How to Relate Stress and Strain I We have considered deformation of continua and some of the balance laws in them. I These kinematics and mechanics apply to all the continuous media. Then, where do the characteristics of individual material come from? I Properties unique to a certain material are determined by the material’s internal constitution or physical make-up. The quantitative expressions for such internal constitution are called constitutive equations / laws / relations / models. I The role of constitutive relations is to relate stress (a quantity needed for stating the linear momentum balance law) and strain (a quantity used to describe motion of continua). Rules of Constitutive Theory I In this lecture, we briefly review rules for formulating a constitutive theory and then introduce linear elasticity. I The constitutive relations are those between the internal deformation quantified by strain and interfal forces quantified by stress. I The constitutive relations for a given material must give meaningful response to all classes of deformations and temperatures to which the body may be subjected. I In case we need to develop a totally new constitutive theory for a newly synthesized material for instance, we need some guidelines by which a consitutive model can be formulated. Rules of Constitutive Theory I Principle of Equipresence: An independent variable assumed to be present in one constitutive equation of a material should be assumed to be present in all constitutive equations of the same material unless its presence contradicts an assumed symmetry of the material or contradicts of material frame-indifference or some other fundamental principle. I As one can see, this “principle” comes with many conditions. Indeed, the development of a constitutive theory depends highly on experience: researchers tend to avoid complicating their equations with additional variables unless experience (e.g., through experiments) indicates that the variable are needed. I Still, when applied, this principle can help revelaing the coupling effects between different kinds of phenomena that might otherwise be overlooked. Rules of Constitutive Theory Three fundamental postulates are assumed to be valid for any constitutive theory of purely mechanical phenomena in a continuous medium. 1. Principle of determinism for stress: The stress in a body is determined by the history of the motion of that body. I This principle includes as special cases the Newtonian fluid, which is history-independent, and linear elasticity, for which there is only one hisotry, the reference state. Viscoelasticity and plasticity are examples of more complicated history-dependent theories. Rules of Constitutive Theory 2. Principle of local action: In determining the stress at a given particle, the motion outside an arbitrary neighborhood of the particle may be disregarded. I Another seemingly obvious principle. However, there are cases where we need to break this principle and consider the responses from a finite neighborhood around a particle. Such a theory is called “non-local”. Rules of Constitutive Theory 3. Principle of material frame-indifference: Constitutive equations must be invariant under changes of frame of references. That is, two observers, even if in relative motion (in the sense of the Galilean relativity) with respect to each other, observe the same stress in a given body. I The assumed situation is that one observer is moving (translation + rotation) relative to another. Distinguish the chage of frame of references from coordinate transformation, the latter of which is time-independent and does not need to assume multiple observers. Rules of Constitutive Theory More on the material frame indifference I Events (x,t): x∗ = c(t) + Q(t)x t∗ = t − a I I I (1) Vectors (v): v∗ = Q(t)v (2) T∗ = Q(t)TQ(t)T (3) Rank 2 tensors (T): Deformation gradient tensor (F): F∗ = Q(t)F (4) Rules of Constitutive Theory I Frame-indifference: Functions and fields whose values are scalars, vectors, or tensors are called frame-indifferent or objective if both the dependent and the independent vector and tensor variables transform according to Eq. (2) to (4), while the scalar variable are unchanged (e.g., readings of a thermometer should be the same for all the observers however they are moving). I What does it mean for constitutive relations? I If a constitutive equation is satisfied for a dynamical process with a motion and a symmetric stress tensor, then the constitutive equation must also be satisfied by the motion and stress tensor that are transformed as in Eq. (1) and (3), Rules of Constitutive Theory I The tedious and other-worldly discussion on seemingly obvious statements sometimes pose practical challenges. I Sometimes, the kinematics of a continuum is formulated in terms of velocity rather than displacements. This point of view makes a lot of sense when a body is deforming in a time-dependent fashion. For instance, lithosphere that is extending at a certain rate. I In such a case, the deformation is better represented by strain rate, not strain. If we assume a linear constitutive relation between stress and strain, as in linear elasticity we’ll see next, the constitutive relation will return stress rate, not stress: σ = Cε ⇒ σ˙ = Cε˙ Rules of Constitutive Theory I Now the question is whether the stress rate is material frame-indifferent. Predictably, the answer is no. I To show this, we start with σ ∗ = QσQT (5) By taking material time derivative, we get T ˙ ˙T σ˙ ∗ = QσQ ˙ T + QσQ + Q(t)σ Q Because of the last two terms in Eq. (6), σ˙ is not frame-indifferent. (6) Rules of Constitutive Theory I A slightly different definition of stress rate can be shown to be frame-indifferent but there are more than one of such stress rate forms. I The most popular (due to easy computation) choice is called Jaumann stress rate and defined as follows σ ˚ = σ˙ + σW − Wσ (7) where W is the spin tensor, the skew-symmetric part of the velocity gradient (dv/dx). I Showing σ ˚ is frame-indifferent (also called objective) is straightforward. How to get an objective stress rate is a separate question and to answer it takes a whole new set of mathematical machinery. So, we skip that part in this course. Linear Elasticity I Hooke’s law for a 1 dimensional mass-spring system: F = −kx I If no damping force acts on it, the system is conservative, meaning by definition that there is a potential function U(x) such that F = −∇U. I In this 1D example, integration to get U is straightforward and U = 12 kx 2 . Linear Elasticity I A material is called ideally elastic when a body formed of the material recovers its original form completely upon removal of the forces causing the deformation, and there is a one-to-one relationship between the state of stress and the state of strain, for a given temperature. I The one-to-one relationship precludes behaviors like creep at constant load or stress relaxation at constant strain. I The classical elastic constitutive equations, often called the generalized Hooke’s law, are nine equations expressing the stress components as linear homonenous (i.e., all the terms are of the same power) functions of the nine strain components: σij = Cijkl εkl (8) Linear Elasticity I The rank 4 tensor, Cijkl , has 81(= 34 ) components. I However, recall that stress and strain tensor are symmetric: i.e., σij = σji and εkl = εlk . I Thus, Cijkl = Cjikl and Cijkl = Cijlk . I We further consider the case in which the material is elastically isotropic, i.e., there are no preferred directions in the material. Then, the elastic constants (Cijkl ) must be the same at a given particle for all possible choices of rectangular Cartesian coordinates in which stress and strain components are evaluated. Linear Elasticity I The most general rank 4 tensor that satisfy all of the above symmetry and isotropy conditions is Cijkl = λδij δkl + µ(δik δjl + δil δjk ) (9) (see Malvern Sec. 6.1 and 6.2 for further details.) I I The constitutive relation becomes σij = λδij δkl + µ(δik δjl + δil δjk ) εkl (10) Finally, after some simplification, we reach the isotropic generalized Hooke’s law: σij = λεkk δij + 2µεij , where λ and µ are called Lamé’s constants. (11) Linear Elasticity I By setting i = j in Eq. (11), we find σii = (3λ + 2µ)εii I By substituting εkk = σkk /(3λ + 2µ) (from Eq. (12)) into Eq. (11), we obtain εij = − I (12) 1 λ σkk δij + σij 2µ(3λ + 2µ) 2µ (13) Recall the definitions of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s relation: I I Hooke’s law: σxx = Eεxx , etc, where E is the Young’s modulus. Poisson’s relation: e.g., εyy = εzz = −νεxx = − Eν σxx , where ν is the Poisson’s ratio. Linear Elasticity I From these relations, we derive the following for 3D: 1 [σxx − ν(σyy + σzz )] E 1 = [σyy − ν(σzz + σxx )] E 1 = [σzz − ν(σxx + σyy )] E 1 = σxy , etc. 2µ εxx = εyy εzz εxy I (14) The above set of equations can be generalized to the following indicial notation: ν 1+ν εij = − σkk δij + σij E E (15) Linear Elasticity I It is also convenient to decompose the stress and strain tensor into deviatoric and volumetric parts: 1 sij = σij − σkk δij 3 1 ij = εij − εkk δij 3 I (16) Then, the whole relationship can be expressed by the two equations: sij = 2µij and p = −Ke, (17) where p = −σkk /3 is the pressure, e = εkk si the volume strain, and K is the bulk modulus, related to Lamé’s constants by the relation 2 K =λ+ µ 3 (18) Linear Elasticity I In the case of isotropic elasticity, all the elastic constants (λ, µ, E, ν, K ) can be expressed in terms of just two independent constants. I µ, the shear modulus, is often denoted as G. I Poisson’s ratio: Which is better for wine bottle, cork or rubber? Negative Poisson’s ratio? Linear Elasticity: Plane Stress I Stress state in which σ3j = 0 with j = 1 . . . 3. I In terms of principal stress, σ1 6= 0, σ2 6= 0 and σ3 = 0. I From Eq. (15), 1 (σ1 − νσ2 ) E 1 ε2 = (σ2 − νσ1 ) E ν ε3 = − (σ1 + σ2 ) E ε1 = I Let’s assume that the lithosphere is in a lithostatic condition: i.e., diviatroic stresses are zero and σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = ρgh. (19) Linear Elasticity: Plane Stress I Furthermore, deviatoric stresses are in the plane stress condition and the two horizontal principal stresses are equal in magnitude. ∆σ1 = ∆σ2 6= 0 but ∆σ3 = 0. I Then, we get ε1 = ε2 = ε3 = − I 1−ν ∆σ1 E 2ν ∆σ1 . E (20) Let’s think about the arguments given by Turcotte and Schubert for the plane stress condition in the lithosphere.
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