NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION (NSO) 2015 ORIENTATION LEADER APPLICATION POSITION DESCRIPTION The Orientation Leader (OL) position provides students the unique leadership opportunity to officially welcome new Blue Hens to the University of Delaware! OLs are hired to ease the transition of new freshmen, transfer, international students, and their families as they begin their relationship with this institution. OLs aid in the academic, social, and cultural acclimation to the university. OLs also serve as a resource for new students and their families by providing honest and current information about any and all aspects of UD. OLs are official representatives of the Office of New Student Orientation, the Division of Student Life, and the University of Delaware, and should act accordingly with professionalism and good judgment. This packet is meant to provide important information for students interested in being an Orientation Leader. To officially apply, please go to As part of your application, you will be asked to indicate that you have read and understood the information provided in this document. *Online Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 by 4:00pm* Part One: Eligibility Requirements Students must meet the following criteria in order to apply for an Orientation Leader position: OLs must commit to an employment period that formally begins in February 2015 and formally ends in July 2015 (some expectations will exist outside of this timeframe) OLs must have attended the University of Delaware for at least one semester prior to January 2014 OLs must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university OLs must have and maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA during employment OLs must maintain undergraduate status through the spring 2015 semester Part Two: Position Expectations Students will be aware of the following expectations of the Orientation Leader position: OLs will make NSO a priority during the time of their employment OLs will be committed to making a difference in the lives of their peers, new students, and their families OLs will actively engage themselves as a part of the NSO staff OLs will be open to a new learning experience OLs will maintain a positive attitude OLs will role model behavior that is reflective of a campus leader, both in person and through all forms of communication and social media OLs will create an inclusive and welcoming environment Part Three: Job Description and Responsibilities Students will be aware of the following specific job duties of an Orientation Leader: OLs will represent the NSO Office and the University of Delaware in a positive manner OLs will be on time for all official NSO trainings, programs, and activities Under the supervision of the Student Coordinators and NSO Director, OLs will fulfill the expectations of their position to the best of their ability during the tenure of employment OLs will register for and attend the Orientation Leader Training course, which will meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 5-7pm from February 11-May 13, 2015 (this course is a one-credit, pass/fail course. Specific location and curriculum information will be provided in January 2015.) OLs will attend the NODA Region 8 Conference being held at Towson University from March 6-8, 2015 (OLs will leave campus on the afternoon of Friday, March 6 and return the afternoon of Sunday, March 8. Attendance is a MANDATORY requirement of the position.) OLs will attend Retreat and Training from June 8-22, during which time all activities will be coordinated by NSO staff, and OLs will be expected to work 8am-7pm on weekdays and various times on weekends Beginning June 8, 2015, all OLs will live on-campus with at least two OL roommates Beginning June 8, 2015, all OLs will have no other employment commitments outside of NSO OLs will be present for all freshmen and transfer orientation sessions during June and July 2015. NSO sessions occur on weekdays from June 23-July 22, with the exception of July 3 & 6. OLs will be expected to work from 6am-6pm on NSO days, and some evening work hours will also be assigned OLs will be present for August NSO and ISO on August 27 and August 28, 2015 (Early move-in can be arranged by the NSO Office for OLs living on-campus. RAs and students in Marching Band are the ONLY students who will be exempt from these programs.) OLs will abide by the NSO dress code OLs will participate in goal-setting and performance evaluation activities throughout their employment, and will meet with their assigned Student Coordinator and/or NSO Staff member on a regular basis OLs are encouraged to participate in staff development opportunities throughout the year OLs will commit to a high level of personal ethics and responsibility during employment, and as such, will refrain from engaging in romantic relationships with new students or each other, will refrain from consuming alcohol before or during NSO activities, will refrain from illegal behavior, and will not be absent without notice Part Four: Important Dates (subject to change) All potential conflicts will be handled on an individual basis. Contact John Michael Pantlik at 302.831.3378 with any questions. 2014-2015 NSO Timeline: September 29 October 1-14 October 15 October 24-26 November 10-17 November 24 December 1 January 23 February 6 February 12-May 14 March 6-8 June 8-22 June 23-July 22 August 27-28 Orientation Leader Applications Available OL Recruitment Activities OL Applications Due by 4pm OL Group Interviews (if applicable) OL Individual Interviews (if applicable) OL Third Interview (if applicable) OL Notification Winter NSO (not required but encouraged to work) Winter ISO (not required but encouraged to work) OL Class meets weekly from 5-7pm NODA Region 8 Conference OL Retreat and Training Summer NSO August NSO/ISO Part Five: Compensation Students who serve as an Orientation Leader will be compensated with the following: $2200 stipend to be distributed bi-weekly during the summer months On-campus housing (required) Three daily meals during June training, breakfast and lunch during NSO Three uniform polo shirts and one uniform jacket Part Six: Application and Interview Process Students who wish to apply for an Orientation Leader position will complete the following: Complete an online application at, which includes agreeing to a statement that you have read and understand all the information included in this document. After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by NSO Staff. Due to the high number of applications received, not all students who submit an application will be interviewed. Candidates who are selected for a Group Interview will be notified by Monday, October 20, 2014. Candidates will then need to sign up for a Group Interview time, which will take place on either October 24, 25, or 26. You may contact the NSO Office by phone at (302) 831-3313, or in person at 231 Trabant University Center. The Group Interview will take place during a 2.5-hour time block in Brown Lab 205 and will involve a series of activities in which you will interact with other candidates and be observed by NSO Staff. You will receive a confirmation of your Group Interview the day before your scheduled time. Candidates who are invited for an Individual Interview will be notified on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 and will be asked to schedule their interview to take place one day between November 10-17, 2014. The Individual Interview will take place in Trabant and will involve candidates meeting with NSO Staff, former OLs, and/or other UD Staff. Candidates who are invited for a Third Interview will be notified on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. The Third Interview will take place on Monday, November 24 from 7-8:30pm (location TBD) and will involve large and small group activities among the final candidates. All candidates must be available for this interview time. Final notification for Orientation Leader selection will be sent on Monday, December 1, 2014. Any further questions about this information, the Orientation Leader position, or the Orientation Leader selection process should be directed to or (302) 831-3313. Thank you for your interest and application to be an OL!
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