Renal function in the laboratory rat: a student exercise. R L Walker and M E Olson Advan in Physiol Edu 268:S49, 1995. You might find this additional info useful... Updated information and services including high resolution figures, can be found at: /content/268/6/S49.citation Additional material and information about Advances in Physiology Education can be found at: This information is current as of October 21, 2014. Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 Advances in Physiology Education is dedicated to the improvement of teaching and learning physiology, both in specialized courses and in the broader context of general biology education. It is published four times a year in March, June, September and December by the American Physiological Society, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814-3991. Copyright © 1995 by the American Physiological Society. ISSN: 1043-4046, ESSN: 1522-1229. Visit our website at I N N RENAL 0 V A T I 0 N FUNCTION IN S A THE A STUDENT N D I D E LABORATORY A S RAT: EXERCISE Richard L. Walker and Merle E. Olson Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Calgary, Alberta T2N lN4, Canada University of Calgary, ecause of the increased concern over use of human body fluids in physiology teaching laboratories, we developed an exercise in renal function that utilizes laboratory rats. The purpose is to demonstrate the role of the kidneys in the homeostatic control of extracellular fluid volume, plasma ionic concentrations, and osmolarity. Three treatment groups are utilized: a volumeexpanded (access to 1 g/l00 ml sucrose) group, a volume-expanded and salt-loaded (access to 0.9 g/l00 ml NaCl) group, and a volume-depleted (water-deprived) group. A normovolemic control group (access to tap water) is also included. Rats are housed individually in metabolic cages that allow accurate measurement of fluid intake and urine output. Blood samples are removed via cardiac puncture. The animals recover from this procedure and can be reutilized within 2-3 wk. When class data are pooled, clear trends are seen that demonstrate the volume-, osmo-, and ionoregulatory abilities of the kidneys. B Key words: 268 (ADV PHYXOL. EDUC. kidney; laboratory 13): S49-S55, teaching One of the traditional laboratory exercises regarding extracellular fluid volume homeostasis and kidney function utilized in physiology courses is human urine production in response to drinking a large volume of fluid, either water or isotonic saline. In our experience, this exercise clearly demonstrates the volume-, osmo-, and ionoregulatory functions of the kidney and hypothalamus; however, there are concerns and issues related to human experimentation in physiology teaching laboratories. It is often difficult to establish baseline normovolemic data because of the variety of daily activities of students before attending lab. Quite often students do not follow instructions about exercise or eating and drinking before lab, and it can be difficult to obtain blood samples to demonstrate the regulation of plasma ions and osmoticity. In addition, there is increasing concern about the use of human body 1043 - 4046 VOLUME / 95 - $3.00 13 : NUMBER 1995. - COPYRIGHT 1 -ADVANCES fluids in teaching laboratories and the ethical and liability issuesregarding the intake of saline. To circumvent these issues, we have retained the basic protocols utilized in the renal function exercise but have utilized rats as subjects rather than students. There are several advantages to using rats rather than humans as subjects, including better control of diet and fluid intake, 24-h urine collection with use of metabolic cages, and the ability to obtain blood samples without risk to the student, the instructor, or the lab technician. PROTOCOL Our subjects are female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250-300 g. Although the experiment will work with smaller animals, the larger ones produce a greater urine volume, and it is easier to obtain an o 1995 THE AMERICAN IN PHYSIOLOGY S49 PHYSIOLOGICAL EDUCATION -JUNE SOCIETY 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 AM. J. PHYiSIOL. I N N 0 V A T I 0 N S MATERIALS Metabolic Bleeding D E A S AND METHODS Cages Technique To measure the parameters mentioned in the protocol, it is necessary to obtain 0.75-1.0 ml of plasma, which in our experience necessitates withdrawal