THE “COURIER” NEWSLETTER OF COUNTRY ROADS An Age 55 and Over Homeowner Community Editor: Julie Hanenkrat UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 1st: Pool Party (Potluck / DJ Entertainment) 8th: Pool Party (Potluck / DJ Entertainment) 10th: Building Fund Spaghetti Dinner 11th: Walk & Shop 14th: Ray Cox (Dance) 15th: Pool Party (Potluck / DJ Entertainment) 21st: Board Meeting 21st: Ray Cox (Dance) 22nd: Pool Party (Potluck / DJ Entertainment) 23rd: Out To Lunch Bunch 25th: DAKOTA PLAYERS! (Dance) 27th: Trivia Night!! (NEW) 28th: Ray Cox (Dance) 29th: Pool Party (Potluck / DJ Entertainment) NOVEMBER 1st: Keepin’ It Country (Dance) 2nd: Ice Cream Social/Card Bingo 3rd: Matinee Movie 4th: Ray Cox (Dance) 4th: BINGO!! (Begins) 5th: End of The Road (Happy Hour Dance) 8th: Dakota Players (Dance) 11th: Ray Cox (Dance) 12th: Board Meeting 9:00 12th: Welcome Back Party!! 13th: In-House Craft Fair 14th: Building Fund Spaghetti Dinner 15th: Play’in Country (Dance) October 2014 16th: Ice Cream Social/Card Bingo 17th: DAN BENNETT (Package Show) 18th: Ray Cox (Dance) 19th: End of The Road (Happy Hour Dance) 20th: Craft Fair 20th: Sock Hop (Dance) 21st: Royce’s Voices (SPECIAL SHOW) 22nd: Dakota Players (Dance) 24th: Trivia Night!! (NEW) 25th: Ray Cox (Dance) 27th: Country Road’s Thanksgiving Meal 28th: Fish Fry (Dinner) Karaoke to follow 29th: Upper Room (40’s-60’s Rock & Roll) Halloween Dance!! Saturday, October 25th, 2014 Time: 7:00 p.m. Founding Editor: Curly Silva dancing shoes. There will be plenty of music, but a limited number of tickets, so make your way to the Activity Box Office to get your tickets and reserve your table TODAY! Trivia Night Tournament!! Monday, October 27th, 2014 Time: 2:00 p.m. $10 per team, FOUR people to a team. FOUR chances to make it to the Championship: Monday, Oct. 27, 2014, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24, 2014, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22, 2014, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26, 2014, 2:00 p.m. Top TWO teams of EACH night go on to play in the championship on Thursday February 12th, 2015. EVERYONE is welcome to come watch! PRESIDENT’S CORNER Our 4th Annual Halloween Costume Contest!! First Saturday Dance of the season will open with The Dakota Players! Prizes will be offered for the Scariest, Funniest, and Best Couple costumes. So make sure you find yourself an outfit and bring your Welcome back. Be prepared for another GREAAAAT season at Country Roads RV Village. Many projects have now been completed, or will be by the time you all arrive, such as the new digital sign out front, new pickleball court, new carpet throughout the complex, ballroom floor refinished, refurbished fountains, remodeling Page 2 The Country Roads COURIER newsletter is an informational newsletter for management news, club activities and announcements of interest to all residents. Any article submitted that is deemed inflammatory, disrespectful, political or biased, or any article in poor taste will not be included. All articles submitted for publication shall be at the discretion of the Editor, Manager and Board of Directors. Submission deadline is the 10th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s issue. EDITOR: Country Roads Board of Directors George Haskins………President Jim La Frenaye....Vice President Leon Brown...……......Treasurer Steve Metz…...………..Secretary Art Fuller..……..……....Member Nancy Southard……….Member Valeri Shoemaker.….…Member COUNTRY ROADS RV PARK 5707 E. 32nd St. #1127 Yuma, AZ 85365 Phone: 928-344-8910 Please Recycle of Inca/Aztec room, just to mention a few. All of these improvements increase the value of our Resort. Please don't forget to stop by the Homeowner's Office when you arrive to update your personal information and let us know you have arrived. Also, don't forget your new homeowner's badges are now available. I almost forgot to mention Country Road’s upcoming 30th Anniversary in January 2015. It will be great! SEE YOU SOON AND DRIVE CAREFULLY. George Haskins, President CR Board of Directors MANAGER’S NEWS Welcome Home! We are looking forward to a wonderful Season in 2014-2015 and celebrating our 30th Anniversary. Your staff has worked really hard over the summer in the maintenance of the common areas and we are all looking forward to the many activities scheduled. Just a reminder that the Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off for City of Yuma residents is scheduled for October 11, 2014, 