MAPLE LAWN MIRROR “Loving Hands Reflect Caring Hearts” OCTOBER 2014 The Maple Lawn Mirror is written & published by Maple Lawn residents & activity department staff Welcome New Residents! Linda Sites James Ford Betty Powers Lloyd Quimby Laura Kimble Geraldine Raglin Ricky Miller Caroll Bebout Judith Smith Jean Biringer James Fry Harold Burnside Diane Walston In Loving Memory…. Darl Klingaman Violet Straw Nellie Biskner MAPLE LAWN MEDICAL CARE FACILITY Margaret Snyder Frank Moler Virginia Burleson Ella Hickok Lillie Brewer Virgie Grissim 10/17/32 10/17/23 10/19/21 10/19/26 10/29/26 10/31/19 50 Sanderson Lane Coldwater, MI 49036 517-279-9587 Office Hours: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. ______ Administrator: Jayne Sabaitis Office Manager: Jessica Worden We wish you well on your return home……….. Medical Director: Chad Whitaker, M.D. Director of Nursing: Fabian Sikorski Donald Fowler Catherine Kay Nancy Thompson Mary Burlew Elnora Warrick Beverly Tefft Lois Hill Patricia Markley Barbara Crandall Arline Willis Mary Rathbun Doris Olmstead Phyllis Miller Linda Moraniec Activities Director: Kelli Seager Social Worker: Angela Salesman Registered Dietician: Nichole Anglin Dietary Manager: Robin Hisler Billing/Bills: Kerry Schoenauer Care Conference/Waiting List: Sue Failing The Maple Lawn Mirror can be viewed in color at: MapleLawnMedical CareFacility October Special Events October 1 October 13 October 15 October 17 October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 28 October 30 & 31 October 31 Resident Council Columbus & Cappuccinos Woodland Students Fall Color Tour Witch & Spider Cookies Music with Fred Walker The Spoonman! Filling Halloween Treat Bags Adopt-a-Grandparent Halloween Fun Halloween Pre-school Parades Halloween Party! Mixed Up Columbus Day Unscramble the letters to make words that are associated with Columbus Day. 1. RTNIAGOVA 2. CPESSI 3. EACAMI R S 4. T P I ACNA 5. INNA 6. AOYGEV 7. NASTA R I M A A 8. ABLAILSE 9. ERDAT 10. USMLOUBC 11. ONAEC 12. T I ANP 13. SROI V ECDY 14. T I ANTALC 15. NPAS I 16. IESNID 17. LOPEEXRR 18. IDNANDREF ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ When the Frost is on the Punkin By James Whitcomb Riley 1983-1916 When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock, And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock, And the clackin' of the guineys, and the cluckin' of the hens, And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence; O, it's then's the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best, With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest, As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock, When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock. They's something kind o' harty-like about the atmusfere When the heat of summer's over and the coolin' fall is here -Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees, And the mumble of the hummin'-birds and buzzin' of the bees; But the air's so appetizin', and the landscape through the haze Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock -When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock. The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn, And the raspin' of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn; The stubble in the furries -- kind o' lonesome-like, but still A-preachin' sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill; The straw-stack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed; The hosses in theyr stalls below -- the clover over-head, -O, it sets my hart a-clickin' like the tickin' of a clock, When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock! Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps; And your cider-makin' 's over, and your wimmern-folks is through With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! ... I don't know how to tell it -- but ef sich a thing could be As the Angels wantin' boardin', and they'd call around on me -I'd want to 'commodate 'em -- all the whole-indurin' flock -When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock! Mixed Up Columbus Day (solution) Happy Birthday Model T! In 1908, Henry Ford rolled out the Model T. It sold for $825 and was reliable and easy to drive. What color did it come in? In the words of Henry Ford, “People can have the Model T in any color so long that it is black”! We recently sat down and talked about learning to drive and our first cars that we drove… *A Ford, I learned to drive when I was 18 years old. It had a clutch and I would stall the car. My brother-in-law taught me to drive. Susan P *My first car was a Chevrolet, we used to have a horse and buggy until my brother brought the car home. I drove until I was 80! Therese P *I learned to drive at the age of 18 and it was a Buick. Opal L *I taught myself to drive