20th ANNUAL NEW YORK STATE HIGHWAY & PUBLIC WORKS EXPO OCTOBER 15, 2014 Exhibitor Registration Pack PAGE 2 ABOUT THE EXPO PAGE 3 BOOTH SIZES & PRICES PAGE 4 & 5 EXPO LAYOUT PAGE 6 RULES & REGULATIONS PAGE 7 RESERVATION CONTRACT PAGE 8 OTHER INFORMATION Produced by PROFILE PUBLICATIONS Superintendent’s Profile & Product – Service Directory 361 Shoemaker Rd., Mohawk, NY 13407 Toll Free: 800/992-7116 • Phone: 518/863-4100 • Fax: 518/863-7100 E-mail: bbuckley@cegltd.com or debyh@cegltd.com About The Expo The 20th annual New York State Highway and Public Works Expo will be held on October 15, 2014 in the Americraft Center of Progress at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, NY. Free admission tickets are sent to every village, city, town, county and state highway and public works professional in New York State. Exhibitors from around the state and the nation gather each year in Syracuse for the annual Expo that puts them face to face with municipal budget decision makers. Superintendents, Board Members, Engineers, Municipal Contractors... they're all at the Expo! The Expo is held at the peak of the annual budget decision making process in municipalities across the state... A great time to showcase what you sell, make new contacts, introduce new products and strengthen relationships with your existing municipal customers! Superintendent's Profile and Product-Service Directory magazine, published by Profile Publications, has been focused on serving the broad spectrum of highway and public works officials in New York State since 1978. Just like the Superintendent's Profile reaches ALL types and sizes of municipalities, the NYS Highway & Public Works Expo is the only highway and public works focused show in New York State that attracts superintendents and a municipal audience from all types of municipalities... cities, villages, towns, counties, the state DOT and Thruway Authority! You'll get the chance to meet superintendents and other municipal budget decision makers in person, in an environment specifically targeted to their unique needs and interests. Whatever type of highway or public works related equipment, products or services your company sells, the Expo is your most cost effective way to meet your municipal customers and prospects in person! There are also numerous "networking opportunities" at the Expo! Many of New York State's top suppliers to the highway and public works market also do a lot of "business to business" buying among fellow exhibitors. The Highway & Public Works Expo is your chance to meet them all, in person! You'll notice that our booth and floor space exhibit prices are extremely affordable! Clearly, there is no more cost effective way to gain person to person exposure to this market... the New York State Highway & Public Works Expo... your ticket to increased product awareness, name recognition, and sales, among New York State's entire Highway & Public Works market! LAST YEAR’S EXHIBITORS... Thousands of the biggest names in the industry! If it's for the Highway & Public Works Market... it's at the Expo! Admar Supply Advanced Storage Technology Air-Flo Manufacturing Co Inc Alamo Industrial Allied Spring Service Inc American Rock Salt Co AR Sandri Inc/ Clean Burn Atlantic DDA / Penn DDA Auctions International Inc BauVal Inc. / Tech-Mix Beam Mack Sales & Service Beck Equipment Inc Beka Max of America Inc Bentley Brothers Inc Blair Supply Corp Bobcat of C N Y Brodner Equipment Inc Brookline Machine Co Burr Truck & Trailer Sales Inc Buyers Products Co Camden Group Carpenter Industries Carquest Auto Parts Central Equipment LLC Certified Power Inc Chemung Supply Corp ClearSpan Fabric Structures CounterAct Corrosion Protection Coyne Textile Services CSL Silicones Inc Cyncon Equipment Inc DEL Hydraulics, Inc Deloka Power Coating DewEze Manufacturing/Harper Dig Safely New York Eberl Iron Works Inc Ennis – Flint Everett J Prescott Inc Five Star Equipment Inc Fleet Industries Franklin Paint Co Inc Garden State Sweepers Inc Hawk Frame & Axle HD Supply Waterworks Ltd Helac Corporation Henderson Truck Equip- NY Hertz Equipment Rental Co Highway Safety Group Hud-Son Forest Equipment Hunter Buffalo Peterbilt Hybrid Structures Inc I M U S Inc INS Products ISCO Industries / Snap-Tite J & J Equipment LLC J C Smith Inc Joe Johnson Equipment (USA) Inc K-M International Kenworth of Buffalo Keystone Precision Instruments Kinetic Fuel Technology Inc Krown Rust Control Lakeland Equipment Corp. Liftech Equipment Companies