Reverend John D. Hand Pastor Monsignor Vincent Walsh Spanish Ministry Reverend Dominic Tran Vietnamese Ministry Reverend George Strausser In Residence Reverend Benjamin Nwanonenyi In Residence Deacon John Ellis Saint Francis de Sales Parish ~ United by the Most Blessed Sacrament ~ proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an urban setting, to diverse members, who form a Catholic community of believers of all ages. Our worship together overflows into a life of service, justice, and peace. Permanent Deacon + 19 OCTOBER 2014 + T W E N T Y—N I N T H S U N D A Y I n O R D I N A R Y T I M E Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sundays: 7 AM, 8:30 AM (Vietnamese), 10:15 AM 12 Noon ( Spanish) Weekdays (Monday-Friday): 7 AM; Saturdays: 9 AM Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:30 PM Rectory Office Hours Weekdays: 9 AM - 4 PM Monday– Thursday until 7:00PM Friday 9 AM– 3PM Saturday: 10 AM– 3 PM Sunday Morning: 9 AM—12 PM To help us assist you, please call and make an appointment. Convent Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 912 South 47th Street + (215) 727-3929 Sister M. Rita Mazzotta, IHM, Superior Parish School 917 South 47th Street + (215) 387-1749 Sister Mary McNulty, IHM, Principal IHM Center for Literacy 929 South Farragut Street + (215) 382-0292 Sister M. Janice Owen, IHM, Site Coordinator Parish Staff Sister Alice Marie Daly, IHM, Director of Religious Education Mrs. Barbara McGee, Business Manager Mrs. Karen Genzano Hand, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Katie Keil, Liturgy Coordinator; Adoration Mr. Bruce Shultz, Organist, Mrs. Isabel Boston, Choir Director Mr. Wesley Parrot, Liturgical Musician Mr. Louis Becht, Liturgical Musician 4625 Springfield Avenue + Philadelphia, PA 19143 (215) 222-5819 + Fax: (215) 222-5821 + October 19, 2014 Saturday, St. Luke 5:00 PM October 18 Sharon Gleason Sunday, October 19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday 7:00 AM John Cooney 8:30 AM Vietnamese Mass 10:15AM Edwina Surquia 12 NOON Spanish Mass Monday, October 20 St. Paul of the Cross 7:00 AM John Cooney Tuesday, 7:00 AM October 21 Harry Warren Wednesday, October 22 Blessed John Paul II 7:00 AM Priest Intention EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. Life is here at St. Francis de Sales. I wish you all a peaceful week! Father Hand Thursday, October 23 St. John of Capistrano 7:00 AM Priest Intention Friday, October 24 St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:00 AM John Cooney Saturday, October 25 Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 AM Edwina Surquia 5:00 PM People of the Parish Sunday, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 AM Frances Springer 8:30 AM Vietnamese Mass 10:15AM Dec’d Members of Ganley Family 12 NOON Spanish Mass INFANT of PRAGUE DEVOTIONS & EVENING PRAYER On the last Monday of every month, our parish family will gather to pray the devotional chaplet to the Infant of Prague along with Evening Prayer. Please join us to pray Monday, October 27 @ 7PM in the Upper Church. Page 2 - 187 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other” (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). Psalm — Give the Lord glory and honor (Psalm 96). Second Reading — Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). Gospel — Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:15-21). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated monthly on the Second Sunday of each month at 12 NOON. A preparation class for parents will be held on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism will take place on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 11:30 AM in the Upper Church. The next preparation class for parents and godparents will be held on Monday, November 3, 2014 in the Rectory Conference Room at 6:30 PM. Each child may have two sponsors (“godparents”), a male and a female, who are practicing Catholics. Catholics who are not registered members of our parish must obtain a “Letter of Eligibility” from the parish in which they are registered and practice. Along with one Catholic “godparent”, a child may have a “Christian witness” (a person baptized in a non-Catholic denomination). For more information or to register for your child/ren’s Baptism, please contact the Rectory at (215) 222-5819. PARISH REGISTRATION AND MEMBERSHIP Welcome! All who worship with us are invited to participate in the spiritual and social life of our parish family. Please remember, that the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, First Penance, Confirmation, and Matrimony, and eligibility letters to act as a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation require you to be an active member of the Parish Family. Our Pastor registers new parishioners in the Rectory by appointment after the 10:15 AM Mass. Please call the Rectory at (215) 222-5819 to schedule an appointment. ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES (SPONSORS AT BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION) Any parishioner registered for at least three months who requires a certificate of eligibility to act as a sponsor at Baptism or Confirmation should please call the Rectory at (215) 222-5819 to make an appointment to meet with Father Hand. Father will meet with those wishing to be a sponsor on Sundays after the 10:15 AM Mass. October is RESPECT LIFE MONTH. Please pray for the unborn and those who defend her. Home Visitation & Blessing Please contact the Rectory if you wish to have Father Hand visit you and bless your home. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament SFDS: Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) takes place in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel located in the back of the Upper Church. Swipe key required for access. Call the Rectory for more information. Sacrament of Penance (Confessions) Saturday from 3:45-4:30 PM in Church; any time by appointment. Sacrament of the Sick (with Anointing) The Sacrament of the Sick (with Anointing) is celebrated within Mass on the First Saturday of the month during the 9 AM morning Mass. The next celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick will take place on November 1, 2014. RESPECT LIFE THOUGHT “The unborn child, who is alive and is a member of the human family, cannot defend himself or herself. Good laws defend the defenseless.” Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop William E. Lori Statement Regarding Church Teaching on Abortion September 9, 2008 World Meeting of Families is coming to Philadelphia in September 2015 ! Learn about the World Meeting of Families, how to prepare your parish, get involved, or get your copy of the official Catechesis on our new website WorldMeeƟ You can also “Light a Candle” with your Intentions or sign up for our newsletter. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015” & Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015 Page 3 - 187 Saint Francis de Sales Parish PARISH CENSUS / BLOCK COLLECTION Every household has received in the mail a census information card. All households are requested to complete the census form and return it, along with your Block collection gift. Please list only the names of people living with you (include your college children). It is very important that we have an accurate record of our parishioners. In the past year, we have had many parishioners make requests (high school, school families, godparents, etc.), however, they were never formerly registered in the parish. So please, help us by completing the census form. The Block collection is one of the most important collections of the year besides Christmas and Easter. We respectfully ask every wage earner to contribute $150.00 to this collection. This certainly is not possible for everyone (seniors, unemployed/underemployed). Some will give less and some will be able to contribute more. God knows what your means will permit. Prayerfully and honestly reflect on God’s goodness to you and give back to God in the measure that He has blessed you. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE During the month of November, the Church encourages us to pray for all of our deceased loved ones who have died. On November 15 at 11 AM we will celebrate a special Mass for all of our parishioners who have died, particularly during the last year. If you have experienced the loss of a family member after October 31, 2013 and would like them to be remembered in a special way in this liturgy, please contact Katie Keil at (215) 474-9417 or email her at with the name of the deceased by October 11. Saturday, October 25th 6 PM—10 PM Pig Roast Tickets are $30.00 per Person and can be purchased AFTER ALL MASSES! Live Music and Great Food. Page 4 - 187 125th Anniversary History Committee SFDS HISTORY MYSTERIES - LOST LAKE Have you ever wondered what was on this spot before the church was built? According to the SFDS 1940 Jubilee volume, “The site of the present parish buildings, originally was part of the ground belonging to the ‘Old Cherry Tree’ Hotel, then located on 47th Street and Baltimore Avenue. The site of the school was at that time a small lake three to five feet deep and about fifty feet wide by about one hundred and fifty feet long.” The Old Cherry Tree Hotel was so named for a large cherry tree, said to be four feet in diameter, that stood out front on Baltimore Avenue. The church acquired only the back piece of property, so the Inn continued to stand until about 1915. Decades later, the name was adopted by another local venue – a folk music tavern on Baltimore Ave – today, an Ethiopian establishment called Gojo’s. And the lake? We don’t know much about it: it doesn’t appear on maps, but there is a dip shown that could have come from a water-collecting trough behind the street embankment, or a small spring. Sources say that there were so many of these, as the street system was built, that the Water Board instituted a Ponds Department to force people to fill them in for public health. The neighborhood certainly was moist, and the Inn probably had a well. Farmland on the other side of Baltimore Ave – stretching