16TH OCTOBER 2014 TERM 4 WEEK1 Eketahuna School Phone: 06 375 8191 Fax: 06 375 8618 office@eketahuna.school.nz www.eketahuna.school.nz !"#$%#&'#($)$*# “I Can Do It!” Kia ora everyone, and welcome back. I filled in our whiteboard calendar over the holidays and I couldn’t believe just how busy the BoT, Home and School Association, staff and students are going to be over the term. This makes for a very exciting last term, but sad too, as it means that at the end we farewell a large number of our school population – 17 Year 8’s will be off to Secondary School. On Tuesday the Home and School met to nut out final preparations for Pet Day, which is scheduled for Friday 31st October. I would like to take this opportunity to again acknowledge the awesome efforts of this hardworking group of parents. Tomorrow the whole school will be walking down to the Eketahuna Rugby Club to play the role of Hurricanes Supporters for a promotional “shoot” being done by Super Rugby publicists. Can I ask for parents/caregivers to “decorate” the kids in yellow and black and allow them to bring along flags etc., if they have them, so that we look the part. This is all in aid of the big game between the ‘Canes and the Crusaders in Eketahuna at the end of January next year. If you don’t have this kind of stuff that’s all good as everyone will still get to take part and meet some Hurricanes players as well. Woohoo! On Wednesday we had our first visit from Jets basketball player Miles Pearce, who took each class for basketball skills in the morning and then our Term 3 Friday BBall teams as well as some “prospects” for the afternoon. The big man is a natural working with kids and had them in the palm of his hand throughout the day. Thanks to Mrs. McDowall who organized this and also played the role as taxi driver for him. We look forward to more sessions to come this term. The next five school days are flat out with a visit on Friday from the Ministry of Education Property Manager and Darryl Silverwood our school architect, as we sit down A L B E R T S T. , E K E TA H U N A to sort out the Room 5 and 6 renovations. I am in Diary Palmerston North on See over page Monday to do various jobs for the school, as well as picking up our new Honours Board (thanks Home and School Association again). On Tuesday we are sending some Year 8 students to Tararua College for a transition visit and on Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs. McDowall will be attending a professional development course on making the best use of iPads. On Wednesday the BoT will meet to look at the School Charter, Strategic and Annual Plans and Coach Miles Pearce will be out again for basketball. The school photographers will be here again on Thursday to take a whole school photo, Kapahaka and Hockey photos and at staff meeting our “Learning with Digital Technologies” facilitator will be present to continue her professional development with staff. Finally on Friday I will be at the Bush Schools Principals meeting in Pahiatua where we will put together next year’s events calendar for the cluster schools and discuss current issues. On Saturday and Sunday it’s the weekend! University is my focus for this part of the newsletter, courtesy of the Grapevine magazine so here goes:You might be a University student if... • You live in a house with 3 couches, none of which match. • You consider a McDonald’s cheeseburger a balanced meal. • You’ve ever seen two consecutive sunrises without sleeping. • Your underwear supply dictates when it’s time to do the washing. • • • • You can pack your worldly possessions into the back of a ute. You average less than 3 hours sleep a