of 2 ml of blood. We have chosen to obtain this volume of blood via cardiac puncture by use of the following procedure, which conforms with guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care and the National Institutes of Health. Rats are anesthetized with halothane, and the blood sample is removed by use of a heparinized 21-gauge needle and 3-ml syringe. Once anesthetized, the rat is held ventral side up with one hand while the other is used to insert the needle beneath the sternum. The needle is inserted at a 45” angle - 1 cm into the thorax. Done properly, it is easy to obtain 2 ml within a few seconds. When the technique is performed by trained personnel, rats recover with no visual signs of distress. After the cardiac puncture all animals are given free access to tap water and food. Our experience has been that the animals can be reutilized within 2-3 wk of this procedure. Although other methods of obtaining blood are available, we have found that Each pair of students is assigned to calculate the 24-h fluid intake and urine production for two rats (same or separate treatment groups) by measuring the drinking fluid remaining in the calibrated water bottles and the urine in the collection flask. Each student pair then analyzes the urine and plasma samples of those two rats for sodium, chloride, osmolarity, and creatinine (see Analytic Procedures). Because of our time constraints (3-h lab sessions), it is difficult for the average student to analyze more than two urine or blood samples; therefore class data are pooled, and a summary table is made available at the end of the week. From the urine flow rates and urine and plasma ion, osmotic, and creatinine concentrations, students are expected to calculate the sodium and chloride clearances, creatinine clearance [as a measure of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)], osmotic and free-water clearance, and fractional ion excretion (see Calculations) . 1 - ADVANCES I IN PHYSIOLOGY s50 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 At the beginning of lab, the instructor or technician draws a blood sample (see MATERIALS AND METHODS) from each rat. The blood samples are transferred to labeled microcentrifuge tubes and spun for 2-3 min at 13,000 rpm (- 13,OOOg), and the plasma is then transferred to another set of labeled tubes. : NUMBER D Animals are housed individually in 17 x 17 x 25-cm stainless steel cages with wire mesh flooring, which allows urine to pass through but not feces or food particles (Fence Cage Products, Boston, MA; Allentown Caging Equipment, Allentown, NJ; Nalge, Rochester, NY). As shown in Fig. 1, each cage is equipped with a food hamper and water bottle holder. Graduated glass water bottles are used, each holding up to 100 ml of fluid. Erlenmeyer flasks or large (50-ml) test tubes serve as urine collection vessels. These are attached by fiber tape to the funnel-shaped cage bottom. To retard evaporation, a thin layer of paraffin oil can be added to the flask or tube. On the morning before the laboratory, rats are individually housed in metabolic cages (see details in MATERIALS AND METHODS). The cage bottom funnels urine into a collection flask. Drinking fluids are placed in calibrated water bottles within easy access of the cage interior, and each rat also has access to rat chow. 13 N We assume volume expansion or depletion to have taken place as a result of these treatments. No effort is made to quantify the changes in extracellular fluid volume; however, this may be possible by the measurement of the inulin space, which would require intravenous injection of inulin and an assay or the use of radiolabeled inulin. adequate blood sample without harming the animal. Rats are assigned to one of three treatment groups and a control group. 1) The volumeexpanded (water-loading) group is given access to 1 g/100 ml sucrose as the drinking fluid for 24 h, which results in hypoionic expansion of body fluid compartments. 2) The volume-expanded and saltloaded group is given access to isotonic (0.9 g/100 ml) NaCl as the drinking fluid for 24 h, resulting in isotonic expansion of body fluid compartments. 