F A L L 2 0 1 2 CENTRE POINT Centre in the Park Condominium News IMPORTANT WEBSITE AND EMAIL CHANGES http://www.citpcondos.com Board email: info@citpcondos.com Newsletter email: centre@citpcondos.com Effective October 15, 2012 Annual General Meeting September 13th Diane to prepare after AGM Mark Your Calendars PARKADE CLEANING SOCIAL EVENTS VOLUNTEER OPS December -date not determined will be posted 2 weeks in advance in building and on website December 8 – Park Vista Christmas Meet and Greet • Holiday Decorators • Photographers Contents Page # 1 Annual General Meeting Hi-Lites 1 Website/Email Changes 1 Mark Your Calendars 2 View from the Top 2 Dollars and Sense 3 Do You Know? 4 Recycling Readiness 5 Bylaw Review – the Ins and Outs of Moving 7 Ready for Winter? 8 Kudos! 9 Wrapping Things Up 1 2 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 View from the Top It has been four years since Ann and I moved into our unit in Park Vista. I know that some of you have resided one year or longer in Festival Estates. I am writing these observations about two weeks prior to the Annual Condominium Meeting so I suppose things I cover may require some updating but here goes. As you walk around our environs you will see a number of changes. The new road on the east side of Bedford Village is well under way. Given the speed of oncoming traffic as you turn left off Sherwood Drive onto Festival way, I think I’ll try coming North on the new road and left onto Festival Way to get home. We recently met to approve the budget for next year which has been covered by Doug Porter elsewhere. At that meeting we talked about a few items of other business. The fact that we lacked a policy covering the length of stay in our guest suites was discussed and it was decided that a three-day limit plus a possible on time extension would be appropriate. A request for a no idling area in front of Park Vista was also discussed. The Board was unanimous that we don’t need to post more signs for people to ignore but it is common courtesy not to gas out our main Continued page 4 Dollars & Sense – Doug Porter, Treasurer Another year in the books (pun for a financial person) has concluded and we now fast forward to the new business year of our condo corporation. In my view we are well on the road to achieving what I refer to as “financial security”. This term I coined upon becoming Treasurer a couple of years ago. The 2012/13 financial plan approved by the Board and presented at the AGM ensures continuation of positive action toward this goal. Of particular note is the decision to increase Capital Replacement Reserve Fund allocations thereby bringing funding levels closer to the recommendations of the 2010 Reserve Fund Study. The impact of this decision is the principal need for the condo fee adjustment effective October 1st. On the Operations side of things the majority of the year-to-year expenditures are becoming consistent. For the most part 2012/13 budget increases in this area reflect price level changes only. Several actions such as the on-going saga of “construction deficiency cleanup”, finalization of a cost sharing agreement with Bedford Village and the need for engagement in planning for “Reflections” – next phase of our condominium development - will require significant focus for the new Treasurer. Continued on page 5 2 1 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Do You Know? The Centre Point – Electronic Edition The Centre Point is available on our website now located at www.citpcondos.com . Save on paper and printing costs by viewing on line! Strathcona Condominium Association A number of Strathcona County condominium homeowners and residents have started meeting to discuss areas of common concern - particularly issues specific to our county. If you are interested in joining in on these gatherings watch for notices of meeting dates and times on our website. Guest Suite Facts Did you know that bookings have increased substantially since the rate was lowered to $25 per night? Park Vista’s suite has been occupied for 50 nights so far since January this year and Festival Estates, because of a long-term booking, has exceeded that. Book early to avoid disappointment. If you want to book these facilities contact Richard Tesche (Festival Estates) at 780288-1624 or e-mail rtesche@shaw.ca; or Bea Fredericks (Park Vista) at 780 449-1333 or email bea123@shaw.ca. The Board is in the process of considering a policy regarding the length of stays in the guest suites. Bedford Village Amenities Community Access to Bedford Village An information session was held at Bedford Village, in July, to learn about Center in the Park Community access to their dining room and amenities. Manager Stephen Blackie mainly discussed the use of the dining room and building access. Amenities include an exercise room, library/puzzle area, craft room and theatre. A “family gathering” type of room, situated above the dining room with a balcony looking onto the County building, can be rented. Non-Bedford residents are eligible to participate in events listed on their monthly social calendar not highlighted in yellow. They are not eligible for Inspired Living Programs. Private pay services such as foot care, massage therapy Continued on page 8 What’s Happening at ABJ? Pattie Denos, the community relation’s officer for Elk Island Catholic School informs that ABJ will be vacant this term. More details will be coming shortly. We have enquired about use of the parking lot while the 3 3 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Future Development Coming to Our Area Christenson Developments will soon launch construction of the third building of our Condo Association, named “Reflections”. It will be a six-story steel and concrete building to go between Festival Estates and Prairie Walk. There will be a total of 75 suites once completed. Current plans are to commence construction this fall with completion expected Spring/Summer of 2014. Everyone is welcome to drop into the Sales Centre on the corner of Festival Way and Sherwood