Kuopio, 12–13 March 2015 Symposium Program Scientific programme Wednesday, 11.3.2015 Tutorials directed to students 15:15– 15:20 Short introduction on purpose of NOSA tutorials 15:20– 15:25 Overview of PHD schools in 2015 15:30– 16:30 Mikael Ehn: The importance of low volatility vapors in secondary organic aerosol formation Break 16:30– 16:45 16:45– 17:45 Ilona Riipinen: Modeling the impact of organics on aerosol particle size distributions and CCN concentrations 17:45 Bus transportation to the Ice Breaker (Tietoteknia-Kuopio Art Museum) Ice Breaker 18:00– 19:30 Ice breaker, Kuopio Art Museum, Kauppakatu 35 Internet access Wireless: Password: UEF-CONF Naantali Thursday, 12.3.2015 (Registration desk open 08:30 - 17:30) 09:00– 09:05 Welcome, Rector Jukka Mönkkönen, Professor Kari Lehtinen Oral Session 1, topic: Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions 09:05– 09:45 Plenary Lecture by Athanasios Nenes: Understanding the impacts of human activities on atmospheric particles, clouds, storms and climate 09:45– 10:00 Juha Tonttila: Explicit representation of subgrid variability in cloud microphysics yields weaker aerosol indirect effect in the ECHAM5.5-HAM2 climate model 10:00– 10:15 Jan Julin: Investigating the regional scale impacts of amine-sulphuric acid nucleation 10:15– 10:45 Coffee and exhibition 10:45– 11:00 Olli Väisänen: Hygroscopic properties of interstitial particles and cloud droplet residuals: Preliminary results from the PuCE 2014 field campaign Narges Rastak: Connecting the solubility and CCN activation of complex organic aerosols: A theoretical study using the Solubility Basis Set (SBS) Hao Wang: Effects of humidity conditions on hygroscopicity of freshly nucleated particles Ditte Mogensen: Boreal forest ecosystem oxidation capacity: first ever modelled reactivities of O3 and NO3 11:00– 11:15 11:15– 11:30 11:30– 11:45 11:45– 12:45 Lunch, Restaurant Amica Tietoteknia 12:45– 13:45 FAAR annual meeting, Tietoteknia Auditorium Oral Session 1 continues 13:45– 14:00 Julia Hammes: Carboxylic acid oxidation products from limonene ozonolysis and their role in SOA formation 14:00– 14:15 Matti P. Rissanen: Formation of highly oxidized multifunctional compounds by autoxidation of cyclohexenes 14:15– 14:30 Anna Lutz: Estimation of partitioning activity coefficients for organic acids 14:30– 15:00 Coffee and exhibition Oral Session 2, topic: Aerosol-Based Nanotechnology 15:00– 15:40 Plenary Lecture by Lutz Mädler: Material libraries from aerosol synthesis 15:40– 15:55 15:55– 16:10 16:10– 16:25 Poster Session 16:25– 18:00 Janne Haapanen: High-speed fabrication of superhydrophobic nanocoating by Liquid Flame Spray Jarno Ruusunen: Gas phase synthesis of iron nanoparticles with simultaneous reaction and dilution Tommi Karhunen: Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles synthesised with a modified flame spray pyrolysis Poster session, Tietoteknia, next to the Auditorium 18:00 Bus transportation to the Symposium Dinner: Tietoteknia-Market squarePuijonsarvi-Scandic 19:00– Dinner, NOSA Aerosologist award, FAAR awards, Best Poster award, Hotel Scandic, Satamakatu 1 Friday, 13.3.2015 (Registration desk open 08:30 - 17:00) Oral Session 3, topics: Ice Nucleation; Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions 09:00– 09:40 Plenary Lecture by Corinna Hoose: Representation of heterogeneous ice nucleation in cloud-resolving, mesoscale and global models 09:40– 09:55 Frank Stratmann: Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Biological and Mineral Dust Particles 09:55– 10:10 Jonathan Duplissy: Ice Nucleation Chambers for CRAICC 10:10– 10:40 Coffee and exhibition 10:40– 10:55 Gillian Young: Relating Aerosol Properties to Cloud Microphysics Observed during the ACCACIA Campaign: An ESEM/EDX Study Mikko Sipilä: Molecular steps of coastal particle formation on the west coast of Ireland Oona Kupiainen-Määttä: A new method for determining collision and evaporation rates from measured cluster distributions Siddharth Iyer: Modeling the Detection of Organic and Inorganic Compounds Using Iodide-based Chemical Ionization 10:55– 11:10 11:10– 11:25 11:25– 11:40 11:40– 12:30 Lunch, Restaurant Amica Tietoteknia 12:30– 13:30 NOSA annual meeting, Tietoteknia Auditorium Oral Session 4, topic: Source-Specific Emissions and Health 13:30– 14:10 Plenary Lecture by Pasi Jalava: Current status of biomass combustion aerosol toxicity research 14:10– 14:25 Ralf Zimmermann: Composition and biological effects of aerosols from ship diesel engine and wood combustion compliances: Joint analysis of aerosol properties and the molecular biological effects on human lung cells 14:25– 14:40 Panu Karjalainen: Nanoparticle emissions from modern gasoline fueled passenger cars 14:40– 15:00 Coffee and exhibition 15:00– 15:15 Jani Leskinen: Effective density and morphology of particles emitted from wood combustion Ala Muala: Effects Of Experimental Wood Smoke Exposure In Healthy Human Subjects Johan Martinsson: Relationship between light absorbing carbonaceous particulate emissions and biomass combustion conditions Hilkka Timonen: Chemical characterization of primary and secondary aerosol in flexible-fuel engine emissions Otto Hänninen: Climate change, air quality health effects across Europe sensitivity to climate, anthropogenic emissions, population and building stock The award for best student oral presentation, Closing remarks, Farewell 15:15– 15:30 15:30– 15:45 15:45– 16:00 16:00– 16:15 16:15– 16:30 Invited Speakers Topic: Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions Athanasios Nenes Professor & Georgia Power Faculty Scholar School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, USA http://nenes.eas.gatech.edu/ Topic: Ice Nucleation Corinna Hoose Professor & Group Leader Helmholtz-University Young