5100 Camden Ave San Jose, CA 95124 Church (408) 264-3858 School (408) 265-0244 Fax (408) 265-0275 www.stlcsj.org Good News! October, 2014 PASTORS: DAN SELBO, EXT. 114 JUDY BANGSUND, EXT. 105 VISITATION PASTOR JIM BANGSUND, EXT. 138 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: GAYLE RENKEN, EXT. 113 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: MARIA BONES, EXT. 120 DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES: ELIZABETH SELBO, EXT 201 YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES: JOE HILL, EXT. 119 MUSIC MINISTRY: CONTEMPORARY MUSIC: ROXANN GALLAGHER, EXT. 122 CONTEMPORARY MUSIC SUPPORT: GEOFF SCHULLER TRADITIONAL MUSIC: JAMIE MULFINGER OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR: BETH TKACHEFF PUBLICATIONS: TAMMI HALL ORGANIST: BILL MOWSON & JIM SKOOG BOOKKEEPER: JEANETTE STAHLKE WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 8:15 am Sunday 9:45 am 11:15 am Inside: Calendar Children’s Ministry Education Fellowship Worship pg. 6 pg. 5 pg. 4 pg. 2-3 pg. 7 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…. 1 Peter 3:15 One evening I was walking past the grocery store when a young woman rolled down the window of her car to ask, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” I smiled as I answered, “Yes! I do know Jesus Christ, and am his follower!” As I walked away, I wondered what kinds of responses she got. The question, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” is a simple question, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to answer. In some parts of the world, an affirmative answer can get you killed or persecuted. Here in the States, it’s not always politically correct to mention your faith, and can cause an awkward pause in a social conversation. I believe that most of you would answer the same way I did. Scripture tells us that we should always be ready to give a defense of our faith. We are trying to give you tools to do that, both in worship and in weekly classes. and a life motivated by the Spirit. It’s a big difference! Only God can bring about that change. As we continue through the chapter we will consider these paradoxes: Despair and Hope Fear and Faith Defeat and Victory Read through the book of Romans – every week! – and ask God to show you what it means to say, “Yes, I know and follow Jesus.” How would you explain your faith, if asked? What will you tell a curious friend who asks, “Who is Jesus and what’s the big deal?” On Sunday mornings the adult class is also finding words to explain their faith. Join with us, through the end of November, as we struggle with some of the “Why” questions behind The Story. If you follow Jesus, you will want to be ready to give a simple but helpful explanation of what he means to you, and how your life has changed as a result. As followers of Jesus, your life is likely to be characterized by a strong relationship with the Father, close relationships with other Christians as we care for one another, and a strong desire to reach out to non-Christians, as As I write, we have just begun a sermon the young woman was doing as she series on “Therefore… How Shall I Then called out to me from her car. Do you Live?” Taking a deep look at Romans 8, know Jesus? Do you follow him? It’s we are asking the question, “What does not an easy answer; but it transforms the Christian life look like?” We have your life. already found that our Guilt has been covered by the Grace found in Jesus on Following Jesus with you, the cross. By the time you read this, we Pastor Judy will have seen the difference between a life dictated by the desires of the flesh STATISTICS: Giving & Attendance 2014 General Fund 15,124 7-Sep 14-Sep 26,877 21-Sep 17,444 TOTAL OFFERINGS THIS PERIOD $ 59,444 OFFERINGS to date $ 672,816 SPENDING to date $ 690,789 Excess/(Shortfall) $ (17,973) 2014 Building Fund TOTAL 2,043 $ 17,166 4,826 $ 31,703 1,308 $ 18,752 $ $ $ $ 8,177 120,668 106,792 13,876 $ $ $ $ 67,621 793,484 797,581 (4,097) Weekly Attendance 454 380 409 3 Year Capital Campaign 2,817 4,751 1,537 $ $ $ 9,105 239,961 45,000 FELLOWSHIP Super Seniors Luncheon Program on 10/23 at noon at Carter Photographer Judy Bingham will share her experiences photographing polar bears and their cubs. Judy started shooting wildlife in 1996, and her passion over the years has taken her to Africa, Antarctica and South America. Sandwiches and salads from Erik’s Deli, along with desserts & drinks provided by the hostesses, will be served for a cost of $8 per person. For reservations, call Olga Walters at 408-268-3739. Super Seniors is a fellowship group open to ALL seniors, new members are always welcome. 