Drive. It is Open 1-6 pm Monday – Friday and Weekends 1-5 p.m. A model onebedroom show suite is now in place, which shows the standard finishing specifications. Anyone with questions should contact Karey Lear - 780-975-8866 or kareyl@cdlhomes.com View from the Top - continued floor residents so we would ask your assistance in this. Many of you suffered through a long period over the unusually hot and humid summer, when our cooling loop in Park Vista was operating poorly. Eventually a worn impeller on the pump to the cooling tower was isolated and replaced. A number of residents survived the heat by keeping their doors ajar, myself included.While this provided some relief it also compromises the building systems, which include a positive hallway pressure. Therefore there is now a moratorium on propping open hall doors. Coincidental with the cooling problem a number of residents had their heat exchanger units checked out by a firm recommended by DelCasa. After the impeller was changed I had a puff of Freon added to our unit and that has made a big difference in the functioning of our heat exchanger. In the course of his maintenance of our unit the technician removed some shipping brackets, which did not allow the compressor to float on its suspension springs. They should have been taken out when CDL’s contractor first installed the units. This subject will be on our next agenda for discussion with CDL. Speaking of CDL you may have seen some materials placed at the west end of the fencing behind Festival Estates. This is evidence that we will see some action starting up towards the construction of the Reflections condo. This will give us all something to watch over the next two years. Your Board’s goal is to make this period as painless as we can but that may be asking a lot. As you read this we will have a new Board in place with some new faces in a number of positions. A number of residents stepped up to the challenge I have made to get involved in Board matters. The condo owners have voted them in and I trust you will lend your support to the new Board just as you have in the past. 4 2 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Dollars and Sense – continued As most of you are aware I have decided to take a “vacation” from Board membership. It is my belief that each of us has a responsibility to serve the community in some capacity. We have chosen to live in a condominium style home, not a retirement complex (e.g. Bedford Village). While the condominium style does relieve us from some of the household tasks required by persons of a single detached residential dwelling, it does not free us to the point of no responsibility nor is it feasible for all of those responsibilities to be contracted out. While many hesitate, perhaps feeling inadequate for roles that need to be undertaken, the truth is there is great talent within our community, as well, training seminars are provided by the Canadian Condominium Institute for which the corporation is a member. I encourage everyone to consider his or her commitment to our lifestyle choice and to choose to become involved. Recyling Readiness – Fran Turner Last spring Strathcona County held an information session at County Hall to present ideas to condominium boards and residents regarding recycling options. The presenters indicated that within the next few years County Council will be passing a bylaw requiring some form of recycling compliance by all condominiums. A number of possibilities were presented, but there has been no decision made regarding implementation. Currently there are several townhouse style condominiums in Sherwood Park involved in pilot recycling projects. Some residents in Park Vista and Festival Estates collect and recycle materials by taking them to a Strathcona County Recycling Station. For those who wish to start recycling, the Strathcona County website has a list of recyclables and the complete address of the station which is located north of the Baseline Transit Centre. Look under Waste Collection and Recycling to access this information. This is not the Green Routine, which is curbside pickup for private residential only. Also note that every two weeks until October 20, an Enviro Event is held at the Streambank Recycling Centre at 420 Streambank Avenue for residents to take hazardous waste items that are not suitable for the regular Recycling Station. A list of these items is on the website along with a calendar and map. Future Centre Point newsletters will present other recycling opportunities. Park Vista Social Fund Grows Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets in our last Christmas raffle. We have $315.00 in our fund, which should cover the cost of a new Christmas tree for our foyer. This will be purchased shortly. 5 2 1 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Bylaw Review The Ins and Outs of Moving accommodation to residents with mobility challenges. This is particularly important in Festival Estates where there is but one elevator. If you leave the building while still in the process of the move, please ensure the elevator is unlocked and the service switch turned to the off position to allow resident use. Owner responsibilities… Notice of intent to move must be submitted 7 days prior to the move date to DelCasa Management (DC). This notice can be via email info@delcasa.ca or phone 780-413-0085. Security must be provided when any exterior door is open for movement of furnishings. The owner or owners’ representative must be present at all times at that entrance being utilized for the move. After your notice is received you will receive confirmation from DC. Owner is then required to present a refundable damage deposit of $250 to DC at #250, 5405 – 99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta and complete the necessary paperwork. This damage deposit will be returned when it has been established that no damage has been done to the common areas during the move. DO NOT leave doors propped open or unattended at any time during the move. Owners’ representative