HAMBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OCTOBER 2014 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 The Towel and Basin ..AS JESUS HAS DONE FOR US, WE SHOULD DO FOR OTHERS Inside this issue: PNC 2 Welcome Rev. Rachel Brown 2 Pumpkin Patch 3 Christmas in the Country 4 Progressive Dinner 4 Presbyterian Women 5 Angels in our midst 5 Attention lovers of the arts 6 New Beginnings 6 National Alliance 6 October Birthdays 7 In Need of Prayers 7 October Calendar 8 Minutes of Session 9 Cont. from pg. 9 10 Cont. from pg. 10 11 Mission: To be a spiritually passionate congregation that lives out Christ’s teachings; through love-filled relationship building, we prayerfully seek to share our lives and resources with the community and the world PAGE 2 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 Please Welcome Rev. Rachel Brown It is with great joy that we announce Rev. Rachel Brown has been accepted by the Hamburg Presbyterian Church to be our next Pastor. Rev. Brown will be starting with HPC in mid October with plans for her to start leading Worship starting on October 19, 2014. We look forward to this new beginning in the life of HPC. Peace to you all, The Former HPC PNC ! Details on Rachel Brown: Rev. Rachel Brown earned her Master's of Divinity in 2005. In 2006 she received her first ordained call as Associate Pastor and was ordained at Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church. After serving at PLCPC for three years she returned to Baltimore, Maryland to be closer to family and to serve as a hospital chaplain at St. Agnes hospital. From January 2011 to September 2014, Rachel has served as the Associate pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Montclair New Jersey. On September 21, 2014, the HPC membership voted Reverend Rachel Brown in as the next Pastor of HPC. She will begin her ministry with us in mid October and start Worshiping with us on October 19, 2014. Rachel loves brownies, going on adventures with her 3 nieces, walking, skiing, ice skating, soy mochas, Trader Joes as well as traveling. It will be our job to convert her into a Bills and Sabres fan! PAGE 3 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN PAGE 4 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 Its coming! What? Christmas in the Country When? November 6 through 9 Where? Hamburg Fairgrounds Event Center plus other buildings What does this mean to Hamburg Presbyterian Church? Again we’ve been given the opportunity to earn funds for our church by assisting at the doors of this major craft show. Our smiling faces as folks enter the buildings help make this one of the top best Christmas craft shows in the whole country! Come join our team there, help earn major funds for HPC and also be able to shop all you want with no further entry fees! Talk to Janie Smith or one of the ones who have already signed up on the board in the narthex with any questions. Come one, come all even bring your friends and neighbors to help! Janie Smith, volunteer coordinator 992-3479 >>PROGRESSIVE DINNER<< Saturday, Oct 18 from 5:00pm to ??? Please, join us for an evening of fellowship, fun and good food. Appetizers at the Beers’ in Eden at 5:00pm – Dinner & Dessert at assigned hosts. Great chance to introduce friends to HPC! Hesitating about coming by yourself? Team up with another member and “progress” together! More details and sign-up on bulletin board in the narthex For questions call Lamont Beers (992-2727) Deadline for sign-up is Thursday, Oct 9 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN PAGE 5 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 Presbyterian Women Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 18th when we visit The WEST SIDE BAZAAR on Grant Street in Buffalo to enjoy international shopping for clothing, crafts and cuisine. We will be car-pooling from here at 10:30a.m. We would like to extend a warm welcome to every woman to join our monthly Circle meetings for Bible Study and Fellowship. Please contact a Circle leader for a Study Guide. Hannah Circle: Wednesday, October 8th, 10:00am – Church Lounge Gail Wheaton, leader Elizabeth Circle: Thursday, October 16th, 9:30am – Jean Feltz’s home Janie Smith, leader Ruth Circle: Wednesday, October 15th, 7:00pm – Church Lounge Ginnie Sprague, leader The PW Coordinating Team will meet October 7th at 1:00pm in the Amy Low Meeting Room. Autumn is here, summer has gone with a memory of the heat But the warmth of a quilt on a winter’s night really can’t be beat. So come to church and help us sew. We’ve lots of cloth and are ready to go! Join the Quilters October 1st and 15th Mission