PAGE 20 MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 Realty Executives Progressive R OAD L EVE L I NG Zen Littke, B. Sc., Agriculture P. Ag. ➤ Laneway Grating ➤ Driveways & Parking Lots ➤ Re-Grating or Re-Graveling RealtoR ® Residential, Commercial, Acreages and Farms 15341 - 97 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5X 5V3 C a l l 4 0 3 - 6 6 9 - 6 9 57 Red Deer 403-340-8860 Olds 403-556-0209 satellite alignment and repair 403-507-0911 Call Trent at 403-638-3744 or 587-444-0504 • Dependable Service • Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates • Specializing in Oilfield Leases • Commercial • Rural • Fully Insured • Valid H2S • On Call 24/7 sundre - caroline - olds Seamstress In Crossfield SEPTIC SYSTEMS Installation 403-669-6957 1026 Nanton Ave 403-941-5998 Complete Acreage Development Call Jack Ryan Sewing 4 You BOBCAT & TRUCKING Residential & Commercial Work Design and Office: 1 (780) 478-5478 Cell: 1 (587) 989-7653 (SOLD) Toll Free: 1-877-461-3276 (FARM) E-mail: Custom Sewing Garment Alterations/Repairs • Trucking • Backfilling • Landscaping • Posthole augering Cody: (403) 994-3352 • Oilfield Service Olds, AB (Including formal & bridal) HOURS: Mon., Wed. & Fri. You may find me at: 10 am - 7 pm RegionalClassifieds s Deadline: r r PLACE YOUR AD HERE: TM Thursday Noon. Holiday weekend Wednesday at 5 Carstairs Courier Payment; Box 114, Carstairs, Alberta T0M 0N0 Phone: (403) 337-2806 Fax: (403) 337-3160 E-mail: All liner ads must be pre-paid. Cash, Visa and Mastercard accepted. Errors/Changes: We apologize for any errors or omissions to classified ads and will be happy to correct a mistake. Mountain View Gazette will be responsible for a maximum of one insertion only and does not accept liability for any amount greater than the cost of the ad. Mountain View Gazette reserves the right to refuse publication of any classified ad, to properly classify and to omit offensive words and phrases. The Mountain View Gazette will not be responsible for handwritten or phone-in submissions of all advertising and news articles, due to mistakes that can be made through interpreting handwritten copy (no letters touching each other). Mistakes made from handwritten copy or phone-in copy, is the submitter’s responsibility. Final printing of handwritten copy is at the publisher’s discretion. 110. In Memoriam 110. In Memoriam Angela Brinker 1968-2013 “Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there, The gates of memory will never close, We miss you more than anyone knows.” Love Always, Mom & Dad, the Brinkers and the O’Flahertys 130. Coming Events 130. Coming Events EAGLE HILL MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE TURKEY SUPPER NOVEMBER 2, 2014 4 PM - 6 PM $12 / person $8 Ages 7-12 6 & under free F R EE 130. Coming Events Pumpkin Patch Party October 31 5:30-8:30pm Drop-In Location: Deer Meadow School – West Entrance Hot Dogs, Candy, FrEE Inflatables, EvEnt! Games & More! FOr aLL agES Sundre Round Up 130. Coming Events Sunday, November 2, 2014 With Guests: Kids Halloween Party Sunday, October 26th. 2-4pm Ages 1 - 12 Only 60 spots available Traditional TURKEY SUPPER Church Hall, 4302 - 57 Avenue, Olds Saturday, October 25, 2014 From: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Family (parent(s) & children under 18 yrs) $40 Adults (13 & older) $12 Students (6 to 12 yrs) $6 Preschool children FrEE DON’T MISS IT! Lost & Found 190. 21st ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Oct. 28th - 30th – 1 pm - 8 pm Oct. 31st – 1 pm - 6 pm Come along and bring a friend to enjoy coffee and goodies while looking at the wide variety of sewing and craft products; as well as the selection of baking, jams, pickles and other preserves. All items span a variety of festive and non-festive themes. Calgary, AB Join us to sing the hymns we all love. Hymn Sing Band (Sounds of Praise) will begin playing at 5:30 p.m. “Free Will Offering” 403-556-3109 or 1-866-291-7233 Oct. 23 & 24/ 30 & 31 Every Monday On-Line Only On-Line Only Nov. 4 TBA TBA TBA Call for Dates PST / or CSTS equivalent / IRP16 - Computer Based Coming Events St. Stephen’s Catholic Church ACME CHRISTMAS MARKET Sat. Nov. 15 10am-2pm Acme Community Centre For table rentals call Trish (403) 546-3988 Address: 5320 Alder Close, Olds 200. Business/Invest. Oppor. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on average). Covers: hip/knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. Apply today! 1-844-453-5372. WANTED BIG GAME Guide for Zone 318. Would like someone who lives in the area and could possibly accommodate and guide 2 hunters per week for White Tail and Mule Deer. If interested call Shawn at 403-529-7997. 