Investigators Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Aerosol Research Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Karlsruhe, Germany https://www.imk-aaf.kit.edu/44_302.php Topic: Source-Specific Emissions and Health Pasi Jalava Senior Researcher Inhalation Toxicology Laboratory Department of Environmental Science University of Eastern Finland Kuopio, Finland http://www.uef.fi/fi/intola/pasij Topic: Aerosol-Based Nanotechnology Lutz Mädler Professor & Director Process & Chemical Engineering Department of Production Engineering University of Bremen Bremen, Germany http://www.iwt-bremen.de/en/process-chemical-engineering/lutz-maedler.html Exhibitions AERODYNE RESEARCH, Inc. Website: www.aerodyne.com Aerodyne Research, Inc. (ARI) has provided research and development (R&D) services to commercial and government clients working to solve national and international problems since 1970. Our R&D staff is organized into six technology centers which address such critical issues as global and regional environmental quality and development of clean and efficient energy and propulsion technologies. In conjunction with ARI’s research activities, we also manufacture and sell high sensitivity, fast time response instrumentation for environmental air quality monitoring and atmospheric research. These instruments include Aerosol Mass Spectrometers, Quantum Cascade Laser Trace Gas Detectors, Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (ACSM), Particle Optical Extinction (CAPS PMex) monitors, and ultrasensitive nitrogen dioxide (CAPS NO2) monitors. ARI also designs, builds and utilizes remote sensing, surveillance, image processing, tracking and recognition systems for commercial and environmental applications and national defense. AIRMODUS Oy Website: www.airmodus.com Airmodus technologies are filling the gap between aerosol particle size distribution measurements and gas phase monitoring. Nucleation researchers can observe clusters of molecules and the nucleated particles when they are as small as 1 nm. And, further learn about the growth of the particles by using the activation spectra of 1-3 nm particles. Airmodus offers Particle Size Magnifier systems that allow you to detect particles as small as 1 nm in diameter; easy to use Condensation Particle Counters with a cut-off size fit for your measurement needs; and special mass spectrometer inlets for the detection of challenging gaseous compounds (e.g. sulfuric acid, ammonia, amines). Please stop by at our roll-up poster at NOSA-FAAR 2015 for more information. DEKATI Ltd. Website: www.dekati.com Dekati Ltd. has provided high quality instrumentation for fine particle measurements successfully for over 20 years. Our measurement solutions include complete fine particle measurement setups consisting of both sample conditioning and particle detection for <10 μm particles. Our mission is to provide our customers with innovative fine particle measurement solutions that guarantee accurate results even in demanding environments, and thus the development of new Dekati ® Products is carried out in close co-operation with the world’s leading universities and companies. All Dekati ® Instruments are developed, manufactured and calibrated in Finland with strict quality requirements and provided with a standard two year warranty. Dekati ® Instruments are used for example in the following application areas: • Combustion Processes (Diesel, Gasoline, Oil, Coal, Bio-fuels etc.) • Environmental Ambient Aerosol Research and Monitoring • Occupational Health and Safety Measurements • Pharmaceutical Drug Screening and Inhaler R&D • Nanotechnology and Material Processing Visit www.dekati.com for more details on our company and our products, or contact us at sales@dekati.fi for further information. You are also welcome to visit us at our booth at the NOSA-FAAR2015. HUGO TILLQUIST AB Website: www.tillquist.com/miljoteknik Hugo Tillquist AB proudly presents the merger of Oleico AB that were finalized during 2014. The well-known company in the business since the past over 40 years, Oleico AB, is now a part of Hugo Tillquist AB – the new business area environmental offers a complete ”toolbox” of analysers, systems and services in the particulate and gas analyser/monitoring field. Working together with well-known manufacturers, such as Palas, we offer analysers and systems with great performance and high quality. Please visit us in the exhibition area. INHALATION SCIENCES Website: www.inhalation.se Inhalation Sciences’ platform for aerosolizing dry powders, PreciseInhale, is used by a wide range of universities and research institutes including Kings College London and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Toxicological and environmental respiratory research was central to the development of PreciseInhale, it was originally invented for research into radioactive diesel dust dosimetry in the lungs at the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in the US. It continues to deliver unique capabilities and major cost benefits to researchers today. PreciseInhale is a one-animal-at-a-time system with a range of both in vivo and in vitro exposure modules. A full PK study typically requires just 50 mg of test substance. It delivers an exceptionally even lung distribution with a typical standard deviation of <10% on delivered dose. The system’s in vitro module, DissolvIt, is valued highly for its uniquely accurate simulation of dissolution and absorption of respirable particles in the lung, and pharmacokinetic curve profiles that include both Cmax and Tmax data. Another highly valued in vitro module enables cell culture exposure of airborne particles, and the additional option of the study of dissolution and absorption. LaminarPace, Inhalation Sciences’ spray drying micronization system typically