8:00 am to noon. This is a free service for all of your unwanted corrosive, flammable, toxic or reactive materials used in your home, car or truck, garden and lawn. Take these items to City of Yuma North Public Works Yard, 265 W. 13th. Street, Yuma, Arizona THE “COURIER” for safe disposal at no charge: motor oil, paint, household cleaners, tires (limit 5, off the wheel & no rims), anti-freeze, solvents, batteries, pesticides & fertilizers, home computer components, TV sets, VCRs, cell phones, home phones and small appliances. Please remember Country Roads does not have a location on site for these items. Due to the Veteran’s Day Holiday on Tuesday 11/11/14, the NOVEMBER Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 12th at 9:00 in the Ballroom. Please continue to contact the on-site office at 928-344-8910 if you have any questions. Melissa Wood, Community Manager NOTICE OF ANNUAL HOMEOWNER’S MEETING— MEETING—2015 The Annual Meeting of the Country Roads RV Village Property Owners Association, Inc. will be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Country Roads Ballroom located at 5707 E. 32nd Street, Yuma, Arizona 85365. NOMINATION AND ELECTION PROCEDURES On January 13, 2015, at the Annual Meeting of the Country Roads RV Village Property Owners Association, Inc., members will elect two (2) Directors to the Association Page 3 Board of Directors for three (3) year terms. The remaining members of the Board are: Leon Brown, Art Fuller, Jim La Frenaye, Steve Metz, and Valeri Shoemaker. Each lot is entitled to cast one (1) vote. The Election Committee is now asking the members to seriously consider who would best represent the interests of the Association and its members. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of Directors, it would be appreciated if you would send a letter of intent to Country Roads RV Village, Election Committee, as soon as possible. Candidates must be a homeowner and member of the association. Candidates also need to provide a one (1) page resume of not more than 250 words, which will be accepted in the Homeowners’ Office from now until the deadline, which is 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 10, 2014. All nominations must have the prior consent of the nominee. The Official Election Packet will be printed, assembled and mailed by the end of November, after all nominees are known. Voting will be by written ballot which will provide for write-in candidates. Once a ballot is cast it may not be revoked. Members may vote in person at the beginning of the Annual Meeting between 9:0010:00 a.m., but are strongly encouraged to return their ballots early either by mail in the envelope provided in the packet, with your lot number on the outside, or by dropping it in the ballot box in the Homeowner’s Office prior to the Annual Meeting. The ballot box will close 3:00 p.m. on Monday January 12, 2015. There will be a Meet the Candidates forum in the ballroom Monday, December 8, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. SEND OR DELIVER YOUR LETTER OF INTENT AND RESUME TO: COUNTRY ROADS ELECTION COMMITTEE 5707 E. 32ND STREET, #1127 YUMA, AZ 85365 THESE MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM, NOVEMBER 10, 2014. Steve Metz, Secretary CR Board of Directors ELECTION 2015 At the Annual Homeowners Meeting on January 13, 2015, we will be electing two (2) Directors for our Board. The three year terms for George Haskins and Nancy Southard, elected in 2012, will expire. Please consider becoming a candidate for the Board. We know there are many highly qualified persons among us, we hope that several of you will step up to the plate and give us all a choice by being a candidate for the January 2015 election. Any member of the association in good standing is eligible for candidacy. Let’s make it a good election and have candidates to choose from. Letters of intent and resumes of one (1) page, not more than 250 words, are now being accepted at the Homeowners’ Office. All resumes must be on file with the Homeowners’ Office by 4:00 p.m., November 10, 2014. Any questions, please contact the Homeowners’ Office, a member of the election committee, or a current Board Member. (If you nominate someone else, you must first have the permission of the nominee.) Send your letter of intent and resume to: COUNTRY ROADS ELECTION COMMITTEE 5707 E. 32ND STREET, #1127 Yuma AZ 85365 Ballots will be mailed to your mailing address of record with the Homeowners’ Office as of November 