Linemen's Supply Inc Loughberry Manufacturing Co McQuade & Bannigan Inc MDI Truck Midland Asphalt Materials Inc Millennium Roads LLC Milton Cat Inc Mohawk Lifts Mohawk Valley Freightliner Montage Enterprises Monroe Truck Equipment M.U.U.D.S. LLC North American Signal Company Northeast Signal Inc Northern Supply Inc NYS Assoc. of Town Sup of Hwy. Oxford Plastics Patch Management Inc Peirce Eagle Equipment Co Perma-Patch Inc Pexco- Davidson Traffic Control Precision Concrete Cutting LLC QPR Red's Equipment Warehouse Inc Roy Teitsworth Inc S & S Tractor Parts Inc Shur-Co LLC Sicard Stadium International Trucks Steel Sales Inc Striker Hydraulic Breakers/ Toku Am. STS Truck Equip & Trailer Sales Sunnycrest Inc SWP Environmental/ Sweetners Plus Tenco Industries Inc The ODB Company TMT Safety Products LLC Tracey Road Equipment Tracey Truck Center Trius Inc Truck-Lite Co LLC Trux Outfitter Unique Paving Materials Valk Mfg. Co. Van Bortel Ford - Fleet Dept Vantage Equipment Vellano Brothers Inc Viking-Cives USA Well Worth Products Inc Whelen Engineering Company Inc Winter Equipment Co 3 Ways To Exhibit And What it costs... Less than you'd expect! We've made our exhibiting prices extremely affordable so that we can attract the wide variety of vendors superintendents expect to see at the expo each year. We guarantee you there's no more affordable AND cost effective way to put your equipment, trucks, products and services in front of Highway and Public Works Superintendents and municipal employees from cities, towns, villages, counties, the DOT and Thruway from all four corners of the State! (and beyond!) If you're a dealer for a manufacturer, be sure to explore the use of your "co-op advertising dollars." Splitting the cost of our exhibiting rates with one or more manufacturers makes the New York State Highway & Public Works Expo a "can't miss sales opportunity!" 10’ x 10’ DISPLAY BOOTH includes: • • • • A 2'x8' table - covered & skirted 2 folding chairs A 7"x44" sign with your company name Exhibitor's name badges • • • • $500 110 electrical hook-up 8' high back drape 3' high side drapes Waste basket $1500 30’ x 40’ “TOWN BLOCK” $2040 20’ x 40’ “HALF CITY BLOCK” $1575 40’ x 40’ “CITY BLOCK” $2120 20’ x 40’ “ANNEX” $1455 20’ x 30’ “NORTH WING” $1210 20’ x 30’ “HALF TOWN BLOCK” includes: • 2 - 2'x8' covered tables with skirts • 4 folding chairs • A one line sign with your Co. name • Exhibitor's name badges • 110 electrical hook-up • Waste basket NYS HIGHWAY & PUBLIC WORK AMERICRAFT CENTER OF PROGRESS • NYS FAIRGR WHO WILL BE THERE: City, Village, Town, County & State Highway Superintendents, Public Works Directors, DOT Officials, their crews, Maintenance Personnel, Municipal Board Members & Municipal Contractors SET-UP - SHOW TIMES TEAR DOWN - HOTEL INFO SET UP DAY - Tuesday, October 14 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Indoor display Equipment, Trucks and Forklifted items need to be parked and in place by 5:00 p.m. on set up day. Small carry in items may be brought in anytime throughout the day or at 7:30 a.m. the day of the show as long as they are in place before the doors open for attendees at 8:30 a.m. THE DAY OF THE EXPO - Wednesday, October 15. Doors open to exhibitors at 7:00 a.m. for final touches on displays and free coffee & donuts compliments of Profile Publications. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. to attendees. All exhibits must be staffed during expo hours, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The restaurant/bar will be open throughout the event as will a refreshment center on 1st Ave. at the north end of the building. Doors will close at 3:00 p.m.. TEAR DOWN - Exhibitors may dismantle their displays between 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. after the show. HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS - Profile Publications has reserved a block of rooms at the nearby Inn at the Fairgrounds, available to exhibitors on a first come best served basis at a discounted rate of $95 per night. Reservations need to be made directly with the Inn at the Fairgrounds by calling 315-484-0044. Be sure to ask for the “NYS Highway & Public Works Expo rate.” Rates held until 9/15/14 so reserve your rooms early! 