requires just 10 – 500 mg of test substance per batch. It is specially tailored to handle small particles down to 1-5µm (microns.) Unlike other systems it operates at room temperature, so even delicate substances remain active after being micronized. To learn more about Inhalation Sciences AB please visit: http://www.inhalation.se/ TSI, Inc. Website: www.tsi.com As an international leader in measurement technology for over 50 years, TSI Incorporated designs and manufactures precision instruments which are recognized worldwide. During NOSA-FAAR 2015, the TSI team will present: - Its 3rd generation of Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer SMPS ® which delivers a high level of sizing accuracy, scans very fast (below 10 s) and offers a color touchscreen display for easy operation. - The new Electrospray Aerosol Generator with Soft-X-Ray neutralizer which generates high concentrations of particles in the 2 to >150 nm size range. Combination with the SMPS allows sizing of nanoparticles or macromolecules. Stop by at our booth and learn more about our products! Poster Presentations • P001: Anttila, T., Dal Maso, M., and Lehtinen, K. E. J.: Analytical expression for the gas/particle equilibration time scale and its numerical evaluation • P002: Aurela, M., Teinilä, K., Hillamo, R., Saarikoski, S., Paglione, M., and Gilardoni, S.: Chemical composition of submicron aerosol in PoValley in winter 2014 • P003: Avagyan, R., Sadiktsis, I., Bergvall, C., and Westerholm, R.: Tire tread wear particles in ambient air - a previously unknown source of human exposure to the biocide 2-mercaptobenzothiazole • P004: Baranizadeh, E., Murphy, B. N., Ahlm, L., Fountoukis, C., Pandis, S. N., Virtanen, A., Laaksonen, A., and Riipinen, I.: The effect of cloud properties on photolysis rates and new particle formation: Results from the 3-D regional CTM PMCAMx-UF • P005: Batenburg, A. M., Gaston, C., Thornton, J. A., and Virtanen, A.: The effect of organic aerosol material on aerosol reactivity towards ozone • P006: Berg Malmborg, V., Shen, M., Eriksson, A. C., Waldheim, B. B. O., Gallo, Y., Martinsson, J., Nilsson, P., Andersson, Ö., Johansson, B., and Pagels, J. H.: Absorption and chemical properties of combustion cycle resolved in-cylinder diesel soot • P007: Bergman, T., Laaksonen, A., Mielonen, T., Korhonen, H., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Dunne, E., Malila, J., Arola, A., Kühn, T., and Kokkola, H.: Behavior of amine-enhanced nucleation in ECHAM5-SALSA • P008: Brus, D., Asmi, E., Aurela, M., Devoto, F., Doulgeris, K., Hatakka, J., Hillamo, R., Laurila, T., Lihavainen, H., O'Connor, E., Rouhe, E., Saarikoski, S., and Timonen, H.: Skyvan flights during BAECC campaign • P009: Butcher, A. C., Bork, N. C., and Johnson, M. S.: Inorganic aerosol production from industrial corona discharge • P010: Cesnulyte, V., Lindfors, A. V., Pitkänen, M. R. A., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Morcrette, J. J., Benedetti, A., and Arola, A.: Comparing ECMWF AOD with AERONET observations at visible and UV wavelengths • P011: Chen, X., Paatero, J., Kerminen, V.-M., Franchin, A., Manninen, H., Petäjä, T., and Kulmala, M.: Environmental radioactivity and air ion formation in the lower atmosphere • P012: Dalirian, M., Keskinen, H., Ahlm, L., Ylisirniö, A., Laaksonen, A., Virtanen, A., and Riipinen, I.: CCN activation of insoluble silica aerosols mixed with soluble pollutants • P013: Doulgeris, K.-M., Brus, D., and Asmi, E.: Finnish Meteorological Institute Aerosol Cloud Interaction Tube ( FMI- ACIT) • P014: Dunne, E. M., Kokkola, H., Lee, L. A., Romakkaniemi, S., and Korhonen, H.: Emulation of Cloud-Aerosol Indirect Radiative Effects (SA-ECLAIRE) • P015: Ehn, M., Rissanen, M., Jokinen, T., Kurtén, T., Junninen, H., Sipilä, M., Berndt, T., Kulmala, M., and Worsnop, D.: Insights into the formation pathways of extremely low-volatile organic compounds • P016: Eisner, A. D., Brixey, L. A., Stokes, R. C., Wiener, R. W., Gray, M., and Thornburg, J.: Quantitative determination of reaerosolization of anthrax and its surrogates from representative outdoor surfaces • P017: Faiola, C. L., Pajunoja, A., Kari, E., Väisänen, O., Garmash, O., Peräkylä, O., Liqing, H., YliJuuti, T., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Ehn, M., and Virtanen, A.: Evaporation kinetics of secondary organic aerosol generated from alpha-pinene oxidation • P018: Giannakaki, E., Pfüller, A., Korhonen, K., Mielonen, T., Laakso, L., Vakkari, V., Baars, H., Engelmann, R., Beukes, J. P., Van Zyl, P. G., Josipovic, M., Tiitta, P., Chiloane, K., Piketh, S., Lihavainen, H., Lehtinen, K. E. J., and Komppula, M.: Lidar observations of free tropospheric aerosol layers and their contribution to columnar aerosol optical depth in South Africa • P019: Grigonyte, J., Nuutinen, I., Koponen, T., Lamberg, H., Tissari, J., Jokiniemi, J., and Sippula, O.: Use of heat exchanger for efficient fine particle precipitation in small-scale combustion • P020: Hänninen, O., Asikainen, A., Niittynen, M., Geels, C., and Brandt, J.: Century wide energy efficiency road map for buildings and impact on particle size specific PM infiltration • P021: Hansen, A. M. K., Hong, J., Kristensen, K., Ylisirniö, A., Virtanen, A., Petäjä, T., Glasius, M., and Prisle, N. L.: Hygroscopic growth and critical super-saturation of limonene-derived organosulfates and their mixtures with ammonium sulfate • P022: Hao, L. Q., Kortelainen, A., Romakkaniemi, S., Portin, H., Jaatinen, A., Leskinen, A., Komppula, M., Miettinen, P., Sueper, D., Pajunoja, A., Smith, J. N., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Worsnop, D. R., Laaksonen, A., and Virtanen, A.: Determination of particulate organic nitrate formation by AMS • P023: Happo, M. S., Vartiainen, P., Jalava, P. I., Uski, O., Kuuspalo, K., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Jokiniemi, J., and Hirvonen, M.