Letter from the President

The monthly magazine of
October 2014
Letter from the
A smoother future
If you’re a fan of
moustaches then you
should definitely add a
visit to the OQNT offices
to your to-do list. In the
boardroom a photo wall
bristles of all Presidents dated back to the
early 1900’s and it appears that for a while
there, facial hair of the highest calibre was
clearly mandatory.
optometrists is constantly changing.
These days we appear less like a Colonel
Sanders lookalike contest and more like a
multicultural family reunion. The diversity is
clearly a positive.
Involvement with the organisation’s Board
is also at the highest we’ve seen in the
last 10 years. At our upcoming AGM
we currently have more nominees than
vacancies for Board positions and more
demand than ever by members of all
ages to participate in our Board Observer
Yes it’s true that younger optometrists
aren’t seeking to own their own
independent practices at the rates seen
during the moustache era but this hasn’t
translated into less of these practitioners
wanting to have a say on the direction
of our profession. In fact, it seems that
younger optometrists are more than ever
wanting to see us advance the profession
we all know the true potential of.
I’m very pleased that so many enthusiastic
optometrists of all demographics have
nominated to be part of our Board and
Observer program. This year has seen
substantial work on defining how best we
can serve our members but 2015 will be
a year for demonstrating those ideals and
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Optometry Queensland & Northern Territory Division.
Acceptance of advertising does not necessarily include endorsement of advertised products.
shaping the change we face, not merely
David Foresto
President Optometry QLD/NT
Sat-Sun 4-5 October
The OQNT proudly represents optometrists of all types of
employment. The OQNT Board welcomes your queries,
feedback and suggestions. You can email me directly at d.
North Queensland Vision
Hilton Hotel, Cairns
Sat 8 November
Optometry House
Sat 8 November
Ballot required for
2014/2015 OQNT Board
VISIONaries: Past, Present & Future
Thus far, ten nominations have been
received for the eight Director positions on
the Board bringing about the requirement
of a ballot for 2014/2015.
OQNT Board Meeting
Optometry House
Mon 8 December
The November 2014 edition of SEE will be
dedicated to the forthcoming ballot and will
be posted by regular mail to all members
by no later than Friday, 17 October 2014.
Fri-Sat 10-12 April
Australian Vision Convention
Gold Coast Convention Centre
The election package will also contain a
ballot paper and ballot envelope.
encouraged, for those interested in joining
the Board. Nominations are to be received
at Optometry House by no later than
Wednesday 8 October 2014.
The nomination form is on page 4 of
this edition of SEE.
OQNT hosts leadership
in practice seminar
Optometry Queensland & Northern
Territory will be hosting a ProVision
presentation evening on Tuesday 21
October at Optometry House in Spring Hill.
ProVision’s Retail Operations Manager,
Rob Ellis, will present on ‘How Leadership
Can Transform A Good Practice Into A Great
Practice’. Rob has 25 years experience
in senior management and leadership
positions with a cross section of market
leading retail and service organisations
including Guardian Pharmacies, Reece
Australia and Blockbuster.
Ballot required for 2014/2015
Leadership in practice seminar
NQV on this weekend
Employment breakfast seminar
DVA webclaim launched
VISIONaries on 8 November
Employees & additional hours
OQNT Board nomination form
The session will provide the following:
• An understanding of what leadership
Optometry Queensland & Northern Territory
Optometry House, 58 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill QLD 4000
Telephone: 07 3839 4411 Facsimile: 07 3839 4499
Email: infoqld@optometry.org.au Web: www.optometry.org.au/qld
October 2014
looks like and why leadership is important.
• Knowledge of the characteristics of great
leaders – authentic leaders.
• Recognizing that the transformation from
good to great is about getting the right
people on the bus and the wrong people
off the bus!
• Techniques to get the best out of
yourself and your team.
• An action plan to become a more
effective leader.
• Notes on leadership.
Places are limited.
Register now by
emailing c.presotto@optometry.org.au or
telephone 07 3839 4411.
NQV on this weekend
Last minute registrations can still be
accepted for those budding optometrists
who find they have a spare weekend up
their sleeve! With over 100 registrations
received already you’re likely to bump into
someone you know.
North Queensland Vision will be held this
Page 2
weekend on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5
October at the Hilton Hotel, Cairns. For
further information visit www.etouches.
com/nqv2014 or phone 07 3839 4411.
Employing an employee
- Breakfast seminar for
OQNT members
All members are invited to join Jonathan
Mamaril, Special Counsel with NB
Lawyers, for an informative presentation
suitable for all practice owners/managers.
