TW 1 YB TWY A5 Hangar Area APRON D ' YQ YB 1 YR TW Nob gar a FBO AREA IWA Airline Apron APRON C (Transient) YQ TW AIR TRAF CONTROL BEACON T 10 FU SO CE ©P N IWA N APR Hangar A YR TW 6 YA TW TS Y Z CLOSED TAXIWA AIRLINE OPERAT TWY A5 Y A Han Hill Are 50' X 1 P(2) & P(4) TW Y A SANTA ROSA JET CENTER (Kaiser) AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER BEACON 6,0 00' TAX IWA TAX Y A IWA Are 100LL SELF-SERVICE FUELING FACILITY SONOMA JET CENTER Hangar Area Hill APRON D Nob gar Han a AREA FBO P(2) & P(4) PRECISION APPR INDICATOR LIGH • 200,000 cubic yards of dirt moved • 886 foot long arch culvert built Oct 15, 2014 - 11:15am • 48 miles of electrical cable Fire Attack Base APRON B General Aviation Terminal Area Airline Apron APRON C (Transient) Q 100LL SELF-SERVICE FUELING FACILITY • 250 construction employees TWY A5 Y TW YR TW 50' X 1 Y Z AIRLINE OPERATIONS AREA 6 YA TW ' 150 0' X TW 1 YB TW TAX P(2) 6 YA TW OPERATION AREA AIRLINE OPERATIONS AREA TAXIWAY E E TAXIWAY CLOSEDTAXIWAY TAXIWAY APRON F PRECISION APPROACH PATHAPRON F PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR LIGHTS INDICATOR LIGHTS AIRPORT MOVEMENT MOVEMENT AREA AREA Contact with ATCT Required at Contact with required at allattimes when Contact withATCT ATCT Required AIRPORT MOVEMENT AREA operating movement area. All TimesinWhen Operating in Movement Area NON-MOVEMENT AREA BOUNDARY LIGHT All Times When Delineates movement areaOperating under control ofin ATCT, RUNWAY GUARD LIGHT from non-movement area. Located on boundary Movement Area between movement and non-movement area. RUNUP APRON (see inset) • 36,000 tons of asphalt placed Project Facts: Oct 15, 2014 - 11:15am RUNWAY GUARD LIGHT RUNWAY GUARD YH TW 3 YA TW (Transient) APRON A TAXIWAY K TAXIWAY J TWY A4 TAX TAXIWAY E P(4) P(4) TAXIWAY D 00' 2 P(2) TW TW Y Y B2 P(2) & P(4) B2 Final Airfield Configuration APRON F 1 6,0 TW YB ay AIRPORT MOVEMENT AREA 1 YA TW TWY J way ht Run rd Lig a Gu Oct 15, 2014 - 11:15am 3 Y A Runup Apron w ight Contact with ATCT at L Run rdRequired a 2 Gu YA All TWTimes When Operating in Movement Area H RUNWAY GUARD LIGHT TW Y a\local\temp\AcPublish_8864\STS.movement-area-Oct 2014.dwg LAHSO TW P(4) 4 LIGHT PAPI P(2) 2 LIGHT PAPI LAND-AND-HOLD-SHORT-OPERATIONS C:\Users\870tme\appdata\local\temp\AcPublish_8864\STS.movement-area-Oct 2014.dwg (LAHSO) RUNWAY GUARD LIGHT NON-MOVEMENT TA Y A B AY XIW 'X 1 YA AREA MARKING W T 2 C:\Users\870tme\appdata\local\temp\AcPublish_8864\STS.movement-area-Oct 2014.dwg YA TW AIRPORT MOVEMENT AREA Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) TAXIWAY C Contact with ATCT Required at All Times When Operating in Movement Area E.A.A. Oct 15, 2014 - 11:15am YB TW TAXIWAY E APRON F TAXIWAY Z 0' A XIW TA 02 5,2 10 02 5,2 RUNWAY PROJECT TAXIWAY Z CHA RL ES M. SC HU L Z - S O N O MA CO UN T Y A I R PO R T TW P(2) TAXIWAY W (CLOSED) TAXIWAY W (CLOSED) AIRPORT MOVEMENT AREA TAXIWAY Z B AY XIW TA 0' 'X 10 02 5,2 TAXIWAY D al\temp\AcPublish_8864\STS.movement-area-Oct 2014.dwg P(2) TW YB 2 TAXIWAY W (CLOSED) TAXIWAY G TAXIWAY W (CLOSED) ©P N Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport 2290 Airport Boulevard Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707.565.7240 Runway Project Overview: TS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Follow STS on C H A R LE S M . S C HU LZ - SO N O MA CO UNT Y AIRPO R T RUNWAY PROJECT Final Airfield Configuration ay ht nw Lig Ru ard Gu 1 YA TW 2 YA TW TW Y A ay ht nw Lig Ru ard Gu TW Runup Apron Y H LAHSO A3 Y TW D LIGHT Y GUAR RUNWA ING A MARK ENT ARE