14, 2014. When you return to the park and check in, be sure to give the Homeowners’ Office your CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS. Owners of multiple lots, be sure the H.O. office has the mailing address of where you want your ballot mailed to you for all of the lots you own no later than November 14, 2014. This will ensure you receive a ballot for each lot you own. To save time when you check in at the Homeowners’ Office--you can change your own mailing address on the City Property Website: Page 4 1. Click on the Green “Owner Portal” on left hand side of screen. A block will come up in the bottom of the screen with “Homeowners Portal” 2. In that green block click on “Homeowner Login.” IF you have an account established, type in your e-mail address and password, then click “Login.” Otherwise, click on “Create Your Account” to set up your account. There is a “Create Account Tutorial” right there if you need help with this. 3. In the Account Summary line (2nd line), click on “mailing address” 4. Click on “change mailing address.” You now have two (2) choices, “Use Property address as mailing address” (your lot) OR use “Following mailing address” 5. Make changes and Save the changes. Simple as that! You can do this when you leave the park and when you return to the park, rather than giving your address change to Sandy or Sandra in the office. 6. You still need to turn in a change of address to the U.S. or Postal Service (or Canadian, if you are changing from a Canada address to your Yuma address for the winter). Editor’s Note: I tried to add both our CR properties under the same account but was not able. You may need to set up separate logins for each property in order to ensure your ballots are sent to the address you desire. The 2015 election committee members are Deloros and Sam Shemwell, Election Chairmen, Barbara Taylor, Co-Chairmen, Bev Gamnis, Volunteer Coordinator, Peter and Lucielle Smith, Vote/Count Chairmen, and Judy Jessen, committee member. Also helping are the many wonderful volunteers that help us label and stuff envelopes, work at the voting polls, and help us count the ballots. We hope you will plan to attend our “Meet the Candidate Forum,” December 8, at 1:00 p.m., in the ballroom. Please mark your calendars. Lunch will be available prior to the forum. We encourage you to attend. We have heard many people say they were glad they had heard the candidates give their views before they turned their ballots in. So, attend the forum, become an informed voter, and then mark your ballot. And please give some thought to being a candidate yourself for the Board of Directors. Resumes are due in the Homeowners’ Office by 4:00 p.m. on November 10, 2014. Sam and Deloros Shemwell Election Chairmen, Lot 432 928-314-4920, THE “COURIER” 30th ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE BOOK Country Roads 30th Anniversary Commemorative Book will be your keepsake book of 30 years of friendship, fun, and great living in Country Roads Resort. The committee members have received about 50 individual articles and we would like more, especially those who arrived during 2005 to 2015. We really want your input as you are the future of our community. Renters and owners please write your story and email it to: Judy Jessen, or to Deloros Shemwell at:, or hand it in to the Homeowners’ Office. There are forms in the office or I would be happy to email the form to you. This can be short and sweet or no longer than 1 page. November 15, 2014 is the deadline. The committee reserves the right to edit your article. Your committee members: Judy and Ed Jessen, Deloros and Sam Shemwell, Lorraine Tremblay and Leta Danielson want to thank you for what you have done to make this keepsake become the best it can be! January 2015 is coming get ready, get set, and ENJOY our celebration of 30 years! Judy Jessen, Chairman Lot 634, 928-750-8104 Page 5 BUILDING FUND The summer of 2014 was very good for the building fund. We completed all projects on our agenda, except the dishwasher which is on hold pending CR board approval. The sign and the pickleball court are both excellent. The court side of our center complex is looking very good!!!! Over the summer Al and Jean Schritter had great success with their summer dinners, expanding from one a month to two a month for some months. All of us here are looking forward to the return of all the action that will happen when you all come back this fall. Drive carefully, Jim Stoner, President