Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business

Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business
2015 Annual Conference
March 25-March 27, 2015
The Palmer House Hilton Hotel – Chicago, Illinois
Conference Registration and Call for Papers
(Submission Deadline – October 17, 2014)
The Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business (MALSB) Annual Conference is held in conjunction
with the MBAA International Conference, long billed as “The Best Conference Value in America.”
The MBAA International Conference draws hundreds of academics from business-related fields such as
accounting, business/society/government, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, health administration,
information systems, international business, management, and marketing. Although the MALSB will have
its own program track on legal studies, attendees will be able to take advantage of the multidisciplinary
nature of this international conference and attend sessions held by the other program tracks.
What: The MALSB Annual Conference and the MBAA International Conference provide multiple
opportunities for professional development and social interaction.
Presentations and Awards
Program sessions that provide an opportunity to present papers and learn from the scholarship of
others in a collegial environment.
MALSB Master Teacher Competition: A special MALSB plenary session will be held to present
ideas and techniques in classroom teaching that encourage students to become engaged in the
learning process. Those attending the session will leave with materials and teaching ideas that they
can use in their classrooms. Based on the vote of those in attendance, a single presentation will be
recognized with a special award.
MALSB Proceedings: Select papers will be published in the 2015 Proceedings based on a doubleblind peer review process.
MALSB Outstanding Paper Award: A single paper published in the 2015 Proceedings will be
selected for special recognition. Winning authors will receive plaques and a special mention in the
2015 Proceedings.
MBAA International Distinguished Paper Award: A single meritorious paper from each of the
academic disciplines participating in the MBAA International Conference will be selected for
recognition. Winning authors will receive plaques and special mention in the MBAA International
Conference program.
Paper presenters will have the option of including their paper on an MALSB conference flash drive
rather than bringing 25 hard copies or 25 CDs to the conference.
Opportunities to organize a panel, serve as a reviewer for the Distinguished Paper Award and the
Proceedings, or serve as a session chair by handing out papers and maintaining time limits for the
Social Events
Outstanding, informal networking opportunities with other undergraduate law professors who
understand the unique challenges of this position in college and university business departments.
MALSB luncheon on Friday with a speaker.
Informal MALSB group lunch and dinner outings on Wednesday and Thursday.
Two free MBAA International-sponsored “Fun Nights” on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Other Opportunities
MBAA International Placement Service: MBAA International informally facilitates an employment
market for colleges and faculty interested in recruiting or searching for a job.
Publisher Booths: Textbook publishers will display books, supplements, online materials, and other
Cyber Café: Free email access and refreshments.
For more information on the MALSB and its Annual Conference, go to http://www.malsb.org/.
Where: The conference will be held at the beautiful and historic Palmer House Hilton Hotel in the heart
of Chicago’s Loop. Built in 1870s, this famous hotel offers modern conveniences in an atmosphere of
Nearby venues providing fun for both adults and children include Broadway in Chicago and the
downtown theater district, Millennium Park with its famous Cloud Gate sculpture (aka, the Bean), the
Navy Pier with its Children’s Museum and other attractions, the Willis (aka Sears) Tower with its Skydeck
and Ledge (a cantilevered plexiglass viewing platform), Grant Park and its historic Buckingham Fountain,
the Art Institute, the Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, the Adler Planetarium, and the Chicago History
Museum. About a half hour away (by car, taxi, or bus) to the south is the Museum of Science and Industry,
featuring an Omnimax/IMAX theater, one of the world’s largest model railroad trains, a World War II
German submarine, and a ride through a coal mine. About a half hour away (by car, taxi, or bus) to the
north is the free Lincoln Park Zoo. For additional information regarding Chicago attractions, click on this
link to the Chicago Tourism Office.
When: MALSB paper and panel presentations are scheduled to begin Thursday morning, March 26 and
conclude Friday afternoon, March 27. If registration numbers require additional sessions, they will be held
Wednesday afternoon, March 25.
How: Registration is a two-step process. Register for the MALSB Annual Conference using the attached
MALSB Conference Registration and Participation Form (by October 17, 2014), and register separately for
the MBAA International Conference with MBAA International. When registering for the MBAA
International Conference, designate the MALSB as your “Primary” discipline. Although both
registrations are required to participate, there is only one conference registration fee.
Cost: The MBAA International Conference registration fee for 2015 is anticipated to be $195. This fee
includes the MBAA International Conference fee and its free social events, the MALSB Annual
Conference fee, the annual MALSB membership fee, and a subscription to the Midwest Law Review. This
year, the MALSB will pick up the cost of the luncheon, so there is no charge to register for it. There is a
separate charge of $15.00 for the MALSB Proceedings.