-R.: A new direct inhalation exposure method for investigating combustion emission induced adverse health effects in mice • P024: Harra, J., Haapanen, J., Virkki, M., Sorvali, M., Juuti, P., Honkanen, M., Genty, G., Kauranen, M., and Mäkelä, J. M.: How to avoid particle-particle contacts between deposited silver nanoparticles? • P025: Heikkinen, L., Äijälä, M., Ehn, M., Petäjä, T., Kulmala, M., and Worsnop, D.: Seasonal variation of aerosol chemical composition in the boreal forest • P026: Henschel, H., Kupiainen-Määttä, O., Olenius, T., Kurtén, T., and Vehkamäki, H.: The effect of hydration on particle formation rates in the sulfuric acid/amine system derived from quantum chemistry • P027: Hillamo, R., Teinilä, K., Timonen, H., Aurela, M., Saarikoski, S., Salonen, R. O., Linnainmaa, M., Reyes, F., Vasquez, Y., Oyola, P., Cubison, M. J., and Worsnop, D. R.: Online mass spectrometric composition analysis of particulate matter in mines • P028: Högström, R., Quincey, P., Sarantaridis, D., Lüönd, F., Nowak, A., Jordan-Gerkens, A., Riccobono, F., Tuch, T., Iida, K., Sakurai, H., Owen, M., Heinonen, M., Keskinen, J., and Yli-Ojanperä, J.: Current best accuracy of particle number concentration measurements • P029: Hong, J., Nieminen, T., Duplissy, J., Äijälä, M., Hao, L., Sarnela, N., Kulmala, M., Petäjä, T., and Kerminen, V.-M.: Hygroscopic properties of ambient aerosols during new particle formation events • P030: Hussein, T., Wierzbicka, A., Löndahl, J., Lazaridis, M., and Hänninen, O.: A combined approach for virtual reality model simulation to calculate the personal inhaled deposited dose of aerosol particles indoors and outdoors • P031: Huttunen, J., Myhre, G., Mielonen, T., Mikkonen, S., Lindfors, A. V., Lehtinen, K. E. J., and Arola, A.: Aerosol direct radiative effect efficiency, aerosol optical properties and surface albedo comparison between simulations of models and results derived with observations • P032: Hyttinen, N., Rissanen, M. P., Kupiainen-Määttä, O., Ehn, M., and Kurtén, T.: Modeling the detection of highly oxidized cyclohexene ozonolysis products using nitrate-based chemical ionization • P033: Ignatius, K., Kristensen, T. B., Herenz, P., Wex, H., and Stratmann, F.: A new ice nuclei counter SPIN: characterization and comparison to LACIS • P034: Ingemar, J. L., Bluhme, A. B., Meusinger, C., Butcher, A., and Johnson, M. S.: Gas phase advanced oxidation model development and verification using actinometry • P035: Jaatinen, A., Miettinen, P., Romakkaniemi, S., Gilardoni, S., and Virtanen, A.: CCN activation and aerosol hygroscopicity during autumn 2011 in Po Valley, Italy • P036: Jakobsson, J., Aaltonen, L., Nicklasson, H., Wollmer, P., and Löndahl, J.: Lung diagnosis by recovery of inhaled nanoparticles: evaluation of the Airspace Dimension Test within the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study • P037: Järvinen, A., Kuuluvainen, H., Niemi, J. V., Saari, S., Dal Maso, M., Pirjola, L., Hillamo, R., Janka, K., Keskinen, J., and Rönkkö, T.: Diffusion charger based monitoring of urban aerosols • P038: Juuti, P., Arffman, A., Rostedt, A., Harra, J., Mäkelä, J. M., and Keskinen, J.: Simple real-time effective density and quality monitor for nanoparticles • P039: Kangasluoma, J., Attoui, M., Junninen, H., Lehtipalo, K., Sarnela, N., Schmidt-Ott, A., Kulmala, M., and Petäjä, T.: Generation, characterization and sizing of neutral sub-3 nm metal clusters • P040: Kari, E., Hao, L. Q., Yli-Pirilä, P., Faiola, C., and Virtanen, A.: The effect of biogenic volatile organic compounds on aging of compounds emitted from anthropogenic sources • P041: Kasurinen, S., Jalava, P. I., Happo, M. S., Rönkkö, T., Sippula, O., Kortelainen, M., Koponen, H., Jokiniemi, J., and Hirvonen, M.-R.: Cytotoxicity caused by emission particles from different wood species • P042: Kim, J., Keskinen, H., Vaattovaara, P., Miettinen, P., Joutsensaari, J., and Virtanen, A.: Hygroscopic properties of nanoparticles produced from homogeneous nucleation of sulfuric acid and dimethylamine or α-pinene during CLOUD 7 campaign • P043: Kokkola, H., Laaksoviita, T., and Arola, A.: Contribution of water to aerosol optical depth • P044: Kontkanen, J., Olenius, T., Lehtipalo, K., Vehkamäki, H., and Kulmala, M.: Investigating the growth of atmospheric molecular clusters based on appearance times and collision-evaporation fluxes • P045: Korhonen, K., Virtanen, A., and Komppula, M.: Portable ice nuclei counter SPIN: Key specifications, principle of operation and the first experiments • P046: Kortelainen, A., Hao, L. Q., Tiitta, P., Jaatinen, A., Miettinen, P., Kulmala, M., Smith, J. N., Laaksonen, A., Worsnop, D. R., and Virtanen, A.: Tracking of organic sources at Finnish boreal forest area • P047: Kortelainen, M., Sippula, O., Tiitta, P., Lamberg, H., Leskinen, J., Grigonyte, J., Tissari, J., Zimmermann, R., and Jokiniemi, J.: Particulate and gaseous emissions of birch, beech and spruce combusted in a modern masonry heater • P048: Kristensson, A., Pei, X. Y., Psichoudaki, M., Thomson, E. S., Mauritzson, N., Eriksson, A., Pathak, R., Kuuluvainen, H., Svenningsson, B., and Pettersson, J.: The origin of particles at Vavihill • P049: Kühn, T., Lipponen, A., Romakkaniemi, S., Kolehmainen, V., Kokkola, H., and Laaksonen, A.: Reducing approximation errors in cloud droplet formation in a global climate model • P050: Kyrö, E.-M., Kerminen, V.-M., Petäjä, T., Virkkula, A., and Kulmala, M.: Feedback mechanisms modifying the aerosol concentrations in the changing polar climate – new biogenic and anthropogenic sources for secondary aerosols • P051: Laakso, A., Partanen, A.