Christian Ranchman he T We're not trying to build an organization.

Christian Ranchman
We're not trying to build an organization.
Volume 38, Number 9 - 10
We're trying to fill the Kingdom of God.
"..By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." John 13:35
The Gathering of the Heartland
Christian Cowboys and Cowgirls,
Raymondville, MO
The world sometimes has the misconception
that Christians can’t have fun, but nothing is farther
from the truth. Our family was blessed to be given
the opportunity to participate in this year’s
Heartland Gathering. (Our first time). When Mike
first asked if we wanted to go, our family was a
little apprehensive. I thought “How am I going to
get them out of the house for a whole week? Our
family likes to stay home with their books.:) But
we got ourselves packed up and ready for camping.
We had no idea what we were getting ourselves
into. We met Zina, Shirley and Donna C. at
Richmond and you would have thought we were
long lost friends (We’d not met before.). We
traveled the six hours to Raymondsville. When
we got to camp we met so many people and
everyone welcomed us into the family. We enjoyed
spending the week with fellow Christians. The
prayer circle was amazing. It was so cool to have
so many people connected in prayer worshipping
God. Our family came home refreshed and uplifted
and with a larger family of Christians and a
wonderful group of prayer warriors. With many
blessings, in Christ’s Love, Phil and Darlene Smith
and girls. CottonCreek Chapter CFC (First –Timer)
The Gathering was God Blessed, Christ-led and
Spirit filled. We shared our lives, our love of Jesus,
our hurts and our joys. The fellowship renewed
our spirit and the fantastic food renewed our
Sept. / Oct. 2014
bodies. Came home filled up and ready to share
Christ with those who do not know Him and
encourage and build up those who do know Him,
but are struggling. There was so much love and
shared hugs, my arms are full and my heart
overflowing with the love of all those people
through our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Shirley
Anderson, CottonCreek Chapter CFC (First –
The whole experience was breath taking ,
people were very friendly. The fellowship was really
good. You met someone and they instantly
considered you—family. I didn’t have a horse, but
I stayed busy, plenty to do. Since I didn’t have a
horse, I helped clear a trail, the Cowboy Way. The
views were extraordinary.
The events were awesome, from the opening
breakfast, the Bible study, the open prayer and
songs to the ice cream social and square dance.
The auction was good and the concert with Kevin
Rowe and the Prodigal Sons was awesome too.
The whole week the Holy Spirit and Jesus were
there with us. The weather cooperated with us,
raining slightly or just raining at night, with beautiful,
moderate days.
The meals in the dining hall were terrific. Very
good home cooking. Everyone was willing to help
you. Very blessed experience and excited for next
year. There was an a lot of changed hearts when
it was all over. The owners of the ranch were very
special people. Joe Coleman, CottonCreek CFC,
(First Timer)
The Gathering of the Heartland Christian
Cowboys and Cowgirls was nothing I thought I
(Cont. on Pg. 10)
Cowboys For Christ is in great need of
sponsors for Bulk Mailing of the Chrisitan
Ranchman: more than 2500 at the cost of
over $300 in bulk packs every issue. Please
help us spread the GOOD NEWS.
Thank You,
Fort Worth, TX
Permit No. 284
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Page 2 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
I would like to setup asubscription to
your paper “The Christian Ranchman” for my uncle.
He resides at a nursing home. Please let me know
what you need from us to get this setup.
Thanks, Jerry N. from Missouri
Good afternoon,
I currently serve on as a trustee and youth worker
at my church, and also as chaplain for the local Elks
lodge. W hat is required to serve as a cowboy
Many thanks, Doug B. from Delaware
Hello Cowboys for Christ and thank you for the
blessing of the Christian Ranchman!
My husband and I read the most recent copy and
are both interested in becoming chaplains and starting
a CFC chapter in our area. Please send the necessary
paperwork for us to get started. Thank you and GOD
Jack and Kaye F. from Wisconsin
Hello my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Please allow for me to thank you for sending me
your newspaper. I have really enjoyed reading it and
learn much about the Spiritual Truths you wrote about.
Please understand that I should be released from
prison at the end of September this year and request
that you must remove my name from your mailing list
until I can let you know of my new address, when I
get one. Also could you please keep me within your
prayers and that God will make sure that I am released
from prison. I sincerely appreciate you and thank God
that you are my spiritual Brothers and Sisters in Jesus
Christ. I will be praying for you and now pray that
God blesses you with good health and guides you
daily in His Path of Righteousness. Please take good
care of yourselves.
Sincerely in Christ, Larry Crumb
Cowboys For Christ,
Can you please send me a subscription to the
Christian Ranchman. I have read your paper a few
times and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you and God Bless, Timonthy in Texas
Dear Dave,
It was good to talk to you yesterday. Thank you for
all that you are doing for our Lord. Thank you for
sending everything to my cousin John. Here is $20
to help out.
Have a great day.
Neil in Kansas
Cowboys For Christ,
My name is Paul A. Selensky. I was saved as a
teenager. I had a friend die in 2001 and I turned away
from God and started drinking, smoking weed and
getting into a lot of trouble. I was in a car wreck and
flipped my truck 7 times. I did my Dad wrong, pushed
my ex-wife, my friends and my family away. I hurt
people I care about, but when I came back to prison
again I started going to church again and started going
to 3:16 ministry and came back to the Lord. I feel 100
percent better now that I’m living for Christ. Everything
I do, I do with love and faith of the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit. Please share.
Dear Bro. Dave,
I belong to a Christian Book Club and we meet
every Friday morning at 7:30 AM in Norfolk at the Town
Point Club. We are studying the book, “Why Men Hate
Going to Church” and it mentions the Cowboy
Churches among others as great models for men since
mainline churches have been so feminized that most
men are not comfortable to enter. Would you please
send me a dozen copies of your newspaper for me to
hand out?
Blessings, John in Virginia
Howdy Dave,
So good to hear from you. Thank you for your swift
reply. I will be sending in the paperwork next week
with a check. I loved your hint, God has been hinting
as well since your last email to me, it is time to share
my testimony. I have been so quiet and pulled back
for quite a while as I still heal and believe by His stripes
I am, whether it is as I go, as the nine lepers did or
immediate, or once I pass the veil, His word never
fails. I have so many testimonies because of His
goodness and mercy. My journey the last two years
since my horse accident have probably been my
deepest valleys and yet, the sweetest of times. I would
not change anything if I had that power to change the
past, especially if it meant trading what the Holy Spirit
taught me. To be able to be simply a humble servant
of His, to utilize the tools for our time and to minister
to the broken in the highways and byways (my calling)
the love of Jesus, to share they can have this love all
the time is such a joy and an honor. There is not much
time before He returns; the fields are white unto
harvest. I am going to go write up my testimony as I
close, in the belief that by His blood and the word of
our testimony we overcome and that the precious Holy
Spirit can minister to other cowgirls and cowboys that
truly there is an answer, a hope and a joy we can
tangibly live in every day.
God bless. Trish in California
The Christian Ranchman
Volume 38
Sept. / Oct. 2014
No. 9 - 10
The Christian Ranchman is published Bi-Monthly
(subscriptions are free) by Cowboys For Christ,
P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111.
Physical Address: 514 County Road 4699,
Boyd, Texas 76023
Post Master: Send address changes to The
Christian Ranchman, P.O. Box 7557, Fort
Worth, TX 76111.
Phone (817)236-0023
Ted K. Pressley, Founder (1938-2011)
Dr. Dave Harvey, President/Editor
Suzy Harvey, Media Director
Please remember that the statements and
expressions are those of the witnesses, and not
necessarily those of the staff or officers of Cowboys
For Christ.
E-Mail Address:
Supreme authority over this organization
and all its activities is vested in God's own Son,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and exercised by the
Holy Spirit. This must be recognized and
practiced as laid out for us in God's divinely
inspired Word, the Holy Bible.
Cowboys For Christ is not a substitute for
the local Church or Assembly, nor is it in
competition with any denominational group.
It seeks, rather, through God's enabling grace,
to be a helper to all local churches,
denominations and groups to the extent that
they are in harmony with the will of the
Almighty God. Its function is to proclaim the
Word of God. It is designed for outreach and
building up of the Body of Christ, God's bloodbought people, and in harmony with the work
of the Holy Spirit is an active force in the Lord's
program for the present day.
The message of The Christian Ranchman
is the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These
messages come to us in a variety of
expressions, including testimonies and Letters
to the Editor, and each is meaningful in its own
way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will minister
to each of you that bit of reassurance and
comfort your need today.
2014 Cowboys For Christ
Page 3 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Middle Georgia CFC Chapter
Report - August, 2014
It has been a busy month for our new chapter.
Prior to our second monthly meeting on August
28, 2014, we put out 25 flyers at various feed and
tack stores. We were also invited to be a quest on
a weekly Sunday evening gospel radio show on
the country station in our area. Several people
attended our August meeting as a result. We were
again invited to give the local horse club an update
on our planned August meeting, and several horse
club members were at the meeting. The Sunday
before the meeting we were invited to talk about
CFC and give a devotional at the combined
meeting of the Men’s Clubs from the Woodbury,
Georgia Methodist and Baptist Churches.
The week prior to the meeting, the Lord began
to open even more doors for ministry. We were
contacted by the President of the new Ranch Horse
Association in our area. We will be providing the
Cowboy Church services for their upcoming shows.
The owners of a new covered arena in our county
called to see if we would conduct the dedication
of their new arena at their inaugural event next
weekend. They have offered us the use of this
arena for any future events. We are hoping to host
a Dave Harvey CFC HorseSense Horsemanship
Clinic at the arena later in the fall after the weather
cools and as Dave’s schedule permits.
