I ICE HOT NORDIC DANCE PLATFORM in Helsinki featured 21 stage performances in the official program, 3 performances in the opening evening and 12 presentations from artists and companies in the program slot called More, More, More. In addition to the artistic program, the platform offered 3 panel discussions, info cells, 13 network meetings, parties and mingles. The platform attracted nearly 300 international guests from 40 countries and 6 continents. The 36 Nordic dance companies and independent choreographers that were part of the artistic program brought another 180 professionals to perform in the platform. The number of audience was 3 202. Contact: www.icehotdance.com Presented performances: Bastardproduktion : Roses & Beans (SE) www.bastardproduktion.se Björn Säfsten : Display (SE) www.bjorn-safsten.com Carte Blanche: Corpse de Walk (NO) www.carteblanche.no Christine Borch: The body that comes (DK) www.christineborch.com Eeva Muilu & Milja Sarkola :In human disguise (FI) eevamuilu@hotmail.com Elina Pirinen: Lover of the Pianist (FI) pilvielina.pirinen@gmail.com Eva Ingemarsson Dance Production: Sisters Tesoro III (SE) www.evaingemarsson.se Gunilla Heilborn: This is not a love story (SE) http://gunillaheilborn.se Helsinki Dance Company :Youmakeme (FI) www.hdc.fi Jefta van Dinther, David Kiers & Minna Tiikkainen:Grind (SE/NL/FI) www.jeftavandinther.com Kitt Johnson X-act: Drift or drive (DK) www.kittjohnson.dk Liisa Pentii + CO : The weight of my heart (FI) www.liisapentti.com Maija Hirvanen: Our social democratic bodies (FI) www.hirvanen.net Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir:Soft Target (IS) www.panicproductions.is Marie Topp: The everyday Practice of Resistance (DK) marietopp.wordpress.com Off/Balance: On the threshold (FI) www.tanssiryhmaoffbalance.net Per Sundberg: Föreställningen (SE) perivaraugust@hotmail.com Recoil Performance Group: Living Room (DK) www.recoil-performance.org Skånes Dansteater: On Invisible Pause (SE) www.skanesdansteater.se Winter Guests: Flawed (NO) www.winterguests.com Zoë Poluch: Example (SE) zoe.poluch@gmail.com Choreographers in More, More, More: Annika B. Lewis: Displacement (DK) www.kassandra-production.dk Heli Meklin & Michael Laub: Solo (FI/BE) www.helimeklin.com Simo Kellokumpu & Vincent Roumagnac: Bodyctionary (FI/FR) kellokumpu.wordpress.com Art of Spectra: Boundaries (SE) www.artofspectra.com Janne Eraker & Jorg Schellekens: After Image (NO/NL) www.janneeraker.com Laura Koistinen (B. Vesterinen): Harmony (FI) laura.vesterin@gmail.com Quarto: Trilogy Beauty-Fear/Despair/Accident (SE/BR) www.quartotheater.com Saara Töyrylä & Mikko Hyvönen: Houdini’s hit (FI) saara.toyryla@hotmail.com Salka Ardal Rosengren & Mikko Hyvönen: Trash Talk (SE/FI) mikhyvo@gmail.com Sara Gebran & Ylva Henrikson: La Santa Lucha vs Royal Rumble (DK/SE) www.public-e.dk/ Sidney Leoni: Recent and Future Works (SE/FR) www.mokum.be/en/artist/sidney_leoni.html Steinunn and Brian/Steinunn and Brian DO Art: How to be Original (IS) http://steinunnandbrian.wix.com/steinunnandbrian
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