from 42nd to 52nd Streets -- belonged to the Twaddell Family, who made their fortune in gunpowder. The Twaddell mansion, located near 46th street, had a spring house, available to the public, as a source for fresh water. Which takes us to the Biblical story of how Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well, that “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty”. (John: 4, 13-14). Our local history takes us from a drinking water source near a spot where long ago travelers found respite, to the “living water” of a beautiful church that soothes the soul! If you have SFDS history to share come to the next 125th Anniversary Meeting on Monday, November 3rd at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium. United by the Most Blessed Sacrament Happening This Week Saint Francis de Sales Parish Weekend of October 5, 2014 COLLECTION INFORMATION Weekend of October 5, 2014 Weekend of October 6, 2013 Difference $ 3,317.48 $ 3,364.00 - $ 46.52 YTD thru October 5, 2014 YTD thru October 6, 2013 ♦ Following 10:15 AM Mass: Divine Mercy Chaplet in UC MONDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 7 PM ♦ 7 AM: Daily Mass in UC ♦ $ 48,797.43 $ 57,451.25 Difference - $ 8,653.82 Envelopes Mailed Total Envelopes Used This Week SUNDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 12 NOON ♦ 8:30 AM: PREP in LS ♦ 9:45 AM: Rosary for Peace in UC 7: PM: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting in AUD TUESDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 7 PM ♦ 7 AM: Daily Mass in UC 525 133 NEXT SUNDAY BULLETIN DEADLINE MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 @ 12 NOON WEDNESDAY — RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 7 PM ♦ 7 AM: Daily Mass in UC ♦ 7:15 PM: Queen of Peace Legion of Mary in CL ♦ 7 PM: Boy Scouts/Troop 152 in AUD THURSDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 7 PM ♦ 7 AM: Mass in UC ♦ Kitchen Campaign Amount RaisedIncluding De Sales Night (As of October 5, 2014) $25,374 Capital Campaign Amount Collected (As of October 5, 2014) $1,894,690.24 We appreciate your faithfulness in fulfilling your pledges! The project to contact anyone with an outstanding pledge balance has begun. We appreciate your courtesy and willingness to acknowledge your debt. 7 PM : RCIA in CL FRIDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 3 PM ♦ 7 AM: Daily Mass in UC SATURDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 10 AM UNTIL 3 PM ♦ 9 AM: Daily Mass in UC ♦ Following 9 AM Mass: Miraculous Medal Novena in UC ♦ 9 AM: Eagle Scout Project in AUD ♦ 6 PM : Oktoberfest in AUD SUNDAY— RECTORY OPEN FROM 9 AM UNTIL 12 NOON ♦ 8:30 AM: PREP in LS ♦ 9:45 AM: Rosary for Peace in UC ♦ Following 10:15 AM Mass: Divine Mercy Chaplet in UC FACILITIES CODES: LC=Lower Church; UC=Upper Church; CR=Choir Room; AUD=School Auditorium; G=Gym; RY=Rectory Yard; CL=Church Library in LC; RCR=Rectory Conference Room; LS=Little School; RAC=Religious of the Assumption Convent; BIS=Bishop McShea Meeting Room Page 5- 187 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Please join in praying the World Meeting of Families Prayer COUNTDOWN TO THANKSGIVING On Monday, November 24th we expect to distribute 175+ “THANKSGIVING BOXES” containing a full Thanksgiving dinner for those from our parish and neighborhood most in need. We invite you to join this effort with the food drive by bringing a non-perishable food items, or a donation May your grace and love to Church and placing them in the boxes found at the help our families Church doors on the WEEKENDS of NOVEMBER in every part of the world 1st - NOVEMBER 22nd. They will be carried up be united to one another with our gifts during our Sunday Masses. We welcome your monetary donations (please in fidelity to the Gospel. place in the collection basket and mark “THANKSGIVING DRIVE” ) to help defray postage May the example of the Holy Family, expenses and also to buy perishable items such as with the aid of your Holy Spirit, bread and pies. If you will be available to help with guide all families, especially those most this project in any way, please call The Rectory at 215 troubled, to be homes of communion and -222-5819. We welcome your help and thank you for prayer and to always seek your truth your continued support of this parish outreach. If there is any one that you know that is in and live in your love. need of a THANKSGIVING DINNER, please have them call the rectory to place their name on the list and Through Christ our Lord. Amen we will be happy to try to assist all the families that are in need this Thanksgiving season. Again, thank Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! you for your prayers and support. God and Father of us all, I n Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. Parish Religious Education Program ( PREP) ANNOUNCED MASSES CORRECTION !!! Last weeks bulletin stated the PREP class would be doing a clothing drive. This has now been changed to a toiletry drive. Please see any PREP teacher or Sister Alice for the details. The Saint Francis de Sales 2014 Mass Book for Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. announced Masses still has some availability. Masses require a $10 donation and can be obtained at the Rectory during office hours. RESPECT LIFE THOUGHT We salute all fathers in the congregation for giving the gift of life and for your special role in raising up daughters and sons of God. May you be richly blessed... For your convenience, the Rectory is now open on Monday - Thursday evenings until 7:00 PM & Friday until 3PM. Founded 1890 If you or a member of the family would like a Communion to the Sick visit, please call Father Hand at the Rectory to make arrangements for a visit. The following sick have asked for our prayers: Dorothy Abromaitis, Martha Adams, Marcel Aguillard, Mary Cox Avery, Anna Batts, Edwina Amoroso, Evelyn Bauer, Charles Bevard, Susan McHale Brockel, Anne Brown, James Brown, J’Son Burckhalter, Edward Coccagna, Thomas Cody, Eulogious Charles, Bonnie Curran, William Curran, Bill Delaney, Walt Dickenson , John Dowling, Darnnell Ebron, Candice Ellis, James Gorman, Barbara Frazier, Annette Hanson, John Hall, Jacqueline Hill, Sheila Kendall, Shahidah Kendall, Celio Flores, Claudia Gainey, Rita Genzano, Anna Maria Gibson, David Grinnell, Audra Gustafson, Marian Hinton, Colleen Jenson, Edward Jones, Estella Jones, Doris King, Mashanda Kuderka, Vincent Marsh, Sabian Matthews, Mary McCann, Steve McCarter, Donald McGee, Frank McGee, William McMonigle, Jennifer Morse, Lawrence Nugent, Kevin Pickard, Marve Prowisor, Margaret Rhoads, Larry Riley, Lauren Rutherford, Henry Sondej, Dorothy Shannon, Thomas Shannon, Joseph Shurella, James Sirmons, Elisa Stuart-Wilkins, Mrs. Tran, Earl & Marie Vaughan, Wayne Welsh, Charlotte Williams, Justine Wright, Rick Young. Our Sick List is cleared every four weeks. Please contact the Rectory to add a name. LIGHT A CANDLE Five candles continually burn in the Adoration Chapel. For a donation of $5 a week, one of these candles can burn for your intentions. To donate a candle, place your donation in an envelope with your name and your intention(s) and drop it in the collection basket or at the Rectory This week candles burn in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel for: Betty Allen Celine Bourke Anita Brothers Perpetual Adorers We give thanks to God for favors already received by Adorers through Perpetual Adoration: “Spending time with Jesus has made me realize that each day is a gift. I share the joy of His Resurrection!” I know that my time with Him makes it possible each day!” CANDLES FOR DECEASED All parishioners are invited to light a candle for a deceased loved one which will burn in Church during the month of November. For one week ($10 each) or for the entire month of November ($35) in honor of All Souls Day on November 2. The name of the deceased will be placed on the candle. Please drop an envelope with the payment in the collection basket with the name(s) of your loved ones or bring to the Rectory before Friday, October 31st. WHAT IS PERPETUAL ADORATION? Through Perpetual Adoration in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel located in the back of the Upper Church (in the former baptistery/ library) at Saint Francis de Sales, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive our personal visits and prayer. To participate, you commit yourself to come at the same time each week for one hour so that Jesus is never left alone. As a safety feature, each adorer is issued a swipe key to access our secure Chapel. To sign up for your hour with the Lord, call Katie Keil at (215) 474-9417 or contact the Rectory. IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR ADORERS: Due to maintenance on our computer systems, you may experience a problem with your Adoration Key. If your key to the Adoration Chapel does not work, please contact Katie Keil at (215) 474-9417 or Our prayers are with the families of those who are mourning the recent loss of a loved one. This week we especially remember: Shane Michael Haley Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them. Please pray for the safe return of our friends and family that serve in the United States Military: Alexander Belfi, Ronald Brown, Jr., Cathy Charles, Joseph DeRosa, Christopher Grossman, Kizzie Refile, John Rovinski, Jr., To add a name or update our list, please contact the Rectory. Page 7 - 187 Henry L. Lazarus, D.M.D. G.J. 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Open House: October 12th - 11:00 AM -1:00 PM & November 9th - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Scholarship Exam: October 12th - 8:00 AM and November 9th - 8:00 AM Eric Kassab, Owner, Registration #3906 Contact the Admissions office for more information WINNERS OF ANGIES LIST SUPER SERVICE AWARD FROM 2006-2011 215-724-3425 FAX 215-724-5044 610-259-0280 ext 3225 or 187 St. Francis de Sales United by the Most Blessed Sacrament, Philadelphia (B) U 806 S. 47th Street P.O. Box 19791 • Philadelphia, PA 19143 PA Lic. #045649 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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