-I., Kokkola, H., Niemeier, U., Timmreck, C., Lehtinen, K. E. J., and Korhonen, H.: Effects of the large volcanic eruption during the solar radiation management • P052: Lähde, A., Koshevoy, I., Karhunen, T., Torvela, T., Pakkanen, T. A., and Jokiniemi, J.: Formation of ultrafine AuNPs in the aerosol synthesis • P053: Lamberg, H., Tissari, J., Pyykönen, J., Sippula, O., Ruusunen, J., Ihalainen, M., and Jokiniemi, J.: Simple diluting sampling method for type testing of particulate mass emissions from small-scale wood combustion appliances • P054: Leskinen, A., Yli-Pirilä, P., Hao, L., Kim, J., Torvela, T., Asmi, E., Brus, D., Grigonyte, J., Jaatinen, A., Kari, E., Kortelainen, A., Kuuspalo, K., Lamberg, H., Leskinen, J., Makkonen, U., Miettinen, P., Nuutinen, I., Raatikainen, T., Sippula, O., Hakola, H., Jokiniemi, J., Virtanen, A., Komppula, M., and Lehtinen, K. E. J.: Aging of exhausts from diesel vehicle and pellet boiler, and their mixture in an environmental chamber • P055: Löndahl, J., Markowicz, P., Wierzbicka, A., Suleimanc, R., Shihadeh, A., and Larsson, L.: Exposure to microbial compounds from waterpipe tobacco smoke • P056: Lyster, K., Butcher, A., Meusinger, C., and Johnson, M. S.: Filterbased TD-GC-MS Analysis of Organic Aerosol • P057: Määttänen, A., and Douspis, M.: Using the Monte Carlo Markov Chain method to estimate contact parameter temperature dependence • P058: Määttänen, A., Julin, J., Merikanto, J., Ortega, I. K., and Vehkamäki, H.: Improved parameterization for H2SO4 - H2O nucleation • P059: Malila, J., McGraw, R., Laaksonen, A., and Lehtinen, K. E. J.: Application of the first nucleation theorem into cases with subcritical cluster loss • P060: Massling, A., Bossi, R., Nøjgaard, J. K., Sørensen, L. L., Jensen, B., Nielsen, I. E., Rasch, M., and Skov, H.: The new Villum Research Station (VRS) at Station Nord, North Greenland • P061: Mielonen, T., Bergman, T., Lipponen, A., Laakso, A., Pitkänen, M., Arola, A., Schuster, G. L., Schutgens, N., Romakkaniemi, S., and Kokkola, H.: The inclusion of brown carbon aerosols in the echam-hammoz aerosol-climate model • P062: Miettinen, M., Torvela, T., Pfüller, C., Hokkinen, J., Ramsteiner, M., Modesto-Lopez, L., Jokiniemi, J., and Lähde, A.: Structure of "multi-layer graphene-carbon nanoflower" composite • P063: Mikkonen, S., Romakkaniemi, S., and Lehtinen, K. E. J.: Nonlinear proxy function for atmospheric hydroxyl radical concentration • P064: Muala, A., Nicklasson, H., Boman, C., Swietlicki, E., Nyström, R., Pettersson, E., Bosson, J. A., Rissler, J., Blomberg, A., Sandström, T., and Löndahl, J.: Respiratory tract deposition of inhaled wood smoke particle in healthy volunteers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • P065: Mylläri, F., Asmi, E., Saukko, E., Lihavainen, H., Häyrinen, A., Rautiainen, J., Hillamo, R., Pirjola, L., Keskinen, J., and Rönkkö, T.: Atmospheric dilution and dispersion of particles and SO2 emitted by a coal fired power plant • P066: Nguyen, Q. T., Butcher, A. C., King, S. M., and Bilde, M.: Probing the organic fraction of nascent sea spray aerosol using volatility • P067: Nieminen, T., Yli-Juuti, T., Manninen, H. E., Petäjä, T., Kerminen, V.-M., and Kulmala, M.: Predictions of atmospheric particle formation probability in Hyytiälä, Finland • P068: Nyström, R., Nordin, E. Z., Pagels, J. H., Blomberg, A., Sandström, T., and Boman, C.: A novel set-up for source characterization and human exposures of biomass combustion aerosols • P069: Nyström, R., Sadiktsis, I., Ahmed, T. M., Westerholm, R., Koegler, J., Mudway, I. S., Blomberg, A., Sandström, T., and Boman, C.: Properties of biodiesel exhaust particles from two non-road engines • P070: Olin, M., and Dal Maso, M.: Modelling particle distribution using combined power-law and lognormal distribution model • P071: Pajunoja, A., Leong, Y. J., Taylor, N., Collins, D., Cerully, K. M., Nenes, A., Hu, W., Jimenez, J., and Virtanen, A.: A hygroscopicity closure study coupled with measurements of chemical composition and physical phase state of ambient aerosols in the southeastern united states • P072: Pakarinen, O. H., and Vehkamäki, H.: Modelling heterogeneous nucleation of ice • P073: Pei, X. Y., Pathak, R. K., Eriksson, A. C., Ahlberg, E., Nordin, E. Z., Pagels, J. H., Swietlicki, E., and Hallquist, M.: Effects of coating of sulphuric acid and limonene soa on the mass-mobility relationship of soot particles • P074: Pennanen, A., Pulkkinen, A.-M., Asikainen, A., Vainiotalo, S., Säämänen, A., Tuomi, T., and Salonen, R. O.: VOCs and ordinary dust responsible for impaired air quality in indoor football arenas with artificial turf fields • P075: Pihlava, K., Keskinen, J., and Yli-Ojanperä, J.: Highly reproducible method to determinate particle mass and density • P076: Pitkänen, M. R. A., Schuster, G., Mielonen, T., Kokkola, H., Dubovik, O., Lindfors, A. V., Lehtinen, K. E. J., and Arola, A.: Estimate of the radiative effect of brown carbon using AERONET products • P077: Portin, H., Ruuskanen, A., Leskinen, A., Virtanen, A., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Romakkaniemi, S., and Komppula, M.: The effect of local emissions on aerosol-cloud interactions at Puijo measurement station • P078: Prisle, N. L., Werner, J., Walz, M.-M., Ekholm, V., Öhrwall, G., and Björneholm, O.: Variation of surface properties for atmospheric surfactant solutions with environmental parameters observed directly using synchrotron XPS • P079: Pulkkinen, A.-M., Pennanen, A. S., and Salonen, R. O.: Filtration potential of outdoor PNC, PM2.5 and PM10 – a pilot study • P080: Pullinen, I., Wildt, J., Kleist, E., Ehn, M., Wu, C., and Mentel, Th. F.: NOx dependency of HOM formation in chamber studies • P081: Raatikainen, T., Brus, D., Hooda, R. K., Hyvärinen, A.