Hiring an employee can be an exciting
time but it is also wrought with potential
danger. ‘Eight simple rules for employing
an employee’ will discuss the most ideal
practices that should be followed by
employers to allow a smooth transition.
Also discussed will be the setting of
expectations for employees, salary
payments (as opposed to casual or part
time) and dealing with employees who do
not pass the probation period.
Join Jonathan Mamaril and OQNT for this
complimentary breakfast seminar from
7.30am on Thursday 20 November near
Brisbane CBD (venue to be advised).
RSVP to OQNT by email infoqld@
optometry.org.au or phone 07 3839 4411.
Places limited.
DVA webclaim
service launched for
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)
has launched a new online claims system
for allied health providers servicing the
veteran community.
DVA Webclaim is a no-cost online service
that has been developed specifically to
help reduce the administrative costs and
practice resources required to service the
needs of veterans.
DVA Webclaim is now accessible to all
allied, dental and optical health providers
through the Department of Human
Services (DHS) Health Professional Online
Services (HPOS) portal.
The system enables providers to lodge
claims through an online ‘smart form’,
October 2014
reducing the resource costs and delays
associated with preparing and lodging
paper-based claims.
The system will
also allow providers to cancel paid claims
before they are paid, download up to two
years of DVA claiming history and enquire
about specific claims using the secure
email facility.
DVA values the allied health, dental and
optical professionals who continue to
provide services to veteran clients and will
continue to provide high quality services to
the veteran community.
To access DVA Webclaim health
professionals will need a Medicare provider
number and an individual Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) certificate. To register
for an individual PKI Certificate visit the
DHS PKI page to fill out an application
More information on DVA Webclaim can be
found at http://www.dva.gov.au/service_
Important announcements about DVA
Webclaim will also be available via social
media on the DVAAus Facebook page.
VISIONaries: Past,
Present & Future
awards night on 8
Join us for the annual VISIONaries: Past,
Present & Future awards night, confirmed
for Saturday 8 November 2014. This
is an event especially for members to
celebrate the optometry profession and its
achievements in the year that has been.
This years event will be held at trendy Rush
CBD in Brisbane’s Post Office Square on
Queen Street.
Page 3
The night will include substantial delicious
canapes, drinks, entertainment and
dancing. An invitation will be released in
the coming weeks.
Shades of grey: When
employees can be
compelled to work
additional hours
Salary employees, typically professionals
working in knowledge intensive industries
such as Optometry can be compelled
to work ‘extra reasonable hours’ where
necessary if they:
1. Are retained under a valid employment
2. Are paid on a salary basis; and
3. Have an absorption or ‘over-awardpayment’ clause included in their contract
of employment.
Unfortunately employment law issues are
rarely so black and white; often containing
minefields of hidden considerations which
even the most prudent of Employers can
easily fail to take into account without the
aid of professional legal expertise.
One such example of how tricky these
legal snares can be is the Fair Work
Commission decision of Bradley Sheldrick
v Hazeldene Chicken Farm Pty Ltd in
which an Employer was held liable for loss
of income. A matter where the Employer
attempted to compel an Employee to
accept amendments to the terms of his
contract of employment which effectively
forced upon him a significant increase in
additional hours required to be worked and
a compulsory on call-roster.
save the date
past, present & future
Saturday, 8th November 2014
Rush CBD, Queen Street
There is no definitive answer as to what
constitutes ‘reasonable additional working
hours’ as this question is typically decided
on a case by case basis. Consultation with
a specialist in the area of employment law
on these types of issues, particularly by
Employers focussed primarily within the
optometry profession is strongly advised.
NB Lawyers are offering all Optometrists
a FREE 20 minute legal consultation.
For further information please contact
Jonathan Mamaril, Special Counsel 07
3876 5111 or email
Website: www.lawyersforemployers.com.au
Brisbane Eye Clinic
Brisbane Eye Clinic - Clinical Education
Event. Monday 13th October 2014 at
Eaton’s Hill Hotel, Eaton’s Hill. Contact
Johanna Grundel on 07 3832 1700 or
QUT Therapeutic
Master Class
The next QUT Ocular Therapeutic Master
Class will be held on Sunday 26th October
at QUT Kelvin Grove Campus F Block.
Dr Matt Russell, Dr Brendan Cronin
and Dr Julie Albietz will be joined by Dr
Thiran Jayasundera from the University of
Michigan to discuss the Ocular Therapeutic
and Surgical Challenges: from the retina to
the tear film. Worth 18T points.