3) The volume-depleted group is given no access to water or other drinking fluid for 24 h. 4) The control group is given free access to tap water. VOLUME A I N N 0 V A T I 0 N S A N D I D E A S A graduated water bottle food hamper wire mesh floor stainless steel cage with wire mesh front 17 cm 4 + collection funnel graduated conical test tube for urine collection FIG. 1. Metabolic cage: frontal view, A; top view, B. Attachments include a graduated water bottle (100 ml) and urine collection tube. Fecal material is trapped in the wire screen that slides beneath the wire mesh floor of the cage. Urine passes through the screen and is funneled into the urine collection tube. cardiac puncture is much less stressful for the animal when this volume of blood must be drawn. Analytic titration (model CMTlO chloride titrator, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). Osmolarity is measured by freezing point depression (model 3MO microsmometer, Advanced Instruments, Needham Heights, MA). Procedures Students measure the rat urine and plasma osmolality and the sodium and chloride concentrations during the lab period. Sodium is measured via flame emission (digital flame photometer model 265500, Cole-Parmer, Chicago, IL). Plasma samples are diluted 1:200 before measurement. The sodium concentration in urine samples will vary depending on the animal treatment group. Urine from control and water-loaded animals is diluted 1:200, but urine from dehydrated or salt-loaded rats often requires 1: 500 dilution before measurement. Undiluted samplesof urine and plasma are used in the measurement of chloride concentration via coulombmetric VOLUME 13 : NUMBER I - ADVANCES Previous investigators have shown that creatinine clearance is a valid measure of GFR in rats (4). Because creatinine is a natural product of creatine catabolism, GFR can be estimated if plasma creatinine concentration and the rate of creatinine excretion are known (see Calculations below). Students measure plasma and urine creatinine via the alkaline picrate method (kit 555-A, Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO). This measurement requires 0.3 ml of undiluted plasma and a urine sample diluted 1:20 (1: 50 for dehydrated rat urine). IN PHYSIOLOGY s51 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 4- fecal I N N 0 V A T I 0 N S Calculations [Uionl . I-W Lpionl where [Uion] is urine ion concentration, [Pion] is plasma ion concentration, and UV is urine flow rate. Pcrl and Free-water clearance = UV - Co,, Fractional ion excretion. rate of ion excretion rate of ion filtration LUionl = GRF * [Pion] Fractional ion reabsorption. Fra -- GRF ’ LPionl GFR* =l - IJVa LUionl LPionl - fractional ion excretion Ion clearance and fractional ion excretion or reabsorption are ways of expressing the renal processing of ions. Osmotic and free water clearances are indicative of the concentrating power of the kidneys. If free-water clearance is negative, then the VOLUME 13 : NUMBER A S Volume expansion by ingestion of 1 g/100 ml sucrose has a significant effect on fluid intake and urine output (ml/24 h) compared with the control group. It appears that rats in the sucrose group drink more than the necessary amount to replace fluid loss, and the urine flow rate reflects this increased intake. Because the excess fluid taken in is hypoionic to intra- and extracellular fluids, the volume expansion serves to dilute the body fluid ion concentrations (1, 3). The physiological response is a reduction in antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release from the hypothalamus, thus decreasing water reabsorption. Inhibition of ADH release may result from a slight reduction in plasma osmolarity (detected by hypothalamic osmoreceptors) or increased blood volume (detected by stretch receptors in the systemic circulation). No changes in sodium or chloride clearances are noted because there are no changes in the total body mass of these ions, although, as one might expect, there are significant reductions in urinary ion concentrations and osmolarity. Free-water clearance becomes positive, thus reflecting the attempts to excrete the excess water while retaining valuable salt ions. where UosMis urine osmolarity, PoSM is plasma osmolarity, and CosMis osmotic clearance. IJV’ E I - ADVANCES In contrast to the results of rats drinking sucrose solution, volume expansion and salt loading via ingestion of isotonic (0.9 g/100 ml) NaCl result in IN PHYSIOLOGY S52 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 U0sM.u-v p osM Fractional ion excretion = D We have conducted