Quilters meet each 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 9:30am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to join the Quilters. Bring a sandwich and stay for lunch. You don’t have to know how to sew, only how to tie a knot and enjoy fellowship. ANGELS IN OUR MIDST The last day and final day to order your first annual HPC Angel Christmas ornament is Sunday, October 19, 2014. No orders will be accepted after that date. They will be ready for you to pick up on November 23rd. This is a fund raiser for the women of Hamburg Presbyterian Church and has never been tried before. The ladies of HPC thank everyone who has ordered their Angel early. We have had a great response and are very pleased and encouraged to continue this program into the future. We hope you enjoy your Angel s as much as we have enjoyed making them for you. PAGE 6 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 Attention, Lovers of the Arts! A new program at HPC has started this fall, and we need YOU to be a part of it! It’s called the “Worship Arts Program”, it meets every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, and it includes the following: Vocal individual and group coaching with George Davis Vocal solo, duet, and ensemble practice in preparation for a Sunday worship service Instrumental coaching with George Davis Instrumental solo, duet, and ensemble practice in preparation for a Sunday worship service Drama rehearsals in preparation for a Sunday worship service – directed by Joanne Hollenbeck Liturgical Dance rehearsals in preparation for a Sunday worship service – looking for a director Painting/Crafts which can be utilized in our church building – looking for a director These activities are offered for any age…. all that’s needed is a will and desire to enhance our worship services and experiences through the arts. Please talk to either George or Joanne with any questions you might have, or to just let us know that you’re interested! We both are so excited about this new adventure!! The New Beginnings request of you: Pray that HPC is successful in our transformation to be a Missional Church which means we will all be living as Christian people in the world instead of “doing church” in the traditional sense. Participate in a new mission activity that you have not before. Remember we are not just doing HPC work, we are doing God’s work! Pursue your own spiritual growth. Join a bible study program, small group, or adult education class. Be intentional about growing your spiritual faith and complete the spiritual gift survey found on the HPC website: National Alliance of Mental Illness There is a national alliance of mental illness support group on the third Wednesday of every month. This meeting is held at Lakeshore Behavioral Health Facility on the corner of Lake and Abbott rd Blasdell , NY from 7:00 to 8:30. PAGE 7 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 October Birthdays Jane Davis Christian Knauss Karen Provvidenza Rebecca Barton *Virginia Calkins Tom Rivers Carolyn Whaley Meredith Robinson Geralyn Bahruth Patricia Catalino *Mary Anne Obenshain Naomi Barton Charlotte Hall Laura Reynolds Henry Mills Maureen Sercu October 1 October 1 October 4 October 8 October 8 October 8 October 14 October 15 October 18 October 18 October 18 October 22 October 25 October 29 October 30 October 31 In Need of Our Continued Prayers Donna Burns Shari Gallagher Richard Monckton Connie Crossan Nancy Crossan Jack & Betty Lynn Griffin Joshua Howe Geralyn Bahruth Baby Anna Maria *We congratulate our members on reaching wonderful milestone of 85 or more! If we’ve missed a birthday in your family or have printed incorrect information, please phone the church office with the updates at 649-1970 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN PAGE 8 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 Hamburg Presbyterian Church October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Quilters 9:30 am AA (FH) 7:30 pm 2 Bell Choir Rehearsals 6:30 pm Worship Arts Program 7:30 pm 3 New Beginnings Marriage Course (FH) - 6:00 10:00 pm 4 5 Sunday School 9:15 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 9:30 am Worship Service and Communion 10:30 am 6 Financial Management 7:00 pm AlAnon (FH) 7:15 pm 7 Worship Planning 10:00 am PW Board Meeting 1:00 pm CE and Youth 7:00 pm New Beginnings 7:00 pm 8 Hannah Circle 10:00 am AA (FH) 7:30 pm 9 Bell Choir Rehearsals 6:30 pm Worship Arts Program 7:30 pm 10 New Beginnings Marriage Course (FH) - 6:00 10:00 pm 11 Womens Breakfast Group - 9:30 am 12 No SundaySchool Chancel Choir Rehearsal 