40 40 40 74 75 76 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 10’x10’s 30’ 20 20 A 40 THIRD AVENUE 30’ B 40 40 K1 K2 40 L 40 40 30’ 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 V1 V2 C 30’ 30’ D1 D2 20 20’ 40 SECOND AVENUE 40 10’x10’s 77 78 79 20’ 20’ 80 81 82 83 84 85 M 40 N 40 40 FIRST AVENUE 30’ E 40’ 40 O 40 HORSE POWER HIGHWAY 67 66 65 68 69 70 71 72 73 20’ 20’ DOUBLE DRUM DRIVE WHY: This is the only show of this magnitude which brings Highway Superintendents, Public Works Directors, D.O.T. Officials, Municipal Board Members and Contractors together under one roof, to meet the many product & service suppliers they rely on, face to face. The NYS Highway & Public Works Expo is one of the common links among New York's village, city, town, county and state level municipalities. It is the only municipally focused show of its type in the state to draw such a broad audience! 20’ CULVERT COURT WHERE: Centrally located in the "hub" of New York State in the Americraft Center of Progress Building at the New York State Fairgrounds, just a few miles west of Syracuse, off Route 690. 40 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 BRUSH CHIPPER WHEN IS IT: Set-up Tuesday, October 14, 2014 EXPO IS WEDNESDAY, October 15, 2014 Tear down is Wed. 10/15/14 from 3:00 – 8:00 pm. 40 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 “By far, yo to meet t in one pla No other show of this magnitude in New for the Highway and Public Works professional. Now in Works Expo has always attracted Superintendents from th towns and cities in between! If your business offers equ market in New York State, the NYS Highway & Public W decision makers in person. By far, it is the most c highway & public works departments KS EXPO EXHIBIT "STREET MAP" ROUNDS • EMPIRE EXPO CENTER • SYRACUSE, NY • PLENTY OF FREE ON SITE PARKING • FREE FORKLIFT SERVICE FOR EXHIBITORS AT MOVE IN & MOVE OUT • FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL ATTENDEES P 40 40 G 40 Q 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 30’ H 30’ 40 R 40 7 8 9 10 I 40 40 40 S 40 11 12 13 14 15 16 30’ 30 29 28 J 40 40 T1 20 T2 40 20 PUBLIC WORKS PATH 40 F 40 30’ POTHOLE PASS 30’ 35 34 33 32 31 SWEEPER STREET 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 • FREE EXHIBITOR’S NAME BADGES 27 26 25 24 • NO "HIDDEN CHARGES" • LARGE DOORS FOR EQUIPMENT, TRUCKS, AND LARGE DISPLAY ITEMS • DRAW ATENDEES TO YOUR BOTH WITH THE MATCH TICKET DOOR PRIZES 23 22 21 20 17 18 19 our best opportunity the most highway pros, ace, on one day!” w York State is specifically produced n its 20th successful year, the NYS Highway & Public he smallest village to the largest county, and numerous uipment, trucks, products or services to the municipal Works Expo is your most cost effective way to meet the complete shopping & learning opportunity for available anywhere under one roof. • SYMMETRICAL DISPLAYS PROMOTE "TRAFFIC" FLOW • FREE STEAM CLEANER USE AT MOVE IN • EASY HIGHWAY ACCESS FROM ALL POINTS THROUGHOUT NEW YORK STATE • SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR DOOR PRIZE & LUNCH. • COME IN AT 7:30 ON SHOW DAY AND ENJOY COFFEE AND DONUTS COMPLIMENTS OF SUPERINTENDENT'S PROFILE MAGAZINE Plattsburgh 4.5 hours SYRACUSE Buffalo 2.5 hours Jamestown 4 hours ´ Albany 2.5 hours Binghamton 1 hour Newburgh 4 hrs. Centrally located in Syracuse, the Expo is easy to get to from all over the state! Exhibitor's Responsibilities 1. A 50% deposit is due with your contract to reserve your space. All information on the space reservation contract must be completed, and it must be submitted with deposit payment. (Make a copy for your records). Any balances owed after initial deposits are made must be paid in full no later than September 15th, 2014. Checks should be made payable to PROFILE PUBLICATIONS. Reservation acknowledgments will be mailed upon receipt of completed contract and deposit payment. A supply of promotional posters and tickets for your staff to hand out will be mailed in August. 2. Proof of insurance must be provided. A general liability policy for no less than $1,000,000.00, naming Profile Publications as additionally insured, for the time period encompassing setup day, show day, and tear down day, must be submitted with or before final payment. 3. All steel grouser tracked equipment must be planked in and out to avoid any damage to the concrete floor. Ignition keys should be removed from machines, batteries disconnected, fuel caps secured in place, and hydraulic cylinders properly braced if they are extended. 4. Booths, Blocks and Outdoor Display Spaces are assigned on a "first come, best served basis." Please be sure to register early for best selection and to ensure availability of space. 