and it was a Model T at the age of 16! Ethel F *I learned to drive a Chevy at 16 years old too. Bonnie M *My dad taught me to drive at the age of 15 and it was in a Lincoln. I went to get my license when I turned 16. Donna M *My parents had a Volkswagon and we took long trips in it. Arthur G 1. Navigator 2. Spices 3. Americas 4. Captain 5. Niña 6. Voyage 7. Santa Maria 8. Isabella 9. Trade 10. Columbus 11. Ocean 12. Pinta 13. Discovery 14. Atlantic 15. Spain 16. Indies 17. Explorer 18. Ferdinand Halloween By Maple Lawn Poetry Group Halloween is a night for spooks And goblins to come out Children in costumes running all about Going door to door shouting trick or treat Looking for candy and something good to eat. Black cats and witches Are part of Halloween night Along with haunted houses Giving all a good fright! Holy Guacamole Avocados have a long and storied history in the Americas. When the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés met Montezuma in 1519, the Aztec ruler presented Cortés with a mountain of treasure, including gold, silver, and “alligator pears,” fruits otherwise known as avocados. From October 3–5, Carpenteria, California, will hold the avocado in high esteem during their annual Avocado Festival. Avocados are considered high in fat, but the fat is good for you! These fats act as antiinflammatories and even fight heart disease. That’s something to celebrate. Each year the Avocado Festival smashes 2,000 avocados to create a giant bowl of guacamole to feed the 12,000 who attend the event. After the chips and dip, participants join in the Best Dressed Avocado competition, where avocados are displayed like Mr. Potato Heads Everybody Loves Lucy On October 15, 1951, Lucille Ball brought her sitcom I Love Lucy to television audiences. The show’s plot was relatively simple: the naïve and ambitious wife of a popular bandleader strives for attention despite her obvious lack of talent. Luckily, the actor who played this character, the inimitable Lucille Ball, had plenty of talent. Her comedic genius propelled this television show to the top of the charts. I Love Lucy was America’s most-watched show for four of its six seasons. It won five Emmy awards and a George Foster Peabody Award for excellence. I Love Lucy was the first television show to be filmed using multiple cameras in front of a live studio audience, though many said such a production could not be done. This live audience proved vital, as it provided a real-life laugh track for the sitcom. Most episodes were filmed in just 30 minutes. Production didn’t stop for actors’ mistakes. If an actor forgot a line, it was up to the other actors to bail them out. Just about the only time production did slow down was for Lucy’s big costume changes. But the comedy kept on coming, and I Love Lucy became a sensation. October is the tenth month of the year on the Gregorian calendar and one of seven months with the length of 31 days. In Latin, octo means “eight.” (October was originally the eighth month on the early Roman calendar.) October in the northern hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to April in the southern hemisphere and vice versa. In common years, only the month of January starts on the same day of the week as October, but no other month starts on the same day of the week as October in leap years. October Birthdays If you were born between October 1–22, you balance the scales of Libra. Libras are very social, seek harmony through compromise, and have strong powers of critical thinking. Those born between October 23–31 are passionate Scorpios, considered the most intense sign in the zodiac. While on the outside Scorpios are calm and composed, inside they are forceful, emotional, determined, and ambitious. Julie Andrews (actress) – October 1, 1935 Bud Abbott (comedian) – October 2, 1895 Jackie Collins (author) – October 4, 1937 Desmond Tutu (archbishop) – October 7, 1931 John Lennon (musician) – October 9, 1940 e. e. cummings (poet) – October 14, 1894 Bela Lugosi (actor) – October 20, 1882 Annette Funicello (actress) – October 22, 1942 Minnie Pearl (comedian) – October 25, 1912 Emily Post (author) – October 27, 1872 Julia Roberts (actress) – October 28, 1967 October Flower – Calendula good things in small packages October’s special flower is the calendula, also known as the “pot marigold.” It is a fall blooming annual that produces a yellow to deep orange flower. The flower was significant to ancient Greeks and Romans, and it has long been sacred in India, where the flowers are used to decorate statues of Hindu deities. Europeans have grown this flowering plant in their gardens since the 1100s, using it through the centuries as a food and a healing agent. Its dried florets also have been used as food coloring for butter and cheese, as flavoring for stews and