Court File No.: ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE COMMERCIAL LIST THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE MORAWETZ ) Wednesday, October 15, 2014 BY: CERTAS HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY, DESJARDINS FINANCIAL SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, THE PERSONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 9294-2150 QUÉBEC INC., FÉDÉRATION DES CAISSES DESJARDINS DU QUÉBEC (collectively, “Desjardins”), STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, STATE FARM INTERNATIONAL HOLDING COMPANY, AND STATE FARM INTERNATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. (collectively, “State Farm”) Applicants APPLICATION UNDER rules 14.05(3)(d), (g) and (h) of the Rules of Civil Procedure, relating to the purchase of the Canadian business of State Farm by Desjardins INITIAL ORDER THIS MOTION, made by the applicants for directions of the court with respect to, and under rule 16.04 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, as amended, for substituted service for all documents in connection with, the within application, was heard this day at Toronto. -2ON READING the motion record including the affidavit of Denis Dubois sworn on October 9, 2014 and exhibits thereto (the “Desjardins Affidavit”) and the affidavit of Peter Hanycz sworn on October 13, 2014 and exhibits thereto (the “State Farm Affidavit”), and on hearing the submissions of counsel for Desjardins and for State Farm, A. DEFINITIONS 1. In this order, the following terms have the following meanings: (a) “Master Transaction Agreement” or “MTA” means the Master Transaction Agreement between Desjardins as Purchasers and State Farm as Sellers, dated January 15, 2014, pursuant to which Desjardins will acquire the Canadian business of State Farm; (b) “Affected Persons” means persons who are current, former and prospective customers, all persons related to State Farm’s policies or accounts, such as State Farm Payment Plan account holders, beneficiaries, drivers, account payers, lienholders, lessors, all persons related to a current or former claim such as claimants and witnesses, service providers, current and former agents, any other persons identified within the “Canadian Books and Records” (as that term is defined in the MTA), applicants for employment with State Farm and former employees, to the extent that (despite State Farm’s notification efforts to date) they do not yet have the required knowledge and have not yet consented to the -3proposed disclosure of their personal information pursuant to the Transaction contemplated under the MTA; (c) “PIPEDA” means Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c. 5. B. NOTICE OF HEARING OF APPLICATION RELATING TO DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION 2. THIS COURT ORDERS that a form of notice substantially in the form of the draft notice that is attached hereto as Schedule A is hereby approved for the purpose of notifying Affected Persons of the proposed disclosure of personal information that is covered by PIPEDA, and that the applicants may publish such notice in the National Edition of the Globe & Mail within a week after the making of this order and once again during the following week. 3. THIS COURT ORDERS, pursuant to rule 16.04, that the publication of notice in accordance with paragraph 2 of this order shall constitute good and sufficient service and notice of the within application, the notice of application and the application record on all Affected Persons, that such service shall be effective on the date of the second publication of the notice, and that all Affected Persons will be bound by any orders made on the application. 4. THIS COURT ORDERS that this application will come on for a hearing on November 3, 2014 to determine, in the circumstances of this case and of the transaction contemplated by the Master Transaction Agreement: -4(a) the appropriate interpretation to be given to PIPEDA in relation to the disclosure of such personal information in the circumstances of this transaction; and (b) the adequacy of such notice together with other communications given to Affected Persons so that these Affected Persons have knowledge of the proposed disclosure of their personal information and to determine whether the Affected Persons have consented to the disclosure of such personal information; so that Desjardins may carry on in the ordinary course the business of State Farm to be acquired by Desjardins under the MTA. 5. THIS COURT ORDERS that any interested party who wishes to appear at the hearing of this application may apply to this Court by filing a notice of appearance giving not less than seven (7) days’ notice to the applicants or upon such other notice, if any, as this Court may order. C. 6. GENERAL THIS COURT ORDERS that the applicants may from time to time apply to this Court for advice and directions in the discharge of their powers and duties hereunder. 7. THIS COURT HEREBY REQUESTS the aid and recognition of any court, tribunal, regulatory or administrative body having jurisdiction in Canada or in the United States, to give effect to this order and to the applicants, and their respective agents, in carrying out the
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