3” wide version 190. Announcements Announcements Engaging Solutions Synergy Conference, Nov 3-5, 2014 12345 The premiere gathering of stakeholders involved and impacted by energy development. A unique opportunity for rural landowners, oil and gas companies, regulators, municipalities, stewardship groups and a host of others to come together to share information and find ways to collaborate. River Cree Resort, Enoch, Alberta 130. EVERYONE WELCOME! Std. First Aid & CPR “C” (Red Cross) H2S Alive WHMIS TDG Transportation of Dangerous Goods Ground Disturbance Level II Fall Protection Confined Space Airbrakes Driver Training Class 1 and Class 3 130. HYMN SING Lone Pine Hall 103 - 2nd Street N.W. Box 599 Sundre, Alberta T0M 1X0 Phone: (403) 638-3577 Fax: (403) 638-3077 E-mail: For More Information: 403-556-3219 First Baptist Church ~ 6 p.m. 5005 - 53 Ave., Olds Alberta RSVP Amanda 335-8536 5013 - 51 Street Box 3910, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P6 Phone: (403) 556-7510 Fax: (403) 556-7515 E-mail: 2017-A 19th Avenue Box 760, Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0 Phone: (403) 335-3301 Fax: (403) 335-8143 E-mail: Coming Events 4932 - 49 Street Innisfail, Alberta T4G 1N2 Phone: (403) 227-3477 Fax (403) 227-3330 E-mail: Olds Albertan Didsbury Review 130. Innisfail Province Coming Events 300. Lost & Found LOST 2 BLACK LAB DOGS Did have collars on. Bigger dog has white T on chest Both about 1 year old. TagsStrathmore vet. Lost on 587 by RgRd 41. Eagle Hill area Both are Tattooed AUU207 AUU208. Come to the names TAG & CHEWY. Call 403-465-2974 with any information. The Brothers 3.75” wide version Landreth Engaging Solutions Sunday, October 26, 2014 Doors Open at 6PM Synergy Conference, Nov 3-5, 2014 Concert at 7PM The premiere gathering of stakeholders Sundre Arts Centre involved and impacted by 12345 energy development. unique TicketsAon sale opportunity for rural landowners, for $25 at: oil and gas companies, regulators, municipalities, stewardship Little Country Cappuccino groups•and a host of others to come together to share • Online: information and find ways to collaborate. River Cree Resort, Enoch, Alberta Vermilion • Lloydminster Apply to Lakeland College in person or online during Open House & pay NO APPLICATION FEE. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 3” wide version 410. Education/Training 410. Education/Training 1005. MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted PAGE 21 1005. Help Wanted SO007488 Employment Opportunities Vermilion • Lloydminster Apply to Lakeland College in person or online during Open House & pay NO APPLICATION FEE. • Administrative Support/Records Management Technician - (FTE) • Accounts Payable - (Maternity Leave Coverage) 1005. Help Wanted 3.75” wide version Part-time Human Resources Administrator Full Position descriptions may be obtained by contacting Human Resource directly at the email below, by telephone at 403-335-3311 Ext 194, or by visting our website at Responsibilities of the HR Administrator Client: Lakeland College Marketing Dept. are to be marked “confidential” and All applications • Process bi-weekly payroll Code: 14_7450_OpenHouseValueAds will be received in confidence. Submissions will be • Coordinate the hiring of personnel for the various departments received until Noon on Friday, October 31, 2014. Publication: AWNA Newspapers • Coordinate benefit plans Resume, Attention Human Resources, in one • Create and implement Company policies and procedures Size: 3” x 2” & 3.75” x 2”,Submit Black & Whiteways: SO007488 of the following • Must have knowledge of current Alberta Labour Standards Run Dates: Oct. 13-19 & Oct. 20-26 Skills Cost: resources $ • Email to: The ideal candidate will possess payroll, human and benefits • Fax to: 403-335-9207 administration experience with attentionGraphic to detail and accuracy. Lorena You Designer: Donkin Vermilion Lloydminster • Mail to: Mountain View County, are able to manage deadlines and prioritize tasks •effectively. The PO Bag 100, Didsbury, AB successful applicant independently butperson also work togetherduring Applycantowork Lakeland College in or online with department staff. T0M 0W0 Open House & pay NO APPLICATION FEE. Proficiency in Excel, Word and Outlook is required. Familiarity with Payworks software and/or experience in manufacturing would be w w w. m ou n ta i nvi ewc ou n ty. c o m considered an asset. Apply Please submit your resume and cover letter, referencing the job title, to: Email: Fax: 403-335-9560 Mail: ProAll International Mfg. Inc. 5810 47 Avenue Olds, AB T4H 1V1 This position will remain open until a suitable candidate is hired. However, ProAll will accept applications until November 4, 2014. Only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews. Telephone calls will not be accepted or responded to. Thank you for your interest. Vermilion • Lloydminster st nd Apply to Lakeland College in person or online during Open House & pay NO APPLICATION FEE. Now Hiring HydroVac Swamper Oilfield Tickets required. Fax resume (with references) to: 1-866-724-9777 email: Olds, Alberta Hiring EXPEriEnCED vaCuum truCk DrivErs / swamPErs Air brakes, class 3, clean abstract. Competitive wages and benefits package. Call 403-815-9160, or fax resumé to 403-637-0080. If you are a 1 , 2 or 3rd year apprentIce welder PRODUCTION WELDERS ProAll International Mfg. is seeking experienced HIgHland projects partnersHIp welders with good work ethics who are capable of working in a team environment. wants you! Both journeymen and apprentice welders are needed. Must have a drive