5. Show management reserves the right to alter display setups to ensure the overall effective and fair use of space in the best interest of all exhibitors concerned. 6. Note the "SETUP - SHOW TIMES & TEAR DOWN" section on page 4 of this pack. All tear down must be complete, and the building vacated by 8 p.m. on Wednssday, October 15, 2014 at the latest. 7. All information contained on this list of Exhibitor Responsibilities, must be thoroughly understood by the party signing the Space Reservation Contract. Full compliance with all exhibitor responsibilities will be strictly enforced to ensure a smooth expo. 8. Cancellations must be made in writing no later than July 31st, 2014. Written cancellations received by that date will be entitled to a refund of monies paid, less a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellations made after July 31st, 2014 will not be entitled to any refund. 9. Profile Publications reserves the right to use the names and or photographs of all exhibitors submitting a space reservation contract in promotional and editorial coverage of the Expo. 10. Fork lift service, electrical service, pressure washing equipment, food and beverage and other services provided for the smooth operation of the expo are subcontracted. Profile Publications is not responsible for the potential nonperformance of subcontracted employees or vendors. 11. All arrangements for shipments of exhibitor materials to and from the expo are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor as are any receiving and storage costs at the Americraft Center of Progress. Arrangements can be made by calling the Empire Expo Center at 315/487-7711. 12. Arrangements for special decorating needs such as carpeting, lights, additional tables, etc. can be made by calling the contracted decorator Northeast Decorating at 315-471-9989. Payment for additional decorating items requested by exhibitors will be made directly to the decorating firm by the exhibitor. Space Reservation Contract Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Empire Expo Center • NYS Fairgrounds Americraft Center of Progress • Syracuse, NY Produced By: Profile Publications - Publishers of the New York State Superintendent's Profile & Product - Service Directory Make checks payable to: Profile Publications • 361 Shoemaker Rd • Mohawk, NY 13407 Phone: 800/992-7116 • Fax 518/863-7100 • Email - bbuckley@cegltd.com or debyh@cegltd.com 1 Select which booth(s)/block(s) you want to reserve. Refer to map on pages 4 & 5. BOOTHS are $500.00 each and are reserved on a first come, best served basis. See booth specs on page 3. Quantity of booths you want _____. Blocks and Half Blocks are reserved on a first come, best served basis. Call Bob Buckley 800/992-7116. See specs on page 3 Preferred Booth Number(s): 1st Choice __________ 2nd Choice _________ 3rd Choice _________ Preferred Floor: 1st Choice Area _________________ 2nd Choice Area__________________ 2 Calculate Deposit. Let us know what you plan on displaying. List name badges below. NOTE: All outdoor display space must be prepaid at time of contract. Include unit(s) measurements including 3' extra per dimension, and a description of the unit(s) to be displayed. See page 3. _________________ multiplied by $________________ equals $___________________ divided by 2 equals $__________________________________ quantity of booths/blocks rate per booth / block total due for exhibit space 50% deposit due with contract - balance is due no later than 9/15/14 Our exhibit space will display the following equipment/trucks/products/services___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGEMENT - The NYS Highway & Public Works Expo is produced and managed by Profile Publications, 361 Shoemaker Rd, Mohawk, NY 13407. Any reference to management herein refers to same. LIABILITY LIMITATIONS - The undersigned exhibiting company and its assigns shall make no claims for any reason whatsoever against Expo management, the Empire Expo Center, the New York State Industrial Exhibit Authority or any representatives thereof for any reason. EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITIES - Exhibiting company acknowledges full understanding of and agrees to full compliance with all terms, conditions, rules and responsibilities set forth in the 8 page document, which includes this contract, known as the 2014 Exhibitor Registration Pack. INSURANCE - Exhibitor agrees to carry insurance covering itself from any and all damages, real or personal, throughout