A.C.C. As you prepare for the new cool weather season here in Country Roads and are anxious to make the changes to your property that you thought of during the summer, please don't forget to put your ideas on the Lot Improvement Plan forms and turn them into the Office. If you are planning to install or replace a park model on your lot, remember to visit with a member of the A.C.C. prior to purchasing the unit. We can help you cover some of the potential problems before they become a problem for you. We are here to help you get the improvements you want on your property, and still stay within the limits of the Rules and Regulations. For all of you who have corner lots and were involved in the Variance Request form the City of Yuma, HALLELUJAH!!!, it was approved. We can continue to set the park models the way we always have and not worry about the setback encroachment on the corner. Have a safe trip down to Yuma for another great year of fun in the sun in Country Roads. John Raymond, Lot 281 Chairman, A.C.C. GUYS & GALS GOLF WELCOME GOLFERS: Keep NOVEMBER 3rd free on your calendar for the 1st MEETING OF THE SEASON – 8:00 a.m. in the ballroom. You will learn all about the season happenings, plus how to sign up for the different golf courses. The courses we play are: Monday-Mesa Del Sol; TuesdayFoothills Executive; WednesdayDesert Hills; Thursday-Rio Colorado or Arroyo Dunes; Friday-Las Barrancas; and every other Saturday fun golf days at the Foothills Executive course. Cost to join is $20.00 for the season, but if you are here for a short time you may pay $4.00 by the month. The head table will look real familiar this season as your officers will be: President-Larry Pana, Vice President-Judy Dalton, Treasurer-Tony Klug, and Secretary-Norma Bright. Join our club and be part of the fun. No experience necessary. *Reminder – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all small stuff. Norma Bright, Secretary Lot 610 TENNIS CLUB Hello to all tennis players and friends. Hope everyone has had a healthy and fun summer! Our 1st club meeting will be Tuesday, November 11th at 1:00 p.m. in the Inca room. Our Club meetings are all scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Our dues will be $10.00 again this year for each member. We will have free lessons on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon for men and women. They will probably begin around mid-November. Schedule sheets will be posted on Saturdays for Round Robin times and Sign-up times. We will have 4 tournaments this season. You need to be a member to play in our tournaments. Our 1st tournament will be for our charity, Saddles of Joy, on December 18th and 19th, 2014. Our next tournament will be Mixed on January 15th and 16th, 2015. We will hold our Women’s tournament on Feb. 19th and 20th and, lastly, our Men’s tournament on Mar. 19th and 20th, 2015. This season, our Annual Chicken Dinner and Dance will be Friday, January 30th, 2015. Our Pizza Page 6 Party will be Wednesday, February 11th, 2015. Our Season Finale Party will be held on March 11th, 2015. For Country Roads 30th Anniversary week, January 19th through the 23rd, we plan to kick it off early with our mixed tournament on Jan. 15th and 16th, and participate in the parade when it is scheduled. We may do more, but are not sure yet. Everyone have a safe trip back home to Country Roads and we’ll see y’all on the courts. Ruth Dunn Tennis Club President BILLIARD CLUB Welcome back all of you Early Birds. I hope you had a fun and safe summer. As is often the case, since you were here last, there is some sad news to report. One of our long time and regular playing members, Jack Osborn, passed away this summer. Jack was having health issues last season but loved to play pool every time he was able. Also Jim Johnston’s wife, Linda, is receiving treatment for a recurrence of breast cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jim and Linda as they are working to get through this so they can return to the park this season. Over the summer, the park included the Billiard Room in its remodeling projects. They gave it a “floor face lift” by replacing the carpet in the room. This was a pretty big job with one of the biggest challenges being moving the tables out of the way and then back in place after the carpet was laid. The Billiard Club and CR management certainly wanted us to be involved in that part of the project and, as always, Bruce Edwards was more than willing to help. Bruce figured