this exercise successfully for the past 7 years in a 3rd-year undergraduate physiology course with consistent results. Although the means may vary from year to year within treatment groups, the trends are unequivocal. The data in Figs. 2-4 and Table 1 were collected by last year’s class. A statistical comparison of means was performed by one-way analysis of variance. Osmotic and free-water clearances. Osmotic clearance = I Experimental Results: Renal Regulation of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Composition IYcl--w = GFR where [U,,] is urine creatinine concentration, [Pcrl is plasma creatinine concentration. D RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Creatinine clearance. Creatinine clearance = N urine is being concentrated to a value greater than the osmotic concentration of the plasma. Positive free-water clearances indicate dilution of the urine (urine osmotic concentration less than that of the plasma), usually as a result of reduced water reabsorption by the distal tubules and collecting ducts. Ion (Na+ or Cl-) clearances. Ion (Na+ or Cl- ) clearances = A I N N 0 V A T I 0 N S A N D 400 A * I D E A * 8 300 .A z s 502 0G E O 200 UF: E 5 .M % m 100 control dehydr salt S q urine n plasma Na+ NC-L+ 0 sucrose con lrol treatment dchydr salt sucrose treatment 2000 * B z?.gs z g 1000 OE go q urine q plasma osmol. osmol. 500 control salt dehydr 0 sucrose control treatment FIG. 2. Fluid intake (A) and urine output (B) of volumeexpanded, volume-depleted, and normovolemic (control) rats measured over 24 h. Volume expansion was accomplished by feeding rats a solution of 1 g/100 ml sucrose or 0.9 g/100 ml saline (salt). Volume depletion (dehydr) resulted when rats were denied access to water for 24 h. Values are means & SE (n = S/group). * Significantly diRerent from control (P c 0.05). 13 : NUMBER 1 - ADVANCES sucrose treatment FIG. 3. Urine and plasma Na+ concentration (A) and osmolarity (B) from volume-expanded (sucrose or salt), volume-depleted (dehydr), and normovolemic (control) rats. Values are means f SE (n = S/group). *Significantly different from control (P < 0.05). motic concentration of the intra- and extracellular fluids (1, 3). Consequently, the increase in Na+ and Cl- clearances may reflect a reduction in aldosterone and/or increased atria1 natriuretic peptide (ANP) release, along with a drop in plasma ADH. The increase in fractional sodium excretion and osmotic clearance corresponds to the increase in ion clearances. The free-water clearance value is very low because of the large osmotic clearance. significant increases in NaS and Cl- clearances and urinary salt and osmotic concentrations well above those in the control group. Urine output is also elevated compared with the controls but is only about one-half the volume excreted by the sucrosetreated animals, reflecting the fact that fluid intake is less than that seen with the sucrose-treated rats. Volume expansion due to the intake of isotonic saline serves to increase the total body mass of sodium and chloride without alteration in the os- VOLUME salt dehydr Volume depletion (dehydration) duces urinary output and increases IN PHYSIOLOGY s53 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 significantly reurine osmolarity Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 * 1500 I N N 0 V A T I 0 N S A N D Measurements dehydr Treatment Group n Na+ clcarancc q Cl- clearance I D A TABLE 1 of osmotic and free-water fractional sodium excretion Osmotic Clearance, kl+rninP1. 100 g-l Control Sucrose Salt Dehydr E S clearance Free-Water Clearance, pl.rnin-l * 100 g-l - 3.8 + 1.0 6.9 8.2 17.5 7.0 - 12.6 - 5.6 and Fractional Na+ Excretion 0.0063 0.0057 0.0546 0.0028 Values are estimates calculated from mean plasma and urine ion concentrations, osmolarities, urine flows, and glomerular filtration rate measurements in control, volume-expanded (sucrose), volume-expanded and salt-loaded (salt), and volume-depleted (dehydr) rats. salt treatment Student Assignments control dchydr salt We encourage our students to use a computer spreadsheet for data analysis and graphics; consequently the class data are available on computer disk. Trends in the data become very apparent, and, if the students are familiar with standard statistical analyses, means can be compared on a statistical basis. sucrose treatment FIG. 4. Ion (A) and