We had 38 people attend our second chapter
meeting. After announcements concerning
upcoming events, the official cowboy poet for the
State of Georgia, Jerry Warren, recited two poems.
This month’s devotional was about how horses
help you relate to God. Relationship,
communication and leadership were shown by
examples about horses and highlighted by
scriptures concerning the Father’s love, Jesus’
words, and the Holy Spirit. We closed with a male
trio singing “Blessed Assurance” a cappella .
God continues to bless and open doors.
Hallelujah! Until next month’s report, we remain
with you in His service, Bob Perkerson.
There is one very, very important decision that
each and every person must make some time in
their life. That decision is to accept JESUS CHRIST
as their SAVIOR and LORD or not to accept HIM.
No one knows when their life will end, so it is very
important to make that decision before it is too late.
I am not trying to scare anyone, cause any worry
or alarm, but I am telling the truth. It isn’t hard,
painful or difficult, in fact, it is very easy. The Bible
very plainly tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have
sinned”. Also, in Romans 6:23 we are told, “For
the wages of sin is death”. This death actually is
referring to eternal death. But the last part of
Romans 6:23 reads, “But the gift if GOD is eternal
life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. John 3:16
“For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS
only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in
HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
Romans 10:9 & 10 explains how, “That if thou shall
confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS, and shall
believe in thy heart that GOD has raised HIM from
the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation”. And Romans
10:13 includes everyone, “For whosoever shall call
upon the name of the LORD shall be saved”. Right
now, this very minute you need to make that
decision for eternal life and by praying this prayer
and truly believing you can accept the LORD
late great D.L. Moody once said, “GOD has put
salvation within the reach of everyone, because
all you have to do is believe”.
Have You Moved or are
You Planning to Move?
Please notify COWBOYS
FOR CHRIST of your
new mailing address.
Please pray this prayer.
sinner and I am sorry for those sins, please
forgive me. I know that your SON, JESUS
CHRIST, died on the cross and rose from the
dead to save me from eternal death and I believe
that in my heart. Please, Dear JESUS, come into
my heart as SAVIOR and LORD. And FATHER
please help me to be your child. In JESUS’
NAME, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer, please let us know so
we can add you to our prayer list. Also, we will send
you information on Cowboys For Christ and a New
Testament to help you in your new life with JESUS
Contact information:
Phone: 1-817-236-0023
Mail: Cowboys For Christ, P O Box 7557,
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Note to Chapter Presidents and
Vice Presidents
Updates are due whenever there is a
leadership change.
The update form is available at:
If you do not have internet access and do not
have the current form, please call the office at
Updates can be e-mailed to: or mailed to
PO Box 7557, Ft. Worth, Texas 76111.
Contact us via E-Mail:
Dave Harvey General mail:
Submit testimonies, articles or to
subscribe to the Christian Ranchman at
Order Inquiries:
Paperwork/Chapter Correspondence:
Central: Matt Wagner
South West: Dr. Bob Rawson
South East:
Great Lakes: Mike Gentry
West: Robert Barnard
Email, Snail Mail or Pony
Any way you can get it to us!
Page 4 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
God’s Gifts
By Suzy Harvey
Recently, the physician, Kent Brantley, survived
the Ebola virus after being taken from West Africa
to Georgia for emergency treatment. Dr. Brantley
was a missionary doctor with Samaritan’s Purse
working in Liberia up until recently, when he
contracted Ebola and was moved to the United
States to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention for treatment in a specialized unit. Along
with him was another worker, Nancy Writebol, who
was treated and discharged, as well.
At a press conference on the day of his
discharge from the medical facility, Dr. Brantley
claimed, “God saved my life.” Along with this, Dr.
Brantley gave thanks to his medical team and to
the many people throughout the world who were
praying for his recovery. Dr. Brantley and Ms.
Writebol both received around-the-clock care in a
state-of-the-art facility and were given experimental
treatments, along with a brand new drug not yet
tested on humans.
I honestly didn’t pay a lot of attention to this
case at first, other than to be a little concerned
they were flying two infected individuals with Ebola
to the United States from another country.
Obviously, the last thing we want is to take a virus
as virulent as Ebola from a mostly contained area
in West Africa and bring it to a country where people
travel across state lines on a daily basis, flights
take off and land all over the country every minute
of the day, bus stations are constantly busy, and
train stations still see a daily influx of passengers
from all over the country. Theoretically, a virus such
as Ebola could spread from coast to coast in
probably less than a month. That worried me, but I
didn’t really focus on the actual events.
However, after the two individuals were cured,
and Dr. Brantley spoke at this press conference, I
saw quite a few reactions online to his statement
that God saved his life, particularly on Twitter. In
fact, I was shocked at how many people seemed
to think God had nothing to do with Dr. Brantley’s
survival. Instead, they all made the point that
breakthrough medicine saved his life, and it had
nothing to do with God.
I suppose it shouldn’t be that much of a shock.
People have always tried to find ways to give the
glory to humans rather than God. However, James
1:17 tells us, “Whatever is good and perfect is a
gift coming down to us from God our Father, who
created all the lights in the heavens.” Anything good
we have in our lives is from God. True, this brand
new medication was given to Dr. Brantley and may
have had a hand in curing him of the virus, but
where did that drug come from? It came from an
intelligent team of scientists and researchers who
owe their intelligence and creativity to our Lord.
Currently, they used the last stores of the drug
on Dr. Brantley and Ms. Writebol. What if those
researchers were constantly seeking God’s plan
for them? What if they were on their knees daily
asking for direction in their research from the Lord?
If they were, if they were listening to God, would
they have known there needed to be much more
of the medication in order to treat everyone in
Liberia? It takes years, sometimes decades, for a
new medication to go through development and
testing and get to the point of being available to
the public. Often, once testing has been completed
it takes at least another ten years for the FDA to
approve a new medication. This medication had
not even reached the stage of testing on animals,
yet. Ebola is a very dangerous virus that, until
recently, was thought to be mostly a thing of the
past. What prompted these researchers to start on
developing this medication? Whatever it was, what
if they had been paying more attention to God and
less attention to the worldly gains to be gotten from
their research?
I Corinthians 12:7-11 says, “A spiritual gift is
given to each of us so we can help each other. To
one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise
advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message
of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great
faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit
gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the
power to perform miracles, and another the ability
to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to
discern whether a message is from the Spirit of
God or from another spirit. Still another person is
given the ability to speak in unknown languages,
while another is given the ability to interpret what
is being said. It is the one and only Spirit who
distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which
gift each person should have.”
Notice, everyone is not given the same gifts,
nor is everyone given enough gifts to be able to
act independently of each other. One person can
speak in unknown languages, but a different one
is needed to interpret those messages. It takes a
team to develop a plan of action or a treatment
plan, and it takes a team to enact that plan. Yet, all
of these gifts we are given are distributed by the
Spirit of God. It is by His choice and His selection
that we receive the gifts we have. However, it is up
to each of us to use those gifts.
Dr. Brantley is right. He’s alive today because
of God. Without their God-given gifts, the research
team never would have been able to develop the
breakthrough medication used to help cure him.
Without their God-given gifts, the medical team
never would have been able to develop a treatment
plan to effectively care for Dr. Brantley in his illness,
nor would they have been able to enact that plan
in order to save Dr. Brantley’s life. He is right to
thank his medical team (since they chose to use
their God-given gifts appropriately), and he was
right to thank the many people for praying for his
swift recovery (we can never underestimate the
power of prayer). But he understands, as we all
should, the reason he is alive today is because of
God. Now, we must ask ourselves if we are each
using our God-given gifts, and if we are seeking
His will for our lives and the gifts He has given us.
How many lives could you save if you used His
gifts to their fullest extent? Or, more importantly,
how many souls could you save?
God Doesn’t Want Me to Use His
Name in Vain
By Evelyn Horan
Sometimes I find myself so involved in an
exciting conversation with others that I’ve acquired
the bad habit of including an exclamation phrase
that uses God’s name. When I’m chatting with my
friends about an exciting event or situation, I’ve
been guilty of using God’s name in a disrespectful
After I’ve said those words, I know I shouldn’t
have done it, because I remember the third
Commandment tells me, “You shall not take the
name of the Lord your God in vain.”
In Bible times, a person’s name represented
something of his character or personality. We know
that God cares deeply about His own name, and
taking it “in vain” applies to followers of the Lord. It
is important to show reverence for His name. We
should not say His name in a careless or profane
way as I had been doing, because we have a
responsibility to uphold God’s reputation to the
world. We should always keep in mind that God is
holy and we should show reverence for His name
in our speech.
We need to approach Him with adoration and
love as we live our daily lives. God is our refuge
and our strength. He cares for our needs.
Believing and knowing all this, it is easy to agree
that God trusts us to avoid using His name in a
thoughtless way. Instead, we should continue to
worship and honor Him by only using His name
with words of adoration, love, and praise.
I am going to be more aware of my language,
especially when I become excited in my
conversations. I’m going to make a concerted effort
to be more careful in my speech, and I’m going to
remember not to use His Name “in vain.”
Page 5 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Riding Point With Dave Harvey....
The Church is the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST. The local “church” or “assembly” is a group of believers
that has been developed to join together to worship, praise and serve the LORD within that group. Most
churches have some type of out-reach ministry, and this effort reaches out to the folks in their local area or
even to folks in foreign lands. Many churches support or have certain missionaries that function as a
division of their church, with a special focus on a certain country or type of people. There are many different
“standards of teaching” that make up the denomination or non-denomination of a certain group of believers.
