and SE events are best 4 out of 7 games. Other events in the final stages are best 4 out of 7 games if time permits. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to modify the format at any time. TOURNAMENT STAFF: Larry Bavly (Tournament Director), Chris Lehman (International Referee). NO GLUING OF RACKET COVERINGS IS ALLOWED INSIDE NJTTC. (Please see reverse side for additional information.) SEE YOU AT THE TOURNAMENT! Upcoming Tournament Schedule: November Open: November 8-9, 2014 Name: December Open: December 13-14, 2014 NJTTC is a member operated club open seven nights a week throughout the year. Our facility is air-conditioned and heated. Leagues are available for all skill levels, as is coaching for individuals and groups. The Club offers top quality equipment for sale. We welcome new members. SIGNATURE (Parent/Guardian if minor): ______________________________ Date: ____________ 1 U-1000 2 U-1600 TOTAL EVENT FEES: RATING FEE: REGISTRATION FEE: USATT MEMBERSHIP: LATE FEE ($5): TOTAL DUE: CIRCLE EVENT NUMBER $25 3 U-1750 $25 4 U-1950 5 U-2150 6 OPEN 7 U-2300 $20 $20 $23 $30 (2) $25 Please make check or money order payable to NJTTC and $7.00 send to: $3.00 NJTTC Tournament 226 North Avenue West Westfield, NJ 07090-1424 T: (908) 654-9009 E: tournament@njttc.org www.njttc.org Come for a Visit Play for a Lifetime Cut Along Line NJTTC 226 North Avenue West Westfield, New Jersey 07090-1424 (908) 654-9009 www.njttc.org The Best Table Tennis in New Jersey 2014 OCTOBER OPEN TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT NJTTC ELIGIBILTY: All players must be NJTTC Club members. For those players who are not current NJTTC members, the Registration Fee includes a temporary NJTTC membership for the dates of the tournament. USATT ELIGIBILITY: All players must either be USATT members, members of an ITTF affiliated association or purchase a One-Time Tournament Pass (eligible adults only). Bring your membership card or receipt. Adult players who have never been USATT members may either purchase a One-Time Tournament Pass for $10 or join USATT at the tournament. All other non-members MUST join USATT at the tournament. USATT membership: $49/yr, $130/3yr, $200/5yr for adults; $25/yr, $60/3yr for juniors; $90/yr, $250/3yr for household (2 adults + any minors); $25/yr for collegiate. UNRATED players may play in any rating event but will not be allowed to advance out of a round robin group. Unrated round robin group winners instead may receive a refund of 1/2 of the entry fee for that event. Unrated novices (0-2 years experience) are advised to enter events 1, 3 or 4. Ratings used will be those published on www.usatt.org on the day before the tournament. RULES: All ITTF and USATT laws and regulations apply. The main color of a shirt and shorts or skirt must be clearly different from that of the ball (orange). Only USATT or ITTF authorized racquet coverings may be used. Racquets must be bright red on one side and black on the other. Part or all of a track suit shall not be worn during play except with the permission of the referee. PRIZE MONEY POLICY: Any players who choose not to play a prize money match will only be paid the prize money awarded in the prior round, if any. DEFAULT POLICY: Players not checked in before the starting time of an event may be defaulted from that event. REFUND POLICY: Players may receive a full refund for any events withdrawn by the entry deadline. Refunds will not be given for any withdrawal after that date except for the case when a player's rating is too high for a desired event and the player chooses not to be promoted to the next highest event. All entries – including on-line entries – are responsible for full entry fees if not withdrawn by the entry deadline. DIRECTIONS: From the North. Take Garden State Parkway South to exit 137, Cranford. Turn right off Parkway ramp onto Route 28 West/North Avenue. Follow Route 28 through Cranford and Garwood to Westfield. Pass traffic light at Central Avenue and look for parking on right or at train station on left. (See directions for parking below). From the South. Take Route 1 or Route 27 to Garden State Parkway North. Take exit 135, Clark-Westfield. Get into middle lane (if possible) and turn left at second traffic light. Cross under Parkway and go straight through traffic light onto Central Avenue. Pass through five more traffic lights and under railroad overpass to traffic light at North Avenue/Route 28. Turn left and find parking (see below). PARKING: Free all-day parking is available behind the stores next to the train station in the Permit-Only parking area on both Saturday and Sunday. Parking in the municipal lot to the east of the club is free on Sunday only. CONTACT: For more information please call (908) 654-9009, email tournament@njttc.org or visit www.njttc.org.
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