creatinine (B) clearances in +rnirP 100 g-l for volume-expanded (sucrose or salt), volumedepleted (dehydr), and normovolemic (control) rats. Creatinine clearance is used as a measure of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Values are means + SE (n = S/group). *Significantly different from control (P < l Each student is expected to write a scientific report that includes an introduction, a complete results section with sample calculations, and a discussion of the physiological control mechanisms demonstrated in the results. The major points we look for in the discussion are control of ADH, aldosterone, and ANP in response to volume depletion and volume expansion, and how the data reflect the regulation of these hormones. 0.05). about twofold more than that of the control animals. This reflects an increase in hypothalamic release of ADH. The mechanisms involved may include the response of the hypothalamic osmoreceptors to a slight increase in blood osmolarity, and of stretch receptors in the systemic circulation to decreased blood volume. Although GFR and sodium clearance appear to be reduced compared with control values, they are not statistically significant changes. The control sodium excretion under these conditions is complicated by the inhibitory action of elevated plasma osmolarity on the adrenal release of aldoste- VOLUME 13 : NUMBER I - ADVANCES Conclusions The ability of the mammalian nephron, in conjunction with the hypothalamus and adrenal cortex, to maintain plasma ion concentrations, osmolarity, IN PHYSIOLOGY s54 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 rone (2, 5, 6). Normally, the reduction in plasma volume due to water deprivation would stimulate increased release of renin and angiotensin II, which would enhance aldosterone release, but a slight elevation in plasma osmolarity counteracts the effects of angiotensin on the adrenal cortex, and aldosterone levels may actually fall, thus increasing sodium clearance. N I N 0 V A T I 0 N S and extracellular fluid volume is emphasized in this laboratory exercise. The regulation of GFR and plasma Na+, Cl-, and osmotic concentrations can be demonstrated through the use of volume-loaded and volume-depleted rats simply by adjusting the salt and sucrose content of the drinking water. All of the trends apparent in the classic human renal function labs are reproducible in this exercise, with the advantage that blood and urine samples can be collected and analyzed accurately without health concerns for students or ethical issues concerning the ingestion of salt- or sucrose-ladened solutions. Address for reprint Sciences, University 6 September 1994; Pbysiol. in final form and Disease. 2. Childers, J. W., enhanced B., F. L. Coe, and natriuresis and F. C. Rector. Suggested Fluid D E Electrolyte in Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 1987. E. G. Schneider. Aldosterone and the of hypertonic infusions in the dog. Am.J. Knox, F. G., and J. P. Granger. Control of sodium excretion: the kidney produces under pressure. NIPS 2: 26-29, 1987. B. Natriuretic hormone: a contribution to the development of a hypothesis. NIPS 6: 114-118, 1991. Lichardus, M. An important region for osmoregulation: anterior wall of the third ventricle. NIPS 2: 13-16, 1987. McKinley, the B. M., and S. J. Cannizzo. Establishment of optimal juxtaglomerular cell models. NIPS 9: 188-192, 1994. Rayson, VOLUME 13 : NUMBER Water channels in renal and nonrenal 1995. I - ADVANCES 11): F30-F37, Readings G. F. Role of renal nerves in edema formation. NIPS 9: 183-lSS,1994. I., and D. Brown. Physiol. 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Comparison of creatinine and inulin clearances in male and female rats. Am. J. Physiol. 209: 849-852,1965. Merrill, D. C., M. M. Skelton, and A. W. Cowley, Jr. Humoral control of water and electrolyte excretion during water restriction. Kidney ht. 29: 1152-1161, 1986. Schneider, E. G. In water deprivation, osmolality becomes an important determinant of aldosterone secretion. News Pbysiol. Sci. 5: 197-201, 1990. Cogan, physiology. References 1. Brenner, Health D 1982. R. L. Walker, Dept. of Biological Calgary, Alberta T2N lN4, Canada. accepted N IN PHYSIOLOGY s55 EDUCATION - JUNE 1995 Downloaded from on October 21, 2014 Received 1995. requests: of Calgary, A
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