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am 13 Session 7:00 pm AlAnon (FH) 7:15 pm 14 Worship Planning 10:00 am Worship and Music Committee 7:00 pm Church Life 7:00 pm 15 Quilters 9:30 am Mission 7:00 pm Ruth Circle (lounge) 7:00 pm AA (FH) 7:30 pm 16 Elizabeth Circle 9:30 am Bell Choir Rehearsals 6:30 pm Worship Arts Program 7:30 pm 17 New Beginnings Marriage Course (FH) - 6:00 10:00 pm 18 19 20 Sandwich Sunday AlAnon (FH) 7:15 Bells Play / Bell pm Rehearsal 9:00 am Sunday School 9:15 am Worship Service 10:30 am 21 Worship Planning 10:00 am Caregivers 6:30 pm Deacons 7:15 pm 22 AA (FH) 7:30 pm 23 Bell Choir Rehearsals 6:30 pm Worship Arts Program 7:30 pm 24 New Beginnings Marriage Course (FH) - 6:00 10:00 pm 25 26 Feast For Friends Sunday School 9:15 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am 28 Worship Planning 10:00 am Christian Nurture Service 7:15 pm 29 AA (FH) 7:30 pm 30 Bell Choir Rehearsals 6:30 pm Worship Arts Program 7:30 pm 31 27 Building and Grounds Committee 7:00 pm AlAnon (FH) 7:15 pm THE TOWE L AND B ASIN PAGE 9 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 9 MINUTES OF SESSION HAMBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AUGUST 11, 2014 The Rev. Cynthia Wickwire Lundquist, Moderator, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. A quorum was present. Ruling Elders in attendance were: Sue Ganey, Julie Cimorelli, Ed Osborne, Nancy Brogan, Wayne Hines, Karen Hummel, Laura Reynolds, Cally Miklasz, Marci Toney, and Cheryl Koelmel, Clerk. Excused: Ken Martin, Lamont Beers, and Steve Tothero. Moderator Cynthia opened the meeting with prayer. Devotion on “Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard” was prepared by Julie Cimorelli and presented by Moderator Cynthia. The Agenda was approved with the addition of meeting with the PNC. The Moderator and Elders then convened in the chapel for a presentation by the PNC (Pastoral Nominating Committee). PNC co-chairs Russell Rich and Shawn Ferro and committee presented a video power point to present a candidate to Session. The video included a recap of the process following the Presbytery “The Blue Book” from start to finish of the steps from the MIF form to requesting a call. Also included were the candidate’s educational background and ministry and mission experience. A review of the PNC’s financial package was discussed including moving expenses. A MOTION was then made, seconded, and passed that the ceiling of the total financial package be no more than $70,000.00. The motion passes unanimously. A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed unanimously to give the candidate a sum of $6500.00 for moving expenses should the call be accepted. Following further discussion amongst the elders and the PNC, the following motion was made. If the way be clear, a MOTION was made, seconded, and passed unanimously that if the candidate accepts the above package offered by the PNC, a congregational meeting will be called for either Sunday September 21 or 28, 2014, following worship. DEACON REPRESENTATIVE: There was no representative or written report. SESSION MINUTES: The Session minutes of July 14, 2014 were accepted as written. MODERATOR REPORT: Moderator Cynthia reminded the elders of “Project Regeneration” on September 4 and to date Sue Ganey, Ed Osborne, and Steve Tothero plan on attending. A suggestion was made to do away with the title “Bookkeeper/Treasurer” and just use Treasurer at this time. Cheryl will notify Angela to remove the term from the bulletin, newsletter, and telephone directory. THE TOWE L AND B ASIN PAGE 10 VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 8 (Cont. from pg. 9) Moderator Cynthia reported that she has not received a response to date about the necessity of having a President as we do not have a Board of Trustees as such. Moderator Cynthia also clarified the outcome of General Assembly’s stand with respect to clergy performing marriage between couple of the same sex. It was advised to have a further discussion with our new pastor. CLERK’S REPORT: The Clerk reminded the elders that they were responsible for coffee on Sunday, August 24, 2014. Wayne Hines will be in charge. Cheryl check into Peter & Heather Campo’s membership status. It appears they were removed from active at some point and time without written documentation. In speaking with Heather, she did not remember receiving any written correspondence regarding their membership. Following additional discussion, a MOTION was made, seconded, and passed to re-instate the membership of Peter and Heather Campo and further to have Rev. Elena Delgado counsel and perform the baptism of