THE ABTO GAZETTE October, 2014 Volume 22 Number 10 Mailing address: P.O. Box 50428, Mesa, AZ. 85208 Visit at: Steve and Judy Lewis—Whistle Creek Railroad Photo by Jim Riddle IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message Treasurer’s Report Calendar of Events October Membership Meeting Information Glenn Sampson Award THE ABTO GAZETTE President’s Message October Gazette Last month was a record for September with over 5” of rain that flooded the Valley. We also had a record turn out for a September club meeting at Steve and Judy Lewises’ home. Steve’s dog bone layout is a good example of how to design an iron elevated track that offers easy access to the trains without breaking your back from leaning over. Steve’s train ran smoothly without incident. Thanks for hosting us, Steve and Judy. Our meeting this month will be at the home of Ken and Kris Hawkins in Surprise on Saturday, October 18th. Ken has been redoing his whole layout, and it should be another excellent example of a “Busby” design. Please make an effort to drive the extra distance to attend this meeting as we have a lot of things to discuss. Also on October 18th from 1 to 5 PM, Teresa Mathews is hosting a memorial for her husband David who died recently. The address is 5749 E. Dionysus Drive, Florence, AZ, and her phone number is 520.233.6782. She would be pleased to have any of the ABTO members attend to see David’s layout and trains run for the last time. The Tucson Round About is Saturday, November 1st. If you were not at the September ABTO Club meeting and missed the sign-up sheet, be sure to sign up at this month’s meeting. We hope that many of us can car pool. The planned arrival time is 9:00 AM with a return time to Phoenix area by about 5 or 6 PM. The Tucson club is planning light snacks at the first stop, lunch at the Mitchells’, and an afternoon snack at the last stop before we head back to the Valley. Maps and more details of this fun event will be available at this month’s meeting. Chief Engineer John Meyers New SIGs and their Coordinators 1/ Modules 2/ Painting/Airbrushing has been renamed to ART & ? 3/ MTH 1/32 Scale 4/ Gandy Dancer 5/ Operating Sessions 6/ Cardon Children’s Medical 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ Euro Trains Live Steam Model Building Photography Jim Kangas & Daryll Smith Jim Gardner Roy Towne Roger Crooks Glenn Saber Bob Rauperstrauch & Don Halver David Kitchin Stan Cornforth John Meyers Mike Quaintance 2 THE ABTO GAZETTE UPCOMING ABTO EVENTS Oct. 11 Railfair at McCormick Stillman & 12 RR Park (See below) Nov. 1 Roundabout at Tucson Dec. 6 Arizona Toy Train Show-Module Event- SWAP MEETS & SHOWS Saturday, October 11 & Sunday, October12 McCormick-Stillman RR Park Railfair Saturday, November 1—Adobe Mtn. Model Train Show Saturday, November 22—CANCELLED”In the Heat RR Swap Meet” Saturday, December 6—Arizona Toy Train Show CALENDAR OF EVENTS Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, Saturday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 10 11 12 12 15 18 1 19 22 7 TBA 10am-5pm 10am-4:30pm 4:30 pm 6pm 10:00am TBA 6pm TBA TBA Set up Modules at Railfair at McCormick Stillman RR Park RUN TRAINS RUN TRAINS Teardown Modules Board Meeting at John and Pat Meyeres’ Residence Membership Meeting at Ken and Kris Hawkins’ Residence Roundabout at Tucson Board Meeting at John and Pat Meyeres’ Residence Membership Meeting at Jim and Joanne Gardner’s Home ABTO Christmas Banquet 3 THE ABTO GAZETTE ABTO SEPTEMBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING--SEPTEMBER 20, 2014 held at Steve and Judy Lewis Residence John Meyers, President opened the meeting at 9:50am. OLD BUSINESS: A/ Minutes from the August Meeting were approved as noted in the September Gazette. B/ Treasurer's Report was approved as noted in the September Gazette. John spoke to the host Steve Lewis and Steve joined ABTO in 2011 and started his railroad in 2011. Steve tore down the original layout and purchased the track of Jerry McKenzie and started all over again with his present layout. The track runs on track power and he has 6 engines and various rolling stock and Steve has future plans for the railroad. C/ Railfair @ Mc-Cormick Stillman RR Park, October 10-12-A sign-up sheet was available for volunteers to sign if available to assist in setting up the module on Friday, run trains Saturday and Sunday and teardown the module at 4pm Sunday. Daryll Smith will pull the big trailer and Dennis Busby will pull the small trailer. There will be more