night. Your idea of “doing your hair” is putting on a baseball cap. You celebrate when you find 50c Enjoy the weekend Go the All Blacks! Nick Tararua District Council Junior Sportsperson of the Year Nominee: Wade Bengston for his sucess in motorcross competitions Diary October Friday 17th: Assembly 2pm. Room 6 on duty. All welcome Wednesday 22nd: BoT Special Meeting to work on Charter Thursday 23rd: Whole school photo Friday 24th: Assembly 2pm. Room 5 on duty. All welcome Book Club orders in today Monday 27th: Labour Day - no school today Friday 31st: Pet Day November change! Dates subject to school Always ring the office if unsure The awards will be held @ the Eketahuna Community Hall on Friday, 17 October Thursday 6th: Room 6 Fun Run Friday 7th: Assembly 2pm. Room 2 on duty. All welcome Tuesday 11th: Vintage Car Club visit Wednesday 12th: BoT meeting, 7pm in the school staffroom. All welcome Thursday 13th: Bush Ag Day Friday 14th: School Athletics Monday 17th: Tararua College Orientation Day for Y8’s Tuesday 18th: PP day for Athletics Wednesday 19 - 21st: Room 6 Camp Friday 21st: Assembly 2pm. Room 1 & 2 on duty. All welcome Wednesday 26th: Road Patrol treat Thursday 27th: Road Safety Show for R 1 & 2 Friday 28th: Bush Athletics December Friday 5th: Bush Minor Sports Wednesday 10th: BoT meeting, 7pm in the school staffroom. All welcome Friday 12th: Assembly 2pm. All welcome Monday 15th: Prizegiving Wednesday 17: Term 4 ends Reports out today !"#$"#"%&#"$'(%)&*+ !",-.&")'"&#)"%/#*.%"#(0" 1-%/+ !",-.&"2#)&*"1,'2-(3"'("$&+ 45"67'))"89::5 ;''$"< RULES GOVERNING THE COMPETITION OF THE BUSH DISTRICTS BOYS AND GIRLS AGRICULTURAL CLUB REVISED JULY 2011 !"#$%&' !"( #"# $" %" &" 6. +,,#-"./'0&"12#.%2'#/%/4,2#"5#614.$17#8-)"",#+9': Only calves born on or after August 1st will be eligible to enter. Only heifer calves may be entered, except that the Beef Breed shall comprise of heifer and steer calves. All calves must be handled and cared for by the competitor. Calves may be Crossbred, Grade, or Pedigree stock of any Dairy Breed for the dairy classes. Dairy calves will be Judged in the following classes a) Care and attention b) Dairy Type c) Leading and General Conduct At the Group Judging, Separate Competitions will be held for Jersey, Friesian and Other Breeds. Beef Calves will be judged in the following classes: a) Beef Type b) Care and Attention c) Leading and General Conduct. Plus any Classes the Club approves 7. NO TRIMMING, CLIPPING OR OILING, will be allowed, as this will result in disqualification of the calf. Washing is permitted. 8. A Feature of the Judging will be leading and all calves should be trained to lead fully by halter, with the handler standing to the left hand side of the calf. A leather halter is desirable. 9. Competitions will be held in three divisions; 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Junior - Years 1, 2 & 3 Intermediate - Years 4, 5 & 6 Senior - Years 7 & 8 Place winners will receive ribbons and in certain cases, trophies Judges to be appointed on a three yearly rotation Year 1 - Leading Year 2 - Care and Attention Year 3 – Type Champion for each class to be decided from 1st place getters from Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes then 2nd place getters to the Champion to be brought in for Judging of Reserve. All three judges are to judge Supreme Champion Calf on the current points system. Competitors may only show 1 animal - either a calf or a lamb. A disputes Committee will be appointed by the Club Committee. Lambs; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All competitors must be pupils of primary School Age. Only lambs born on or after August 1st will be eligible to enter. The lambs must be handled and cared for by the competitor. All lambs must be taught to lead, with the handler standing to the left hand side of the lamb. The lamb must be shown in their natural condition. NO CLIPPING, TRIMMING OR WASHING will be allowed, except tail cleaning which is permitted. Brushing of lambs is now allowed, but will not advantage them in any classes. 