Issue October 2014 Monthly Newsletter First Presbyterian Church Helena, MT 59601 406.442.4775 The Kitchen Table The kitchen table had been handed down more than once. It was functional, but well used. Well used indeed, and not just for meals. It was the birthing site of many an art project or other creative endeavor; particularly by the two children. Paintings, paper mache projects, colorings, sketches, cut-n-glue thingies, and more all sprang from this table. Cheese! The family loved the new table. Hospitality was extended for others to share meals at it, wonderful discussions were held around the table, board and card games were played upon it. One day when shuffling the kids’ art on the refrigerator around to create a spot big enough for a new photo, attempting to share a magnet to serve holding up two drawings, the mother made an observation. These same paintings and drawings had been on the ‘frig some time. No new art had been created in a while. And as she thought about it, there had been no new art since the arrival of the new kitchen set. Money had been steadily saved up in an account to get a new kitchen set. It had been decided to get a “real” piece of furniture: hardwood, built by a craftsman, high gloss finish, etc. Though it might not have been expected, the young children loved tagging along looking at tables, listening to mom and dad talk about how much should be spent, and when it was The children’s reason of “just not interested” anticipated they’d have the savings to purchase didn’t ring true. And then it dawned on mom. a new set. The children were just as proud of the new table as the parents. And while it hadn’t matThe day arrived when the table and chairs tered if your marker went a little off the page, could be ordered, and the calendar was marked or if glue dribbled off the two things you were with when they would arrive. Days were attempting to stick together, on the old table crossed off one at a time until the delivery peo- they didn’t want to do anything that might ple showed up with the new kitchen set. A “mess up” the new table. grand meal was prepared for the first dinner on the new table. Of course it involved Mac-n(continued next page) THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA, MONTANA MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA continued ‘The Kitchen’ One day, after coming home from grandma and grandpa’s house, mom and dad seemed excited for them to come down into the basement. Near the bottom of the stairs, where a bunch of boxes used to be stacked, was an old table and four chairs. Mom and dad didn’t really answer their questions about why there was a table in the basement; “We just wanted you to see it” was the only explanation offered. It took a few days, but art projects began coming out of the basement - old paintings had to come off the ‘frig to make room for the new ones. DEADLINES BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Send to: admin@fpchelena. com by WEDNESDAYS at 12:00 P.M. MUSTARD SEED (Newsletter) ARTICLES Send to: admin@fpchelena. com by the 15th of each month In the process of creating something, often things get a little messier before the project is complete. Having a place that can “get dirty” often inspires even greater creativity. While we might spend energy (sometimes a considerable amount) trying to have a “perfect past”, life just doesn’t work that way. Life itself is a little messy, which grants us the freedom to “color off the page” when inspiration lifts us to “birth” something that hasn’t existed prior to this moment. We are free - so, clear off that refrigerator - new creations are a’ comin’. Pastor Scott Lesson & Loaves/Loaves & Fishes Another year of FPC’s after-school program has begun….and we are excited! We were fortunate to be able to hire two teachers, Keeley Kingsbury for the Loaves and Fishes group (grades 6-8) and Jefferson Kiser for the Lessons and Loaves group (grades 3-5). On Monday, September 15th the Annual Mandatory Training Program was held. There were eleven people present who enjoyed a very nice dinner prepared by Liesel Curtiss and Charlotte Meyer. Many thanks go to these two ladies. Shelley McCormick conducted the training. Wednesday, September 17th was the first day with the children in the program. We had three children in the younger group and six in the older group. NOW for the “meat” of this article….We really need volunteers both for donating and preparing meals on Mondays and Wednesdays, to bring snacks for those two days, and to provide gallons of milk! If activity of this sort is something you would enjoy, please contact Melissa Stiles at 442-5324 or Rose Leavitt at 443-4783. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 2 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA The Pumpkins will be arriving on Saturday, October 11th at 9:00 a.m. We will need volunteers to retrieve the shelving units, arrange the layout of the Pumpkin Patch, help decorate the area, unload the truck, and work shifts between October 11th and October 31st. We will also need folks to help clean up and move the shelving units on November 1st. Call if you have questions. Better yet, stop and sign up at the display in the Narthex or call 442-4775. Fall Adult Studies All are welcome to join us as we learn the truths of the Bible PW Mission Luncheon The PW Mission Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, October 14th at noon. Please make reservations with Yvonne Moody whose telephone number is 458-9611 by Sunday, October 12th. The price for the luncheon will be $5.00. Please remember to bring your Thank Offerings as we will be dedicating these during the