Today we refer to the “building with the steeple” as the church, when actually it is only the meeting place of
GOD’S people that are a part of the “Church” the BODY OF JESUS CHRIST.
A “ministry” is a mission or a calling and it requires a passion that is given to someone or a group by the
LORD and directed by the HOLY SPIRIT to proclaim JESUS CHRIST and build the KINGDOM OF GOD.
This mission or calling to serve can be to an individual or a group (large or small) that share the same
passion and they can function as a very tight, totally focused unit or very loose, far reaching unit, with many
different avenues of works to fulfil the objectives as is directed by the HOLY SPIRIT. There can be a targeted
effort by a dedicated servant or a very select number or it can be a very broad, all inclusive movement that
reaches out to an entire industry. There can be only one way to perform the duties of a certain ministry by
certain units or there can be a multitude of avenues to achieve the goals of that calling as set forth in the Statement of Purpose of that ministry. Both, those in the
“Church” or body of believers and those in the “Ministry” must have a passion to serve the LORD to be successful in achieving for the LORD. Cowboys For Christ
is certainly a “ministry” and we truly seek to serve the LORD, and build the KINGDOM OF GOD and follow the HOLY SPIRIT in all that we do. Luke 10:2 The harvest
is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Certainly the Church, or group of believers have a major part to do in building the KINGDOM OF GOD and accomplishing HIS works here on this earth. The
Church is, and should be a place of growth, spiritually and emotionally, for each member to increase in the level of Christian maturity and the addition of new
members to that certain group, or BODY OF JESUS CHRIST. To be a successful part of the Body there must be a team effort and a real commitment to do the
work, seek the best for each person in the group and especially to “please the LORD in all that is said and done.” But, what about “ministry” and how does “ministry”
function outside of the established “church” to fulfill the great commission in Mark 16:15. Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good
news to all creation.
Throughout history there are many stories told of the movements and efforts of those who accepted the call to serve the LORD with a certain mission and
followed through with a passion to complete that calling to the upmost. A bunch of these stories started with a single person who not only heard the call, but
accepted it and allowed the HOLY SPIRIT to fuel the fire that ignited into a great movement that changed the course of history and added multitudes to the
KINGDOM OF GOD. Brother Ted Pressley, the founder of Cowboys For Christ was certainly one of those who heard the call, received the commission and applied
the passion to develop a work that has truly been a KINGDOM builder. I sure do thank the LORD for his obedience and dedication and I want to be a part of it and
continue that movement and I am so greatly encouraged at the response by Cowboys and Cowgirls who have that calling, and have accepted that mission and are
now willing to apply the passion to carry on this great work for our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The mission that Brother Ted accepted and spent the rest of his life fulfilling was to take the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST to Cowboys and Cowgirls across the
nation and around the world. That mission has been adopted by a multitude of hard riding Cowboys and Cowgirls since Cowboys For Christ was founded in 1970
and it continues with no special funding of any kind and it is supported completely by faithful contributors who give so the Christian Ranchman continues to go out
FREE to the over 15,000 direct mail members, as well as, 3,000 more that are distributed FREE at horse shows, rodeos, trail rides businesses and livestock events
all across the country. There is a mountain of ministry material that is sent out FREE to almost sixty official chapters and other ministry teams to use in sharing the
GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST to a multitude of cowboys and cowgirls and to those drawn to the Cowboys way of life. There are a bunch of Cowboy Church
services scheduled at horse shows, rodeos, trail rides, horse sales and anywhere and everywhere that Cowboy and Cowgirls gather, as well as, regular Cowboy
Church, Cowboy Chapel and Gatherings. And, the Cowboys For Christ prison ministry which includes; the FREE Bible and Bible study program, the Christian
Ranchman and the bi-monthly Prisoner Newsletter with 849 going out last month.
The Cowboys and Cowgirls that have received the call from the LORD to serve and readily accept the mission of sharing JESUS CHRIST with the lost wherever
and whenever, and are seeking the spark to ignite the passion to the calling and the mission are the ones that are seeking to serve as Cowboy Chaplain and
Cowgirl Chaplain. Cowboy Chaplains Of America, a department of Cowboys For Christ is searching for the called to train and equip to serve the LORD in the
Cowboy world. I get reports almost daily from Cowboys and Cowgirls that have responded by adding the passion to the calling and how it is affecting situations
and changing lives for the LORD. It may not be easy, it may take some effort, there may be a need for major prayer, a need for seeking the FACE OF JESUS
CHRIST, but anyone can do it if they have received the calling and want to apply the passion to that calling. Luke 10:1-2 After this the Lord appointed seventy-two
others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Again I will ask you, either in a “Ministry” or “Church” do you have the “passion” to serve the LORD and what will be your response? Cowboy For Christ and
Cowboy Chaplains Of America will do everything possible to help you fulfil the calling and preform the commission, but you will have to add the passion.
Page 6 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
For more information about activities, meeting dates, times and locations,etc.,please contact people listed for the chapter nearest you, or our website at:
Circuit Riders CFC – Ohatchee, AL
Troy Crosson, Pres., 256-419-3140
Jason Yates, V. P., 256-490-3549
Fellowship: Fridays at 6pm
Malibu Chapter-Malibu, CA
Morten Wengler, Pres., 310-457-0586
Elizabeth Smith, V.P.
emai l:eldoradoranch@hotmail .com
Contact for information
Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC- Athens, Al
Odis Everett, Pres., 256-431-7338
VP Eugene Leimneweder,
Fellowship: 1st Thursday each month
At 6pm at Meeting same time at 306 BBQ
Angel Haven Ranch & Rescue Chapter,
Littlerock, CA
Monique Yates, Pres. 661-944-1803
Gina Nichols, VP 800-692-8977
Call for information
S.E.A. Riders (Southeast Alabama)
Chapter, Troy, AL
Tommy Manns, Pres. 334-897-8316
Bobby Jones, V.P. 334-566-6303
Fellowship: call for location and time
Mat-Valley CFC - Wasilla AK
Tim Avritt, Pres., 907-376-2370
Jerre Attwood, V.P., 907-775-0834
Fellowship: 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Call Debbie Avritt at 907-376-2370
Southern Arizona Chapter - Tucson,
Jason Summerkamp, VP 520-403-8289
Ministry activities and fellowship - call
for info
Element Christ Riders, Siloam Springs,
Jessica Thompson, Pres. 918-859-3396
Youth Division-Lindsey Thompson
Ronnie Gilman, VP 918-697-0383
Youth Division-Hannah Thompson
Facebook: Element Christ Riders
Call for ministry activities and info
Durango CFC – Durango, CO
John Beranek, Pres., 970-247-8288
Chris Swift, V. P., 970-533-9797
Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm, at Animas Valley
Grange Hall, 7271 County Rd 203, Durango,
SonCoast Chapter – Nobleton, FL
Barbara Mackenzie, Pres., 352-568-1507.
Nancy Ramirez, V. P., 352-569-5318
Fellowship: Call Barbara for location and
Middle Georgia Chapter CFC, Pike
County, GA
Bob Perkerson, Pres., 770-584-2429
Nancy Perkerson, VP, 404-514-1919
Call for ministry activities and info
Northern Indiana CFC – Elkhart, IN
Willie Hostetler, Pres., 574-575-0451
Ryan Eash, V.P., 574-202-3946
Fellowship: Trail Ride 3rd Saturday of each
Cowboy Gathering first Saturday of
every month 5:30pm
South/Central Indiana Chapter, Ed
Edwards, Pres. 812-343-0776 Lisa
Edwards, VP 765-516-3828 Fellowship:
call for information
We Will Ride Ministry Chapter, Greene,
Mike Reicherts, Pres., 641-330-6791
Scott Chisholm, VP, 319-230-1859
Fellowship: call for date and time
Clay Center CFC – Clay Center, KS
Chuck Smith Pres., 785-632-5841
Brian Girrens, V.P., 785-926-3085
Fellowship: See website.
Round Up Minisries Chapter, Inman,
Ken Pitzer, Pres., 620-200-9750
Karen Pitzer, VP 620-200-2157
Call for info and activities.
CHAPS (Christian Horseman Always
Planting Seeds) Chapter, Westminster,
Joel Nupp, Pres. 410-259-1301
Sheryl Nupp, VP, 443-557-8680
Call for ministry activities and info
Maryland Cowboys For Christ
Chapter, Walkersville, MD
Bob Grove, Pres., 240-476-5397
Melody Grove, VP, 301-996-4887
Call for ministry activities and info
Great Lakes CFC - Coopersville, MI
Jim Hansen, Pres., 616-450-4887
Harlan Smith, V. P., 616-837-6432
Fellowship: Call Jim Hansen for location
and time
Michigan CFC - Midland, MI
Pat Murphy, Pres., 989-832-9092
John Oelberg, V. P., 989-708-0090
Fellowship: Call Pat Murphy for location
& time
Minn-Iowa Cowboys For Christ, Frost,
Judy Wiedemeier, Pres., 515-538-0109
Kim Olson, VP, 962-913-6936
Fellowship: Second weekend of the
month-call for info
Cowboy Church: 1st Sunday each month9am Jackson Livestock Sale Barn,
Jackson, MN
Revelation Ranch Ministry Chapter –
Janesville, MN
Curtis Malecha, Pres., 507-461-3313
Linda Malecha, VP, 507-779-3333
Ministry and fellowship; call for info
Flying B Soldiers Of The Cross CFC Hazzlehurst, MS
Scott Briggers, Pres., 601-672-4262
Jack Foster V. P., 601-894-3809
Fellowship: Call Scott Briggers for lo
cation and time
East Mississippi Equestrian Riders—
Meridian, MS
Jack R. Griffith, Pres. 601-479-9242,
Gerry Rutherford, VP 601-616-5577, Call
for information on activities
Capital Region CFC – New Bloomfield,
John Hunter, Pres., 573-590-1036
Bible Study and Fellowship: Wednesday 6:00pm Cameron’s Holts Summit
Pony Express CFC – St. Joseph, MO
Matt Wagner, Pres., 816-390-7561
Glenn Spencer, V. P. 816-685-3210
Fellowship: 1st Tuesday at 7pm at Pony
Express Club
Green Hills CFC – Kirksville, MO
Jarrod Rapp, Pres., 660-689-3127
Betty Young, V. P., 660-349-1686
Fellowship: 3 Thursday at 7pm.