18th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT ON OCTOBER 4TH The 2014 St. Timothy’s Golf Tournament is scheduled for a 9AM start on Saturday, October 4th at Los Lagos Golf Course in San Jose. As in past years, the tournament will be a 4 person best ball scramble format. Signup at the tables outside after services. Mark your calendars: Our next blood drive will be 10/25 2 Mark your calendars! St. Timothy's Lutheran School is having their Annual Family Fun Festival on Friday, October 10th from 5-8 pm. Come join the fun, including delicious food, inflatables, carnival games, face painting and much more. There will also be a raffle for some amazing prizes. On Sunday, October 5th, in between services, there will be an opportunity to purchase pre-sale raffle tickets (so be sure to bring your checkbook) and check out the awesome raffle prizes. A very special entry into our library by St. Timothy’s own author, Pastor James C. Bangsund, “You Can Understand the Old Testament— Its Message and Its Meaning”. NEW BOOKS: Naked Fruit by Elisa Morgan (MOPS Pres. & CEO); Keeping a Princess Heart by Nicole Johnson (Women of Faith); A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson. NEW DVD’s: Heaven is for Real; When Calls the Heart (Jeanette Oke); Love’s Long Journey (Jeanette Oke); Love’s Unending Legacy; What Would Jesus Do?; What If?. Thanks to Gary Hakala for many History Channel DVDs - The Execution of Jesus; The Bible’s Greatest Secrets; Story of the Apostle Paul; Story of the Twelve Apostles; Trial of Jesus; Mary of Nazareth; The Antichrist, Part 1 & 2; Judas: Traitor or Friend; James: Brother of Jesus; Pontius Pilate – Biography; The Last Supper; Paul – Biography. CHILDREN’S DVD’s: Davey & Goliath – Volumes 7, 9, 11; Punchenello & the Most Marvelous Gift by Max Lucado. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor who donated 34 children’s animated DVD’s: Interactive Bible stories From NEST Learning System by Richard Rich, former director for Walt Disney Productions. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BOOKS The Little Drummer Mouse by Mercer Mayer; Little Angel by Geraldine McCaughream & Ian Beck Thanks for donations to the CHURCH LIBRARY! Vera Frase - Chocolateshoelady@comcast.net Save the date for our Fall Fellowship gathering on Sunday, November 9th from 4:30-7pm. More details to come in the October bulletins. Tickets for C. S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" Tickets for C.S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" will be available between services the next two Sundays. The performance will be at 4:00 pm at the California Theater on Saturday, October 11, and is by the same group that brought us "Screwtape" two years ago. $46.50 for the best seats in the house. Join us for dinner afterwards. 3 What does it mean to be a Stephen Minister? Here is what one Stephen Minister has said: “Stephen Minister training taught me not just how to be a caregiver, but how to live life in a new way—being Christ to other people. It’s an awesome blessing to be used by God to bring hope and healing to someone else. I am humbled.” If you have any questions about Stephen Ministry, or you know someone who could benefit from this caring ministry, please call one of our Stephen Leaders: Debi Fowler: 408-265-8397 Pastor Judy: 408-264-3858 Sally Peterson: 408-268-8717 Zena Hoffman: 408-363-2102 NALC Mission Congregation In October 2013, a group of individuals and families in Auburn, California began exploring the possibility of starting a new congregation. Over the course of the next several months, they met together regularly for worship, spent time in prayer, and sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Throughout that time, they also explored the different church body options available, eventually deciding to apply for acceptance onto the NALC Congregational Roster. In August 2014, Our Savior Lutheran in Auburn was officially accepted onto