out how to move all of the pool tables and the snooker table without dismantling them, saving several thousand dollars and many man hours of work. He still had to tear down and reinstall the billiard table since it is too heavy to move in one piece. The maintenance crew provided the muscle for the billiard table work and helped move the pool tables out of the way. Bruce, with help from daughter, Kathleen, and George Starcher, moved everything back in the proper position. Since the tables were getting moved anyway, they were replaced six inches farther from the wall which should alleviate some interference with the chairs. The Billiard Club owes Bruce a big “Thank You” for a job well done. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for another fun season at Country Roads and in the Billiard Room. Please wipe your feet before coming in. Terry Moser Billiard Club President ZUMBA Start the winter season off right with a fun filled get fit regimen. If you don't like to exercise but love THE “COURIER” music and dancing, then Zumba Gold is for you. No experience is necessary! This Latin inspired work out will get you smiling and feeling so happy you came. Join the party in the ballroom on Saturdays, beginning November 1st at 10 a.m. and Thursday mornings, beginning November 6th at 9 a.m. Drop in is $5.00 or buy a punch pass of 10 sessions for $40.00. These passes, available at the beginning of every class, can be shared and transferred to friends. Out of Park guests are welcome but may not use passes purchased from other Parks. Only punch passes purchased at Country Roads from Rebeca for the 2013/2014 season, as well as the new 2014/2015 passes, will be honored. Men are welcome 'for free' until we reach the '10' mark. Gents, take advantage of this limited offer. If you tire easily, if this is your first class after some length of time or if you are completely new to Zumba Gold, try not to sit during the class but rather continue to move your feet since your heart rate will now be elevated. Pace yourself & take it slow. If necessary, this class may be executed from a chair or with the aid of a chair. Ask myself or Rebeca for suggestions. Please stay for the cool down to give your heart rate a chance to slow gradually and enjoy the stretching, which will aid in preventing cramps & sore muscles. If you have any issues Page 7 with blood pressure, never put your head lower than your heart, rather look up when bending or stretching. Wear lose comfortable clothing suitable and remember to bring water. Everyone is welcome!! Maggie Carr, Zumba Gold Coordinator Lot 821, 928-257-1515 BRIDGE CLUB NEWS Regular Bridge games will resume the first week of November, however, if enough players show up in October play can begin earlier. Monday, Drop-in Swiss Pairs, 12:30 - 3:30 Tuesday, Lessons, 12:30-3:30 Wednesday, Lessons, 12:30-3:30 Wednesday, Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 - 9:30 Thursday, Swiss Pairs, 12:30 - 3:30 Friday, Duplicate Bridge, 12:30 - 3:30 Everyone is welcome. Max Clark, Secretary MATERIAL GIRLS “PLAY IT AGAIN” SHOW Be sure to keep the evening of December 11th, 2014 open for Material Girls “Play it Again” evening of Fun, Fashion and Entertainment provided by your friends and neighbors. Keep an eye on future issues of the Courier, and on the various bulletin boards around the park, for more details as we get closer to the date. The last show was a huge success and we hope to meet or improve on that this time around. MATERIAL GIRLS SEWING GROUP MATERIAL GIRLS is a sewing group that makes items with material, other than quilts. Our sewing group meets in the Coronado Room at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays (please note the new time). New members are always welcome. You don't need to be an accomplished seamstress. If you like to sew or have a desire to learn to sew, this will be your group. If you are looking to make some small items or want to create some ingenious Christmas present, come out to our November 4th meeting to meet us, laugh and hear about our plans. We are a great and fun group of women and one man (come join us guys!). Some possible projects are placemats, wall hangings, blouses, pants, bags, etc. Two park sewing machines are available if you didn't bring yours to Country Roads. More detailed information will be in the November Courier. If you have any questions, please phone Peg at 541.944.8245 WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP The new 2014-2015 