For the full program and registration please
visit www.masterclass360.com.au
ACN 009 657 265 ABN 54 009 657 265
Trading as Optometry Queensland & Northern Territory
Optometry House, 58 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill Qld 4000
Telephone: (07) 3839 4411 Fax: (07) 3839 4499
4 September 2014
Nominations are hereby called for the following positions for 2014/2015:
DIRECTORS (Five, including Immediate Past President)
Members are reminded that under Article 14(a) of the Constitution, nominations must be signed by two Full and/or Life
Members and accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, and must be in the hands of the Secretary at least
thirty days before the date of the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 8 November 2014. Nominees must be a Full, Part
Time, Immediate Graduate, Recent Graduate, Minimal Practice, Academic or Life Member.
Office Bearers for the past year are listed below.
Mr David Foresto
Mrs Marissa Megaloconomos
Mr Jason Holland
Mr David Bradley
Mrs Kate Gifford
Ms Anna Puglisi
Mr Drew Sherwin
Dr Stephen Vincent
Should a Ballot be subsequently necessary, nominees will be required to provide a Resume and photograph in order
to inform electors. Nominations, which should be completed in the following form, are to reach Optometry House,
58 St Pauls Terrace, Spring Hill Qld 4000 or facsimile 07 3839 4499 by no later than Wednesday, 8 October 2014.
Cathryn Baker
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPTOMETRISTS ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND/ NORTHERN TERRITORY DIVISION
trading as Optometry Queensland & Northern Territory
I hereby nominate .................................................................................................................................................................
of............................................................................................for the office of.......................................................................
I agree to act if elected ...................................................................................... (Signature of Nominee)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OPTOMETRISTS ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND/NORTHERN TERRITORY DIVISION
trading as Optometry Queensland & Northern Territory
I hereby nominate .................................................................................................................................................................
of............................................................................................for the office of.......................................................................
I agree to act if elected ...................................................................................... (Signature of Nominee)
October 2014
Positions Vacant
is looking for an optometrist with
an interest in paediatric optometry,
ortho-k, ocular therapeutics. The
person should be self motivated,
caring and friendly, with an interest
in business and good finance sense.
The practice features Nidek OCT,
auto refractor, Medmont visual field
analyser and topographer.
make enquires on 0411500868.
Brisbane – 2 Full-time position
in South and Northern suburbs
of Brisbane.
We are looking for
Optometrist’s who will work not only
to expand our client data base but
whose primary concern is customer
care. This position offers a generous
salary, continuous access to training
and development and fantastic future
career opportunities.
If you are
interested in joining our highly skilled
and supportive team please phone
Donna Robertson on 03 85328673 or
email donna.robertson@specsavers.
Clinic. Queensland Eye Specialists
is seeking a fulltime therapeutically
qualified Optometrist to join our
team. The successful applicant
will work alongside our principal
Ophthalmologist, assist two visiting
Ophthalmologists, and team of seven
staff providing a professional friendly
environment to our patients. Clinical
duties include (but not limited to);
Assessment and follow up of general
ophthalmic conditions; A-Scan lens
auto refraction; VA and IOP testing;
Fundus fluorescein angiography;
Corneal Topography, OCT and disc
photography; Surgical Post Op
reviews. Great pay and conditions,
including paid international conference
travel, super and other benefits.
Please email application highlighting
relevant skills and experience (new
graduates welcome) to shane@
qldeye.com.au or Contact Shane on
07 4152 4922
Bundaberg - Sugarland This
modern practice is well established
and seeking a dynamic Optometrist to
join the team. If you are interested
in finding out more please call Donna
Robertson on 03 85328673 or email
Optometrists for our rapidly expanding
Page 1
practice. Fantastic salary packages
are on offer for the right person.
If you are interested in finding out
more please phone Donna on 03
85328673 or email donna.robertson@
Gympie This modern and busy multitesting practice is well established
and seeking a dynamic Optometrist
to join the team.
This opportunity
would provide a great salary package
and opportunities for future growth. If
you are interested in finding out more
please call Donna Robertson on 03
85328673 or email donna.robertson@
Mackay Canelands This modern
and busy multi-testing practice is well
established and seeking a dynamic
Optometrist to join the team. If you
are interested in finding out more
please call Donna Robertson on 03
85328673 or email donna.robertson@
Maryborough is seeking a Full
-time Optometrist. This is a beautiful
location with the latest equipment.
If you’re interested in joining our
dynamic team please phone Donna
on 03 85328673 or email donna.
