St. Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery Curriculum Overview for Autumn Term Year Group: 1 Subject Religious Education Topics Our topics this term are: Family Belonging Waiting English Our genres for this term are: Lists, labels and captions Stories in familiar settings Traditional tales Recount Poetry We will continue to use the “Pie Corbett” Talk for Writing approach which uses drama and speaking and listening skills to inspire and develop ideas. The units for this terms Number & Place Value Measure Addition & subtractions Fractions Mathematics Science We will be using the theme “Ourselves” to support our learning in Science/History and Art. History/Geography Art/Design Technology Physical Education Games PE skills Computing E-Safety Key learning focus The key themes are: Recognising and discussing stories that reveal God’s love We can trust God What is Baptism? Advent is a time for waiting Using the Read, Write, Inc. programme pupils will be developing their phonic knowledge to read and spell words. They will be developing their fluency and confidence when reading independently. Children will be reading, discussing and evaluating a wide range of texts including traditional tales, fairy tales as well as stories that link to their own experiences In writing pupils will be focusing on writing basic sentences using capital letters and full stops and leaving spaces between words. We will be primarily be focusing Counting forwards and backwards within 100 Using the language of time Using signs and symbols Find ½ and ¼ of a shape, object or quantity Recognising and naming 2D shapes Animals and humans Name and label the human body Name and label animal body parts The five senses Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores Timelines Our families We will be developing our drawing and sketching skills, thinking about how we use a pencil to create different types of marks on the paper Healthy food (smoothies and juices) Simple games played with a partner or a small team Developing basic multi-skills (throwing, catching etc.) that are the foundation of many different types of individual and team sports How do I keep myself safe when I use the computer? Our mission statement: Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus
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