Call Craig Bakke at 660-695-3803 for
more information
Salvation Riders CFC – Lamar, MO
Jim Harrison, Pres., 417-682-9219
David Eaves, V. P., 417-214-1239
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sunday at 6pm at
Memorial Hall
(Chapters continued on page 7)
(Cont. from Pg. 7)
Cotton Creek Chapter - Richmond,
Mike Stephens, Pres. 816-256-1403
Bob Simmons, V.P. 816-776-2936
First Monday of each month at 7:00pm
at 40794 E. 144th St., Richmond, MO
Cotton Creek Cowboy Chapel 9:30
every Sunday
Tombstone Village Ministries
Tony Smith, Pres., 417-274-4334
Laurie Smith, VP 417-274-4333
Meeting: Sunday 10AM West Plains, MO
Central Nevada Outreach, Austin, NV
Les Hornback, Presw., 775-934-9248,
Diana Hornback, VP, 775-964-2015
Call for info and activities
Las Cruces Chapter - Las Cruces,
Pat Henry, Pres., 575-644-5108
David Komarek, VP 575-523-2062
Robert Barnard, Reporter 575-3733737
Contact for information
Heart of Carolina CFC – Clayton, NC
Cliff Lee, Pres., 919-553-6726
Jerry Sprague, V. P., 919-365-9247
Fellowship: 2 Thursday of each month
at Carolina BBQ at 6:30 pm
Jacksonville CFC - Home of Camp
LeJeune – Jacksonville, NC
Carl Godfrey, Pres., 910-324-7137
Athina Williams, V. P., 910-779-9529
Fellowship: Call for date, time & location
Mid-East CFC – Ayden, NC
Jack Keel, Pres., 252-525-8519
Lennis Freeman, V. P., 910-358-9723
Fellowship: Call Jack Keel for more information
NC Foothills CFC – Statesville, NC
Craig Deal, Pres., 704-873-3421
Andrew Sams, V. P., 704-880-3661
Fellowship: Call Craig Deal for more info.
Tri-County CFC – Marion, NC
Bill Queen, Pres., 828-738-8485
James Nations, V. P., 828-738-4343
Fellowship: 1 Monday of each month at
7pm at Providence Farm
Twin Counties CFC – Rocky Mount, NC
Alfred Tyson, Pres., 252-459-6091, Sue
Armstrong, V. P. 252-443-4434
Fellowship: 4th Thursday of each month
at Englewood Assembly of God Church,
2181 S. Halifax Road, Rocky Mount,
North Carolina.
Cape Fear Chapter - Bladenboro, NC
John Milligan,Pres. 910-840-1402
Gary Cashwell, V.P. 910-874-0613
Fellowship: 3rd Saturday of each month
Trail Ride 10am; Dinner 7pm
Call for location
Sand Hills Chapter - Fayetteville, C
Gary Wells, Pres. 910-286-6906
Stewart Wells, V.P. 910-797-3386
Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month at
7pm at Western Sizzling, Fayetteville
Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND
Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271
Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424
Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month
River Valley Chapter, Felicity, Ohio
Stephen Knipp, Pres. 513-218-1791
Nicole Troxell, VP, 513-312-4495
Central OK CFC – Norman, OK
Steve Womack, Pres., 405-872-7329
John Payne, V. P., 405-396-2738
Fellowship: 1 Tuesday of each month at
7pm at the Remington Place
No Bull About Jesus Chapter—Pocola,
Jamie Jones, Pres. 479-926-3242
Wade Biggs, VP 479-522-0605
Prison, Jail and Recovery ministry
Call for information on activities
Page 7 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Southwest Oklahoma Chapter Rock’n Cross Ranch Ministry –
Comanche, OK
Collinsville, TX
Ken Neher, Pres. 580-470-8055
Robert Taylor, Pres., 360-410-8883
Carolyn Neher, VP 580-470-8055
Lief Martinson, VP, 505-429-1836
email address:
Contact for information
Fellowship: call for location and time
Green Country Cowboys For Christ Collinsville, OK
Fred Thomas, Pres. 918-378-8855
Rita Simpkins, VP 918-815-7087
Boots and Bibles Chapter MadiFellowship: Call f or inf ormation on son, VA
Heather Campbell, Pres. 540-2196928
Joanne Owings, VP 540-923-4679
Call for information on activities
West Keystone CFC – New Castle, PA
Dale Brenneman, Pres., 724-924-2830,
Bob Steffler, V. P., 724-758-6255
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sundays/ Call for Ridin For The Brand CFC- Victor,
Elbert Horrocks, Pres., 304-658-5730
Southwest Pennsylvania Chapter George Hawkins, V. P., 304-658-4206
Kittanning, PA
Fellowship: call for Location
Paulette Zimmerman, Pres. 724-2520178
Christ’s Cavalry Chapter, Daniels,
Jim Zimmerman, VP 724-252-0178
Ministry activities and fellowship - call
James Hartsog, Pres. 304-763-4207,
for info
Beth Mays, V.P., 304-763-7247
Fellowship: call for location and time
Coastal Cowboys For Christ, Conway,
Lighthouse Chapter CFC – Arkdale,
Buddy Smith, Pres. 843-397-9133, Calvin WI
Barfield, V.P. 843-365-5636
Mary Harris, V. P., 608-547-5477
Fellowship: 3 Thursday of each month Fellowship: Last Saturday of each
at Shoney’s in Conway, SC
Call for location and time
Round Up For Jesus Chapter, Morris
Chapel, TN
Northeast Wyoming, Wright, WY
Steve Tankersley, Pres. 731-607-1073
Robby Gallop, Pres., 307-622-7411
Brenda Tankersley, VP, 731-607-0871
Kathy Jordan, VP, 307-622-0302
Call for ministry activities and info
Call for info and activities.
Southeast Texas CFC, Kountze, TX
A.H. Elmer, Pres. 409-246-8985, Sneed
Elmer, V.P. 409-246-8985
Fellowship: Meeting - 3 Saturday each
month at 7:00 pm at the CFC Barn on Hwy
326 N, Kountze, TX
Cowboys For Christ Headquarters –
Boyd, TX
Dave Harvey, Pres. 817-236-0023
Call for more information
Pray For
Page 8 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Cowboys For Christ
General Store
The Following Items Are For Sale
Specialty Items
The Following Items
Are Free:
_______ Your Entry Fees Are Paid
_______ Need a Lift?
_______ FREE Professional Tips to a
Winning Ride
_______ The Race Is On
_______ Just a Short Ride Across the
_______ Five Steps to Become A Top
_______ The Ride
American made Poplin
Cotton Jackets!
NEW Short
Sleeve Shirt
NEW Long
Sleeve Shirt
Cowboy Angel
CFC Jacket
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Grey
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Red
24K Gold Plated
Blue/w Logo
Cotton Poplin
Logo Belt Pins
Screw on backs
NEW T-Shirt
Cowgirl T-Shirt
Ball Caps
White, Khaki or Black
Belt Buckle
Antique Bronze
Belt Buckle
Silver w/24k Gold Plate
Inlaid-Royal Blue, White &
Green in Shield & Letters
COMPLETE (Palm Size) Bible
$ 25.00
$ 37.50
$ 4.50
$ 5.50
$ 6.50
Include S & H cost posted to the left.....
Other Materials
Name: __________________________________________________
_______ Bible Studies
_______ Bumper Stickers: Cowboys
For Christ
_______ Offering Envelopes
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ____________________State: ______ Zip: ______________
Phone: (_______) ________________________________________
Please fill out quantities. Fill out check/money order for sale items. Fill out portion below and mail to:
CFC, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111
United State Shipping & Handling
and up
Lifetime Membership
Card - $10
Life-time Membership Card signed by
Brother Ted Pressley, imprinted with
your name and laminated as long as
they last for $10 dollars, you must
print your name just like you want it
on the card.
$25.50 + $6.60 S/H
Total = $32.00
You can now order online....just go
to our website and click on the
General Store......
50/50 cotton/polyester short sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Grey
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
65/35 polyester/cotton long sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Red
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
Short Sleeve shirts
are $25.00
Long Sleeve shirts
are $37.50
Custom ordered!
Page 9 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
This wonderful Bible is the Easy-to-Read version by the World Bible Translators, prepared especially for CFC. It’s the Old and New Testaments
with beautiful CFC colors—royal blue leather imprint with expensively striking gold inlay on the
cover. It is 4-7/16 inches wide by 6-5/8 inches high,
perfect size to fit in your coat pocket, yet designed
with type size—very easy to read. Printed on thin
crystal white onion skin paper, making it beautiful,
flexible and very readable.
This awesome Bible brings an easy and new
flare to Bible study. It's a must for your spiritual
life! Order yours now, they make GREAT gifts!!!!