-P., Asmi, E., Sharma, V. P., Arola, A., and Lihavainen, H.: Black carbon mixing state in India • P082: Roldin, P., Rusanen, A., Hermansson, E., Mogensen, D., Zhou, L., Smolander, S., Rissanen, M., Kivekäs, N., Väänänen, R., Zelenyuk, A., Swietlicki, E., Ehn, M., and Boy, M.: Contribution of ELVOC to the growth and phase state of SOA particles • P083: Rusanen, A., Smolander, S., Roldin, P., Mogensen, D., and Boy, M.: Modeling aerosol growth by extremely low-volatility organic compounds • P084: Ruuskanen, A., Leskinen, A., Fang, D., Wang, Q., Lehtinen, K. E. J., and Komppula, M.: First results from continuous measurements of particle size distribution and black carbon concentration in Nanjing • P085: Ryding, M. J., Debnarová, A., Fernández, I., and Uggerud, E.: Nucleophilic substitution reactions of partially hydrated superoxide anions with alkyl halides • P086: Saari, S., Järvinen, S., Mensah-Attipoe, J., Reponen, T., Pasanen, P., Toivonen, J., and Keskinen, J.: Single microbe particle characterization using electro-dynamic balance • P087: Saarikoski, S., Carbone, S., Timonen, H., Rönkkö, T., Pirjola, L., Worsnop, D. R., and Hillamo, R.: The analysis of metals by using Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer • P088: Sadiktsis, I., Ahmed, T. M., Nyström, R., Koegler, J. H., Benham, T., Bergvall, C., Boman, C., and Westerholm, R.: Particulate associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from different biodiesel fuel blends • P089: Salonen, R. O., Pulkkinen, A.-M., Pennanen, A., Kanerva, T., Linnainmaa, M., and Hillamo, R.: Effects on air quality of fossil vs. renewable diesel fuel switching in modern non-road vehicles in underground mine (HIME-project) • P090: Samuelsson, J., Fransén, S., Massling, A., Ketzel, M., Wang, F., Hermansson, E., Frank, G., and Kristensson, A.: Particle chemistry of ship emissions in Gothenburg, Sweden • P091: Sorjamaa, R., Hänninen, O., Gu, J., Schneider, A., Peters, A., and Cyrys, J.: Estimation of particle size specific infiltration of ultrafine particles in Augsburg • P092: Sorvali, M., Haapanen, J., and Mäkelä, J. M.: TiO2/CeO2 nanocoatings synthesized by Liquid Flame Spray • P093: Spielvogel, J., Weiss, M., and Mölter, L.: New certified optical system for continuous PM-2.5 and PM-10 monitoring with information on particle size • P094: Steinvall, E., Skoglund, N., Backman, R., and Boman, C.: Applying EXAFS for chemical speciation of zinc in fine aerosol particles from biomass combustion • P095: Teinilä, K., Aurela, M., Niemi, J. V., Kousa, A., and Hillamo, R.: On-line measurements of aerosol chemical composition in Helsinki city center • P096: Tiitta, P., Sippula, O., Tissari, J., Lamberg, H., Leskinen, J., Grigonyte, J., Kuuspalo, K., Hao, L., Kortelainen, A., Virtanen, A., Leskinen, A., Lehtinen, K. E. J., Onasch, T., Worsnop, D., Pieber, S., Prévot, A., Orasche, J., Czech, H., Zimmermann, R., and Jokiniemi, J.: Effect of ageing on chemical composition of log wood combustion aerosols: aerosol mass spectrometer study • P097: Torvela, T., Jalava, P., Kuuspalo, K., Sippula, O., Ruusunen, J., Koponen, H., Hirvonen, M.-R., and Jokiniemi, J.: Day- and night-time composition and morphology of aerosol samples from polluted air • P098: Uski, O., Jalava, P. I., Happo, M., Harel, G., Queron, J., Jokiniemi, J., and Hirvonen, M.-R.: In vitro toxicology studies on PM samples collected from urban air in wood combustion area • P099: Vanhanen, J., Väkevä, M., Lehtipalo, K., and Kulmala, M.: 1-3nm particles detected in urban air • P100: Werner, J., Dalirian, M., Ekholm, V., Julin, J., Persson, I., Prisle, N. L., Riipinen, I., Walz, M.-M., Öhrwall, G., and Björneholm, O.: Insights Into the Microscopic Surface Composition of Succinic Acid in Aqueous Solutions • P101: Wittbom, C., Poulsen, M. B., Pei, X. Y., Pathak, R. K., Hallquist, M., Eriksson, A., Nordin, E. Z., Ahlberg, E., Pagels, J., Rissler, J., Swietlicki, E., and Svenningsson, B.: Cloud droplet activity measurements of coated soot particles • P102: Yli-Juuti, T., Riipinen, I., Pöschl, U., and Shiraiwa, M.: Role of particle phase processes and uptake of low-volatile organic compounds - Modelling study on nanoparticle growth • P103: Yli-Pirilä, P., Waza, A., Bhutto, S., Kari, E., Blande, J. D., Holopainen, J. K., Virtanen, A., and Joutsensaari, J.: What is the effect of green leaf volatiles on SOA formation? Internet access Wireless: Password: UEF-CONF Naantali Participants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Antti Arola, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Rozanna Avagyan, Stockholm University, Sweden Elham Baranizadeh, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Anneke Batenburg, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Ville Berg Malmborg, Lund University, Sweden Tommi Bergman, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Merete Bilde, Aarhus University, Denmark Jenny Bosson Damewood, Umeå University, Sweden Michael Boy, University of Helsinki, Finland Anders Brostrøm Bluhme, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Andrew Butcher, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Vaida Cesnulyte, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Xuemeng Chen, University of Helsinki, Finland Florian Dahlkötter, TSI GmbH, Germany Miikka Dal Maso, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Maryam Dalirian, Stockholm University, Sweden Lei Dong, Pegasor Oy, Finland Konstantinos Doulgeris, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Eimear Dunne, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Jonathan Duplissy, University of Helsinki, Finland Mikael Ehn, University of Helsinki, Finland Alfred Eisner, ALION/EPA, USA Annica Ekman, Stockholm University, Sweden Celia Faiola, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Maria Filioglou, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Eleni Giannakaki, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Greece