to learn, mechanical We are willing to train the right applicant. aptitude and attention to detail. Welders will work from engineered Client: drawings to produce highMarketing Dept. Lakeland College Mig welding experience is an asset. quality parts for ProAll’s own products as well Code: 14_7450_OpenHouseValueAds as many contract jobs. With ProAll you have the Benefits offered. Competitive wages. Newspapers opportunity to work inPublication: a safe, cleanAWNA and healthy Size: 3” x 2” & 3.75” x 2”, Black & White environment. Please drop off resume at office or send to ProAll offers a competitive benefit Run Dates:salary, Oct. 13-19 & Oct. 20-26 package and RRSP program. Cost: $These are full time positions in a modernGraphic shop with an excellent Designer: Lorena Donkin ATTN: Chelsey safety program. Hours of work are from 7:00 AM to 3:15 PM Monday to Friday. Please submit resumes to: wE-mail: and wFax: (403) 556-1666 wMail: ProAll International Mfg. Inc. 5901 48 Avenue Olds, AB T4H 1V1 410. Education/Training MEDICAL BILLING Trainees needed! Learn to process & submit billing claims for hospitals and doctors! No experience needed! Local training gets you ready to work! 1-888-627-0297. 435. Health Services HOME NURSING SERVICES • Private Nursing Care (In home or hospital) • Palliative Nursing Care (Care of terminally ill) • Respite Care (Caregiver Relief) • Health Monitoring (Daily-Weekly) • Diabetic Nursing Care Linda Olsen Registered Nurse (403) 556-3154 1005. Bumper To Bumper Cremona is seeking reliable persons with Experience in Sales or repair of any of the following: Automotive parts, Agricultural parts, Lawn and Garden Equipment and parts, tools, Truck accessories, Heavy truck parts, Stihl equipment, Ariens equipment, Hardware. Full or Part time help wanted, Please e-mail or drop off resumes at Bumper To Bumper in Cremona LOOKING FOR DRIVER with Class 1 licence. Prefer with Agriculture Experience 403-335-4690/ 403-335-6333 Help Wanted REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Class 1 truck drivers. F/T P/T. Must provide a clean drivers abstract and references. Please call 403-588-2003 WEBB’S 7700. Travel/Vacation 8005. FOY SPA RV Resort Canadian Winter Special $9.95/day. All new fitness center, hot mineral springs. Events, activities, entertainment. New guests. Call for info 1-888-800-0772; EXCAVATING requires Labourer / Email: Operator. Full time. or Call 403-559-4142 8330. Services R&R HydRoVac SeRViceS Electrical • Tri-drive trucks • TDG Certified • Oilfield • Industrial • Commercial SEMI RETIRED MASTER ELECTRICIAN Available for small jobs Maintenance. Reasonable 403-556-4552 403-637-0008 IS HIRING! EVRAZ Red Deer Works is now accepting applications for JouRnEymAn millwRights, ElEctRiciAns, And mAchinists. Individuals must be safety conscious, physically fit, able to work overtime and shift work. Wages start at $40.00 per hour and offer an excellent benefit and pension package. Please send resume to or deliver in person to 27251 391 Township Road OLDS DETACHMENT Commissionaires, Southern Alberta, Olds Detachment is looking for versatile and highly motivated personnel to augment our team. As a successful candidate, you must: • Be physically able to perform security duties, highly reliable, have excellent interpersonal and verbal communications skills, work well under pressure. • Be able to pass a criminal record background and vulnerable sector check. Commissionaires offers competitive wages, uniforms and opportunities to enrich your skills and achieve personal goals. Part time and casual positions available, which could work into full time. Military or RCMP experience is preferred, but not required. For further information, call Jack Fewster, Administration Officer, CCCSAB, Olds Detachment. Phone 403-507-7950 or email IndustrIal CoatIngs applICator • have experience with 2-part epoxy • spray foam application SAOC Office Administrator – October 2014 We are currently recruiting for the position of Office Administrator for the Students’ Association of Olds College (SAOC). This is a full time position requiring 37.5 hours per week. Reporting directly to the General Manager, this position will be responsible for; but not limited to the following tasks: Reception duties, including telephones Preparing documents, schedules and calendars using: •Word •Excel •Publisher •Website Printing/Photocopying/Faxing Opening and distributing mail Updating OC Students website AttendingSAOCexecutiveandStudentBoardofDirectorMeetings(SBOD) •Prepareagenda •Recordminutesatmeeting •Prepareanddistributeminutes Limited data entry in Simply Accounting Preference will be given to candidates with Office Admin Certificate/ Diploma, Simply Accounting, Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher experience. This position offers many rewards to the right candidate, including company benefits and reduced office hours during the months from May - August. If you possess the skills as described, you are outgoing, friendly,andareabletomulti-taskinademandingandeverchangingatmosphere,please submit your resume’ to SAOC: Mail: SAOC ATTN: General Manager 4500 – 50 Street