See order form.
Only $6.50 each
+ Shipping &
Cowgirls T-Shirt
Go to the General Store Tab
on our
website and click on the DONATIONS,
$20.00 each + S&H
GOLD or SILVER Guardian
Angels (with cowboy hats) just
$4.50 each.
Logo Shield Hat/Belt
Pin with white
Available in M, L, XL and XXL
$12.50 all sizes plus shipping.
White hat with blue bill and Black hat with embroidered
CFC logo patch embroidered
CFC Logo Patch
Page 10 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Chapter Updates.....
Hi Dave,
I wanted to let you know what is going on in our
CHAPS, Maryland Chapter. We held our first
Cowboy Church at Amazing Grace Farm in
Parkton, MD. Our host, Sandy Weinrich was
absolutely wonderful. We began our service in
prayer and then Brad Rhineholt came and led us
in praise and worship music. What a wonderful
blessing. Joel Nupp gave a sermon and we
concluded with a call to Salvation. Seeds were
surely being planted. God is so good!
We had a total of 26 people in attendance. It
was a really nice evening. The evening concluded
with a potluck dinner and lots of fellowship. I have
enclosed a Christian Ranchman signup sheet.
We also have a Cowboy Church service being
held at the Howard County fair prior to the Maryland
High School Rodeo. I am sure we will bring in many
young kids and their families from the 4-H arena,
too. We are so excited to see what God has in
store for this Chapter.
Thanks you so much for all your help. We look
forward to seeing you at the end of August.
Safe travels and I am sure we will speak soon.
Dear Dave,
I want to send you a praise report from our
CHAPS Cowboys For Christ Chapter.
Maryland High School Rodeo had their first
Cowboy Church of the 2014-15 season or August
7, 2014. It was AWESOME! A young man who
Joel had spoken to last year behind the bull chutes
spoke boldly about his love for the Lord. We were
so full of joy to hear him speak, this is why we do
what we do, sharing the love of God the Father,
the love and sacrifice of Jesus and the power and
comfort we have because of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Over 65 people in attendance and 46 plus were
youth. It was encouraging to us to see the kids
hungry for the Word. Seeds planted getting ready
to take root and bloom! God is so, so great! We
also had our pastor from our church, Herb Riesig,
come and share and celebrate this ministry with
us. We also were blessed that a new member in
the MDHSRA is an ordained minister from
Pennsylvania. God is so amazing, never a
coincidence, with God’s timing and touching the
brother and sisters we meet. I know I’ve said this
to you before, but I’ll repeat it again; “God is ready
for the revival like we have never seen before” and
Cowboys For Christ is in it!
We boldly take on the mission to seek the lost
and bring them to the Master, exciting stuff. Can
you please send us more bumper stickers and the
little hand-out tracts, we are out.
Thank you so much!
God bless you,
Sheryl Nupp, VP CHAPS Chapter,
Westminster, Maryland
The Gathering of the Heartland
Christian Cowboys and Cowgirls,
Raymondville, MO 2014
(Cont. from Pg. 1)
would ever attend. For the past two years, Mike
Stephens, president of our CottonCreek Christian
Ministry, had been promoting it and I had certainly
supported everyone else going, but knew it was
something I wouldn’t be interested in ….not having
ridden a horse for 50+ years. God had other ideas.
One morning He said, “You need to go to the
Gathering”. I didn’t argue. I emailed my dear friend
Shirley Anderson ( Mike’s mom) and asked if she’d
like to go. Unbeknownst to me, she was “ chomping
at the bit” to go but had not said anything to me
because I had made it clear….I wasn’t interested.
( I’m shaking my head at myself.)
The Gathering was/is a wonderful experience.
God provided so many new friends in Christ.
Everyone: men, women and kids, alike, were so
willing to make “pink flamingos” (new comers like
me) feel at home. What hospitality! Chuck and
Kay Golden, the owners of the Golden Hills Trail
Rides & Resort where the Gathering is held, were
especially skilled in making everyone feel welcome.
The meals they provided were over-flowingly
God certainly manifested His Presence during
these seven days. The Bible study was one of my
favorite activities. ( It was on Spiritual Authority.
Mike taught the men and his wife, Donita, the
ladies, and then there was a last joint session.)
We had such beneficial discussions where we
opened our hearts and shared troubles and God’s
solutions and how He is training us to become more
like Jesus.
The Cowboy Games were fun to watch. All
ages, adults to youngsters participated. Watching
two fathers baptize their children in a sparkling clear
river was very moving. Ice cream social, square
dancing, gospel singer Kevin Rowe & the Prodigal
Sons were enjoyed by all. I came home with my
heart full of Christ. Next year, if God is willing, I’m
going back. Zina Bush, CottonCreek Chapter CFC
(First Timer)
On The Gathering, Heartland
Cowboys and Cowgirls,
Raymondville, MO 2014
CottonCreek was so blessed this year to be able
to go to the Gathering, en masse….19 in all. (There
were 13 first timers!!) Our group included several
teenagers as well as moms and dads and
grandmas and grandpas, some single guys and
gals and some widows. We tented, RV’d and
stayed in the bunkhouse. Many had absolutely
No Idea what to expect of such an outing…a
spiritual retreat ?? with horses, camping,
strangers?? Even though Mike and Donita had
shared their experiences and their testimonies
about how strongly they felt the Spirit working and
let us know how wonderful they thought it was, but
there was always the niggling thought, “But they’re
horse-people”. Only a few of our group were riders,
but that sure didn’t dampen their enjoyment nor
the richness of the experience. ‘CottonCreek’ set
up camp next to Dave and Sandy Buckles and Matt
and Melissa Wagner’s camp (St. Joe Chapter) and
they showed us the ropes, helping in so many
ways. Bob and I weren’t able to attend, but the
testimonies of everyone who did, about the
fellowship, the fun, the scenery, the blessing and
spiritual focus, the refreshment, the renewal of
body and spirit, were glowingly in One
Accord……….”It was Great!!! And, Let’s do it again
next year.” I’d like to tell you about all the activities,
but there just isn’t space. (I’ll let the reflections of
some of our group give you a glimpse or two )
Maybe some of you can make it to next year’s
Gathering and check it out for yourself. I can just
about guarantee you’ll have a blast, have made
dozens of new friends, feel closer to Your Lord and
Savior, fired up to share Him with others, eager to
do whatever you can back at home to spread the
Gospel and build His Kingdom, renewed in your
spirit, and be so blessed to have been part of the
revival, the worship, the Bible study and seen Christ
at work in ways you never imagined.
Rilla Simmons, Reporter,
CottonCreek Chapter, Richmond, MO
Page 11 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Ministry Report From the Hill
Country/South Texas Region
The Southwest Texas Region / Hill Country
Chapter Ministry is actively involved in CFC
outreach and other expanded ministry capacities
throughout its vast region. Our CFC chapter is so
appreciative to the following organizations: The
Wimberley VFW Arena and the Dripping Springs
Ranch Park Covered Arena. Both of these facilities
are nestled amidst rolling hills, and seasonal creeks
located in the beautiful Texas hill country. On behalf
of our chapter, we would like to extend a big hearty,
thank you to the fine folks over in Wimberley and
Drippings Springs, for graciously opening up their
venues, events and facilities to Cowboys For Christ.
Get Ready to Mark Your Calendars! Southwest
Texas Region / Hill Country Chapter would like to
extend a warm invitation for you to join us at other
upcoming events that will be held in the Wimberley
Valley area. Our CFC Ministry has requested
permission to set up at the Wimberley Gospel Fest
in early October at Cowboys For Jesus Church in
Fischer, Texas. For more information, please
contact Dr. Bob Rawson, by calling (512) 757-3614.
Our Hill Country CFC Chapter has some active
members that are affiliated with Cowboys For Jesus
Church. Brandy Berry is involved in youth ministry
at Cowboys for Jesus.
Ben Addington is also an active member of
Cowboys For Jesus Church in Fischer, Texas. Ben
was approved at the last CFC Board of Directors
Meeting as a Licensed Minister of the Gospel for
Cowboys For Christ. Congratulations to Ben, and
we know he will continue to bless many souls in
his respective ministries. Ben further serves as an
active leader in their Celebrate Recovery Program
at Cowboys For Jesus Church, which is a Christ
centered 12 step Ministry dealing with hurts, habits
and hangups. Moreover, Addington is actively
involved in CFC outreach and ministry in the
Wimberley Valley / Dripping Springs area.
The Dripping Springs Ranch Park is a beautiful
110 acre, multi-use ranch park, that hosts a variety
of equine and agricultural events, as well as social
and other type gatherings. The event center is
166,000 sq. ft., boasting a covered arena ideal for
all types of cowboy cultural events. Dr. Bob Rawson
and Ben Addington continue to host CFC ministry
outreaches by visiting with interested folks and
handing out literature, as well as offering prayer
for the THCBRA events, and offering cowboy
church services on Sunday mornings when
Dr. Bob spent the better part of Saturday, August
2nd, and Sunday, August 3rd, with TSPRA (Texas
Sr. Pro Rodeo Association) at DS Ranch Park
Arena. On that Saturday, Dr. Bob and Ben
Addington represented Cowboys For Christ with a
CFC banner and a table full of literature. Dr. Bob
also spent a great deal of time both days talking
with Steve Jones the TSPRA person who usually
does cowboy church on Sunday mornings for them.
He was invited to represent CFC at the event and
deliver the message on that Sunday morning, and
of course, he was blessed to do so.