Hotel: Participants must make their own hotel reservations, and, since hundreds of people from many
business disciplines attend the MBAA International Conference, make a reservation early to ensure a
room. Mention the MBAA International Conference to get the conference room rate.
Register online at http://www.mbaainternational.org/confReg.php (2015 registration will be available
Director of Events
RE: MBAA International
The Palmer House Hotel
17 E. Monroe St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 726-7500
MALSB Annual Conference Summary Checklist
Register for the MALSB Annual Conference: Fill out the attached MALSB Conference Registration
and Participation Form and email it to the MALSB Program Chair to arrive by October 17, 2014.
Register for the MBAA Conference: You must register for the MBAA International Conference in order
to participate in the MALSB Annual Conference. Go to www.mbaainternational.org to register and
designate the MALSB as your “Primary” discipline.
If you plan to present and/or submit a paper: See the attached MALSB Presentation and Paper
Contact the Palmer House Hilton Hotel to reserve your room.
Register online at
http://www.mbaainternational.org/confReg.php (2015 registration will be available soon) to get the
conference rate.
If you do NOT plan to attend the MALSB Annual Conference, but wish to be an MALSB member in
2015 and receive a subscription to the Midwest Law Journal, please fill out the attached MALSB
Membership Form and send a check for $25.00 payable to the MALSB to the MALSB Treasurer for the
annual dues.
MALSB Program and Paper Deadlines
Please submit:
By this date:
And bring to
Also remember
ANY paper that
you plan to present
or any suggested
panel discussion
The MALSB Conference
Registration Form (including
paper title) to the Program
October 17,
25 hard copies
or 25 CDs of
your paper.*
Register with
MBAA with
MALSB designated
as Primary.
A paper that you
plan to present and
want considered for
the MBAA
Paper Award.
In addition to submitting the
MALSB Conference
Registration Form to the
Program Chair, submit your
paper in conformance with the
attached Submission Guidelines
to the Proceedings Editor plus a
check for $10 (payable to
MALSB) submission fee. Unless
you indicate otherwise, such
papers will also be considered
for the MALSB Proceedings at
no additional charge.
October 17,
25 hard copies
or 25 CDs of
your paper.*
Register with
MBAA with
MALSB designated
as Primary.
A paper that you
plan to present and
want considered for
Proceedings and
the Outstanding
Paper Award.
In addition to submitting the
MALSB Conference
Registration Form to the
Program Chair, submit your
paper in conformance with the
attached Submission Guidelines
to the Proceedings Editor plus a
check for $10 (payable to
MALSB) for the submission fee.
Registration Form:
In addition to submitting the
MALSB Conference
Registration Form (with
presentation title) to the
Program Chair, submit a 250word abstract by October 17,
2014. If selected as a finalist,
submit by January 15, 2015,
your paper and supporting
materials in conformance with
the attached Submission
Guidelines to the Program
Chair plus a check for $10 made
out to MALSB for the
submission fee.
form and
A presentation for
the Master Teacher
Winners are
expected to attend
the award
ceremony, which is
normally held on
October 17,
25 hard copies
or 25 CDs of
your paper.*
Register with
MBAA with
MALSB designated
as Primary.
30 hard copies
of your paper
and supporting
Register with
MBAA with
MALSB designated
as Primary.
Completed paper
and fee:
January 15,
October 17,
Completed paper
and fee:
January 15,
*Participants who opt to include their paper on the conference flash drive will not be required to bring 25 hard
copies or 25 CDs of their papers to the conference. Watch for emails with the details and deadlines for including a
paper on the conference flash drive. Papers accepted into the MALSB Proceedings and the winning paper for the
MBAA Distinguished Paper Award will automatically be included in the conference flash drive.
MALSB Submission Guidelines
for the
Proceedings and Award Papers
MALSB Proceedings standards follow the standards for the ALSB Proceedings, except for paper length
and type size. The following is a summary of those standards.
The MALSB Proceedings will be double blind, peer reviewed by at least two reviewers.
The criteria for judging papers include the following:
Relevance: The paper should relate to business law, the legal environment, or ethics, or the
teaching of one of these topics.
Scholarly Contribution: The paper should:
o advance or clarify the body of knowledge relating to the topic; or
o make a useful contribution to the understanding of any part of the topic; or
o make a useful contribution to the art of teaching the topic.