Olds,ABT4H1R6•Fax:403-556-4633 SubmitresumeinpersontotheSAOCadministrationofficeintheBelle-Learningbuilding at the Olds College. Closing Date - October 24, 2014 or until suitable candidate has been found Benefits offered. Competitive wages. Please drop off resume at office or send to: ATTN: Chelsey CONTRACT EXERCISE RIDER INSTRUCTOR EXERCISE RIDER and JOCKEY TRAINING PROGRAM Olds College Continuing Education Department is seeking a part-time Exercise Rider Instructor for the Certified Exercise Rider & Jockey Training Program. This is a parttime recurring contract position with variable dates each year, typically between January 1 and April 30. Program delivery will be at Olds College and ‘A’ Racetracks within Alberta. Please forward a resume quoting competition # 14133C. Preference will be given to applications received by October 26, 2014 however; this competition will remain open until a suitable candidate has been selected. For further information on this/these employment opportunities, please visit our website at PAGE 22 1005. 3” wide version MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted Rundlestone Salon & Spa Aveda Olds is now hiring licensed hair stylists. Contact us at 403-586-7721 or apply in person with resume to 6308b-46 St Olds HELP WANTED PART-TIME PENNERS AND CATTLE SORTERS WANTED Competitive Wages, Flexible Hours Apply in Person or Contact OLDS AUCTION MART TYLER - 403-556-3655 Redmond Land, Lease and Contracting is looking for full or part time helper Carpentry, Concrete, Snow Removal & Landscaping. Hours are flexible. $15/hr and up depending on work ethic & experience. Call 403-507-0911 or email Part Time Help Wanted We have an opening for a part time retail salesperson. We are looking for someone who is interested in working 2-3 days a week. If you are self-motivated, enjoy working with people and love to sell this job may be for you. Job requires no experience in the footwear industry. We will train you. Drop off your resume to: Henry’s Shoes Ltd. Olds, Alberta • 403-556-8883 email: Company Drivers & Lease Operators Wanted for a busy local grain hauling company. Super B experience. Class 1 with clean 3 yrs. driving history. Fax resume & abstract to 403-337-3758 or email 1005. Help Wanted REQUEST FOR QUOTE/Bid for Snow and Ice Removal Chinook’s Edge School Division No. 73 is looking to procure professional snow removal services and is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain a proposal of delivered services and pricing. Snow must be removed from the lot. The evaluation of each response to this RFQ will be based on its demonstrated competence, compliance, format, and strength of organization. Evaluation Criteria: 1. The vendor must be a business within Chinook’s Edge School Division No. 73. 2. The vendor must demonstrate the capacity to meet the volume of work at a level of customer service expected from Chinook’s Edge. 3. The vendor must show the ability and any certification required. Please contact Mr. Shawn Russell, Associate Superintendent-People Services at 403-227-7070 or toll free at 1-800-561-9229 with questions. Deciding factors will be price competitiveness, quality of workmanship, ease of doing business, experience and references. Bids should be delivered to Chinook’s Edge School Division No. 73 Board office located at 4904 – 50 Street, Innisfail, Alberta. Deadline for Bid Submission: Friday, October 31, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Faxed Bids will NOT be accepted. 1500. 3.75” wide version NOW HIRING GRAPPLE SKIDDER, FELLER BUNCHER, PROCESSOR OPERATORS, DOZER OPERATORS, EQUIPMENT 12345 HAULERS, CLASS 1 DRIVERS FOR LOG HAUL, SELF LOADING LOG TRUCK DRIVER Email: Fax: 780-542-6739 Alberta 3” wide version 1005. Help Wanted Help Wanted Very busy Okanagan Subaru dealership requires immediately a Service Manager Must enjoy a fast-paced working environment and have a minimum of fiveyears automotive management experience including, parts, service, and warranty. This is a full-time position which includes competitive wages and full benefit package. 12345 Please reply in person, email or fax your resume to: Hilltop Subaru 4407 27th Street, Vernon BC Atten: Dayna Kosmino Email: • Fax: 250-542-1778 JEFTEC Automotive Service Inc. Sizes, wholesale prices guaranteed. EXCAVATION SEPTIC SYSTEM installations Bobcat Rentals 403-556-1213 3220. Misc. Wanted FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed d e a l e r. 1 - 8 6 6 - 9 6 0 - 0 0 4 5 ; 4030. Horses & Tack HORSES - WE BUY all types Free pick-up. Also saddles and tack for sale. Bill Nugent 403-818-6068 4310. NOW HIRING #1, 605 Main Ave East PO Box 2259 Sundre AB T0M 1X0 AUTOMOTIVE Auctions Email: Fax: 780-542-6739 Alberta 1005. AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 780-723-5051. 3010. GRAPPLE SKIDDER, FELLER BUNCHER, PROCESSOR OPERATORS, 12345 DOZER OPERATORS, EQUIPMENT HAULERS, CLASS 1 DRIVERS FOR LOG HAUL, SELF LOADING LOG TRUCK DRIVER FULL-TIME MEAT CUTTER required at Sobeys in Olds, Alberta. 