Dr. Bob considered it a real blessing, as there
were about 100 bleacher and arena horseback
folks in attendance. One of the TSPRA members
volunteered to play and sing cowboy spiritual songs
for the service and it was just a real blessing for
everyone. He was afforded the further opportunity
to meet and fellowship with many of the cowboys
and cowgirls after the service.
The blessings continued to flow as TSPRA had
a feed bucket on the arena fence with the folks in
attendance giving $250.00 as a contribution to
Cowboys For Christ. CFC Hill Country Chapter
would also like to extend a gracious thank you to
TSPRA and the other fine folks who generously
gave into the offering bucket at said event.
Dr. Bob ended up becoming a member of
TSPRA while at the event, and he has been asked
to help volunteer and participate in cowboy church
when possible at Dripping Springs and other
arenas utilized around Texas. Our Hill Country
Chapter is hoping many new CFC members will
join up from this group, and other groups as well.
In the summer months of July and August, Dr. Bob
and Ben represented CFC at multiple events
around the hill country area, including a THCBRA
Barrel Racing Competition on July 12 & 13; TSPRA
Rodeo Event on Aug 2 & 3; D Bar S Roping
Competition on Aug 22; and the THCBRA Barrel
Racing Competition on Aug 23 & 24. On August
9, Dr. Bob was actively engaged with the S.H.O.T.
(Stock Horse Of Texas) organization and is now a
Our CFC Hill Country Chapter is hoping to
increase our opportunities of ministry service to
the above named organizations as well as new
ones. We are in the process of developing a CFC
Cowboy Church Worship Team so that we may
offer services on Saturday evenings or Sunday
mornings for organizations interested. We have
been blessed that Russ and Suzanne Glover have
joined us to provide cowboy spiritual music and
singing as part of the team. They will join Dr. Bob
Rawson and Ben Addington on the team. We invite
current members and/or new members to join us
in this outreach ministry if you would like to do so
in serving Jesus Christ.
We have a new member in Floresville by the
name of Robert Barnes. Robert has a heart to
minister to the oil field groups there in his area.
He shared that he handed out about 18 copies of
the Christian Ranchman but ran out and in need
of more copies! He further shares that he would
like to offer a weekly Bible study group for any folks
interested. If you live in that area and would like to
connect up with him, here is his contact information:
Robert Barnes at phone number: (210) 831-9843
There’s are other CFC ministries going on also
in Gonzales, Yoakum and San Marcos. If you are
a Cowboys For Christ member (or would like to
become a member), you are welcome to help out
with the CFC ministries and outreach booths, or
just come out and enjoy an event with us. Pastor
Jeff Latham (CFC member), heads up his ministry
‘Rodeo for Jesus’ which ministers to young people
who wish to participate in cowboy and horse
education in a Jesus Christ atmosphere.
The Hill Country Chapter, CFC Bible study is
headed up by Shirley Nobles, and their group took
a summer break but will resume on September
10th, at the home of Don and Shirley Nobles, in
Yoakum, Texas. We have two other CFC members
that live in the vicinity. Patsy Jo Miles is Region 11
Director, for TETRA (Texas Equestrian Trail Riding
Association), and she also heads up the CFC Hill
Country Chapter trail riding outreach ministry. Lois
Cunning reports that she continues in her prayer
warrior / pastoral care ministry. She asks that
people continue to contact her with their prayer
request and spiritual needs.
Ava Anderson serves as Secretary / Chapter
Recorder for SW Region / Hill Country Chapter and
was recently approved by the CFC Board of
Directors as a Licensed Minister of the Gospel for
Cowboys For Christ. Hello everyone! That’s me,
(Ava) and I feel very blessed and honored to serve
and minister in this capacity with Cowboys For
Christ I would also like to invite everyone out to
our CFC ministry aptly known as Branded For Christ
/ Covenant Cowboys and Cowgirls, this is a CFC
Hill Country Sub-Chapter outreach in Gonzales,
Texas area and in which, I also serve as President.
Ava Anderson, Secretary/Recorder
Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls
We need sponsors for our Prisoner Newsletter
and the free Prisoner Bible/Bible Study program.
Please pray about it and if you feel the HOLY
SPIRIT speaking to you about helping Cowboys
For Christ go inside the walls with the Gospel of
JESUS CHRIST, we certainly welcome your
support. We are reaching out to those who are
drawn to the cowboy image or who have been a
part of the cowboy way of life before they were
imprisoned. Your support will certainly be
greatly appreciated for helping us continue and
expand this very fruitful work. GOD bless you
and I Thank You.
Page 12 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
It is always fun to try something new. God opens
many doors for us in life. 1 Corinthians 16:9: For a
wide door for effective work has opened to me, and
there are many adversaries. Instead of our regular
monthly trail ride, we decided to organize a trail class
competition for the month of August.
When trying something new it requires prayer for
guidance and much research to see how others have
done it before you. Many of us learned that although
we have a horse that is great going down a trail, when
faced with obstacles they have never encountered,
their flight instinct takes over and their main focus
seems to be the scary thing moving out of the corner
of their eye. Sometimes we face obstacles that seem
insurmountable. We are confronted by challenges at
work, at church or in our communities that are
overwhelming. How should we respond in these
situations? How can we have the strength to be
victorious? This passage tells us: Zachariah 4:5-6
“`Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says
the LORD Almighty.”
There were those who had such a relationship with
their horse, that as they encountered a teeter totter
bridge or a shredded tarp hanging from a pole
overhead flopping in the wind, they would encourage
their horse, and the horse would trust and move
through the obstacle with little hesitation. Hebrew 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for
whoever would draw near to God must believe that
he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
The parallel between our relationship with Christ and
our relationship with our horse is so
apparent…especially when that relationship is tested
with our horse when asking him to do something
beyond the normal. We truly need to seek God in all
that we do to continue to build that strong faith and
trust that whatever we have to face in our time here
on earth God will provide for us.
Please remember to surround yourself with
Christian friends and family, prayer, and reading your
Bibles. Also, remember to spend time with your horse
working on new situations and building that trust.
Our next ride will be at 2265 15th road in Bourban, IN
on September 20th at 11:00am.
In Christ, Kim Hostetler
Luke and his horse completing one of the obstacles
From left to right is MA Kinsey Dilts, Dawn Herron,
Daphne Dosmann, Gary Yoder, Caitlin Yoder, Ryan Eash,
and Heather Eash.
And the winners are:
For Novice:
1st Martha Shoff (Not pictured)
2nd Daphne Dosmann
For Amateur:
1st Caitlin Yoder
2nd Heather Eash
3rd Caitlin Yoder
For Open:
1st Gary Yoder
2nd Ryan Eash
3rd Dawn Herron
Central Georgia Chapter, Bob
Perkerson, President
It has been a busy month for our new chapter.
Prior to our second monthly meeting on August 28,
2014, we put out 25 flyers at various feed and tack
stores. We were also invited to be a quest on a
weekly Sunday evening gospel radio show on the
country station in our area. Several people attended
our August meeting as a result. We were again
invited to give the local horse club an update on our
planned August meeting, and several horse club
members were at the meeting. The Sunday before
the meeting we were invited to talk about CFC and
give a devotional at the combined meeting of the
Men’s Clubs from the Woodbury, Georgia Methodist
and Baptist Churches.
The week prior to the meeting, the Lord began
to open even more doors for ministry. We were
contacted by the President of the new Ranch Horse
Association in our area. We will be providing the
Cowboy Church services for their upcoming shows.
The owners of a new covered arena in our county
called to see if we would conduct the dedication of
their new arena at their inaugural event next
weekend. They have offered us the use of this arena
for any future events. We are hoping to host a Dave
Harvey CFC Horsemanship Clinic at the arena later
in the fall after the weather cools and as your
schedule permits.
We had 38 people attend our second chapter
meeting. After announcements concerning
upcoming events, the official cowboy poet for the
State of Georgia, Jerry Warren, recited two poems.
This month’s devotional was about how horses
help you relate to God. Relationship,
communication and leadership were shown by
examples about horses and highlighted by
scriptures concerning the Father’s love, Jesus’
words, and the Holy Spirit. We closed with a male
trio singing “Blessed Assurance” a cappella .
God continues to bless and open doors.
Hallelujah! Until next month’s report, we remain
with you in His service, Bob.
Cummins Unit of the Arkansas
Prison System, Prison Ministry
It was a power-packed weekend of ministry at
the Cummins Unit of the Arkansas Prison System
July 19 and 20. I was major blessed to minister
with Kane Riggs and the hard riding group of the
No Bull About Jesus Chapter. Sparky the Texas
Longhorn Steer always gets the attention of
everyone as Kane rides him through the gates into
the prison yard. The talented and anointed “in
house” prison band was set up on the flatbed trailer
that had been moved in for us to use as our stage
as we ministered and proclaimed JESUS CHRIST.
We were greatly blessed with a cloudy sky, cool
breeze and fantastic weather for July in Arkansas,
with a yard full of prisoners on a beautiful Saturday.
Many hearts were touch by the testimonies of the
Cowboys of the Chapter and even some of their
fellow prisoners and as we shared GOD’S HOLY
WORD. Sunday morning we were up bright and
early at the prison Chapel to minister to a full house
as the HOLY SPIRIT moved and worked in the
lives of those guys, and at least seven made the
commitment to accept JESUS CHRIST as the
LORD and SAVIOR. After a time of special prayer
and ministering in the Chapel, we made our way
to the First Baptist Church of Gould where we had
been staying for the weekend. After sharing about
Cowboys For Christ and No Bull About Jesus
Cowboys For Christ Recovery Ranch and GOD’S
WORD at the church we were blessed by a great
meal. Sparky was given the chance to give some
young and not-so-young Cowboys and Cowgirls
a thrill as they rode him around the church yard. A
major thank you goes out to Chaplain Banks at
the prison for working it out for us to come and
minister and, also to the First Baptist Church of
Gould for hosting us for the weekend.