Original Research: The paper should involve original research, defined as a paper that has neither
been previously published anywhere (including, but not limited to, any ALSB national or regional
proceedings) nor previously presented at any other conference or symposium (including, but not
limited to, any ALSB national or regional conference). However, a paper that has been previously
presented at one other conference or symposium will be eligible for the Proceedings under the
following conditions: (i) the paper has undergone a substantial revision based on comments from
the prior presentation; (ii) the author submits a copy of the paper to the Proceedings Editor
showing the changes from the prior presentation version; and (iii) the Proceedings Editor
determines that the paper represents a substantial revision of the prior presentation version.
Writing Quality: The paper should fulfill its purpose or objectives and should follow standard rules
of grammar regarding clarity of expression, style, sentence construction, and coherence.
Readiness for Publication: The paper must meet MALSB form requirements and must comply
with the Harvard Blue Book.
The following general instructions are important to maintaining the uniformity of the Proceedings:
Length: Papers must be no more than 15 pages in length, including footnotes.
Typing Format: All papers must be typographically correct and single-spaced, using a Times New
Roman, 12-point font, for both text and footnotes.
Margins: All margins (top, bottom, right and left) must be exactly 3/4 inch and justified.
Title Page: The title must be exactly 3/4 inches from the top of the page. Show the title in capital
letters. Author name(s): (a) Properly center the word "by" two lines below the title; (b) Place
author name(s) properly centered two lines below the word "by" followed by an asterisk as a
footnote reference; (c) footnote the author title(s) and school(s) or other affiliations.
Spacing: Begin typing the body of the paper 3 lines below the author's name. At the beginning of
each paragraph, indent 5 spaces. Do not double space between paragraphs or in the footnotes.
The paper should be single spaced, except for titles and headings, which should be double-spaced.
Page Numbering: Do not number the pages. Page numbers will be inserted when the paper is
prepared for publication in the Proceedings.
Footnotes: Footnotes are to be single-spaced at the bottom of the relevant page. Do not use a
smaller font size for the footnotes.
Submission: Please electronically submit two copies (one with and one without author identification) of
your completed paper in Word format to the Proceedings Editor as an attachment to an email no later
than January 14, 2015. Simultaneously, send the $10 submission fee (check payable to MALSB) to the
Proceedings Editor via mail, register for the MALSB Annual Conference with the Program Chair, and
register for the MBAA International Conference designating the MALSB as the “Primary” discipline. The
Proceedings Editor will confirm your email submission within one week of receipt and will be able to
answer your electronic submission questions.
2015 Proceedings Editor:
Abbey Stemler
Indiana University
Kelley School of Business
1275 E. 10th St., Ste. 2010
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 856-1834
MALSB Submission Guidelines for the
Master Teacher Competition
The MALSB Master Teacher Competition recognizes that a professor is both a teacher and a scholar. The
goal is to promote and highlight innovative ideas and techniques in classroom teaching that relate to
business law, legal environment, or ethics. The submittal of ideas and techniques that incorporate new or
evolving course subject matters, advances in pedagogy, and advances in teaching technology or that
otherwise encourage students to learn from their own efforts and from each other are encouraged.
The submission will take the form of a paper and supporting materials. The paper should describe the
learning objectives, the dynamics of the classroom teaching session, how students are evaluated, and any
quantitative or qualitative results in an organized and grammatically and typographically correct manner.
The paper must (i) be no more than 10 pages in length, including footnotes; (ii) be single-spaced, using one
inch margins and a Times New Roman, 12-point font, for both text and footnotes; and (iii) use footnotes
that comply with the Harvard Blue Book. All supporting materials must be included as appendices, and,
except for PowerPoint, no additional materials can be used in the presentation. The supporting materials
do not count toward the 10 page limit.
The submission should involve an original idea or technique, i.e., has neither been previously published
anywhere (including, but not limited to, any ALSB national or regional proceedings) nor previously
presented at any other conference or symposium (including, but not limited to, any ALSB national or
regional conference). However, a submission that has been previously presented at one other conference
or symposium will be eligible for the competition under the following conditions: (i) the submission has
undergone a substantial revision based on comments from the prior presentation; (ii) the author submits a
copy of the paper and supporting materials to the Program Chair showing the changes from the prior
presentation version; and (iii) the Program Chair determines that the submissions represents a substantial
revision of the prior presentation version.