Julija Grigonyte, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Janne Haapanen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Kaarle Hämeri, HY, Finland Julia Hammes, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Otto Hänninen, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland Anne Maria Hansen, Aarhus University, Denmark Bent L. Hansen, Danalytic ApS, Denmark Liqing Hao, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Mikko Happo, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Juha Harra, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Liine Heikkinen, University of Helsinki, Finland Henning Henschel, University of Helsinki, Finland Maija-Riitta Hirvonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Richard Högström, Mittatekniikan keskus (MIKES), Finland Juan Hong, University of Helsinki, Finland Corinna Hoose, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Jani Huttunen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Noora Hyttinen, University of Helsinki, Finland Karoliina Ignatius, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany Mika Ihalainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jonas Ingemar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Siddharth Iyer, University of Helsinki, Finland Antti Jaatinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jonas Jakobsson, Lund University, Sweden Pasi Jalava, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Anssi Järvinen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Jorma Jokiniemi, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jorma Joutsensaari, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jan Julin, Stockholm University, Sweden Paxton Juuti, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Jonna Kannosto, Dekati Ltd., Finland Tommi Karhunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Eetu Kari, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Panu Karjalainen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Stefanie Kasurinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jaeseok Kim, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Karin Koivisto, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Harri Kokkola, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Mika Komppula, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Jenni Kontkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland Hanna Koponen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Kimmo Korhonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Aki Kortelainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Miika Kortelainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Thomas Krinke, TSI GmbH, Germany Thomas Kühn, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Oona Kupiainen-Määttä, University of Helsinki, Finland Kari Kuuspalo, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Anton Laakso, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Ari Laaksonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Anna Lähde, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Heikki Lamberg, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Antti Lauri, University of Helsinki, Finland Kari Lehtinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Katrianne Lehtipalo, University of Helsinki, Finland Ari Leskinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Jani Leskinen, University of Eatern Finland, Finland Jakob Löndahl, Lund University, Sweden Mika Lumio, Oy Teknocalor Ab, Finland Anna Lutz, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Kjertan Lyster, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Anni Määttänen, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France Jyrki Mäkelä, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Risto Makkonen, Univeristy of Helsinki, Finland Jussi Malila, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Johan Martinsson, Lund University, Sweden Andreas Massling, Aarhus University, Denmark Carl Meusinger, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Lutz Mädler, University of Bremen, Germany • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tero Mielonen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Mirella Miettinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Mikael Mikko, Inhalation Sciences, Sweden Santtu Mikkonen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Ditte Mogensen, University of Helsinki, Finland Ala Muala, Umeå University, Sweden Fanni Mylläri, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Tuomo Nieminen, University of Helsinki, Finland Robin Nyström, Umeå University, Sweden Miska Olin, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Joakim Pagels, Lund University, Sweden Aki Pajunoja, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Olli Pakarinen, University of Helsinki, Finland Mikhail Paramonov, University of Helsinki, Finland Xiangyu Pei, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Katri Pihlava, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Mikko Pitkänen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Harri Portin, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Nønne Prisle, University of Helsinki, Finland Anni-Mari Pulkkinen, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland Iida Pullinen, Forschungzentrum Jülich, GmbH, Germany Tomi Raatikainen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Mikael Ramström, Hugo Tillquist Ab, Sweden Narges Rastak, Stockholm University, Sweden Ilona Riipinen, Stockholm University, Sweden Matti Rissanen, University of Helsinki, Finland Gonzalo Rivas, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Sami Romakkaniemi, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Teemu Rönkkö, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Topi