Caravans Camping Boats & Jetskis Fishing 4 X 4 The Mt Gambier Pools & Spas Gardening Patios Pergolas Gates & Fencing Travel & Adventure Food & Wine Outdoor Spor ts Demos DIY November 7th - 9th, 2014 Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 4pm Mount Gambier Showgrounds Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier The Mt Gambier MT GaMbIEr ShowGroUnDS November 7 - 9, 2014 Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 4pm Site PlAN 45 44 43 42 Pick Avenue, Mount Gambier 82 77 54 81 76 55 80 75 56 79 74 119 111 41 118 110 40 39 MT GaMbIEr ShowGroUnDS 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 109 113 117 116 114 115 78 73 58 slide site 8,9,10 & 11 back to next to 5, sites 19 & 16 are now 4 x 2 on their own (as per the original plan) 37 107 36 Exisiting Buildings Catering 108 112 Indoor Sites Outdoor Sites 57 Office SITE GUIDE 59 Stage Stage Roadway Toilets 35 69 96 95 94 34 106 105 104 93 92 91 Catering 32 5A 5A 31 5 Entry 89 88 87 86 30 4 Entry 29 85 84 83 28 8 19 9 16 3 15 20 2 14 21 10 11 12 13 1 101 100 99 60 Catering Planter Box Tree 71 61 67 70 62 65 64 103 102 90 72 Table and Chairs North 98 97 63 27 26 23 DISCLAIMER The contents of this brochure are general in nature and subject to changes. Floor plan for illustrative purposes only. Booth / Site sizes and configurations can change if necessary. Floor plan not to scale. Please check with Exhibition Manager if you require any further information. 22 25 24 Entry Exit Pick Avenue The Mt Gambier November 7 - 9, 2014 Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 4pm Site SizeS ANd cONtAct iNFOrMAtiON Site Size Guide oUTDoor SITES InSIDE SITES 1 2 3 4 5 5a 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 11X8 4X3 5X3 4X3 17X8 13X8 4X3 44m2 4X4 4X4 4X4 4X4 7X4 10X8 3.5X2 3.5X2 4X2 4X2 3.5X2 3.5X2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 6X5 50 6X5 51 6X5 52 6x5 53 16X9 54 16X9 55 16X9 56 16x9 57 16x9 58 8x9 59 18X9 60 24X9 61 18X9 62 63 25X12 64 25X12 65 573m2 66 2095m2 67 18X15 69 18X15 70 18X11 71 24X11 72 18X11 73 24x10 74 7x3 75 18X10 76 18X10 378m2 378m2 10X10 10X10 10X10 10X10 10X10 10X10 12X10 9X10 6X6 9X10 9X6 9X10 10X15 4X3 10X10 30X10 20X10 6X5 6X5 6X5 6X5 6X5 6X5 6X5 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 18X10 21X13 8X5 20X13 18X13 18X13 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 3X3 3X3 3X3 3X3 9X3 17X12 12X12 13X12 30X20 20X25 25X20 13X11 13X11 12X22 10X12 15X22 30X30 cONtAct iNFOrMAtiON PO Box 262 Nagambie Victoria 3608 ABN: 26 478 940 128 t: M: W: e: 03 5794 1418 0468 370 975 The Mt Gambier November 7 - 9, 2014 Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 4pm eXHiBitOr Site PriceS iNdOOr SiteS iNdOOr SiteS (Price includes steel mesh wall panels 2m high.) 3.5m 4m 3m 5m 4m 10m x x x x x x 2m 2m 3m 3m 4m 8m = 7m2 = 8m2 = 9m2 = 15m2 = 16m2 = 80m2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 595 650 795 850 895 2100 11m 13m 17m 30m2 44m2 x x x 8m 8m 8m = 88m2 = 104m2 = 136m2 = = $ $ $ $ $ 2200 1450 2300 1100 1350 OutdOOr SiteS OutdOOr SiteS (Access to power is limited to some of these sites.) 3m 4m 9m 6m 8m 6m 9m 8m 16m 18m 24m 9m 10m 12m 18m 20m 24m 30m 13m 24m x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3m 3m 3m 5m 5m 6m 6m 9m 9m 9m 9m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 10m 11m 11m = 9m2 = 12m2 = 27m2 = 30m2 = 40m2 = 36m2 = 54m2 = 72m2 = 144m2 = 162m2 = 216m2 = 90m2 = 100m2 = 120m2 = 180m2 = 200m2 = 240m2 = 300m2 = 143m2 = 264m2 $ 595 $ 610 $ 700 $ 795 $ 895 $ 850 $ 950 $1050 $1500 $1650 $2100 $1100 $1150 $1350 $1900 $2050 $2500 $3000 $1500 $2500 18m x 10m x 12m x 13m x 17m x 25m x 18m x 20m x 21m x 18m x 25m x 30m x 12m x 15m x 25m x 32m x 30m x 378m2 573m2 2095m2 11m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 13m 13m 13m 15m 20m 20m 22m 22m 22m 25m 30m = 198m2 = 120m2 = 144m2 = 156m2 = 204m2 = 300m2 = 234m2 = 260m2 = 273m2 = 270m2 = 500m2 = 600m2 = 264m2 = 330m2 = 550m2 = 800m2 = 900m2 = = = $ 595 $1350 $1500 $1600 $2075 $2050 $2500 $2500 $2800 $2750 $3200 $3400 $2500 $3300 $3450 $4000 $4500 $4000 $3600 POA eXtrA cHArGeS cOrNer SiteS SurcHArGe - With 2 Frontages These sites attract a 10% corner fee loading. electrical power connection 10amp $ 44.00 15amp $ 66.00 3 Phase Power POA Spotlight $ 55.00 For all other hire requirements please contact the exhibition manager on 03 5794 1418 or 0468 370 975 All prices include GSt DISCLAIMER - The contents of this brochure are general in nature and subject to changes. Floor plan for illustrative purposes only. Booth / Site sizes and configurations can change if necessary. Floor plan not to scale. Please check with Exhibition Manager if you require any further information. The Mt Gambier eXHiBitOr APPlicAtiON / cONtrAct FOr diSPlAy liceNce November 7 - 9, 2014 Friday 11am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 4pm eXHiBitiOr detAilS: Product Name ________________________________________________ Product / Service Details ___________________ Business Name _________________________ABN No.