40 hours per week. Benefits. Fax resume to 1-403-556-8652 or email: Help Wanted — Alta. NOW HIRING Help Wanted — Alta. WHEATLAND AUCTIONS. GPRC, FAIRVIEW CAMPUS Gun and Sportman’s Auction, needs a Power Engineering Lydell Group Inc. is currently hiring Oct. 25 in Cheadle, Alberta. Instructor! Please contact Guns, ATVs, tools, and more. Brian Carreau at 780-835-6631 Phone 403-669-1109; and/or visit our website at HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC 3210. Misc. For Sale required for busy commercial A-STEEL SHIPPING Dry transport truck dealership in Storage Containers. Used 40’ Kamloops. 4 year apprentice Based out of Drayton Valley Alberta. Competitive & 40’ Seacans high cube & or ticketed mechanic with insulated containers 40’-53’ wages based on experience, benefits, accommodation, strong electrical knowledge. long. Specials in stock now. & drives to airport provided. Good equipment. Permanent full-time, Self unloading delivery. Phone competitive wage and benefit toll free 1-866-528-7108; package. Resume to: Attn.: HR, 2072 Falcon Rd., LOOKING FOR a shop? Post Kamloops, BC, V2C 4J3. Frame Buildings. AFAB E m a i l : Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great JOURNALISTS, Graphic 3010. Auctions 3010. Auctions construction practices. For a Artists, Marketing and more. free quote, contact Ryan Alberta’s weekly newspapers Smith 403-818-0797 or email: are looking for people like you. DRIVING HORSE, Equipment, & Tack Sale. FITNESS PLUS AUCTION. 2, Post your resume online. Free. Vehicle METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Visit: Summarized Sale Items: 8 1709 - 8 Ave. NE, Calgary. 30+ colours available at over driving horses, various bridles, Saturday, Nov. 1, 10 a.m. seekers. 40 Distributors. 40 year lines, harness’, collars, Scot Selling treadmills, cross MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION warranty. 48 hour Express set of Group heavy brass trainers, steppers, spin & is an in-demand career in Tops, Lydell Inc. is currently hiring Service available at select Canada! Employers have pulling harness, straps of 4 recumbent bikes; selectorized supporting Distributors. Call equipment, free work-at-home positions brass bells, fine black harness, weight 1-888-263-8254. trailer, cutters, weights, racks, benches, available. Get the online horse SAWMILLS from only $4,397. training you need from an democrat, wagon, sleighs, dumbells, barbells, tanning Make money & save money employer-trusted program. carts buggies, flat/bob flat beds, lockers, audio & more. with your own bandmill. Cut e e Visit: or deck, double trees, training S lumber any dimension. In stock 1-888-528-0809 to start items. View items on offer and ready to ship. Free info & dvd: sale detailsValley Alberta. at m. 1-800-371-6963. Based out of Drayton Competitive wages based training for your work-at-home or career today! on experience, benefits, accommodation, and drives to airport 00OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. w w w. k r a m e r a u c t i o n . c o m . POST FRAME BUILDERS. Preview: Octoberprovided. Good equipment. 400OT. 24, 6 - 8 p.m. UNRESERVED AUCTION. Prairie Post Frame’s premium Sale STEEL BUILDINGS “Gift-Card October 25, 11 a.m. buildings with competitive Accepting entries until October Oct. 23, 9 a.m. Bill Armstrong Give-Away!” 20x22 $4,358. Trucking Ltd., Thorhild, pricing has resulted in an 23, 2014. Lloydminster Alberta. 780-398-2294. Cat 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6,446. unprecedented growth. We are E x h i b i t i o n A s s o c . D6C-LGP, standard, winch; 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. looking for additional 306-825-5571. Cat D7HXR high drive; 2 Cat 47x72 $18,498. One end wall outstanding builders. Please Steel D8H-46A’s, p. shifts; Finley Hi- included. Pioneer contact Adam: GUN & SPORTSMAN Auction. Way Hydrascreen; 2 Ardco 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 8 - 5 4 2 2 ; or Oct. 25, 10 a.m. Firearms, 4x4’s; 1994 - 870 Galion 403-507-1996. BUILDINGS/METAL ammo, accessories & more! (Komatsu) grader; 1984 - 4500 STEEL Unreserved! No buyers fee! Volvo loader; quantity of Cat Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 3010. Auctions 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, ANTIQUE AUCTION. Hwy 14 Wainwright, Alberta. attachments; 20 pick-up trucks Auction, & more. View online 60x150, 80x100, sell for Saturday, November 8, 2014. S c r i b n e r balance owed! Call Harmony Hall, Redcliff, 7 8 0 - 8 4 2 - 5 6 6 6 ; 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 5 7 - 2 2 0 6 ; Alberta. Doors open 9:30 a.m. Auction starts 11 a.m. Antiques UNDERGROUND WIRE, ALL include: furniture, tack, pocket 1040. Careers 1040. Careers watches, toys, housewares, radios, stoves & more. Online bidding available. Details at w w w. g w a c o u n t r y. c o m . 1-866-304-4664 or 403-363-1729. ANTIQUE COLLECTIBLE Auction. Nov. 2, 11 a.m., Sandhills Hall, S/E Spruce Grove. 300 lots coins, automobilia, crocks, compressor lathe, glassware, forge anvil, furniture, dishware, pictures, saws, models, trunks; 1500. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 AUCTION TECHNICIAN Grain/Feed/Hay HAY FOR SALE: Round bales, mixed grass good for horses. Can deliver. $55 each. 403-638-3398. Crammond Hall 3.75” wide version HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Directions: 26 km North of SUNDRE on Hiway 22. Journeyman. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & #1, 605 Main Ave East #1, 605 Main Ave East 12 km South of Caroline on Hiway 22 peas for feed. Buying Competitive wages, PO Box 2259 PO Box 2259friendly atmosphere. damaged or offgrade grain. Two antique steamer wheels, oak barrel, vintage Sundre AB T0M 1X0 Sundre AB T0M 1X0 “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Apply in confidence at Must enjoytrunk, a fast-paced and have gold a minimum Monday - Friday p 403 638 2222 p 403 638 2222 Monday - Friday 1920working singerenvironment sewing machine, minerof five-years Feed & Grain, 8amAutomotive - 5pm 8am - 5pm e e Technician #1, 605 Main Ave E,Journeyman OR email resumé to: 1-877-250-5252. automotivepans, management experience including, parts, service, and warranty. This is a coal oil lamps, five gallon red head oil pail, Mondayfor - Friday p 403 638 shop 2222 in Sundre, AB looking Busy 8am - 5pm eJEFTEC Automotive JEFTEC Service Automotive Inc. Service Inc. October 25, 2014 – Saturday 11am Very busy Okanagan Subaru dealership requires immediately a Service Manager Jeff Plemel full-time position which full Crane benefit package. vintage railincludes road competitive lanterns, wages coins,and Ben art, 12345 Jeff Plemel American pressed glass ware, 830 case tractor, Journeyman Automotive Technician Please reply in person, email or fax your resume to: two electric wood splinters, Bosch jig saw, dewalt Hilltop Subaru cordless drill, dewalt skill saw, stack 4407 27th Street, Vernon BC able Mac tool box, bench grinder, chain saw, Mikita Atten: Daynastihl Kosmino planer,air compressor, home lite4300 33’ Email: • Fax:generator, 250-542-1778 prowler trailer, Rv windows, doors and mattresses, many more items. Subject to additions and deletions. All items sold as is. NO RAIN- SMALL Square Hay bales for sale. Good for horses. Call or text Ruth 403-512-4236 5003. Real Estate Misc. www. albertanewhomes .ca Alberta Auction Services 403-638-6560 1040. Careers 1040. Careers 1040. Careers COCHRANE LAKE GAS CO-OP is a rural Gas Utility with a customer base of approximately 2,500 within our franchise area. We are currently seeking a full-time GAS UTILITY OPERATOR/GAS FITTER Pressure Trucks ComboUnits Units Straight-VacUnits Units• Sour-Sealed Truck and and Trailer Trailer•Septic Potable Water Pressure Trucks • Combo • Straight-Vac Sour-Sealed Truck Septic • Potable Water NOW HIRING Far West Trucking is now looking for class 1, 3 and 5 operators for local, year-round, full time employment. Offering late model, assigned units, industry leading pay and benefits, scheduled days-off, and room for career advancement. Far West trucking operates locally, which means employees are home to spend most nights with their families! Qualified operators with current first-aid, and H2S tickets and a clean driver’s abstract required but training will be provided to the right candidates who have a desire to succeed and display an eagerness to learn.•24hr Phone: 403-337-2067 Please email resumes to Preference will be given to candidates with natural gas distribution system experience. Experience operating backhoes, trenches and pipe plows in a natural gas distribution system would be an asset. Valid Class 5 Driver’s Licence with clean abstract is required. Must have good computer and customer service skills. CLGC offers a competitive salary, benefits and a pension plan. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send resume to: General Manager 209 Railway Street East, Cochrane AB T4C 2C3 or by fax at: 403.932.2911 or by email to: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2014 3720. Iron & Steel 5003. Real Estate Misc. 5003. Real Estate Misc. 5003. Real Estate Misc. Ironman Scrap Metal Recovery 5003. Real Estate Misc. Thinking of Buying or Selling?... call us today for a FREE evaluation Farm machinery, vehicles and industrial. CARSTAIRS HOMES Serving Central Alberta SOLD 804 STONEHAVEN DRIVEm$468,900 TRUDY MLS #C3599235, walkout mod bilevel, huge lot 1223 GREY STREET $165,000 TRUDY MLS#C3638910, Cute bung w/2 car garage, big lot 118 MOUNTAINVIEW GATE 365,000 TRUDY MLS#C3633415 Huge lot, cul-de-sac, 2 storey 1203 GOUGH RD. $389,900 RAYEL MLS#C3634719 Huge,park like corner lot, w/spacious 4 bdrm, renovated home. Dbl att garage. Tons of upgrades and character. Great property in & out. 1549 MCALPINE STREET $354,900 RAYEL MLS #C3636857, 2012 Open concept, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1214 sf, bi-level home w/att garage. Hardwood, stainless steel appliances. 67 STENLEA GATE $499,000 TRUDY MLS#C3638160, Large, high end 50+ condo Call 403-318-4346 RECYCLE BIG OR SMALL WE SOLD DIDSBURY HOMES 1174 KILDEER CLOSEm$325,000 RANDY MLS# C3627363, 1228 sf, bi-level. Zoned R2 with fully finished walkout lower, 4 bdrms, 3 baths. TAKE IT ALL! Free pickup of unwanted vehicles, farm machinery, loose metals, batteries etc. to be taken for recycling. Serving all areas. OTHER TOWNS SOLD SOLD SOLD CREMONA MOBILE IN HOME PARK $49,900 RANDY 1393 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, addition,upgraded 106 2 AVE TORRINGTONm$174,900 RAYEL MLS #C3599939, 3 bedroom, upgraded home on large, private lot, 2 garages 5156 39TH ST. INNISFAIL RAYEL 3 bed, 2 bath home w/huge addition & dbl det garage. 