6. Competitions will be in three divisions; Junior – Years 1, 2 & 3 Intermediate – Years 4, 5 & 6 Senior – Years 7 & 8 7. Lambs will be judged in the following classes; a) Pet Lambs b) Best Blackface. Type as it appears to Meat Breeds, to be taken in conjunction with rearing. c) Best Romney. Type to be judged purely on best Romney type sheep, to be taken in conjunction with rearing. d) Best Other Breeds. To be taken in conjunction with rearing. e) Best Export, All breeds are eligible to be judged on export carcass. 8. Champion Lamb for each class to be decided from 1st place getters from Junior, Intermediate and Senior classes then 2nd place getters to the Champion to be brought in for judging of Reserve. 9. Supreme Champion Lamb to be chosen from Champions of classes Pet Lamb, Blackface, Romney, Best Other Breeds and Export, and all judges are to judge this class on the current points system. 10. Competitors may only show 1 animal – either a calf or a lamb. 11. A disputes Committee will be appointed by the Club Committee. Please save for us...... • supermarket bags • (green, stripey, grey but NOT plain white or clear!) • fizzy drink bottle caps • florist wire We will be making flowers out of the bags and tops for Pet Day. !"#$%&%'()*+,('%$-&$%$-('(%&'(%.+/0%1%2((3#%/(4$%4.'%5..)%6%$.%"#(%$-(*'%2..,2.'3*+7%8(+9-:%;,"/$% <./"+$(('#%&'(%+((,(,%#.%$-&$%$-(%9-*/,'(+%9&+%-&<(%&+%.==.'$"+*$0%$.%$'0%9'(&$*+7%#.)($-*+7%4'.)%2..,:% >4%0."%9&+%#=&'(%&+%-."'%.'%$2.%=/(&#(%/($%"#%3+.2? @-&+3%0." ;7(+,&%*$()#%4.'%$-(%A.@ ;7(+,&%4.'%$-(%A.&',%.4%@'"#$((B#%)(($*+7% .+ @-"'#,&0%6C$-%D.<()8(' 2*//%9/.#(%@-"'#,&0%E$-%D.<()8('%&$%1=): >4%0."%-&<(%&+0%*$()#%0."%4((/%#-."/,%8(%.+% $-(%A.@%&7(+,&%=/(&#(%9.+$&9$% F&'((%5(,*+7$.+% GHIE%EJKHL%8(4.'(%$-*#%$*)(: ;+0%*$()#%4.'%$-(%A.@%&7(+,&%2*//%+((,%$.%8(% &99.)=&+*(,%80%&%2'*$$(+%."$/*+(M%#.%$-(%A.@% 9&+%='(=&'(%&+0%*+4.')&$*.+%$-(0%+((,%$.% 9.+#$'"9$*<(/0%,*#9"##%$-(#(%*$()#:% !"##$%&'$"%'!()$$*'&)%$"+)',"-*'.$%'!()$$*/' 0$%&)."-*/'1$23&-/'45'(-2&/'.$%'-6-%7' 855' 9:&%-/' $. ' ;"*<' ."-*' &)3&' 7$"' )36-' 1-*:6-%-1'&$'"/= >-' (32' &)-2' %-1--?' &)-/-' ."21/' .$%' 3' &-()2$*$+7' #3(<3+-' $%' /#$%&/' -@":#?-2&'#3(<3+-A':&/'&)3&'-3/7= Phone 0800 999 986 Pet Day Entry Form Child’s Name: ......................................................................................... Animal’s Name: ...................................................................................... Type of Animal: Lamb Calf Please circle Other Pet ...................................... (no dogs, sorry) Junior (NE, Y1 -3), Intermediate (Y4, 5 & 6), Senior (Y7 & 8) Please circle Signed: Please return to the school office www.northfuels.co.nz Carwash this Sunday @ Rowden Auto’s yard from 10am onwards. There will be a barbeque and cakes for sale. Raising money for Eke cheerleading outfits. The Alfredton Horse Sports AGM will be held tonight Thursday 16th October 2014 at 7.30pm at the Alfredton Hall. Mrs Rachael Fouhy is stepping down as President and the Committee will need someone to fill this role. Any suggestions or enquiries, please contact Rose-Marie McGhie on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²$7A#$$$$$@/(J2$K(B(-L$ $ ,ĞĂƉƐŽĨ^WKdWZ/^͊! 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