the entire three day event, which includes set-up, Expo, and tear-down days. Exhibitor agrees to purchase a general liability policy with a face value of no less than $1,000,000.00, naming Profile Publications as additionally insured for the duration of the three days mentioned above. A copy of such policy shall be sent to Profile Publications on or before the day final payment for exhibit space is made. Management is in no way responsible for exhibitor's employees or property. Management will carry a general liability policy to cover exhibit visitors, exhibitors, and their agents. Exhibitor agrees to hold management harmless for any loss, cost, damage or expense resulting from any and all suit brought against exhibitor for any reason. SAFETY - Exhibitor agrees to comply with all local, state and federal safety codes and regulations. Exhibitor shall be responsible for prudent adherence to all safety practices before, during and after the Expo. PAYMENT - Exhibitor agrees to send 50% deposit due with this contract and to pay the balance due for the exhibit space no later than 9/15/14. No exhibitor will be allowed to set up display unless payment in full has been received by Profile Publications per the terms set forth herein. Any exhibitor failing to cancel space reservation, and failing to occupy reserved space shall be responsible for full payment owed under this contract. Unoccupied space at the end of the set-up day shall be usable by management in any way it chooses, with no obligation to exhibitor whatsoever. SECURITY - Exhibitor agrees to fully cooperate with security personnel as needed. Management will make every effort to protect property throughout the event, but is not responsible for any damages resulting from security failures. Round the clock surveillance of the facility will be provided by management and the Empire Expo Center. DESIGN STANDARDS - All booths come equipped with back and side drapes which must be kept in place throughout the event. The "City Street" floor plan cannot be obstructed by any portion of a display protruding beyond its predetermined boundaries. Management reserves the right to modify or remove any displays not fully complying with these design standards. FOOD AND BEVERAGE - The only food and beverage to be served in the building must be purchased from the Expo Center restaurant located in the Ameritech Center of Progress. Exhibitors wishing to purchase food/meals should contact management 30 days prior to the Expo for details on who to contact. COURTESY & CONTESTS - Legal contests, raffles or drawings may only be announced by the exhibitor conducting such contest, raffle or drawing. All exhibitors shall fully cooperate with one another in the interest of the overall appearance and presentation of the Expo. No exhibitor shall position any display matter (tangible, audio or video) in such a manner that it adversely affects a neighboring display. GENERAL - Any matters not covered in the 8 page Exhibitors Pack shall be subject to the scrutiny and final decision of the management. NAME BADGE REQUEST 3 Read page 6 & read and sign this Contract. Cut out this contract, make yourself a copy & mail us this contract with your deposit. I have read and will comply with all information set forth in my exhibitor's registration pack including this contract, signed: _____________________________________________ ___/___/___ Authorized Signature & Title Company Name _______________________________________________ Please Print all information except signature Mailing address _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone number ______________________ Fax ______________________ Person in charge of display _____________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________ Please PRINT names of up to 10 persons who will be staffing your display. Badges will be on the table of your display the morning of the Expo. 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________ 10. __________________________ 20th Annual "Where Buyers Meet Suppliers" The Largest Annual, Municipally Focused Expo in New York State! Meet Town, City, Village, County, State & Other Highway & Public Works Pros... All Under One Roof... Produced by PROFILE PUBLICATIONS NYS Highway & Public Works Expo Profile Publications 361 Shoemaker Road Mohawk, NY 13407 Toll Free 800/992-7116 Phone 518/863-4100 Fax 518/863-7100 bbuckley@cegltd.com 2 0 1 4 EXHIBITOR REG IS TRATION P A C K
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