127 COOPERS CLOSE AIRDRIEm$464,000 TRUDY MLS# C3614981, fully finished, bright, open Water Valley General Contracting Ltd. 403-690-5337 ACREAGES/FARMS/RANCHES Real Estate Misc. 5100. GEM Houses For Sale OF A HOUSE! 11/2 storey modern openconcept custom home, featuring high ceilings & walk out basement with rental opportunities. 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, infloor heating, wrap around deck. Energy efficient. Lots of storage. Well built. $339,000.00 - Torrington. 403-877-4839 AmAsco custom homes $247,500 403-850-3948 5100. Randy Mader Broker 403-337-2928 Houses For Sale Over an Acre for $724,888 6400. Recreational Vehicles 6400. Recreational Vehicles 6400. MAnUFActURER’S Rv LiqUiDAtiOn SALE MSRP SALE* 2014 Cruiser RV Enterra E-31RSS 202360 $51,389 $36,983 2014 Rockwood, 2504 Mini Lite 126196 $28,602 $17,737 2014 Rockwood, 2304S Mini Lite 126362 $33,507 $20,950 2014 Zinger ZT26BH 001167 $37,054 $22,652 2014 Cruiser RV Fun Finder F-215WSK 029432 $33,120 2014 Cedar Creek 36CKTS $22,180 210056 $94,444 $59,529 2014 Cruiser RV Viewfinder Signature 202237 $44,610 $29,659 VS-30QBIK * Prices do not include GST and Dealer Fees PLUS Another 100 units available at LIQUIDATION PRICING OctObER 16 - 26 MOn - thURS 11 AM - 7 PM FRi & SAt 9 AM - 6 PM SUn 11 AM - 4 PM inDOORS At thE OLDS cOw PALAcE SPEciAL FinAncing AvAiLAbLE nO DEALERS PLEASE Amvic Licence # 1026407 PLEASE CALL 1-844-638-9006 OR EMAIL FOR SPECIAL PRICING INFO OR TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT 300 ACRES CROSSFIELD/CARSTAIRS RANDY 140 AC $599,000 - MLS# C3633594 Pasture can all be cultivated, mtn view, fenced, sloping, water well. 159 AC $699,000 - MLS# C3633597 full qtr so can be subdivided. Pasture but much cultivatable. Crossfenced, water well, power, pond, trees. SOLD SOLD Realtor 403-710-4578 Dave Cuming Assoc. Broker 403-540-5799 Trudy Drever Realtor 403-850-1394 3” wide version 7510. Moving/Hauling/Storage 7510. Moving/Hauling/Storage WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. 12345 Customizable and secure. From storage to workspace. The yard on this home like a park with over an acre for the kids to play on in the heart of Olds. Fully developed 2 storey with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fireplace in the formal dining room and more. Steel containers from 8' - 53'. 20' & 40' skids with optional 4' landings available. Mount with twist locks. HOUSE FOR SALE: By Owner in Crossfield, two storey, 2700 sq.ft., 4 bdrm. 3.5 bath, 3 car garage Recently built, well built w/hardwood, tile, fireplace wrought iron railings....etc. Close to paths, park and school. Please call for price and more details 403-680-0109 5110. Houses For Rent HOUSE Didsbury. bdrm. in smoking, people. $1000SD. 5135. FOR RENT in 2 bdrm. with 1 basement. No No pets, Mature $1000/mth. 403-227-4126 Suites For Rent 3BDRM, 1 BATH, large fenced yard, home at 514048 Street Innisfail. Fridge/stove, 2 sheds, N/P, N/S. $1300 rent, $1300 D.D. plus utilities. Phone 403-506-1551. 5150. Rooms/Room & Board IN BOWDEN. ROOM FOR rent with shared kitchen, living room and bathroom, in a 3 bedroom duplex. $400 includes utilities, cable, wifi and washer and dryer, n/s. Please contact Sarah at 403-617-0541 5150. 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM 3” wide version 7245. Misc. Services To view call Carol Lavine at 1-888-524-9688 The Real Estate Company 10 DAyS OnLy Stock # SOLD Rayel Walker Recreational Vehicles PUBLIC NOTICE nEw STEVE ALGRA • 403 994 1308 SOLD SCRAP METAL PICKUP BIN SERVICE DEMOLITION FULL 1/4 WEST OF CARSTAIRS $650,000 DAVE MLS# C3587995, Mostly grass, dugout, oil revenue, close to pavement, several good building sites. 18 AC CARSTAIRS EAST $899,000 RANDY MLS# C3620648, Fabulous custom built 1 1/2 storey 2860 sf 5 bdrm home, gorgeous landscaping, fantastic shop. A Dream Property surrounded by mature trees, Private, Pavement. Zoned AG. 3.9 AC CARSTAIRSm$625,500 RAYEL OR RANDY MLS# C3623561, 3200+ sf open concept home w/ oversized dbl att garage. Minutes from town and golf. 76 AC CARSTAIRS RAYEL MLS#C3629731, 76 acres of hay, pasture, well site revenue, w/great views & off paved road. 40 AC-CARSTAIRS, $517,000, RANDY MLS#C3503510, Hwy 2 frontage, hay, dugout, mtnview CARSTAIRS 1240 sq. ft. two-storey, half duplex, revenue or starter home. 3 bedroom, nice country view, garage pad. 3 AC-WEST OF DIDSBURY $179,000 RAYEL OR RANDY with mountain view, rolling land, private setting & not in a cluster! Subject to subdivision finalization. 20 AC NE OF CARSTAIRS $459,000 RANDY MLS# C3620313, Private, cozy, unique Paradise. 2300 sf 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 1 1/2 storey home. Mountain view, hot tub, cabin, trees, creek, pond, serviced mobile pad, zoned AG. 4 AC CARSTAIRS EAST $399,000 RANDY MLS# C3627351, Affordable, just 10 min off Hiway 2. 