their son, Nathan James, on Sunday, October 5, 2014. A second request was made to have an additional elder attend the Presbytery Meeting on September 23, 2014. No elder came forward. TREASURER’S REPORT: Ed Osborne reported the church’s financial status as of July 31, 2014: Income Reserves Checking $12,450.45 $31,697.59 $20,237.31 Expenses $10,795.40 Capital Acct $ 4,344.79 COMMITTEE REPORTS/ACTIONS NEEDED: Written reports were received from the following committees: Christian Education, Financial Management, and New Beginnings. Financial Management: A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed to send the remaining monies, collected on her behalf, to Rev. Janet Hubbard. Wayne Hines will handle the correspondence and check. Christian Education: A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed to approve the suggested children and adult Sunday school curriculum and volunteers for the 2014-2015 church year. PAGE 11 THE TOWE L AND B ASIN VOLUME 2014, ISSUE 8 (Cont. from pg. 10) Prior to the Session meeting, elders were given the opportunity to review the replacement documents and forms for HPC’s “Child and Vulnerable Adult Safety Policy. Karen Hummel noted that the document and forms had been reviewed by our insurance agent, an attorney, and social worker. Following discussion, a MOTION was made to replace any previous polices with the “Child and Vulnerable Adult Safety Policy, dated August 2014 and retain only the following forms: Participation Covenant, HPC Medical Release for Children, Special Event Permission Form, Child Accident/Injury Form and Incident Report of Suspected Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse. All other forms are now invalid. Personnel: Laura Reynolds informed the Session that Personnel would no longer provide a copy of their minutes or a written report for session review due to the nature of confidentiality matters. A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed for the above. A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed to accept Personnel’s written guidelines for “Protocol for Pastoral and Staff Expenses”. Our current sexton, Don Baltes submitted his resignation effective July 31, 2014. He has offered to volunteer until a replacement is hired. Personnel, along with Building & Grounds, are working on a new job description. A MOTION was made, seconded, and passed to pay Moderator Cynthia to attend the September 2, 2014 Personnel committee meeting. Stewardship: Ed Osborne stated that Stewardship begins on September 7, 2014. He would like the elders to take part in the Sunday worship service and have the following committees be part of the sermon presentation: Julie Cimorelli, New Beginnings, Nancy Brogan, Mission, Wayne Hines, Music & Worship, and Christian Education. Cheryl Koelmel will be liturgist. Sue Ganey and Cheryl Koelmel volunteered to hand out Stewardship packets before and after worship on Sunday, September 7, 2014. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated on Sunday, August 3, 2014. Rev. Elena Delgado officiated. The next Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, September 7, 2014. The next scheduled Session Meeting is September 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Moderator Cynthia closed the meeting with prayer at 9:34 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Cheryl L. Koelmel Clerk of Session September Newsletter Volume 2014 Issue 9 The Towel & Basin Hamburg Presbyterian Church 177 Main Street Hamburg, New York 14075-4959 Published Monthly 11 times (July/August) Pastor: Rev. Rachel Brown (Starting mid October 2014) Pastoral Care Assistant: Wendy Zimmerman Director of Children’s Chimes: Maleah Gawlak Minister of Music: George Davis Organist/Keyboardist: Joanne Hollenbeck Treasurers: Sue Ganey/Ed Osborne Child Care: Judie Schmeizinger Financial Secretary: Jacki Knauss Administrative Assistant: Angela Carsello Telephone: (716) 649-1970 FAX: (716) 202-6931 E-mail: Web Page: (Updating always in progress) Worship Services Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. through May 25 and at 9:30 a.m. June 1 through Labor Day. 7:15 p.m. Christian Nurture - The fourth Tuesday of each month Service for the developmentally disabled individuals in area group homes. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for the November issue of the Towel & Basin is October 20, 2014. Please label articles with your name and telephone number and deliver them to the church office. (No article will be accepted without identification). You may also submit your articles via e-mail to:
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