Rönkkö, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Antti Ruuskanen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Jarno Ruusunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Mauritz Ryding, University of Oslo, Norway Sampo Saari, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Ioannis Sadiktsis, Stockholm University, Sweden Raimo Salonen, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland Mikko Sipilä, University of Helsinki, Finland Olli Sippula, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Miika Sorvali, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Jürgen Rainer Spielvogel, Palas GmbH, Germany Kerstin Stebel, NILU, Norway Erik Steinvall, University of Umeå, Sweden Frank Stratmann, TROPOS, Germany Miki Tavast, Oy Teknocalor Ab, Finland Kimmo Teinilä, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Petri Tiitta, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Hilkka Timonen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Jarkko Tissari, University of Eastern Finland, Finland • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Juha Tonttila, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Tiina Torvela, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Oskari Uski, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Olli Väisänen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Hanna Vehkamäki, University of Helsinki, Finland Annele Virtanen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Minna Väkevä, Airmodus Oy, Finland Hao Wang, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Maximilian Weiß, Palas GmbH, Germany Delphine Wenger, Uppsala University, Sweden Josephina Werner, Uppsala University, Sweden Roger Westerholm, Stockholm University, Sweden Cerina Wittbom, Lund University, Sweden Taina Yli-Juuti, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Jaakko Yli-Ojanperä, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Pasi Yli-Pirilä, University of Eastern Finland, Finland Gillian Young, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Ralf Zimmermann, Helmholtz Zentrum München/Uni Rostock, Germany Internet access Wireless: Password: UEF-CONF Naantali NOSA Board • • • • • • • Joakim Pagels (president) Annica Ekman (secretary) Michael Boy Marianne Glasius Andreas Massling Ilona Riipinen Karl Espen Yttri FAAR Board • • • • • • • • Hanna Vehkamäki (chairman) Antti Lauri (vice chairman) Jussi Malila (secretary) Tuomo Nieminen (treasurer) Ari Asmi (deputy: Katrianne Lehtipalo) Ari Auvinen (deputy: Hilkka Timonen) Mika Komppula (deputy: Miikka Dal Maso) Jyrki Mäkelä (deputy: Kaarle Hämeri) NOSA-FAAR2015 Organizing Committee Finnish Meteorological Institute, Atmospheric Research Centre of Eastern Finland Ari Leskinen (committee head), Ari.Leskinen@fmi.fi Sami Romakkaniemi, Sami.Romakkaniemi@fmi.fi Mika Komppula, Mika.Komppula@fmi.fi University of Eastern Finland, Department of Applied Physics Kari Lehtinen, Kari.Lehtinen@uef.fi Annele Virtanen, Annele.Virtanen@uef.fi Jussi Malila, Jussi.Malila@uef.fi University of Eastern Finland, Department of Environmental Science Jorma Jokiniemi, Jorma.Jokiniemi@uef.fi Maija-Riitta Hirvonen, Maija-Riitta.Hirvonen@uef.fi Olli Sippula, Olli.Sippula@uef.fi Pasi Jalava, Pasi.Jalava@uef.fi Karin Koivisto (committee secretary), Karin.Koivisto@uef.fi Internet access Wireless: Password: UEF-CONF Naantali Organized bus transportations (a "JÄÄSKELÄISEN AUTO" or "JOY" bus with a sign "NOSAFAAR" in the front window, PLEASE BE ON TIME!): Wed 11 March 14:30 (waiting for the passengers of flight AY2507), From the Airport to the Venue (Tietoteknia) Wed 11 March 17:45, From the Venue to the Ice Breaker (Kuopio Art Museum) Thu 12 March 08:15, From Hotel Scandic via Hotel Puijonsarvi (08:20) to the Venue (PLEASE BE ON TIME!) Thu 12 March 08:15, From Hotel Atlas via Hotel Cumulus (08:20) to the Venue (PLEASE BE ON TIME!) Thu 12 March 18:00, From the Venue via Market Square (Hotel Atlas/Cumulus) and Hotel Puijonsarvi (Jahtihovi) to the Conference Dinner (Hotel Scandic) Thu 12 March 18:30, From the Venue directly to the Conference Dinner (Hotel Scandic) Fri 13 March 08:40, From Hotel Scandic via Hotel Puijonsarvi to the Venue (PLEASE BE ON TIME!) Fri 13 March 08:40, From Hotel Atlas via Hotel Cumulus to the Venue (PLEASE BE ON TIME!) Fri 13 March 16:40, From the Venue to the Railway Station (to catch the IC78 to Helsinki/Tampere) Fri 13 March 16:40, From the Venue to the Airport (to catch the flight AY2510 to Helsinki) Local buses (Kuopion liikenne): From the city center to the Venue: Lines 4 (Direction: Neulamäki), 7 (Direction: Rauhalahti), 16 (Direction: Petonen), 21 (Direction: Pirtti), 23 (Direction: Petonen), 31 (Direction: Matkus). The buses depart from bus stops named Tullinkulma 1 or Tullinkulma 2 on Tulliportinkatu-street near the market square ("Tori") every 5–15 minutes. The buses drive the route Tulliportinkatu - Niiralankatu - Savilahdentie. From the Venue to the city center: Lines 4, 7, 16, 21, 23, 30, 31, 35, 40 (Direction: Keskusta). Buses 4, 21, 30, 35, 40 continue from the market square ("Tori") to the railway station after a short stop. A single ticket costs 3.30 EUR and can be bought from the driver. Cash is recommended. An exact amount is recommended but not necessary - they give change. Use only coins or notes of 5, 10, or 20 EUR in value. Bigger notes may not be accepted. Bus change possible within one hour. Hopping on: Raise your hand at the bus stop for a request to stop the approaching bus. Hopping off: Push the signal button for a request to leave the bus at the next bus stop. UEF Kuopio Campus Venue Supermarket = Bus stop Railway station Kuopio city centre Local buses to Venue Market square Ice Breaker (Art Museum, Kauppakatu 35) Dinner (Hotel Scandic, Satamakatu 1)
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