1400 sf older home in good shape. Trees, outbuildings, waterers. Peaceful/private. 10 AC CROSSFIELD $849,000 RANDY MLS# C3623559, Fantastic 6yr old exec home w/ views. 7 bdrms, vaulted 9ft ceilings, maple hardwood & cabinets, 3 car garage. 5 min to QEII and town. 20 AC-CROSSFIELD/CARSTAIRS, $339,000, RANDY MLS#C3497959, Private, dugout, can lease 20 more 71 AC CREMONA $749,900 RAYEL OR RANDY MLS#C3636285, Min from Cremona. 2003 dbl wide mobile home. 40x70 Quonset, cabin and numerous outbuildings. Treed, private, fenced & ready to move in. 3 AC EAGLE HILL/BOWDEN/OLDS $150,000 RANDY MLS#C3616702, Great mtn/valleyview, walkout poss LANGDON-122 ACm$3,200,000, RANDY MLS#C3501131, Development land next to golf course 158 AC NW OLDSm$975,000 RAYEL MLS# C3622683, 5 min NW of Olds. 2001 1.5 storey home w/6 bdrms, 3 baths, walk-out basement. New 30x40 trap bldg, pipe corrals, fenced and crossfenced w/seasonal creek. 142 AC WATER VALLEY/CREMONA $699,000 RANDY MLS#C3631514 Amazing rec land on the Little Red Deer River. Trees, springs, valleys/views, pasture/hay DOGPOUND ACREAGE 8.75 ACm$675,000 RAYEL MLS# C3630581, 2002 beautiful open concept home, 2464 sf w/dbl att garage. Treed, private, fenced. 142 AC NORTH OF AIRDRIE $715,000 DAVE MLS#C3630463 On pavement, east slope rolling land, dugout, crop, pasture, trees. Great place to build your dream. BEARBERRY 9.41 AC $225,000 RAYEL OR RANDY Build or use as a wknd getaway. Views & zoned AG. SOLD SOLD SOLD 5003. Real Estate Misc. WE NEED YOUR LISTING! is picking up scrap again! RITCHIE BROS Unreserved Auction. October 30. Highway commercial property, 2.04 acres in Stettler. Two heated metal buildings, chain link fenced. Visit: for details. 5003. Iron & Steel PAGE 23 3720. MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE RURAL WATER 3.75” wide version TREATMENT (Province Wide) Tell them Danny Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator ARE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Hooper sentTHEY you GOOD Patented FOR? Whole House Reverse Osmosis System Rooms/Room & Board WHAT PRIVATE FURNISHED ROOM available now. Olds Boarding House. Internet, Cable, Shared Kitchen, LR & Bathrooms $500/mth. 403-791-6254 12345 Water Well Drilling - Within 150 miles of Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grant starts April 1/13) Time Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment 12345 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) View our 29 patented and patent 5170. Duplex/4 Plex for Rent pending inventions online at 1350 SQ.FT. HALF DUPLEX Customizable and secure. From storage to workspace. 3 bdrm., single attached Steel containers from 8' to 53'. garage. $1350/mth. +DD+ & 40' skids with optional 4' landings util. N/P, N/S. Avail. Immed. 20'5800. Manuf. Homes - Sale CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: available. Mount with twist locks. Canadian pardon. travel 780 440 4037 |U.S. SEACAN.COM Call 403-831-3798 5320. Land Wanted IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 2400 square foot show home The Pipestone Creek. 4 bedroom, den, 2.5 baths. Save thousands. Sunshine Homes Lacombe, 1-877-887-2254; waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. C a l g a r y 403-228-1300/1-800-347-2540 3.75” wide version FARM LAND WANTED to rent in Carstairs area. Crop or hayland. Flexible leasing options. Let’s talk how together we can look after GET BACK on track! Bad your land using best farming credit? Bills? Unemployed? (Province Wide) 6100. Cars practices. Phone Kevin money? We Osmosis lend! If you Iron Filters • SoftenersNeed • Distillers • Reverse your own home - you Good 403-337-3914 CARS, VANS, SUV’s, “Kontinuous trucks. own Tell them Danny Shok” Chlorinator qualify. Acceptance Zero down, zero Patented interest. Whole Easy House Hooper sent you ReversePioneer Osmosis System 5800. Manuf. Homes - Sale RURAL WATER TREATMENT 20’ X 76’ MAPLEWOOD - 230. $111,000. This spacious floor plan offers great potential for your family with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 appliances & more. For more information call United Homes Canada 1-800-461-7632 or visit us at: MANUFACTURED HOME WANTED- Circa year 2000 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1200 sq.ft. m/l. Will move. Alain at 403-224-2640. Corp. Member BBB. approvals. Bankruptcy, 12345 bad 1 - 150 8 7 miles 7 - 9 8 - 1 4 2 0 ; credit - OK; Water Well Drilling - Within of7Edmonton, 1-866-645-2069. Red Deer, Calgary (New Government water well grant starts April 1/13) Plan Services O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment 7245.Time PaymentMisc. 7310. Health Services 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) BANK SAID NO? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave F i t z p a t r i c k : w w w. a l b e r t a l e n d i n g . c a . 587-437-8437, Belmor Mortgage. View our 29 patented and patent DISABILITY BENEFIT Group. pending inventions onlineThe at Suffering from a disability? Canadian Government wants to give you up to $40,000. For details check out our website: m or call us today toll free 1-888-875-4787.
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