Endorsed by: Endorsed by: OCTOBER 16-17 BioScience Research Collaborative Rice University Houston, TX Pre-conference symposia: Cardiac/Respiratory and NCDR ACTION Registry® - GWTG™ OCTOBER 15, 2014 STEMI TEXAS 2014 BUILDING SYSTEMS OF CARE Innovations | Technology | Quality stemitexas2014.com REGISTER ONLINE General Information stemitexas2014.com ELECTRONIC SYLLABUS TUITION MEETING AND LODGING In our efforts to “go green,” our syllabus will ONLY be available electronically. Attendees will be provided a flash drive and a link to obtain course materials on the internet. You are welcome to bring your laptop with you to the program to follow along. Please have your laptop fully charged as electric outlets will be limited. Course tuition includes access to all sessions and workshops, continental breakfast and lunch both days and access to course content. This meeting will be held at the BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC) on the Rice University Campus. A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Houston Plaza/Medical Center, 6633 Travis Street, Houston, TX 77030, a short walk from the BRC. A special guest room rate of $184 single/double (plus tax) has been granted for attendees of this meeting. ACCREDITATION /CREDIT DESIGNATION Scott & White is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Scott & White designates this live activity for a maximum of 23.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Please note that the 23.25 Category 1 credits includes 7.25 credits for Action Registry workshop, 8.25 credits for the Cardiac Symposium and 2 credits for the Optional ABIM Module Workshop (additional fee required for pre-conference workshop(s) and/or module). This activity does meet Texas ethics requirements. Baylor Scott & White Health, Central Region is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity is approved for up to 19.65 contact hours, with up to 2 contact hours directed toward advanced pharmacotherapeutics. Please note: Tuition fees increase $50 after September 13. Two Day Conference Physicians..........................................................$239 Physician assistants, nurse practitioners...........................................$189 Nurse/EMS personnel....................................$139 Optional ABIM Module Course....................$125 Optional pre-conference Cardiac/Respiratory or ACTION Symposium................................... $50 If attending the 2-day conference................. $30 CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY We request that all conference attendees pre-register to assure the availability of all conference materials. No refunds will be provided for cancellations received after October 3. Refunds (minus $100 administration fee) will be provided to registrants who cancel their registration in writing up to October 3. The conference organizers will not be responsible for reimbursement of airline fees and other accommodation expenses. Walk-in registrations are accepted, but we cannot guarantee seating or conference materials the day of the conference. EDUCATIONAL METHODS The activity will consist of didactic lectures supplemented by slide presentations and computerized audience response interaction. Lectures will be case based and focus on evidence based updates. Interactive sessions including workshops and Q&A times are included. To make reservations at this rate, telephone the hotel directly at 713-313-4000 and identify yourself as attending the STEMI Texas 2014 Conference. Reservations requested after September 9 will be accepted only on a space available basis. Reservations may also be made online at StemiTexas2014.com. EXPERIENCE HOUSTON With a pleasant climate year round and many unique attractions, Houston is a perfect destination for a vacation or a corporate event. And after a busy day, relaxation is easy at Hilton Houston Plaza. Guest rooms begin above the eighth floor with lovely views above tree-lined neighborhoods surrounding Rice University. Downtown Houston is just minutes away and the immediate vicinity is home to museums, golf courses, theme parks, sports events and shopping. There are more than 8,000 restaurants in the Houston area. The George R. Brown Convention Center is just three miles away and the Reliant Complex & Stadium is only one mile from the hotel. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS We do try to control the temperature in the meeting room, but for your comfort, please remember to bring a jacket. Conference Overview BUILDING SYSTEMS OF CARE Innovations | Technology | Quality The 7th Annual STEMI Texas Conference will present state-of-the-art lectures, debates and workshops designed to deepen your understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction and its sequelae. The meeting will promote productive interdisciplinary and interfacility cooperation leading to improvements in patient and quality metrics. This meeting is designed for physicians in cardiology, emergency medicine and primary care. It is also specifically designed for nurses and emergency medical personnel involved in cardiac care. Meets Texas Ethics and Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics Requirements OBJECTIVES After participating in this comprehensive activity, the learner should be able to: •Discuss the important role of early reperfusion in the optimal care of patients with STEMI •Discuss the basics of how to start, monitor and improve clinical pathways of care for STEMI •Prepare to participate in a regional STEMI network, either as a sending or receiving hospital •Identify current treatment modalities following a resuscitated cardiac arrest •Discuss national guidelines, organizations and standards for STEMI care STATEWIDE MULTIDISCIPLINARY EXPERT FACULTY AND LEADERS IN STEMI Assistant Program Directors Program Directors Guest Faculty Vernon Anderson, MD, FACC, FSCAI Manos Brilakis, MD, PhD, FACC Gerald Caldwell, RN, MSN, LP Todd Caliva, FACHE Steven Costa, MD, FACC Timothy A. Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI Gregory J. Dehmer, MD FACC, MSCAI, FAHA Associate Professor of Medicine Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine Interventional Cardiologist Scott & White Healthcare James McCarthy, MD Catherine Bissell, RN Professor of Medicine Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine Regional Manager of Clinical Development Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine University of Texas Medical School at Houston Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council Director, Division of Cardiology Medical Director, Emergency Services Scott & White Healthcare Memorial Hermann Hospital Ali Denktas, MD Loni Denne, RN, BSN Pratik Doshi, MD John Erwin, MD, FACC D. Scott Gantt, DO, FACC, FSCAI Gonzalo Gonzalez-Stawinski, MD Biswajit Kar, MD David May, MD, PhD, FACC David Persse, MD, FACEP Anand Prasad, MD, FACC, FSCAI Jeff Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI Richard Smalling, MD, PhD, FACC Ravi Villabhan, MD, FACC, FSCAI Robert Wozniak, MD, FACC STEMI Texas 2014 Agenda DAY 1 SESSION 1: STEMI Systems of Care Moderator: Timothy A. Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI 8:15 a.m. Introduction/Welcome Timothy A. Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI 8:25 a.m.Overview: STEMI Systems of Care Timothy A. Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI 9:05 a.m.STEMI Transfers: The Gap between Ideal and Reality and How to Narrow It James McCarthy, MD 9:25 a.m. Top 5 Impact Publications on STEMI Care: 2013-2014 John Erwin III, MD, FACC 9:50–10:10 a.m. BREAK SESSION 2: Pharmacotherapy Moderator: Timothy A. Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI 10:10 a.m. nticoagulant Use in STEMI: Bivalirudin Under Fire A Anand Prasad, MD, FACC, FSCAI 10:30 a.m.Fibrinolytics: Definites, Maybes and Possiblys Ravi Villabhan, MD, FACC, FSCAI 10:50 a.m.Illustrative Case Studies in Antiplatelet Medications 11:10 a.m.Beta-blockers in AMI: Where Are We Now, and How We Got Here John Erwin III, MD, FACC 11:30 a.m.Novel Anticoagulants and Their Role in ACS Ravi Villabhan, MD, FACC, FSCAI 12:15–1:30 p.m. LUNCH BREAK LUNCH WORKSHOPS/SYMPOSIA 12:30–1:15 p.m. ECG Review—STEMI Mimickers Steven Costa, MD, FACC Building a STEMI Effort within Your RAC Robert Wozniak, MD, FACC Catherine Bissell, RN STEMI Data Collection: Using Data to Measure and Drive Change Loni Denne, RN, BSN Gerald Caldwell, RN, MSN, LP, D. Scott Gantt, DO, FACC, FSCAI Ethics and Acute Cardiac Care Jeffrey Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI 3:35 p.m. Cardiogenic Shock in AMI: Role of Surgical Therapy Gonzalo Gonzalez-Stawinski, MD 3:55 p.m.Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)— To Cath or Not to Cath? Anand Prasad, MD, FACC, FSCAI 4:10 p.mUpdate on Trial Data Support for Therapeutic Hypothermia in the Resuscitated Patient Pratik Doshi, MD 4:30–6 p.m. Poster Session / STEMI Texas 2014 Reception 4:45–5:15 p.m. Top Three Posters: Oral Presentations 6 P.M.ADJOURN FOR DAY Call for Posters This year’s STEMI Texas 2014 Conference will feature a new program devoted to poster presentations. As institutional and regional STEMI programs have been formed, there have been many important and unique strategies, techniques and protocols created to address various challenges and barriers to delivering timely, state-of-the-art care. We want to highlight and share the successful processes which have been developed within various programs. We are accepting submissions for poster presentations. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference, with a special afternoon session designed to allow time for questions and interaction among all attendees and those presenting. Suggested topics include: solutions to system process issues, development and/or utilization of data collection tools, improvements in transfer processes, solutions relating to improving the flow from prehospital to ED to catheterization laboratory, EMS process improvement (e.g., 12 lead ECG acquisition, transmission, communication, etc.). A panel of multidisciplinary experts will judge all poster submissions, with free course tuition awarded for the top three posters. All accepted posters will be prominently displayed throughout the meeting; each poster that is displayed must be accompanied by at least one author attending the meeting. Additionally, we will invite the top three posters to make a brief oral presentation at the poster session. Physicians (including residents and fellows), STEMI coordinators, EMS personnel and nursing personnel are all invited to contribute. All posters should be submitted by Friday, September 19, 2014, to ddunn@sw.org. SESSION 3: Moderator: James McCarthy, MD 1:30 p.m. Patient Testimonial DAY 2 2 p.m. rganizations in Texas Focusing on STEMI O Richard Smalling, MD, PhD, FACC SESSION 5A: Healthcare Reform, Policy & Finances Moderator: D. Scott Gantt, DO, FACC, FSCAI Panel: Gregory Dehmer, MD, FACC, MSCAI, FAHA David May, MD, PhD, FACC Robert Wozniak, MD, FACC 8 a.m. PCI without On-Site Surgery Gregory Dehmer, MD, FACC, MSCAI, FAHA 2:15 p.m.Data Collection Efforts in Texas Vernon Anderson, MD, FACC, FSCAI 2:30 p.mCurrent ACTION Registry Data in Texas Robert Wozniak, MD, FACC 2:45 p.m.Panel Discussion 3-3:15 p.m. BREAK SESSION 4: Hospital Care Moderator: John Erwin, MD, FACC 3:15 p.m. TEMI & Cardiogenic Shock in the Cath Lab S Biswajit Kar, MD REGISTER ONLINE stemitexas2014.com 8:15 a.m.Impact on Ongoing Healthcare Reform on Acute Cardiac Care David May, MD, PhD, FACC 8:35 a.m. Point/Counterpoint 8:40 a.m. Protagonist: Upside of STEMI Legislation 8:50 Antagonist: Unintended Consequences of STEMI Legislation 9 a.m. Discussion/Q&A 9:25 a.m. Clinical Competence: Implications for Credentialing for PPCI Gregory Dehmer, MD, FACC, MSCAI, FAHA 10:55 a.m.Prehospital Fibrinolytics Debate 9:40 a.m. inancial Impact of STEMI Care F David May, MD, PhD, FACC SESSION 5B: ABCs of Getting Started (STEMI Bootcamp) 11:05 a.m.Antagonist: We’re Ahead of the Data Timothy Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI Moderator: Catherine Bissell, RN 11:15 a.m.Panel Discussion Panel: James McCarthy, MD Loni Denne, RN, BSN Gerald Caldwell, RN, MSN, LP 11:25 a.m.STEMI & Chronic Total Occlusions Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD, FACC 8 a.m. ornerstone Principles of STEMI Systems of Care C James McCarthy, MD 10:55 a.m.Protagonist: Ready for Prime Time Ali Denktas, MD 11:40 a.m.Stress (Tako-tsubo) Cardiomyopathy Jeffrey Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI 11:55 a.m.Intersection of Free Standing EDs & Micro-Hospitals and Acute Cardiac Care David Persse, MD, FACEP 8:15 a.m.Lessons Learned from Team Building at SETRAC David Persse, MD, FACEP 8:30 a.m.Protocols and Policies—Sharing of Practical Tools/ Best Practices Loni Denne, RN, BSN SPECIAL LUNCH SESSION 12:15-1:45 p.m. 8:50 a.m.Panel Discussion/Q&A 9:05 a.m.How to Be an Acute Cardiac QA Champion in My ED/ Hospital/EMS Program Catherine Bissell, RN 9:20 a.m.Role & Importance of Administrative Buy-In Todd Caliva, FACHE 9:35 a.m.How to Practically Use Data as a Vehicle of Change Gerald Caldwell, RN, MSN, LP BREAK SESSION 6: Emerging and Controversial Issues Moderator: Gregory J. Dehmer, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FAHA Panel: Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD, FACC Ali Denktas, MD Timothy Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI Jeffrey Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI 10:20 a.m. Radial Debate 10:25 a.m. Radial PCI in STEMI: Protagonist: “Delinquent if not Diving In…” Jeffrey Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI Timothy Mixon, MD, FACC, FSCAI Panel: Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD, FACC Gregory Dehmer, MD, FACC, MSCAI, FAHA Jeffrey Schussler, MD, FACC, FSCAI Richard Smalling, MD, PhD, FACC My Institution’s Most Interesting or Unusual STEMI in 2014 Fellow Case Presentations OPTIONAL AFTERNOON SESSION ABIM MOC Module (Physician only) Steven Costa, MD, FACC 2 p.m. 9:50 a.m.Panel Discussion/Q&A 10-10:20 a.m. Moderator: 5 p.m.ADJOURNMENT Fellow Case Presentations This year’s STEMI Texas 2014 Conference will feature a new, fun and interactive session entitled, “My Institution’s Most Interesting or Unusual STEMI in 2014.” Cases will be presented by invited cardiology fellows in training. All cases will be presented before a joint session of the conference, moderated by an expert faculty panel. Case presentations will be limited to 10 minutes, to be followed by questions and discussion from the panel and the audience. 10:35 a.mRadial PCI in STEMI: Antagonist: “It’s Ok to Use the Femoral Artery…” Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD, FACC Fellows will present a case of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction that was remarkable, problematic or unusual. Cases may represent a diagnostic dilemma, a therapeutic challenge, a system-based problem or another challenge posed by patient-related issues. 10:45 a.m.Panel Discussion Please register online at stemitexas2014.com | Fax: 254-724-1753 Last Name MD First Name DO RN NP PA LP EMT-P EMT-I EMT-B Address State Zip Phone (Home) Email Institution/Affiliation 2-DAY CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION FEE (Includes materials, continental breakfasts, breaks and lunches) $239–physician $189–physician assistant, nurse practitioner $139–nurse, EMS personnel $125–Optional ABIM Module Course Please Note: Add $50 after September 13. PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE (Lunch is provided as part of registration fee) Choose ONLY one: Cardiac/Respiratory NCDR ACTION Registry - GWTG $50–Pre-conference symposiums Other: City Phone (Office) Middle Initial $30–If attending 2 day conference METHOD OF PAYMENT Check (payable to Scott & White) Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Total Amount: Card Number: Expiration Date: Signature: Mail or fax to: STEMI CME, Scott & White, 2401 S. 31st St., MS-26-A229, Temple, TX 76508 2401 S. 31st Street | Temple, TX 76508 OCTOBER 16-17 BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE RICE UNIVERSITY HOUSTON, TX STEMI TEXAS 2014 BUILDING SYSTEMS OF CARE Innovations | Technology | Quality Optional one-day pre-conference Cardiac/Respiratory Symposium and NCDR ACTION Registry® - GWTG™ Symposium REGISTER ONLINE stemitexas2014.com OCTOBER 15, 2014 | 8 a.m.–5 p.m.* Cardiac/Respiratory Symposium Eight-hour preconference symposium which will include six hours of intensive ECG interpretation by nationally recognized teacher, Tim Phalen. Topics will include STEMI essentials, STEMI impostors, LBBB and AMI, 15 and 18 lead ECG and rapid 12 lead acquisitions. The conference also includes presentations on airway management (Mark Escott, MD) and management of excited delirium (Wren Nealy). Target audience: Nurses and emergency medical personnel at all levels of experience. Registration and check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. Presentations from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with appropriate breaks and lunch provided. ACTION Registry GWTG Symposium Join us for this eight-hour preconference symposium presented by NCDR faculty. Target audience includes data managers and abstractors, STEMI coordinators, QI physician and non-physician champions and administrators. Presentations and interactive sessions will include understanding of the AHA, ACC and DCRI relationship as it relates to the Mission: Lifeline Reports, increasing knowledge of Mission: Lifeline Resources, reviewing and understanding data entry and interpretation of various Mission: Lifeline Reports. Registration and check-in will begin at 7:30 am. Presentations from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., with appropriate breaks and lunch provided. *NOTE: Both symposiums run concurrently.
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