soups (hence the name “pot marigold”), and as a remedy for many of life’s little accidents—such as sunburns, bruises, and scratches, to name a few. These days, the colorful petals are a popular addition to salads. no, this isn’t an editing mistake. october 14 is lowercase day. the rules of capitalization are so confusing, we all deserve a break from them for one day. so feel free to not capitalize proper nouns, like days of the week, months, titles, or medical conditions named after a person. perhaps the poet e. e. cummings began this fad back in the early 20th century. cummings was known for both signing his name and writing entire poems strictly in lowercase letters. some say he did this because he simply wanted to be different. others contend that he wanted all words and thoughts to bear an equal weight and importance. using all lowercase letters was a way of establishing an equality of words, where readers could decide what was important. as cummings wrote: “if you like my poems let them walk in the evening, a little behind you” if you like writing and reading in lowercase letters, let those lowercase words wander wherever they wish 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Resident Council 10:40 Music Therapy 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Cranium Crunches 4:30 Let’s Get Moving 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Pokeno 1 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Conversation Cart 10:30 Bible Fellowship 11:00 Communion 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:00 Get Going with Gloria 3:00 October Craft 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Bonus Bingo 9) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Mass 10:30 Bible Fellowship 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:00 Get Going with Gloria 3:00 Autumn Leaf Hunt 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Jingo 2) 17) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Sonshine Gang 10:15 Popcorn Pause 11:30 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:00 Beautiful You/Coffee 4:30 Let’s Talk! (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Ice Cream Social 10) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Sonshine Gang 10:15 Popcorn Pause 11:30 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:00 Beautiful You/Coffee 4:30 Let’s Talk! (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Ice Cream Social . 3) 18) Sweetest Day 8:00 Morning Wake Up! 10:15 Saturday Morning Stretch 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo/Coldwater Area Senior Citizens 3:15 Saturday Matinee 11) 8:00 Morning Wake Up! 10:15 Saturday Morning Stretch 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo/Good Sam’s Club 3:15 Saturday Matinee 4) OCTOBER 2014 MAPLE LAWN ACTIVITIES 8) 16) 8:00 Morning Wake Up! 10:15 Saturday Morning Stretch 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo/Auxiliary 3:15 Saturday Matinee SAT 7) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Singing with Bob 10:40 Music Therapy 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Newsletter Review & Cotton Candy 4:30 Let’s Get Moving 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Music with Jerry & Beverly Vernon 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Sonshine Gang 10:15 Popcorn Pause 11:30 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 1:30 Fall Color Tour 4:30 Let’s Talk! (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Ice Cream Social 25) FRI 6) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Bell Choir 11:00 Discovery Zone (500/600) 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo 4:15 Common Senses (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Happy Hour 15) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Conversation Cart 10:30 Bible Fellowship 11:00 Communion 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:00 Get Going with Gloria 3:00 Wall Family Act 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Jingo 24) THU 5) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Special You (500/600) 10:15 Table Games 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:15 Coffee & Current Events 4:30 Young at Heart 5:00 Evening News 7:00 East Gilead Choir 14) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Woodland Students 10:40 Music Therapy 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Birthday Party 4:30 Let’s Get Moving 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Yahtzee 23) 8:00 Morning Wake Up! 10:15 Saturday Morning Stretch 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo/4-H Superstars 3:15 Saturday Matinee WED 8:00 Hymn Time 9:15 Scripture of the Day 11:00 Get Fit! 11:30 Gospel Inspirations 12:00 Music to Dine By 1:15 Puzzle Time 3:00 Early American Ministries 13) Columbus Day 