VEM NON-MO • Decouple runway ends to enhance operational safety. • Bring Airport into compliance with current FAA design criteria. • Enhance Airport operational safety and efficiency through the provision of additional taxiways and lighting systems. • Provide additional runway length to enable enhanced air carrier passenger service. • Minimize environmental impacts on area fauna and flora. • Funded (approximately 90%) through FAA Airport Improvement Program aviation user fees. • Runway 14-32 has been extended from its original length of 5,121 feet to a new length of 6,000 feet. The full-length parallel taxiway serving Runway 14-32 has been extended accordingly and a new run-up area has been provided near the approach ends of Runway 14 and 20. • Runway 2-20 (formerly Runway 1-19) has been extended from its original length of 5,020 feet to a new length of 5,202 feet. A new partial parallel taxiway serving Runway 2-20 has been constructed to enhance operational safety and efficiency. • All of the Airport’s taxiway designations and marking have been changed to reflect current FAA signing and marking criteria. All runway surface markings have been refreshed. • New and enhanced instrument approach procedures (including a GPS-based LP approach to Runway 2) have been established to facilitate access to the Airport during inclement weather conditions. • Runway 2-20 has been equipped with medium-intensity runway edge lights for night operations as needed. • New Precision Approach Path Indicator lights (PAPIs) have been installed serving Runways 14, 2, and 20. These lights provide visual approach slope guidance to pilots both day and night. • New LAHSO lights have been installed at the north end of Runway 2. LAHSO is an acronym for Land-and-HoldShort-Operations. This is an operational procedure utilized by FAA air traffic control and pilots at selected locations to balance the need for increased runway capacity and system efficiency consistent with safety. At STS, these operations permit the landing of aircraft on Runway 2 while Runway 14-32 is in use provided that both the pilot and ATC controller agree that the landing on Runway 2 can be safely accomplished without the aircraft exceeding the LAHSO distance of 4,608 feet. Six lights, flush-mounted across Runway 2-20 surface, and associated adjacent advisory signing define the LAHSO location. The pilot has the final authority to accept or decline any LAHSO clearance. The LAHSO procedure is only available for use during VFR conditions. For further details, see the FAA’s Aeronautical Information Manual – Chapter 4 – Section 3. • New RGLs have been installed at the intersection of Taxiway A and the Runway 2-20 approach area. RGL is an acronym for Runway Guard Lights. RGLs are installed to enhance the conspicuity of potentially critical taxiway/ runway intersections for pilots taxiing in the area. The RGLs consist of a pair of elevated flashing yellow lights installed on both sides of the taxiway at the taxiway/runway hold line. At STS, RGLs are located adjacent to the hold lines at the intersection of Taxiway A and the Runway 2-20 approach area. For further details, see the FAA’s Aeronautical Information Manual – Chapter 2 – Section 1. REA TS d at T Require with ATC g in Contact Operatin n he W All Times t Area Movemen ©P N MENT A T MOVE AIRPOR S ERATION ORT-OP OLD-SH D-H LAND-AN ) (LAHSO October 2014 TWY J Bringing Sonoma County Airport into compliance with FAA standards and enhancing operational safety:
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