cannot be the tenant. If you are using the elevator during the move a key to lock it off must be picked up at DC. A further $100 refundable deposit for the key is required at that time which will be refunded upon return of the key and with no damages to the elevator. No move-in/out to start before 9:00AM and must be completed before 8:00PM Ensure doors are securely fastened and locked, immediately upon completion. If common property damage occurs or the elevator key is not returned, your move deposit will not be refunded and you may be liable for any damages exceeding the deposit. Both deposits can be either cash or a cheque – made out to Condominium Corporation No. 052 3767. If you are renting… OWNERS FAILING TO COMPLY WITH THESE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE SUBJECT A $150 FINE Owners who are renting their suites must complete the tenant information form prior to the move. The renters must then follow all the rules that otherwise apply to owners. Considerations during the move… During your move please be considerate of residents at all times. This includes using the elevator in the timeframes, which have been booked, and making reasonable 6 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 The evitable change of seasons is quickly approaching. So are we ready? Have we taken care of ensuring everything around our property is ready to handle the challenges ahead? The following list of things to consider, while not exhaustive, it may help to protect you and your condo home against the elements • • • • • September o Check caulking o Check fireplace exhaust vent o Check range hood filter o Service heat pump and humidifier (Cold Front Refrigeration – 780-486-4002) o Check exterior finishes and report problems to DC October o Check windows and screens o Check weather stripping o Check doors o Check range hood filter o Check furnace filter o Store deck hoses and shut off all outside water supply (hose bibs) o Check and secure deck items November Snowbirds Only o Check range hood filter Turn off water supply to clothes o Check furnace filter washer and refrigerator if equipped o Check for condensation and excess humidity December Turn off gas supply to fireplace & o Check air ducts barbeque o Check furnace filter o Check range hood filter Arrange for movement of vehicle(s) o Check humidifier in parkade for purposes of parkade January cleaning o Check furnace filter o Check heat pump and humidifier o Check range hood filter Many of us wait for things to go awry before we take action and become upset when informed it will be several days/weeks before the needed service person can provide help us when things have broke down. By taking timely maintenance and readiness steps most of this anguish can be avoided. Happy Winter! 7 2 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Bedford Village Amenities - continued and the hair salon would be subject to availability. Special meals, such as Sunday Brunch, is one such event that requires signing up in advance as space is limited in the dining room and residents living in Bedford Village would have priority on all activities. Indeed sign-up and meal choice is necessary prior to 10 a.m. same day of service and that will change to 24 hour notice eventually. For Dining Room access only A yearly maintenance fee of $50 for 2012 is required. An electric key for building access through the parkade pedway is available with a refundable deposit: 2012 rate is $100. Meal receipts are issued at the time of eating and the cost will be deducted monthly from your bank account. To process payments they require a completed Personally Approved Payment form. For Building Access and Amenity Use, including Dining Room A yearly maintenance fee for this service is required: 2012 rate is $169. A refundable deposit for the entrance fob is required: 2012 rate is $100. Anyone wishing to access services and amenities at Bedford Village need to meet individually with Stephen by contacting him by phone at 780-449-4216 or by email at stephenb@CDLHomes.com For those who have already contacted Stephen and expressed an interest have been or will be called. He had planned to do this in August but due to staffing issues, he has been unable to meet this commitment. To George, Al and Doug for late at night, on-site security when PV parkade door was damaged and wouldn’t close To Dave and Celina for the great handyman and condo cleaning jobs they do for all of us To retiring board member Doug for the time and talents given To new board and committee volunteers mentioned throughout the newsletter To Myrna Toronchuk - we so enjoy the ever-presence of the fresh flower arrangements in the front foyer of Park Vista To the friendly newspaper delivery people on each floor and in each building To organizers of social events providing events where we get to know one another better 8 CENTRE POINT FALL 2012 Wrapping Things Up We hope you embrace Centre Point’s new format! Thanks to Doug Porter for his willingness to learn some technology about newsletter publishing and to Fran Turner for her willingness to learn about web technology and freeing Doug of Webmaster duties, our team is once again able to offer written communications for the residents and owners of our condominium. We miss Mary Rymar, former publisher and newsletter contributor, who succumbed to lung cancer in June. It has been stated that a picture is worth a thousand words so in the spirit of thinking green and in an effort to make reading material more interesting, we would like to utilize more photographs. We would welcome a photographer to join our team and at the least for anyone to submit interesting photographs and reflections about condo life at Centre in the Park. Submit your willingness to volunteer by email centre@citpcondos.com. Diane The Centre Point Team Diane Porter – Editor Norma Solleveld – Reporter Bea Fredericks – Reporter Susan Smith – Reporter Debbie Mohn – Reporter Fran Turner – Web Master Doug Porter - Publisher
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