Page 13 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Dear Cowboys for Christ,
My name is Dave Tingey and I have seen your
paper the way you encourage us to pray for the
troops. I thought you might like this one.
God Made A Soldier
Dave Tingey 2-13-13
God looked down and saw his world in a mess
Seems like living together is to hard a test
Said “I guess I’ll have to fix it too
and I know just what just what it is I’ll do
I’ll make me a soldier
I can’t figure just what went wrong
Them folks can’t seem to get along
All they think about is war
don’t know if I can take much more
Guess I’ll send my soldier
They’ll be the best of the best
they’ll meet and master every test
They’ll stick together through thick and thin
and it won’t matter what country they’re in”
so God sent His soldier
“They’ll be a band of brothers tried and true
tied together by what they’ve been through
They’ve proven to be the best of the best
They’ve met and bested every test.
They are my soldiers
And if one of them should happen to die
I’ll bring him back to his home on high
There he’ll find eternal rest
cause he is the best of the best
so God took home His soldier.
Letter from Paul Kennedy
My name is Paul Kennedy. I am writing to you
to tell you who I was and who I am now in Christ
Jesus. I was a thief, drug addict, adulteress and
liar. I have stolen for my own pleasure. I have
been unfaithful to my wife. I have run all that is
good to me away and continued on in my path of
destruction. I cared for nothing or no one. I have
been in jails and mental institutions, full of greed
and selfishness. I have hurt innocent people for
my benefit. I write to you from my 8x10 cell waiting
on my sentence, hoping this letter will help you get
on the path of the straight and narrow. But the
only way is through Christ Jesus. We are not for
this world, so we should not live for worldly things.
We should live for our Father God, Who is our
creator and provider. I am now a man of God who
has put on the Whole Armor of God. I am hurt
knowing that you are hurt, and it can change with
love, hope and faith. When I am released from my
chains, I will hit the ground running for Christ, never
looking back or waiting on tomorrow, because there
is no tomorrow, only today. I found the Truth and
today I applied it. It is time to wake up because
there is no tomorrow. I beg you to repent today
and live in God’s Will. We need to stand up for our
Father God and stop allowing Him to be taken out
of our daily lives. Fight back with faith, hope and
love and His Word. It is time to go and preach,
teach and deliver God’s Word to everyone. I pray
for this and I pray for you and please pray for me.
God Bless you all.
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
Sunday when I went to get in the car to go to
Church, I saw a black dog lying under one of the
trees in the horse pasture. I went in the mobile
and got dog meal and a big bowl of water, as I
approached the dog took off like a big bird, scared,
tail tucked, it was skin and bones. I left the food
and went to Church. I put food out again at night
and since in the AM and PM. The dog is a female,
maybe hound and who knows. I hope to eventually
gain her trust and be able to take her to the shelter.
I’d keep her, but my 112 lb. female Bullmastiff has
no tolerance for competition around here.
I guess I was a lot like this female before I got
saved, foot-loose and fancy free. One night I was
sitting under a tree and the lady next door where
our horses were boarded saw me and invited me
to a Bible study. I was 37 years old, three weeks
later I got saved. Boy, are the circumstances
Me, too
Me, too
Me, too
Me, too
Me, too
Needs to be saved
Me, too
Get the picture: Jesus is the ROCK of my
salvation. Psalm 18:2
Jesus is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. John 14:6
I hope the dog will see me as her present help
in time of need. Psalm 46:1
I did when I asked Jesus to save me. John 3:3
I feel that the Lord let her come here so I can
help her, our farm is called,
Baruch Ha Shem Acres; Praise the Lord in
God Bless, Karen Meisner
Did you know that when you carry the
Bible, Satan has a headache, when you
open it, he collapses, when he sees you
reading it, he loses his strength, AND when
you stand on the Word of God, Satan can’t
hurt you!
To receive Cowboys For Christ FREE Bi-Monthly
Publication, The Christian Ranchman, just go to our
website and you will find a download link. You can
read it while sitting at your computer. Email the link
to your friends. It will be in PDF format so you will
have to have a PDF reader program (Adobe Reader is
free to download) on your computer. Or, if you do not
have access to a PDF reader, e-mail your mailing
address to:
We will never share/sell your information, that’s a
promise. You will find articles of interest, poetry,
testimonies, Brother Dave's preaching itinerary,
photographs, local chapter listings, updates and much
Are you presently in the
US Military or do you have a
friend or loved one that is
now serving that would enjoy
receiving The Christian
Ranchman? Please send us
their name and address and
we will put them on The
Christian Ranchman mailing
list. Bless our soldiers with a
little bit of cowboy while they
are serving away from
Page 14 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
By Bob Perkerson,
President Middle Georgia chapter
I was born in a Christian home. Both my mother
and my Dad were believers. I come from a long
line of Georgia farmers on both sides of my family.
I remember when my Dad switched from row crops
to commercial cattle. Being a child in the 1950s, I
grew up watching westerns, and I always wanted
a horse.
My Dad, who was born in 1911, either rode or
drove a horse or mule the 5 miles to town to attend
school and church, and he grew up plowing with a
mule. As a result, by the time I came along all the
horses and mules were gone from the farm. My
Dad said we now have tractors and pickup trucks,
so we do not need a horse to feed. I was involved
in 4H and FFA, showed steers and pigs, rode others
people’s horses, but never had one of my own. I
had a drug problem growing up. Since my Dad was
the Sunday School superintendent, I was drug to
church every Sunday. One of the first prayers I can
remember praying as a kid was for my own horse.
For those of you who have been praying for
something for a while, I am here to testify that God
hears those prayers. God is faithful, and if you will
delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the
desires of your heart as it says in Psalm 37, verse
4. As a kid I could not understand why God would
not give me a horse, since I lived on a farm and my
friends had horses. However, I learned that God’s
thoughts and ways are higher than ours as the Lord
tells us in Isaiah 55, verses 8 and 9.
I played high school sports, went to college, and
got married to my wife of over 40 years, Nancy. I
then went to law school, practiced law, was in the
Naval Reserve JAG Corps, became an
Administrative Law Judge and taught at the
National Center for Paralegal Training, while Nancy
and I raised 2 boys. The point being, God knew I
had no time to have a horse. Nevertheless, my
desire to have a horse never went away, so when
I moved back to the farm at age 50, my wife
suggested we get horses for our boys. I jumped at
the chance to finally have my childhood prayer
answered. With age comes some wisdom, so I read
everything I could get my hands on concerning
horses. I went to every clinic in our area. Obviously,
God loves horses, since he created them as the
Bible tells us in Genesis 1, verses 24 and 25, and
of all the animals Jesus could choose to return on,
Revelation 19, verse 11 says it will be a white horse.
I studied about horses and learned about
horsemen like Tom and Bill Dorrance and Ray Hunt.
I was able to see on TV, on DVD, and in person
many of the clinicians of today. However, I have
never found anyone like Jesus, who had his
disciples go and get a colt no one had sat on to
ride in a parade into Jerusalem on what we refer
to as Palm Sunday (Matthew 21, verses 1 through
11). What I have found out over these years that
we have had horses is that developing a
relationship with a horse is similar to developing a
relationship with God. It takes time. Horses have
taught me so much about relating to God that it is
hard to put it into words.
The horse that now allows me to ride her was
abused by a previous owner. It became clear that
she had been beaten by a board and rejected,
before she was placed for sale. Needless to say,
this mare had trust issues, but over time she has
become a most trustworthy horse. This mare has
kept me in the saddle on a number of occasions
when it would have been easier to have left me in
the dust. Over time this mare learned that just like
the Lord told us in Jeremiah 29 at verse 11, that I
had plans for her to prosper her and not to harm
Horses have taught me to relate to them through
love, language, and leadership, just like God relates
to us through the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. In the Gospel of John in Chapter 3 at verse
16, Jesus tells us that God ( the Father) so loved
the world that he sent His one and only Son (Jesus)
that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but
have eternal life. Verse 17 goes on to tell us that
God (the Father) did not send his Son (Jesus) into
the world to condemn the world, but to save the
world through Him. In First John 4 at verse 16, it
tells us that God is love and at verse 19 that God
first loved us. God’s love is far beyond any love we
can have for a horse, but as you know, people and
horses do not care how much you know until they
know how much you care.
You can love a horse, but to have a relationship,
you need to be able to speak their language, and
to communicate just like we need to communicate
with God. The Gospel of John in Chapter 1 starts
by telling us that “in the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God.” We have the very language of God contained
in the Bible, which in many editions has the actual
words of Jesus printed in red. One minister used
to say if you don’t know what to do, read the red
and pray for the power. God not only gave us his
Son, but He gave us His Word. The Bible is our
training manual and our rule book. We can
communicate with God through prayer just like you
can communicate with your horse through your
words, your hands, your seat, your legs, even your
breathing and posture. As you know, the more time
you spend communicating with your horse, the
better the understanding gets, just like it does when
you spend time communicating with God.
So we have the love of the Father and the
language as spoken and lived out by the Son
(Jesus), but what about leadership? Horses need
and are looking for leadership they can trust, just
like most of us. That is where the Holy Spirit comes
into your life. Jesus told us before He died for us
and reestablished our relationship with the Father,
by taking care of our sin debt, a debt that we could
not repay, that He would send the Holy Spirit to be
our Counselor. In the Gospel of John in
Chapter 14 at verse 16, Jesus says the Holy
Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and in verse 26, Jesus
also says that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things.
