Hydropower consultancy services Hydropower and hydraulic constructions Wide range of hydropower consultancy services Our services are specialized in hydro power plants, dams and other hydraulic constructions, including fish ways. Our services include a wide range of assignments from hydraulic studies, environmental impact assessments, project management, design and supervision of instruction and new building hydro projects. Fortum Hydropower services has also competence in electromechanical and automation systems (incl. turbines, generators and systems in regulating dams). Fortum consultancy experience Our customers are hydopower and dam structure owners and environmental and dam safety authorities. We have a strong and solid experience in the design of the hydraulic structures and executing environmental studies. Our track record in project implementation gives us a good position to provide technical, economic and environmental services that are always tailored for the clien’t’s requirements and needs. We provide professional consultancy in the following fields: Design consultation services • Structural pre-studies ◊ audits ◊ reports, studies • Layout design ◊ new sites/reconstruction • Detailed design for new sites and refurbishment projects ◊ general and structural planning ◊ detailed structural design Consulting services • Preparation of contract documentation Environmental services • Environmental impact studies, modelling and calculations • Numerical modelling etc. ◊ 1D, 2D and 3D river flow modelling ◊ habitat modelling ◊ sediment modelling ◊ regulating impact on recreational use • Permitting support • Owner’s engineeering services Dam safety services ◊ tender documents • Dam safety studies ◊ technical specifications • Dam inspections ◊ legal contract documents • Dam breach flood modelling • Supervision of constructional and refurbishing work ◊ site supervision during construction Selected references Hydro plant planning services (HPP=Hydro Power Plant) 2000-2001 Koivukoski HPP: Refurbishment of the units, layout and architectural design and detailed design of the concrete repair of waterways Graninge Energia Oy, Finland 1999-2001 Kelukoski HPP: Construction of Kelukoski HPP. Detailed design of the concrete and embankment structures Kemijoki Oy, Finland Other hydraulic constructional services 2013 Merikoski HPP: Condition audit and repair alternatives for the concrete structures of the power station and regulating dam Oulun Energia, Finland 2008 Soilu HPP: Renewal of wooden intake penstock: feasibility study, constructional planning, contract documents, supervision and tendering process Koillis-Pohjolan Energiantuotanto Oy, Finland 2006 Mänttä Energia HPP: Repair of the intake retaining side wall: inspections, design and tender documents Mäntän Energia Oy, Finland 2005 Ääneskoski HPP: Repair of concrete structures and grouting of intake canal bottom and side walls. Feasibility study, tender documents and repair design Äänevoima Oy 2005-2006 Hurukoski: Repair of the draft tubes: inspections and detailed design Stora Enso Varenso, Finland 2005 Seitenoikea HPP: Closing of the bottom outlets of the regulating dam: pre-engineering, contract documents and structural design Fortum Power and Heat Oy, Finland 2003-2005 Lieksankoski and Pankakoski HPP: Fishways: feasibility studies, tender documents and site supervision during the construction City of Lieksa, Finland 2002-2003 Myllykoski HPP: Modification of large sector gate into two segment gates: feasibility study, documentation for the license permit, tender documents, updating the dam safety documentation Pato Oy, Finland Historical restoration and reconditioning are also part of our services. We have successfully restored and conserved masonry dams in Finland and provided supervision of the construction on behalf of the owner. We have good experience in working with dams of different ages and requirements. Pre-engineering studies for hydraulic constructions: We have conducted several feasibility and pre-engineering studies to our own hydro power plants in Finland and Sweden as well as studies to our clients all over the world. 2013 Korkeakoski HPP: Upgrading of the hydro power plant: pre-engineering Statkraft Finland Oy, Finland 2009 Vuoksi HPP: Balance of Plant TGC-1, Russia 2007 Syväri HPP: Hydro Power Plant Audit TGC-1, Russia 2006 Käenkoski HPP: Construction of tunnel power plant: feasibility study Kilin Voima Oy, Finland 2005 Svetogorsk and Lesogorsk HPP: Modernization and assessment study on the need of structural improvements. TGC-1, Russia 2004 Mwinilunga HPP: Feasibility study Ministry of foreign affairs of Finland, Sambia 2004 Makkarakoski HPP: Upgrading of the units. Feasibility study A. Ahlström Oy, Finland 2002-2003 Sierilä HPP: Feasibility study of the design alternatives, environmental studies, alternative evaluation, design drawings for license permit Kemijoki Oy, Finland Dam safety studies: We have reputable name in Nordic countries among dam safety issues. Our offering covers a large field of services from dam safety classifications to detailed design of dam safety improvements. 2013 Plavinas dam: Expert panel for managing ground water’s artesian pressure Latvenergo, Latvia 2013 Pamilo embankment dam: Supervision and expert services for the repair works Vattenfall, Finland 2007-2011 Daugava river: Dam safety inspections and studies Latvenergo, Latvia 2006 Plavinas HPP: Construction of reserve spillway: owner’s engineering services Latvenergo, Latvia 2006 Alakoski HPP dam: Hazard assessment Alakoski Oy, Finland Dam safety studies continues: 1999-2005 Daugava river: Dam safety studies for three Daugava dams: risk analysis, dam safety improvement plans, emergency action plan, dam breach, flood and wave calculations, pre-engineering studies to increase spillway capacity, 3D stress-strain analysis and design of the repairs of the relieving and expansion joints. Latvenergo, Latvia Permission application process planning: 2007-2009 Kollaja HPP: Environmental studies, flow and habitat modelling Pohjolan Voima Oyj, Finland 2006 Kiitolankoski HPP: Recommissioning and expansion in river Lapuanjoki Oy Herrfors Ab 2002 Myllykoski HPP: Modification of the spillway gate Pato Oy, Finland Hydrological modelling and studies: 2013 Kiimasjärvi and Nuasjärvi lakes: Flow modelling of the region Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Kainuu, Finland 2013 Edsforsen HPP: Flow modelling of upstream part and placement of smolt trap Karlstad University, Sweden 2009 Ust-Kamenogorsk HPP: Study of the tailrace channel dredging Ust-Kamanogorsk, Kazakstan 2006 River Muhosjoki: Study on feasibility for the salmon and trout habitat: the river flow, sediment transport and and habitat modelling. Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland 2006 Konnuskoski HPP: Impact of the spillway flows on ship traffic: 2D flow modelling Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pohjois-Savo, Finland 2004 Kalkkistenkoski HPP: Assessment of situation after habitat improvements (stone paving): discharge calculations, stone placing design, 1D flow modelling Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Häme, Finland 2003 Nuojua dam: Overflow in the old river channel: design, picture montage and hydrological dimensioning Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Kainuu, Finland 2003 River of Viininkanjoki: Impact study of the tunnel power plant on the living environment of the fish population: stationary and dynamic flow modelling Kilin Voima Oy, Finland 2002-2003 River of Kuusinkijoki: Fish studies, flow modelling and program for managing fish information Game and Fisheries Research, Institute, Finland 2001 Sierilä HPP project: Modelling of sedimentation Kemijoki Oy, Finland Please contact: Timo Piispa, Head of Hydro, timo.piispa@fortum.com Juha Laasonen, Senior Consultant, juha.laasonen@fortum.com Jukka Muotka, Manager, Environmental, jukka.muotka@fortum.com +358 10 4511 Fortum, Power Division hydropower@fortum.com POB 100, FI-00048 FORTUM, Finland www.fortum.com
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