the NALC roster! We now have a sister congregation in Auburn! They share the same core values as every other NALC congregation. They are a ChristCentered, Mission-Driven, Traditionally-Grounded, and Congregationally-Focused body of believers. On their website, oursaviorauburn@gmail.com, you will find the following tag line, “Embracing God's Word || Transforming Lives || Serving Others,” indicative of their commitment to grow in their faith, support each other, and share the message of Jesus with the world. Since the time they began exploring the possibility of joining the NALC, we have been supportive of their efforts. Pastor Dan, as Regional Dean of the Central Pacific Mission District, has been meeting with them regularly to support their efforts and to plan for their future. As a congregation, we are currently committed to sending one of our three pastors to be with them one Sunday per month for the remainder of 2014. As their work moves forward, particularly until they are able to call a pastor to serve their congregation, we will continue to be supportive of their efforts. Go to their website to find out more about who they are and what they are doing. Keep them in your prayers. They are partners together with us in Christ! Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran in Auburn! EDUCATION Women’s Groups Naomi Circle meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Contact Joyce at 408-723-2437. Lydia Circle Book Club meets the 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm. Contact Diana at 408-264-3524. Zest For Life meets Tuesday mornings from 9:45-11:30 am (Music Room.) Contact Marge at belvale133@aol.com or 408-356-9960. Quilters and Cut-Ups meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday mornings (Music Room) from 9:00 am-noon. Contact Paula at 408-225-8626. Pins & Needles meets weekly on Monday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am (Library). Contact Martine at martine@bolsens.com. MEN’S MATURITY OPPORTUNITIES: 4 Every Tuesday morning from 6:30-7:30 am at Coco’s restaurant (on Blossom Hill). Fellowship, food and a good beginning to the day as we work our way through various books of the Bible. Start your day right with God and breakfast! Have questions? Need directions? Call Steve Hill at 408-531-5025. Iron Men: Food, fellowship, discussion Iron Men meets the 3rd Tuesday evening of the month at 6:30 pm. October 21st is the next opportunity. All men of the congregation are encouraged to join us. Questions? Call Dale Miller (408-371-5789) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY The mission of St. Timothy’s Children’s Ministry is to grow children into disciples of Jesus Christ. Sunday School OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD 9:45-10:45 am Classes for ages 3 yrs old—5th Grade 9:45-10:45am, every Sunday Carter Building Be sure to bring your Bibles and Bible Storybooks to class! Every week your child will get a sticker inside the front cover. Collect 10 stickers for a special coin and recognition in Sunday School Worship! MUSIC Pick up a free Fall music CD at the check-in tables. Enjoy the music from contemporary Christian artists for children, as well as selections from VBS. These songs will be used during Sunday School Worship and classes this fall. SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERINGS All offerings from the children will go towards the Operation Christmas Child project. We are hoping to gather enough to sponsor 200 boxes, which is $1400! SHOEBOX FILLING PARTY Nov 16, 9:45-10:45am Nursery Corner The nursery is open to all babies and toddlers (up to 4 yrs old) during all Sunday morning Worship services, and is located in Room B3, across from the Sanctuary. CAREGIVERS We are ALWAYS 5 looking for caregivers to share in our nursery ministry. As long as you have been coming to St. Timothy’s for 6 months you are eligible to apply to serve in the nursery. There is a background check (for 18 yrs+) and interview process that must be completed before you are cleared to be a caregiver. Contact maria.bones@stlcsj.org for more info. RELAY CENTER We are very excited to once again serve as a RELAY CENTER for the Greater Silicon Valley chapter of Operation Christmas Child! This means that we will be a collection center for the community