________________ _______________________________________ Business Address _____________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________Postcode _____________ _______________________________________ Business Telephone ____________________Mobile___________________ _______________________________________ Website ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Contact _____________________________________________________ Position _____________________________________________________ Telephone _________________ Mobile ___________________________ Facsimile __________________ Email ____________________________ Liquor License Required Exhibitors are only allowed to display and sell the specified products / services listed above. eXHiBitOr OPtiONS eXtrAS (includes GSt) desired Site Preference. Sites can only be allocated Corner sites 10% loading price ________ Power Outlet 10amps $44.00 x ________ Power Outlet 15amps $66.00 x ________ 3 Phase Power POA $ ________ Spotlight $55.00 x ________ after receipt of application and deposit paid. 1st Choice No.___________ Size Price 2nd Choice No.__________ Size Price 3rd Choice No.___________ Size Price ______________ $ ______________ ______________ $ ______________ total Price Price $ ________ ______________ $ ______________ tOtAl cOSt tO PArticiPAte 50% Deposit with this Application Date received / / 50% Balance due: 17/10/2014 tOtAl PAid Price $ ________ Price $ ________ Price $ ________ Price $ ________ Price $ ________ PAyMeNt MetHOdS NOW Price $ _________ Price $ _________ Price $________ Please indicate method of payment cheque direct deposit (Email or Fax Confirmation to us) Via EFT to: ANZ Bank Account Name: The Great Outdoor Expo BSB:013-661 Account No: 280879768 1) We wish to exhibit at The Mt Gambier Great Outdoor Expo and hereby apply for space indicated. 2) We have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions. 3) We agree to pay the total cost as shown on the dates indicated including applicable GST and other charges incurred on our behalf. __________________________________________ Confirming Signature X i, the exhibitor have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of participation and agree to comply with these conditions and agreed to pay the total of date $___________ tO cONFirM Or MAke A Site BOOkiNG PHONE: (03) 57941418 or 0468 370 975 EMAIL: FAX: 03 57941418 * PLEASE SIGN CONDITIONS ON TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE. __________________________________________ Print Name: / / Cancellation & Reduction of Space Policy: Space cancelled or reduced on or before 17/10/2014 will be charged a 50% service charge on the cost of the original space. The full contract price is due and payable and non-refundable for any space cancelled or reduced after the 17/10/2014. OFFice uSe ONly Stand Number: _____________ deposit: $___________ _____/_____/_____ Balance: $___________ _____/_____/_____ Full Payment: $___________ _____/_____/_____ Terms and CondiTions 1. The EVEnT name is The Mt Gambier Outdoor Expo The orGanISEr of the event is The Great Outdoor Expo The EXhIbITor includes all employees, agents or contractors of the space applicant. The VEnUE is Mt Gambier Showgrounds, Pick Avenue Mount Gambier, SA. The SITE is the area designated and allocated to the exhibitor for the purpose of display, demonstration and sale of products and/or services at the event. The aUThorITIES include the Commonwealth of Australia, the State Government, Local government, and the Lessor or Venue Operator. The MoVE-In is the time specified by the organiser for the exhibitors to set up displays prior to the opening of the event. The MoVE-oUT is the time specified by the organiser for exhibitors to dismantle and remove displays following the conclusion of the event. 2. aPPLICaTIon For SPaCE Application for space in the event shall be made using the application form. The form should be completed and returned to the organizer, who reserves the right to reject the application and shall not be required to provide any reasons for such refusal. When accepted by the organiser the application becomes a binding contract between the applicant and the organiser. The applicant ( exhibitor) agrees to exhibit and be bound by these conditions of exhibiting and the rules and regulations in this agreement. 