program. Heavenly Harvest Bazaar Our church bazaar will be held on Friday, October 24th, 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 25th, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The Willing Workers have been working on projects all year long and we know that many of you have also been busy "creating." We welcome and need homemade crafts, sewing and/or quilting projects, candy (a favorite), breads, LOTS of cookies and pies! We also need your help in setting up for the bazaar, working in the kitchen or in the dining room to attend to the tables where the soup and pie will be served. Dishwashers are certainly on the "needed' list! Our bazaar has been so successful in the past because of YOUR help and contributions! CIRCLE MEETINGS Abigail - October 7th at 10 am here at the church in Huxley Lounge Esther - October 7th at 9:30 am - church in Library East Rebekah - October 2nd at 9:30 am here at the church in Library East MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 3 of Greater Helena First Presbyterian Church's next week with Family Promise will be November 16-22. We’ll have some sign-up sheets next month. Think of what you would like to share with these homeless families. If you know of someone who could use the help of Family Promise, the contact number is 4659467. NEXT VOLUNTEER TRAINING IS NOVEMBER 20. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA Helena Family Promise Fall Adult Studies Has Started It’s not too late to join one of our study’s You have the opportunity to join one or more of the following adult studies that started recently at First Presbyterian Church or call the facilitator for each study: If you would be interested in helping out with the Helena Family Promise by providing meals or other help, please let Lucille Letcher or Elaine Gingery know you would be willing. Beatitudes 8 sessions started Sept. 21st Facilitator: Marsha Davis 443-1287 Location: 900 Menlo Park Sundays 7:00 - 9:00 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesdays 11:00 - 12:00PM Jesus: The Forgiving Victim started mid-September Facilitator: Scott Wipperman 442-4775 Location: Church --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jewish Festivals started September 11th Facilitator: Dianna Goodman 443-4193 Location: Church Thursdays 10:00 -12:00PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Truth Project started September 18th Facilitators: Lynda & Terry Wadsworth, Bruce Luke Location: Church Potluck followed by the study Thursdays 5:15 - 7:00PM To Register email director@family or call 465-9467. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fridays 12:00 Noon Lessons & Loaves and Loaves & Fishes Early Church History followed by a study to be determined by the group started mid-September Facilitator: Scott Wipperman, John Coefield Location: Church More studies are planned for the spring. If you are interested in facilitating a study, please contact Marsha Davis at 443-1287. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM DEADLINES First Presbyterian Church’s After School program has started. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Send to: by WEDNESDAYS at 12:00 P.M. MUSTARD SEED (Newsletter) ARTICLES Send to: by the 15th of each month. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 4 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA SUNDAY COFFEE TIME TREATS! We have been blessed to have treats for the fellowship time following worship. THANKS to all who have contributed. Your time and talent is much appreciated. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 5 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA “Thank you so much!” To all of the wonderful women of the church who have been bringing treats for all to share on Sundays during the coffee time following worship. You make this fellowship time very special! Also, a special thank you to Tonna Strasko and Stephanie Boysen for the monthly birthday cakes! HELENA FOOD SHARE FOOD OF THE MONTH FLOUR & SUGAR First Presbyterian Church has been a part of Helena Food Share for many years. We will be posting a monthly food suggestion for donation after checking with Food Share as to their needs. The collection box sits just inside the door. Obviously, all foods are welcome and at this time of year, fresh items from the garden are also appreciated. The Pantry and programs serve an average of 1,500 local families every month. It takes almost 100,000 pounds of food to make it happen. Our support is needed. Boy Scout Troop 228 picks up the food in the box and delivers it to Food Share on a regular basis. Thank you to the Boy Scouts for taking on this mission. There will be NO Deacon’s Meeting in October, There will be a meeting Sunday, November 9th at 11:30 a.m. Don’t forget to tune-in to Channel 189 for sermons from our Sunday services that are being broadcast on Helena Civic Television (HCTV) , Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. We hope you will tune in and grow with us! Have questions, please call us at 442-4775 or visit our Web Site at MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 6 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA SUN MON TUE WED THUR 1 FRI 2 SAT 3 4 Jewish Festivals 10 am Early Church --------------------------- History 12 noon Bridge Club 11am ---------------------------------------------A.A. Truth Project 5:15 pm Friday Night --------------------------Speaker 7 pm District 61 6:30 pm --------------------------It’s In the Book AA Group 7 pm 5 9 10 Cong. Fellowship Bridge Club 11am Willing Workers Jewish Festivals 10 am 11:30 am 9:30 am -----------------------------------------------Latte’s & Sundae's Jesus: Forgiving -------------------Bridge Club 11am ---------------------Victim 12 noon After-school --------------------------Worship 10 am Education 2 pm Program Truth Project 5:15 pm -------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Personnel 5:30 pm 3 pm --------------------------Godly Play District 11 7 pm After-school ---------------------10:15 am Program 3 pm Alanon 7 pm ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- ---------------------It’s In the Book Beatitudes 7 pm Girl Scouts 7 pm Boy Scouts 7 pm AA Group 7 pm Early Church History 12 noon 12 6 13 After-school PRESBYTERY Program 3 pm SUNDAY ---------------------- ----------------------Worship 10 am Girl Scouts 7 pm ---------------------Godly Play 10:15 am ---------------------Beatitudes 7 pm 19 7 8 16 17 Bridge Club 11am Willing Workers Jewish Festivals 10 am 9:30 am -----------------------------------------------------------------Bridge Club 11am Jesus: Forgiving After-school --------------------------Victim 12 noon Program Truth Project 5:15 pm ---------------------Admin 5:30 pm 3 pm --------------------------It’s In the Book ---------------------Mission 6 pm AA Group 7 pm ---------------------Bldg & Gnds 7 pm ---------------------Worship 7 pm ---------------------Alanon 7 pm ---------------------Boy Scouts 7 pm 14 Early Church History 12 noon 23 24 Worship 10 am After-school Bridge Club 11am Willing Workers Jewish Festivals 10 am ---------------------Program 3 pm ---------------------9:30 a.m. ------------------------------------------------- Jesus: Forgiving -------------------Bridge Club 11a.m. Godly Play 10:15 am Girl Scouts 7 pm Victim 12 noon After-school ------------------------------------------------Program Truth Project 5:15 pm ---------------------Beatitudes 7 pm 3 pm --------------------------SESSION It’s In the Book 6:30 pm AA Group 7:00 p.m. ---------------------Alanon 7 pm ---------------------Boy Scouts 7 pm Early Church History 12 noon 26 20 15 27 21 22 30 31 Worship 10 am After-school Bridge Club 11am Willing Workers Jewish Festivals 10 am ---------------------Program 3 pm ---------------------9:30 a.m. --------------------------Godly Play ----------------------- Jesus: Forgiving -------------------Bridge Club 11a.m. 10:15 am Girl Scouts 7 pm Victim 12 noon After-school ---------------------------------------------------------------------Program Truth Project 5:15 pm Beatitudes 7 pm Alanon 7 pm 3 p.m. -----------------------------------------------It’s In the Book Boy Scouts 7 pm AA Group 7:00 p.m. Early Church History 12 noon MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 28 29 7 11 18 Bridge Club Monthly meeting 10 am - 5 pm 25 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA 3rd 4th 6th7th8th9th10th12th13th- Garrett Roberts Newell Anderson, Sandi Smith Samantha Riff Rena Smith, Dale Funk Shirley Allen Carole Massman Michael Davis, Gage Roberts Kathy McCain Catherine Lovell 17th- Diane Fetzner, John Riff, Jim Moses, Joe Strasko 20th- Wendy Cook 22nd- Eddy Crowley, John Warren, Kira Thomas 23rd- Lisa Lovell 24th- Samantha Henrikson 27th- Jeff Chaffee 28th- Jacob Borsberry 9th- Andrea & Manny Garcia We would like to extend our sympathy to the family of Rex Carey. Rex passed away early in the morning of September 13th here in Helena. He was 90 years old. We would like to extend our sympathy to the family of Arlene Brunton. Arlene's husband, Jim passed away recently. Arlene and Jim have split their time between Helena and Lovell, Wyoming for many years. FAREWELL and BEST WISHES Bob and Bonnie Fisher, long time members of FPC since April 1, 1973 have moved on to higher ground in Aurora, CO. They will be sorely missed by everyone. If you would like to send them well wishes, they can be reached at: Bob & Bonnie Fisher 7812 South Addison Way Aurora, CO 80016 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 8 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA 5 5 12 19 26 LaFournaise / Albright 12 Albright / Cramer 19 Strasko / Moses 26 Cramer Judy Birch Merle Korizek Linda Test Barrie Heinecke 5 Marsha Davis Elaine Gingery Carol Carpenter Mary Craigle 442-7346 443-3793 Jim & Jan Benjamin, Mary Wright 12 John & Carol Gneckow 19 Elroy & Lucille Letcher Linda Test, Judy Bayless 26 Carole Massman, and Kathy Chambers MONTHLY NEWSLETTER PENDING 9 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church 535 North Ewing Street Helena, MT 59601 406-442-4775 If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, and/or receive this newsletter via e-mail, please call 442-4775 or e-mail Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Helena, MT Permit #42 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED LABLE HERE Think – Think – Think Before you put something in the trash cans around the church do you stop and think about whether or not it could be recycled??? Do you remember where the recycle bins are located in the church? Well, here are the locations…..first floor just past the elevator by the men’s restroom three bins – one for aluminum/tin, one for plastic, and one for paper. On the second floor the same three bins are located in the hallway just before you go into the church kitchen. Please break down all cardboard boxes and stack next to the bins. Please help us keep the amount of garbage going into the landfill down by watching what we can recycle in these bins. The service we have contracted with picks the bins up every two weeks. Thanks so much for your assistance in this effort. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 10 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HELENA
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