Any MALSB member who has not won this competition within the past three years may make a
submission. Submissions are a multi-step process. By October 17, 2014, register for the MALSB Annual
Conference with the Program Chair, and on that registration form, submit the title of your Master Teacher
presentation, and electronically submit two copies (i.e. one with and one without author identification) of a
250-word abstract to the Program Chair as an attachment to an email. If, on the strength of your abstract,
you are selected as a finalist for the competition, you will need to submit your paper and any supporting
materials in Word format to the Program Chair as an attachment to an email by January 14, 2015. Also,
send the $10 submission fee (check payable to MALSB) to the Program Chair via regular mail. Finally,
register for the MBAA International Conference designating the MALSB as the “Primary” discipline. The
Program Chair, who is identified below, will confirm your email submission within one week of receipt
and will be able to answer your electronic submission questions.
The Program Chair will facilitate the double-blind peer-review process. A submission will be reviewed by
at least two reviewers. A submission will be evaluated based on the degree to which it encourages students
to become engaged in the learning process. Reviewers will be asked to consider whether they would use
the idea or technique in their classroom.
Up to four finalists will be selected. Assuming four finalists, each finalist will present for 15 minutes at the
plenary Master Teacher Competition session at the 2015 MALSB Conference with 3 minutes for
questions. A vote of those in attendance at all four presentations will determine the 2015 Master Teacher.
Program Chair: Matt Hlinak (mhlinak@dom.edu); Dominican University, 7200 W. Division St., River
Forest, IL 60305, (708) 714-9056.
MALSB Conference Registration and Participation Form
Email this form, to arrive by October 17, 2014, to:
Matt Hlinak
Dominican University
7200 W. Division St.
River Forest, IL 60305
Phone: 708-714-9056
Fax: 708-714-9126
Email: mhlinak@dom.edu
Name as you wish it to appear in the MBAA International Conference program (No title will be used):
School or Professional Affiliation:
Mailing Address:
City, State and Zip Code:
Office Phone: Area Code: ________ Phone Number: _______________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone (optional): Area Code: ________ Phone Number: _______________________
I. If you will present for the Master Teacher Award currently scheduled for Thursday afternoon, please
provide the title of your presentation:
II If you are presenting a paper, please provide the following information:
Paper Title: ________________________________________________________________________
III. If you are interested in organizing a panel, please provide the topic for the panel:
Panel Topic: ________________________________________________________________________
Please specify the area of law addressed by your paper, and if more than one is applicable, please rank
from 1 (most applicable) to 3 (less applicable):
Antitrust __
Business Organizations __
Contracts/UCC __
Constitutional Law __
Creditors’ Remedies/Bankruptcy __
Employment Law __
Environmental Law __
Ethics __
Intellectual Property __
International Law __
Property Law __
Tax __
Torts/Product Liability __
Teaching/Pedagogy __
Wills/Trusts __
Other (specify) _____________
Name and Affiliation of Co-Author(s):
Please indicate any time(s) when you cannot present, and we will try to accommodate you:
III. Please check one or all to volunteer to serve as a(n):
Session Chair (hand out papers and keep time at one session) _____
Reviewer for the Proceedings and/or the Distinguished Paper Award _____
Evaluator for the Master Teacher Award _____
MALSB Membership Form
If you plan to attend the MALSB Annual Conference, the MBAA International Conference
registration fee includes your MALSB annual dues and you can ignore this form!
If you do NOT plan to attend the 2015 MALSB Conference, but wish to be an MALSB member in 2015
and receive a subscription to the Midwest Law Journal, please complete and send this form, along with a
check for $25.00 made payable to MALSB for the annual dues to the MALSB Treasurer:
George W. McNary
Dept. of Marketing & Management
Heider College of Business
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
School or Professional Affiliation:
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State and Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________
Office Phone: Area Code: ________ Phone Number: _________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone (optional): Area Code: ________ Phone Number: __________________
MALSB Officers 2014-2015
Steven C. Palmer
Northwestern Oklahoma State
Division of Business
Jesse Dunn 214
709 Oklahoma Boulevard
Alva, OK 73717
(580) 327-8507
Vice President and Program
Matt Hlinak
Dominican University
School of Professional and
Continuing Studies
7200 W. Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305
(708) 714-9056
Secretary and Proceedings
George W. McNary
Creighton University
Heider College of Business
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
(402) 280-2623
Abbey Stemler
Indiana University
Kelley School of Business
1275 E. 10th St., Ste. 2010
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 856-1834
Past President
Dale B. Thompson
University of St. Thomas
Ethics & Business Law
MCH 316, 2115 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105-1096
(651) 962-5195