Townsville area is seeking a Part
time or Full -time Optometrist. This
opportunity would provide a great
lifestyle as well as opportunities for
future growth. Great salary on offer
+ relocation package. If you are
interested in finding out more please
call Donna on 03 85328673 or email
Positions Vacant
Brisbane North - Aspley Optical
on the North side is looking for a casual
receptionist for one day a week and fill
in on sick days and holidays. We are a
busy practice which is heavily focused
on providing professional and friendly
care to all of our patients. If you
think this is for you please send your
resume to stephens1@aomm.net.au
Positions Wanted
Toowoomba - Experienced locum
optometrist available for 2-3 weeks
in January 2015, while visiting from
NSW. Able to do all aspects of
optometry, barring orthoK or difficult
CL fits, with an interest in children’s
binocular vision. Can operate most
OCT and visual field equipment.
Please contact Antoinette on 0410
765 150.
Positions Wanted
None listed at this time.
Locums Wanted
None listed at this time.
Locums Available
Australia wide - Optometrist
that gives the patient more than they
expect and have them coming back
and bringing every man, woman,
and their dog with them. Business
orientated, down to earth, friendly,
and enthusiastic. Please contact Tola
via Email: tolatouch@hotmail.com or
Mob: 0412 483 061.
Australia Wide - Experienced,
friendly and reliable optometrist
available for block work. Pledging
to carry out my commitments to the
highest professional standards while
striving to maximise returns for the
practice. RyanOptical. phone Tim on
0405 795 277 or email timxryan@
AUSTRALIA WIDE - Optometrist
from Brisbane seeks locum work in
Brisbane or Australia wide. Mobile
0402585897 email seqoptom@tpg.
Australia wide - Optometrist
available for blockwork both City and
Country areas. Experienced locum
based in Brisbane but happy to travel
nationwide. Contact: optometrists.
locum@gmail.com or m : 0438 856
Brisbane - Locum available
Experienced, reliable and trustworthy.
Email Karen at fraterk@gmail.com
BRISBANE - Therapeutic & Masters of
Optometry qualified locum optometrist
available for the Brisbane area. With
20 years experience, I have worked
in high volume practices as well as
specialised practices. Please email
Brisbane - Locum Optometrist
available in the Brisbane area. Please
email locumoptom@live.com.au or ph:
0457759439. Hourly rates: Weekdays
- $83,Saturdays - $95,Sundays - $110.
brisbane - If you’re looking for an
professional, experienced and reliable
optometrist who can can help build
your practice and is an excellent
communicator, start here. I’m looking
for work in the Brisbane area and
prefer ongoing days but will consider
other offers. Contact Son on 0438
812 988 or shhpham@hotmail.com
Brisbane - Friendly and reliable
Wednesday work for Brisbane and
surrounding suburbs. Pls contact
Vanessa on 0404511177 or email
Brisbane - Weekend Locum.
Reliable locum optometrist available
for weekend work in Brisbane. Please
email Roz: brislocum@gmail.com
Brisbane - Experienced Brisbane
Locum available - Prefer City and
Southside locations - phone Ken on
0425 211 117 - or Email me at k.hine.
BRISBANE - based optometrist
available for locum or part time work.
Please email: optom32@yahoo.com
BRISBANE - Experienced optometrist
seeking regular locum work based in
Brisbane region. Please email Ange:
BRISBANE - experienced reliable and
friendly optometrist available for locum
work in Brisbane area. Please contact
BRISBANE - Locum available for
regular Sunday and Mondays or other
single days in Metropolitan Brisbane.
Contact Steve on 0402 122 827.
BRISBANE - Locum optometrist
available for regular part time work
in the Brisbane area. Phone Chris on
0410 783 191 or email: optochris@
- Professional, friendly & reliable
endorsement available for regular
days and short-term cover. Over ten
years experience in all practice styles.
Contact Andrew at werdnameister@
hotmail.com or 0466 289 826.
brisbane city & southside A friendly, experienced and reliable
locum is available. Brisbane city to
Southside preferred but happy to
travel. Feel free to contact Adrene at
0423 873 330 now to give yourself a
peace of mind when you have a break
from work.
BRISBANE AND GOLD COAST Professional friendly and experienced
optometrist available for set days
or short term work. Please contact
Brisbane / Gold Coast - Friendly
and reliable locum available for
weekend work in Brisbane and Gold
October 2014
Coast. Contact Stephen: gclocum@
Brisbane & Nationwide Professional and friendly locum
optometrist available for short term
placements in Brisbane or block
work nationwide. Based southside
Brisbane. Please email Chris at
Experienced locum available for
regular Tuesday or Wednesday work.
Please email Christine:
Experienced Locum available for
casual or regular part-time work.
Contact Lisa Botelho Ph: 0439770050
or email lisa@entelsoft.com
BRISBANE Northside - locum
available for short term placements.