information in the October Gazettte. D/ Round-About @ Tucson-November 1st. Sign-up sheet was set out to sign-up and signify if you would be a driver. There will be a car pool set up by John Meyers. A continental breakfast will be served at the first home where everyone will meet. E/ Christmas Banquet being held Sunday, December 7th at The Old Spaghetti Factory, 1418 N. Central, Phoenix. More information in the Gazette. Sign-up sheet will be available at the October Meeting. F/ Christmas Open House Meeting will be held at the Cardon Children's Medical Center Cafeteria, Saturday, September 27th at 10am. John mentioned that Glenn Saber will be open during the day hours and Dennis Sirrine will be open Friday and Saturday evenings. Sandy Rauperstrauch will again design all the printed items. G/ Arizona Toy Train Show will be held December 6th. ABTO will take the red module. Daryll Smith and Steve Lewis are in charge of this event. Please contact them if interested in volunteering. Art Triant spoke about the Toy Train Show and gave out flyers. NEW BUSINESS: A/ Status of ABTO web site: Spoke about the status and it was decided to keep Gale doing the website and assisted by Steve Lewis. B/ SIG's: Will resume in the fall/winter months. 1/ Live Steam platform will be set up by Daryll Smith and other members of his committee. Keep watch in the Gazette for up to date information. 2/ 1/32nd MTH-Roy Towne, coordinator, will have a meet in the near future. 3/ Photo Contest-There will be a contest featuring a night photo. 4/ Modeling-John Meyers, coordinator, will follow up with a pump house or a tool shed at the next workshop. 5/ Train Art-Jim Gardner, coordinator, will hold a demonstration at the November meeting that will be held at his residence. ` 6/ Modules-Will be at the Railfair and the Venture Out Event was discussed and will show in January. C/ ABTO SIGNS for meetings and open houses-Steve Lewis spoke about the signs and costs but no members were inter D/ Glenn Sampson Award-Don't forget to nominate a member for the Glenn Sampson Award-more information in the October Gazette. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FROM THE FLOOR: Dennis Busby thanked all members that helped with the building of the dioramas and also renovation of the small trailer to accommodate the dioramas. Dennis Busby also thanked all members for all of the prayers, thoughts, cards and flowers during Dana Busby surgery and recuperation. The next membership meeting will be held at Ken and Kris Hawkins at 10am. DOOR PRIZE WINNERS: 1st-Roger Crooks 2nd-John Mazzoli 3rd-Dan Stoecklin RAFFLE WINNER: Roger Crooks The meeting was adjourned at 10:55am. Minutes submitted by Ginny Morris, Secretary 4 THE ABTO GAZETTE OCTOBER MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday, October 18, 2014 Location: Ken and Kris Hawkins 18336 N. 169th Avenue Surprise, AZ. 85374 623-640-6446 Schedule: Breakfast: 10:00am Meeting: 11:00am Food: Breakfast Casserole Dish, granola & yogurt Members please bring: A-M—Rolls/Bread N-Z— Fruit/Juice Coffee, Water, plates, cups & silverware will be provided RSVP: KEN HAWKINS @ 623-640-6446 by Wednesday, October 15, 2014 DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Coming from the East/Southeast: Take the 10 West to the 303, go North and get off at Bell Road. Turn Left on Bell Road. Turn Right on Eastham Parkway, go .7 miles and turn Right on 169th Avenue and they are the 6th house on the Left. Coming from the Northeast: Take the 101 and get off at Bell Road. Turn Right and go West on Bell Road for approximately 10 miles. Go past the 303 and turn Right on Eastham Parkway. Turn right on 169th Avenue. The house is the 6th house on the Left. PLEASE BRING CHAIRS ABTO MODULE EVENT RAILFAIR at McCormick Stillman RR Park October 11th & 12th 10:00am-5:00pm All Aboard!! This free event features model train displays and exhibits, the park’s award winning Model Railroad Building displaying O, N, and HO scale trains, moonwalks, and other entertainment. Free tours through the Roald Amundsen Pullman car, a former presidential car. Many of the park’s seldom seen railroad equipment will be on display. Train and carousel rides are $2.00 each. Children under three ride free with a paying adult. If interested in running trains, setup or teardown module, please contact Daryll Smith @ or 602-402-9458. See page 3 for Schedule. Celebration of Life Open House in Memory of David Mathews Saturday, October 18th 1:00—5:00pm Please join Teresa and her family for a Celebration