3. SPaCE aLLoCaTIon The site allocated to an exhibitor upon acceptance represents a licence to exhibit not a tenancy. The organiser reserves the right to alter the floor plan and configuration of any stand in the interests of the event at any time and shall only make a cost adjustment if the overall size of the stand is reduced. The organiser has the absolute discretion to allocate the site position to be used by the exhibitor. 4. EXhIbITS The exhibitor undertakes that they will at all times during the hours for which the event is open to the public have a representative of the exhibitor in attendance at their allotted site. The organiser makes no representations, warranties, and does not guarantee in any way the number of visitors to this expo, or the commercial success of any exhibitor. The organiser does not offer exclusivity for any products or services. The exhibitor shall be responsible for the conduct of any employee, agent, visitor, or guest of the exhibitor in the exhibit space. 5. GroUP DISPLaY anD SUbLETTInG Exhibitors may not sub let their stand or assign rights or obligations without the written permission of the organiser. All products or services displayed on the stand must be those nominated at the time of application. 6. PaYMEnT oF LICEnCE FEE Following the payment of 50 percent of the total GST inclusive amount as deposit with this application the organiser will advise you of your acceptance or otherwise. The final payment is payable 21 days prior to the event. If the exhibitor breaches this agreement the deposit shall be forfeited. Late application may be accepted upon full payment of total including GST when booking site. 7. brEaCh oF ConTraCT anD wIThDrawaL bY EXhIbITor If the exhibitor fails to meet the prescribed payment or fails to occupy all or part of the space allotted, the organiser reserves the right to re-let the space to another applicant and to recover damages. The organiser may agree to the cancellation of a licence at its sole discretion and in exceptional circumstances, upon payment to the organiser as follows: (a If notice of such cancellation is delivered to the organiser more than 28 days before the event – 50 percent of all monies due. (b) If notice of such cancellation is delivered to the organiser less than 28 days before the exhibition, all monies due under this agreement, shall be payable, forthwith upon demand. 8. STanD LIMITS No part of the stand may protrude or extend beyond the allotted dimensions of the stand. 9. EXhIbITor ProPErTY Although a security service will be furnished for the Expo, all of the exhibitor’s property at the show shall be at the sole risk of the exhibitor and neither organiser nor the venue assumes any responsibility for damage to, loss, or theft of property belonging to the exhibitor, its agent, employees, business invitees, visitors or guests. All video and still photography of any show exhibit and/or exhibit staff will remain the property of the organiser for use in promoting current and future events or for use of any other purpose. 10. MoVE-In anD MoVE-oUT All exhibitors shall adhere to the move-in and move-out conditions found in the exhibitors kit, which form an integral part of the event rules and regulations and shall be binding on the exhibitor. 11. hEaLTh, FIrE, SaFETY, LIQUor LICEnCE anD oThEr LawS All health, fire, safety, liquor laws and other laws, rules and regulations imposed by the organiser or the authorities must be strictly observed by the exhibitor. Copies of all appropriate regulations are available upon request from the organiser. 12. InSUranCE Third Party Claims (Public Liability) The exhibitor is responsible for all personal injury or damage to property arising in connection with the exhibitor’s display area howsoever caused whether directly or indirectly, by him or any contractor, sub-contractor, servant, agent, licensee or invitee of his or any act or omission of any such person or by any exhibit, machinery or other article or thing if his in the possession of or use of him or employees or any agent, of his or (if erected by the exhibitor or contractor of his or his workmen or agents) by the stand fitting contractor. The exhibitor will indemnify the organiser in respect of each and every such claim and all actions, proceedings, costs, claims and demands in respect thereof. The exhibitor must take out adequate insurance in respect of all such claims and produce the premium receipts on demand. Responsibility for Personal Injury and Demand to Property (Employers Liability). The organiser shall not be responsible for personal injury to the exhibitor or his employees, agents, invitees or licensees however caused nor for the loss or damage to exhibits or other property of the exhibitor, his employees, agents invitees and is accordingly advised to take out all necessary insurance, including product Insurance. All Policies must be for an amount of no less than $10 million dollars 13. EXCLUSIon oF LIabILITY The organiser will not be