to drop off shoeboxes that will be sent off to the processing center, as well as the boxes we collect here at St. Timothy’s. You are inv ited to serve at the St. Tim’s Relay Center, which will be open from Monday, Nov 17— Monday, Nov 24. OCC TEAM INFO MEETING Tuesday, Oct 14, 7pm Music Room Join us to find out more about being a part of Operation Christmas Child TEAM at St. Timothy’s. We are looking for many hands to cover the many tasks involved with making 200+ boxes with the Sunday School classes, staffing the collection/relay center, and delivering boxes for shipment to the processing center. DONATIONS NEEDED! We rely on your donations to fill the boxes. THI S MONTH: TENNIS BALLS & HARD CANDY WI SH LIST EMPTY CARDBOARD OR PLASTIC SHOEBOXES SCHOOL SUPPLIES...Crayons, Markers, Stickers, notepads, rulers, scissors, pen & pencils, etc NEW TOYS…Cars, Balls, Dolls, Yo-Yos, Jump Ropes, UN-opened Happy Meal Toys, etc. PERSONAL CARE...Soap, Washcloths, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Hair combs & brushes, etc. No liquids please. 6 - - Rescue Conference CALENDAR WORSHIP Acolytes 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct Communion Assistants 5-Oct 19-Oct Coffee Hosts 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct Nursery 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct Readers 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct October Worship Assistants 8:15 9:45 11:15 Alyssa Waterman Nolan Wire Andrew Amey Michael Amey Katie Briner Natalia Demko Cailin Stackhouse Bailey Donaldson Alan Nelson Kyle Reitz Kyle Fritzen Santi Gonzales Sherri Graeber, Steven Hendrickson Paul Judy, Diana O'Halloran Gail Bender, Jennifer Casey, Bob Grandey Terri & Stewart James, Dave Griffith Zena Hoffman, Anna Gabel Stefan & Heike Merz Jim and Sue Leege Ron and Bonnie Swenson Gail Bender Michael and Tammy Briner Anna Gabel Anna Gabel Anna Gabel Anna Gabel Anna Gabel, Holly Gallup Anna Gabel, Lori Roberts Anna Gabel, Zoe Stamos Anna Gabel, Elizabeth DeFilippis Jennifer Paedon, Natalie Moss Traci Ganatra, Brooke Hall Jenni Finch, Sammi Moore Selena Ubando, volunteer needed Steven Hendrickson Michelle Regoli Betsy Beech Steven Hendrickson Pat Pangrac Angela Sitler John Staskal Ron Westhauser Justin Schalesky Claudia Schalesky Katy Stamos Dean Madsen The complete prayer list is emailed weekly to the email prayer chain. Send an email to info@stlcsj.org to receive the weekly email prayer list. Please call 408-264-3858 or send an email to info@stlcsj.org if you would like to add a prayer request, or if you would like to renew a prayer request. If you would like to submit an article to be included in Good News, please send articles and/or info to tammi.hall@stlcsj.org. Please submit plain, unformatted text in the email or in a Word document and attach to the email any jpegs or gifs you would like included in the article. Please note, all submissions are subject to editing/changes. GOOD NEWS DEADLINES: November newsletter deadline is Friday, October 17 December newsletter deadline is Friday, November 14 January newsletter deadline is Friday, December 5 7 M s C D E A Marilyn Bentson Dick Betz Gary & Karin Mallet-Boegner Chris & Joanne Brewer L B Doris Campagna Norman Conrad V D s Kelsie Hardin Kathleen Hawley Jackie Heimann Bea Henrickson John Lindquist Micki Mowson Ole (Howard) Olson Roy Powers Rosamund Suhr Clare Switzer Elsie West Cosette Winter R s s Aaron, Jennifer, Justin, Jerry, Teresa & Natalie (children of Karin Boegner) Jamie & A manda (W MPL) Debbie Bones (sister-in-law of Bob Bones) B K S s C C L M ss H s M C A Ann Filor and children C W s The Foster Family (friends of Joe Acosta) ss H - B s Dan Kuhnlein (friend of James Moore) Jim Maridon (relative of Phyllis Makie) Floyd Moffitt (father of Julie Altomare) Jeff Petersen (brother-in-law of Marla Kramer) Filonila Rosario (mother of Claudia Schalesky) S S S S s L M S s L S M B s Jennifer Wetzel (granddaughter of Phyllis Makie) Jota Yamaguchi (friend of Michael Stamos) S s sM T M C sM T V L M T T A T S B T V s S s T S s L s s S s T A S s S s St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church & School 5100 Camden Ave San Jose, CA 95124 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 8 NON-PROFIT ORG. 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