season of Women’s Fellowship will begin on Wednesday morning, November 5, 2014 from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the Mojave Room. Our doors will open at 7:00 a.m. for a refreshing time of visiting with our returning friends and giving our new ladies a warm welcome. What better way to show our love than enjoying a fresh muffin and coffee/tea with one another? The one hour non-denominational meeting begins at 7:30 a.m. and consists of singing, praise reports and prayer requests, as well as an inspirational speaker. Do plan on adding Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on your monthly calendars. Blessings to each of you – Looking forward to seeing you soon! Barbara Taylor – 928-257-8815 Page 8 EDITOR’S NOTE COMPUTER CLUB CORONADO ROOM WEDNESDAYS Another exciting season is fast approaching and I am sure everyone, who is not already there, are starting to get ready for the move south. I know I am certainly looking forward to getting together with all our club members who help all, including ourselves, keep up to date with all the fast moving technological changes in, it seems, everything we do. NOVEMBER 5th, 10:00 a.m.: First meeting. I would appreciate as many volunteers and present executives to be there to help me get the season rolling. AGENDA: New Executives needed to replace us worn out ones. I would sure like to be a past president this year. Anyone who is interested in becoming more involved with our club please email me asap at Next week’s party plans, Channel 7 ad, class topics, 30 year anniversary, Techie corners/coffee meetings. Welcome back to Country Roads for the 2014-2015 season! I hope you have all had a wonderful summer back home. I am still up in Washington, having returned to work (almost) full-time on May 1st. I am still editing the Courier in my spare (?) time, while my husband, Steve, returns to Yuma to spend the winter with all of you! Tell him hi for me when you see him. In order to make my task easier, please note the following: When you send your email, be sure to put the name of your club or activity IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF THE EMAIL, along with the month (for example, A.C.C. Nov.). This makes it much easier to be sure I have the content from all of the many emails I receive, and to not miss anyone’s news for that month. NOVEMBER 12th: WELCOME BACK PARTY. We hope to see you there. When I look at the CR gmail account and see new emails, I send a reply to let the sender know I have received it. Please be patient with me. Sometimes I get very busy and forget to look at the CR email account for a few days. If I have not replied after 3 days, please feel free to send your email again, or email to ask if I have received it. Cheers, Susan Fimrite, President CR Computer Club, Lot 619 928-345-8988 (cell) or 604-670-6128 (magic Jack) I appreciate receiving your email submissions for the following month by the 8th of the month before. It takes quite a bit of time to edit and I need THE “COURIER” to have it to Melissa in plenty of time for her to finalize it and have it printed for you. Thank you, Julie Hanenkrat, Lot 74 Editor, CR Courier ************************** As our thirty year anniversary approaches we reflect: IN 1985 A gallon of gas was $1.09 A Movie Ticket was $2.75 US Postage Stamp .22 cents Bacon per pound $1.65 -A joint American-French expedition locates the wreck of the RMS Titanic. -Microsoft Corporation releases the first version of Windows, Windows 1.0. -Michael Jackson Buys ATV Music and every Beatles Song for $47 million dollars -Coca-Cola Company introduces New Coke on July 11th ( 6 months later they returned to the original formula ) Popular Films -Back to the Future -Rambo: First Blood Part II -Rocky IV -The Color Purple -Out of Africa -Cocoon -Minimum wage was $3.35Hour Page 9 Local Merchants Paid Advertising Local Merchants Paid Advertising Page 10 Support our Advertisers THE “COURIER” Page 11 The Association Board of Directors recently installed a security software computer system at the gate house. This system is capable of registering your visitors, printing passes, printing ID badges for contractors and you can choose to interact with the system from your home computer and / or smart phone. To get started simply go to the Country Roads Website and the link is in the Manager’s message along with the full manual. Username is Lot # and Temporary Password is 1234
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