liable to exhibitors in negligence. Exhibitors must indemnify the organiser and/or the venue operator against any loss which the organiser suffers as a result of any actions or claims brought against the organiser, including the organiser’s legal costs of defending them, to the extent that they arise out of any act of default by exhibitors. Exhibitors specifically agree that this indemnity extends to claims, which allege that the organiser has been negligent or that the organiser is partly, or wholly responsible for another person’s negligence. By signing this application form, exhibitors agree that to the extent allowed by law, the organiser’s liability to the exhibitor for breach of any warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act is limited to an obligation to allow the exhibitor to exhibit without charge in the next event staged by the organiser in relation to the same or similar style event. 14. oPEnInG hoUrS The organiser shall determine when the event shall be open to the exhibitors and the public and the organisers decision as to such hours shall be final and conclusive. 15. rIGhTS anD EXCLUSIonS The organiser shall have full power to interpret and to make or amend these Conditions of Participation provided that such amendments or additions do not operate to diminish the rights reserved for the exhibitor under this agreement and shall not operate to increase the liabilities of the organiser. In the event of the exhibitor infringing any of these Conditions of Participation the exhibitor will forfeit his site and all payments made by the exhibitor. The question of whether there is any infringement as aforesaid shall be solely a matter for the organiser. The organiser will use its best endeavors to ensure the supply of services mentioned herein but shall not be liable to the exhibitor for any losses, damages, or expenses arising out of any restriction or conditions total or partial failure of such services caused by strikes, riots, civil commotion, lockout, accident, force majeure, blackouts or any other cause beyond the control of the organiser. In the event of a total or partial failure of any service as a result of any of the above mentioned causes the exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid by it nor shall it be relieved of the obligation to pay any amount due under this agreement nor shall the organiser be liable in any way for any expenditure or liability or losses including consequential loss incurred or sustained by the exhibitor. If the holding of the event is prevented or abandoned because of any of the occurrences referred to above the exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies paid by it nor shall it be relieved of the obligation to pay any amount due under this agreement nor shall the organiser be liable in any way for any expenditure or liability or loss including consequential loss incurred or sustained by the exhibitor. If it becomes necessary to change the date or the venue of the event the organiser shall endeavor to reschedule it as near as practicable to the original dates and venue. The organiser shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any expenses incurred by the exhibitors as a result of such changes. If it becomes necessary to cancel the event the organiser shall not be under any obligation to refund any monies paid by the exhibitor. The parties expressly agree that all the terms of this agreement are in the written document and neither has relied on any representation or warranty of the other in entering into this agreement. 16. GoVErnInG LawS These conditions shall be constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria and any dispute or court proceedings must be heard in the State of Victoria. 17. PrIVaCY The Great Outdoor Expo acknowledges and respects your privacy. The information you provide is being collected by the organiser for the purpose of processing your registration or inquiry and for the Marketing and advertising of the Event. The provision of the information requested is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the information requested, we may be unable to process your registration or enquiry. Unless you have indicated otherwise, the organiser will provide information about you to third parties for the promotional purposes of this and subsequent relevant events. Signature X _________________________________ Required Print name __________________________________ Date / / We understand this application becomes a binding contract when accepted by the Organiser. We agree to abide by the above general information, rules and regulations, as well as all details outlined on the application form and Application Contract for Display Licence.
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