Experienced, friendly and reliable.
COAST - Experienced optometrist
requires regular days Contact Geoff
at gha46516@bigpond.net.au
Brisbane Southside - Friendly,
reliable and experienced optometrist
seeking regular Tuesday work south
side Brisbane (preferably bayside).
Contact Asimina 0409119332 or email
COAST - Experienced, therapeutically
endorsed optometrist available for
short-term cover or regular days.
Please contact Glen on 0409 478 659
or email glenmc02@hotmail.com
Brisbane & Surrounds - Locum
with twenty years’ experience in
corporate, independent and practice
ownership settings available for
emergency relief, regular day/halfdays, evening trading or weekend
sessions. Phone Rod on 0421 362
939 or email dixonlocum@gmail.com
Brisbane and Surrounds Based in the south-west suburbs
of Brisbane, I am a friendly and
conscientious locum
with sixteen
years of optometry experience. I
work closely with your team to ensure
that your patients are happy and
everything runs smoothly while you’re
away. Resumé available. Block work
preferred, but all requests considered.
Please contact Helen on helenflohr@
iinet.net.au or 0422 687 811.
Brisbane & Surrounds Experienced, therapeutically qualified
optometrist available for Christmas
cover and first week of 2013. Please
Page 2
contact locum.opt@gmail.com.
GOLD COAST - Experienced, friendly
optometrist available for permanent
part-time or locum work on the Gold
Coast. Please contact Suzanne on
GOLD COAST - Experienced,
friendly optometrist available for
full-time position (4-5 days) on the
Gold Coast. Please contact Scott on
GOLD COAST / Australia Wide
- Gold Coast based Optometrist,
recently retired, but still very active,
with 33 years of experience, available
for one day locally, or up to 14 days
relief work anywhere in Australia
including the Gold Coast. The last
28 years has been running my
own independent practice with an
extremely community minded twist.
Some Behavioural management, low
vision work and specialist contact
lens fitting. I can step in and cover
pretty much all of your practice needs.
From Optometry, dispensing, general
repairs and mechanics as well as
practice management. Need a break
call Greg: on 07 5576 1720 or email
me on g_vercoe@optusnet.com.au.
Gold Coast / Brisbane / Nth
NSW - Experienced optometrist based
near Robina looking for ongoing block
work Weds-Fridays on the Gold
Also available for casual
locum work in the Southern Suburbs
of Brisbane and Northern NSW. 20+
years experience, excellent customer
service skills, and is therapeutically
indorsed. References available on
request. For
and availability, see my web page
Scott on 0412376684 or email:
North Brisbane - Professional,
friendly, experienced. Please contact
Queensland - Available to work
in greater Brisbane, or throughout
0402838821 or email cieloptometry@
South East Qld - Three
dependable and professional locum
optometrists available to help you in your
practice. For availability and rates please
email enquiries@focusedrelief.com.au
HOLIDAYS. With over 11 years
clincial, retail operations and award
winning business experience, mature
and reliable Optometrist available for
locum work during the school holidays
in 2014. Dates available: 9th and 10th
of July & 5th Jan to 23rd Jan 2015.
Please email tsushanchambers@
yahoo.com or Ph: 0438 894 121.
Sunshine Coast - Experienced,
professional and reliable locum
available for short or long term
placements. Prefer Sunshine Coast
but will consider other areas.Please
phone 0409 411 784 or email
Toowoomba - Experienced locum
optometrist available for 2-3 weeks
in January 2015, while visiting from
NSW. Able to do all aspects of
optometry, barring orthoK or difficult
CL fits, with an interest in children’s
binocular vision. Can operate most
OCT and visual field equipment.
Please contact Antoinette on 0410
765 150.
Practices for Sale/Lease
WA, Bunbury - Great opportunity
for sea change in this port city less
than 2 hours from Perth. Independent,
established over 25years in spacious
free-standing building with private
parking. This is for urgent sale with
minimal outlay, terms possible. All
stock and equipment incl WI/WO Ideal
for experienced or new graduate with
transition period available. Please call
Ian on 0407917500 or email eyes2@
westnet.com.au for more information.
Practice Wanted
None listed at this time.
None listed at this time.
Equipment Wanted
None listed at this time.
Equipment for Sale
None listed at this time.
Email classifieds to see@optometry.
org.au before the final week of the
preceding month for inclusion with the
following months edition of SEE. All
classifieds are automatically included
on the website www.optometry.org.au/
qld. Each classified will run for one
month unless otherwise requested.
Closing date for the
November 2014 edition
of SEE will be Friday 31