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Fall Flower Arranging 11:00 Discovery Zone (500/600) 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo 4:15 Common Senses (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Happy Hour 22) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Sonshine Gang 10:15 Popcorn Pause 11:30 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:00 Beautiful You/Coffee 4:30 Let’s Talk! (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Ice Cream Social TUE 12) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Special You (500/600) 10:15 Table Games 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:15 Columbus & Cappuccinos 4:30 Music & Movement 500/600 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Courtesy Cart 21 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Conversation Cart 10:30 Bible Fellowship 11:00 Communion 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:00 Get Going with Gloria 3:00 Filling Treat Bags 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Bonus Bingo MON 8:00 Hymn Time 9:15 Scripture of the Day 11:00 Get Fit! 11:30 Gospel Inspirations 12:00 Music to Dine By 1:15 Puzzle Time 3:00 Protestant Communion 20) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Bowling 10:40 Music Therapy 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 The Spoonman! 4:30 Let’s Get Moving 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Wasepi Gospel Singers 30) SUN 19) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Music with Fred Walker 11:00 Discovery Zone (500/600) 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Bingo 4:15 Common Senses (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Happy Hour 8:00 World Series 29) . 8:00 Hymn Time 9:15 Scripture of the Day 11:00 Get Fit! 11:30 Gospel Inspirations 12:00 Music to Dine By 1:15 Puzzle Time 3:00 Northview Church 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:15 Special You (500/600) 11:00 Music with Jerry Ball 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:15 Witch & Spider Cookies 4:30 Music & Movement 500/600 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Courtesy Cart 28) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:00 Kids Halloween Parade 10:15 Sonshine Gang 10:15 Popcorn Pause 11:30 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:15 Halloween Party! 4:30 Let’s Talk! (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Ice Cream Social Margaret Snyder 10/17/32 Frank Moler 10/17/23 Virginia Burleson 10/19/21 Ella Hickok 10/19/26 Lillie Brewer 10/29/26 Virgie Grissim 10/31/19 Happy Birthday to………. 27) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:30 Music with Kelli 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:15 Red Hat Society 4:30 Let’s Get Moving 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Bunco 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:00 Kids Halloween Parade 10:15 Conversation Cart 10:30 Bible Fellowship 11:00 Communion 12:00 Music to Dine By 2:00 Get Going with Gloria 3:00 Halloween Hangman 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Jingo Halloween 26) 8:15 Morning Wake-Up 10:00 Adopt-a-Grandparent Halloween Fun! 11: Discovery Zone (500/600) 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Piano with Daisy 2:15 Bingo 4:15 Common Senses (500/600) 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Happy Hour 31) 8:00 Hymn Time 9:15 Scripture of the Day 11:00 Get Fit! 11:30 Gospel Inspirations 12:00 Music to Dine By 1:15 Puzzle Time 3:00 Church of the Holy Spirit 8:15 Morning Wake Up! 10:15 Special You (500/600) 10:15 Table Games 11:00 Get Going with Gloria 12:00 Lunchtime Variety (200) 2:15 Norm Keesler 4:30 Music & Movement 500/600 5:00 Evening News 7:00 Courtesy Cart MAPLE LAWN NEW HOPE UNIT ACTIVITIES OCTOBER 2014 6) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Armchair Exercise 11:15 Social Hour 2:15 Bingo 4:00 Puzzle Time 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 The Waltons (ch 73) 7) 15) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:00 Music with Bob 11:15 Life Skills 2:15 Teddy Bear Day 4:00 Shopper’s Guide 7:00 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ch 58) 8) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:00 Music Therapy 11:15 Life Skills 2:15 Fun with Food 4:00 Shopper’s Guide 7:00 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ch 58) 1) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Basketball 11:15 Music Lover’s Hour 2:15 Taste Testers 4:00 Music and Movement 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 MI Out of Doors (ch5) 16) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Horseshoes 11:15 Music Lover’s Hour 2:30 Pretty Nails 4:00 Music and Movement 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 MI Out of Doors (ch5) 9) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Balloon Ball 11:15 Music Lover’s Hour 2:15 Fabric Sorting 4:00 Music and Movement 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 MI Out of Doors (ch5) 2) 24) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Name That Tune 11:30 Sonshine Gang 2:15 Fall Leaf Dot Painting 4:00 Table Games 6:00 Evening Wind Down 8:00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (ch 17) 17) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Travel Time 11:30 Sonshine Gang 2:15 Coupon Clipping 4:00 Table Games 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (ch 17) 10) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Sing A Long 11:30 Sonshine Gang 2:15 Junk Drawer Detective 4:00 Table Games 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (ch 17) 3) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Memory Magic 11:30 Social Hour 2:00 Activity Stations 4:00 Ball Toss 7:00 Lawrence Welk (ch5) 25) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Memory Magic 11:30 Social Hour 2:00 Activity Stations 4:00 Ball Toss 7:00 Lawrence Welk (ch5) 18) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Memory Magic 11:30 Social Hour 2:00 Activity Stations 4:00 Ball Toss 7:00 Lawrence Welk (ch5) 11) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Memory Magic 11:30 Social Hour 2:00 Activity Stations 4:00 Ball Toss 7:00 Lawrence Welk (ch5) 4) SAT 5) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Remember When 11:15 Table Talk 2:15 Coffee Hour 4:00 Brain Teasers 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Wheel of Fortune 14) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:00 Music Therapy 11:15 Life Skills 2:15 Cook’s Corner 4:00 Shopper’s Guide 7:00 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ch 58) 23) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Travel Time 11:30 Sonshine Gang 2:15 Scavenger Hunt 4:00 Table Games 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (ch 17) Happy Birthday to………. FRI 8:00 Morning Wake Up With Hymn Time 10:15 Morning Stretches 2:30 Early American Ministries 4:00 Sing A Long 7:00 Activity Stations 13) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Armchair Exercise 11:15 Social Hour 2:15 Dominoes 4:00 Puzzle Time 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 The Waltons (ch 73) 22) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Bowling 11:15 Music Lover’s Hour 2:30 Pretty Nails 4:00 Music and Movement 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 MI Out of Doors (ch5) 31) HALLOWEEN THU 12) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Down Memory Lane 11:15 Table Talk 2:15 Coffee Hour 4:00 Brain Teasers 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Wheel of Fortune 21) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:00 Music with Kelli 11:15 Life Skills 2:15 The Spoonman 4:00 Shopper’s Guide 7:00 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ch 58) 30) WED 8:00 Morning Wake Up With Hymn Time 10:15 Morning Stretches 2:15 Devotional Reading 4:00 Sing A Long 7:00 Activity Stations 20) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Armchair Exercise 11:15 Social Hour 2:15 Bingo 4:00 Puzzle Time 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 The Waltons (ch 73) 29) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Halloween Sensory 11:30 Sonshine Gang 2:15 Donuts and Cider 4:00 Table Games 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Dr Quinn: Medicine Woman (ch 17) TUE 19) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Music with Jerry Ball 11:15 Table Talk 2:15 Coffee Hour 4:00 Brain Teasers 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Wheel of Fortune 28) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Parachute 11:15 Music Lover’s Hour 2:15 What’s in the Bag? 4:00 Music and Movement 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 MI Out of Doors (ch5) MON 8:00 Morning Wake Up With Hymn Time 10:15 Morning Stretches 2:30 Northview Christian Church 4:00 Sing A Long 7:00 Activity Stations 27) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Pumpkin Decorating 11:15 Life Skills 2:15 Blanket Making 4:00 Shopper’s Guide 7:00 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ch 58) SUN 26) 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Armchair Exercise 11:15 Social Hour 2:15 Yahtzee 4:00 Puzzle Time 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 The Waltons (ch 73) Ella Hickok 10/19/1926 Margaret Snyder 10/17/1932 8:00 Morning Wake Up With Hymn Time 10:15 Morning Stretches 2:30 Church o/t Holy Spirit 4:00 Sing A Long 7:00 Activity Stations 8:00 Morning Wake Up 10:15 Good Old Days 11:15 Table Talk 2:00 Norm Keesler 4:00 Brain Teasers 6:00 Evening Wind Down 7:00 Wheel of Fortune
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