Horses have taught me how to relate to them
through love, language and leadership. This in turn
has taught me how to better relate to God the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, what type of
relationship does God want with us? The same type
of relationship we want with our horses. God wants
us to spend time with Him. It takes time to develop
a relationship with a horse just like it takes time to
relate to God. In Genesis Chapter 3, verses 8 and
9 tell us that God came to the garden in the cool of
the day and called to the man. In Exodus 33 at
verse 11, it says that God would speak to Moses
as a man speaks with his friend. God called
Abraham his friend in Isaiah 41 verse 8, which was
confirmed in James 2 verse 23.
Many times when I was still working full time
and got home late, all I wanted to do was to check
on my horses and be sure they were doing all right.
However, if the grass was high, the water trough
was full, and the flies were under control, my horses
did not come when called. They would basically
ignore me. Have you ever thought that is how we
often treat God, who created us to have relationship
with Him? How often have we simply had pressing
business elsewhere? How often have we let the
good keep us from the best. How often have we
broken God’s heart, by keeping the God of the
universe waiting on us? The good news is God
still loves us, and as Psalm 103 tells us, if we will
repent, He will remove our transgressions as far
as the east is from the west. That is good news!
God Bless
Pray for
Page 15 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Trail Ride
By Elliot Johnson
Growing up on a farm-ranch in central Nebraska,
I wanted to be a rancher—after playing major league
baseball! Gathering steers and heifers from the
pasture and moving them down a long country road
(holding up the unfortunate cars which happened
along!) became a favorite part of rural life. I loved
riding alone into the vast pastures, checking on
calves and water.
Long hours on a tractor presented another story.
Seemed like the only way the day would end was
when we headed for the house—which meant
chores! I much preferred a saddle over a tractor seat!
I even rode my horse to country school until we went
to “town school” in the ninth grade.
We lived five miles from the closest town—a
“wide spot in the road” with a population of about
350. When I was seven years old, my parents took
me to town to hear a gospel presentation. The
evangelist said God promised Heaven to those who
received Christ and Hell to those who did not. It didn’t
take much time to convince me I was a sinner. I
wanted to be saved, but I heard another voice
saying, “Just wait. Hold on until this is over and you
won’t have to hear it again.” Nevertheless, I went
forward and prayed to receive Christ. It’s the best
decision I ever made! Thank God!
I left home and played ball in college, but not
beyond, as no team showed interest. For 40 years,
I thoroughly enjoyed coaching, using athletics for
higher purposes in lives of kids. Meanwhile, I wrote
several devotional books for athletes. I never played
major league baseball, but some of my players did.
I am so glad for the chance to coach. It was a great
career and we raised two fine sons. Suddenly, it
was over.
“Now what?” I asked. “God, give me passion
equal to what I had for coaching. Without passion,
why live?” Within a week, I knew God was leading
me to write for cowboys and those who love the
western lifestyle. That’s what Trail Ride Magazine
is all about. It contains stories of the west with colorful
photos to illustrate scripture. I also began teaching
horsemanship and firearm safety to kids.
Late one afternoon, I met an old cowboy and his
wife near Duncan, Oklahoma. He started naming
cowboys who hadn’t been to church for years. He
said if he gave them a Bible, they’d accept it but
would never read it.
“I think they’ll read this,” he said of Trail Ride, as
he bought 20 copies to give away! My passion was
fueled! Purpose was affirmed! For me, coaching kids
was better than major league baseball and
encouraging ranchers was better than ranching!
Dr. Elliot Johnson, For more information on
Trail Ride Magazine, go to or
call 405-323-7893.
Round Up For Jesus Chapter,
Steve Tankersley, President
We would like to say hello to everyone. It was a
rainy holiday weekend here in west Tennessee, but God
knew we needed the rain. It has really been dry here for
a while. The Lord still allowed us to hold a Cowboy
Church Service on Sunday August 31. We held our
Serv ice at Chickasaw State Park (W rangler
Campground) in Henderson, Tn. Even with the rain we
were still blessed with 24 people attending the service.
Due to the rain, by Sunday morning some of the riders
had already started pulling out of the campground, but
we still had a good service. W ith donations and
merchandise sales we took in around 490.00. Which I
think was great. Our Message was Titled “Let The Lord
Have The Reins “ Proverbs 3:5-6 Tells us that we are to
, Trust in The Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto
thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge
Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
When we have an important decision to make, we
sometimes feel that we can’t trust anyone, not even
God. But God knows what’s best for us. After all He
created us. He knows all about us. He is a better Judge
of what we want than we are! We MUST trust Him
completely in every choice that we make. We should
always be willing to listen to and be corrected by God
and His Word. We need to pray about every decision
that we are needing to make. We need to use God’s
word as our guide and then follow God’s leading. Always
Pray, Pray, Pray. To receive God’s guidance, we must
acknowledge God in all we do. We need to take a good
look at our values and priorities in our lives. Ask
ourselves, what is important to us? Where is God on
that list? What is his advice? We need to make God a
vital part in everything we do, and then He will guide us
because we will be working to accomplish his purposes.
We need to make Him number one in our Lives. We
also need to give God full control of our Lives. God will
never lead us astray. This world will mislead us if we let
it. We must put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus
Christ. We must listen to the Holy Spirit (that still small
voice) when he speaks to us. I want to give you a little
illustration and also a PRAISE report on listening to The
Holy Spirit when He speaks. On Friday (8-29-14) we
(members of our chapter) were out on a trail ride. We
were on our way back to camp when one of the riders
came around me on a mule and when it got up beside
me it kicked at my mule, but it missed the mule and got
me in the left knee. When I got stopped, I was about to
pass out from the pain. Then a good friend and a
member of our chapter got off his horse and came and
helped me off of my mule. My wife and another member
started putting cold water on me and fanning me to keep
me from passing out. Then my friend Ricky Clenny laid
hands on me and started praying that my knee would
be ok. Within 10 minutes, Ricky helped me up and I
was walking around, Praise God!! I got on my mule and
rode on in to camp. My knee was a little swollen, black
and blue and sore for a day or so, but thanks the Lord,
its ok. What happened was Ricky listened to the Holy
Spirit when He told him to pray. Ricky did what God told
him to do. And because of that my knee is just fine. It is
very important that we listen to God when he tells us to
(Cont. on Pg. 16)
Death, as Christians understand it, is a
change in the form of life; it is not a
cessation of life. Those who have been
given eternal life in Christ Jesus will spend
a few fleeting moments here on this earth.
The rest of eternity is spent in the presence
of God.
Service in the name of Christ can also
live on, even though the servant has gone
to his heavenly reward.
A living memorial in the name of a loved
one, in the form of contributions, bequests
or gifts to the work of Cowboys For Christ,
will be acknowledged with a reproduction
of the Keith Avery drawing, "A Time For
Looking Back". Keith's poem accompanying the drawing. "Checkin' the Back Trail",
will also be included with the reproduction
of the drawing, in a framable presentation
which acknowledges the receipt of the gift.
Memorial Gifts
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557,
Fort Worth, TX 76111
This donation is in memory
Name: _____________________________
City: ______________State: __ Zip: _____
DONOR: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
City:______________State: __ Zip: ______
Page 16 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * Sept. / Oct. 2014
Round Up For Jesus Chapter,
Steve Tankersley, President
(Cont. from Pg. 15)
do something. Like I said earlier, He knows best for us
and He will never lead us astray. Another illustration
that I used in the message was about using the reins on
a Horse. The reins on a horse are connected to a bit
that are used to guide and control a horse. In this
message we are referring to the reins of our minds and
hearts, because they are what guide and control us. The
reins on a horse belong to the rider. The reins of our
hearts and minds belong to God.
If you try riding a horse with just one rein (split reins)
you are not going to have full control of the horse. The
horse is just going to wander all over and go pretty much
where it wants to go. You will not be able to guide the
horse or stop it with just one side of the rein. This also
applies to our Christian walk, we cannot expect God to
be able to lead, guide and direct us with just one rein, it
takes both reins. Sometimes when we come to a
situation in life, whether it be a decision about a Job
change, marriage, financial decision or whatever the
case may be. We might think that God is not answering
our prayers quickly enough so we take the reins back or
take one of them and try to handle the situation on our
own. Finding out later that we should have waited on
God’s guidance. We cannot do anything without God’s
help. We are nothing without Him. He knows all about
us, He knows about tomorrow before we get there, He’s
already there. God has plans for each one of our lives.
We must seek God’s will for our lives. God expects some
of the same things out of us that we expect out of our
1. Lead & Guide. We lead and guide our horses. God
wants to Lead and guide our lives.
2. Stop. We stop our horses with a bit. God wants to be
able to stop us through speaking to us through the Holy
Spirit and His Word.
3. Follow. We ask our horses to follow other horses and
riders on the trail. God wants us to follow Him on this
trail of life. Let God do the leading and we do the
following. We do not need to try to get ahead of Him.
4. Obey. We want our horses to obey our commands
when we ask them to do something for us. God wants
us to obey his commands that he has given us to live
by. We are to obey God in every situation. When we
pray for something, whichever way God directs us in
that situation, that’s the direction we need to take.
Remember, God knows best and He will never mislead
you. God knows everything that lies before us, He will
direct our paths. Let Go And Let God.
My prayer today is that you will let God hold both
reins and let him have full control of your life. Seek out
God’s will for your life and follow Him.
After the service on Sunday, me and a few of the
members got to take a little trail ride.
Until next time, may God bless each and every one of
you, Steve