of Life Open House, in memory of David. “Come when you can. Leave when you must” 5749 E. Dionysus Drive. Florence, AZ 85132 We will be running the trains, so big kids and little kids are welcome! If you wish, you may donate a pantry food item for a local Food Bank, Or, there will be a Donation Jar for the American Cancer Society. Questions or directions, call Teresa’s cell phone: 952-941-0391 5 THE ABTO GAZETTE Nominations being accepted for Annual Glenn Sampson Award The Glenn Sampson Annual Engineers Award was approved by the ABTO Board five years ago. Dennis Busby was the 2013 recipient. This is the only award presented by the Club on an annual basis. The Board felt the club should recognize the work its members do on an annual basis. In approving this award, the Board stated, "We don't need many awards, just one and the club should play a role in who is picked to receive the award, thus the reason for presenting the idea of the Glenn Sampson Engineers Award. Glenn exemplified the true spirit of volunteerism in a club and had a tremendous ability to get along with all members. If there was work to be done Glenn was there." ABTO individuals need to nominate who they think should receive the award. They do this by naming the individual and in a no more than one page description explain why this individual should receive the award. These nominations would be submitted to Rich Hull. He will pick 2 other individuals, one who will be the President to work with him to pick the actual winner. This award will be presented at the annual Christmas Party. Your nomination needs to be in Rich's hands by November 9. You can e-mail your one page nomination to or by regular mail: 25025 S. Lakeway Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. Phone: 602-684-1203 (cell) or 480-802-5308 (home). There are some rules: A person can nominate anyone including his/her self. Board members can be nominated. The rules are simple, you as a member just need to nominate that person who should receive this important award. Again, send you nomination to Rich Hull by November 9. Previous winners of engineers award: Jack Slinkard * Ennis Thompson * Glenn Sampson * Jerry McKenzie * Rich Hull * Bob & Sandy Rauperstrauch Ginny Morris Bob Clark Jim Kangas Dennis Busby * Presented prior to being a board sanctioned project FOR SALE: Gary Jahn—-602-992-7366—Phoenix Has track (mostly L.G.B.), buildings, rolling stock (some in kit form) and lots of extra items. Please call for more information. 6 THE ABTO GAZETTE 2014/2015 Board of Directors President: John Meyers 602-841-7564 Vice President: Ken Hawkins 623-640-6446-cell Secretary: Ginny Morris 480-248-9130 Treasurer: Mike Temenski 480-659-8410 Directors at Large Daryll Smith 602-402-9458-cell Steve Lewis 605-660-6911-cell Mike Quaintance 480-721-7745 Photos of September Meeting 7 Arizona Big Train Operators 1633 E. Lakeside Drive Unit 1 Gilbert, AZ 85234 ARIZONA BIG TRAIN OPERATORS OBJECTIVES Membership in Arizona Big Train Operators (ABTO) is open to anyone with an interest in gardening and the creation & operation of large scale model railways. At our meetings, items of mutual interest associated with the hobby are discussed and demonstrated. Meetings are typically held at member’s homes, where they have the opportunity to showcase their railway creations. General meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of the month. ABTO MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION The renewal fee is $30.00 per year and the new membership fee of $35.00 per year entitles you to attend all meetings and events, to receive the monthly newsletter, and to have one name badge created for you. Additional badges may be purchased for $7 each. ABTO CONTRIBUTIONS ABTO BOARD MEETINGS Members are encouraged to contribute articles, letters, illustrations and/or photographs related to garden railroading for inclusion in the newsletter and/or posting on the club web site. Board meetings will be held on Wednesday prior to the general meeting of each month. Board meetings are open to members who are current on their dues and have an item for the agenda. If you plan to attend, call a Board member to confirm location, time and date Members who have hobby-related items for sale or trade may submit an advertisement for publication and/or posting at no charge. Please limit each ad to a maximum of four lines. Accompanying photos will be considered for publication as space allows. 8
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